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Bulding Bridges Submission

Title:​ The Beneficial Effects of Art Therapy as a Supplement and Alternative to Medications
Presenter:​ Minehli Kamarzar, Glendale Community College
Mentor:​ Dr. Michael Harnett

250-word Proposal Abstract:

A large number of individuals deal with incurable health conditions along with anxiety,
stress, and depression. Millions of patients take medications for illnesses that art therapy can
easily help address. People who have a history of emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, mental
or physical abuse, violence, severe stress, brain injuries, behavioral problems, and other mental
health concerns should view art as an activity that has the potential to improve the state of one’s
mental and physical health, while providing academic advantages.
Art therapy can be practiced through various media, including sculpting, drawing,
painting, clay-making, and other art modalities (Brown). In current society, convenience makes
taking medications the more popular method to coping with health conditions. Art therapy has
more potential than it’s given credit for and its magnified implementation in the medical field
would have great impact on mental health. For instance, it can affect the recovery process of
adults, teens, and children with mental health disorders in a more holistic approach (Coloma).
In the presentation, the researcher gave her personal perspective and shared a video of
herself making pottery to illustrate how it affected her mood and well-being. In addition to online
research, the researcher also conducted an interview in which individuals who do art often
express how they feel and whether or not it has benefitted their health and academics. In all, art
therapy can be seen as a way to express one’s troubles, concerns, and challenges in a
nonthreatening, friendly, and therapeutic environment (Tiret).

Word Count: 246

Works Cited
“Benefits of Art Therapy - Young, Old, Mental, Emotional Benefits of Art.” ​Art
Therapy​, <​​.> Accessed
22 Nov 2018.
Brown, Asa Don. “Psychological Benefits of Art Therapy.” ​Canadian Counselling and
Psychotherapy Association​, 3 July 2015,
<​​.> Accessed 22 Nov 2018.
Coloma, Cindy. “The Healing Benefits of Art Therapy.” ​Rolling Hills Hospital​, 7 Mar. 2018,
<​​.> Accessed 22 Nov
Harvard Health Publishing. “The Healing Power of Art.” ​Harvard Health,​
<​​. > Accessed 29 March
Tiret, Holly. “The Benefits Art Therapy Can Have on Mental and Physical Health.” ​Native
Plants and Ecosystem Services​, Michigan State University | College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources, 2 Oct. 2018,
_health​.> Accessed 22 Nov 2018.

My Information:
Name: Minehli Kamarzar
E-mail: ​

Mentor Information:
Dr. Michael Harnett
E-mail: ​

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