Specific Heat Lab Report

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Name : Raymond Thomas

Student number :27788903

Name of institution :University Of

Southampton ,

Date : 6 December
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Title Page numbers

Abstract 1

Introduction 2-3


Methodology 9-13

Results 14-17

Discussion 18-20

Conclusion 21

References 22-23


This experiment is about to find the specific heat of two different

metals,which are aluminium and copper. The meaning of specific heat

is the heat amount required by a 1kg substance to increase its

temperature by one degree celcius. The higher the conductivity of a

substance ,the lower if capacity will be.Electronic scale used to find the

mass of the metal pieces while calorimeter and a thermometer to find

the temperature changes and specific heat of the metal pieces. In the

end,the results did not match with the physical properties of the metal

pieces so the hypothesis was not supported and the data was not

supporting it to get the actual specific heat of the metals in this



The term ‘Specific Heat’ is defined by amount of heat required by a

1kg substance to increase its temperature by one degree celcius.Heat

capacity is also a synonym term for specific heat.The relationship

between heat and changes in temperature can be expressed as shown

in Below:-

Q = mc∆T

Q = Heat energy.(J)

m = Mass of the substance.(kg)

c = Capacity of the substance.(oJ kg-1


∆T = Change is temperature.(K)

Note that, this expression is cannot be used when the substance is

undergoing phase changing. This is because, during the phase

changing,there is no heat changes in temperature due to the a

substance change phase in the same temperature. The most common

specific heat is water,where the value is approx 4200 J kg-1 K-1 which

the value is higher than any other common substance. As a result,the

conductors have the lower heat capacity value than the insulators.The

total energy of a substance depends on its mass and temperature.

The aim of the experiment is about to determine the specific heats

of copper and aluminium. Copper is metal from group 11 in periodic

table while aluminium is a metal group 13.In this report,The methods

used were technically correct after approved by the PGTA. There were

some errors during the experiment which led us to get the wrong

value,where the specific heat values were to far different than the

actual value. The errors were listed down in the log book as well

shown in the report in coming pages.

There are some important sections such as errors, apparatus , the

methods used to carry out this experiment,discussion ,results and

others about this experiment has been stated in this report.


There were few theories that helped to conduct this experiment.

Identifying specific heat of a substance cannot be done by these

theories such as :-

 Q = mc∆T

 Specific heat ≠ Latent heat

 Thermodynamic relations

Q = mc∆T

This theory is very commonly used to find the value of specific heat

capacity for a particular substance. This theory is already explained in

the introduction. For further information, this theory was founded by

William Cleghorn. He discovered about the difference between

intensity of heat ,the temperature and the amount of heat. From

there,he derived and created the concept of specific heat.

Specific heat ≠ Latent heat

Specific heat is not the same as latent heat. Where the expression

for the latent heat known as :-

Q = mƪ

Q = Heat energy .(J)

m = Mass of the substance.(kg)

ƪ = Latent heat.(J kg-1 )

Specific heat capacity is defined as amount of heat required by a

1kg substance to increase its temperature by one degree celcius,while

latent heat is defined the amount of energy released or absorbed by a

chemical substance during a change of state that occurs without

changing its temperature.There is a graph shown below about the

transformation of a substance under latent heat.

Figure 1.0 : Latent Heat graph

Start at A, the substance is in solid state, the heat energy increase

the temperature from A to its melting point at B.The substance still in

the form of solid when it reaches at B. As it is heated further,the

energy source goes into breaking the bonds holding the atoms in place

without changing the temperature (occurs in the same temperature

but take times to break the bond).This process takes place from B to

C,which known as melting. The temperature rise again from C to

D,where the substance changed its phase to liquid from solid during

the previous BC melting process. When it reaches D,the substance will

still in form of liquid. There is a process occurs from D to E,which

known as vapourisation. Vapourisation occurs to break the bond in

liquid and change its phase to gas form. There are no changes in

temperature too (same as BC).Beyond E, further heating the gas may

increase the temperature. From the graph above, latent heat cannot

be used to calculate the specific heat of a substance since specific heat

needs changes in temperature for its calculation.

Thermodynamic relations

To get the exact values of specific heat for copper and aluminium

from the experiment, this theory was very useful since there were

energy lost from some apparatus to another. This phenomena happens

because,when two or more different materials with different

temperature in contact,the heat move from warmer to cooler place(the

heat transfer occurs) until these substance are at the same










a solar

gain. From the figure, sun light release heat energy to the earth

surface via radiation. When the radiation energy hit the surface of the

glass, there are three different phenomena happen which are

reflection, transmission and absorption. Some of the energy reflected

on the glass surface,some energy is absorbed by the glass and some

energy pass through the glass via transmission. Where, the total

energy of sun is equals to the energy gained by reflection,absorption

and transmission. :-

Total energy from Sun = Ir+It+Ia

Ir = Reflected energy

It = Transmitted energy

Ia = Absorbed energy

There are many difference among these 3 theories :-

 Q = mc∆T

 Specific heat ≠ Latent heat

 Heat loss = Heat gain

But these theories has been used in different angle to determine the

specific heat value of were Aluminium and Copper.


Aim : To determine the specific heats of copper and aluminium



From the experiment,the independent variable was temperature.

Because, Temperature was not constant since transfer of heat

occurred when calculating the specific capacity of the metal pieces as

shown in figure below.

Figure 2.0:Specific

heat experiment

The dependent

variable was the

heat energy gain or loss by the experiment. Temperature affect the

heat energy because,when there was a changes in temperature,the

heat energy change too. While,the control variable was specific heat of

substance. Specific heat will be the same even the the temperature is

different.Because, Specific heat of a body depends on its physical

surface and properties.

The list of apparatus used :

Apparatus Function
Insulated calorimeter To measure the physical changes in chemical

Hot water As an initial temperature for the experiment.
Metal pieces(copper To find the specific heat of aluminium and

and aluminium) copper.
Thermometer To measure the changes in temperature.
Stirrer To stir the mixtures in the calorimeter.
Gloves To avoid hot water pour on the surface of

Beaker To measure the volume of the hot water before

pour into the calorimeter.

Tongs To carry the hot beaker.
Sieve To hold the metal pieces.

The method used to get the value of specific heats were:-

Mathematics expressions

Simultaneous equation is the common mathematics expression used

in various experiment to get the actual values. Substitutions and

elimination are the most basic skills needed to solve simultaneous

equation. In this experiment, This simultaneous equation was so

important because this expression needed to solve during the

thermodynamic relations where to find the specific heat of copper and aluminium.


There were some important data given which known as constants. Such as :-

1. The value of heat capacity of water : 4200 J kg-1 K-1.

2. The value of heat capacity of calorimeter : 904 J kg-1 K-1.

These value were used during the calculation part.

Procedure of the experiment

Figure 2.1 : sample

of second procedure.

Weigh the

calorimeter and half

fill it with cold water

and weight again. Insert the calorimeter and water into insulation.Take

the temperature of the water in the calorimeter with the thermometer

provided.Then,Weigh the copper piece.Put them into a beaker and add

boiling water into the beaker then stir.Take the temperature of the

water. Quickly but carefully,pour off the boiling water through the

sieve and drop the copper pieces into the water in the

calorimeter.Stir,and note the temperature, the important part is to

record the temperature when it stabilise. Finally,Calculate the specific

heat capacity of copper with the information gained from the

procedure. Repeat the same experiment by using the aluminium piece

and calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminium.


1. Wear gloves when handling the hot beaker and metal piece. It may

injure the researcher’s hand if the precaution is not taken so

serious due to the hot water in the beaker.

2. Do not drop the any other metal into glass beaker. When other

metals drop into the beaker,the value of specific heat of the metal

pieces may go wrong and wasting the time spent on this


3. Stir using the stirrer provided not the thermometer. Thermometer

is a fragile apparatus,it may break and the mercury will flow out

from the thermometer. Mercury is a poisonous liquid which can

harm to human skin.

4. Be aware of other hot apparatus in neighbourhood. Do not stand

near with other group during the experiment.


The mass of copper piece and aluminium piece were gained by

weighing on the weighing machine where the values were:-

1.Mass of copper : 3 gram

2.Mass of aluminium : 4 gram

Copper Aluminium
Mass of calorimeter 26 gram 26 gram
Water (112g) 112 gram 118 gram
Initial temperature of 28oC 28oC

Initial temperature of
80oC 80oC
hot water

temperature of 29oC 28.5oC


There was a difference between in the mass of water for copper and

aluminium because, we did the same experiment twice for aluminium

piece and copper piece. There was a small difference in the volume of

water between two metal pieces experiment.

Analysis questions

1.Determine the changes in temperature of water (∆Twater) and of the

metal pieces (∆T aluminium piece and copper peices).

2. Calculate the heat lost by water in each experiment.

3.Remember that the heat gained by the water is equal to the heat

lost by the copper and aluminium pieces,calculate the specific heat of

the aluminium piece and copper piece


Experiment 1 : Specific heat of copper

=∆Tcopper peices

= 80oC - 29oC



=29oC - 28oC


To find the specific heat capacity of copper,

Heat loss by water and calorimeter = heat gained by copper piece

[(Masswater)(Heat capacityWater) + (MassCalorimeter)(Heat capacityCalorimter)] x

(∆T) = (Masscopper)(Heat capacitycopper)(∆T)

[(0.086kg)(4190 J kg-1 K-1) + (0.026)(904 J kg-1 K-1.)] x (29-28) =


383.844 J = 0.153C

C = 383.844 J


C = 2508.78 J kg-1 K-1

The specific heat of copper is 2508.78 J kg-1 K-1 from the calculation

above.The same formula need to use again to gain the specific heat of

aluminium piece.

Experiment 2 : Specific heat of aluminium

=∆T aluminium piece

=80oC - 28.5oC



=28.5oC - 28oC


To find the specific heat capacity of aluminium,

Heat loss by water and calorimeter = heat gained by aluminium piece

[(Masswater)(Heat capacityWater) + (MassCalorimeter)(Heat capacityCalorimter)] x

(∆T) = (Massaluminium)(Heat capacityaluminium)(∆T)

[(0.086kg)(4190 J kg-1 K-1) + (0.026)(904 J kg-1 K-1.)] x (29-28) =


204.492 J = 0.206 C

C = 204.492 J

0.206 C

C = 992.38 J / kg K

The specific heat of aluminium is 992.38 J / kg K. The same calculation

and method as copper above to get the values of heat specific of



The reading of temperature went wrong due to the scale.The

calculation went wrong and the actual value of specific heat did not

match the actual value of specific heat in this experiment.After the was

a mistake, the same experiment needed to do again for copper after

the first result did not satisfied the value of specific heat.Then, the

experiment carry out for aluminium to get the specific heat of

aluminium. The errors occurred during this experiment has been

written down in the below.


Experimental error Why? Solutions/ fixes

The reading of the The thermometer was Replaced the

temperature was not in contact with metal thermometer in the

accurate. piece. It suppose to right position.

be read the

temperature of heat

transfer in water.
The outcome result The calculation went Did the calculation

far different than wrong. again.

expected result.
Wrong value in The position of the Read the scale again

temperature changes. eyes were not with the eyes

perpendicular to the perpendicular to the

reading scale. scale.

The mass of water The volume of water Increased the volume

should be constant for took for second of water took for

experiment 1 and experiment was too second experiment.

experiment 2. little.

Calculation of percentage error.

Actual values :-

Heat specific of copper: 385 J / kg K

Heat specific of Aluminium: 901 J / kg K

The value get from the experiment:-

Experimental heat specific of copper: 2508.78 J /kg K

Experimental heat specific of Aluminium: 992.38 J / kg K

Percentage error= experimental value - actual value x 100%

Actual value

Copper = (2508.78 J /kg K - 385 J / kg K )( 100%)

385 J / kg K

Copper = 551.63%

Aluminium = (992.38 J / kg K - 901 J / kg K)(100%)

901 J / kg K

Aluminium = 10.15%

The percentage value of copper is far different from its actual

value. To prevent this problems occur again,there are few steps need

to take to improve the method of investigation:-

The reading of values should be fast and accurate to avoid

wasting the time.Get the amount of materials and apparatus correctly

according to the guide given in the procedure to avoid errors in

results.Put full concentration when conducting an experiment to see

the every part of changes and record the changes in proper

manner.Tabulation of data must be perfect for the experiment,so that

the needed value from the experiment can be write down easily in the



In conclusion the group performance during the experiment went

well. There was no conflict among group members . It is possible to

get the actual value of specific heat of the metals if the data collected

during the experiment were correct.The difficulty in this report was

obtaining the background information on the subject of specific heat.

To get the actual values of the results, the experiment should conduct

in proper way to avoid careless mistakes and must use the correct

amount of materials and apparatus.


 NAVE,R.(2000) Specific heat [online] Guelph,Canada. Available

from http://hyperphysics.phy-

astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/spht.html [Accessed 1 December 2015]

 SIMMONS,J.(2015) How to Calculate Specific Heat Capacity [online]

York,United States. Available from


capacity-for-different-substances.html [Accessed 1 December 2015]

 BOUNDLESS.(2015) Specific Heat and Heat Capacity [online]

Boston,United States. Available from



heat-and-heat-capacity-282-1442/ [Accessed 3 December 2015]

 ZHIGILEI,L.(2010 )Theoretical calculation of the heat

capacity[online] University of Virginia,United States. Available from


[Accessed 4 December 2015]

Image source .






Figure 1.1: https://www.google.com/search?










Figure 2.1:






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