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Differential Calculus and

Integral Calculus
Differential Integral
Calculus Calculus
Focuses on rates of change, Integration is the reciprocal
such as slopes of tangent of differentiation.
 The two branches are
lines and velocities Branch of calculus concerned
connected by

Differential Calculus is
the fundamental theorem with the theory and
of calculus.
concerned with the problems applications of integrals.
Both branch discusses the
of finding the rate of change rate of changes Deals with total size or
of a function with respect Both are about splitting a value, such as lengths,
to the other variables. function into arbitrarily
areas, and volumes.
small pieces and
taking the limit.
It deals with variables Usefull to calculate the area
such as x and y, functions f(x). under a curve.
It is generally used for
calculating area.

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