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Respiratory Distress Syndrome:

Predisposing Factors, 53
Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis

Mikko Hallman, Timo Saarela, and Luc J. I. Zimmermann

53.1 Salient Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
53.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
53.3 Risk Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
53.3.1 Genetic Factors Influencing Susceptibility to RDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
53.4 Symptoms and Clinical Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
53.4.1 Respiratory Course and Lung Function in RDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
53.4.2 Course of RDS in Preterm Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
53.4.3 Extremely Preterm Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
53.4.4 Late-Preterm and Early-Term Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
53.5 Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
53.5.1 Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
53.6 Predisposing Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
53.6.1 Surfactant System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
53.6.2 Secretion of Fetal Lung Liquid and Induction of Liquid Absorption . . . . . . . . . 833
53.6.3 Structural Lung Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835

M. Hallman (*)
Department of Children and Adolescents, Oulu University
Hospital, and PEDEGO Research Unit, Medical Research
Center Oulu, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
T. Saarela
Department of Children and Adolescents, Oulu University
Hospital, Oulu, Finland
L. J. I. Zimmermann
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, School for
Oncology and Developmental Biology (GROW),
Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht,
The Netherlands

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 823

G. Buonocore et al. (eds.), Neonatology,
824 M. Hallman et al.

53.7 Mechanisms of Lung Injury in RDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835

53.7.1 Primary and Secondary Surfactant Deficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835
53.7.2 Biotrauma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
53.7.3 Volutrauma and Barotrauma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
53.7.4 Delay in Clearance of Lung Liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
53.7.5 High-Permeability Lung Edema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
53.7.6 Pulmonary Hemorrhage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
53.7.7 Abnormalities in Lung Perfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
53.7.8 Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
53.8 Prevention of RDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
53.8.1 Prevention of Premature Birth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
53.8.2 Pharmacological Acceleration of Fetal Lung
Maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
53.8.3 Diagnosis of Lung Maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
53.8.4 Prevention of Low-Risk Elective Births Before Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841

Abstract 53.1 Salient Points

Due to increased survival and new treatment
strategies, new phenotypes of respiratory dis- • RDS is the most common serious disease
tress syndrome (RDS) have emerged. RDS in affecting the newborn.
near-term to term infants is characterized by • Advances in neonatal care have led to a
seemingly effortless breathing and tendency to decrease in mortality rates.
pulmonary hypertension that can be avoided • Half of the infants with RDS are born between
by expectant management. Common prevent- 29 and 34 weeks of gestation; symptoms of
able cause is elective delivery before full respiratory distress appear soon after birth and
40 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes these surfactant administration limits the progression
infants possess rare alleles retarding lung of the disease.
development. Extremely preterm infants are • In extremely preterm infants, RDS tends to have
often affected by intrauterine inflammation, a prolonged course and develops into BPD
accelerating surfactant maturity. Despite new through many intertwined mechanisms.
noninvasive treatment practices, initially mild • Antenatal steroid administration to the
RDS tends to become prolonged and develops pregnant women, by inducing structural
to BPD. This is due to deficient antioxidant, lung maturity and stimulating functional
anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial capacity; maturity, are the cornerstone of prevention
predisposition to airway injury, alveolar of RDS.
flooding, and surfactant inactivation by multi-
ple mechanisms are discussed. Genetic factors
predisposing very preterm infants to RDS are
intertwined with acquired risks: lack of labor, 53.2 Introduction
non-presenting twin, and adverse metabolic
environment (e.g., hyperinsulinemia). Antena- Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn
tal steroid, inducing structural maturity and infants (RDS), called infantile RDS or IRDS,
stimulating functional maturity, is the corner- previously idiopathic RDS or hyaline mem-
stone of prevention of RDS and the develop- brane disease (HMD), is the most common seri-
mental diseases prior to week 34. Currently ous disease affecting the newborn. Since the
steroid supplementation in RDS is not description of hyaline membranes by Hochheim
recommended. in 1903, the pathogenesis and etiology were
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 825

studied (Obladen 1992). During past 50 years, 53.3 Risk Factors

the advances in neonatal intensive have led to
striking improvement in prognosis in advanced RDS is characterized by typical features of respi-
perinatal centers, changing the phenotype of ratory insufficiency shortly after birth. The pri-
RDS and allowing the decrease in RDS mortal- mary cause in most cases is lung immaturity that
ity from nearly 50% to close to 5%. In addition, results in deficient gas exchange and acute
infants born extremely preterm (<28 weeks) lung injury. The clinical features depend on a
previously died at birth. Today nearly all sur- number of interactive constitutional, genetic,
vive long enough to develop RDS. and acquired factors and particularly on thera-
In 1926, Van Neergard described the hystere- peutic practices. The risk factors have decreased
sis of the lung. The significance of this finding as a result of improved antenatal anticipation of
was not appreciated until surface activity was preterm birth, pharmacologic acceleration of
described by Clements and Pattle in the 1950s fetal lung maturity, and of early treatment prac-
(Obladen 1992). As a consequence, Avery and tices at birth.
Mead (1959) discovered that the airways of The reported incidence of RDS among term-
infants dying of HMD had high surface tension born infants is one in 2000 (Marttila et al. 2004).
(Avery and Mead 1959). This finding was further Elective delivery without labor before 40th week
tested several years later when dipalmitoyl phos- of pregnancy is expected to increase the risk of
phatidylcholine was nebulized to the airways in RDS. The incidence increases by each week of
RDS with disappointing results (Chu et al. 1967). decreasing the length of gestation. At
It took the death of President Kennedy’s son Pat- 34–36 weeks, it has ranged from 5% to 10%, at
rick on HMD in 1963 to activate the research on 30–33 weeks from 10% to 35%, and at
RDS. After defining the surfactant system and 28–29 weeks from 30% to 50%, and in ELGA
lung structures in more detail, followed by thera- infants, the risk exceeds 50%. In the USA, the
peutic trials using natural surfactant, an increase reported incidence is often higher. More recently
in the survival and an acute, dramatic decrease in the gestational age of the RDS population has
the severity of RDS became evident (Robertson decreased. This has taken place because of the
and Taeusch 1995). Antenatal glucocorticoid ther- successful prevention of RDS in the preterm
apy (AGC) in threatened preterm birth was shown population and increased early survival of new-
by Liggins and Howie in 1971 to decrease the risk born infants with very low gestation. Figure 1
of RDS (Liggins and Howie 1972). The accep- shows schematically the risk and mortality of
tance of AGC in common clinical use was delayed RDS and application of therapies during the
until around the introduction of surfactant therapy past 45 years.
in the early 1990s. Increased risk of RDS is associated with elec-
Surfactant therapy, AGC, effective ventilator tive deliveries without labor in late-preterm
treatment practices, and several supplementary (34–36 weeks) and early-term (37–38 weeks) preg-
treatment strategies have improved the survival nancies (Gerten et al. 2005; Ramachandrappa and
and decreased the risk of RDS. Organ injuries Jain 2008), lack of AGC before 34 weeks of preg-
associated with RDS and the phenotype of RDS nancy (Roberts and Dalziel 2006), and Caucasian
have become remarkably less distinct (“the new (vs. African) ethnicity. Surfactant supplementation
RDS”). However, the risk of bronchopulmonary at preterm birth and continuous distending pressure
dysplasia (BPD) continues to be prevalent ventilation from birth may abolish typical symp-
among infants born extremely preterm (ELGA, toms (Morley et al. 2008; Sandri et al. 2010). Males
<28 weeks). Genetic and constitutional factors, have a higher risk than females, the difference
most notably the length of gestation as a proxy corresponding to a mean of 1 week of gestation
of the degree of lung development, influence (Table 1). The length of gestation interacts with
clinical management and outcome. other risk factors. Multiple birth increases the risk
826 M. Hallman et al.

Fig. 1 Demographics of RDS during development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, patent ductus arteriosus,
perinatal-neonatal treatment practices. Trends in mortality necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage gr
and in birth weights during 1970–2014. The figures are 2–4. S surfactant trials, SS the incidence synthetic surfac-
from Finland with prematurity rate ranging from 5.2% to tant treatment of infants <32 week’s gestation, AS animal
6.0% and the incidence of RDS in the range of 0.4–0.6% surfactant (The figures are obtained from hospital records
during the past 25 years. WHO definition of live birth was and from the Finnish Perinatal Register (Finnish National
introduced in 1989. Serious associated morbidity includes Institute for Health and Welfare; Dr. Mika Gissler))

of RDS in ELGA births and is a protective factor at 53.3.1 Genetic Factors Influencing
30 weeks or later (Marttila et al. 2004). The pre- Susceptibility to RDS
senting twin has a lower risk of RDS (but higher
risk of infection) than the non-presenting one. According to available twin studies comparing the
Chorioamnionitis decreases the risk of RDS in concordance of RDS between monozygotic and
ELGA births (Watterberg et al. 1996; Kaukola dizygotic same sex preterm twins, a direct genetic
et al. 2009). Maternal diabetes and fetal hydrops contribution to the susceptibility to RDS has been
increase the risk of RDS. There is no consensus, small (~20%). Instead, detectable effects of indi-
whether preeclampsia or intrauterine growth vidual genes are due to gene-gene or gene-
restriction (IUGR) influences the risk. However, environment interactions. They undermine the esti-
chronic retroplacental bleeding (circumvallate pla- mates of the genetic effects on the basis of twin
centa) is associated with acceleration of lung studies. For instance, the presenting twin has
maturity. a lower risk of RDS compared to the
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 827

Table 1 Pregnancy-related states and complications asso- insults. Genes with identified roles in lung func-
ciated with altered risk of RDS as compared to gestation tion have mutations or common allelic variants
that influence surfactant function in stress or
Accelerated maturation Control or delayed have no detectable effect. Studies thus far show
or control maturation
that some genes expressed in type 2 cells influ-
Vaginal birth Elective birth with labor
ence the individual risk of RDS, including poly-
Elective birth with labor Elective low risk birth w/o
labor: late preterm or early morphism of SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, and ABCA3
term (37–38 weeks) (Hallman and Haataja 2007). According to
Female fetus Male fetus genetic studies, mediators influencing the risk
Closeness to cervix in Remote to cervix in twin of spontaneous premature birth and the risk of
twin pregnancy pregnancy (non-presenting) RDS are partly intertwined: SP-A and SP-D
influence cytokine responses mediating surfac-
First born twin pair Second born twin pair
>28 weeks, no infection >28 weeks tant synthesis and preterm labor process
Singleton <28 weeks Twin <28 weeks (Karjalainen et al. 2012).
Twin 30–36 weeks Singleton 30–36 weeks The genetic studies on the susceptibility to
Control <28 weeks Preeclampsia <28 weeks RDS have thus far been focused on major alleles
Chorioamnionitis Control 24–29 weeks of the likely candidate genes (i.e., surfactant pro-
24–29 weeksa teins). For more objective data on candidate genes
Gestation control Poor control of maternal and alleles, very large, non-biased, population-
diabetes, fetal hydrops,
based studies, their replicates, and meta-analyses
severe isoimmunization
a are required. Genome-wide association analyses
Mostly histologic chorioamnionitis. Clinical chorioam-
nionitis, when associated with fetal infection, is associated (GWAS) and whole-genome studies involving
with respiratory distress mimicking RDS siblings are appropriate. Eventually research
may help redefine the disease and its treatment.
non-presenting one, and the magnitude of this dif-
ference is influenced by gene-environment interac-
tion (Marttila et al. 2003; Hallman and Haataja 53.4 Symptoms and Clinical
2007). RDS in late-preterm and early-term infants Findings
has likely a different genetic background compared
to RDS infants with shorter gestation at birth. The 53.4.1 Respiratory Course and Lung
rare alleles with significant adverse effect to respi- Function in RDS
ratory function are more likely in RDS cases with
near-term or term gestation. Natural course of RDS is characterized by early
Mutations that may disrupt surfactant func- rapid progression of respiratory distress leading to
tion include SP-B, ABCA3, and SP-C genes. respiratory failure and often death in the absence
They cause fatal or severe chronic lung disease of treatment within 1–48 h. The stabilization
that initially resembles RDS (Wert et al. 2009). phase of respiratory distress is followed by the
Mutations involving transcription factors recovery phase, starting within 1–6 days after
TTF-1, C/EBPα, FOXA2, a glucocorticoid birth and continuing longer than progressive
receptor NR3C1, and some other genes gener- phase. The unifying features in RDS are the tran-
ally delay differentiation of specific functions, sient deficiency of surfactant in epithelial lining
including the surfactant system, causing serious and the early lung injury. Cyanosis is evaluated by
respiratory distress and often other symptoms oxygen saturation monitoring and right-to-left cir-
(Whitsett et al. 2010). Several other proteins, culatory shunt by measuring the arterial blood
including SP-A and SP-D, have important, gases and calculating the alveolar-arterial O2 ten-
partly redundant functions that influence the sion difference. Soon after birth, the breath sounds
susceptibility to infections and inflammatory are often diminished; later stridor may be evident.
828 M. Hallman et al.

Early RDS is characterized by low functional suggestive, unless pre-treatment surfactant diag-
residual capacity, low compliance, and high nostics are available or the patient has distinct
venous admixture, indicating diffuse atelectasis. favorable response to exogenous surfactant.
The early lung injury often involves peripheral The surfactant-induced remission is sometimes
airways causing obstructive small airway disease followed by relapse requiring retreatment.
in full-blown RDS. The short inspiratory time The response to exogenous surfactant is less pre-
constant early in the course of RDS increases as dictable and generally less striking if surfactant
a sign of airway obstruction (Baldwin et al. 2006). is given later (>6 h after birth). Some develop
Modest abnormalities in lung function may persist signs of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Apnea,
even weeks and will be evident at term after infection, and pneumothorax are rare complications.
the recovery from uncomplicated RDS, and par-
ticularly when it is complicated with BPD
(Hjalmarson et al. 2014). Surfactant therapy in 53.4.3 Extremely Preterm Infants
RDS increases acutely functional residual capac-
ity, decreases venous admixture, more gradually Infants born before 28 weeks of gestation have
increases the compliance, and has little effect on simplified saccular airways, no true alveoli, and
airway resistance. wide interstitial spaces. The highly compliant
The post-hospitalization course of children chest cage generates striking retractions despite
with RDS without development of BPD reveals moderate negative pleural pressures. The low sur-
increased incidence of wheezing during infections factant pool is susceptible to abundant inhibitors.
and therefore higher hospitalization rates during Without treatment, the infants often die before
first 2 years of life, suggesting residual lung injury development of RDS. Providing continuous
or excessive immune response during infection distending pressures and if necessary to gentle
(Koivisto et al. 2005; Jones 2009 Kotecha et al. ventilation limits the emerging lung injury. Sur-
2013). Very premature birth (<32 weeks, VLGA), factant treatment in delivery room or within few
followed by treatment of RDS with modern hours after birth typically induces a sustained
methods and no BPD, is associated with a barely remission characterized by acute lowering of sup-
detectable impact on FEV1 and diffusion capacity plemental O2 requirements and less acute lower-
in school children compared to term-born controls ing of airway pressure requirements. Relapse of
(Ronkainen et al. 2015). respiratory failure often takes place, indicating
retreatment. The course of RDS is characterized
by a high incidence of cardiopulmonary compli-
53.4.2 Course of RDS in Preterm cations, particularly PDA. Air leak syndrome
Infants (pneumothorax, interstitial emphysema), pulmo-
nary hypertension, and pulmonary hemorrhage
Half of the infants with RDS are born between are less common. RDS particularly in this group
29 and 34 weeks of gestation. First symptoms are is associated with complicating diseases: BPD,
observed very soon after birth. Tachypnea, nasal intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), necrotizing
flaring, subcostal and intercostal retractions, cya- enterocolitis (NEC), and retinopathy of prematu-
nosis, and expiratory grunt are characteristic, rity (ROP). The incidence of complicating dis-
although not very specific, findings since transient eases varies from NICU to another.
tachypnea is initially nearly indistinguishable. In Despite AGC, noninvasive ventilation, early
RDS, the symptoms continue longer than 24 h, surfactant, and other adjunct treatments, such as
unless specific therapies are applied. late cord clamping, caffeine, and inhaled nitric
The progression of respiratory distress is oxide or selective postnatal glucocorticoid, a
decreased or prevented by continuous distending significant risk of BPD and other adverse effects
pressures and by surfactant therapy. As a result remain (Schmidt et al. 2008; Bassler et al.
of rather mild symptoms, the diagnosis remains 2015).
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 829

53.4.4 Late-Preterm and Early-Term are superimposed on a background of atelectatic

Infants lung parenchyma. The severity of RDS on the
basis of the chest X-ray has been graded (Avery
Late-preterm (35–36 gw) and early-term infants et al. 1981). The grade is likely modified several
with RDS are mostly born electively without hours after exogenous surfactant. Pulmonary
active labor. Other risk factors include acute whiteout (grade 4) is generally a sign of a severe
asphyxia and poorly controlled maternal diabetes; disease; it is also observed in mild disease very
genetic predisposition is a likely underlying cause soon after birth (<1 h). Pulmonary edema and
(Ramachandrappa and Jain 2009). In RDS, the prominent heart shadow is a typical X-ray find-
breathing is rapid but apparently effortless as the ing in RDS complicated by PDA. In near-term
stable chest cage does not often reveal retractions RDS population, reticulogranularity tends to be
and chest X-ray finding may be inconclusive. less distinct and the lung fields may reveal
Ignoring early treatment of respiratory distress ground glass appearance. In some cases lung
and hypoxemia escalates the later respiratory fields appear hyper-expanded; this entity is
course. Persistence of pulmonary hypertension called type 2 RDS.
(PPHN) or pneumothorax are occasional compli- Lung ultrasound (LUS) diagnostics has been
cations. Studies reveal surfactant insufficiency recently reported as a tool for prediction of respi-
despite atypical presentation. ratory failure (Sundell et al. 1971). LUS examined
The developmental stage explains the pheno- within 1 h after the admission on 59 infants
type. The small size of newly developed true alveoli with respiratory distress accurately predicted
predisposes to therapy-resistant atelectasis. The sta- RDS (n = 23) with sensitivity and specificity of
ble chest cage and strong respiratory drive generates 95.6% and 94.4%, respectively (Vergine et al.
high transpulmonary pressures during inspiration, 2014). This method is still investigational.
expanding alveolar ducts, improving the clearance Analysis of surfactant component or surface
of edema fluid. The pulmonary vasculature has a activity of specimens performed on gastric or
prominent smooth muscular layer that extends dis- airway aspirates at birth differentiates RDS with
tally; hypoxemia-induced contractility predisposes specificity of and sensitivity of 50–75% and
to pulmonary hypertension. 80–97%, respectively (Verder et al. 2003;
The clinical recovery often takes place within a Hallman et al. 1986). The false-positive prediction
rather short period. Continuing severe respiratory can be due to blood contamination or to surfactant
symptoms much beyond early neonatal period raises retention due to airway liquid adsorption. A sim-
the possibility of a rare lung disease, particularly ple, rapid, and accurate bedside method would be
hereditary interstitial lung disease due to multiple useful, if available.
specific causes (▶ Chap. 59, “Rare Lung Diseases
of Newborns”).
53.5.1 Differential Diagnosis

53.5 Diagnostics Transient tachypnea (wet lung) becomes clearly

distinguishable from RDS within several hours
The diagnosis is based on a combination of after birth. Bacterial pneumonia, mostly due to
characteristic symptoms, clinical findings, and Group B Streptococcus, often coincides with
the chest X-ray. Typical chest X-ray features RDS. In pulmonary infection, pleural exudate,
reveal a diffuse reticulogranularity with super- focal infiltrates, and sepsis are common. Amniotic
imposed air bronchograms (Fig. 2), indicating aspiration pneumonia, particularly meconium aspi-
atelectasis and edema of respiratory units, distal ration, is easily distinguished by the appearance of
to respiratory bronchioles. The prominent air viscous, often green aspirate, typically in post-term
bronchogram representing aerated bronchi and or term infant. Congenital chylothorax is distin-
larger bronchioles become distinct when they guished by typical milky appearance of lipid-rich
830 M. Hallman et al.

Fig. 2 Typical radiographic and pathological findings of RDS. Typical chest X-rays representing RDS of infant during
surfactant (a) and pre-surfactant era (b). Autopsy findings from normal (c) and HMD (d) lungs

pleural exudate after enteral feeding. Rare cases of hernia, other causes of lung hypoplasia, cystic
small preterm infants with minimal respiratory dis- adenomatous malformation, esophagus atresia,
tress develop cystic interstitial emphysema soon isolated fistula, lung sequestration, tumors, and
after birth (Wilson-Mikity syndrome) (Hoepker malformations require early diagnosis and specific
et al. 2008), a form of obstructive inflammatory treatment strategies.
lung disease that resembles “new BPD” with min- A slow recovery from RDS may be a constitu-
imal respiratory distress at birth. tional feature with likely genetic involvement.
Congenital cardiac diseases associated with Failure to recover is a feature of congenital inter-
respiratory distress and congestive edema, most stitial lung disease due to a mutation in genes that
notably anomalous pulmonary venous return with are essential in postnatal lung function (Wert et al.
abnormal infra diaphragmatic pulmonary vein 2009). PPHN mostly develops as a consequence
return (Scimitar syndrome), require early diagno- of primary lung disease, often RDS. Alveolar
sis and surgery. Equally critical is the prompt diag- capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmo-
nosis and early onset of prostaglandin E2 infusion nary vessels is suspected on the basis of persis-
for maintenance of ductal patency and pulmonary tence of acute severe defect in gas exchange;
circulation of ductus-dependent cardiac defects. autopsy diagnosis increasingly has identified
Early respiratory distress due to diaphragmatic genetic background (Bishop et al. 2011).
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 831

Acute (also called acquired or adult) respiratory hydrophobic surfactant proteins (SP-B and
distress syndrome (ARDS) may develop in severe SP-C). The latter contain stretches of hydrophobic
infection or asphyxia also in newborn infants. amino acids interrupted by hydrophilic amino
These patients often have beneficial response to a acids with cationic charge. Natural surfactant
high dose of exogenous surfactant. However, sur- additionally contains SP-A and SP-D: they are
factant therapy has not significantly improved the collagen-containing lectins that have roles in
outcome of this severe, heterogeneous syndrome innate immunity, surfactant metabolism, and for-
that requires proper antibiotics and comprehensive mation of tubular myelin.
cardiopulmonary management. The hydrophobic components are synthesized
in ER, followed by serial cleavage of hydrophilic
stretches of SP-B- and SP-C proproteins, and they
are transported to intracellular lamellar bodies
53.6 Predisposing Factors (LB) (Fig. 3). After secretion from LB into
the alveolar lining, hydrophobic surfactant binds
The lung has developed relatively late in evolu- Ca++ and SP-A, transforming to aggregates that
tion (250 million years), and human evolution is resemble tubular myelin and have instantaneous
recent (5 million years). The regulation of the surface adsorption. During breathing movements,
expression of individual genes generates much of surfactant aggregates are transformed to smaller
the diversity in human genome. The regulation of vesicles. Only a minor fraction of the surfactant
the birth process and the involvement of the fetus complex is removed by cilia, and most of it is taken
in the transition is particularly species specific. up by both alveolar macrophages (AM) and type
Preterm birth is exceptionally common in human 2 (T2) alveolar cells. Surfactant is catabolized in
species. Spontaneous preterm birth particularly in these cells and additionally reutilized in T2 cells.
chorioamnionitis (CA) accelerates surfactant
maturity decreasing the risk of RDS. The periph- Lowering of Surface Tension Surfactant greatly
eral lining of air spaces at 20–22 weeks of gesta- reduces surface tension thus preventing the col-
tion contains epithelial cells that morphologically lapse of small airspaces. Surface tension during
resemble type 2 cells, and pulmonary capillaries expiration is assumed to be close to zero, and it
align with future potential airways. Later in ges- rarely rises above 20 mN/m during normal expi-
tation, both the number of type 2 cells and the ration. Surfactant additionally serves as a lubri-
content of lamellar bodies increase. At term, the cant that reduces barotrauma.
surfactant content of the lungs reaches maximum
and has a critical role in adaptation. Other pulmo- Immune Functions and Ancillary Pro-
nary host defense systems have distinct perinatal teins Individual surfactant components serve as
developmental patterns as well. immune modulators influencing together with
AM and other systems in defense against
microbes and other insults. Several surfactant
53.6.1 Surfactant System components inhibit the signaling of the Toll-like
The major surfactant component, dipalmitoyl The coincidence of pneumonia and RDS
phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), concentrates at the reflects the immaturity of the innate immune
air liquid interphase as a tightly packed lipid system. The major defense functions of surfactant
film (Fig. 3). Other surfactant components provide components are focused against airborne microbes,
the extraordinary rapid surface adsorption of DPPC. involving in their destruction without evoking
These include phosphatidylcholine (PC) containing excessive inflammatory response: most surfactant
unsaturated fatty acids, often unsaturated phospho- components are involved (PG, PI, SP-C, SP-B,
lipids containing anionic charge [phosphatidyl- SPPC, and PC). Surfactant collections, SP-A and
glycerol (PG), phosphatidylinositol (PI)] and SP-D, inhibit Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling,
832 M. Hallman et al.

Fig. 3 Surfactant metabolism in alveolar epithelial cells SP-A and transforms to tubular myelin (TM) figures. In ELF,
and in epithelial lining fluid (ELF). Surfactant is synthesized surfactant is transformed to smaller vesicles that are taken up
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of type 2 (T2) cells. Surfactants by alveolar macrophages (AM) and T2 cells for either catab-
(DPPC, PC, PG, PI, SP-B, and SP-C) are synthesized in olism in lysosomes (LS) or for reprocessing into LB
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and processed via Golgi and (recycling). In RDS, surfactant in ELF is deficient at birth,
multivesicular bodies (MVB) into lamellar bodies (LB). and it increases to near-control level within a few days after
SP-A and SP-A are processed by constitutional pathway. birth. At the same time, acquired surfactant defects appear as
After release of LB content into alveoli, surfactant binds a result of airway and alveolar injury

aggregate viruses, and stimulate phagocytosis of glucocorticoid activity in fetus leads to lung
bacteria. Collectins, absent in exogenous surfac- hypercellularity, lack of functional differentiation,
tants, are proposed to serve important functions in and respiratory failure at birth. Other hormones
innate immunity (Wright 2005). contributing to biochemical lung maturity include
adrenergic agents, thyroid hormone, and prolac-
Regulation of Surfactant System: An Example tin, whereas testosterone delays lung maturity.
of Antenatal Regulation of Functional Maturity - Several other growth factors and cytokines also
Glucocorticoid is the main hormone regulating influence the differentiation and growth of alveo-
spontaneous functional differentiation of the lar tissue (Torday and Rehan 2015).
lung (Bird et al. 2015). The effects of glucocorti- Besides regulation of normal differentiation,
coid on the surfactant system are mediated by inflammatory cytokine and corticosteroid signal
several pathways, one being fibroblast-derived both the acceleration of lung maturation and
growth factor that influences the differentiation spontaneous preterm labor in chorioamnionitis
of type 2 alveolar epithelial cells involved in sur- (Kallapur et al. 2014). IL-1 has been identified
factant synthesis and secretion. Glucocorticoid as a primary agonist upregulating the surfactant
typically promotes differentiation of other func- system in intrauterine inflammation (Bry et al.
tions in lung and in other organs and structural 1997). Lipopolysaccharide from cell wall of
maturation of the lung. High persistent glucocor- Gram bacteria (LPS or endotoxin) or inflamma-
ticoid activity decreases the growth. Absent tory cytokine introduced to the amniotic fluid
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 833

accelerates differentiation of the surfactant and makes periodic breathing movements with a
induces lung inflammation that extends systemi- small tidal volume (0.2–3 mL), resulting in trans-
cally. Severe systemic infections and very high fer of liquid in and out from the airways. Toward
cytokine levels associate with adverse fetal the end of the second trimester, most of the amni-
consequences. otic fluid originates from hypotonic fetal urine,
and it is cleared by fetal swallowing, with a turn-
Secondary Injuries Affecting Lung and Surfactant over time of 48 h.
System Pulmonary interstitium, individual lung The secretion of the lung liquid, tidal respira-
cells, including T2 cells, and the surfactant system tory movements, and airway contractility dilate
are exposed to multiple inflammatory and bio- the future peripheral airways. The tidal move-
chemical insults as part of the manifestation of ments of the chest wall deliver some of the amni-
lung injury in RDS: disruption of ER processing otic fluid content to the airways. Experimental
of surfactant components, inhibition, inactivation, ligation of the fetal airways expands the future
degradation, de-aggregation, and displacement of airways and inhibits lung maturity. Lack of fetal
surfactant complex have been documented breathing movements leads to poor lung growth.
(Mulugeta et al. 2015; Sáenz et al. 2010). Despite Lack of amniotic fluid or compression of lungs
lung injury, RDS is mostly a self-healing disease, as (diaphragmatic hernia, intrathoracic tumor, small
the activation of differentiation-promoting inflam- chest cage) causes lung hypoplasia if present from
matory cytokines and of the anti-inflammatory midpregnancy (Potter syndrome from fetal anuria
endocrine axis promotes spontaneous maturation in particular).
and healing. Chloride ion exits the epithelial cells of the
In infants developing RDS, generally very low airways and alveoli through apical anion-selective
although variable quantities of surfactant are pre- channels, including cystic fibrosis transmembrane
sent in the airways at birth. Surfactant sufficiency regulator protein (CFTR). The driving force of the
is established within 2–7 days in most cases pump is linked to the Na+,K+-ATPase activity,
(Hallman et al. 1994; Carnielli et al. 2009). In generating the electrical potential difference allo-
infants at risk of BPD, the surfactant proteins wing basolateral entry of Cl (Fig. 4).
and surface activity in the air spaces continue to
be deficient after the first week of life. Excessive Absorption of the Fetal Lung Liquid is Linked
inflammation and other toxins suppress surfactant to Surfactant Function Toward term the secre-
synthesis and function. The inactivated surfactant tion of lung liquid secretion decreases dramati-
is degraded and replaced by newly synthesized cally. The lung liquid during active term labor
surfactant. As yet unidentified step(s) in surfactant decreases by 40–50% as a result of active absorp-
turnover is deficient in infants developing BPD. tion of lung water and surfactant concentrates in
air spaces. Lung extracellular water further
decreases by another 40% during the first 6 h of
53.6.2 Secretion of Fetal Lung Liquid life after term birth. A bulk of it exits the lung
and Induction of during the first breaths as the permeability of
Liquid Absorption epithelium in small airways and air spaces
increases acutely (Fig. 4). Both T2 and T1 epi-
During the second trimester, the rapidly growing thelial cells contain amiloride-sensitive ENaC
fetal lung secretes Cl (150 mEq/L) from epithe- protein complex, attached in the apical plasma
lial lining of air spaces and airways (Olver et al. membrane. Besides the luminal transporters,
2004). This results in osmosis-driven liquid secre- basolateral Na+,K+-ATPase and voltage gated
tion of 0.2–0.5 l per 24 h of protein-poor liquid or Cl channels transport Na+ and Cl ions to
5–15% of total liquid intake into the amniotic lung interstitium. Aquaporins facilitate the
cavity. At the same time, 6–9% of the cardiac movement of water across cell membranes. In
output is perfusing lung tissue. A normal fetus addition, a large transepithelial leak is induced
834 M. Hallman et al.

Fig. 4 Fetal lung liquid secretion (risk of RDS) and lung K+-ATPase. Constitutional liquid secretion is driven by
liquid absorption during labor (protective). Both are energy Na+,K+-Cl cotransporter (CLC). Cl exits the apical
dependent driven by various transporters in the epithelial membrane through cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduc-
membranes. Glucocorticoid and adrenergic agents tance regulator (CFTR) and other channels. A paracellular
upregulate sodium channels (ENaC), promoting liquid leak across the epithelium is induced during first breaths
absorption, together with aquaporins [AQP5] and Na+, after birth

at birth promoting bulk liquid from the airways symptoms of RDS, and activation of ion
(Van Driessche et al. 2007). channels involved in liquid adsorption is associ-
Adrenaline via cyclic AMP and corticosteroid ated with the recovery. Wet lung syndrome is
induces the absorptive state of the fetal lung. characterized by insufficient clearance of lung
Corticosteroid increases the synthesis of ENaC liquid and apparently critical deficiency of the
protein and adrenaline activates ENaC, particu- active clearance mechanism (O’Brodovich 2005;
larly the rate-limiting ENaC-α. Cortisol increases Helve et al. 2009).
as a result of activation of the pituitary-adrenal Induction of the active adsorptive state of
axis toward the term. Adrenalin increases during fetal lung liquid during normal labor leads to
labor, and a further increase takes place shortly retention and accumulation of surfactant in
after birth. future air spaces and airways, providing the
In infants developing RDS, the ion channels critical surfactant pool available at birth, thus
responsible for clearance of the lung liquid are facilitating the liquid clearance from airways
not active at birth. This is likely to aggravate the and air spaces.
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 835

53.6.3 Structural Lung Development is either transient or in rare cases missing altogether.
Transient effect endogenous surfactant is a sign of
During fetal development, there are changes in lung perturbed endogenous metabolism of surfactant and
structure, including in the microanatomy and in the surfactant inhibitors. This emphasizes the interac-
amount and composition of the extracellular matrix. tive nature of factors influencing the alveolar stabil-
These factors influence the phenotype of RDS. ity, pulmonary circulation, and structural integrity,
During the canalicular phase between 16th and essential to the gas exchange function. These fac-
25th weeks of gestation, the airway branching tors also include the conducting airways that are
is complete and the lung transforms to organ, poten- intimately involved in lung injury, pulmonary per-
tially capable of gas exchange (chapter by Moretti). fusion, and cardiac contractility. Ductus arteriosus
This is accomplished by formation of cartilage, increasingly remains open as the duration of preg-
bronchial grands, and growth of the distal ends of nancy shortens, perturbing cardiopulmonary func-
the preacinar terminal bronchioles that grow and tion and increasing lung edema. Regardless of
branch to two to four respiratory bronchioles. The length of gestation and pregnancy complications,
potential gas exchange surface enlarges as a result of diffuse atelectasis, lung edema, and hyaline mem-
simultaneous vascular sprouting and acinar growth. branes are a consequence of functional immaturity
Future airways and capillaries also approach each of alveolar epithelium. Infections and severe
other, decreasing the length of gas diffusion path. asphyxia, extreme immaturity, and other adverse
The epithelium undergoes thinning from columnar events complicate and dominate the symptoms of
to cuboidal form as type 2 cells differentiate. cardiorespiratory distress. Figure 5 illustrates fac-
During the saccular phase between 23 and tors involved in pathogenesis.
28–36 weeks, clusters of thin-walled saccules form
the acinus that simultaneously expands and grows
in length as the respiratory bronchioles divide into 53.7.1 Primary and Secondary
six–seven further generations by branching. Elastic Surfactant Deficiency
fibers are deposited along the airways and capil-
laries. The capillaries still form a double capillary High surface tension retracts the air spaces with
network between individual saccules. very small principal radii (R1 and R2) according
Toward the end of gestation and particularly to the law of Laplace: P (collapsing surface pres-
after birth, the elongated T1 alveolar cells expand sure) = γ (surface tension constant)  {1/R1 + 1/R2}.
and increasingly cover the alveolar lining, In true alveoli or at the tip of respiratory ducts
whereas surfactant-secreting T2 cells arrange of immature lung, the two principal radii are very
around the alveolar corners. The alveolar stage similar (P = 2  γ/R), whereas in tubular surfaces,
involves microvascular maturation that starts pre- the second radius is indefinite (P = γ/R). During
term and continues during the first years. True inspiration, surfactant components adsorb to the
alveoli grow from the walls of terminal saccules lining, while during expiration, unsaturated lipids
as spherical structures. They grow in size, and the with higher surface tension are squeezed out from
inter-saccular tissue containing a double capillary the lining, helping the surface tension to reach
network transforms into a single capillary network near-zero level. During tidal ventilation, surface
in close apposition to alveoli (Burri 2006). tension increases slightly during inspiration
and returns to near-zero during expiration (i.e.,
hysteresis) preventing atelectasis and decreasing
53.7 Mechanisms of Lung Injury alveolar edema. In the absence of surfactant, the
in RDS tendency to atelectasis is due to the high surface
pressures that increase during expiration. Surface
Although the effect of surfactant therapy is often tension in vitro is measured quantitatively using
dramatic in reducing or even abolishing the symp- captive bubble or pulsating bubble surfactometer.
toms of respiratory distress, in some cases its effect These measurements have been confirmed in
836 M. Hallman et al.




BARRIERS EDEMA Lung function
Gestational age
Corticosteroids Chronization
Genetic risk Management
inflammation Lung congestion, PDA
Twin gestation Defects in ion transport


SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS Tissue damage, remodeling of growth air
leaks, cytokines, metaplasia, fibrosis

Fig. 5 Pathogenesis of RDS. Primary surfactant defi- (e.g., asphyxia, volutrauma). Persistence of lung injury is
ciency that is augmented by other defects in differentiation opposed by the lung healing, plasticity, and differentiation
(e.g., lack of absorptive ion transport) and acquired factors (e.g., induction/increase in surfactant)

situ by microscopy of the alveolar surface surfactant function in vitro. Fibrin monomer is
containing droplets of specific fluorocarbons one of the most potent surfactant inhibitors
with constant, generally low surface tension described. Other mechanisms of surfactant inacti-
(Schürch et al. 2001). vation include excess of proteolytic and phospho-
During the first breaths, surfactant in lung liq- lipase activities. Finally, oxidant injury by
uid rapidly adsorbs and concentrates on the hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite and other nox-
emerging air liquid interface. Lowering the sur- ious factors deteriorate surfactant function and
face tension (72 mN/m in isotonic saline) toward metabolism (Sáenz et al. 2010; Hallman et al.
0 mN/m decreases the force required for liquid 1994; Carnielli et al. 2009). Many of these nox-
clearance from narrow tubular structures and alve- ious agents originate from inflammatory cells as a
olar saccules; additional force required is due to consequence of lung injury by barotrauma, hyper-
viscous resistance of the small airways. Transient oxia, and endotoxins. ER stress and associated
negative interstitial pressures generated during defect in intracellular processing and dysfunction
the first few forceful inspirations (as high as of surfactant proteins is consistent with the
50–70 cm H2O) and airway pressures during observed abnormalities in surfactant composition
forced expirations with semi-closed vocal cords, and metabolism in infants developing BPD
i.e., “first cry” (25–50 cm H2O), are exceptionally (Mulugeta et al. 2015).
high and contribute to the rapid paracellular
increase in epithelial permeability and possibly
injure immature airways. Low surface tension 53.7.2 Biotrauma
facilitates clearance of lung liquid and decreases
airway injury. As a consequence of ante-, intra-, and postnatal
Secondary surfactant defects emerge after events particularly those taking place at birth, the
birth. The leakage of proteinous liquid across the innate immune system is activated. The inflamma-
epithelial lining dilutes surfactant and inactivates tory reaction as a result of biotrauma induces both
surfactant (Hallman et al. 1991). Proteins, cationic healing and tissue destruction (e.g., phagocytosis,
amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids inhibit oxidants, lytic proteins, oxidants, free radicals).
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 837

The degree of biotrauma depends on management Lack of lubricant property of surfactant contrib-
practices, constitution, and hereditary factors. Both utes to barotrauma.
antenatal (e.g., antenatal steroid and antibiotics
after preterm rupture of fetal membranes), delivery
room (e.g., early introduction of PEEP, limitation 53.7.4 Delay in Clearance of Lung
of inspiratory pressures, noninvasive surfactant Liquid
administration), and neonatal (early extubation,
noninvasive ventilation, anti-inflammatory airway Prenatal events influence the lung liquid adsorption
therapies, prevention of infections) treatment and the amount of lung liquid at birth (Olver et al.
practices are primary aimed to decrease biotrauma. 2004; Van Driessche et al. 2007; O’Brodovich
An experimental study by Jobe et al. illustrates 2005). Spontaneous labor, advanced gestation,
an example of research on biotrauma (Hillman and vaginal birth additively decrease the liquid in
et al. 2007). the airways at birth. In healthy human infants, the
Besides the components of the surfactant system, clearance of most airway liquid to lung
other proteins, including Clara cell protein 16, SOD, interstitium takes place within seconds to minutes
eNAC, number of other anti-inflammatory peptides after the first breaths. Both active, energy-
(e.g., defensins), signaling receptors, transcription requiring, and passive pressure-driven mecha-
factors, hormones, and growth factors, control the nisms are stretch activated.
development of innate immunity. In normal adaptation, the clearance of liquid
from lung interstitium takes place during the first
day as the solute directly enters the circulation or
53.7.3 Volutrauma and Barotrauma is cleared via lymphatics. The bulk of the liquid
removed from the airways accumulates in disten-
Intubation and the associated bagging and sible perivascular spaces of large lung vessels and
mechanical ventilation without full control of airways, away from the gas exchange path.
the tidal volumes and pressures are the most In very premature lung, low activities of devel-
important source of volutrauma and barotrauma. opmentally regulated sodium and water transport
By increasing the airway pressure requirements, weaken the absorptive state of premature fetal
high surface tension influences volutrauma, lung, delaying the accumulation of the surfactant
i.e., overstretching of patent air spaces. Volu- pool before birth and the liquid clearance after
trauma predominates when large tidal volumes birth (Van Driessche et al. 2007; Helve et al.
(>6–12 mL/kg) are delivered during mechanical 2009; Bland 2001). This is a major problem in
ventilation shortly after birth (Hillman et al. elective late-preterm and early-term births: the
2007). It manifests as rupture, laceration, increase alveolar surfactant pool at birth is small as a result
in permeability and compliance of central air- of surfactant secretion into amniotic fluid and lack
ways, perivascular edema, bronchiolar obstruc- of adsorption of lung liquid.
tion, and inflammatory response (biotrauma). Lung immaturity adversely affects lung liquid
In RDS the minimum surface tension ranges clearance as the compliant chest cage complicates
from 20 to 50 mN/m. Distending pressures that generation of high negative interstitial pressures,
maintain patency of alveoli with a radius of 50 μm and the activities involving ion and water transport
or of alveolar ducts (very preterm) with radius of across the epithelium toward lung interstitium are
100 μm is estimated to be 8–20 cm H2O and low. Diaphragmatic fatigue and particularly lack of
4–10 cm H2O, respectively. High surface tension respiratory drive due to deficient respiratory center
and high viscous resistance caused by airway responses contribute for alveolar edema and respi-
edema and particles deteriorate lung homogeneity ratory distress.
and predispose to volutrauma. The passive stretch-activated bulk solute trans-
Volutrauma and barotrauma are decreased con- fer takes place in both directions. It is thus respon-
siderably by avoiding mechanical ventilation. sible for either the clearance of lung fluid or the
838 M. Hallman et al.

formation of alveolar edema after very preterm left cardiac failure resulting in flooding of alveolar
birth. Edema is imminent, in case hydrostatic capillaries (e.g., in hypothermia). Hemorrhage
pressures (interstitial pressure and the airway may be precipitated by surfactant therapy as it
distending pressure) fail to compensate for the lowers pulmonary vascular resistance increasing
high surface pressures in surfactant deficient lung. the left-to-right shunt through ductus arteriosus.
Inadequate continuous positive airway pressure
levels may further decrease pulmonary vascular
53.7.5 High-Permeability Lung Edema resistance, allowing hydrostatic congestion and
eventually rupture of capillaries and airway epi-
The injury of capillary endothelium and airway thelium (▶ Chap. 55, “Pulmonary Hemorrhage,
epithelial cells and their basement membranes is Transient Tachypnea, and Neonatal Pneumonia”).
a characteristic early feature. The injury mecha-
nisms include mechanical trauma, biotrauma, and
toxins (oxygen). An important functional conse- 53.7.7 Abnormalities in Lung
quence is an increase in permeability to macro- Perfusion
molecules soon after preterm birth. An increase in
permeability exceeds the capacity of pulmonary Acetylcholine, nitric oxide (NO), and potentially
lymphatics, resulting in interstitial edema. Small other vasoactive agents triggered dilate pulmo-
airways, bronchioles, and air spaces are suscepti- nary arterioles during normal neonatal transition.
ble to flooding and obstruction, and alveolar During the early hours in RDS, the failure of
edema further decreases gas exchange. alveolar capillary gas exchange may in part be
Increased epithelial permeability leads to due to poor perfusion of alveoli, whereas mainly
protein-rich alveolar edema and accumulation of in later stages of RDS, symptoms of pulmonary
surfactant inhibitors. Accumulation of fibrinogen vascular congestion prevail. Pulmonary perfusion
into alveolar space precedes the formation of hya- needs to be carefully considered throughout the
line membranes. A residue of inactivated surfac- respiratory course.
tant components and other residues are In extremely immature lung, the marginal size
incorporated into the matrix of fibrin-rich hyaline capillary bed barely provides a reservoir against
membranes. They interfere with gas exchange, hypo-hypervolemia and excessive distending
obstruct the air spaces, and may initiate intra- pressures.
alveolar coagulation. Hyaline membranes are Besides lung hypoplasia, predisposition to
eventually cleared by phagocytosis and fibrino- PPHN can be the result of acute biotrauma, caused
lytic activity (Idell et al. 1994). by microbes and inflammatory agents.
Continuous distending pressure to the airways; Prolonged rupture of fetal membranes in pre-
avoidance of mechanical ventilation; avoidance of term infants is occasionally complicated by severe
fluid overload, cardiac failure, and of infections; surfactant-nonresponsive respiratory distress,
and activation of anti-inflammatory mechanisms associated pulmonary hypertension, and low air-
(steroid) all contribute toward decreasing high- way nitrite and inflammatory cytokine levels,
permeability lung edema. suggesting transient immune paralysis. A dra-
matic, acute favorable response to inhaled NO
has been demonstrated in several small studies.
53.7.6 Pulmonary Hemorrhage However, the actual improvement in the outcome
has not been shown in a randomized trial (Aikio
Pulmonary hemorrhage complicates RDS mostly et al. 2012).
in extremely preterm infants. It may be seen as an Increase in pulmonary vascular resistance in
extreme form of high-permeability lung edema severe acute lung disease is well recognized
that is associated with PDA, decrease in pulmo- (Steinhorn 2010). This applies also to RDS.
nary vascular resistance, and rapidly developing Toward term, the muscularity of pulmonary
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 839

arteries increases. Treatment of RDS in near-term Available therapies convert RDS from lethal
infants is often delayed, allowing progression of to manageable or preventable disease. The cost
respiratory distress and development of PPHN of treatment is high, and the disease may asso-
that favorably responds to inhaled NO. ciate with complications that may be life-
threatening (Gilbert 2006). In very preterm
infants, RDS is a common disease that has a
53.7.8 Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) major influence in the risk of both acute and
chronic morbidity.
Prostaglandin inhibitor-induced contraction of the
fetal ductus arteriosus is detectable in the begin-
ning in the third trimester and increases toward 53.8.1 Prevention of Premature Birth
term. After birth, the cascade of events leading to
permanent constriction followed by anatomical Elimination of prematurity would be most effec-
closure of the ductus takes place in nearly all tive in prevention. There are remarkable variation
term-born infants, whereas the degree of in the risk of prematurity based on the lifestyle,
prematurity progressively increases the risk of working conditions, risk behavior, ethnicity,
hemodynamically significant PDA (Hamrick and socioeconomic status, and the healthcare system.
Hansmann 2010). In vitro fertilization practices increase the risk of
PDA particularly in ELGA infants continues to premature birth.
be a challenge and an important factor influencing Tocolytic agents have a limited capacity to
the duration of the course of RDS. A large left-to- prolong the pregnancy in threatened preterm
right shunt through PDA causes pulmonary con- labor. Despite side effects, they are shown to be
gestion at the expense of systemic perfusion. This efficacious in delaying the preterm birth for a few
sometimes happens within few days after birth, as days required for full effect of ACG. Ca-channel
a result of surfactant-induced remission of RDS antagonists delay preterm birth without causing
that decreases pulmonary vascular resistance. serious adverse effects.
Attempts to close ductus arteriosus during the Supplementation of progesterone acetate from
first days after birth by indomethacin or ibuprofen midterm pregnancies has reduced the prematurity
or by ligation have been associated with serious rate only in rare cases of cervix insufficiency.
side effects, including pulmonary hypertension Thus far, no long-term risks have been observed,
and IVH. Appropriate emergency treatment of and the follow-up continues (WHO 2015).
early PDA is to promote the treatment of lung
edema, particularly by increasing inappropriately
low continuous distending airway pressure and 53.8.2 Pharmacological Acceleration
reducing excessive liquid intake. Adverse effects of Fetal Lung Maturity
associating with PDA include pulmonary edema/
IVH, NEC, ROP, and BPD. Antenatal glucocorti- AGC became an accepted therapy for prevention
coid, neonatal caffeine, and inhaled budesonide of RDS first in the 1990s when the concerns of
decrease the risk of PDA. The potential benefit of serious adverse long-term effects were not mate-
paracetamol in early treatment of PDA is currently rialized (Liggins and Howie 1972; Roberts and
investigated. Dalziel 2006). Glucocorticoid influences the
development of the fetal lung, gastrointestinal
tract, cardiovascular system, liver, kidney, and
53.8 Prevention of RDS central nervous system. It accelerates the differ-
entiation of the surfactant system, promotes the
Obstetric and early neonatal management of pre- absorptive state of fetal lung, enhances the closure
term infants influence the risk and severity of ductus after birth, increases the generally low
of RDS. blood pressure of preterm infants shortly after
840 M. Hallman et al.

birth, improves the performance of the immature amniotic fluid. This amniotic surfactant pool starts
left ventricle, and has beneficial effects on the emerging with imminent functional maturity of
immune and antioxidant systems. fetal lung. Surfactant increases in concentration
According to meta-analysis of randomized trials and quality in a characteristic fashion as the preg-
on AGC, it resulted in overall reduction of the risk nancy proceeds. Surfactant indices, measured in
of RDS (relative risk, RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.59–0.73). the amniotic fluid [lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S)
The most beneficial effect was observed when ratio, PG, the lung profile, saturated lecithin, LB],
AGC was started 1–7 days before threatened pre- are used to evaluate the risk of RDS of an unborn
term birth prior to 34 full weeks of pregnancy. fetus, particularly in the era when AGC or exog-
According to cohort studies, AGC was efficacious enous surfactant were not used (Hallman 1992).
of improving the postnatal survival and decreasing Assessment of fetal maturity in preterm and near-
the risk of RDS among ELGA and preterm twin term pregnancies is still indicated when there is a
pregnancies, respectively. AGC further decreased need to balance the risk of continuing a risk preg-
the risks of RDS in preterm infants exposed to nancy against the risk of iatrogenic RDS. The
chorioamnionitis and rupture of fetal membranes. reported specificity and sensitivity of the surfac-
Although AGC decreases the risk of respiratory tant indices in amniotic fluid have ranged from
distress in near-term pregnancies, most fetuses are 92–100% to 30–70%, respectively. Due to surfac-
exposed only to potential adverse effects (e.g., tant retention in active labor, the sensitivity of
hypoglycemia); ACG is not routinely indicated at surfactant indices in amniotic fluid or gastric aspi-
34 weeks or later. rate at birth is likely rather low.
AGC and exogenous surfactant supplement
each other in decreasing the risk of RDS and
IVH (Hallman et al. 2010). According to meta- 53.8.4 Prevention of Low-Risk Elective
analysis, glucocorticoid decreased neonatal Births Before Term
mortality, IVH, and NEC and tended to decrease
early neonatal infections. The cognitive and neu- A significant fraction of near-term (34–36 weeks)
rological problems observed in rodents following and early-term-born infants (37–38 weeks)
AGC have not been replicated as there is a trend develop RDS if delivered electively before the
toward improved neurological outcome. Expo- onset of active labor (Tita et al. 2009). In infants
sure to AGC is associated with mild insulin resis- born at 39 weeks of pregnancy or later, RDS is very
tance in young adults (Dalziel et al. 2005). rare (<1%) regardless of the mode of delivery,
Repeating the AGC dosage in threatened pre- whereas the risk of meconium aspiration syndrome
term birth decreases the risk of RDS and of severe and acute asphyxia continues to increase after term.
RDS (Peltoniemi et al. 2011). Repeating the drug In elective near-term births without onset of
weekly decreased the birth weight and head cir- labor, the fetus is exposed to increased risk of
cumference dose-dependently. Although no transient tachypnea, spontaneous pneumothorax,
adverse influence on growth or on neurologic or RDS, and persistence of fetal circulation. The
cognitive function has been detected, longer induction of the adsorptive state of lung liquid
follow-up studies are required. Currently a single allows the accumulation of surfactant in future
repeat dosage of AGC is recommended in threat- air spaces before birth. The labor-associated hor-
ened very preterm birth (<32 weeks) in case the mones, cortisol, and adrenalin additionally
fetus remains undelivered for more than week. increase the secretion of surfactant. According to
available trials, AGC in elective near-term births
decreases the risk of transient respiratory distress.
53.8.3 Diagnosis of Lung Maturity Before ACG treatment is accepted as a therapy
in elective late-preterm and early-term births with-
Lung surfactant secreted into liquid-filled air out labor, it is important to know that the mostly
spaces is carried by the lung liquid into the healthy fetuses exposed to steroid are not
53 Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Predisposing Factors, Pathophysiology, and Diagnosis 841

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