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Don’t pay for ‘GURU’ courses !!!

in the words of ‘Mario

I'll be very direct. I just listen to James talk about those gurus and why you shouldn't trust them.
And he is right with many points. A lot of those gurus tell you money's abundant. They tell you
that making money is easy if you know what to do. I'll start with that point. Making money is so
freaking tough. I've done it time and time and time again. I've lost a lot of money as well. I can
tell you it's not easy.

That's why most people are poor. That's why most people have been poor since humanity existed
because there's a finite amount of resources on this planet and humans are greedy. It’s in our
Since our nature. We're greedy. If we were not covetous, all the rich people, including myself,
would just give away 80, 90 percent of their wealth to the people that are making a dollar a day.

This is the world we live in. So what does that mean? It means it will be hard for you to make
money because you need to take that money from someone else. You do. Someone needs to pay
you for that value. And someone else is trying to take that money as well from them.

So if you're selling them a service or product, let's say you're selling phones if you're Samsung,
Apple’s trying to sell them a phone as well so if you manage to sell that person a phone.

Apple is not able to. Zero-sum game. That person paid you their money. How do you make
money? By giving people value. Those people selling your programs, the way they'll make
money, is by giving you value.

Now, if you're not making money yet, if you don't have, you know, 20, 30, 40, 50 thousand
dollar income minimum yet, then don't pay anyone for anything because everything you need to
get started is available for free. You know, join me, join my groups. I'll give you everything you
need for free if I decide to launch a program. I won't charge anyone anything until they start
making money first because they don't need to pay.

Not only is it unethical for me to take their money, but they also don't need it. Well, they don't
need the paid program. Everything's there for free. And I pay for programs still me. I paid for my
team. But most of the stuff that I listen to Is entirely free. I never paid for one program to make
my money. I may have paid for programs afterward. I will probably pay for something like.
Tony Robbins, He has a great program. I might pay for that as a good experience, but not
because I have to. It's a pleasant experience. Everything I need is available for free. Now, where
does someone not like me? (Because I don't want to ever call myself a guru. If you look at the
way I dress, you look at all my videos. I'll never be a fricking guru by you.)

Listen to anyone that is trying to help you make money, whether through a program or anything
else, that where they come in is execution. That's where it matters. It's actually doing something
with the information you have. Now, I want to push you to that level. I want to push you to do
something. And then once you start making money, I'll charge you, I’ll say, hey, you're making
money because of what I did. Now I want you to make more money.

I want to help you. I’m sure as to what I’ll do, what I'm going to offer. Maybe one on one, a
mastermind like a small mastermind or something where I help you get to the next level, and I'll
charge for this. Why? because you are already making money and I can help you make more.

But if you haven't even started yet, I'm not going to even accept you because you should be able
to make money with the free stuff available. And I'll guide you through without charging you a
dime because it's not right.

So don't pay for anything yet. Don't pay yet. Make money and then pay me. You pay other gurus
after you do your due diligence. That's the second point. Research those gurus. How did they
make their money if they made it before the program?

Respect. It doesn't mean the program is good. Dig into it further now, if they made it through
selling the program. I'm not saying the program is terrible if they did a lot of research. But take it
with a grain of salt. It's not binary. It's not like all gurus are stupid and bad and programs are
wrong and it's not the other way around too, “the seeing everything with rose-colored glasses.”

The programs can be good at the right time with the proper execution, the right program by the
right person. So do your research.

Anyone that takes your money, just want to repeat this. Anyone that's willing to take your money
when you haven't started making money yet, I would not trust them. They don't really care about
you because everything you need to start making money is available online. Now, personally, I
didn’t launch a program for a long time, because I could have. I'm great on camera. I've got an
incredible story. You can call it imposter syndrome. I probably should have launched a course or
program or something because it would have been full of value, but I didn't think I was ready.

I said, Mario.

You've made your millions with one business. We need to replicate it, two or three times to
prove that you can do it, not based on luck. And now that I've done this a few times, I've decided
I'm qualified now, but I'm really petrified to ever be labeled one of those shitty gurus.

That will drive me nuts, but I'm hoping to give value to show others the strategies I used to build
my businesses to help them.

By the way, The way I’ll do it will be very different. I will not have a fancy background. I will
not have a Ferrari in the background if someone has a Ferrari in their background.

I hate those strategies. They're trying to grab your attention. It's not a bad thing. But don't be
distracted by that Ferrari. Do your due diligence. I want you to research me. I want you to read
about me. Read about my companies. I want you to trust me because of my companies.

Because of what I built. Not because of a Ferrari in the background, I'm coming out of it. If It's
anyone you trust. You should trust them because of the due diligence that you've done. You've
researched them.

You've found out how they built their wealth. I don't want to dress up in a suit.

Look at all my videos. I'm always wearing black.

Whether it's in business or my hobby dancing, I'm always wearing black. I'm known to be the
guy wearing black.

Why? Because I've been traveling for at least six years and counting. No base, traveling every
month or two. And there's no purpose for me to carry a suit. Meetings, I go like this. Anyone that
wears a suit is trying to prove something and is trying to grab your attention. So do your
homework before you pay anyone. I cannot stress this enough. So why am I saying this?
Probably the more important thing that why am I doing all this? It's straightforward, I really don't
want to be a guru.

Now I've just launched this program to help others. Right now, my team wants to start charging.
I still want to give everything for free. It's hard to sustain this, of course. We want to build a
business. I'm not Mother Teresa, but at the same time, I don't want to screw people. So I'm
giving a lot of things for free. And I think the best way for me to do it is to only accept people to
the next level once they've achieved a certain amount of income.

It's the right thing to do and it's a logical thing to do. So the purpose of me telling you all this is
to explain my chain of thought before starting to get into online education and helping others. I
hope to continue to bring value to others, as I have over the years behind the scenes. And I hope I
do the right thing.

So no one labels me as one of those fakers. I'll keep working hard to make sure and give value as
much as I can and treat every one of my students. I'll do everything I can to make sure that the
success rate is high with anyone that joins my program and take it to the next level. Because with
my free stuff, if someone doesn't make money, they didn’t lose any money. But with my paid
staff, I have to make sure I'm cautious with whom I accept because most people will not succeed,
even with a good program.

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