(35 Marks) / (Time Suggested: 45 Minutes)

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Section A: Directed Writing

[35 marks]/ [Time suggested: 45 minutes]


You have been asked by your teacher to give a talk on a reference book that is ueful for
secondary school student. You have decided to give a talk about a science book.

Use the following notes about the book to write your talk.

Details of the book

 Title: Science Made Simple (C1)
 Author: Sharifah Shazana (C2)
 Publisher: Bunga Publications (C3)
 Price: RM 10 (C 4)
Reasons why the book is useful
 attractive presentation ( C5)
 clear explanations (C6)
 variety of exercises (C7)
 sample answers (C8)
 practice question papers (C9)
 useful tips (C10)

When writing the talk, you should remember to:

 use an appropriate greeting and closing
 state the purpose of the talk
 use all the notes given
 give two other reasons of your own ( C11 and C12)
 write the talk for school students

***( Please make sure you underline your content points to help me identify them. For each content
points (C5- C12), you have to elaborate. But make sure it is simple and direct to the point)

 Identify the task at hand. Check to see if you have to write a speech/ a talk, a report, an article
or letter ( formal/informal)
 Make sure you know who are your audience (who are you writing to) and who are you
supposed to be for example the head prefect, secretary cousin
 check if you have to add in your own ideas and write them down in your question paper to be
added later
 Make sure you cross out all the points that you have included in the essay to help you identify
have missed out.
 Explain each of the content points in simple and clear terms. You can use an example to
explain you cannot find the right words to elaborate.

For example: Article: Bullying in School

Content point: victims- declining grades in exam

Example 1: Victims who are bullied in school will end up having declining grades in exam.

Example2: Victims who are bullied in school will end up having declining grades in exam.
This is because they cannot concentrate in class during lesson.
Directed Writing ( guided essay) ( 5SD, 5MI & 5ME)

Fill in the gaps with words and content points . For columns with (C), you have to fill in with the
content points.

Good morning, teachers and my students I have been asked to talk about a new science book that has
been very useful to me in my studies. I trust it would be to you too, which is why I am here

The book is titled Science Made Simple written by Sharifah Shazana. It is published by
Bunga Publications. The author is a famous scientist teacher who has been a scientist for 10
years before she started teaching in schools. Ever since then, she has taught in many
secondary schools for the last 15 years. Her experience as a scientist has enabled her to know
how to make it simple for learners to understand what they are reading. By the way, the book
is rather she too as it sell only RM10.

Let’s move on to talk about why I find the book. It useful for students including me. First of
all, the book caught me right from the start through its beautiful cover. However, I must say I
was very excited to find that the contents of the book is even better. The book has
(C1)contain of diagrams and illustrations which made science loads of fun! The author
provides (C2) very clear explanation for concepts and theories given.

At the end of every chapter, there is a (C3) variety exercise to test the concepts and theories
the students have learned. These exercises are handy and great for reinforcement of the
knowledge they have acquired. The exercises are also followed by (C4) practice question
paper which are written in SPM-format to familiarize students with SPM question. The
author also gave a guide for the students to write their answers (C7) in the best format and

Not only that, the book also comes with (C5) useful tips that are arranged properly across the
whole book. There are (C6) tips which will help students to identify common mistakes in
examination and (C8) how they can better tackle a question .The book was also top on the
list of bestsellers in our local bookstores. I believe that this is good enough to consider buying
the book! Besides, it is cheaper than revision book sold online.

All in all, the book really speaks for itself. It is an excellent book you would not want to miss
out on. I would highly recommend the book to all of you. You can buy the book at our school
bookshop at just RM10.8o per copy. I am sure you would enjoy it as I did.

Thank you.

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