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For the next two weeks, you need to accomplish the tasks listed below. All in all, there are six (6)
tasks corresponding to the six remaining topics (although there will be no task for Material Self)
that we will discuss upon the resumption of class. Each student must place his/her tasks in one
file only with filename format: Surname_Course and Section_IRQActivity_UTSAY19.20.2. Each
task must be placed on a different page and with proper heading. For tasks requiring essay
writing, answer the question/s concisely and properly. There would be no specific number of
words, but I expect you to answer each question until you believe you have exhausted all your
ideas. The submission is on the 1st of May 2020 at 11:59 am.

The following are the format everyone must follow:

Font – Century Gothic, Font size – 12, Spacing - 1.15, Alignment - Justify, File type - PDF

Activity No. 1_Physical Self

• Select two pictures of you uploaded on Facebook that you feel the most
beautiful/handsome and ugliest at. Describe how you felt when they were posted online.

Activity No. 2 and 3 _Sexual Self

• Essay
o Describe one experience of attraction you have had or one circumstance in your
life that you romantically noticed a person who isn’t your family. How did you feel?
(You don’t need to name names. Just describe the sensation)
• Social experiment:
o Message 5 people on Facebook and ask if they have practiced sexual intercourse or
coitus. Observe how they will respond to your question and evaluate whether the
topic is awkward/offensive to them or purely normal or scholastic stuff to discuss. Put
a screenshot of the five conversations and write below your evaluation of their

Activity No. 4_Spiritual Self

• Essay (Write your essay by answering the following question)
o Why do you have a religion?
o Why do you follow your religion?
o How much do you believe in your religion?

Activity No.5_Political Self

• Essay
o With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the country and heated debates
on the accountability of several government officials, Filipinos found their selves
divided. More recently, many netizens are proclaiming their sentiments through
resharing the tweets of KZ Tandingan and Luis Teodoro from a year ago (as shown
below). Do you agree with Tandingan and Teodoro’s opinions? Discuss.

Activity No. 6_Digital Self

• Choose three (3) of your friends on Facebook that you are not friends/close with outside
the website. Request them to guess your personality by merely looking at your timeline.
Screenshot the conversation and write a short narrative of your reaction to their evaluation.
Confirm whether they got it right or not.

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