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Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586

On the benefits of CPFR and VMI: A comparative

simulation study
Kazim Sari
Department of International Logistics and Transportation, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Beykent University,
Sisli Ayazaga Mah., Hadimkoru Yolu Mevkii, 34396 Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey
Received 1 December 2006; accepted 4 October 2007
Available online 10 March 2008


This paper aims to help managers of a supply chain to determine an appropriate level of collaboration according to their
specific business conditions. For this purpose, a comprehensive simulation model representing two popular supply chain
initiatives, that are collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) and vendor-managed inventory (VMI),
is constructed. In addition, a traditionally managed supply chain (TSS) is also included in the model as a benchmark. The
results indicate that benefits of CPFR are always higher than VMI. However, we also realize that under certain conditions,
the gap between the performances of CPFR and VMI does not rationalize the additional resources required for CPFR.
Especially, when the lead time is short and/or when available manufacturing capacity is tight, a careful consideration has
to be given on the selection of an appropriate collaboration mode.
r 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supply chain collaboration; CPFR; VMI; Simulation

1. Introduction requires intensive communication and coordination

among trading partners so that material flow along
A supply chain, consisting of several organiza- the supply chain is optimized as well as information
tions with different and sometimes conflicting ob- flow. Fortunately, with the emergence of new
jectives, is a complex network of facilities designed management paradigms at the beginning of 1980s,
to produce and distribute products according to e.g. Lean Thinking, Total Quality Management and
customers’ demands. By coordinating different Partnership Sourcing Programme, much progress
enterprises along the logistics network or establish- has been made in the coordination of material flow
ing business partnerships, supply chain management (Mason-Jones and Towill, 2000; Simchi-Levi et al.,
(SCM) is concerned with finding the best strategy 2003, p. 5). However, an equal attention has not
for the whole supply chain (Simchi-Levi et al., 2003, been paid to the optimization of information flow.
p. 2). Nevertheless, finding the best strategy in this This ignorance of the information flow has con-
complex network of facilities is not an easy task. It tributed to one important problem in supply chain
literature, which is called ‘‘bullwhip effect’’ (Lee
Tel.: +90 212 444 1997; fax: +90 212 867 5060. et al., 1997a, b). The bullwhip effect represents the
E-mail address: phenomenon where orders to supplier tend to have

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
576 K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586

a larger variance than sales to the buyer (Lee et al., VMI offers a competitive advantage for retailers
1997a, b). In return, high inventory levels and poor because it results in higher product availability and
customer service rates are typical symptoms of the service level as well as lower inventory monitoring
bullwhip effect (Metters, 1997; Chopra and Meindl, and ordering cost (Waller et al., 1999; Achabal et al.,
2001, p. 1363). Today, SCM researchers indicate 2000). For vendors, on the other hand, it results in
that elimination the bullwhip effect plays a vital role reduced bullwhip effect (Lee et al., 1997b; Disney
for supply chain enterprises to gain competitive and Towill, 2003a, b) and better utilization of
advantage. manufacturing capacity (Waller et al., 1999), as well
Most of the researchers focusing on remedies for as better synchronization of replenishment planning
coping with the bullwhip effect dictate that sharing (Waller et al., 1999; C- etinkaya and Lee, 2000).
retail-level information (i.e. point of sales (pos) While many benefits have been identified in the
data) between supply chain members is a prerequi- literature, there are also a number of challenges that
site for elimination of the bullwhip effect, see e.g. may exist in practice and that can potentially reduce
Lee et al. (1997a), Chen et al. (2000a, b), McCullen the benefits obtained from VMI or lead to failures in
and Towill (2002), Dejonckheere et al. (2004), VMI programs. For instance, Spartan Stores, a
Ouyang (2006) and Li et al. (2006). Nevertheless, grocery chain, shut down its VMI effort about 1
retailers, most of the time, do not desire to engage in year after due in part VMI vendors’ inability to
information sharing because it provides ignorable deal with product promotions (Simchi-Levi et al.,
levels of benefits for them, see e.g. Lee et al. (2000), 2003, p. 161). Similarly, Kmart cut a substantial
Yu et al. (2001, 2002), Zhao et al. (2002a, b). amount of VMI contracts because Kmart is not
Therefore, this requires upstream members (e.g. satisfied with the forecasting ability of VMI vendors
suppliers or manufacturers) to offer incentives for (Fiddis, 1997). Consequently, many studies have been
retailers in return for information sharing. Vendor- carried out to investigate the effectiveness of VMI
managed inventory (VMI) and collaborative plan- programs under different conditions. For instance,
ning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) are the Kuk (2004) empirically tested the acclaimed benefits
partnership programs primarily developed to en- of VMI programs in electronics industry. Similarly,
courage retailers to share information, see e.g. Lee Sari (2007) used a simulation model to evaluate the
et al. (1997b) and Disney and Towill (2003a, b). benefits of VMI under different market conditions.
VMI, also known as continuous replenishment or Dong and Xu (2002), on the other hand, evaluated
supplier-managed inventory, is one of the most the value of VMI programs both for suppliers and
widely discussed partnering initiatives for encoura- buyers. Most of these studies show that ineffective
ging collaboration and information sharing among usage of retail-level information is one major limita-
trading partners (Angulo et al., 2004). Popularized tion of VMI programs (see e.g. Aviv, 2002; Ovalle
in the late 1980s by Wal-Mart and Procter & and Marquez, 2003; Angulo et al., 2004; Yao et al.,
Gamble (Waller et al., 1999), it was subsequently 2007). That is, since retailers are closer to the
implemented by many other leading companies marketplace, they may have better knowledge about
from different industries, such as Glaxosmithkline customer behaviors, products and marketplace.
(Danese, 2004), Electrolux Italia (De Toni and However, in most, if not all, VMI programs, this
Zamolo, 2005), Nestle and Tesco (Watson, 2005), unique knowledge of the retailers cannot be joined
Boeing and Alcoa (Micheau, 2005), etc. It is a into inventory decisions. This is because in a typical
supply chain initiative where the vendor decides on VMI program, retailers are excluded from demand
the appropriate inventory levels of each of the forecasting process. Indeed, in a VMI system, the
products and the appropriate inventory policies to responsibilities of the retailers are noting more than
maintain those levels. The retailer provides the sharing sales and inventory data.
vendor with access to its real-time inventory level. CPFR, on the other hand, can solve majority of
In this partnership program, the retailer may set the problems that are encountered in adaptation of
certain service level and/or self-space requirements, VMI because it requires all members of a supply
which are then taken into consideration by the chain to jointly develop demand forecasts, produc-
vendor. That is, in a VMI system, the retailer’s role tion and purchasing plans, and inventory replenish-
shifts from managing inventory to simply renting ments (Aviv, 2002). It is a business practice that
retailing space (Simchi-Levi et al., 2003, p. 154; combines the intelligence of multiple trading part-
Mishra and Raghunathan, 2004). ners in the planning and fulfilment of customer
K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586 577

demand (CPFR Workgroup, 2002). CPFR adds Raghunathan (1999), Aviv (2001, 2002, 2007),
value to the supply chain in the form of reduced Ovalle and Marquez (2003) and Disney et al.
inventory and increased customer service level by (2004) represent most of the developments in this
achieving better match of demand and supply area. Our paper is different from these previous
(Foote and Krishnamurthi, 2001; Aghazadeh, studies in three ways. First, most of the models have
2003; Aichlmayr, 2003; Fliedner, 2003). Nonethe- tended to mainly analytical with some very restric-
less, successful implementation of CPFR is not an tive assumptions (e.g. two-stage supply chain,
easy task. It requires more intensive organizational normally distributed or correlated market demands)
resources than VMI as well as mutual trust of for the sake of mathematical tractability (e.g.
multiple trading partners (Barratt and Oliveria, Raghunathan, 1999; Aviv, 2001, 2002, 2007; Disney
2001; Fliedner, 2003). Furthermore, dramatic et al., 2004). Second, some of the models have been
changes are also required in usual ways of doing developed so far are only concentrated on forecast-
business for CPFR implementation. ing part of CPFR (e.g. Aviv, 2001, 2007). Third, as
Consequently, examination of the previous litera- far as we know, none of the models has explored
ture reveals the fact that adaptation of higher levels CPFR and VMI comparatively in capacitated
of collaboration among members of a supply chain multi-stage supply chains under both stationary
creates greater benefits for the supply chain. On the and non-stationary customer demands (e.g. Ovalle
other hand, we also see that development and and Marquez, 2003) as we have done in this paper.
operational costs of a highly integrated collabora- Therefore, this paper contributes to the current
tion is also higher. That is, while CPFR eliminates literature by extending the results of previous
most of the problems encountered in VMI pro- research studies in a way that managers in a supply
grams; investment and operation costs of CPFR are chain enterprise can determine an appropriate level
substantially higher along with greater implementa- of collaboration for their supply chains.
tion difficulties. Indeed, these difficulties might Unlike many prior analytical studies which have
explain why many of the CPFR programs have very restrictive assumptions for the sake of math-
not moved beyond a limited number of product ematical tractability (e.g. Mishra and Raghunathan,
categories or a small set of trading partners (see e.g. 2004; Lee and Chu, 2005; Yao et al., 2007), we have
Baird, 2003; Program may build CPFR momentum, used a simulation model in this study to investigate
2005). Therefore, this trade-off between benefits and the benefits of CPFR and VMI under more realistic
costs of supply chain collaborations creates an circumstances. The simulation approach has been
urgent need for SCM practitioners to determine the used extensively in the literature for analyzing
right collaboration level for their supply chains. supply chain systems (e.g. Waller et al., 1999; Zhao
Today, many SCM practitioners try to determine et al., 2002a, b; Angulo et al., 2004; Lau et al., 2004;
the appropriate level of collaboration for their Sari, 2007; Zhang and Zhang, 2007). In this study,
supply chains. Here, the following two questions we considered a four-stage supply chain, which
play a critical role in determining the right consists of four echelons: a manufacturing plant, a
collaboration level: warehouse, a distributor and a retailer. The plant
has limited manufacturing capacity and produces a
 Does it is required to invest in CPFR if an earlier single product. Each enterprise replenishes its
supply chain initiative such as VMI, had already inventory from its immediate upstream enterprise.
been adopted? In other words, does the gap The remainder of this study is organized as
between the performances of CPFR and VMI follows. Section 2 clarifies the methodology and
compensate the cost of investing in CPFR? development of the simulation model. Setting of
 Which factors are influential in answering the experimental design is identified in Section 3,
question described above? Do capacity of the followed by simulation output analysis in Section 4.
manufacturing facility, lead times, or uncertainty Conclusions are presented in Section 5.
in customer demand influence the desire for
CPFR? 2. The simulation model

To the best of our knowledge, there have been At the initial stages of this research, we intended
very few research studies aiming to explore these to use Microsoft Excel in constructing the simula-
questions. That is, a few research studies e.g. tion model; however, research conducted by Keeling
578 K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586

and Pavur (2004) indicated that it might possible for no information is shared between members, up-
errors to occur in the random numbers generated by stream stages are unaware of actual demand
Microsoft Excel. Therefore, in order to eliminate information at the market place. That is, while
this potential problem, we have used Crystal Ball, creating demand forecasts and inventory plans,
an Excel add-in published by Decisioneering. It is a supply chain members use only replenishment
popular risk analysis and forecasting program that orders placed by their immediate downstream
uses Monte Carlo simulation in a spreadsheet member. Therefore, each member of the supply
environment. chain replenishes his own inventory by following an
According to different situations of information installation-based (R, S) policy. Under an installa-
sharing and ordering information coordination, the tion-based (R, S) policy, each member considers his
partnership between supply chain members can be local inventory position. The sequence of events
described as one of the following integration levels followed by a supply chain member under TSS is
(see Fig. 1). The first structure is a supply chain outlined as follows:
operated under traditional ways of doing business
(TSS) and the second structure is a supply chain (i) The member receives the delivery from its
model operated under a VMI program. Finally, the immediate upstream member, which was or-
third structure is the supply chain operated under a dered L periods ago (the lead time is L periods).
CPFR program. If the member is the plant, L is the production
In all three supply chain structures, an (R, S) lead time.
inventory control policy is used for replenishment (ii) The member observes the order placed by its
decisions. Here, R indicates the review interval and immediate downstream member. If the member
S indicates the order-up-to level. R is chosen as 1 is the retailer, the order is the market demand.
week. Order-up-to level, however, is updated at the (iii) The member fulfils the customer orders (plus
beginning of each week to reflect changes in demand backorders if there are any) by on-hand
patterns. inventory, and any unfulfilled customer orders
Under TSS, each member strives to develop local are backordered. The member analyzes the
strategies for optimizing his own organization historical replenishment orders placed by its
without considering the impact of his strategies on immediate downstream member for forecast-
the performance of other members. Moreover, since ing. Based on this demand forecast, the member

Fig. 1. Three supply chain structures.

K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586 579

updates its order-up-to point. If the member is the same way as in TSS. Here, in order to compute
the retailer, historical market demand data are the echelon order-up-to levels of the retailer and the
analyzed. The order-up-to point of the member distributor, the heuristic developed by Shang and
at stage k, Sk, estimated from the observed Song (2003) is used. Again, in this supply chain, the
demand is as follows (Nahmias, 1997, p. 278): exponential smoothing method is used to update the
  order-up-to level at each week.
1 bk
Sk ¼ F k (1) Finally, under CPFR, inventory levels, pos data,
bk þ hk
promotion plans, sales forecasts and all other
where Fk (.) is the distribution function of the information that may be influential on the market
demand realized by the member at stage k. demand are shared between supply chain members
Similarly, bk and hk are backorder and holding (Fig. 1c). Consequently, a single joint demand
costs of the member at stage k, respectively. forecast is created by the contribution of each
Here, parameters of the demand distribution, member. Here, there is no doubt that demand
Fk (.), are updated at the beginning of each forecasts created with the joint contributions of all
week by using the exponential smoothing supply chain members are more accurate than the
method (see e.g. Nahmias, 1997, p. 74) to ones created by the individual organizations (e.g.
reflect changes in demand patterns. demand forecasts created by the supply chains
(iv) The member decides how many units to order operated under TSS or VMI). Indeed, it is very
from its immediate upstream member. The possible that the parameters of the demand dis-
quantity of the order is equal to the difference tribution can be predicted under a CPFR program.
between the order-up-to level and inventory Therefore, in the simulation model, it is assumed
position. If the member is the plant, a produc- that distribution parameters of the market demand
tion order is placed. Here, the plant, because of are predicted under CPFR by contribution of each
its limited manufacturing capacity, cannot member. This assumption does not mean that at the
always produce enough to bring its inventory end of the collaborative forecasting process, the
position up to the updated value of S. In these members can know exactly what the customer
cases, the plant makes full capacity production demand is, but rather they can know what the
by backordering the remaining requirement. parameters of the underlying demand distribution
This modification of order-up-to policy for the are (i.e. if the customer demand is normally
case of limited production capacity provides an distributed, mean and standard deviation of the
optimal solution for uncertain demands (see customer demand is known only). Indeed, this
e.g. Gavirneni et al., 1999; Federgruen and assumption makes it sure that the promise of CPFR
Zipkin, 1986a, b). is realized. That is, the large amounts of informa-
tion available with CPFR are effectively used to
Under VMI, on the other hand, the retailer minimize the uncertainty along the supply chain. Of
provides the distributor with access to its real-time course, in practice, as the model of Disney et al.
inventory level as well as its pos data (Fig. 1b). In (2004) also indicates, it might possible that bulk of
return, the distributor takes the responsibility of information available with CPFR result in confu-
managing the inventories at the retailer. That is, sion of supply chain managers, which leading low
under VMI, the distributor does not only need to levels of supply chain performance. Therefore, the
take its own inventories into account while making benefits of CPFR obtained in this study are valid
inventory plans, but also the inventories of the only if CPFR is properly implemented. Moreover,
retailer. Therefore, under this structure, the dis- under this collaboration mode, an echelon-based
tributor follows an echelon-based policy in his (R, S) inventory policy is used for entire supply
replenishment planning. Under the echelon-based chain. That is, inventory positions and inventory
policy, the distributor looks at its own inventory costs of all four supply chain members are taken
position plus the inventory position of the retailer, into account in replenishment decisions.
instead of his local inventory position only. For a The cost structures for the supply chain members
discussion of installation and echelon policies, see in the simulation model are assumed to be as
Clark and Scarf (1960), Axsäter and Rosling (1993). follows; the unit backorder costs per week for
All other echelons of the supply chain (the plant and the plant, the warehouse, the distributor and
the warehouse), on the other hand, are operated in the retailer are $5, $11, $18 and $25, respectively.
580 K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586

The unit inventory costs per week for the plant, the
warehouse, the distributor and the retailer are $0.25,
$0.50, $0.75 and $1.00, respectively.

2.1. Retailer’s demand structure

Although normal distribution is more widely used

in supply chain research studies, the g-distribution is
used here to represent the customer demand realized
by the retailer. This is due to the fact that there are
some limitations of normal distribution in repre- Fig. 2. Histogram of the market demand when a ¼ 15 and
b(t) ¼ 20.
senting demand structures. For example, normal
distribution allows the occurrence of negative
customer demand. Therefore, in order to avoid this constant for each demand structure are determined
unrealistic situation, some restrictive assumptions as 0, 2 and 4, respectively. The values of the season
have to be included in the model (e.g. Waller et al., constant are selected in such a way that both non-
1999; Zhao et al. 2002a, b; Lau et al., 2004). The seasonal and seasonal customer demands with
g-distribution, on the other hand, does not have different strengths are generated. For example,
such problems because it allows only non-negative while SDV represent the non-seasonal customer
values. Moreover, the g-distribution is flexible in demand, MDV and HDV represent the demand
that it can represent a wide variety of demand structures with seasonal swings of the size of
structures. Keaton (1995), for instance, states that approximately 10% and 20% of average demand,
choosing g-distribution is an effective choice to respectively.
represent the demand patterns.
There are two parameters of the g-distribution. 2.2. Verification and validation of the simulation
These are shape (a) and scale (b) parameters. The
mean and the variance of the distribution can In order to verify that the simulation program
be expressed as ab and ab2, respectively. In the performs as intended, the conceptual model is
simulation model, we assume that the shape para- divided into three parts: demand generation and
meter of the demand distribution is 15 (a ¼ 15). The determination of total manufacturing capacity,
scale parameter (b), on the other hand, is assumed forecasting and production/inventory planning,
to be a stochastic variable in the form of Eq. (2). and order fulfillment and reporting. Each part is
  designed separately so that more efficient and
bðtÞ ¼ 20 þ season  sin t (2) effective debugging is made possible. Moreover,
52 the combined simulation model is also traced and
In Eq. (2), b(t) is the scale parameter of the tested with the results calculated manually.
g-distribution in week t. The variability in the scale Later, in order to validate the simulation output,
parameter of the demand distribution allows us to the random demand variables generated in the
generate both seasonal and non-seasonal customer simulation model are plotted on a scatter diagram.
demands. For example, while assigning zero to the Then, it is validated that the intended demand
season constant produces non-seasonal demand structure is generated. The supply chain model
pattern, assigning non-zero values results in season- above is simulated for 1128 weeks. The initial
ality in customer demand. A representative histo- parameters of the forecasting model are estimated
gram of the market demand for the selected with the first 400 weeks of simulation run, which are
parameters is generated in Fig. 2 to clarify the removed later from the output analysis to eliminate
distribution of the market demand to the readers. the worm-up period effect. Therefore, the rest of the
Three demand structures representing different data are used for effective simulation output
combinations of seasonality are used in this study. analysis. In order to reduce the impact of random
These are customer demand with no seasonality variations, the same random numbers are used to
(SDV), customer demand with medium level of simulate all three systems. That is, same customer
seasonality (MDV) and customer demand with high demand is generated for all types of supply chain
level of seasonality (HDV). The values of the season systems. In addition to this variance reduction
K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586 581

technique, 15 replications for each combination of appropriate for our model because MANOVA
the independent variables are conducted. considers the correlations between the dependent
variables in the experimental design, see Hair et al.
3. Experimental design (1998, p. 331). Selected MANOVA results are
presented in Table 2.
Four independent factors are considered in the MANOVA results in Table 2 show that at 5%
experimental design. These are; type of supply significance level, SCTYPE has significant impacts
chain (SCTYPE), available production capacity of on both performance factors, which indicates that
plant (CAP), uncertainty in customer demand (DV) CPFR and VMI have substantial influences on the
and replenishment lead times (L). The number of performance of the supply chain. The performance
levels of these variables and their values are listed in of each type of supply chain is presented in Table 3.
Table 1. Examination of Table 3 reveals that the reduction
Factor SCTYPE refers to the way the supply in total supply chain cost derived from CPFR
chain is operated. Specifically, this factor indicates significantly higher than the reduction derived from
whether the supply chain is operated under TSS, VMI. For example, while CPFR provides 33.90%
VMI, or CPFR. The factor CAP is expressed as the cost savings, VMI provides 17.34% on the average.
ratio of the plant’s total capacity to the total market Similarly, the results also indicate that CPFR
demand. Total capacity of the plant is distributed provides higher level of increase in the customer
to each week, equally. The factor L denotes the service level than VMI does. For example, while
replenishment lead times between each member of CPFR leads to an increase of 3.84% in customer
the supply chain. Finally, the factor DV indicates service level on the average, VMI results in 1.54%
the level of uncertainty seen in market demand. increase in customer service level. Therefore, these
Two factors are used as dependent variables in results lead us to conclude that CPFR produces
the experimental design in order to evaluate benefits substantially higher benefits than VMI in terms of
of CPFR and VMI. These factors are total cost for total supply chain cost and customer service level.
the entire supply chain (TSC) and customer service Actually, these findings are simple and intuitively
level of the retailer (CSL). TSC is the sum of the expected for us, so we will not concentrate on them
inventory holding costs of all members in the supply further. Instead, we will concentrate on how the
chain and backorder cost of the retailer. Here, we performance increase gained from CPFR and VMI
include the backorder cost of the retailer only, change in parallel to changes in specific conditions
because all other backorder costs are internal costs of supply chains. For this purpose, performance of
within the entire supply chain and they are not CPFR and VMI under various capacity levels
actually incurred. Factor CSL is the percentage of (CAP), demand uncertainty (DV) and lead times
customer demand satisfied by the retailer through (L) are produced in Fig. 3.
the available inventory.
4.1. Impact of manufacturing capacity (CAP) on the
supply chain collaboration
4. Simulation output analysis
MANOVA results in Table 2 shows that at 5%
The output from the simulation experiments are
significance level, the interaction effect between
analyzed using MANOVA procedure of the SPSS.
CAP and SCTYPE has significant impacts on both
MANOVA analysis is chosen because it is more
dependent variables. This means that manufactur-
ing capacity has a significant influence on the
Table 1
Independent factors of the experimental design performance of CPFR and VMI for all performance
Independent factors Levels Examination of Fig. 3 reveals that both supply
1 2 3
chain initiatives better off operating in the environ-
ments where larger manufacturing capacities are
SCTYPE TSS VMI CPFR available. That is, we see that contribution of CPFR
CAP 1.10 1.30 1.50 and VMI is in its lowest level when the plant has its
L 1 4
smallest manufacturing capacity (i.e. CAP ¼ 1.10).
For example, when CAP is 1.10, the reductions in
582 K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586

Table 2
Selected MANOVA results

Source Dependent variables


F value Pr4F F value Pr4F

SCTYPE 881.2724 0.0000 424.7569 0.0000

CAP 153.6741 0.0000 24.7766 0.0000
L 508.1819 0.0000 3491.4777 0.0000
DV 627.2433 0.0000 205.2806 0.0000
SCTYPE  CAP 13.7673 0.0000 12.4347 0.0000
SCTYPE  L 50.8457 0.0000 104.2851 0.0000
CAP  L 13.1954 0.0000 3.8058 0.0227
SCTYPE  CAP  L 12.4123 0.0000 8.9866 0.0000
SCTYPE  DV 18.3525 0.0000 5.0148 0.0005
CAP  DV 59.6543 0.0000 27.2560 0.0000
SCTYPE  CAP  DV 9.5052 0.0000 6.2094 0.0000
L  DV 106.4525 0.0000 10.0771 0.0000
SCTYPE  L  DV 6.1199 0.0001 2.6900 0.0302
CAP  L  DV 4.3597 0.0017 5.0067 0.0005
SCTYPE  CAP  L  DV 13.3417 0.0000 6.3501 0.0000
Based on residual analysis, log transformation of TSC was made to satisfy the assumptions of MANOVA.

Table 3 highest level (i.e. CAP ¼ 1.50). For example, while

Performances of each type of supply chain the difference between the percentage of cost
Performance SCTYPE Average 95% confidence
reductions provided by CPFR and VMI is around
measures interval 22% when CAP is 1.50, it is realized around 4% only
when CAP is 1.10. Therefore, this result clearly
Lower Upper shows that choosing to implement a CPFR program
bound bound
rather than a VMI program provides substantially
CSL (%) TSS 94.37 94.25 94.50 higher benefits for the supply chain where larger
VMI 95.91 95.78 96.04 levels of manufacturing capacity are available. In
CPFR 98.22 98.09 98.35 other words, this shows us that under the conditions
TSC ($) TSS 699,869 677,720 722,019 where available manufacturing capacity is tight, a
VMI 578,451 556,301 600,600 careful consideration has to be given on the selection
CPFR 462,737 440,588 484,886 of an appropriate collaboration mode. That is, under
the conditions where the manufacturing capacity is
too tight, additional performance increase provided
total supply chain cost for VMI and CPFR are by CPFR over VMI may not justify the higher
realized as 14.6% and 19.2%, respectively. On the implementation and operational cost of CPFR.
other hand, when CAP is increased to 1.50, we see
that the reductions for VMI and CPFR dramati- 4.2. Impact of demand uncertainty (DV) on the
cally jump to 21.0 and 42.3, respectively. This result, supply chain collaboration
consistently with previous studies (e.g. Gavirneni
et al., 1999; Lee et al., 2000; Gavirneni, 2002; MANOVA results in Table 2 show that at 5%
Simchi-Levi and Zhao, 2003; Lau et al., 2004), significance level, the interaction effect between DV
shows that the contributions of supply chain and SCTYPE has significant impacts on both
collaborations are significantly higher when larger demand variables. This means that uncertainty in
levels of manufacturing capacity is available. market demand has a significant influence on CPFR
In addition, examination of Fig. 3 also reveals that and VMI for all performance measures.
the distinction between CPFR and VMI reaches its Examination of Fig. 3 reveals that higher levels of
maximum level when the capacity ratio is in its demand uncertainty results in substantial decreases
K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586 583

Fig. 3. Overall performance of CPFR and VMI.

in the cost savings derived from VMI. For example, and SCTYPE has significant impacts on both
the reduction in total supply chain cost decreases performance factors. This means that lead times
from 24% to 15% when the uncertainty in the have a significant influence on CPFR and VMI for
customer demand (DV) changes from low level all performance measures.
(LDV) to high level (HDV). On the other hand, Examination of Fig. 3 reveals that CPFR and
same level of increase in the demand uncertainty VMI exhibit different performance levels under
does not produce that much performance reduction different replenishment lead times. That is, while
in CPFR. That is, it results in approximately 3% of the reduction amount in total supply chain cost
reduction in total supply chain cost. In addition to under CPFR substantially increases as the replenish-
this, Fig. 3 also shows that the supply chain ment lead times increase, the supply chain cost
operated under CPFR produces higher customer savings gained from VMI do not change signifi-
service level under all levels of the demand cantly. For example, when the supply chain operated
uncertainty. Similarly, the gap between the custo- under CPFR is considered, it is seen that the
mer service levels of VMI and CPFR is in its highest reduction in total supply chain cost dramatically
level when the uncertainty in market demand is in increases from 20% to 40% as lead times increase
its highest level. For example, we see that, while from 1 to 4 weeks. On the other hand, in case of
CPFR produces 1.52% of higher customer service VMI, it is apparent that any level of increase or
level under low level of demand uncertainty decrease in replenishment lead times does not result
(DV ¼ SDV), it is increased to 2.90% when there in significant changes in the reduction of total supply
is high level of uncertainty in the market demand chain cost. Furthermore, when the customer service
(DV ¼ HDV). level is considered, we see that under all levels of lead
The results obtained here lead us to conclude that times, CPFR produces higher level of fill rate than
compared with a VMI system, the value of CPFR is VMI does. There is, in addition, one further point to
substantially greater under the market conditions where make that the gap between the service levels achieved
demand variability is high. Therefore, SCM practi- by CPFR and VMI substantially increase as the
tioners have to be more eager to implement CPFR replenishment lead times increase.
programs under more volatile market conditions. The results obtained here imply that compared
with a VMI system, the value of CPFR is
4.3. Impact of lead times (L) on the supply chain substantially greater under the conditions where
collaboration replenishment lead times are longer. Therefore,
SCM practitioners have to be more eager to invest
MANOVA results in Table 2 show that at 5% in CPFR instead of VMI in supply chains where
significance level, the interaction effect between L lead times are long.
584 K. Sari / Int. J. Production Economics 113 (2008) 575–586

5. Conclusion supply chain members may better manage the

uncertainties through joint forecasting and inven-
This paper comparatively investigates the perfor- tory planning under CPFR. Therefore, one other
mance increase obtained from VMI and CPFR in a managerial implication that can be drawn from this
four-stage supply chain under both stationary and finding is that the practitioners have to invest in
non-stationary customer demands viva a compre- CPFR as soon as possible in the industries in which
hensive simulation study. Through comprehensive demand uncertainty is highly variable. The compu-
simulation experiments and subsequent statistical ter industry, for instance, with its very short product
analysis of the simulation outputs, we make the life cycle and highly variable customer demand, is a
following three important observations. good example to industries where the adaptation of
First, we observe that the benefits gained from CPFR is an urgent need.
CPFR are always higher than that of VMI under all Although this study provides important insights
conditions considered in this study. That is, into CPFR and its relationship with VMI, we have
compared with VMI, CPFR produces lower total to state that there are some limitations of this study.
supply chain cost as well as higher customer service First, we consider a serial supply chain structure
levels. Therefore, from this study, we may sure and with one member at each echelon. This supply chain
clear about the fact that the managers of a supply structure is only a simplified case and in future
chain enterprise better off investing in CPFR. research studies, modeling more realistic supply
Second, through simulation output analysis, we chain structures may better explain and extend the
observe that the performance increase gained from results obtained from this research. Second, we
CPFR and VMI significantly depends on three assume that the members in the supply chain apply
factors. These are capacity tightness of the plant, order-up to policies to make their production/
replenishment lead times and uncertainty in market inventory decisions; however, there are other types
demand. As these factors get different levels, the of inventory/production policies that can be in-
benefits obtained from both initiatives also change cluded in the model. Third, the cost structure used
substantially. Moreover, the gap between the in the simulation model only represents one special
performance improvements produced by CPFR case.
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