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1. Who discovered the tubercle bacilli?

a) Pasture b) Robert koch c) Antony von d) None

2. Discovery of virus is done by?
a) Stanely b) Bordet c) Ivanosky d) Loeffler
3. First virus studied in history?
a) Yellow fever b) FMD virus c) Tobacco d) None
mosaic virus
4. Who discovered the electron microscope?
a) Robert koch b) Knoll and ruska c) Lister d) None
5. The term vaccine given by?
a) Jenner b) Pasture c) Ehrlich d) Metchnikoff
6. Who has done first scientific immunization?
a) Jenner b) Pasture c) Lister d) Ehrlich
7. The term phagocytosis given by?
a) Ehrlich b) Metchnikoff c) Wright d) Bordet
8. Selective media for streptococcus?
a) BHI media b) EMB media c) Mannitol salt d) Edward’s
agar media Media
9. Which one is the gram negative coccobacilli bacteria?
a) E.coli b) Staphylococcus c) Streptococcus d) Brucella
10.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) discovered by?
a) Kary mullis b) Flaming c) Loffler d) None
11.Inclusion body situated in cytoplasm?
a) Pox virus b) Herpes virus c) Measles virus d) Picorna virus
12.Inclusion body situated in nucleus?
a) Pox virus b) Herpes virus c) Measles virus d) Picorna virus
13.Basophilic inclusion body is in?
a) Pox virus b) Herpes virus c) Adeno virus d) Picorna virus
14.Interferons are the family of which of the following?
a) Lipoprotein b) Glycoprotein c) Poly peptide d) Protein
15.Interferon produced by?
a) Host cell b) Viral capsid c) Viral nucleic d) None
1b 2c 3b 4b 5b
6a 7b 8d 9d 10 a
11 a 12 b 13 a 14 b 15 a

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