Barriers & Gateways To Communication PDF

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Presented By:

Anam Fatima – 18MBAA21

Mohammad Saad Baig – 18MBAA16
 Authors:

1. Carl R. Rogers
2. F.J. Roethlisberger
 Originally published in HBR July – August 1952
 Re – published in HBR November – December 1991
Part I : Carl R. Rogers

 Emotionally maladjusted people – communication within
themselves has broken down
 As a result, their communication with other has been
 Psychotherapy is a good communication within and
between people
 Good/Free communication, within or between people is
always therapeutic
Barrier: The Tendency to

 We all have a natural tendency or an urge to evaluate, judge or
approve/disapprove people and their statement
 We “Jump to conclusions” very often
 This reaction heightened in situations where feelings &
emotions are deeply involved
 Stronger the feeling, less likely it is that there will be a mutual
element in the communication
 There will be 2 ideas, 2 feelings, or 2 judgments and nothing
that could be called “communication” in any real sense
Gateway: Listening with
 It means:

1. Seeing the expressed idea and attitude from the
other person’s point of view
2. Sensing how it feels to the person
3. Achieving his frame of reference about the subject
being discussed
Gateway: Listening with
Understanding (contd.)

 This might sound simple, but it is not
 It is the most effective way found to alter a person’s basic
personality structure & to improve the person’s
relationships & communications with others
 Empathetic understanding:
“Understanding with a person, not about her”
 Is so effective that it can bring about significant changes
in personality

1. Lack of Courage

2. Heightened Emotions
 Solution: 3rd Party to evaluate
3. Too Large a Group
PART II: F.J. Roethlisberger

 Barriers to personal communication may be due to
differences in background, experience, and motivation.
 At times it seems extraordinary that any two people can
ever understand each other.
 Boss – Subordinate relationship: heightened potential for
 How is communication possible when people do not see
and assume the same things or share the same values?
Two Schools of Thought

 SCHOOL A: assumes that the goal of communication
is to get B to agree with A’s opinions, ideas, facts, or
 SCHOOL B: assumes that communication is
facilitated when A or B or both are willing to accept
and express differences

 Suppose Bill, an employee, is in his boss’s office.
 Boss: “I think, Bill, that this is the best way to do your
 Bill: “Oh yeah?”
 A School – Bill’s reply is a sign of poor communication.
 B School – Bill’s reply is a sign of neither good nor bad
communication; it is indeterminate.

 Smith – Boss from School A
 Jones – Boss from School B
 Given identical situations, each behaves differently
 Smith chooses to explain
 Jones chooses to listen
“Oh Yeah?”

 Smith assumes that he understands what Bill means
when he says “oh yeah?”
 It is much easier for Smith to perceive Bill as
uncooperative or stupid
 “How dumb a guy can be?” is Smith’s attitude
 Unfortunately Bill will hear this more than Smith’s
good intentions
“Oh Yeah?”(contd.)

 Jones does not assume that she knows what Bill means
when he says “oh yeah?”
 She assumes that Bill had not exhausted his vocabulary or
his feelings
 Bill may mean not just one thing but several different
 “Bill isn’t so dumb; he’s quite an interesting guy”
becomes Jones’s attitude
 Bill feels understood and accepted as a person

 Smith represents a very common pattern of
 Bill hears Smith’s attitude more clearly than the logical
content of Smith’s words
 Jones’s method signifies emotional and intellectual
 Bill sees Jones as a source of help &, in turn, becomes
more cooperative

 Students are trained to be logical and clear- but no
one helps them learn to listen skillfully
 As a result, our educated world contains too many
Smiths and too few Jones
 Effective communication includes essentially
teaching people how to listen


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