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A literature review of lean manufacturing

Article · November 2013

DOI: 10.1080/17509653.2013.825074


2 authors:

Shaman Gupta
Sanjiv Kumar Jain
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana
Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research

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A literature review of lean manufacturing

Shaman Gupta a & Sanjiv Kumar Jain a
Department of Mechanical Engineering , Ambala College of Engineering and Applied
Research, Devsthali , Ambala , India , 133101
Published online: 27 Aug 2013.

To cite this article: Shaman Gupta & Sanjiv Kumar Jain (2013) A literature review of lean manufacturing, International
Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 8:4, 241-249, DOI: 10.1080/17509653.2013.825074

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International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 2013
Vol. 8, No. 4, 241–249,

A literature review of lean manufacturing

Shaman Gupta and Sanjiv Kumar Jain*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research, Devsthali, Ambala, India 133101

Objective: The objective of this article is to understand the concept of lean manufacturing, its philosophy, various tools
and techniques, lean implementation benefits and barrier towards lean implementation. Main concepts: Lean
manufacturing by now is a widely discussed and applied manufacturing philosophy, in a variety of industries across the
globe. The fundamental concept of lean manufacturing is to provide a quality product while also ensuring that the product
does not cost too much to the customer. Most organizations today are going through a stage where there is a necessity to
respond the rapidly changing customer needs. To sustain their place in the market, many organizations have started
following the lean manufacturing concept. Methodology of the research: This article presents a review of the literature and
attempts to identify the important and useful contributions to this subject. Results: Lean manufacturing utilizes a wide
range of tools and techniques; the choice of tools is situation specific. Many factors contribute to lean success; not only is
it mandatory to implement most of the lean tools, but an organization’s culture needs transforming too. Companies
following lean manufacturing have better flexibility and a good market share. Moreover, lean manufacturing produces an
operational and cultural environment that is highly conducive to waste minimization.
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Keywords: lean manufacturing; wastes; continuous improvement; manufacturing industry

JEL Classification: D2; L21; L22; L23; M11

1. Introduction eliminating wastes within the organization (Upadhye,

The concept of lean manufacturing was introduced in Deshmukh, & Garg, 2010). Lean manufacturing when
Japan, and the Toyota production system was the first to implemented successfully results in an increase in
use lean practices. Lean manufacturing helps in enhancing production output per person and a reduction in the
production processes and boosting up the employees job finished goods inventory and work in process (Seth &
satisfaction (Singh, Garg, Sharma, & Grewal, 2010c). Gupta, 2005). The ultimate goal of a lean manufacturing
Lean manufacturing is different from traditional system is to eliminate all wastes from the organization. A
manufacturing. The traditional manufacturing concept lean system is represented as two pillars: the first is
focuses on the inventory of the system, whereas lean ‘jidoka’ and the second is ‘just-in-time’. The main goal of
manufacturing opposes this concept. The ‘Lean’ concept a lean manufacturing system is to produce products of
considers inventory as a waste in the organization. higher quality at the lowest possible cost and in the least
Understanding the differences between traditional time by
manufacturing and lean manufacturing is very important eliminating wastes (Dennis, 2007).
for organizations if they want to follow lean practices
(Andrew, 2006). The market is becoming more volatile
day by day, so understanding market dynamics is a
crucial factor if one wants to design manufacturing Steps of lean manufacturing implementation
systems better (Gadalla, 2010). Lean manufacturing . Identification of wastes in the system. Many
believes the simple fact that customers will pay for the organizations need to know that they have many
value of services they receive, but will not pay for hidden and unhidden wastes in their systems.
mistakes (Rawabdeh, 2005). . Wastes present in the organization can be of
Introducing lean manufacturing in any type of different types. There is a need to recognize the
industry has a straightforward impact on manufacturing types of waste and their causes. Lean
processes. Today people have a different perspective on manufacturing believes in treating the causes and
manufactur- ing processes. They understand that the value curing the problems permanently. There are various
of a product is defined from the customer’s point of view, tools and techniques that are quite helpful in
reducing or eliminating these types of waste.
not from an internal manufacturing point of view. Lean
manufacturing focuses on the elimination of wastes from . The next step is to find the solution for the root
causes. One must stick to basic lean concepts and
the organization. A waste is defined as anything that does
identify the root causes. Looking at causes might
not add value to the product. Lean tool techniques when
not help properly, so there is a need to identify the
combined with SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity,
effects of the solution on the entire system.
threats) analysis help in
. The final step in the lean implementation process is
to find the solutions and test the solutions first. Once
*Corresponding author. Email:
q 2013 International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management
242 S. Gupta and S.K. Jain

solutions are tested then they should be turer as lean can be a survival strategy for them. Lean also
implemented. Training and following up are provides organizations with a competitive edge against
important in each and every step explained above. companies not using lean. So this article will be useful to
One needs to be patient because the implementation practioners but also it will be helpful to academics who
process might take a long time. (Figure 1) want to learn and implement lean manufacturing
Industries in many developing countries are working
on old and obsolete techniques of manufacturing.
Mahapatra and Mohanty (2007) in their study found that
Indian companies were using workers only physically but 2. Methodology
not intellectually. There had been no suggestion system in This research article is based on a systematic literature
the organizations. Singh, Garg, and Sharma (2010a) review. The source of the literature is the Web of
conducted a survey in the Indian automobile, machine knowledge, identified as providing access to the leading
tools and manufacturing industries. They created five citation databases covering thousands of journals
groups as a parameter of evaluation. These groups were worldwide, as well as conference proceedings. As a
called organizational, supplier, customer, market focus starting point, some books also proved helpful in the
and top management. They found that, for companies to research process. A set of key findings has been identified
implement lean, they have to focus on management and from this review. This article would help in establishing a
market issues. Sharma, Gupta, Kumar, and Singh (2011) better understanding of lean manufacturing practices and
found that supplier issues are crucial for the successful the challenges that companies face during the
implementation of lean. Many big companies like Tata implementation of lean manufacturing.
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motors, HCL and Wipro have successfully implemented In the initial search, there appeared a list of over
lean manufacturing principles. Thara Engineering and 20,000 research papers associated with the topic of lean.
Gold Seal Engineering Products Ltd are some small scale This list was then narrowed by using different keywords
industries that have improved their processes by the that were related only to the main research topic.
implementation of lean manufacturing. More companies, According to different combinations of keywords, this
like Bharat Forge, Bajaj, L&T and Boyce, have become step reduced the resulting list to about 180 papers for
more globally competitive. Sundaram-Clayton Ltd cut ‘lean implementation’, about 120 papers for the search
down their costs by using lean manufacturing concepts. combining ‘lean implementation’ and ‘lean surveys’,
Why is this article relevant? This article is relevant about 83 for ‘lean concept’ and approximately 48 papers
because it focuses and describes the meaning of lean, its for ‘lean and challenges’. The target articles considered
principles and benefits, and also the barriers to for this review were those published after the year 2000,
implementing lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing but apart from these some important articles published
techniques have become necessary for today’s manufac- before 2000 were also taken into consideration. Papers
selected from various journals and conferences have been
scanned thoroughly and key findings and issues are

3. Literature review
The literature on lean manufacturing is divided into three
Goal sections, namely lean philosophy, lean surveys and lean
Highest quality at the lowest cost in the least time by eliminating waste case studies (Figure 2, Table 1).
Jidoka, Automation Just-In-Time
with a Human Touch Elimination of All Waste

3.1. Lean philosophy

Pillar Pillar The definition of lean, its principles and main concepts,
come under lean philosphy. According to Womack and
Jones (1996), lean is defined as a process that includes
five steps: the first step is defining customer value, then
Foundation for Continuous Improvement is defining value stream, making it ‘flow’, establish pull,
Stability through Standardization
and the last step is striving for excellence. According to
Wong et al. (2009), lean manufacturing can be
The Seven Wastes characterized by a collective set of key factors or key
Delay Motion, Over processing, Conveyance, Inventory, areas. These key factors are believed to be very important
Correction and Overproduction for its implementation. In the 1980s, changing plant to
lean production from mass production was considered to
Figure 1. Basic lean concepts and methods. [Source: Dennis be very difficult. Workers did not take responsibility for
the quality of the product. They responded only when
they knew that management actually valued their skills.
The quote ‘do it right the first time’, encourages workers
to feel accountable for the products. Womack et al.
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 243
(1990) explained how the movement of
Downloaded by [shaman gupta] at 09:08 15 January 2014

Figure 2. Methodology flowchart.

automobile manufacturing took place from craft processing, excessive inventory, excess motion and
production to mass production and then to lean defects. Less obvious wastes result from variability.
production. The standardization of automobile parts and Dhamija et al. (2011), in his publication stated lean
assembly tech- niques was done by Henry Ford. It takes a organizations are those which utilize less material to
revolution, and as a result low skilled workers and create their work, less human efforts to perform the work,
specialized machines made the cars cheap for the people. less time to design and develop less energy and space.
(Figure 3) Lean organizations focus on customer demand and
From the point of view of Bhasin and Burcher (2006), thereby producing high quality products and services in
lean is viewed more as a philosophy than a strategy. most the effective and economical manner. Rose et al.
Supplier involvement is a must if an organization is to (2011) purposed 17 lean practices which are considered to
reap the rewards of lean practices. Moreover, lean be best feasible and relevant to small and medium scale
manufactur- ing should be considered as a continuous characteristics. They suggested that implementation of
improvement process for better results. Bhuiyan and lean practices should be done in a consistent way.
Baghel (2005) overviewed the continuous improvement Inconsistency in the efforts may not lead any organization
process from the past to the present scenario. Continuous to avail full benefits from lean practices.
Improvement (CI) uses different methodologies to get
better results in an organization. These methodologies
include lean manufac- turing, six-sigma, lean six-sigma
and the balance score card. Hopp and Spearman (2004) 3.2. Lean surveys
found that continuous improvement efforts are means to Yan-jiang et al. (2006) did a survey and found that there
achieve high levels of pull production (production is had been certain interna motivation factors which were
based on actual daily demand) through eliminating responsible for popularization of continuous improvement
variability in the system and thereby reducing defects in activities. Malik et al. (2007), compare continuous
the organization. improvement activities in two leading Asian countries.
Clarity of the term waste must be understood. There Results found from surveying were that both countries
are two types of waste, the first type is obvious waste and showed good continuous improvement methodologies but
the second type is less obvious waste. Obvious wastes with different proportions. Mahapatra and Mohanty
result from overproduction, waiting, transportation,
Table 1. Classification of the literature. difference lean manufacturing and manufacturing per-
formance. They found some factors to be performance
Focus area Chronological lists of publications
enhancing. These factors include internal management,
Lean philosophy Womack, Jones, and Roos (1990) supplies involvement, customer relationship, aspect and
Womack and Jones (1996) means of supplier chain management. Ferdousi and
Bhasin and Burcher (2006)
Hopp and Spearman (2004) Ahmed (2009), advance their research in Bangladesh
Bhuiyan and Baghel (2005) garment industry for performance improvement through
Wong, Wong, and Ali (2009) lean manufacturing techniques.
Dhamija, Srivastava, Khanduja, and Wong et al. (2009) through their research found that
Agarwal (2011) waste education and continuous improvement tools of
Rose, Deros, Rahman, and Nordin (2011)
Lean surveys Yan-jiang, Dan, and Lang (2006) lean manufacturing are most versatile tools and these
Malik, Lu, Tian, and Sun (2007) tools are easily understood by all the manufacturers. The
Mahapatra and Mohanty (2007) top most benefit achieved from it was found to be cost
Kuo, Shen, and Chen (2008) reduction. They also found that 5S and kaizen had been
Ferdousi and Ahmed (2009) other lean tools for achieving many other benefits in the
Wong et al. (2009)
Lyonnet, Pillet, and Pralus (2010) organization. They compared large scale and small scale
Nordin, Deros, and Wahab (2010) industry and found that lean manufacturing practices were
Eroglu and Hofer (2011) better done by large scale industries. Lyonnet et al.
Case studies Karlsson and Ahlstrom (1996) (2010), developed a set of methodologies and calculated
Gunasekaran and Lyu (1997) the maturity level in different companies regarding their
Downloaded by [shaman gupta] at 09:08 15 January 2014

Rother and Shook (1999)

Petroni (2002) understanding lean manufacturing concept and its main
Shah and Ward (2003) applications. They found some tools like pull system,
Rawabdeh (2005) value stream mapping and single piece flow which were
Abdulmalek and Rajgopal (2007) least used by the organizations. Nordin et al. (2010), did
Chandrasekaran, Kannan, and
their research in Malaysian automotive industries. They
Pandiaraj (2008)
Ramesh, Prasad, and Srinivas (2008) found 5S and kaizen had been two lean tools which were
Rajeev (2008) driving force in getting results from lean manufacturing
Alvarez, Calvo, Pena, and Domingo (2009) implementation. Eroglu and Hofer (2011), in their
Pattanaik and Sharma (2009) research concentrated in effect of inventory in the
Singh and Singh (2009)
performance of the organization. They found that there
Singh et al. (2010c)
Simmons, Holt, Dennis, and Walden (2010) were 33% of industries which exhibit no significant effect
Upadhye et al. (2010) of inventory leanness in organization performance.
Wijngaard, Pool, and van der Zee (2011)
Gupta, Garg, and Gupta (2011)
Goriwondo, Mhlanga, and Marecha (2011)
Paranitharan, Begam, Abuthakeer, and
Subha (2011) 3.3. Case studies
Rajenthirakumar, Mohanram, and Lean manufacturing is the name given to a team-based
Harikaarthik (2011)
systematic approach for discovering and eliminating
various types of waste (Upadhye et al., 2010).This section
(2007), survey the adoption of concepts of lean composed of various case studies of lean manufacturing.
manufacturing in some small and medium sized There are various tools which are effectively used for
organizations of India. Kuo et al. (2008), listed the elimination of wastes in the organization. These tools
include just-in-time, value stream mapping (VSM),
kaizen, material requirement planning, kanban, 5s, etc.
(Table 2)

(a) Just-In-Time (JIT)

It is a tool of lean manufacturing that stands on the pillars
of successful planning and the execution of events
necessary to produce a final product. Karlsson and
Ahlstrom (1996) have stated that each event and process
should be processed in the right form, in the right
necessity to produce goods and with the right timing. The
ultimate objective is to provide every process with one
part at a time, exactly when there is a need for that part,
which is the principle of JIT. Reducing lot sizes, reducing
buffer sizes, and reducing order lead times are indicated
as the important components of JIT by these authors. Size
Figure 3. Lean manufacturing publications. of the plant, age of plant and status inside the unions are
three important factors that have been discussed by Shah
Table 2. Function of the various lean tools. tation. The various benefits experienced by them after
Lean tools Function implementing kaizen were the complete elimination of
wastes such as lack of quality, rejects, reworking of
JIT Products are pulled through the
products and a considerable amount of expenditure was
production process by demand.
Kaizen Continuous change towards saved.
VSM Waste reduction from Value Stream (c) Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Mapping (lead time reduction)
VSM is a world-famous graphical tool which helps to
enlighten and analyse the work-flow and to find the
Material Requirement Detailed schedule of inputs from
planning final outputs added and non-value-added activities contributing to the
Kanban Movement of parts based on cards final product. Lean concepts and techniques are used
5S Sorting, Set in order, Shine, Stan- collectively in VSM. Rother and Shook (1999) have
dardize and Sustain discussed VSM in which analyses of the current state of
Waste elimination Elimination of what does not add
value to the end product the value stream of a product are carried out. After this
redesign, an improved future state of the value stream of
the product is developed which is mainly focused on the
Ward (2003). JIT and common infrastructural practices reduction of wastes, the decrease in lead times, and
have been found by them to have a positive effect on improvement in the material-flow. Only one map is
Downloaded by [shaman gupta] at 09:08 15 January 2014

efficiency, whereas TQM has had no considerable effect. required to show the flow of both material and
The implementation of JIT in a small scale industry in information, which are found to be important
Taiwan had been carried out by Gunasekaran and Lyu characteristics of VSM when comparison is made with
(1997). They started their journey by training the workers, other such types of technique. Pattanaik and Sharma
and then the 5S tool (Seiri (Sorting), Seito (Set in Order), (2009) stated that processes should be analysed in order
Seize (Shine), Seiketsu (Standardize) and Shitsuke to reduce non-value-added activities, which will
(Sustain)) was implemented to improve security in the contribute in reducing waiting time, queuing time,
workplace, the quality of products and the production of moving time, and other similar wastes.
the company. Worker training was given in the preventive Goriwondo et al. (2011) have implemented VSM and
maintenance of their equipment and machines. The brought benefit to a bread making manufacturing
traditionally adopted ‘push’ (based on forecast demand) company successfully. Defects have been reduced by
system was replaced with a ‘pull’ (based on actual demand) 20%, unnecess- ary inventory by 18% and unnecessary
system for obtaining a smooth and synchronized system, so motions by 37%. Ramesh et al. (2008) have drawn a
that products were to be produced with the right timing and current state value stream map, and found that some
in the right quantity. Barriers faced by the Small and processes are unnecessary and can be eliminated. Singh et
Medium Enterprises to implementing JIT had been al. (2010c) demonstrated the outcomes in a production
analysed by Gupta et al. (2011). The largest barrier to company after the successful implementation of VSM
implementing JIT was the lack of bargaining power of the benefited the firm. In process inventory reduction, work
SME with the outside world. was found to be decreased by 89.47%, the finished goods
inventory was reduced by 17.65%, the product lead time
was deceased by 83.14% and the output per operator was
(b) Kaizen found to be increased by 42.86%. Rajenthirakumar et al.
Kaizen is a Japanese term which is used for continuous (2011) implemented lean on the assembly line of a paint
improvement; the continuing involvment of everyone – shop in a manufacturing company. During the study,
whether managers or employees. Finding, targeting and various processes were found that were not adding value
removing waste (muda) in machinery, labor or production to the activities of the paint shop. Current mapping
methods refers to kaizen in manufacturing companies. showed that 72.85% non-value-adding activities were
The JIT approach can be further molded in an approach present. The drying process was found to cause a
that is called the continuous improvement or kaizen bottleneck that had been contributing a cycle time
approach. According to Rawabdeh (2005), housekeeping, increment. Further, it was found that an improvement
standardiz- ation and waste elimination are the three could be made if warm water was used for the drying
pillars on which the kaizen approach is based. Kai stands process.
for change and Zen stands for the better, so kaizen means Paranitharan et al. (2011) have analysed and
‘to change continuously for the better involving every reformatted an assembly line in the automobile industry.
single person in the company’ (Singh & Singh, 2009). Bottleneck times of 155 seconds in machining and 78
Chandrasekaran et al. (2008) have implemented the seconds in the assembly process were found by analysing
kaizen approach to find a solution to the problem of ‘part the current state map. The current layout showed that
mismatching’ in the assembly line of an automobile there was a separate station for ram assembly and the
company. The kaizen approach has been utilized to cylinder greasing operation. The layout was modified and
eliminate problems step by step by the collection of data, the idea of a single modular trolley was introduced for the
the analysis of root causes, the discovery and selection of elimination of this problem.
one best solution from various possible solutions,
implementation and proper documen- (d) Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
MRP is a powerful tool that converts the
requirements for end products into a detailed
schedule of raw materials.
Inaccuracies in material planning create many problems, different forms of wastages that are supposed to show
including a decrease in productivity, the production of their presence in manufacturing systems. Lean tools like
non-required inventories and frustration. MRP helps to kaizen, JIT, VSM, 5S, preventive maintenance schedules
estimate correctly the requirements for inventories and and Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) have been
raw materials and to decrease the chances of making found successful in finding and eliminating wastes in
unattainable manufacturing plans (Rajeev, 2008). Petroni medium-sized industries.
(2002) found that there are many problems involved in
the proper execution of MRP systems. Wijngaard et al.
(2011) found that lean manufacturing has a great effect in 4. Barriers to lean implementation
the field of operation management. The concept of lean manufacturing might look easy but its
implementation is not an easy task. The introduction of
(e) Kanban lean manufacturing into an organization tends to change
Kanban is a simple parts-movement system in which its working culture. Such changes are considered to be
material movement between workstations in a production barriers to the implementation process of lean
line is based on cards. A supplier should only deliver manufacturing. Changes occurring in the organization
parts to the production line as and when they are required, tend to change the workers in the organization. Much hard
so that there is no storage of parts in the production area, work has to be done to recognise these changes in the
which is the basic need of the kanban system. VSM along organization (Barker, 1998; Stanleigh, 2008). Responding
with the kanban system was used by Alvarez et al. (2009) and adapting become difficult when a worker sees a
to implement lean manufacturing on an assembly line. A change in the environment of the organization. This
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current state map was prepared and analysed in order to barrier can be overcome by adopting a culture of proper
note down the cycle time of various activities involved in communication and training for everyone in the
the production of the component. It had been clearly organization. Communication and training will raise the
highlighted that a push system was usually adopted on level of understanding and thereby there will be a
manufacturing lines, which was a big problem for the motivation culture in the organization (Puvanasvaran,
assembly line process. A kanban system was generated to Megat, Hong, & Muhamad, 2009). According to Crute,
replace the push system with a pull system. Abdulmalek Ward, Brown, and Graves (2003) and James (2006), there
and Rajgopal (2007) developed a simulation model to are three main barriers to implementing lean manufactur-
show conditions before and after implementing a kanban ing. These barriers are lack of commitment from senior
system. Large amount of the work in process inventories, and middle management, and poor understanding of lean
lower value added time were major weaknesses which manufacturing concepts. Employees’ attitudes are the
had been visualized during analysis. The kanban system main obstacle for companies who are in a state of
played a vital role in making a better product flow. transition implementing lean manufacturing. Achanga,
Shehab, Roy, and Nelder (2006) and Salaheldin (2005)
(f) 5S also considered when top management support is not
5S is a methodology for sorting, organizing, cleaning, adequate it becomes a barrier to the implementation of
standardizing and sustaining a productive work environ- lean.
ment. Increase in safety levels, cleaning of workspace, Achanga et al. (2006) have identified a lack of
enhanced productivity and preventive maintenance are financial resources as a barrier to implementing lean in
some of the results of a 5S program. 5S has been small scale industries. Inman and Mehra (1990) also
implemented by Gunasekaran and Lyu (1997) in a small supported this thesis and stated that lack of financial
Taiwan company that produces a variety of automobile resources causes deficiency in influence training and
lamps. Simmons et al. (2010) have found large lead times, prevents organizations from setting lean practices. Abdul-
low quality and low efficiency to be big problems in scale Nour, Lambert, and Drolet (1998) and Salaheldin (2005)
industries. 5S is the basic starting tool used to make found a lack of skilled resources to be a barrier to the lean
companies neat and standardized. Bottlenecks can be implementation process. Chong (2007) stated that lack of
found by the line balancing tool. time is also a barrier factor in the implementation process.
Production schedule (Most of the customer do not commit
to long- term production schedules) inability is another
(g) Waste elimination
barrier factor that makes it hard to carry out lean practices
A target of lean manufacturing is the total elimination of (Golhar, Stamm, & Smith, 1990; Golhar & Stamm,
waste. From a customer’s point of view, anything that 1991). Large product variety also creates difficulty for the
does not add any value to the final product is termed a organization to sustain a lean implementation process
waste. These wastes can be identified and (Cusumano, 1994).
reduced/eliminated by using lean tools and methods.
Upadhye et al. (2010) have successfully implemented the
lean philosophy in a north Indian company. In its earlier
stages, the lean manufactur- ing approach was considered 5. Competitive benefits of lean manufacturing
appropriate only in medium size industries. Flow process The implementation of lean manufacturing tries to make
charts were used to analyse product flows. This study value flow at the pull of customer demand (JIT) and
provides information on eliminates waste in processes. Waste is categorized into
the seven component wastes: Transport, Inventory,
Motion, Waiting, Overprocessing, Overproduction, and 6. Conclusion
Defects. All of these wastes have a direct impact on
There is a vast literature available on lean manufactur-
performance, quality and costs, and these are all non-
ing, which gives a wide view of previous practices and
value-adding operations for which customers do not
research across the world. But, as lean manufacturing is
want to pay. Many studies and research show that we only a broadly accepted philosophy in manufacturing
add value around 5% of the time during operations; the industries, more research is required. Success stories
remaining 95% is waste. Lean manufacturing demonstrate that it requires team spirit involving each
implementation tries to remove that 95% wasted time and and every employee in an organization to implement
effort. lean in the system. However, awareness among
Many authors have contended that lean aids compe- employees about different strategies of lean philosophy,
tiveness (Billesbach, 1994; Nystuen, 2002; Oliver, 1996; various principles behind these strategies and the use of
Parker, 2003; Siekman, 2000; Taylor & Brunt, 2001; these strategies in different circumstances play an
Vasilash, 2001). According to Sohal and Eggleston important role. Lean tools and techniques represented
(1994), two-thirds of companies believed strategic through case studies show benefits that are categorized
advantages had been generated with bigger improvements as typical and hidden benefits. The reduction of fatigue
coming from customer relationships, quality constraints and stress, culture change and reduced time for
and market competitive positioning. Lathin (2001) traceability are some of the hidden benefits, whereas
stated that traditional mass producers could expect a waste elimination, financial benefits, reduction in
reduction of 90% in inventory, 90% in cost of quality, reworking, lower inventory levels and lead time
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90% in lead time and a 50% increase in labor reduction are typical benefits. Lean surveys have been
productivity. Claudius Consulting (2004) insisted that performed to discover the level of understanding of lean
lean manufacturing can help organizations to cut costs by tools and techniques in organizations. In spite of the fact
between 15 and 70%, reduce waste by 40%, push that lean offers many benefits, there are still some
productivity up by between 15 and 40%, and decrease barriers making it possible to oppose its implementation.
space and inventory requirements by 60%. Nystuen Poor psychology, lack of responsibility, financial
(2002) stated that product travel time can be reduced by problems, lack of education and training, and demand
90%, inventory by 82% and product lead time by 11% by volatility are some of the major drawbacks which fall as
applying lean manufacturing concepts in the organization. barriers to implementing lean. It has been established
Bicheno (1999), Hines (1999), Liker (2004) and Womack beyond doubt that to remain in business it has now
and Jones (2003) in their published research found that become a necessity for all industries to adopt the tools of
lean manufacturing concepts are quite popular and lean principles. Now every industry has to shed
followed in the automobile sector as compared to other conservative attitudes and reform their working practices
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