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Un adjetivo es una palabra que describe un sustantivo.

Algunos ejemplos de adjetivos

son "beautiful," "mean," "warm" o "purple". Un adverbio es una palabra que describe
un verbo. "Slowly," "happily," "coldly" y "lazily" son adverbios. Puedes convertir un
adjetivo en un adverbio siguiendo unas pocas reglas, como agregar "ly" al final de un
adjetivo o al cambiar la última letra del adjetivo por una "i" y luego agregar "ly".
Añade "ly" al final de la mayoría de los adjetivos para convertirlos en un adverbio. Por
ejemplo, la palabra "beautiful" es un adjetivo, pero cuando se añade "ly", se convierte
en el adverbio "beautifully".

1. Tom is slow. He works slowly .

2. Sue is a careful girl. She climbed up the ladder carefully .
3. The dog is angry. It barks angrily .
4. He acted excellently. He's an excellent actor.
5.-They learn English easily. They think English is an easy language.
6.-Max is a good singer. He sings well .
7.-It's awfully cold today. The cold wind is awful .
8.-Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell extremely well. If that is true, why does dog
food smell so terrible(i) ?
9.-The little boy looked sad. I went over to comfort him and he looked at me sadly .
Adjetivo Adverbio
Slow = lento slowly= despacio
Careful= cuidado carefully = cuidadosamente
Angry= enojado angrily= furiosamente
excellent= excelente Excellentli= excelentemente
Easy=fácil easily= fácilmente
Singer=cantante sings= canta
awful= horrible Awfully=ansiosamente
Rely= confiar extremely=extradamente
Sad=triste sadly=tristemente

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