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Safe Work Procedure

Fuel Storage & Handling

A person who has to any extent, management or control of the storage and handling of fuel must
take such precautions and exercise such care as is practicable to protect the safety and health of
persons, and prevent damage to property and/or the environment, from the risks arising from the
RATIONALE storage and handling of such fuels.

1. Flammable liquids must be identified with signage including quantities stored at the location.
2. Category 4 flammable liquids (e.g. diesel fuel) that are stored with any quantity of flammable
liquid categories with a lower flash point (e.g. Category 1, 2 or 3) are to be considered as having
the same classification as the flammable liquid with the lowest flashpoint.
3. Storage and handling of flammable liquids should be in carried out in accordance with
INSTRUCTIONS AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids.

Sequence Hazards Process Precautions

Storage Security Fuel should be kept in a cool, well-ventilated place, No unathorised entry
preferably protected from weather and unauthorised
Fire Risk All sources of ignition are to be eliminated from fuel No smoking or ignition
storage areas sources
Handling Inhalation of vapours Decanting and mixing of fuel should be carried out in a
well-ventilated area
Fire Risk Provide earthing straps to eliminate a build up of static No smoking or ignition
electricity sources
Skin Contact Avoid direct contact with petrol on skin Wear PVC gloves
Adopt work procedures to minimise risk of skin
contact when handling fuel
Irritation to Eyes Avoid splashing of fuel and protect eyes when pouring Wear eye protection
fuel or refuelling
Transport Fire Risk Ensure that containers are earthed to prevent static Label all containers clearly
build up during transport with the contents
(small quantities Do not transport fuel in passenger compartments of
only) vehicles
Fuel containers are to be secured from movement or No smoking or ignition
accidental damage sources
Provide adequate ventilation if carried in a secure Suitable fire extinguisher in
compartment vehicle
Use Fire Risk Refuel equipment and tools in a clear area away from Suitable fire extinguisher
operating vehicles, machinery and equipment located at refuelling area
Shut down machinery and allow to cool down before
Use funnel, pourer or an automatic nozzle to refuel, Avoid contact with skin and
avoiding spills and overfilling eyes
Eliminate all ignition sources from refuelling area No smoking or ignition

Please observe these precautions

in areas where these procedures
are carried out:

The information contained in this document is provided for use by Fuelco Pty Ltd as a guide where a safe work procedure for the safe storage and handling of fuel does
not exist. Please check local requirements and OH&S regulations before using or implementing.

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