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Fore mostly, I am wholeheartedly thanking and giving praise

and glory to the Supreme Creator of Heavens and Earth, for He
revealed truth to those who seek Him. His wonderful works and
divine, righteous attributes are revealed in His creation. No exact
human words can figure out His awesome excellence for He is
beyond description.

I would like this book dedicated to; my wife Joan to

continue and remain faithful to HaShem, my children Roellen Mae,
Jazer John (Yazer Yahuchanan in Hebrew), Fitz Cleiford and Jay R,
to my relatives and friends and fellow Maharlikans so as they will
soon revert to Hebrew heritage like our ancient ancestors in this
blessed land of Maharlika.

Also, I’m humbly offering this book to all the Children of

Noah (called Noahides) who are now engaging in foreign religions
such Christianity, Islam, Budhism and many more. That they seek
and obey the Commandments of HaShem; who is the Creator of
heavens and earth, who alone is worthy of praise, honor, exaltation
and adoration!

“With the Giving of the Torah, the Elohim of Israel chose the
descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as His Chosen People,
instructing them to fulfill the 613 Commandments of the Torah. He
also commanded the righteous of the other nations (Gentiles) of
the world to keep the Seven Commandments of the Children of
Noah and commanded Moses and his people to teach them
how.”[1] “The Mosaic and Noahide Laws were inextricably bound
together. The Children of Noah, the righteous Gentiles, were
obligated to fulfill the Commandments because they were given
on Mount Sinai. This was the beginning of the true universal religion
in which Israel, the Jewish people, is the priest and the Children of
Noah, the righteous Gentiles, its faithful laymen.”[2]
[1] = The Path of the Righteous Gentile, chapter 2 by Chaim Clorfene and Yacov Rogalsky;
Misneh Torah, Melachim U’Melchamot, chapter 8 law 11
[2] = Ibid; Exodus 12:38 (The First Exodus of Israel was with mixed multitude (righteous Gentiles)

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