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Virtual Job Shadow

Kristen Allen
The Careers I Chose

The three careers I chose to watch videos on are a social worker, business
analyst, and a business manager. I decided to watch a video about a social
worker because in many of the personality tests I took, I was described as a
social and helpful person. I also did part of my career research project on a
social worker so I wanted to continue to learn more about it. Next, I picked
business analyst to watch a video about because I’ve always been interested in
the business field and I also did part of my research project on a business
analyst. Lastly, I decided to watch a video on a business manager because like I
said I’ve always been interested in the business field and I like getting to lead
people and come up with new ideas which managers may do.
Social Worker

I watched a video of the day in the life of a Social Worker. In the video, they said
the starting salary is usually about $50,000. The experience and education
required is a bachelor’s degree in psychology, sociology, or social work. In order
to get this job, typically the experience is hours in getting practical experience in
family service agencies or other settings that serve youth. Something I didn’t
quite know was that they work with many people at once because not everyday
you’ll be helping the same kid. A question I still have about the career is what
types of things do you do to help the patients. The next step for me is trying to
find someone related to this career to ask more questions about their day to day
life and what it’s like connecting with all different types of people.
Business Analyst

I watched a video of the day in the life of a Business Analyst. In the video, they say the
starting salary is usually about $70,000. The experience and education required is a
bachelor’s degree in business, management, accounting, marketing, or statistics. In
order to get this job, typically the experience of three to five years is required in some
type of accounting or marketing career. Something in the video that I found
interesting was that they said they travel a lot to different countries and get to work
with different people which sounds really cool to me. A question I still have about the
career is if it’s a cubicle type job or if you get to work with many people. The next step
for me is trying to find someone related to this career to get to know their thoughts
about it and if they enjoy it.
Business Manager

I watched a video of the day in the life of a Business Manager. In the video,
they said the starting salary is around $55,000. The experience and education
requirements is a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Something I
learned from this video is how much you get to interact with others. A question
I still have is, is there traveling involved. The next step for me is definitely
learning more about what they do and how the businesses run. Unlike the
other jobs, I didn’t have as much background knowledge of it because I hadn’t
researched it much like I did the other ones.
How these careers could fit into my life

I think all of these careers could potentially fit into my life. I would describe myself as a very
outgoing and social individual. My entire life I have always enjoyed meeting new people, helping
others, and solving problems. These traits fit perfectly into the 3 careers that I picked. As a social
worker, you need to love others and have a place in your heart for wanting to help others which I
do. I think this would benefit my life and I would continue to do something I love, like helping
others. As a business analyst, you get to constantly solve problems and find solutions to bigger
issues. This would fit into my life because I’ve always loved helping find solutions. Lastly, I would
consider myself a leader or someone I want people to look up to. That is why I would also make a
good business manager. Not only do you guide others but you continue to solve problems and
work with others to find those solutions. I think any of these jobs would fit into my life.

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