Kick Serve Guide 18 PDF

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Huge Tennis Kick Serve Guide

Print this guide out and take it with you to the court.

Grab your racket

with the continental

Set your feet in a platform stance with your left

foot point towards the right net pole and your
back foot behind left pointed to the right fence.

Release your ball toss around eye level and get it

to where it is over your head.
Be sure to get the proper drop down. The racquet
must be far enough away from your back to
generate the right racquet head speed to create
the necessary spin.

Swing into the ball with a supination like you are

going to chop the ball in half then begin to
pronate your wrist. While pronating come across
the ball from a 7 o’clock position to a 1 o’clock
Keep the racquet head out to the right to create
the side and topspin necessary for a kick serve.

Finish your swing out and around in a half circle

motion across your body finishing to your left.

Practice, practice, practice. Then drive your opponent

crazy with your HUGE kick serve!

Be sure to watch more of our free YouTube videos at

Huge Tennis.

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