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The Second Commandment

You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God in vain.
A. Sanctity of the Name
A name has a great value. Giving of name is one of the difficult things to do. Name is used as an
identity to a person and it also indicates the kind of life that the person will have.
In the Second Commandment, it articulates that the name of God should be respected at all times.
Some people uses the name of God to manipulate the mind of other people, lend credibility to their way
of thinking. The commandment emphasizes that using God’s name is a lame excuse to exempt an
individual from guilt and to convince others on whatever contentions he/she has.
B. Violations against the Second Commandment
False representation of God can be considered as profanity, a discredit to the true nature and
divinity of God. Using God’s name to curse or invoke punishment is also against the commandment.
Some people still fall into the trap of using God’s name in vain. The blasphemous use of God’s name and
the act of cursing portrays indecency and disrespect to God. It separates us from our loving relationship
towards Him.
The commandment invites Christians to be true to their words as God is always faithful to His

Through this chapter, we clearly understand the Glorious Commandments of God.

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