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1. If the Roll No. is a 8 digit No., the candidate needs to circle as

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6. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 6. ~ ~ ~ ~ om M ~ 3lq; ~ 1- . -- - - - - - -- -
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8. This Booklet contains 200 questions in all comprising the 8. ~ ~ it ~ 200 ~ mi! P!1OOlR1fui\1 ~ t
~ ~: /tr
following Sections: ~ W8JUT ~ ~ <tT msm ~ Sf>Iliq; I'
Sections Test Components
No. of
No. i) ~ ~ 40 2 - 11 .:g
i) General Awareness 40 2 - 11 ii) ~ ~ mn r~tr e-
ii) General Intelligence and ~ ~ 40 12 - 21 t;'
Reasoning Ability 40 12 - 21 iii) ~ ~ ~ ~ 40 22 - 29 ~ tr
iii) Arithmetical and Numerical Ability 40 22 - 29 iv) ~ \lro 3fu: .n~ 40 30 - 33 IU' ~
iv) Hindi Language and Comprehension 40 30 - 33
v) ~ \lro 3fu: .n~ 40 34 - 37
v) English Language and Comprehension 40 34 - 37 [

9. Use of Calculator/Palmtop/Laptop/Other Digital Instrument! 9. ~ / "Glllifq / ~ / ~ ~ ~ / ~ / ~
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10. Candidates found guilty of misconduct/using unfair means in the 10. W~-'lf<'Hit ~~~~~~~~~ ~ "ID';
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11. The manner in which different questions are to be answered has 11. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <tT ~ ~ ~ ~ lfu) ~ ~ f.$it .
been explained at the back of this Booklet, which you should
read carefully before actually answering the questions.
if ~ eft ~ t ~3ntI m~"Jffi:~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ I

~1_2_._~ ~__ ~ ~ ~ ~__~_·_~ ~__I ~ ~

Go through instructions given in Page No. 40 (Back Cover Page)



i) General Awareness

1. The Gandhi Solar Park (GSP) has been 6. "The total number of population
recently inaugurated at headquarters of actually working and are paid for
which international organisation? their services" is associated with the
(A) World Bank concept
(B) International Solar Alliance
(A) Labour Movement
(C) United Nations
(B) Labour Dissatisfaction
(D) European Union
(C) Labour Force
2. The term 'Sociology' is derived from the (D) Labour Dispute
following two languages
(A) Latin and French 7. "The process whereby the public
(B) Latin and Greek operations are transferred to the
(C) French and Greek private sector" is closely associated
(D) German and Greek with the concept
(A) Globalisation
3. Who amongst the following is the author
of the book 'Positive Philosophy' ? (B) Privatisation
(A) Max Weber (C) Urbanisation
(B) Karl Marx (D) Secularisation
(C) Auguste Comte
8. "A labour which remains in bondage for
(D) Herbert Spencer
a specific period for the debt incurred"
4. Comte's Metaphysical stage is also is related to
called (A) Bonded Labour
(A) Abstract stage
(B) Labour Power
(B) Positive stage
(C) Labour Turnover
(C) Fictitious stage
(D) Labour Aristocracy
(D) Scientific stage

5. Name the current Chief of Air Force 9. Who has become the first Indian
wrestler to qualify for 2020 Tokyo
(A) B. S. Dhanoa
(A) Vijender Singh
(B) R. K. S. Bhadauria
(B) Rakesh Advani
(C) Karambir Singh
(C) Vinesh Phogat
(D) Bipin Rawat
(D) Pawan Kumar


1. ~"tft -ijllimmw ~ (GSP) CfiT 6. "~-ijCf)m«r~nTijcfiT~~ 3fu:~

3G:€l16'i fcnB 3'ia<rts?\<04 ~m ~ -ij
t!&OII<:?t<04 Wn3lT~ ~ ~" - ~ fcnB
+ fc8rr ?
(A) -cwt~
(A) ~ 3"li<n<:?t'"1
(B) ~C:~~H<:?t ~ 3i<:?tIV>~
(B) ~~
(C) 't11~S ~
(0) ~cf1<04'"1~ (C) ~~
(0) ~~
2. ''8J:1I\ii1~lIf~' ~cfiT~ R8k1f@ait
~3lT~~i 7. "'814\ii1RCfl ~:qI<:?t~1 'Cfll~ ~-ij ~cfiT
(A) ~3fu:~ ~" -~fcnB~~~'"1'ii1<ftcf»
(B) ~ 3fu:!ftcn
(C) ~ 3fu:!ftcn
(A) ~~cflCfl<OI
(0) ~ 3fu:!ftcn
(B) R\l11Cfl<OI
3. 'qlNlRq fCh<:?tT'8cf>l'~~~ (C) ~1t5{lCfl<OI
R8k1f@a -ij~~i?
(0) ~~
(A) frcR1~
(B) ~l1mf 8. "1!.Cfi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1!.Cfi
(C) ~CfiTil
~~~~~~wmi" -~
(0) ~"ffiR
4. ~~ iklfCh~Cfl<:?t ~'Cfll~ ~~ (A) ~3lT~
\lfffiT i (B) ~~
(A) ~~ (C) ~ CflIUciiR
(B) '8CflRI<:"J:lCfl
(0) ~~qrf
(C) CflIC"GRCfl~
(0) ~~IRCfl ~ 9. 2020 2lfCh41 3fl~rqCfl ~ ~ 1:ff;f iR crrR
5. ~W0tfi~~~~CfiT;n11 m«f~~ qt5<:?tqH ~i?
~I (A) ~-m
(A) ~."V>B. ~3lT (B) ~ 3"lsqluft
(B) 3lR.~."V>B. 1Oi?lft<041
(C) ~~
(C) Cfl<J:lci/l<-m
(0) -qq.{~
(0) .fmtR UCffi


1 O. "fCn1~lq 3iTlf.:iI~~~H~~" ~ ~ 14. ~~~it~OO'mf~?

~~~? (A) 30ft q:q IftCf) 3fjmcr
(A) -q:. 3lR. ~
(8) ~ 3fjmcr
(8) wCRft~
(C) ~.~. -q:. UCf

(0) ~. m. ~ c-,
(0) 3i\ftQ:c0 3fjmcr

11. "~~~Cf)0 Gfif~~H 3i'fq:) ~ ~ 3i'fq:) 15. ~ 3fn: ~ m~

CfiT -q:Cf)3~1~{OI~

1971"~~'mf~ ? (A) ffid);qCf) l{~d~ltl

(A) ~ (8) >rT~ f{~d~ltl

(8) -rr*ml
(C) ~d);qCf)ft~d~ltl
(C) $I"
(0) ~ 0lIC1~1{
(0) ~

16. "~0lIf(ffl~1 ~~-ij SI~OiICldl~~

12. RlOZlRif@d -ijit~-m ~41':11~llf::t~m~

Oi'51eft cfi) it ~ ~3lT ~ ? CfiT~~fcnm~BCfiaT" - ~~

(A) ~ fcrw-:r ~~?

(8) ~ 141RtCf)fcrw-:r (A) SI~OiICldl CfiT>rcfiR
(C) ~ fcrw-:r (8) SI~OiICldl ~ mm
(0) ~'CH fcrw-:r
(C) SI~OiICldl CfiT~

13. ~ mCf1R ~ CWi ~ ~ ~ CfiT'4W0: Cfi8 (0) SI~OiICldl ~"{'CAT

~~~~CfiT1Rf.1~~ I~~
17. ~~~-ij~CfiT~~~~
CfiT;w:J CFIT~ ?
(A)~~ (A) ~~

(8) m.~.-mm~ (8) 3W~

(C) ~~~ (C) ~

(0) ~~~ (0) ~~

18. Who amongst the following is closely 22. The Theory of 'Looking-Glass Self' is
related to the concept of 'Sociometry' ? developed by
(A) C. H. Cooley
(A) J. L. Moreno
(B) G. H. Mead
(B) P. V. Young
(C) W. I. Thomas
(C) Karl Pearson
(D) Sigmund Freud
(D) Ian Robertson
23. The three main fields of sociology
19. The 'proposed plan of research' is advocated by Emile Durkheim are
associated with (A) Social psychology, social

(A) Case study morphology, social pathology

(B) Social morphology, social
(B) Secondary data
physiology, general sociology
(C) Depth interview
(C) Social demography, social
(D) Research design ecology, social gerontology
(D) Social engineering, social
20. The branch of sociology which deals
statistics, social pathology
with the city, its growth and problem, is
closely associated with 24. Who amongst the following has said
that 'History is past sociology and
(A) Rural Sociology
sociology is present history' ?
(B) Urban Sociology
(A) T. B. Bottomore
(C) Medical Sociology (B) G. E. Howard
(D) Sociology of Occupations (C) A. L. Kroeber
(D) Robert Biersteds
21. RBI has recently tightened the reporting
norms for LRS. What does LRS stand 25. The first-ever trilateral naval exercise
for? 'SITMEX' was among India and which
(A) Liberalized Remittance Scheme
(A) Myanmar and Mauritius
(B) Liaison Remittance Scheme
(B) Singapore and Mauritius
(C) Liability Remittance Scheme (C) Myanmar and Thailand
(D) Long Remittance Scheme (D) Singapore and Thailand


18. I RJ"'1R1f@d -q-aCht.r '~I~I~'I~~' cfiT31cl'tffiUTT 22. '~-lffiU~' CflT ~ ~ IDU

-a f.:rcR ~ U9<'IT t ? fclCflmd ~ ~ t ?

(A) ~.~. mtn (A) m.~. c@

(8) ~.~.~
(8) tft. eft. cirT
(C) ~~.~
(C) CfiR'i M'4tR
(0) mJlq:g ~
(0) ~ ~:TGt&!"i
23. {OiJOfI\jf~llf5I~ (fR ~ ~, ~ qCflI~d

19. '~~SI«1lfc1d~'~~t? QflI~~ ~~cf?tt, ~~

(A) {OiIJOfINiCflJOf;f)fCl~l"i, {OiIJOfINiCfl~q'(@I,
(A) cxrfcffi ~
(8) rndl '4CflSTCJ (8) {OiIJOfINiCfl~q):@I, {OiIJOfI~Cfl~ -

(C) ~-a~ ~, {OiIJOfIr'!'f

(C) {OiIJOfINiCfl\jf"i{Oii@lcfil, {OiIJOfINiCfl
(0) ~ rn\jfl~"i
~~, {OiIJOfINiCfl~~

20. l\jf ~IIf51 cfiT Cffl W@T ~

{OiJOf fcnBT~, ~ (0) {OiIJOfINiCfl31M'4iGcfil, {OiIJOfINiCfl

fcrcmJ 3fu: {OiJOff41 RCflGd I -a -a ~ t {Oii@lcfil, {OiIJOfI~Cfl~~

(A) m1:ftuT {OiJOfI\jf ~IIf51 24. ~ -a ~ Cfim t fcfl "~fdt5l{Oi W

(8) ~ {OiJOfI\jf~llf51 W"lI\jf~llf51 t 3fu: W"lI\jf~llf5I qJJOfI"i ~fdt5l{Oi
t" ?
(C) ~ {OiJOfI\jf~lIf5I
(A) it. m. anclJ{)(
(0) oqq{Oil~1 CflT{OiJOfI\jf~lIf51 (8) \Jft. t ifqi
(C) "Q\.~. ~
21. mR ~ -q ~.~.~. ~ ~.~.~. ~
(0) ~ GtI~H~~{Oi
ft(il~1 ~ cit m90 ~ t I ~.3ffi.~.

CflT~ cp.rr t ? 25. ~ ~ m~ ~ 31Rffi1 'mG~<ro'

~ 3fu:fcn;t~~~~31T?
(A) R1Gt\cll~'3":g ftMG~ ~
(A) RlI"iJOfI( 3fu: 4~lf~l{Oi
(8) R1Q\\jf"i f{MG~ ~
(8) fBJII~ 3fu: 4lf{~I{Oi
(C) ~1~RlR1Q f{MG~ ~
(C) RlI"iJOfI( 3fu: ~
(0) ~f{M~~ (0) fBJII~ 3fu: ~

26. "A doctrine advocating social and 30. Who amongst the following is the author
political rights for women, equal to of the book 'The Protestant Ethic and
the Spirit of Capitalism' ?
those of men" is associated with the
(A) Auguste Comte
(B) Max Weber
(A) Feminism
(C) Karl Marx
(B) Feudalism (D) Emile Durkhim
(C) Formalism
31. HA process by which modern scientific
(D) Commensalism knowledge is introduced in the society
with the ultimate purpose of achieving
27. Who said that sociology and better and a more satisfactory life in the
anthropology are the 'twin sisters' ? broadest sense of the term as accepted
by the society concerned" is related to
(A) Robert Redfield
the concept
(B) A. L. Kroeber (A) Tribalisation
(C) Evans Pritchard (B) Politicisation

(D) Radcliffe Brown (C) Mode rnisation

(D) Fundamentalism
28. The slogan 'operation black-board' is
32. Arya Samaj Movement is an
related to
example of

(A) Agricultural Development (A) Revolutionary Movement
(B) Irrigation Projects (B) Reform Movement

(C) Educational Development (C) Resistance Movement

(D) Backward Classes Movement
(D) Industrial Development
33. Which of the following city bagged the
29. Who was the first Viceroy of India? title "India's clean est city" by Swachh
(A) Lord Mayo Survekshan - 2019 ?
(A) Patna
(B) Lord Irwin
(B) Indore
(C) Lord Canning
(C) Kochi
(D) Lord Moutbatten (D) None of the above

· .'.
26. "~3lt~tll~I~Ch 3l!nl\JI;f\rnCh ~ 30. 'Gsill~c1if'~1j::gGWtftG~ ~fqcR1\J"~'
CfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fir.IDo" fcfiB" ~~~~~~~?
(A) ~CfiP:l
(B) ~~
(A) "i1{)ClIG
(C) ~~
(B) '81~(1C1IG
(C) {)rnClIG
(D) q{;;;sf)~(11 31. "~~~<W(f~~IDU<mT
~ ~ ~-anqCf) ~~~ 3fR: 31fuq;
27. ~ Cfi6T m fcfi '84I\J1~IFf31 er 4HCI~~H fioll5l\JI"iCh~ ~ Ch8 ~ ~ ~ ~

'~~'~? ~~~~IRCh~~~~im~

(A) ~{:gi)('":g llm " <:ffl ~ ~~~~7

1Cf'*1~ ~CSlIc.j(1 Q •

(A) ~ IRCllfilCfi{OI '

(B) ~.~.~
(B) {I\JI;f\rnCh{OI
(C) ~~
(C) ~RcfilCh{OI
(D) tsfCk1q; ~
(D) t:t~(1('qClIG
28. '~T4{~H~-ilt'~~~
32. ~ ~ ~ fCt;'8ChI dGIf.({OI t?
~~? (A) SflirnChI{) ~ i<flfl"i
(A) ~~ (B) WW ~iqlfl"i
(B) ~ qP:~\JI"iI~ (C) ~~i~fI"i

(C) ~~~ (D) ~crT ~i~lfI"i

(D) 3il~:i\1f?t Ch~

33. RqR1f@(1~~~~~~~&"fUT-
2019 'Cf)T"m«f~ ~ ~~" 'Cf)T
29. mm~~ ClI~'8{T~ ~ ~? ~~~?
.', (A) ~,+fP.fl (A) ~
(B) "ffit~ (B) ~

(C) "ffit~ (C) q;})M

(0) B1t ~13~&I (D) ~~~~;nff

34. Who amongst the following, is 38.

"The imbalance in the rate and speed


the author of the book titled "The of change between material and non-
Elementary Forms of Religious Life" ?
material parts of culture" is known as
(A) Emile Durkheim
(A) Cultural Lag
(B) Max Weber

(C) James Frazer (B) Cultural Capital

(D) Herbert Spencer (C) Cultural Determination

35. The concept 'thinkophobia' is (D) Cultural Relativism

associated with
39. Who amongst the following Indian
(A) Bhagwan Das
thinkers has contributed to the fields
(B) Sri Aurobindo
of ''values, norms, symbols and
(C) Swami Vivekananda

(D) Sister Nivedita personality" ?

(A) M.N. Roy

36. "A family which has greater generation
depth than individual family and the (B) Radhakamal Mukerjee

members of which are related to one (C) Mahatma Gandhi

another by property, income and mutual
(D) None of the above
rights and obligations" is known as

(A) Nuclear family 40. Who amongst the following, has

(B) Neolocal family contributed the 'theory of organic
(C) Joint family analogy and the law of evolution' to
(D) Patronymic family Sociology?

37. IMBEX 2018 - 19, bilateral army (A) Montesquieu

exercise between which of the following
countries? (B) Vilfredo Pareto
(A) India and Madagascar
(C) Herbert Spencer
(B) India and Myanmar
(C) India and Maldives
(D) Emile Durkeim
(D) None of the above


. .
34. ' ~
. B ~

"G l{dlifdl

~ 3lfq;

38 . '\i~R1

~ J.:i
q f<C4

~ ~ ~"6::t'flhJ;ci~

~ G\ 3fu:
~~"6::t'fly mm ~
"llffi -ij 3H:j~~H" en)
(A) Q\~I~~~
(B) ~~
(A) ("ti~R1Cf) ~
(C) ~~

(0) ~~
(B) ("ti~R1Cf) ¥
(C) ("ti~R1Cf) R~qol
35. '~<i)q)l~\SOtI' ~ eCf)('q'"i1~~~?
(0) ("ti~R1Cf) ~arcnG

(B) '!fi~
39. ~B~~~:qRCf)~"~,~,
(C) ~ fct~Cf)I~G
>RftcfiT 3fu: 04 Fcffl("'Cl " ~ ~ -ij~ ~lll GH
(0) ~ R~fudl
rorr~ ?
36. "~ "Y'ftcm:~ 04Fcffllld "Y'ftcm:B ~

(A) ~.~.~
~, 3lT\SOt"
3fu: ~ ~ 3fu:~~ (B) U'ElICf)~~ ~
B~~" ~~";fTlJB~~~?
(C) ~ ~ I("~I TJitiT
(A) ~"Y'ftcm:
(0) ~~~~
(B) ~"Y'ftcm:
(C) ~ "Y'ftcm: R8k1U9d -ij~fcR:H ("t~I;;jj~II~ en) '~
(0) ~"tfftcrR
~ cnr fi:r.&ffi 3fu: fcJCfiRlcnr Fr:il1' ~

37. ~~ *=n ~, IMBEX 2018 - 19 ~~"'PIGHWrr~ ?

R8k1f@d -ij~~~~~~ ~?

(A) ~ 3fn: ilIGllllfGt)( (A) '"z

41 fCf\

(B) ~~Ml:IW
(B) ~ 3fn: lO4l'"iilR
(C) ~ 3fn: ill~<flC(("t (C) ~~

(0) ~-ij~~~ (O)~~

~ . ..,

ii) General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability

41. Find the missing number in the following 45. Complete the following series.
series. 6 + .J216, 7 + .J343, 8 + .J512,
126, 113, 102, 95, 90, __ , 85.
9 + .J729 ,
(A) 86
(B) 87 (A) 10+ .J100
(C) 88
(B) 10 + .J1000
(D) 89
(C) 100 + .J1000
42. In the following series, a wrong number
is given. Find the wrong number. (D) 100+M

46. Identify the relationship between the \
(A) 198 two numbers in the first pair and find
(B) 4 the missing number in the second
pair so that it continues the same
(C) 205
relationshi p.
(D) 140 11 : 24 : : 37 :
(A) 68
43. In the following number sequence, how
many 4's are there that are immediately (B) 92
preceded by 6 and immediately followed (C) 78
by 5? (D) 84
3 4 2 6 5 4 3 6 4 5 9 8 -6 4 5 3
47. Complete the analogous pair in the
8 7 4 6 821 76 4 5 864 59 following.
745 2E3 : 415 : : 708 :
(A) one (A) 10U11
(B) two (B) 11W12
(C) three (C) 13A14
(D) four (D) 9U12

44. Find the next letter in the series. 48. Complete the analogous pair.
A, B, 0, H, __ Train: Track: : Bus:
(A) Driver
(A) L
(B) Conductor
(B) N
(C) Road
(C) P
(D) Passengers
(D) R

49. In a certain code language, if the word 52. In a certain code language, if the number
RECTANGLE is coded by TGEVCPING, 1 is assigned to all the letters in odd
then how is the word RHOMBUS coded numbered places in the alphabet and
in that language? the remaining letters are assigned the
(A) TJOQDWV number 2, then what is the code for the

(C) TJQODWU (A) 122112

(D) TJQOEWU (B) 121212

(C) 111222
50. In a certain code language, if the word
REJECTION is coded as SGMIHZPWW, (D) 121221
then how is the word MECHANIC coded
53. Find the odd one among the following.
in that language?
(A) ZW
(B) TQ



51. In a certain coding system, 54. Find the odd one among the following.

'rbm std bro pus' means 'the cat is (A) Baseball

beautiful' (B) Boxing
'tnh pus dim std' means 'the dog is (C) Chess
(D) Squash
'pus dim bro pus cus' means 'the dog
has the cat' 55. In a certain code language, if INFER = 25

What is the code for 'has' ? and JERSEY = 28, then CHOICE = ?
(A) std (A) 34

(B) dim (B) 39

(C) bro (C) 41

(D) cus (D) 47

49. ~ ~ 'l1Jl5IT
-ij ~ ~ RECT ANGLE ~ ~ ~ 'l1Jl5IT
-ij, ~ Cluhm11 -ij fcrtm ~
TGEVCPING ~~~, oTdBT'l1Jl5IT-q ~~ 31aro~~ 1~cft~ 3fu:~~
RHOM8US~~~~? 31aro~~ 2~cft~, oT~ INDIAN
(A) TJOODWV ~~<FIT~~ ?

(8) TJONDWU (A) 122112

(C) TJOODWU (8) 121212

(D) TJOOEWU (C) 111222

50. ~~ 'l1Jl5IT-ij~~ REJECTION (D) 121221

~ SGMIHZPWW~~t oT~ RJOOiR1Rs1a -ij-awhnN;;r~~ I

MECHANIC ~dBT 'l1Jl5IT-ij~~
(A) zw
(8) TO


54. RJOOiR1Rs1a -ij-awhnN;;r~~ 1
51. ~ 1'icoCf){U1 $IU11<?f1 -ij (A) ~{"1ci1T(1
'rbm std bro pus' CfiT ~ ~ 'the cat is
(8) t!%iSll'5ft
(C) ~
'tnh pus dim std' CfiT ~ ~ 'the dog is
(D) ~

'pus dim bro pus cus' CfiT ~ ~ 'the dog ~~ 'l1Jl5IT-ij~ INFER= 25 3fu:
has the cat'
JERSEY = 28, oT CHOICE = ?
'has' CfiT ~ <FIT ~ ?
(A) 34
(A) std
(8) 39
(8) dim
(C) bro (C) 41

(D) cus (D) 47

~. .

56. ~~~~~~3V<J~~ 60. ~ - CfiT ~ x~, x CfiT ~ + t + CfiT

31ffi~ I
~2l + ~ ~ + CfiT ~2l- ~, "ill
9 + 18 x 15 + 3 - 6 x 12 CfiTl=fRCRn
(A) 48 iPn ?

(B) 50 (A) 24
(B) 30
(C) 82
(C) 33
(0) 170 (0) 42

57. ~~~-ij~ 10t.R; 40~~, aT 61. ~ HEALTH ciT GSKZOG Wn:srr ~

~, "ill'3W ~ -ij NORTH ~ fu&T
~~~CRn~R@IQ;Jn ?
(A) 1 tR125~ (A) OPSUI
(B) 1 tR115~ (B) GSQNM
(C) 1 tR110~ (C) FRPML
(0) 1 tR120~
62. 31lR ,~, ciT ,~, , 'fur ciT 'BR1' ,
58. ~ 1~ 1992 4JlflClR t "ill~~ 'BR1' ciT '~', ,~, ciT '6U', '6U'
Cht.l-~ K.11 ~ 1993 iPn ? ciT 'cnR1T', 'cnR1T' ciT ,~, ~ ,~,
ciT ,~, ~ ~ ~, "illl1RCf rem CfiT irr
(A) ~ CFn mm ?
(B) ~ (A) BR1
(B) 6U
(C) ~;;hql\
(C) ~
(0) ~IRClR
(0) ~

59. ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~ 2002 ~ iPn ? 63. ~ R~('1 ~ ~ -ij '123' CfiT ~ 'bright
little boy' ~, '145' CfiT ~2l 'tall big boy' ~
(A) 2008 ~ '637' CfiT ~ 'beautiful little flower' ~ I
'3B"~ -ij Cht.l~ ~ CfiT 312l 'bright' ~ ?
(B) 2011 (A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 2009
(C) 3
(0) 2013 (0) 4

. "'

64. Pointing towards a person, a man said 68, Complete the analogy.
to a woman, "His mother is the only 2: 8::
daughter of your father". How is the (A) 3: 27
woman related to that person ?
(B) 8: 16
(A) Daughter
(C) 5: 50
(B) Sister
(D) 4: 12
(C) Mother
(D) Wife 69. ABC : BDF : : DEF :
65. P walks 10 m in front and 10 m to
the right. Then, every time turning to
his left he walks 5, 15 and 15 meters
respectively. How far is he now from (D) EGH

his starting point ?

70. Select the words which is least like other
(A) 2m words in the group.
(B) 4m (A) Algebra
'. (C) Bm (B) Geometry
(D) 5m
(C) Arithmetic

66. Complete the analogy. (D) Optometry

Karnataka : Bangalore : : Kerala :

71. Select the number which is different
(A) Cochin from rest three.
(B) Coimbatore (A) 100
(C) Ernakulam (B) 121
(D) Thi ruvananthapuram (C) 144

67. In a telephone directory, which of the (D) 179

following names appear third?

72. Select the odd one.
(A) Sajewat
(A) CH
(B) Segvan
(8) KP
(C) Sajevar
(C) UZ
(D) Sajewet
(D) IM

64. ~ arFcffi c€t 31R ~ ~~, ~ arFcffi 68. (Ol4(ii\Qdl ~ ~ I
~~~~~, '~m~ftRn 2: 8::
c€t Q\Cfl4154~ ~" I Cffi ~ ~ ~ ~
(A) 3: 27
(B) 8: 16
(A) ~
(C) 5: 50
(B) ~
(0) 4: 12
(C) liT
(0) qr;fi 69. ABC: BOF : : OEF :
65. P mIH c€t 31R 10 lft. 3fu: Gnt 10 lfta
~~Im~~~~~~ (C) EGI
Cffi~: 5, 15 3fu: 15lft. ~ ~ I Cffi
(0) EGH
~ ~~~ '"
31'4tfcmRt~i ? e-,

(A) 2lft. 70. Cffi~~~~~3V<f~~~

~Cfili~~ I
(B) 4lft.
(A) csfI\jjJ1fOld
(C) 8lft.
(B) \l"41 fiI d1
(0) 5lft. (C) ~ChJ 1fOld
(0) ~~filR1
66. (Ol4(ii\Qdl ~ ~ I
Ch"iTcCh : ~ : :~ : 71. 3V<f cft;IT ~ ~ B&:rr ~ I

(A) ~ (A) 100

(B) ch)4at~ (B) 121
(C) Q\Oll~~4 (C) 144
(0) ~3"I~d~4 (0) 179

67. ~ lR1i)"iSI~{Cf?l-ij ~ ~ ~-m ~ 72. BChn~~1

cftffi ~ 1R 31m!TI ? (A) CH
(A) Sajewat (B) KP
(B) Segvan (C) UZ
(C) Sajevar (0) IM
(0) Sajewet

. '.
73. Find the missing number. 77. Find the missing terms.
2,4,8,16, ? a_ac __ a__ b_c_ba_

(A) 32 (A) abacabac

(B) 64 (B) accbaccb

(C) babcaaac
(C) 22

(0) 28
(0) cbabcccb

78. If TAIL is coded as VCKN, how

74. The 12th term of the series
is PEACE be coded in that code
1,3,5,7, .... is
(A) 21
(B) 23
(C) 19
(0) 17

75. Pick the wrong number in the series 79. If in a certain code, GIVE is coded as
0,26,124,341,728. 5137 and BAT is coded as 924, how is
(A) 0 GATE coded?

(B) 341 (A) 5427

(C) 728 (B) 5724

(0) 26 (C) 5247

(0) 2547
76. Complete the matrix.
80. In a certain code, 274 means 'spread
the carpet', 254 means 'dust the carpet'
and 234 means 'roll the carpet'. Which

(A) 90 digit in the code means 'dust' ?

(B) 100 (A) 5

(C) 110 (B) 7

(0) 120 (C) 3

(0) 4

73. ~B-&rr~~ I 77. ~"GG~~I

2,4,8,16, ? a_ac __ a__ b_c_ba_

(A) abacabac
(A) 32
(B) accbaccb
(B) 64
(C) babcaaac
(C) 22
(D) cbabcccb
(D) 28
78. ~ TAIL CfiTCfiGVCKN ~, oT PEACE CfiT
74. ~ 1,3,5,7, .... CfiT12 cIT"GG~ CfiG~ m!SfT -ij Cfm ~ ?
(A) 21 (A) RGCEG

(B) 23 (B) OFBDF

(C) 19 (C) RDZBD

(D) 17 (D) OECEG

75. ~ 0, 26, 124, 341, 728 -ij TfC.1('f ~ 79. ~~CfiG-ij, GIVECfiT~ 5137 ~ BAT

Wm:1 CfiTCfiG924 ~, oT GATE CfiTCfiGCfm ~ ?

(A) 0 (A) 5427

(B) (B) 5724

(C) 5247
(C) 728
(D) 2547
(D) 26

76. 80. ~ CfiG-ij 274 CfiT~ 'spread the carpet'

~, 254 CfiT3l~ 'dust the carpet' ~ ~ 234
9 9 162 CfiT3l~ 'roll the carpet' ~ I CfiG-ij ~ ;W.n
I 6
I 8
I ?
I CfiT~ 'dust' ~ ?
(A) 90 (A) 5
(B) 100
(B) 7
(C) 110
(C) 3
(D) 120
(D) 4

. .
iii) Arithmetical and Numerical Ability

81. If 1 * 548 is divisible by 3, which of the 86. The average of six numbers is 3.95. The
following digits can replace * ? average of two of them is 3.4, while the
(A) 0 (8) 2 average of the other two is 3.85. What
is the average of the remaining two
(C)7 (0)8 numbers?
E I (2.39)2 - (1.61)2 (A) 4.5
82. va uate 2.39 -1.61 (8) 4.6
(A) 2 (C) 4.7
(8) 4 (0) 4.8
(C) 6
(0) 8 87. Two numbers differ by 5. If their
product is 336, then the sum of the
83. If a * b = ~ , find the value of two numbers is
a+b (8) 28
(A) 21
3*(3*-1). (0) 51
(C) 37
(A) - 3
(8) - 1.5 88. A man is 24 years older than his son.
(C) - 1 In two years, his age will be twice the
age of his son. The present age of his
(0) 2
son is
(A) 14 years
84. If Ms. Preeti had walked 2 km/hr faster, (8) 18 years
she would take 60 minutes less to cover
(C) 20 years
the distance of 12 kms. Then the normal
(0) 22 years
speed of her is
(A) 3 km/hr (8) 2 km/hr 89. (17)3.5 x (17)? = 178
(C) 6 km/hr (0) 4 km/hr (A) 2.29 (8) 2.75
(C) 4.25 (0) 4.5
sin2 57° + sin2 33°
85. Value of 2 2 = 90. If 35% of a number is 12 less than 50%
cos 27° + cos 63°
of that number, then the number is
(A) 1 + tan 45° (A) 40 (8) 50
(C) 60 (0) 80
(8) 0
91. The fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 is
(C) tan 45° (A) 18 (8) 24
(0) None of these (C) 19 (0) 20

Dl. .· .• 'i'


81. ~3-B 1 * 548~~, m R8Hf@(1-q 86. 6 ~31T CfiT~ 3.95 ~ I &rif -B <IT CfiT
~~-m ~ *Cfil~~BCfi(ff~? ~ 3.4 ~, ~ ~ <IT CfiT~ 3.85
'(A) 0 (8) 2
~ I~ ~ <IT ~31T CfiT~:m<f eR I
(C) 7 (0) 8
(A) 4.5
(B) 4.6
82. (2.39)2 - (1.61)2 CfiT11FT:m<feR I
2.39-1.61 (C) 4.7
(A) 2 (0) 4.8
(B) 4
(C) 6 87. <IT ~31T CfiT~ 5 ~ I <:rfu &fCfiT ~o H 4)(1
(0) 8 336 t m<IT ~31T CfiTmrr ~
(A) 21 (B) 28
83. ~ a *b = ~
t m3 * (3 *-1)CfiT11FT (C) 37 (0) 51

:m<feR I
88. ~~ ~~-B 24 qr:f~~ I <IT~
(A) - 3
-q~ ~~~~ ~~<ITTfiml
(B) - 1.5
(C) -1
(A) 14 qr:f
(0) 2
3 (B) 18~
84. ~~~>ftffi~ /t:k:r~~1Wn,
2~ m (C) 20 qr:f

12 ~ ~ -m w.r cnG -q ~ 60 f?Rc: Cfil1

(0) 22qr:f

wm I ~ ~Wil""4 TTffi~
89. (17)35 X (17)1 = 178
(A) 3 ~ /t:k:r (B) 2 ~ /t:k:r
(A) 2.29 (B) 2.75
(C) 6 ~ /t:k:r (0) 4~ /t:k:r (C) 4.25 (0) 4.5

90. ~ ~ ~ CfiT35% ~ 50% -B 12 Cfil1

(A) 40 (B) 50
(A) 1 + tan 45°
(C) 60 (0) 80
(8) 0
91. 5, 8, 15CfiT~'8lOfljqldl~
(C) tan 45°
(A) 18 (B) 24
(0) ~-B~~ (C) 19 (0) 20


92. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 97. Find out the wrong number in the
1 spider will make 1 web in how many sequence.
days? 10,14,28,32,64,68,132

(A) 1 (8) 7 (A) 32 (8) 68

2 (C) 132 (D) 28
(C) 7 (D) 49 98. Find the next term in the alpha-numeric
93. A man can do a piece of work in 5 days,
but with the help of his son, he can do it Z1A,X2D,V6G,T21J,R88M,P445P,?
in 3 days. In what time can the son do (A) N2676S (B) N2676T
it alone? (C) T2670N (0) T2676N
(A) 6- days
2 99. Choose the correct alternative.
(8) 7 days 25 : 125 : : 36 : ?
(A) 180 (8) 206
(C) 7~ days
2 (C) 216 (D) 318
(D) 8 days
100. Find out the next term.
94. The first Republic Day of India was AOE : FGJ : : KNO : ?
celebrated on 26th January, 1950. It (A) paR (8) POT
(C) Rap (D) TPR
(A) Tuesday
(B) Wednesday 101. If in a certain code, LUTE is written as
(C) Thursday MUTE and FATE is written as GATE,
(0) Friday then how will BLUE be written in that
95. If the sum of two positive numbers is
15 and sum of their reciprocals is :?{0 ' (C) FLUE (D) SLUE
then the numbers are
(A) 4, 11

(8) 5, 10 o a
102. If 2 b -1 is askew-symmetric
(C) 3,12
(D) None of these c 1 0
matrix, then the value of a + b + c =
96. Find the odd man out.
8,27,64, 100, 125,216~343 (A) - 5 (8) 0
(A) 27 (8) 100
(C) 5 (D) None of these
(C) 125 (D) 343

92. ~ 7 *Fl~4i 7 K.:IT -ij 7 ~ ~~, -aT 97. ~-ij~B&n~eR I
1~ 1 "\If'R1T fcFlcR K.:IT -ij iH IQ\J n ? 10,14,28,32,64,68,132
(A) 32 (B) 68
(A) 1 (8) 7
2 (C) 132 (0) 28

(C)7 (0)49
98. 31~-B&n ~-ij 311R11~~eR I

93. "Q\CFl
~ "Q\OFl
~ CflT5 ~ -ij ~ eR:BCfl(ff Z1A,X20,V6G,T21J,R88M,P445P,?

t ~3lCR~~ ~614dl B~~ 3 K.:IT (A) N2676S (B) N2676T

(C) T2670N (0) T2676N
-ij~eR:BCfl(fft I~~~~~
Cfll~ K.:IT -ij ~ eR:BCfl(ff ? t 99. -mft HCfl<A~ I
(A) 6~ K.:r 25 : 125 : : 36 : ?
(A) 180 (B) 206
(8) 7 K.:r
(C) 216 (0) 318
(C) 7~ K.:r
2 100. 311R11
~ ~ eR I
(0) 8 K.:r AOE : FGJ : : KNO : ?
(A) paR (B) POT
94. 'l1ROCfiT~~~26~, 1950
(C) Rap (0) TPR
CflTIf.WIT rp.n I ~ 2lT
(A) 4JI~qR 101. ~"Q\OFl~-ij, LUTECflTMUTE 3f'R: FATE
(8) ~ CflTGATE #mrr ~ t -aT~ ~ -ij BLU E
(C) w:m
(0) !{!iiiqR
95. ~ err tH I,JiCfl~3# CfiT<TIll 15 3f'R:~
~&fl41 CfiT<TIll ~ 0 t -aT ~@ I~ ~
(A) 4, 11
(8) 5, 10
102. ~ [~ ~ -~ 1"Q\CFl~ ~JiMd ~
(C) 3, 12
c 1 0
(0) ~B~~
96. ~fiFl~eRl
(A) - 5
(A) 27 (8) 100
(C) 5
(C) 125 (0) 343

~. .

103. Ajay ranked sixteenth from the top and 108. If A> 8,8> C and C > D, then which
twenty-ninth from the bottom among of the following conclusions is definitely
those who passed an examination. wrong?
Six boys did not participate in the
(A) A> D
competition and five failed in it. How
many boys were there in the class? (8) A> C

(A) 40 (8) 44 (C) D > A

(C) 50 (D) 55 (D) 8> D

104. If x means +, + means +, - means x and

+ means -, then 8 x 7 - 8 + 40 + 2 =? 109. The value of the determinant
x x+y x+2y
(A) 1 (8) 72 x x+y is
5 x+2y
x+y x r zy x
(C) 83 (D) 44
5 (A) 7X2(X+ y)
105. Total number of possible matrices of
(8) 9X2(X+ y)
order 3 x 3 with entry 1 or 3 is
(C) 9y2(X+ y)
(A) 9 (8) 81
(C) 512 (D) 27 (D) 3y2(X+ y)

106. The age of a father is twice that of the

elder son. Ten years hence, the age of 110. Insert the missing number.
the father will be three times-that of the
younger son. If the difference of ages
of the two sons is 15 years, the age of ? 1
the father is
(A) 50yearn (8) 55yearn
(C) 60 years (D) 70 years
107. Find out the missing number.

6 6 8 (A) 10
5 7 5
(8) 12
4 3 ?
120 126 320 (C) 13

(A) 4 (8) 8 (D) 15

(C) 12 (D) 16

103. 'W&TI ~ iR cm1T ~ ~"B ~ Cf)f. 108. ~ A> 8, 8 > C 3fR C > D t m RlOZlRif@a
~ «h16qj 3fu:~"B 3~=dl~qj ~ I ~: ~"B~-m~ RfNa ~-aTfffif~?
~~ SlR1fC!m~ ~~~ 3fu:~
(A) A>D
~~ ICfl&TI~~~iT?
(8) A>C
(A) 40 (8) 44
(C) D>A
(C) 50 (D) 55
(D) 8>D
104. ~ x Cf)f ~~ + ~, + Cf)f ~~ + ~, - Cf)f ~
x~ 3fu: + Cf)f ~~ - ~, m-
x x+y x+2y
8 x 7 - 8 + 40 + 2 =? 109. ~ RfiJlctl
x+2y x x+y
(A) 1 (8) 7 x+y x+2y x
(C) 83 (D) 44
(A) 7X2(X + y)
1 05. ~ 1 (;JT3 it; ~ 3 x 3 ~ cfit ~
(8) 9X2(X + y)
(A) 9 (8) 81 (C) 9y2(X + y)
(C) 512 (D) 27
(D) 3y2(X + y)
106. fitn cfit ~~ ~cfit ~ cfit ~t I~
crf ~ fitn cfit~~~cfit ~ cfit-RrTft 110. ~~~~I
irrft I ~ err ~ cfit ~ Cf)f ~ 15 crf t
m- fitn cfit ~ ~
? 1
(A) 50 crf (8) 55 crf
(C) 60 crf (D) 70 crf

107. ~~~~I 5

6 6 8
5 7 5 (A) 10
4 3 ? (8) 12
120 126 320
(C) 13
(A) 4 (8) 8
(D) 15
(C) 12 (D) 16

. .. .,

2 116.

Mumbai: Maharashtra:: Ganchinaqar; ?

111. If f(X)={X +3X+P, it x s t is
qx-r z , x »1 (A) Kolkata
differentiable at x = 1, then the value (B) Gujarat

of p and q are respectively (C) Kerala

(A) - 3, 5 (B) 5, 2 (D) Sikkim

(C)3,5 (D)2,5 117. Joule is related to Energy in the same

way as Pascal is related to
112. If you are facing north-east and move
10 m forward, turn left and move 7.5 m, (A) Volume (B) Pressure

then you are (C) Density (D) Purity

(A) North of your initial position 118. Choose the analogous pair.
(B) South of your, initial position Sonnet: Poem: :
(C) East of your initial position (A) Lie: Falsehood
(D) None of these (B) Chapter: Book
(C) Murder: Crime
113. Find the missing number.
(D) Ballad: Stanza
0T?\(sfa\0f:\ 119. Which number is like the given set of
~ \:iY \J3 numbers?
Given set: (3, 17,31)
(A) 26 (B) 32
(A) 5 (B) 15
(C) 36 (D) 117
(C) 45 (D) 49
114. Find the missing number.
0,6,24,60,120,210, ? 120. The point on the curve y2 = x, where
(A) 240 (B) 290 the tangent makes an angle of ~ with
(C) 336 (D) 504 x axis is
(A) (1, 1)
115. Find the missing series.
(A) aaaaa
baa ab
(B) (±, ~)
(B) aabaa
(C) (~, :)
(C) aabab

(D) baabb (D) (4,2)

. ..

111. ~X=11Rf(X)={X2+3X+P' ~x:=;;1 116. ~: 1OI6RI~ : : ~ : ?

qx +2 , x »1 (A) ch)<:1CflldI
31cfCRl ~, eft p 3fu: q if;.l1R~: ~ (8) ~
(A) - 3, 5 (8) 5, 2 (C) ~
(C) 3,5 (0) 2,5 (0) mmlOl
112. ~ 31NCfiT~ ~-~ ~ 3in:~ 3fu:31N 117. ~, ~-a"3W>TCfiR~~, m>TCfiR
10m. 31lit~~, ~~~3fu:7.5m. QlfCfi<:1, it ~'mf ~ I
~~, eft31N~ (A) 31f(f(R (8) ~

(A) ~~~if;~~ (C) ~ (0) ~

(8) ~ ~~if;~lW1T~
118. ~~~I
(C) ~ ~~if;~~ ~ : cnfcrnr : :
(0) ~-acoW~ (A) ~: 3'lBR'ldl

(8) ~:~
(C) ~:~
(0) TfTmlftd": itm

119. ~-mB&rr~§Q:B&rr B~~;q it

(A) 26 (8) 32 ~~?
(C) 36 (0) 117 ms3'IT B~;q :(3,17,31)
(A) 5 (8) 15
114. ~~~ci( I
(C) 45 (0) 49
0,6,24,60,120,210, ?
(A) 240 (8) 290 120. y2 = x Cfsfi"CR~, ~~oo x~ ~ m~
(C) 336 (0) 504 ~ CfiTcnlur ~ ~

115. ~~~cRl (A) (1, 1)

ab baa ab
(8) (:' ~)
(A) aaaaa
(8) aabaa
(C) (~, :)
(C) aabab
(0) baabb
(0) (4, 2)



iv) Hindi Language and Comprehension

121. m 3'iiqIRa ~qJB ~f.FihRCFIT~~? 126. >rffi + ~ = 'S1~q<:f)R' ~ m
(A) ~ ~t?
(B) fcm7f (A) ~ ~
(C) ~ ~
(0) ~~~~ (B) ~
(C) ~~
122. t:R~~ = 't:H~~I~' ~~m (0) <ftef~
(A) ~~
127. ~~,lt~~3fn:~~~
~c:f"il~ ~ WfiR t ?
(B) ~
(A) R'iilClI:q<:f)
(C) H
(B) S1~"iClI:q<:f)
(0) ~
123. ~fMq~~~ ~~fMqltHT (0) 3)'(It5lClI:q<:f)
128. ~WCfiT~~ ~~mt?
(A) ~
(B) ~
(A) \ffi
(C) ~CI"i(JID (B) ~

(0) ~~~~ (C) ~

(0) ~
124. '1Wl~~ I' ~CfTCFl ~1~ClI"iiOq ~
-m-rt 129.
, , ,
~, ~
~I~ 31fq
3)'(It5lClI:q<:f) ~ "il~ Ch
(A) .1Wl~~~~ 1 ~WfiR~ ~3lffi~?
(B) 1Wl ~ -:qffi ~ ~ 1 (A) lt~~
(C) 1Wl ~ -:qffi Tf<fi 1 (B) ~~
(0) 1Wl~~~TJm 1 (C) ~~ (>r~~)
(0) ~~~~
125. m ~ ~ ~ ~ wrr CfiTm~-m-rt
mcnr ~~~~BCfmTt, ~ 130. ~~~ ~quij~G)m\.mat
___ ~~~I t, ~~m ~-m-rt?
(A) 'q IClClI:q<:f) (A) ~<:f)ljSlI~
(B) ~&Ot ClI:q <:f)
(B) ~
(C) &Ot Fcffi ClI:q <:f)
(C) CI?iI Fcffi
(0) 'iillmClI:q<:f)
(0) ~a.n

141. ~ qrcp;r "Cfll~~ "la CflII:'1-ij G!GktQ> 1 145. {@i{4)("I qrcp;r ~dCflII:'1 ~ cnt.m >TCfiR
~~~~I ~~?
<:rfu~-ij~m<ft, m~ kt@("I1 1
(A) ~~~~~I
(A) ~
(8) ~~~~Wn~ 1
(8) ~~
(C) ~~~~~I (C) %g~
(0) ~it~~ (0) ~

142. ~~-ij 146. '~~ ~"{ll1R ~ ~ I' ~ <fli'1~1

~"§31T~ ?
(A) ~~>m:f: >T'tfRmm~ 1
(A) ~
(8) GmT
~ ~~"5fm;rirnT~ 1
(8) ~
(C) GFIT~ >T'tfR~ ~ 1 (C) C1snlFcffl
(0) GFIT~>T'tfR~~~~fcnm
(0) ~
147. ~ !t1&Gi!t1 (~)"Cfll ~~,
143. ~it~~~ ~ fcnm~ ~ 31Ft ~"3B'Cfll~ ~
>JGf.Pfi«fT ~ 1
.. (A) ~
(A) ~
(8) ~
(8) ~~
(C) ~ (C) ~
(0) ~ (0) ~it~~
144. '~l4$lGR~fcnmit~~ I'~qrcp;r 148. RlO'1 kt fuJ("I -ijit ~ ~ ~ -:qlR ,
-ij '~' ~~~~ 1 ~I
(A) 'JIIRiClI"qCfl~, ~R:(:;{JI, G!§C1"q'1, (A) "Rmftl
Cfl'diCflRCfl, '~' ~ ~ emIT (8) ;ftmftf
(8) \f 1ClC11"qCfl ~m, lJ;~lT, ~~, (C) Hmtffi
Cfl%RCfl, '~' ~ ~ "Cfllf (0) RGiP:("I

(C) OllFcfflClI"qCfl~, ~Rk1JI, G!§C1"q'1, Cfi\UT 149. 'ktCfiICfiI' ~inT~~?

~, '~'~~"Cfllf (A) ~

(0) OllFcfflClI"qCfl~, ~f?c;iJI, G!§C1"q'1, (8) ~

~, '~' ~~"Cfllf (C) ~
(0) ~~~~

150. '3imAH~~Cfi8T l'pCfiT31~~ 155. ~~~-ij~~~~CfiT
~3(m.ROI~ ?
(A) Pt~\1 ~
(A) ~
(B) 3lBllCf ~ Cfi8T (B) 'fu;r
(C) ~ ~ 'm1T\3fRT (C) ~
(0) ~
(0) ~11R~
156. 'Gful ~ 1rrffi~' P CfiT~ ~
151. ~~CfiT 3GltROI ~ (A) ~)lCR Cfi8T
(A) ~ (B) ~m\3fRT
(C) ~~
(B) ~ (0) ~ fliWta ~
(C) fcRm
157. ~ '31' <n '31-f' CfiT~~
(0) ~ (A) 31Tm

152. ~CfifcRrr-ij~~~ ~~ ~ ~
(B) m
(C) -;rtf
~~, ~ c61"l("l1~mm~?
(A) ~
(0) ~~~-;rtf
(B) cgi11f(ffi
158. 'm~' ~ CfiTii1§cl'~"l ~ ~
(C) ~ (A) mmm
(0) ~?ill (B) m~
(C) 6Tf~
153. ~~~,~<n~~~~ (0) 6Tf~

~~t~ ~~~I
159. G'rquiT~~~ iI~q
IJl ~q;)
(A) ~ ~~I
(B) ~ (A) B1ffil
(B) ~
(C) ~
(C) ~
(0) ~~~-;rtf
(0) ~
154. ~+3WRl=~~~~? 160. ~CfiTtR = \e1~El{'~~
(A) ~~ B1ffil ~ ?
(B) ~~ (A) ~lTICf
(C) <ftt:f"@.T (B) ~
(0) c%~ (C) ii1§~f%
(0) ~


v) English Language and Comprehension

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles if Fill in the blanks with appropriate word.
165. I shall for honest candidate
161. Sonal is richest man in in coming poll.
Mumbai. (A) Canvas
(B) Canvass
(A) the
(C) Canevas
(B) a
(0) Canevass
(C) an
166. Her happiness is
(0) no article needed
(A) Momentary
162. Houses are built of bricks (B) Momentous
and cement. (C) Momentory
(A) a (0) None of the above

(B) an 167. By seeing dead body of my brother I

(C) the began to

(0) no article needed (A) Veil

(B) Weil
Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition. (C) Vail
(0) Wail
163. I have been learning driving _
eight hours. Give one word substitutes for the following.
(A) since 168. A soldier who fights for the sake of
(B) for money.
(C) from (A) Meticulous
(B) Misogynist
(0) in
(C) Mercenary
164. The property was divided _ (0) Lessor
the two sisters.
169. The introductory part of a poem.
(A) among
(A) Monologue
(B) for (B) Prologue
(C) between (C) Epilogue
(0) in (0) Epic


Identify the underlined word. 175. A survey has found that, surprisingly,
most children to walk to
170. The boy who stole the watch was school than be taken by car.
caught. (A) prefer
(A) Adjective (B) prefers
(B) Adverb (C) have preferred
(0) preferred
(C) Relative pronoun
(0) Noun Select simple sentence from the following.

171. He is both scholarly and cultured. 176. (A) Tell me where you live.
(A) Verb (B) I have no advice that I can offer
(B) Pronoun
(C) How long I shall stay is doubtful.
(C) Conjunction
(0) He declared his innocence.
(0) Interjunction
177. (A) We came upon a peasant's hut.
172. He is a strange person. (B) He remarked how impudent the boy
(AJ Adverb was.
(C) Youth is the time when the seeds
, (B) Adjective
of character are sown. -,
(C) Noun (0) The moment which is lost is lost for
(0) Pronoun ever.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate form Change the following sentence into compound
of verb. sentence.

173. I made a cup of tea while she _ 178. 'We sow so that we may reap.'
the letter. (A) We sow and we reap.
(B) We sow while we reap.
(A) reading
(C) We desire to reap, therefore we
(B1 was reading sow.
(C) is reading (0) None of the above
(0) none of the above
179. 'The lion was not killed although he was
174. Many people her to be wounded.'
the finest violinist in the country at the (A) The lion was wounded but not
moment. killed.
(B) Although the lion was wounded it
(A) considers
was not killed.
(B) considering (C) The lion was not killed and it is
(C) has considered wounded.
(0) consider (0) None of the above


Complete the following using correct option. Identify the figure of speech used in the
following sentence.
180. I was alarmed lest
185. "She accepted it as the kind cruelty of
(A) we were not wrecked the surgeon's knife."
(8) we could not wrecked (A) Euphemism
(C) we should not wrecked (8) Oxymoron
(0) we should be wrecked (C) Simile
(0) Epigram
181. Except a man be born again,
186. "Life is a dream."
(A) he cannot see the kingdom of
(A) Simile
(8) Metaphore
(8) he can see the kingdom of God (C) Apostrophe
(C) he will see the kingdom of God (0) Pun
(0) he is able to see the kingdom of
Choose the meanings of the following idioms
God and phrases.

Fill in the blanks with correct expression. 187. "Once in a blue moon."
(A) When there is a blue moon
182. Satish many prizes at the
(8) Very rarely
school sports.
(C) Frequently
(A) bore away (0) None of the above
(8) bore down
188. "To chew the cud."
(C) bore out
(A) Go through legalities
(0) bore upon (8) Reflect upon one's past
(C) Kill time
183. He is for a sailor.
(0) Have a meal
(A) cut out
(8) cut up Identify the correct spelling.

(C) cut off 189. (A) ACCUMULLATE

(0) cut of (8) ACCUMMULATE
184. He against such injustice. (0) ACUMULLATE
(A) Cry down
190. (A) PERSU IT
(8) Cried out
(C) Cried up (C) PERSOOT
(0) Cried in (0) PERSUET


In the following passage there are blanks, each 196. The door was open so I just
of which has been numbered. Fill in the blanks went straight in.
with suitable words. (A) wide
At the beginning I (191) that if I was (192) (B) widely
lucky enough to (193) a professional
entomologist, I would (194) my time advising (C) shorty
farmers on how to control insects. (D) short

191. (A) think Choose the antonym of the words.

(B) thought
(C) got 197. NEBULOUS

(D) assumed (A) Distinct

(B) Sober
192. (A) ever
(C) Grave
(B) only
(D) Serious
(C) sometimes
(D) always 198. RECEDE :.)

193. (A) obtain (A) Abhorrent

(B) retain (B) Scornful
(C) keep (C) Advance
(D) become (D) Disdainful

194. (A) spent Choose the synonym of the given words.

(B) spend
(C) consume 199. ABSURD
(D) waste (A) Ridiculous
(B) Realistic
Fill in the blanks with correct adjective or
adverb from the options given. (C) Powerful
(D) Reasonable
195. One of the choir members was
singing 200. CONSCIENTIOUS
(A) flatly (A) Dishonest
(B) flat (B) Unjust
(C) deeply
(C) Immoral
(D) none of the above
(D) Scrupulous







3U11~cllij~ Wrtt qt1TCt~i ~
13. This bOOkl~tpontains 40 pages. 13. ~~-q40~%1

14. Directions: Each question or incomplete 14. f.$T :~ >PR 31~ ~ 31~ ~ ~ ~
statement is followed by four alternative ~ "3ffi: 31~ ~ q)~ ~ TTir ~ I ~ ~
suggested answers or completions. In each
-q ~ fcnm ~ c8 ~ % ~ >PR q)f ~ "3ffi:
case, you are required to select the one that
correctly answers the question or completes the ~ ~~c8~~ 3fu: ~"3ffi:~-q
statement and blacken (e) appropriate circle ~ J n ~ ICflR 19H A, B, C <IT0 c8 ;ffi;rr <ITCf)]"ffi

A, B, C or 0 by Blue / Black Ball-Point Pen ~-11'fR ~ ~ Cf)]"ffi (e) q)8T % I (~

againstthe question concerned in the Answer
Sheet. (For V.H. candidates corresponding
"3~lqcn~T cfi ~ "fiTJO" TTl'ffiCfi'R f('{fT.tCfi ~'RT

circle will be blackened by the scribe) CfiWfTftnm~)

15. Mark your answer by shading the appropriate 15. ~ w.1 ~ BllH ~ Cf1 CfiT R1~iCflPl~ 3N-1T
circle against each question. The circle
should be shaded completely without leaving
~ m I Cf1 c@" w.rr ~ ~ ~ R1~ifChct eR I

any space. The correct method of shading is R1~ifChct "Cfl8 CfiT ~ dftCflr ~ ~ TT<n % I

given below.
I Wrong Method Wrong Method Wrong Method Correct Method
I O~OO 0000 O@OO oeoo ~~~~
The Candidate must mark his/her response ~c8 311f.1T"3ffi:tlll'"l'iJCfl ~ ~ ~ 3"CRRf
after careful consideration. ~q)8T~1
I 16. There is only one correct answer to each 16. ~ >PR q)f ~ ~ -b1~"3ffi: % I ~
I question. You should blacken (e) the circle of ~~ ~A, B, C <IT0 ~ Jn~ICflI{ 19H
I the appropriate column, viz., A, B, Cor D. If
you blacken (e) more than one circle against
c8 Cf)]"ffi (e) q)8T % I~ fcnm >PR ~ ~

anyone question, the answer will be treated 1"!."Cfl ~ 31fu-Cfl Jn ~ ICfll{ 19H c8 m1T (epit 31Tqq)f
as wrong. "3W lJffif llRT ~ I

17. In case of any discrepancy between the 17. ~ fcnm >PR ~ ~ Cf4T ~ ~ -q ~
English and Hindi versions of any question, 3iffi:%o1~~c8-b1~~~ I
the English version will be treated as final/

18. Use the space for rough work given in the 18. ~"Cfll<f ~ ~ ~ >PR -q"5f -q ~ TTir ~ q)f
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19. You are NOT required to mark your answers 19. ~~CflI~~3ITCrCit~~~cnB~ I
in this Booklet. All answers must be indicated ~~"3ffi~.q~~1
in the Answer Sheet only.

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