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Principle Of Effective Communication

Assignment No 2

Submitted By: Nabeel Riasat

Submitted To: Ma’am Aisha

Roll No: S2F18BSEN0029

Subject: Intro To Communication

Topic: Principle Of Effective Communication

University Of Central Punjab Sheikhupura.

Principle Of Effective Communication:.............................................................................2
Seven C’s of Effective Communication:........................................................................2
Principle Of Effective Communication

 Principle of Clarity:..................................................................................................2
2. Principle Of Completeness:..................................................................................3
Some Guidelines:.......................................................................................................3
3. Principle Of Conciseness:.....................................................................................3
Some Guidelines:.......................................................................................................3
4. Principle Of Consideration (Develop Listening Habits):......................................4
Some Guidelines:.......................................................................................................4
5. Principles Of Courtesy:.........................................................................................4
6. Principles Of Correctness:....................................................................................4
Some Guidelines:.......................................................................................................4
7. Principles Of Credibility:......................................................................................5
Some Other Principles:......................................................................................................5
1. Self Control:.........................................................................................................5
2. Autenticity:...........................................................................................................5
3. Focus on Need:.....................................................................................................5
4. Formal Communication Channel:.........................................................................5
5. Informal communication System:.........................................................................5
6. Feedback:.............................................................................................................. 6
Principles of Effective Communication – With the Suggestions Made by the American
Management Association:..................................................................................................6
In all types of communication, the communicator must keep in view the following
principles in order to have an effective communication:................................................6
Barriers In Communication:...............................................................................................7
Barriers to the Communication:.........................................................................................7
1. Physical Barrier:...................................................................................................7
FACTORS CAUSING PHYSICAL BARRIER :.......................................................8
Tips To Overcome Physical Barrier:..........................................................................8
2. Language Barriers (Linguistic):............................................................................8
Factors Causing Language Barrier:............................................................................8
Tips To Overcome:....................................................................................................9
3. Cross-Culture Barrier:...........................................................................................9
Principle Of Effective Communication

4. Personal Psychological Barrier:.........................................................................9

5. Social Psychological Barrier:................................................................................9
6. Status Barrier:.......................................................................................................9
7. Organizational Barrier:.........................................................................................9
Other Barriers:.................................................................................................................. 10
1. Emotional Behavior:...........................................................................................10
Tips to overcome:.....................................................................................................10
2. Gender Barrier:...................................................................................................10
3. Organizational Berrier:.......................................................................................10
4. Perceptusl Berrier:..............................................................................................10
How To Overcome Overall Barriers Of Communication:................................................11
1. Eliminating differences in perception:................................................................11
2. Use Of Simple Language:...................................................................................11
3. Reduction And Elimination Of Noise Level:......................................................11
4. Active Listening:................................................................................................11
5. Emotional State:..................................................................................................11
6. Simple Organizational Structure:........................................................................11
7. Avoid Information Overloaded:..........................................................................12
8. Give Constructive Feedback:..............................................................................12
9. Proper Media Selection:......................................................................................12
General Introduction To Mass Media:..............................................................................12
Mass Communication And Mass Media:.........................................................................13
Mass Communication:..................................................................................................13
Mass Media:................................................................................................................. 13
Types of Mass Media:..................................................................................................13
There are 6 types of Mass Media:................................................................................13
1. Traditional Media:.............................................................................................14
There are various forms of Traditional media:.........................................................14
2. Print Media:.......................................................................................................14

Principle Of Effective Communication

There are various forms of Print Media:...................................................................14

3. Electronic Broadcasting Media:......................................................................15
There are various Electronic Broadcasting Medium:...............................................15
4. Outdoor Media:.................................................................................................15
Various forms of Outdoor Media are:......................................................................15
5. Transit Media:...................................................................................................15
Forms of Transit media are:.....................................................................................15
Digital Media or New Media:..........................................................................................16
Digital Media forms are:..........................................................................................16
DIFFERENT MEDIA OF MASS COMMUNICATION:............................................16
Function of Mass Media:..............................................................................................16
Importance Of Mass Media:.............................................................................................17
Mass media trends:...........................................................................................................18
Audience segmentation:...............................................................................................18
Increase audience control:............................................................................................18
Multiple Performs:.......................................................................................................18
Mobile Media:.............................................................................................................. 19
Social Media:...............................................................................................................19
References:....................................................................................................................... 20

Principle Of Effective Communication:

Seven C’s of Effective Communication:
1. Principle Of Clarity
2. Princple Of Completeness
3. Principles Of Conciseness
Principle Of Effective Communication

4. Principles Of Consideration
5. Principles Of Courtesy
6. Principles Of Correctness
7. Principles Of Credibility
Communication can be effective only the receiver receives the message in the same form
and context as is sent by the sender. When there is no mmistake in interpretation and the
sender gets the correct feedback then the comunication can be termed as effective.
The chief purpose of communication is the exchange of ideas among various people
working in the organisation. The process of communication should be helpful in an
effective exchange of information. The remedies for the removal of barriers in
communication also point towards effective communication.
A sender, however, should have the knowledge of some special facts which he can use in
a particular situation to make communication effective. These special facts are known as
‘Principles of Effective Communication’.

 Principle of Clarity:
Sender should transmit message in such a way that it is clearly understood with all its
preciseness by the receiver.
It includes:
 Calrity of Thought
 Clarity of Expression
First of all it should be clear in the mind of the sender as to what he wants to say.
According to Terry the principle of effective communication is ‘first to fully inform
oneself.’ The clearer the thought the more effective is the
2. Principle Of Completeness:
The business message is complete when it contain all the
fact which the leader or listener needs for the reaction that
sender of the message desired. Complete information makes

communication effective. Incomplete messages create gaps that may be filled

by people according to their individual perceptions. A manager says

Principle Of Effective Communication

to his workers, “We want to increase production to meet the increasing demand. So
please cooperate with us and work overtime.”
Some Guidelines:
 Answering all questions asked.
 Checking for the ‘five W’ questions.
3. Principle Of Conciseness:
The message to be communicated should be as brief and concise as possible. Excessive
information can also result in a way that turn the receiver in the wrong
direction or into inaction. Though all details should be included in the
message, the sender should be as brief as possible. Readers and listeners
prefer reading and listening to short notices rather than lengthy details.
Long messages become boring and may lose attention of the receiver.
Simple, short and crisp sentences should be used to make the message
Language should be as simple as possible. Use of technical words and tough vocabulary
should be avoided.
Some Guidelines:
 Avoid repetition
 Relevant Fact
 Organize your message
4. Principle Of Consideration (Develop Listening Habits):
It shows the relationship between sender and the receiver of communication. The
recepient background knowledge experience should be considered. Some people are good
speakers but bad listeners. Research has shown that most of the managers are not good
listeners. If managers want their subordinates to listen to them, they should develop their
listening skills also. They should be considerate towards needs, sentiments and emotions
of the receiver. They should seek not only to be understood but also to understand.
Some Guidelines:
 Adapt the “You” attitude.
 Avoid gender bias.
 Emphasis positive, pleasant facts.

Principle Of Effective Communication

5. Principles Of Courtesy:
The message should be provided in polite words, avoid irritative and offensive
Expressions. Also apologize sincerely for omissions and thank for any favour.
Politeness and courtesy are important contributors to effective
communication. Thanking the other person for a favour, acknowledging
his action or response, apologizing for a mistake, avoiding negative
expressions (the product failed because of you, your behaviour is bad
etc.) and using empathy are some of the ways which can make
communication courteous and effective.
6. Principles Of Correctness:
The messages should be correct, authentic and accurate. Incorrect transmission will lead
to incorrect action. While corresponding with outsiders, incorrect message can affect
company’s goodwill and public relations.
Some Guidelines:
 Provide correct Fact.
 Sent your message at correct time.
 Sent your message at correct style.
7. Principles Of Credibility:
If sender establish credibility, receiver accepts the statement. Establishing
credibility is not an outcome of one shot statement, but is a long drawn process. This
means the receiver accepting the statement of the sender as such. But this is not a
one shot process. It is a long drawn process wherein the receiver thorough
constant interaction with the sender understands the latter and accepts his
statement to be true and honest.

Some Other Principles:

1. Self Control:
A person’s state of mind or mood should not overpower his communication with others.
The gestures of the sender should correspond with the message he sends. Manager should
not communicate sad news (say, retrenchment of an employee) in a happy mood and vice
versa. Communicators should maintain complete control over their actions, behaviour
and gestures and not distort the message.

Principle Of Effective Communication

2. Autenticity:
Before transmitting any information, sender should ensure that the information is correct
and fair. Wrong information will result in wrong decisions.
3. Focus on Need:
What the sender wants to convey must also be what the receiver wants to receive. Sender
should analyze the needs of information at the receiving end before conveying the
message. If a seminar is organized for the students and speakers of esteem from various
fields are invited who deliver lectures beyond the understanding of students, the lectures
will be of no value to them and will go unheard. Communication should, therefore,
satisfy the needs of the receivers.
4. Formal Communication Channel:
Official information should flow through formal channels of communication. It avoids
spreading of rumours and relieves top managers from scanning every information.
Workers will contact their supervisors rather than functional managers.
5. Informal communication System:
Informal communication system should supplement the formal communication system.
Informal communication system speeds up the transmission of formal messages.
6. Feedback:
The speaker should not just speak and get away from the communication site. He should
wait for a response to know whether the receiver has understood what he has said.
Feedback is an important element to effective communication.

Principles of Effective Communication – With the Suggestions Made

by the American Management Association:
The effectiveness of a system is measured in terms of its objective achievement.
Therefore, the effective communication system is one which achieved its objectives.
Communication is effective where there are no barriers to communication. The message
should be clear and complete. The communication should always be consistent with the
objectives, policies and programmes of the enterprise. Communication is effective when
the workers are receptive to it and are able to give relevant feedback.

Principle Of Effective Communication

In all types of communication, the communicator must keep in view the

following principles in order to have an effective communication:

1. Examine the true purpose of each communication.

2. Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating.
3. Consider the total physical and human setting whenever you communicate.
4. Consult with others, wherever appropriate, in planning communications.
5. Be mindful, when you communicate, of the overtones as well as the basic content of
your message.
6. Take the opportunity, when it arises, to convey something of help or value to the
7. Follow up your communication.
8. Communicate for tomorrow as well as today.
9. Be sure your actions support your communication.
10. Seek not only to be understood but to understand-be a good listener.

Barriers In Communication:
Comunication barriers can be defined as the aspects or conditions that interfare with
effective exchange of ideas or thought.
There are many reasons why interpersonal communications
may fail. In many communications, the message may not be
received exactly the way the sender intended and hence it is
important that the communicator seeks feedback to check
that their message is clearly understood. The skills of Active
Listening, Clarification and Reflection, which we will
discuss shortly, may help but the skilled communicator also
needs to be aware of the barriers to effective communication.
There exist many barriers to communication and these may
occur at any stage in the communication process. Barriers may lead to your message
becoming distorted and you therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing
confusion and misunderstanding. Effective communication involves overcoming these
barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. 

Principle Of Effective Communication

Barriers to the Communication:

1. Physical
2. Language
3. Cross Cultural
4. Personal-Psychological
5. Socio-Psychological
6. Status
7. Organization
1. Physical Barrier:
They are the most obvious barriers to effective communication. These barriers are mostly
easily removable in principle at least. They include barriers like noise, closed doors,
faulty equipment used for communication, closed cabins, etc. Sometimes, in a large
office, the physical separation between various employees combined with faulty
equipment may result in severe barriers to effective communication.
It includes:
 Noise
 Time and Distance
 Environment
 Defects in medium / channels
 Poor Retention
 Defects in media
 Distraction in environment
 Distance
 Ignorance of medium
 Physical disability
Tips To Overcome Physical Barrier:
 To be updated with latest technologies.
 Choosing a suitable environment.
 Removing obstacle.
 Making signs easier to read, example, you could supplement written signs
with pictures and visual signs.
Principle Of Effective Communication

 Self Motivation.

2. Language Barriers (Linguistic):

The language barrier is one of the main barriers that limit effective communication.
Language is the most commonly employed tool of communication. The fact that each
major region has its own language is one of the Barriers to effective communication.
Sometimes even a thick dialect may render the communication ineffective.
As per some estimates, the dialects of every two regions changes within a few kilometers.
Even in the same workplace, different employees will have different linguistic skills. As
a result, the communication channels that span across theorganization would be
affected by this.
Thus keeping this barrier in mind, different considerations have to be made for different
employees. Some of them are very proficient in a certain language and others will be ok
with these languages.
Factors Causing Language Barrier:
 Multi language
 Region
 Inadequate vocabulary
Tips To Overcome:
 Speak slowly and clearly.
 Ask for clarification.
 Frequently check for understanding.
 Be specific.
 Choose your medium of communication effectively.
 Be patient.
3. Cross-Culture Barrier:

4. Not all barriers to

communication are

Principle Of Effective Communication

5. caused by people. There are

many environmental
6. factors affecting the effective
7. process. Messages can be
blocked by environmental
8. factors, such as the physical
setting or the situation
9. where communication takes
Communication with people of different cultures and backgrounds means becoming
aware of the differences in values, beliefs and attitudes that people hold.Empathy is
important for overcoming barriers to communication based on culture. Empathy
means sensing the feelings and attitudes of others as if we had experienced them
4. Personal Psychological Barrier:
 Premature Evaluation
 Different Perceptions
 ALLness and Closed mind
 Effect of Fear & Emotions
 Misunderstandings
5. Social Psychological Barrier:
 Attitude and Opinions
 Status Consciousness

Principle Of Effective Communication

6. Status Barrier:
 Managers believe that all clerks are lazy.
 News letter is perceived as propaganda sheet.
 Important feedback given by sub ordinates is not paid attention by superiors.
7. Organizational Barrier:
 Hierarchical Barriers
 Specialization of Workforce
 Wrong choice of Medium
 Communication load
 Organization Policy

Other Barriers:
1. Emotional Behavior:
 The emotional state may influence your capacity to make yourself understood and
hamper your understanding of others.
 Many times, emotional barriers on your part or the part of the person you are
speaking which may inhibit your ability to communicate on an effective level
Tips to overcome:
 Motivation and commitment to change.
 Peer or mentor support .
 Practice expressing recognition .
2. Gender Barrier:
 Relationships, respect, workplace authority and education are common ways men
and women are pitted against each other.
 Overcoming barriers in gender communication isn’t simple but can be made clear
with a little patience and understanding.
 This barrier arises because men and women have different ways of thinking and
3. Organizational Berrier:
 Organizational structure greatly affects the capability of the employees as far as
the communication is concerned .
Principle Of Effective Communication

 All the internal factors which stymie or block the process of communication are
known as organisational barriers. Some such factors have already been discussed
like restrictive environments, deceptive tactics, communication network.
4. Perceptusl Berrier:
The most common problem is that the people have difference opinion .
 The varied perceptions of every individual give rise to a need for effective
 We all have our own preferences, values, attitudes, origins and life experiences
that act as ‘filters’ on our experiences of people, events and information.

How To Overcome Overall Barriers Of Communication:

1. Eliminating differences in perception:
The organization should ensure that it is recruiting right individuals on the job. It’s the
responsibility of the interviewer to ensure that the interviewee has command over the
written and spoken language. There should be proper Induction program so that the
policies of the company are clear to all the employees. There should be proper trainings
conducted for required employees (for eg: Voice and Accent training).
2. Use Of Simple Language:
Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use of ambiguous words and
jargons should be avoided.
3. Reduction And Elimination Of Noise Level:
Noise is the main communication barrier which must be overcome on priority basis. It is
essential to identify the source of noise and then eliminate that source.
4. Active Listening:
Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between “listening” and “hearing”.
Active listening means hearing with proper understanding of the message that is heard.
By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether his/her message is understood or not
by the receiver in the same terms as intended by the speaker.
5. Emotional State:
During communication one should make effective use of body language. He/she should
not show their emotions while communication as the receiver might misinterpret the

Principle Of Effective Communication

message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the message is in a bad mood
then the receiver might think that the information being delivered is not good.
6. Simple Organizational Structure:
The organizational structure should not be complex. The number of hierarchical levels
should be optimum. There should be a ideal span of control within the organization.
Simpler the organizational structure, more effective will be the communication.
7. Avoid Information Overloaded:
The managers should know how to prioritize their work. They should not overload
themselves with the work. They should spend quality time with their subordinates and
should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively.
8. Give Constructive Feedback:
Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the feedback might be negative, but it
should be delivered constructively. Constructive feedback will lead to effective
communication between the superior and subordinate.
9. Proper Media Selection:
The managers should properly select the medium of communication. Simple messages
should be conveyed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings. Use of written
means of communication should be encouraged for delivering complex messages. For
significant messages reminders can be given by using written means of communication
such as : Memos, Notices etc.

General Introduction To Mass Media:

Mass media plays an important role in the life of society. Most people agree that the 21st
century can be called the “age of media”, which is quite true as the world of media
influences us in different ways. However, some of these bring benefits for us, there are
also bad points. Since the advancement of technology, people today are getting attached
to television and films, books also make its passion to stand at the top of media list.
Mass Media includes various types of media such as television, radio, newspaper and
magazines. Reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on
the radio are our main means of getting information. Mass media bring to millions of
homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programmes. If
you watch TV and listen to the radio, you can improve your knowledge of history, ,
biology, literature or even learn a foreign language by radio. Media is one of the most

Principle Of Effective Communication

useful hearts of human life. We are overfull with all these letters, sounds and films,

Mass Communication And Mass Media:

Mass Communication:
Mass media are the transport forms of mass communication, which can be defined as the
dissemination of messages widely, rapidly, and continuously to large and diverse
audiences in an attempt to influence them in some way. 
Five distinct stages of mass communication exist, according to American communication
scholars Melvin DeFleur and Everette Dennis:
 Professional communicators create various types of "messages" for presentation to
 The messages are disseminated in a "quick and continuous" manner through some
form of mechanical media.
 The messages are received by a vast and diverse audience.
 The audience interprets these messages and gives them meaning.
 The audience is influenced or changed in some manner. 
Mass Media:
Think about this for a second: whenever you want to hear your favorite song, watch your
favorite show, or see the latest current events, where do you go? You more than likely
turn on your television, radio, or computer. The source that the majority of the general
public uses to get their news and information from is considered mass media.
Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the
primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public.
The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio,
television, and the Internet. The general public typically relies on the mass media to
provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in
pop culture.
Types of Mass Media:
There are various types of mass media we people, even the children who are at home
watching cartoons and geography channels is also a kind of mass media.
We human beings, today, is surrounded by various types of Mass Media which influences
our life. Through oral, written and broadcast medium, all age groups get knowledge,
information and entertainment.
Principle Of Effective Communication

There are 6 types of Mass Media:

 Traditional Media
 Print Media
 Electronic Broadcasting Media
 Outdoor Media
 Transit Media
 Digital Media or New Media
Each media has its significance in some or the other way. For example newspaper, a print
provides news headlines and information in rural areas and urban areas as well as a TV
which also provides information, news and entertainment shows through a digital
 Print Media ( Newspapers, Magazines, books)
 Broadcast media(Radio, TV)
 Outdoor Media
 Internet (websites and videos)

1. Traditional Media:
People over some time developed different ways of communications through local
languages and written medium. Traditional Media is considered as the oldest forms of
media, which transfers culture and tradition from generation to generation.
Communication tools have been developed over some time from customs, rituals, beliefs
and practices of society.
There are various forms of Traditional media:
 Folk Songs and Music
 Theatres and Drama
 Fairs and Festivals

2. Print Media:
Print Media is defined as a Print form of information which is provided to the larger
audience. During Ancient times or Early Age, information is conveyed to the masses
through manuscripts. Before the invention of the Printing press, the articles and printed
matters are to be handwritten that was made available to a larger audience.
There are various forms of Print Media:
 Newspapers
 Journals
Principle Of Effective Communication

 Books, Novels and Comics

3. Electronic Broadcasting Media:

Distribution of content and information through audio and visuals using the electronic
broadcasting medium is called Broadcast.
Broadcast media is a useful medium of the spread of news and information to even
illiterate people and persons having a listening problem or eyesight problem as well.
There are various Electronic Broadcasting Medium:
 Traditional Telephone
 Television
 Radio

4. Outdoor Media:
Transmitting information and news when the public is outside their homes are also
known as Outdoor Media or Out of Home Media. The importance of outside media is
that it provides information related to new products, social information or advertisement
purposes to the masses.
Various forms of Outdoor Media are:
 Signs and Placards
 Posters
 Banners and Wallspace

5. Transit Media:
Transit media revolve around the concept of advertising when customers are out of
home and are going through any transport or on the go to public places. Advertisements
are displayed on the public transport and vehicles on which brand promotion of a product
and services take place.
Forms of Transit media are:
 Bus Advertising
 Taxi Advertising
 Rail Advertising

Principle Of Effective Communication

Digital Media or New Media:

With speed and higher digital technology, the Internet has taken over all mediums of
communications. Digital media is a two-way communication as users being active
producers of content and consumers of content and information.
Digital or new media can be text, audio, graphics, and video. This media is increasingly
getting popular medium of exchange of information due to ease of accessibility with a
computer and Internet Connection.
Digital Media forms are:
 Emails
 Websites
 Social Media and Networking
 Blogging and Vlogging
 E-forums and E-books
 Computer Animations
 Digital Videos
 E-Commerce
 Virtual world and Reality
 Webcast and Podcast
 The Newspaper
 Magzinese
 Books
 The Radio
 Television
 Films
 Computers
Function of Mass Media:
Mass Media is the powerful medium that does not only influence today’s world but that
also shape tomorrow. Mass Media performs essential task in order to cast its effect to the
people and maintain the society.
 Information
 Education
 Entertainment

Principle Of Effective Communication

 Interpretation
 Socialization

Importance Of Mass Media:

 Pervasiveness of Mass Media
 Mass Communication Informs
 Mass Communication Informs
 Mass Communication Persuades
 Mass Communication Binds
Competition has become increasingly keen in the area of the mass media as
they keep fighting for the attention of the readers, listeners, and TV-viewers. The life and
death of each newspaper and TV station is at stake here when the income from
advertising and sponsoring is proportional to the number of readers or viewers. The
printed media have problems competing with the electronic media as sources of news. In
order to survive, they are increasingly turning to other strategies such as entertainment,
titillation, scandal mongering, and spreading fear and spending fewer resources on
serious researching of news. This is not only about the survival of the fittest of the news
media; it is also about cultural selection and political selection.
The news media are the most important channels for the propagation of
culture, ideas, and opinions. Most opinion formation takes place when people sit and
watch news and debates on television. Analyzing the cultural selection in the electronic
information society, we find that an important part of the selection lies in the choice
between TV channels. Millions of lazy viewers sit in their comfortable armchairs with
remote controls in their hands zapping between action films, revivalist preachers, and
commercials for a new fragrance, hardly realizing that by choosing which cultural and
political influences they expose themselves to, they also chose the cultural and political
evolution of their country.
We live in the age where mass communication performs certain functions that
are useful to us. It is through mass communication that millions of audience is exposed
to a variety of messages each day. While many consumers of media are satisfied with any
single channel of mass communication, there are others who seek exposure to more that
one channel. There is increasing anxiety about the adverse effect of mass communication
on society in general and individuals in particular.

In spite of limited reach, mass communication is so central to society that

life seems inconceivable without mass media. They inform and shape our social

Principle Of Effective Communication

life. Their influence is positive if they are able to fulfill the information and
entertainment needs of the people in accordance with the existing norms, values
and culture in society. Usually, the mass communication messages are positive like
conveying messages for communal harmony, peace, anti-terrorism, anti-social
evils, anti-drugs, etc.

Mass media trends:

As media continue to evolve, several trends have become apparent.
Audience segmentation:
 Media audiences: less mass, more selective.
 Audience fractionalization or segmentation
 Reduced audience for any single media vehicle
 Definition of mass communication still applies; audiences still large, organizations
still complex.
 Specialization is evident, but potential to reach mass audience still exists.
 Convergence means coming together or uniting in common theme or focus.
 Corporate Convergence: Companies acquire assets extending range of activities.
 Operational Convergence: Owners of several media properties combine
Increase audience control:
 Audience members can control what they see and hear, and when.
 Technological advances (VCR, DVR, VOD) give more power to consumers.
 More sources of information, including blogs
 More flexibility in consuming products (download single track vs. buy full album)
 Create own classifieds/ ads -Craigslist
Multiple Performs:
 A strategy making content available via a number of different delivery methods to
a number of different receiving devices.
 Example: Music videos started on cable/satellite networks, went to websites, to
iPods, to cell phones.
 Television content, newspaper content, magazine content, all are repackaged for
multiple devices.

Principle Of Effective Communication

Mobile Media:
Mobile media:
 Small screen devices allow media to become increasingly mobile
 iPads & tablets
 Cell phones
 Laptop computers
 iPods
Significant milestone in development of communication.
Social Media:
 Online communications that use special techniques that involve participation,
conversation, sharing, collaboration, and linkage.
 At the start of 2011, Facebook had more than 500 million users; that would rank
the Website third largest in the world if it were a country.
 Businesses & politicians are turning to social media to market their products.

Communication can be effective only the receiver receives the message in the same form
and context as is sent by the sender. When there is no mmistake in interpretation and the
sender gets the correct feedback then the comunication can be termed as effective.
The chief purpose of communication is the exchange of ideas among various people
working in the organisation. The process of communication should be helpful in an
effective exchange of information. The remedies for the removal of barriers in
communication also point towards effective communication.
Mass communication is defined as ‘a process whereby mass produced messages
are transmitted to large, anonymous and heterogeneous masses of receivers’.

We require a sender, a message, a channel and a receiver for communication to

occur. Further there is feedback, which is the response or reaction of the receiver,
which comes back to the sender through the same or some other channel.

There are different media involved in the process of mass communication. They
reach every corner of the world and are very powerful. They invade even the
Principle Of Effective Communication

privacy of our bedrooms. They inform, educate, entertain and persuade. They also
help in the transmission of culture and perform the job of surveillance of the
society. They are the mass media.
The major functions of mass communication are that it informs, enriches, educates
and entertains.
The news media are the most important channels for the propagation of culture,
ideas, and opinions.
Communication may break down as a result of many communication barriers that may be
attributed to the sender or receiver. Therefore, effective communication requires
familiarity with the barriers. Choosing the right channel for communication is also
important, because choosing the wrong medium undermines the message. When
communication occurs in the cross-cultural context, extra caution is needed, given that
different cultures have different norms regarding nonverbal communication, and different
words will be interpreted differently across cultures. By being sensitive to the errors
outlined in this chapter and adopting active listening skills, you may increase your
communication effectiveness.



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