Requirements IN Biology 2: Submitted By: Deborah P. Garcia

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Republic of the Philippines





Submitted by: Deborah P. Garcia

Republic of the Philippines


Genetic Modified Organism

For centuries, branch of advancements for biotechnology have become the root
for potential increase of productivity in ecological domain.

Genetic Modified Organism is one of movement of this purpose. It is the

controlling of genetic make-up of living organism. The transfer of selected genetic
material from one organism to another. It is by, a human intervention opposing natural
breeding imposed by the nature. The goal of this genetic engineering is to create an
artificial modified organism that changes their characteristics in some way or another.
An extreme cultivation of altering genetic material of an organism is for the expense of
sustainability approaches. The disposition of GMO has contributed to positive increase
of productivity of agricultural basis. Promising an evolution of sustainability for food
sources that could possibly end the scarcity in resources and starvation. GMO, helps
agricultural enhancement in any way possible for example to those products being
marketed that includes , a corn that produces its own insecticide, soy beans that are
resistant to certain weed killers, and rice that is enriched with vitamin A. A fast growing
fish, plants that produce vaccines for the animals (including humans) that consume
them, corn with genetic material from hog’s milk, are a few products being governly
having the positive after effect of GMO. These GMO exploit obvious appeals for
production of improvement in any spectrum for a better life yet however the novelty of
this has raised to be the issue that elicits greatest disparity in public opinion and thus
brought to debate up until now.

Benefits aside, still GMO questions the moral upbringing of natural genetic
modification of life. The alteration of one genetic, strongly contradicts the traditional
breeding method that encapsulates the safeness and security of end product harmful for
human intake. As science was on short of accommodating grounds and basis that GMO
is entirely safe for human utilization. And deliberately as science was still not yet able to
probe the complexity of life with the regards of being free from riskiness, a question was
raised, can this method be the same as how natural breeding works? Will it produce the
same intended results each time? There is no certainty at all, no precisions manifested
in any degree but only that genetically modified organisms may offer short term benefits
to humans, but their long term consequences for humans and the rest of creation are
yet unknown. 

Introducing GMO to the environment, potential risk may be impossible to remove

them. And for that, suggesting GMO should not be used excessively rather they should
be intently examine closely. The effect of GMO’s on biodiversity is another area of
controversy. Faster growth of GMOs can enable them to have a competitive advantage
over the native organisms. This may allow them to become invasive, and spread into
new habitats, and cause ecological and economic damage of biodiversity.
Republic of the Philippines


Climate Change in Biodiversity

In today’s generation, environment has been highly declining faster than we all
ever expected. Green and vast fields are converted into high massive buildings, dense
under bush of large trees cultivated into deep mines that all in possible way are
negatively affecting the system of biodiversity.

Different human interventions interferes the balance state making the Earth's
condition less stable and predictable. Resulting abnormal occurrences in climate
change that includes unprecedented flooding, increased number of storms and
hurricanes, and big high tide tsunamis. Significantly, the functioning of the ecosystem
greatly contributes to biodiversity of nature. In a wider spectrum of life, biodiversity
needs a large canvas of terms and words ever existed in dictionary. Such volume of the
subject is clear and evident. As likely, biodiversity refers to the degree of variation of life
that presents the wealth of biological assets available on Earth. It includes micro-
organism, plants, animals and ecosystems. It is therefore, important to preserve the
neutrality of the environment. Such that, we, human race are highly dependent for the
necessities for survival. From acquiring foods for our growling stomach to getting lumber
for our house. There is need to maintain the system biodiversity because this is the only
one that keeps ecological balance and equilibrium state of life. This gives harmony to
every living species on Earth. Apart from this, there is scientific give away of the
biodiversity as well. The research and breeding programs involve the variety of species.
If these species cease to exist then such programs and research shall not be possible.
Also, most of the drugs and medicine which are vital for the cure of many diseases are
also made from many plants and animals. On the other side, it also brings wealth to
tourism industry, additionally offers another benefits we are unaware of, and it is
spiritual progression and meditation. For instance, purity of surroundings means
calmness is everywhere.

In these times, climatic conditions shift quickly way too faster than we ever
imagined causing many disruptions in biodiversity. For instance, underwater marine life
will be facing a huge risk for survival of adaptation because of the sudden change of
temperature. It is our responsibility to protect the endangered species of plant and
animals. If one wants to reach their destination, then it is imperative to take the first
step. Without taking a step forward, things will never change on their own. To make a
better tomorrow, we need to take steps for preserving our very own biodiversity. All
steps must be taken to protect it. Things may seem difficult in the initial stages but
practicing them will lead to genuine results. Although there are a number of steps taken
by the government so as to preserve the various life forms, we should also contribute
individually towards this cause. If we do not act today, we may yet again witness the
extinction of the vulnerable biodiversity which may further disturb the balance of nature.
Republic of the Philippines


Genetic Differences for Tracing Evolution

Evolution is the change in the gene pool of population over time harboring
different set of traits. The tracing of evolution that was first proposed by Charles Darwin
was all about how species originated from one or two species. It was for all sorts of
progressions from simpler beginnings. 

Darwin proposed that evolution could be explained by the differential survival of

organisms following their naturally occurring variation a process he termed "natural
selection." According to this view, the offspring of organisms differ from one another and
from their parents in ways that are heritable that is, they can pass on the differences
genetically to their own offspring. Furthermore, organisms in nature typically produce
more offspring than can survive and reproduce given the constraints of food, space, and
other environmental resources. His natural selection has been the domain of basis for
all the species. His Natural Selection is outlining that species evolved along the time
because of being adaptive to change wanting to survive. Along with Jean Baptiste
Lamarck theory which is the Theory of Acquired Characteristics, it has laid out similarity
with the Darwinian Theory presenting the idea of evolution has emerged due to being
responsive to change for the conception of survival.

The tree of life is outlining the diversity of life forms on Earth and has been used
for classifying organisms. In this time, however, another classification scheme has
arisen signifying that classification should not only be dependent on the base of physical
similarities and differences but also on their derivation from ancestors.. The theory of
evolution discards finality from the realm of the living world. As the Darwinian Theory
encapsulates the start of all life forms from evolution process of different constraints of
classification but still however the theory of evolution despite only describing life without
involving divine action, it does not prove the absence of transcendence or the non‐
existence of God.
Republic of the Philippines


Impacts of COVID-19 on Me and My Family

The issue Covid-19 and future variants thereof cannot be taken lightly. The whole
world right at this moment is in panic and distress of how to handle this kind of universal
crisis emergency. Must and should impositions are mandated and implemented for the
better cause of each and every one. On the journey of this virus, we all experienced
different realizations and actualizations. For instance, the bad and good result raised
from this issue are now shown and felt.

Before the start of this mass outbreak, my life with the entire usual routines was
the only headache I had thought all the time. Going to school, complying what must be
done and then right after, laughing all out and enjoying with my friends afterward riding
a tricycle for me to go home. Those constant unchanging habits even if it is repeatedly
happening again and again, it was no boring at all. Those times when I am in school,
writing and listening all day long, even if I am having a hard time grasping the lessons
but still being productive because learning’s and knowledge are extracted from the
hardworks of getting consideration of the priorities in life. There was a lots of
discouragement emerged when the locked down was implemented. Everyone was in
dismay from all the negative aftermath Covid-19 has brought. From financial stability to
food intake production. Just like what happened to my family during the early happening
of the spreading of virus. We were having difficulties on how to cope and adapt the
situation. The only thing that worries us that time was to be safe from the virus. We all
locked ourselves from anybody, unknowingly disregarding the responsibilities of
everyone. And so, we were financially unstable that afterward has no food to give for
our growling stomachs. It has been awhile or so, before we were able to adapt and
understand the situation. But eventually, after a month and a half of being quarantined,
we came to realization that in these times of crisis we only have each other to depend
on. We had built a garden and plant different vegetables to alternate the foods we can't
avail during this time. It felt like we had more time for each other at the same time
building a higher construction for taking our relationship into another level. Aside from
this, social aspects have also been greatly affected. But on a brighter side, keeping
yourself from others is also a good and healthier action. By this, you can definitely be
saved from getting attacked by the virus and getting dependent that you can be happy
with just your significant ones in your life. Furthermore, the advantage of staying at
home all the time is you can have enough time for yourself that you might be able to find
new skills you never had known.

With our journey right now, the top most priority is having good health and
strengthening relationship with our almighty God. Praying and believing that everything
will be alright despite the big commotion we are in right now.
Republic of the Philippines



Recently, because of the sudden shifting of weather, scarcity of food production

and availability is the visible problem because of these occurrences. Nowadays, unlike
our ancestors that usually prepare more greenly vegies in the table. In our generation, it
is that apparently we depend way too much to artificial foods that can easily be bought
and cooked. These times it is way harder to grow vegetables and fruits in our
backyards. There is so much of consideration in gardening, like for the soil, the season
and the process for growing plants like watering. But with hydroponic farming worry no
more because this is the only method we all ever wanted.

Hydroponics is always a part of modern agriculture and can be the farming of the
future with proven competitive positive points to offer over soils some to mention are,
improved plant nutrients, water-efficiency, no weeds, fewer pests, and plant diseases
stable and higher yields, control of the whole system, fewer fertilizers and insecticides
used, easy to transplant, able to grow crops all year round without disruptions of season
shifting at all. The hydroponic farming industry is in a unique spot where demand for
vegetables is growing faster than the rate at which more farms can be
built. Furthermore, hydroponics has been considered as the farming of the future to
grow foods for astronauts in the space (where there is no soil) by NASA. In this case, it
has gained way more hundreds of points to be considered in doing. Another, positive
advantage of hydroponics is that it can overpower climate, the temperature, humidity,
light intensification, and composition of air. In this sense, you can grow foods all year
round regardless of the season. And so, will be beneficial for farmers to have big profits.
Improving the nutritional value of the plants is possible through hydroponic growing and
controlled environment agriculture.

However, beyond these great beneficial points the hydroponics offer, just like any
other things in life, negative disadvantages is also yielded in hydroponic farming. As the
system of hydroponic requires no soil, the plants are hugely dependent to your care and
assistance at all. Their survival is up to how you operate the whole thing. Additionally,
as the hydroponic system is operated by running machines and equipment, the demand
for choosing the right person for the work is necessary. And with the case, there is also
for awareness of handling the hydroponics as it mostly use water and electricity so the
person in charge must highly be meticulous and careful. With the installation of the
system, it is expectedly to be costly and expensive; you will need to hand a bigger
number of money. But with all over bulks of advantage with hydroponics farming despite
having downsides it is still way more on another level of being beneficial.
Republic of the Philippines


Instruction: Construct a pedigree analysis of a trait in your family for three generations.
Assign genotypes for each individual in the pedigree with their corresponding
phenotypes. Determine the mode of inheritance of trait. Use the appropriate format and

CC = Curly Hair

ss = Straight Hair

s Cs Cs Phenotypic Ratio: 4:4
Genotypic Ratio: 4:4
Cs Cs
s Heterozygous Curly Hair

Allele Indicators:

Curly Hair

Straight Hair

Pedigree Analysis

/ /


The mode of inheritance that runs in our family is the X-linked

Dominant because the trait from my grandfather was passed in all
female offspring that soon was also passed in the next generation
but however were not that evident because of the mating of
stronger trait by their husbands.

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