Section d1 - Rubric and Its Explanation C

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CRITERIA Description of Performance Levels (Scoring) Points

Total=64 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0

Quality of Details on the Details on the Details on the Details on the

information poster capture all poster include most poster capture poster has little
the required of the required limited or nothing to
information about information about information about do with the
the topic and the topic but the the topic. The main topic
increase the audience may need audience needs
audience’s more information to more information
understanding. understand fully. to understand

Design and All information on Most of the Some of the Much of the
Layout the poster is in information on the information on information on
focus and content poster is in focus the poster is in the poster is
can be easily and the content can focus and some of unclear or too
viewed and be easily viewed the content is small
identified and identified easily viewed and
Map Map shows an Map adequately Map poorly Map very
Representation excellent represents the represents the poorly
representation of location of tourist location of tourist represents the
the location of site sites location of
tourist sites tourist sites
Photos All Pictures are Most picture are Few pictures are Very few
clear and relevant clear and relevant clear and relevant pictures are
clear and
Grammar, No grammatical, Very few A few Many
Spelling, spelling, or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
Punctuation punctuation errors spelling, or spelling, or spelling, or
punctuation errors punctuation punctuation
errors. errors.
Oral Presentation was Presentation was Presentation was Presentation
Presentation very organized and fairly organized and not clearly lacked
very easy to easy to follow. organized. organization.
follow. Transition Transition might Transition Poor transition
between group have been slightly between members between
members were discontinuous but were jittery or members.
planned and did not take away awkward and Presentation
executed clearly. greatly from the difficult to lack order and
overall follow. very difficult
presentation. to follow.

Response to All questions were Most questions Few questions Very few
questions answered were answered were answered questions were
accurately and accurately and accurately and answered
very clearly. clearly. were often correctly and
unclear or effectively.
References All references are Most references are Few references Very few
clearly listed listed are listed references
Total / 64 x
= %

The rubric above will be used to assess the task in different ways. Students as well as the

teacher would have copies of this rubric. Students will receive a mark on each criterion based

how well they meet the performance standard stated within the various score range. Students will

use this to keep on track and try to optimize the highest scores by following stipulations assigned

to the highest performance level within each criterion. Criteria 1 and 2 will assess students’

ability to gather pertain information related to the topic and sequence its layout ensuring the

content can be easily viewed and identified. Criteria 3 and 4 will be utilized to assess student

capability of locating various tourist sites and selecting appropriate visual representation of some

sites Criteria 5 determines students mechanics skills, it analyses how students write. Criteria 6

and 7 assesses students presentation skills, it will assess how well the group gelled together to
present and how much focus was placed on developing their presentation skills as a group. It will

further determine how well students understood the topic cover based on responses to question

asked by classmates and their level of confidence when presenting. The last criteria places

emphasis on referencing ensuring students understand all information must be sourced.

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