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-outermost region/layer of the pulp

-responsible for the secretion of dentin and the
formation of dentinal tubules
-an unmineralized oral tissue composed of:
-incapable of cell division
a. soft connective tissue
-the formation of new dentin after destruction
b. vascular
c. lymphatic; and of odontoblasts depends on the differentiation of new
odontoblasts from multipotential cells
d. nervous elements
(undifferentiated mesenchymal cells)
- has a soft, gelatinous consistency
- by either weight or volume, the majority of pulp (75- C. other cell types:
80%) is water and the rest are organic materials a. MACROPHAGES
- has presence of pulp stones b. LYMPHOCYTES
- -no inorganic component c. PLASMA CELLS
- has 32 pulp organs in adult dentition d. EOSINOPHILS
- pulp cavities of molar teeth are four times
larger than those of incisors o FIBROUS MATRIX
- extends down through the root of the tooth as A. Type I collagen fibers - produced by the
the root canal which opens into the odontoblasts as dentin
periodontium via the APICAL FORAMEN B. Type II collagen fibers -produced by the pulp
o APICAL FORAMEN *Older pulp- has more collagen
-form of communication between the pulp and *Type I and II, are present in an unbundled and
surrounding tissue randomly dispersed fashion, higher in density around
-Clinical Significance: clinically important in the blood vessels and nerves.
spread of inflammation from the pulp out into
the surrounding periodontium. o GROUND SUBSTANCE- the environment that
surrounds both cells and fibers of the pulp
o PULP and DENTIN - rich in: proteoglycans, glycoproteins and large
-closely related amounts of water.
-products of the neural crest-derived
connective tissue that formed the DENTAL ARCHITECTURE OF PULP
PAPILLA -has 4 zones or regions
(A) dentin-forming
Dental Pulp
-a loose connective tissue (B) reticular (Korff's)
-appearance similar to mucoid connective tissue fibers
(C) capillaries
- function: for the maintenance and defense of (D) nerves
the tissue
(E) Fibroblasts
- facilitates the recruitment of newly (G) Subodontoblastic
differentiating cells to replace others when plexus (of Raschkow;
they are lost - specifically odontoblasts. parietal layer)
1. ODONTOGENIC ZONE -Small venules drain the capillary bed and eventually
- can be found in the peripheral aspect of leave as veins via the apical foramen
dental pulp
- differentiates into a layer of dentin-forming -blow flow is more rapid and blood pressure is quite
odontoblasts high

2. CELL-FREE ZONE (OF WEIL) -Arteriovenous anastomoses of arteriolar size are

-subjacent to the odontoblast layer frequent in the pulp.
-contains numerous bundles of RETICULAR (KORFF'S)
-Numerous capillaries and nerves are also found in this - found it very difficult to establish the presence of
zone. lymphatics in the pulp
-most believed that there was no lymphatic drainage of
3. CELL-RICH ZONE the teeth
-containing numerous fibroblasts - Tissue fluid was speculated to have drained
*FIBROBLASTS back into the capillary or postcapillary sites of the
- the predominant cell type of pulp blood vascular system
-have the ability to degrade and form collagen -in recent studies, they have demonstrated the
*PERIVASCULAR CELLS (UNDIFFERENTIATED presence of thin-walled, irregularly shaped lymphatic
-can give rise to odontoblasts, fibroblasts or -larger than capillaries and have an incomplete basal
macrophages lamina
FUNCTION: facilitates the resorption of tissue fluid
4. DEEP PULP CAVITY and large macromolecules of the pulp matrix
- medial to the cell-rich zone
-contains subodontoblastic plexus (of Raschkow; *The formation of cementum is continuous to the root
parietal layer) of nerves up to the apical foramen that leads to the blocking of
the foramen.
*The walls of pulpal veins are first affected by the
VASCULAR SUPPLY cemental constriction where vascular congestion may
-dental pulp has the extensive vascular pattern occur that can lead to necrosis of the pulp.
-primary function : support and maintenance of
the peripheral odontoblast layer INNERVATION OF THE PULP
In molars: several large nerves enter the apical
-walls of pulpal vessels are very thin as the pulp is foramen
protected by a hard unyielding sheath of dentin. In premolars and anterior teeth: single nerve enter
in each tooth
-One or more small arterioles enter the pulp via the A young premolar may have as many as 700
apical foramen and ascend through the radicular pulp myelinated and 2,000 unmyelinated axons entering
the apex.
of the root canal
These nerves have two primary modalities:
-Once they reach the pulp chamber in the crown they
branch out peripherally to form a DENSE CAPILLARY -only sympathetic autonomics fibers are found in
NETWORK immediately under - and sometimes the pulp.
extending up into - the odontoblast layer. - extend from the neurons whose cell bodies are
found in the superior cervical ganglion at the
-CAPILLARIES has numerous pores, reflecting the base of the skull.
metabolic activity of the odontoblast layer. -they are unmyelinated fibers and travel with the
blood vessels.
-innervate the smooth muscle cells of the TYPES OF PULP
-function in regulation of blood flow in the
capillary network.


-arise from the V2 and V3 of the CNV (Trigeminal).
- predominantly myelinated fibers and may
terminate in the central pulp.
- some will send out small individual fibers that form
the subodontoblastic plexus (of Raschkow) just
under the odontoblast layer. From the plexus the
fibers extend in an unmyelinated form toward the
odontoblasts where they then loose their Schwann
cell sheath.
-fibers terminate as "free nerve endings" near the 1. Coronal pulp (A)
odontoblasts, extend up between them or may -occupies the crown of the tooth
even extend further up for short distances into the -has six surfaces; occlusal, mesial, distal,
dentinal tubule. buccal, lingual and the floor.
-they function in transmitting pain stimuli from - At the cervix of the tooth the coronal pulp
heat, cold or pressure. joins the radicular pulp

*Subodontoblastic plexus 2. Pulp horns (B)

-located in the roof and lateral walls of the -are protrusions of the pulp
coronal pulp. It is less developed in the root canals. -extend up into the cusps of the tooth
Few nerve endings are found among the *With age, pulp horns diminish and the coronal pulp
odontoblasts of the root.
decreases in volume due to continued (secondary)
dentin formation - often the result of continued
masticatory trauma.

3. Radicular pulp (C)

-extends from the cervix down to the apex of the
-Molars and premolars exhibit multiple radicular pulps
-this pulp is tapered and conical
-In a fashion similar to coronal pulp, it also decreases in
volume with age due to continued dentinogenesis
-Pulp passing through the apical
foramen may be reduced by continued cementum

illustrates the free nerve endings (F) arising AGE-RELATED AND PATHOLOGIC
from the subodontoblastic plexus (E) and CHANGES IN THE PULP
passing up between odontoblasts (A) to enter
the dentinal tubule where they terminate (G) on -specific changes occur in dental pulp with age
the odontoblast process (D). B = predentin, C = -Cell death results in a decreased number of cells
dentin -The surviving fibroblasts respond by producing more
fibrous matrix (increased type I over type II collagen)
but less ground substance that contains less water.
So with age the pulp becomes:
a) less cellular illustrative of the pulp cavity in old age.
b) more fibrous
Continued wearing of the enamel on
c) overall reduction in volume due to the continued
the cusp has resulted in the formation
deposition of secondary/reactive dentin
of dead tracts of dentin (E). It has also
stimulated the formation of reactive
*Aging decreases the ability of dental pulp to respond
secondary dentin (F) that has
to injury and repair itself.
obliterated the pulp horn and now
*The fact that the pulp is surrounded by mineralized
grows into the coronal pulp cavity. The pulp cavity,
dentin makes relatively minor pathologic events like
coronal and radicular regions, has been markedly
inflammation, that cause swelling elsewhere, lead to a
reduced from that in the young stages. Cementum (C)
compression of the pulp leading to intense pain. This
continues to be deposited and the apical foramen (D)
generally results in the death of the pulp.
is now considerably narrower.

shows both types of stones: A and B

illustrates the normal appearance of are false pulp stones, C is a
the pulp cavity (P) at a young true pulp stone. A is an "attached"
stage. stone (which may become embedded
as secondary dentin deposition
continues. B and C are "free" stones
found within the pulp cavity.

illustrates some attrition of the pulp CALCIFIED BODIES IN THE PULP (PULP
as the result of normal aging as well STONES)
as trauma from wearing of the -Small calcified bodies are present in up to 50% of the
enamel at the cusp (A). pulp of newly erupted teeth and in over 90%
Note the pulp horn (B) is not as well of older teeth.
defined due to responsive ingrowth -these calcified bodies are generally found loose within
of secondary dentin below the worn the pulp but may eventually grow large enough to
cusp. Cementum has begun to encroach on adjacent dentin and become attached.
thicken on the root (C). -These bodies are classified by either their
development or histology.
shows the changes in pulp cavity
size by middle age. The pulp horn 1. DEVELOPMENT
continues to be reduced in Epithelio-Mesenchymal Interactions.
response to increased wearing of -Small groups of epithelial cells become isolated from
the overlying enamel. An overall the epithelial root sheath during development and end
reduction in pulp cavity dimensions up in the dental papilla.
through the continued deposition -they interact with mesenchymal cells resulting in their
of normal secondary dentin has differentiation into odontoblasts
occurred. Histology of the pulp -They form small dentinal structures within the pulp.
reveals a decreased cellularity
coupled with increased fibrosis. Calcific Degenerations.
Cementum (C) deposition -Spontaneous calcification of pulp components
continues and the apical foramen (collagen fibers, ground substance, cell debris, etc.)
subsequently has undergone a may expand or induce pulpal cells into osteoblasts.
reduction in

diameter (D).
-These cells then produce concentric layers of the dentin, caries, etc.. A direct response to cutting
calcifying matrix on the surface of the mass - but no procedures, caries, extreme pressure, etc.,
cells become entrapped. involves the formation of reactive (secondary) dentin
by the odontoblast layer of the pulp.
Diffuse Calcification.
-A variation of the calciific degeneration whereby
seriously degenerated pulp undergoes calcification in
a number of locations.
-These bodies resemble calcific degenerations except
for their smaller size and increased number.

-Calcified bodies in the pulp may be composed of
dentin, irregularly calcified tissue, or both.

"True" Pulp Stone or Denticle

calcified body containing tubular dentin
-exhibit radiating striations reminiscent of dentinal
-Usually formed by an epithelio- mesenchymal

"False" Pulp Stone or Denticle

-are irregularly calcified tissue and does not bear much
resemblance to any known tissue
-generally exhibit either a hyaline-like homogeneous
morphology or appear to be composed of concentric


-primary function: providing vitality to the tooth

-Loss of the pulp following a root canal does not mean
the tooth will be lost. The tooth then functions
without pain but, it has lost the protective mechanism
that pulp provides.

-Dental pulp also has several other functions:

INDUCTIVE: very early in development the future pulp
interacts with surrounding tissues and initiates tooth

FORMATIVE: the odontoblasts of the outer layer of the

pulp organ form the dentin that surrounds and

PROTECTIVE: pulp responds to stimuli like heat, cold,

pressure, operative cutting procedures of

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