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Dear Friend,

Welcome to the New Year—2011! As we move into this year, our focus is on the
future. And as Christians, we should always view the future through the lens of
scriptural prophecy. We must always be looking to the soon coming of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. Much of biblical prophecy centers on that singular event and
all the surrounding happenings that are referred to as the “end times.”

Prophecy is one of my favorite subjects. I’ve taught on it numerous occasions and I

have an upcoming book on understanding the book of Revelation. We’ve decided to
devote this issue of Connection—the magazine entirely to prophecy in the Bible.

Our 2011 Connection—the magazine Bible studies are directly based on my

devotional, The Daily God Book. We hope you find the new study both inspiring and
spiritually nourishing.

Tim LaHaye, best-selling author of the Left Behind series, contributed an article
from his Prophecy Study Bible entitled “Bible Prophecy and the Tribulation.” Here,
Tim points out some fundamental keys to interpreting Bible prophecy.

My beautiful wife, Lenya, teaches readers to understand the indicators given

by Jesus Christ to discern the false and dangerous from the true and certain

Joel Rosenberg, American communications strategist, author, and my friend, speaks

on the happenings in Israel and the events described in the book of Revelation in
“Off the Cuff.”

Our “From the Blog” section addresses the topic of false prophets from a biblical
standpoint. And “Hot Spots” draws our attention to a perpetually interesting
question: What’s the significance of the number 666?
As always, you’ll find great resources, articles, and relevant information to help you
grow in your personal walk with Jesus Christ. May God bless you this New Year!

In His Strong Love,

Skip Heitzig 3

22 Dead Pastors’ Society

26 Hot Spots
16 Bible Prophecy
29 Fast Facts and The Tribulation
Tim LaHaye
30 Off the Cuff

32 From the Blog

34 The Gallery 12
Come to
35 Daily Devo Your 5 Senses
Lenya Heitzig
44 Stay Connected

45 Word Search

46 Next Issue

and Wires
Skip Heitzig
a publication of

Skip Heitzig

Brian Nixon

Editor- In- Chief

Rebekah Hanson

Joan Polito
Nancy Reimann,
Jerr y Rood,
Penny Rose, &
Laura Sowers

Lenya Heitzig,
Tim LaHaye
Penny Rose,
Joel Rosenberg,
& Stephen H. Tyng, Jr.

Design Director
Brandi Sea Hef t

Cover Design
Sarah Raines

Our Mission:
you to God’s
truth in

Connection Communications
4001 Osuna Rd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
when an important broadcast was slated to air from station
WJZ in New York City. King Edward VIII was about to
explain to the world that he was giving up the throne of
England for the woman he loved. Minutes before the
broadcast started, a man in the studio tripped over a wire and
snapped the only line of communication between England and
America. Everyone was frantic. But one smart apprentice
knew what to do. He grabbed both ends of the broken wire and
allowed the signal to f low through his body. The king’s words
were literally transmitted through him.
Like the apprentice holding onto the wire, a prophet is a con-
duit who receives communication from heaven and carries
God’s message to the people. Our Lord has
spoken to us through the biblical prophets. One
pastor told a friend that he didn’t preach on
prophecy: “Prophecy only distracts people from
the present.” His friend replied, “Then there’s
certainly a lot of distraction in the Scriptures!”
a prophet About one-fourth of the Bible is prophetic.
Eighteen books are completely devoted to
prophecy: seventeen in the Old Testament
and one in the New Testament. There are
is a conduit important prophetic passages in other books,
like 2 Thessalonians and Matthew chapter 24.
In fact, there are prophetic verses throughout
the Word. Knowing prophecy is important.

who receives
God chose diverse people who used various
methods to communicate His message to the
communication people. Some of the prophets ministered through
proclamation, speaking God’s message for the
people of a particular time. There was Noah,
“a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5), who

from heaven
warned his generation of the coming judgment
through the f lood. Some prophets, like Moses,
were patriotic. Remember how he boldly stood
again and again before Pharaoh demanding, “Let
my people go”? In some messages, God pointed

and carries a finger at people’s sin. Many times these pas-

sages begin with the word “woe.” When you see
that, you’d better watch out! And sometimes the
prophet’s message was inspiring: God is going to
do something great.
God’s message Sometimes prophets performed God’s mes-
sage in front of the people to get their attention.
Jeremiah walked around wearing a huge wooden
yoke on his neck to show that enslavement would
to the people come to the people of Israel in the future. And
Hosea was commanded to marry a prostitute to
demonstrate how God feels when His people are

Prophecy is history written in advance. The

prophets were God’s mouthpieces, revealing
events before they occurred. In other words, their
messages were predictive of something that would
happen in the future. Sometimes it was in the
near future; sometimes in the far-off
future—all the way to the end of the
age. Through prophecy, God draws
aside the veil of the future to give us prophecy is a powerful
an indication of His plans for the
human race and the universe. tool that opens the
One of God’s calling cards is ful-
filled prophecy. He knows everything window of eternity
(His omniscience) and predicts certain things before they happen.
God told Abraham that his “descendants will be strangers in a land
that is not theirs…four hundred years” (Genesis 15:13)—and they
were. Through His prophets, God predicted the Babylonian captivity
even before Babylon existed as a military threat—and it happened.
Prophecy demonstrates God’s ultimate control over history. Jeremiah
wrote, “I will give all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and
he shall carry them captive to Babylon and slay them with the sword”
( Jeremiah 20:4).
These passages are some of the most important and fascinating
portions of Scripture. God is not confined to space and time. He has
spoken of things to come. Prophecy is a powerful tool that opens the
window of eternity. He said: “Remember the former things of old, for
I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me,
declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things
that are not yet done, saying ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all
My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10).
Most importantly, God promised the coming of Jesus in the Mes-
sianic prophecies. These are Old Testament promises fulfilled in
the New Testament. They speak about Christ, His power, authority,
character, and future actions. It’s rather easy to see their fulfillment:
just watch for the way the New Testament writers make reference to
Old Testament passages regarding Jesus. Jesus Himself said, “Do not
think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come
to destroy but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17).

There is also prophecy yet to be fulfilled concerning the end times

and Christ’s second coming, notably in the book of Revelation.
As you read the book of Revelation, a special benefit is bestowed:
“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this
prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time
is near” (Revelation 1:3).
Revelation is the only book in the Bible that has a promise: Read
me and you’ll be blessed. The more you read, the happier you’ll be! But
please note that it says to read it, hear it, and keep it. Let’s remember
that prophecy was intended to encourage obedience. Jesus warned His
followers about the future so they could learn how to live in the pres-
ent. The idea is to help us remain spiritually alert and prepared as we
wait for His return.
windows & wires cont.

Prophecy is intended to give hope. Newspapers are filled with violence,

scandal, and political haggling—they’re depressing. But God’s plan for
the future provides encouragement: We know He will intervene in his-
tory to conquer evil. We need to choose whether we will live in the light
of eternity or only for what we see and receive in this world.
We live in a time of very high anxiety. We all want to know what’s
going to happen tomorrow. What does the future hold? Will there be an
Armageddon? Will there be an end to this world? Will Jesus really return
to the earth visibly and physically—and when?
Many people are grasping at straws to get answers to their questions.
They read the horoscope to find out what the stars show. They get their
palms read. They turn to the “prophets” in tabloid newspapers or the
late night television “psychics.” Meanwhile, God has written all about
the future of the earth, the human race, and what we can expect. And
not just in the book of Revelation—but in Daniel, Ezekiel, and other
parts of Scripture.
Prophecy shouldn’t make people uncomfortable. Instead, it should
make believers confident. Biblical prophecy is not about predicting
something that may or may not come true the way man makes predic-
tions. Biblical prophecy isn’t like shaking a Magic 8 Ball and turning it
over for the answer. When God makes a prediction it’s because He knows
the end from the beginning. His precision is not “kind of ” or “sort of ”
accurate—it’s definite. His Word will come true in His perfect time and
The study of prophecy is a fruitful exercise because scriptural proph-
ecy, when properly interpreted, provides a guideline for godly living. It
motivates Christians to the highest standard of holiness.
As we study prophecy, my prayer is that we won’t walk away with new
tidbits about who Gog and Magog are or with fancy charts on the end
times to impress people. After examining God’s prophecy, I pray we’ll
walk away trusting God more than we’ve ever trusted Him before.
Every tomorrow has two handles: the handle of anxiety and the handle
of faith. Unfortunately, many people grab onto the handle of anxiety:
What’s going to happen tomorrow? What about next month? Next year? Every time
God makes a promise and we witness its fulfillment, we should move
closer and closer to the handle of faith: My God is faithful. I trust Him com-
pletely. As Corrie ten Boom said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown
future to a known God.”

Skip Heitzig is the

author of the book
Homeland Security
and is the senior
pastor of Calvary
of Albuquerque.

Years ago,
a man came
to Skip claim-
ing to be the
When asked what
evidence he could
give to support his
claim, he replied
that his proof was
the “third testa-
ment”—which, by
the way, he had
At this point, Skip
was pretty sure
this guy was off his
so he kindly asked,
“What can I do for
you?” Without miss-
ing a beat, the man
said that in order to
secure the future,
the church needed
to donate a million
dollars to him so
he could carpet his
planet. Wow!
by Lenya Heitzig

Obviously, this was a time when it was But when you hear of wars and commotions,
pretty easy to spot a false prophet. But there do not be terrified; for these things must come
have been many times when well-respected to pass first, but the end will not come imme-
sources have totally missed the mark when diately (Luke 21:9).
making claims about the future. In 1962, Brian
If wars alone were the predictor of the end
Epstein approached Decca Records to sign
of the age, we would already be long gone.
an up-and-coming new group called The
Like labor pains, the contractions of wars
Beatles. The manager of the recording com-
around the world will increase in intensity
pany replied, “Guitar groups are on their way
and frequency as the end times draw nearer.
out, Mr. Epstein.” Wrong. Then there was the
teacher who told the concerned father of a Will mankind ever “give peace a chance,”
wayward student, “It doesn’t matter what he as John Lennon implored? Richard Staar,
does, he will never amount to anything.” The the director of the Hoover Institution of War,
student? Albert Einstein. Revolution, and Peace doesn’t think so. He
anticipates an increase in regional conflicts
SIGNS OF THE TIMES confirming the words of Jesus: “Nation will
People have always been curious about the rise against nation, and kingdom against king-
future. Jesus knew Satan would exploit that dom” (Luke 21:10). And this is only one of the
curiosity to try to lead us astray. Therefore, signs of the end times.
Jesus gave us indicators to help us discern
the false and dangerous from the true and Natural Disasters
certain. Jesus told us to watch for the follow- In April of 2010, Iceland’s volcano, Eyjafjal-
ing signs: lajökull, erupted. Thousands of European
false prophets flights were canceled due to the resulting
giant cloud of ash. For five days, air traffic
wars and rumors of wars came to a virtual halt in northern European
increased natural disasters countries.

signs in the heavens And there will be great earthquakes in vari-

ous places, and famines and pestilences; and
there will be fearful sights and great signs
False Prophets from heaven (Luke 21:11).
And He said: “Take heed that you not be de- We don’t even have to look outside our own
ceived. For many will come in My name, say- country to find evidence of this. Consider
ing, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Hurricane Katrina. This Atlantic storm was the
Therefore do not go after them (Luke 21:8). most costly American disaster to date. Ka-
Although we may not remember the names trina roared into the coast of Louisiana with
Marshall Applewhite or Bonnie Nettles, 125 mph winds, breaking levees and leaving
we certainly remember the Heaven’s Gate 80% of the city under water. Over 1800 were
mass suicide in 1997. These two individuals killed and damages were estimated at 125
convinced 39 people that an alien space- billion dollars.
ship was following the Hale-Bopp comet. To
reach the safety of the spaceship, they were Signs in the Heavens
instructed to kill themselves. Their gruesome As another sign of the end of the age,
remains were later discovered in a mansion Jesus told His disciples to look for celestial
near San Diego. Sadly, this group of people indicators:
listened to false prophets—and paid with
their lives. And there will be signs in the sun, in the
moon, and in the stars (Luke 21:25).
Wars and Rumors of Wars Man has always looked to the heavens with
wonder and awe. This past August, the earth-
War is a fact of life. Any given day, soldiers
side of the sun erupted in a blaze of activity
are engaged in battle in 30 to 40 nations
know as the “coronal mass ejection” or a
across the world. Although we see an obvi-
solar flare. The super-heated gas coming
ous increase in wars, Jesus gave us a neces-
off the star hurtled through space. It was so
sary perspective:
five senses cont. REMEMBER THE SWEET
large it was visible on earth without the aid AROMA OF PRAYER
of a solar telescope. Have you ever been driving somewhere
The Apostle Peter made reference to future and become so lost in thought that you
celestial disturbances unlike any we have went right by your destination? It’s easy to
ever seen: become distracted by the enticements and
cares of this world.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief
in the night, in which the heavens will pass Watch therefore, and pray always that you
away with a great noise, and the elements will may be counted worthy to escape all these
melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the things that will come to pass, and to stand
works that are in it will be burned up (2 Peter before the Son of Man (Luke 21:36).
3:10). Jesus reminded us that to be counted wor-
So how should we live our lives in view of a thy, we should pray—a lot. God so loves our
future filled with steadily greater challenges? prayers He regards them as a sweet aroma:
How can we avoid becoming depressed, ter- And the smoke of the incense, with the
rified, or dulled into complacency? prayers of the saints, ascended before God
from the angel’s hand (Revelation 8:4).
Watch what is happening around you and
COME TO YOUR FIVE SENSES pray so that you can maintain a Godward
After a long winter, we look for signs of
spring. It might be a yellow crocus pushing
through the snow or the early blooming of There will always be people who ridicule the
the forsythia. We are to be aware and obser- Word of God and cast doubt on its truthful-
vant. Jesus said: ness:
Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. When Scoffers will come in the last days, walk-
they are already budding, you see and know ing according to their own lusts, and saying,
for yourselves that summer is now near. So "Where is the promise of His coming? For
you also, when you see these things happen- since the fathers fell asleep, all things
ing, know that the kingdom of God is near continue as they were from the beginning
(Luke 21:29-31). of creation" (2 Peter 3:3-4).
We must keep our eyes always open—look- Just because something hasn’t happened
ing for signs of the coming of God’s king- yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Remem-
dom. ber the iconic scoffer, Harry Truman, who in
1980 refused to leave his home on Mount St.
KEEP A LIGHT TOUCH ON THE WORLD Helens in spite of the increasing rumblings
of the volcano? The eruption came and Harry
Perspective is everything. Our world is Truman was never seen again. Neighbors
temporary, but God’s Word is eternal. Keep- later said that Truman thought he would
ing this in mind, we are likely to make wiser be able to see the lava coming down the
decisions about where and how we invest mountain and still have time to get to safety.
our energies. Unfortunately for him, the blast came at 300
But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts miles per hour.
be weighed down with carousing, drunken- Listening to God’s Word and taking heed of
ness, and cares of this life, and that Day come the signs result in wise actions.
on you unexpectedly (Luke 21:34).
Keep a light touch on this world and keep TASTE AND SEE THAT GOD IS GOOD
eternity firmly in your heart.
When we look to Jesus as the author and
finisher of our faith, we have reason to lift our
heads in confidence and anticipation.

Now when these things begin to happen, look
up and lift up your heads, because your re-
demption draws near (Luke 21:28).
For the godly, there is genuine hope even
in the midst of a world convulsing in chaos.
Our heavenly Father is a good God with good
things planned for His children. Until we are
with Him in paradise, He wants us to seek Him
diligently, know Him deeply, and trust Him
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
(Psalm 34:8).
I confess that when I’m reading a novel, I
sometimes flip to the back of the book to see
how it ends. Billy Graham apparently did the
same thing. He said, “I’ve read the last page of
the Bible. It’s all going to turn out all right.”
As forward-thinking believers, we can face
tough times with confidence: knowing the
work Jesus did on the cross means a happy
ending for His children. He has promised “I
will come again and receive you to Myself; that
where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3).
Good to know, isn’t it?


1. Look for the coming kingdom

2. Keep your heart light

3. Watch and pray

4. Know your Master’s voice

5. Remember God is good

Lenya Heitzig is an
award-winning author
and sought-after
speaker at conferences
and retreats worldwide.

Prophecy is God’s roadmap to
show us where history is going.
The Bible’s predictions claim
literal and specific fulfillments
that verify that such prophecies
are indeed from God. The key
to interpreting Bible prophecy
is in discerning what is literal
and what is symbolic.
Therefore, the best way to avoid
confusion in the study of
prophetic Scripture is to follow solutely nothing to do with the
these simple directions: church. The Bible gives specific
promises for the church that
1. Interpret prophecy literally she will be raptured into heav-
wherever possible. en before the Tribulation (John
God meant what He said and 14:2-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52;
said what He meant when He 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
inspired “holy men of God [who]
spake as they were moved by 3. For symbolic passages,
the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:21) to compare Scripture with
write the Bible. Consequently we Scripture.
can take the Bible literally most The Bible is not contradictory.
of the time. Where God intends Even though written by numer-
for us to interpret symbolically, ous, divinely inspired men over
He makes it obvious. One of the a period of sixteen hundred
reasons the book of Revelation years, it is supernaturally con-
is difficult for some people to sistent in its use of terms. For
understand is that they try to example, the word “beast” is
spiritualize the symbols used used forty-four times in Revela-
in the book. However, since tion and many other times in
many Old Testament prophe- Scripture. Daniel explains that
cies have already been literally the word is symbolic of either a
fulfilled, such as God turning king or a kingdom (see Daniel
water to blood (Exodus 4:9; 7:17- 7-8). By examining the contents
21), it should not be difficult to in Revelation and Daniel, you
imagine that future prophetic will find that “beast” has the
events can and will be literally same meaning in both books.
fulfilled at the appropriate time. Many other symbols used in
Only when symbols or figures of Revelation are also taken di-
speech make absolutely no lit- rectly from the Old Testament.
eral sense, should anything but These include “the tree of life”
a literal interpretation be sought. (Revelation 2:7; 22:2; 14), “the
book of life” (Revelation 3:5),
2. Prophecies concerning Israel and Babylon (Revelation 14:8).
and the church should not be
transposed. Some symbols in Revelation are
The promises of God to Israel drawn from other New Testa-
to be fulfilled “in the latter ment passages. These include
days,” particularly those con- terms such as “the Word of
cerning Israel’s punishment God” (1:2, 9), “Son of man”
during the Tribulation have ab- (1:13; 14:14), “marriage supper”

God meant what He said and said what

(19:9), “the Bride” (21:9, 22:17), try them that dwell upon the earth.”
“first resurrection” (20:5-6),
and “second death” (2:11; 20:6, Such a time will have to be worse
14; 21:8). Other symbols in than anything ever known in human
Revelation are explained and history; far worse than the destruc-
identified in their context. For tion of Jerusalem in AD 70 (1 million
example, “Alpha and Omega” casualties), than the Black Plague
represents Jesus Christ (1:8, 11; (9 million killed), than World War I
21:6; 22:13); the “seven candle- (20 million killed), than the devas-
sticks” (1:13, 20) are the seven tation of World War II and Hitler’s
churches; the “dragon” is Satan Holocaust (6 million Jews and at
(12:3); and the “male child” is least 4 million Christians killed).
Jesus (12:5, 13).
The Scripture gives more space to
Though some prophetic pas- describing the coming Tribulation
sages should be interpreted period than to any other prophetic
symbolically, it is important to event. The Hebrew prophets men-
remember that symbols in the tion it 39 times, calling it a “time of
Bible depict real people, things, Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7),
and events. For example, the “Tribulation” (distress, Deuter-
“seven candlesticks” in Revela- onomy 4:30), and many other titles
tion 1 represent real churches denoting distress. The New Testa-
that actually existed when the ment calls it “the day of the Lord”
prophecy was given. (1 Thessalonians 5:2), “the wrath of
God” (Revelation 14:10; 15:1, 7; 16:1),
As an example of how to in- and “the wrath of the Lamb” (Rev-
terpret prophecy, let’s look at elation 6:16-17). Revelation 6–19 de-
the Tribulation as described in scribes the events of that Tribula-
Scripture. tion period, the best description of
this terrifying, close-at-hand time
The Tribulation that will try the whole world.

Daniel, the Hebrew prophet that

There is no question this world
Jesus quoted most, predicted
will yet experience a time of “great
that troublous times would last
Tribulation, such as was not since
seven years and be started by the
the beginning of the world to this
signing of a seven-year covenant
time” as predicted by our Lord
between Israel and “the prince
(Matthew 24:21). In Revelation 3:10,
that shall come” (called elsewhere
He promised to keep believers
from “the hour of temptation which
shall come upon all the world, to

He meant
Literal? cont.

“antichrist” or to this earth to set up

“the beast”). Then His earthly kingdom for
he predicted this 1000 years (Matthew
“beast” or govern- 24:29, see Daniel 9:24).
mental ruler would
break that cov- We should never lose
enant in the middle
of the Tribulation
We should never sight of the true pur-
pose of that Tribulation
and desecrate the
temple (Daniel
lose signt of the period: a divine expres-
sion of His mercy and
9:26-27). Again,
Daniel predicted
true purpose of grace. For in that brief
seven-year period, at a
that when
Antichrist arises,
that Tribulation time when the world’s
population is at its larg-
est, God will shake the
he will be empow-
ered by Satan him-
period: a divine earth in an attempt
to lessen man’s false
self with “all power
and signs and ly- expression of His sense of security. He
will send 144,000 Jew-
ing wonders”
(2 Thessalonians mercy and grace ish witnesses filled with
2:9), and will the Holy Spirit (Revela-
desecrate the tion 7; Joel 2:28-32) and
temple and set up other witnesses. God
an image of him- will go to the most ex-
self, demanding treme measures in all of
that the people history during the final
worship him. days of man’s life on
earth to bring a massive number of
There is little doubt as to when souls to faith in Him so multitudes
this Tribulation occurs or how long of people may enjoy the blessings
it will last. Daniel predicts it will He has prepared for their eternal
last “one week” (seven years, 9:27). future.
John in Revelation divides it into
two periods of three and one-half Excerpt taken from Prophecy Study Bible (KJV)
by Tim LaHaye
years each or 1,260 days each, a
total of seven years. During the first
three and one-half years, more than Tim LaHaye is an
American evangeli-
one-half of the world’s population cal Christian minister,
dies. During the second half, condi- author, and speaker.
tions get even worse after Satan is He is best-known for
the Left Behind series
cast out of heaven and indwells the of apocalyptic fiction,
Antichrist’s body and demands the which he co-wrote
world worship him. Our Lord Jesus with Jerry B. Jenkins.
He has written over
predicted this Tribulation would 50 books, both fiction
end immediately prior to His return and non-fiction.


featuring Stephen H. Tyng, Jr.

I will come again and receive you to Myself (John 14:3)

Our separation from this world at His soon cease to concern those who will
coming are graphically sketched by be “left.” Everything on earth will soon
His own predictions; “I tell you, in that become as commonplace as before.
night there will be two men in one bed: Government will not be changed. The
the one will be taken and the other will courts will still decree judgment among
be left. Two women will men. The churches
be grinding together: will not be emptied.
the one will be taken Pews and pulpits
and the other left.” 1 So So silently will we will be filled with
silently will we be stolen be stolen away that those “having a
away that the world
will be for a time con-
the world will be for form of godliness
but denying its
founded by the number a time confounded power.” 2 All these
of missing people. The by the number of things will soon be
“little flock” will hear the sifted by the great
shepherd’s voice and missing people. tribulation, but at our
follow Him. Search will departure, godless
be made for us and we and anxious men
will not be found. The initial horror, which will quickly be consoled and begin to
such disappearances must cause, will laugh at their own fears. How differ-
1 Luke 17:34, 35 *Some biblical scholars regard this passage ent it will be for us who are taken!
as a reference to the Jews during the tribulation period
rather than the rapture of the church. 2 2 Timothy 3:5


On the eve of His death, • We are all at times

our Lord was most explicit
in the promise of His reap-
unconscious prophets
pearance to His disciples. –Charles H. Spurgeon
Over and over again, He told
them, “I go away,” but He
always added the refrain, • Which prophecy of Christ
“I will come again.” 3 That we see wonderfully to be
they certainly understood
Him to pledge His veracity
verified, insomuch that the
to a literal, personal, visible whole course of the Church
and special return to them to this day may seem nothing
is evidenced by the whole else but a verifying of the said
course of their conversa- prophecy
tion. Had they been wrong
in their understanding of His –John Foxe
words it would seem to be
fatal to His trustworthiness
that He did not correct their • Science has not yet mastered
error. But He continued to prophecy
repeat the promise. We may –Neil Armstrong
with absolute confidence
anticipate the realization
of His appearing and claim
as our assurance, the • And though I have the gift of
words of Him who could prophecy and understand all
not lie: “If it were not so, mysteries and all knowledge,
I would have told you.” 4 and though I have all faith,
so that I could remove moun-
This article edited by Greg Nelson tains, but have not love, I am
3 John 14:3
–1 Corinthians 13:2
4 John 14:2

• No prophecy of Scripture is
of any private interpretation,
for prophecy never came by
Stephen H. Tyng, Jr. the will of man, but holy men
(1703–1791) served in of God spoke as they were
the United States Army moved by the Holy Spirit
as Chaplain of the 12th
regiment. He was a –2 Peter 1:20-21
popular preacher and
took an active part in the
revival movement of 1875
directed by D.L. Moody.


Minnesota South Carolina

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92.1 • Macon 105.9 • McRae Corfu WZXV 97.5 •Dansville WZXV 97.5 •
88.1 • Ocilla 98.1 • Savannah Elmira/Ridgeberry WREQ 96.9 • Geneva
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Center Valley Translator 103.5 lington 106.9 (LP) • Saint Martin Grand Case
91.7 • Morehead 91.7
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Louisiana 93.1 • Markleysburg (WLOG) 89.1
Arabi 100.1 • Metarie 104.9 Morgantown WZZD 88.1 Reading - WYTL
91.7 Sellersville WBYO 88.9
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Sky Angel Radio
Fitchburg WFGL 960 AM
CSN International Satellite 9762, IPTV 230
Michigan Voice of Jerusalem Satellite 9772, IPTV 238
Bay City WTRK 89.1
Manistee 91.7

on the Connection...

Monday, January 3
“Job Meets Jesus”

Pastor Skip Heitzig looks at

the universal questions posed
by Job and presents the
answers as embodied in the
Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 1
“Homeland Security”

Pastor Skip Heitzig looks at the basic

components of today’s society and
the threats that believers face at every
level: personal, family, communal,
national, and global.

Wednesday, March 9
“God’s Top Ten”

Skip Heitzig explores in depth each

of the Ten Commandments and
wraps up the series with a discussion
on the most famous eleventh
commandment given by Jesus Christ.

Check for a station near you that airs the Connection.

Skip is the minister who inspired

me after a lifetime of searching for
a church. His ministry (in person
and on the radio) spoke directly to
my heart.
–Caren Vendetti

ocial Security
numbers get us
driver’s licenses
and passports.
Credit cards have
black strips on the
back containing our
personal information.
When I travel to the
East Coast and put
my ATM card into the
machine the screen
blinks, “Good morn-
ing, Skip Heitzig.” It
knows who I am! His-
torically, slaves were
tattooed with the
numbers or names of
their masters. In the

cult of Sable, mem-
bers were forced to
have an image on
their bodies for iden-
tification. Numbering
is nothing new.
In the future tribula-
tion period, the Anti-
christ’s sidekick—the
false prophet—will
impose a number-
ing system: “It is the
number of a man: His
number is 666” (Rev-
elation 13:18). He will
require a numeric

by skip heitzig
666 cont.

identifying mark for those who the Antichrist might be by look-

worship the beast. His followers will ing at specific names in Greek,
bear “the mark or the name of the Latin, or Hebrew. They’ve wrongly
beast, or the number of his name” speculated it was the Pope, Cae-
on their right hand or on their fore- sar Nero, Adolf Hitler, and others.
heads (see Revelation 13:16-17). I believe some people living in
that day will figure out who it is
This is a mark of worship and an because Scripture says, “Let him
economic instrument: “No one who has understanding calculate
may buy or sell except one who the number of the beast” (Revela-
has the mark or the name of the tion 13:18). They will know what the
beast, or the number of his name” system is and what it means to be
(Revelation 13:17). No mark? No involved in it; some will accept the
milk. No mark? No bread. People mark of the beast and some will
can’t be involved in daily com- refuse.
merce unless they have this mark.
Symbolically, the number of man
The mark may be like microchips in the Bible is six because he was
implanted into pets. One com- created on the sixth day. Thus,
pany claims it can keep track of the number 666 could represent
“man, man, man” or “the ultimate
man”—the Antichrist. 666 could be
repeated three times to denote
No mark? the unholy trinity of the dragon,
the Antichrist, and the false proph-
No milk. et in contrast to the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. Or it could be a

No mark? comparison to the characteristics

of God: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God
Almighty” (Revelation 4:8).
No bread. Man and his government are
represented by the number six.
And even at his best, man always
one billion pets within ten feet of falls short of the glory of God. The
their current location. If they can number of perfection is seven.
track billions of pets, they can At creation, on the seventh day,
keep track of billions of people. there was rest. God’s seven is
Whether it’s a chip, card, or other the God-Man, Jesus Christ, who
imprint, people will be compelled will come at the end of the
to participate in this system not just tribulation to overthrow the
to worship—but to live and survive. Antichrist and bring completion.
So let’s not get hung up on the
So what about the number 666? number—let’s remember our
It could be the numeric equivalent salvation through Christ.
of the beast’s name. Throughout
history, people have guessed who


Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ

› Jesus foretold His death and resurrection (Matthew 20:17-19)
› The line of kings from David would endure forever (2 Samuel 7:16)
› God’s salvation would reach the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:6)
› The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
› The Messiah would be a descendant of King David (Jeremiah 23:5)
› There would be a Son called God (Isaiah 9:6-7)
› The Messiah would be rejected (Isaiah 53:1-3)
› Daniel predicted when an anointed One would be rejected (Daniel 9:24-26)
› All who believe in Jesus will be saved (John 3:16)


Skip : So it’s imagery that

points to reality.

Joel : Let me give you an

example. I think of Rev-
elation chapter 12. People
look at that and they say
OK, there’s a woman, she
has a Child, and they are
attacked by a red dragon.
People throughout the ages
have said it doesn’t mean
with anything and, even if it did,
who could understand? But
actually it’s not that difficult.
Yes, at first glance we’re
getting a word picture. The
woman gives birth to a male
Child who is to rule all the
nations with a rod of iron
and her Child was caught
up to God and to His throne.
That’s verse 5. Verse 17 says
Skip : Joel, thanks for being with us today. the dragon goes to war
I want to talk specifically about the book of against the offspring who
Revelation. A lot of people read the book keep the commandments of
and not see it as literal—not see it as hav- God and have the testimony
ing any contemporary meaning whatsoever. of Jesus Christ. I mean,
It’s either been fulfilled or it’s too hard to just a little bit of effort and
understand; therefore it’s ignored. Speak a you realize the woman is
little bit on that. Israel as a nation who gave
birth to a male Child who
Joel : The book of Revelation is definitely became Jesus who will rule
hard to read. I think it’s a tough book to get the world one day, right?
your hands around but it’s important and In verse 9, the dragon was
we need to allow the Holy Spirit to open thrown down, the serpent of
our eyes to it. It’s critical and interesting old who is called the devil
that both [the Apostle] John and the angels and Satan. He deceives the
speaking to him said seal some of this whole world and goes on
up—and Daniel said the same thing. Some the attack. So again, it’s not
prophecies aren’t going to be able to be difficult to see the dragon
understood or easily understood until we is the devil, the woman is
get closer to the end times. Yet the book Israel, and the male Child
of Revelation is the only book in the Bible is Christ. The red dragon is
that has an actual, direct blessing for those Satan and there’s going to
who read it. I think when people slow down be a massive battle. Satan is
and go through the book, it’s not as hard as continually trying to destroy
many would have expected. Yes, some of it Israel, Christ, and His fol-
is symbolic language. Some of it is meta- lowers in the last days. And
phoric. But that doesn’t mean it’s not literal. that’s really where we’re
In other words, it’s true but God is at times heading. Israel is back as
using some word pictures to help people a country again—propheti-
understand future events that would’ve cally—and there’s a satanic
been absolutely impossible for John himself, attack from almost every di-
much less anyone reading, to understand rection hitting Israelis, Jews,
what in the world they were talking about. and followers of Christ.

Skip : Let’s talk a little bit council of 71 rabbis that ran Coming, would you agree
about signs of the times. the temple in ages past, that the Lord could use that?
There are signs and then disbanded around the 5th
there are mega signs—big century. But it’s back. In Joel : One of the other
pointers that something’s 2006, the Sanhedrin recov- indicators of where we are
happening. And I would say ered and is getting ready now and how close we may
the happenings in Israel are to run a temple in the not be getting to the book of
one of the mega signs. From too distant future. The third Revelation coming true is
your viewpoint, what are event is Babylon. In the the economic and political
those signs of the times that book of Revelation, Babylon reunification of Europe. The
we, as believers, should see is described as not only be- Antichrist is going to emerge
as a wake-up call? ing reborn as a country and out of Europe and we’re
city, but also as the focal going to have a system:
point of evil and commerce. one political and economic
Joel : Are we seeing any- Babylon is going to become system. It’s hard to imagine
thing that suggests we’re this incredibly, enormously,
getting closer to the events even 100 years ago that
wealthy, powerful focus so Europe could be the center
described in the book of that when it’s destroyed
Revelation? Yes. For me, of explaining to the world
supernaturally with judg- how we should all be one. I
ment, all the merchants mean, what continent was
In verse 9, the of the earth are going to more divided by World War I,
be weeping. People have World War II, the Holocaust,
dragon was thrown said that’s allegorical but I and the Cold War? That
believe Babylon is Babylon—
down, the serpent the actual city in Iraq. And
region has come together,
not necessarily for the good,
of old who is called that city is being rebuilt as but it’s come together with
we speak. The walls are up. borderless crossings, one
the devil and Satan. The palaces are being built. political system, and one
Iraq’s government actually
He deceives the has a master plan to finish
currency. And I think they
are going to be the model
whole world and the city. The New York Times for the rest of the world to
reported not too long ago follow after the rapture.
goes on the attack. they want an amusement
park and a Holiday Inn. I
mean, these guys have a
there are three major hap- plan. And they’re not evan-
penings. First, the rebirth gelical Christians sitting
of Israel. Israel is central around going, how can we
to all the attention of the make the book of Revelation
earth and there is a sort of seem more relevant—like
satanic battle against Israel. it’s literally true? These are
The second one is that the Sunni and Shia Muslims who
temple will be rebuilt and view the city of Babylon as
will be fully operational as a goldmine. That’s the game
the events of Revelation plan of the Iraqi government
unfold. Now we don’t have today.
a temple today, but there
is an awful lot of activity.
Many preparations are being Skip : Hearing all this, I wish
made right now by Orthodox we would rekindle that old Joel Rosenberg is a New
Jews in Israel. They’ve got church axiom: maranatha. York Times best-selling
architectural plans done. We should say it to one author, producer of two
They’re sewing the priestly another more often—the documentary films, and
garments. They’ve rebuilt Lord is coming. It’s such a founder of The Joshua
most of the implements great reminder. We’re being Fund. He was previously
used for sacrifice. They’re shaken today economically a communications
training Levitical priests on and that can be such a good advisor who worked with
how to run a temple. One of thing for our nation. We see a number of U.S. and
the most significant things it as bad, but if it drives us Israeli leaders, including
is that the Sanhedrin, the to the anticipation of His Benjamin Netanyahu.


with Pastor Skip Heitzig

I’ve heard several radio and television preachers predict and/or prophesy regard-
ing events, occurrences, and dates—yet they never happen! Are these preachers
considered false prophets according to the Bible?

Answer: throughout the ages who have prophesied

or predicted events that never happened.
Throughout the years, many people have
both prophesied and predicted events So what should we—as believers—learn
that never came to pass. from this?
One of the best examples is Charles First, we need to clearly understand the
Taze Russell, the first president of the definition of prophecy. According to Nelson’s
Watchtower Society (an organization New Christian Dictionary, prophecy is “a
founded for Jehovah’s Witnesses). Russell message conveyed by a prophet acting on
prophesied that the second coming of behalf of God in any given situation.”
Christ would occur in 1874. When the year
The definition rules out any of the above-
came and went without Christ’s appear-
mentioned people as being a prophet. The
ance, he altered his prediction—only to
events they predicted did not come true.
conclude that 1918 would be the official
The messages they proclaimed were false—
date of God’s judgment. Not surprisingly,
and God would never give His prophet a
this day also came and went. And in
wrong message.
1974—once again—the Watchtower Society
proclaimed that 1975 would be the year Second, we need to distinguish between
of Christ’s return. Guess what? It didn’t authentic prophecies and, let’s say, a hunch
happen! or a feeling. Prophecy is a distinct mes-
sage from God given to a prophet that
It’s important to note that Charles Taze
will definitely occur in the future. But what
Russell is not the only person who has
about a person who has a feeling about
made spurious predictions regarding
an event which proves to be wrong? This
the future. Below are several other fairly
isn’t prophecy. If the person isn’t claiming
recent “calculations”:
that the hunch is “from the Lord” then he is
William Miller, a founding member of the not making a prophetic announcement on
Seventh-Day Adventists, predicted that behalf of the Lord—and shouldn’t be called
Christ would return between March 1843 a false prophet. However, there is a fine line
and March 1844. between claiming something is from the
Lord or from personal opinion. It’s a danger-
Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the
ous position for a preacher of the Word to
Worldwide Church of God, said events
place himself.
ushering in Armageddon would occur in
1975. Third, I recommend that all Christians
study Scripture thoroughly. The true biblical
Harold Camping, the president of Family
prophets help us understand the full coun-
Stations, Inc., predicted that Christ would
sel of God’s Word. Don’t listen to only one
return in September of 1994.
person regarding the end
The one thing all times. More often than
of these men had in Entrust to the Lord the not, he or she will leave
common is—they were ultimate understanding you confused or lacking
wrong! The events they of prophecy. information.
predicted never oc-
Entrust to the Lord the
curred. Why? Jesus said,
ultimate understanding of prophecy. Believe
“But of that day and hour no one knows,
the Bible—nothing more, nothing less—in
not even the angels of heaven, but My
relation to prophetic announcements. God
Father only” (Matthew 24:36).
has revealed His truth in His Word.
The above is only a partial list of people


Love bade me welcome, yet my soul drew back,

Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-ey’d Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning
If I lack’d anything.
“A guest,” I answer’d, “worthy to be here”;
Love said, “You shall be he.”
“I, the unkind, the ungrateful? Ah my dear,
I cannot look on thee.”
Love took my hand and smiling did reply,
“Who made the eyes but I?”
“Truth, Lord, but I have marr’d them; let my shame
Go where it doth deserve.”
“And know you not,” says Love, “who bore the blame?”
“My dear, then I will serve.”
“You must sit down,” says Love, “and taste my meat.”
So I did sit and eat.

Love 3
by George Herbert

through the Bible with Pastor Skip Heitzig
JANUARY 1 air, for I am sorry that I have
made them.” But Noah found
go to the land of Moriah, and
offer him there as a burnt
Read: Genesis 1:1-13 grace in the eyes of the LORD offering on one of the moun-
Reflect : In the beginning God (Genesis 6:7-8). tains of which I shall tell you”
created the heavens and the Respond : “His obedience (Genesis 22:2).
earth… Then God said, “Let and willingness to respond Respond : “Before God ever
there be light”; and there was to God made him different made the world, He had you
light (Genesis 1:1, 3). from those who would be in mind and your salvation
Respond : “No matter what… destroyed in the Flood.” ready to be set in motion.”
somewhere in the Bible ‘God Return: Genesis 7-10 Return: Genesis 22:15-25:18
said’ something about it.”
Return: Genesis 1:14-23 JANUARY 5 JANUARY 8
JANUARY 2 Read: Genesis 11:1-9 Read: Genesis 25:19-34
Read: Genesis 1:24-2:14 Reflect : And they said, “Come, Reflect : But the children
let us build ourselves a city, struggled together within her;
Reflect : This is the history of and a tower whose top is in and she said, “If all is well, why
the heavens and the earth… the heavens; let us make a am I like this?” So she went to
the LORD God made the earth name for ourselves, lest we inquire of the LORD. And the
and the heavens (Genesis be scattered abroad over LORD said to her: “Two nations
2:4). the face of the whole earth” are in your womb, two peoples
Respond : “None of it ‘just (Genesis 11:4). shall be separated from
happened.’ Our Father made Respond : “Whenever you say your body; one people shall
it that way!” no to God, you’re essentially be stronger than the other,
Return: Genesis 2:15-25 planting a rebel flag in the and the older shall serve the
ground of your heart.” younger” (Genesis 25:22-23).
JANUARY 3 Return: Genesis 11:10-32 Respond : “The marvel of Ja-
cob’s life was that God used
Read: Genesis 3 him in spite of who he was,
Reflect : So when the woman JANUARY 6 not because of who he was.”
saw that the tree was good Read: Genesis 12:1-9 Return: Genesis 26-36
for food, that it was pleasant Reflect : Now the LORD had
to the eyes, and a tree desir- said to Abram... “I will make
able to make one wise, she you a great nation; I will bless JANUARY 9
took of its fruit and ate. She you and make your name Read: Genesis 37:1-24
also gave to her husband with great; and you shall be a Reflect : Then he dreamed
her, and he ate. Then the eyes blessing. I will bless those who still another dream and told
of both of them were opened, bless you, and I will curse him it to his brothers, and said,
and they knew that they were who curses you; and in you all “Look, I have dreamed another
naked (Genesis 3:6-7). the families of the earth shall dream. And this time, the sun,
Respond : “Their disobedi- be blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3). the moon, and the eleven stars
ence marred the reflection of Respond : “But Abraham bowed down to me” (Genesis
God’s image in every person believed what God told him 37:9).
who came after them.” in spite of the odds.” Respond : “God can use
Return: Genesis 4-5 Return: Genesis 12:10- what may seem trivial to
Genesis 21 accomplish something
JANUARY 4 monumental.”
Read: Genesis 6:1-22 JANUARY 7 Return: Genesis 37:25-
Genesis 48
Reflect : So the LORD said, “I Read: Genesis 22:1-14
will destroy man whom I have Reflect : Then He said, “Take
created from the face of the now your son, your only son
earth, both man and beast, Isaac, whom you love, and
creeping thing and birds of the
JANUARY 10 should obey His voice to let
Israel go? I do not know the
LORD your God, who brought
you out of the land of Egypt,
Read: Genesis 49:1-27 LORD, nor will I let Israel go” out of the house of bondage.
Reflect : The scepter shall not (Exodus 5:2). You shall have no other gods
depart from Judah, nor a law- Respond : “God tailored every before Me” (Exodus 20:1-3).
giver from between his feet, plague against the Egyptians Respond : “Let God’s law
until Shiloh comes; and to Him to correspond to Egypt’s be a road sign to point you
shall be the obedience of the false worship system.” to Jesus for cleansing and
people (Genesis 49:10).
Respond : “You need never Return: Exodus 5:11- change.”
doubt God’s promises be-
Exodus 11 Return: Exodus 20:18-
Exodus 24
cause He keeps every one.”
Return: Genesis 49:28- JANUARY 15
Genesis 50 Read: Exodus: 12:1-14 JANUARY 19
Reflect : Now the blood shall Read: Exodus 25:1-22
JANUARY 11 be a sign for you on the hous- Reflect : And let them make
es where you are. And when Me a sanctuary, that I may
Read: Exodus 1:1-14 I see the blood, I will pass dwell among them. According
Reflect : Now these are the over you; and the plague shall to all that I show you, that is,
names of the children of Israel not be on you to destroy you the pattern of the tabernacle
who came to Egypt; each man when I strike the land of Egypt and the pattern of all its fur-
and his household came with (Exodus 12:13). nishings, just so you shall
Jacob (Exodus 1:1). Respond : “Only the blood make it (Exodus 25:8-9).
Respond : “God’s people would save them, not the fact Respond : “There was only
groaned in Egypt and grum- that they were Israelites.” one door into the tabernacle,
bled in the wilderness, but Return: Exodus 12:15-14:12 just as there is only one way
they experienced God’s glory into heaven, through Jesus
at Sinai.” Christ.”
Return: Exodus 1:15-22 JANUARY 16 Return: Exodus 25:23-33:11
Read: Exodus 14:13-30
JANUARY 12 Reflect : So the children of Is- JANUARY 20
rael went into the midst of the
Read: Exodus 2:1-10 sea on the dry ground, and the Read: Exodus 33:12-22
Reflect : Then Pharaoh’s waters were a wall to them on Reflect : And he said, “Please,
daughter said to her, “Take their right hand and on their show me Your glory” (Exodus
this child away and nurse left (Exodus 14:22). 33:18).
him for me, and I will give you Respond : “Every moment of Respond : “No matter how
your wages.” So the woman crisis can crystallize your spiritually well informed or
took the child and nursed him faith; it can become a line in biblically mature we are, at
(Exodus 2:9). the sand.” our core, we long for God
Respond : “God has a way Return: Exodus 14:31- Himself.”
of supernaturally arranging Exodus 17 Return: Exodus 34-40
things in surprising ways.”
Return: Exodus 2:11-3:6 JANUARY 17 JANUARY 21
JANUARY 13 Read: Exodus 18 Read: Leviticus 1
Read: Exodus 3:7-22 Reflect : So when Moses’ fa- Reflect : Then he shall put
ther-in-law saw all that he did his hand on the head of the
Reflect : But Moses said for the people, he said, “What burnt offering, and it will
to God, “Who am I that I is this thing that you are doing be accepted on his behalf
should go to Pharaoh, and for the people? Why do you to make atonement for him
that I should bring the chil- alone sit, and all the people (Leviticus 1:4).
dren of Israel out of Egypt?” stand before you from morning Respond : “The approach that
(Exodus 3:11). until evening?” (Exodus 18:14). God accepts is the approach
Respond : “Throw away every Respond : “No one person, that God prescribes!”
excuse, and ask Him to use no matter how gifted, can do Return: Leviticus 2-3
you today.” ministry alone!”
Return: Exodus 4-5 Return: Exodus 19 JANUARY 22
JANUARY 14 Read: Leviticus 4:1-12
JANUARY 18 Reflect : Speak to the chil-
Read: Exodus 5:1-10 Read: Exodus 20:1-17 dren of Israel, saying: “If a
Reflect : And Pharaoh said, Reflect : And God spoke all person sins unintentionally
“Who is the LORD, that I these words, saying: “I am the against any of the command-

ments of the LORD in anything boughs of leafy trees, and he looked at the bronze ser-
which ought not to be done, willows of the brook; and you pent, he lived (Numbers 21:9).
and does any of them, if the shall rejoice before the LORD Respond : “Just as the Isra-
anointed priest sins, bring- your God for seven days elites looked in faith at the
ing guilt on the people, then (Leviticus 23:40). snake on the pole, people
let him offer to the LORD for Respond : “Joy was to mark would look in faith to the
his sin which he has sinned God’s people. Does it mark cross for salvation.”
a young bull without blemish
as a sin offering” (Leviticus
you?” Return: Numbers 21:16-22:14
Return: Leviticus 24-27
Respond : “Honestly admit- JANUARY 31
ting sin and weakness is a JANUARY 27 Read: Numbers 22:15-35
sign of maturity.” Read: Numbers 1- Reflect : Then the LORD
Return: Leviticus 4:13-8:21 Numbers 2 :9 opened the mouth of the
Reflect: Everyone of the donkey, and she said to
Balaam, “What have I done to
JANUARY 23 children of Israel shall camp
by his own standard, beside you, that you have struck me
Read: Leviticus 8:22-36 the emblems of his father’s these three times?” (Numbers
Reflect : And Moses killed house; they shall camp some 22:28).
it. Also he took some of its distance from the tabernacle Respond : “Ask God to help
blood and put it on the tip of meeting (Numbers 2:2). you to be one of His faithful
of Aaron’s right ear, on the
thumb of his right hand, and
Respond: “It’s the honest representatives.”
on the big toe of his right foot narrative of what happens Return: Numbers 22:36-
(Leviticus 8:23). when people refuse to Numbers 33
believe God’s promises.”
Respond : “Here I am, LORD. Return: Number 2:10-9:14 FEBRUARY 1
Use my body to do your work
today.” Read: Numbers 34:1-15
Return: Leviticus 9-10 JANUARY 28 Reflect : The border shall go
Read: Numbers 9:15-23 down along the Jordan, and it
Reflect : Whenever the cloud shall end at Hazar Enan. This
JANUARY 24 shall be your northern border
Read: Leviticus 11:1-8 was taken up from above the
tabernacle, after that the chil- (Numbers 34:12).
Reflect : Speak to the children dren of Israel would journey; Respond : “Are you fully expe-
of Israel, saying, “These are and in the place where the riencing your inheritance in
the animals which you may eat cloud settled, there the chil- Christ?”
among all the animals that are
on the earth” (Leviticus 11:2).
dren of Israel would pitch their Return: Numbers 34:16-
tents (Numbers 9:17). Numbers 36
Respond : “All of life is to be Respond : “Looking up is
lived under the watching eye
of God.”
more important than looking FEBRUARY 2
Return: Leviticus 11:9- Read: Deuteronomy 1:1-18
Exodus 18
Return: Numbers 10- Reflect : Now it came to
Numbers 13:16 pass in the fortieth year, in
the eleventh month, on the
JANUARY 25 JANUARY 29 first day of the month, that
Read: Leviticus 19:1-24 Read: Numbers 13:17-33 Moses spoke to the children
Reflect : Speak to all the con- Reflect : There we saw the gi- of Israel according to all
gregation of the children of ants (the descendants of Anak that the LORD had given him
Israel, and say to them: “You came from the giants); and we as commandments to them
shall be holy, for I the LORD were like grasshoppers in our (Deuteronomy 1:3).
your God am holy.” (Leviticus own sight, and so we were in Respond : “An understanding
19:2). their sight (Numbers 13:33). of biblical truth and of God’s
Respond : “To be holy is to be Respond : “Dare to view life plan for you is essential for
whole.” through the lens of faith.” your spiritual vitality and
Return: Leviticus 19:25-23:32 Return: Numbers 14-20 growth.”
Return: Deuteronomy 1:19-
JANUARY 26 JANUARY 30 Numbers 2
Read: Leviticus 23:33-44 Read: Numbers 21:1-15
Reflect : And you shall take FEBRUARY 3
for yourselves on the first day
Reflect : So Moses made a Read: Deuteronomy 3:1-11
bronze serpent, and put it on
the fruit of beautiful trees, a pole; and so it was, if a ser- Reflect : For only Og king
branches of palm trees, the pent had bitten anyone, when of Bashan remained of the

remnant of the giants. Indeed Deuteronomy 30 that he lifted his eyes and
his bedstead was an iron looked, and behold, a Man
bedstead. (Is it not in Rab- stood opposite him with His
bah of the people of Ammon?) sword drawn in His hand.
Nine cubits is its length and FEBRUARY 7 And Joshua went to Him
four cubits its width, accord- Read: Deuteronomy 31:1-8 and said to Him, “Are You for
ing to the standard cubit Reflect : And he said to them: us or for our adversaries?”
(Deuteronomy 3:11). “I am one hundred and twenty (Joshua 5:13).
Respond : “But what are such years old today. I can no lon- Respond : “Public victories
enemies before a King-size ger go out and come in. Also are the result of private visits
God?” the LORD has said to me, ‘You with God!”
Return: Deuteronomy 3:12- shall not cross over this Jor- Return: Joshua 6:1-14
Deuteronomy 5 dan.’” (Deuteronomy 31:2).
Respond : “Counting the FEBRUARY 11
FEBRUARY 4 years is not nearly as im- Read: Joshua 6:15-21
Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-15 portant as making the years
count.” Reflect : So the people shout-
Reflect : You shall teach them Return: Deuteronomy 31:9- ed when the priests blew the
diligently to your children, and trumpets. And it happened
shall talk of them when you Deuteronomy 34 when the people heard the
sit in your house, when you sound of the trumpet, and the
walk by the way, when you lie FEBRUARY 8 people shouted with a great
down, and when you rise up Read: Joshua 1-Joshua 2 :14 shout, that the wall fell down
(Deuteronomy 6:7). Reflect: Now Joshua the son flat. Then the people went
Respond : “Passing the of Nun sent out two men from up into the city, every man
spiritual baton to the next Acacia Grove to spy secretly, straight before him, and they
generation is part of obeying saying, “Go, view the land, took the city (Joshua 6:20).
God’s commands.” especially Jericho.” So they Respond : “Just get march-
Return: Deuteronomy 6:16- went, and came to the house ing, and leave the walls up
18:14 of a harlot named Rahab, and to God!”
lodged there (Joshua 2:1). Return: Joshua 6:22-
FEBRUARY 5 Respond: “The individual Joshua 9
Read: Deuteronomy 18:15- most unlikely to become an
22 example of confidence in FEBRUARY 12
Reflect : The LORD your God
God became just that.” Read: Joshua 10:1-11
will raise up for you a Prophet
Return: Joshua 2:14- Reflect : And it happened, as
like me from your midst, from Joshua 3:8 they fled before Israel and
your brethren. Him you shall were on the descent of Beth
hear (Deuteronomy 18:15). FEBRUARY 9 Horon, that the LORD cast
Read: Joshua 3:9-17 down large hailstones from
Respond : “When God the heaven on them as far as
Father sent Jesus the Son, Reflect : And it shall come to Azekah, and they died. There
He put a period at the end of pass, as soon as the soles were more who died from the
the salvation sentence.” of the feet of the priests who hailstones than the children
Return: Deuteronomy 19-27 bear the ark of the LORD, the of Israel killed with the sword
LORD of all the earth, shall (Joshua 10:11).
FEBRUARY 6 rest in the waters of the Jor-
dan, that the waters of the Respond : “Heaven’s Sharp-
Read: Deuteronomy 28:1-19 Jordan shall be cut off, the shooter will be the one to
Reflect : Now it shall come to waters that come down from execute the final judgment.”
pass, if you diligently obey the upstream, and they shall stand Return: Joshua 10:12-
voice of the LORD your God, to as a heap (Joshua 3:13). Joshua 13
observe carefully all His com- Respond : “Sometimes the
mandments which I command
you today, that the LORD
first step of faith or obedi- FEBRUARY 13
your God will set you high
ence is the hardest one, but Read: Joshua 14:1-12
we’ll never make any prog- Reflect : As yet I am as strong
above all nations of the earth ress without it.”
(Deuteronomy 28:1). this day as on the day that
Respond : “Because there is Return: Joshua 4-Joshua 5:9 Moses sent me; just as my
strength was then, so now
nothing to add to the cross,
the only ‘if’ is whether I be- FEBRUARY 10 is my strength for war, both
Read: Joshua 5:10-15 for going out and for com-
long to Christ.”
ing in. Now therefore, give
Return: Deuteronomy 8:20- Reflect : And it came to pass, me this mountain of which
when Joshua was by Jericho,

the LORD spoke in that day
(Joshua 14:11-12).
Respond : “A nation cannot be FEBRUARY 22
stronger than its individual Read: Judges 10:10-18
Respond : “There are none so families.”
Reflect : And the children of
old as those who have out- Return: Judges 1-Judges 2:6 Israel said to the LORD, “We
lived their own enthusiasm.”
have sinned! Do to us what-
Return: Joshua 14:13- FEBRUARY 18 ever seems best to You; only
Joshua 17:13
Read: Judges 2:7-19 deliver us this day, we pray”
Reflect : Then the children (Judges 10:15).
FEBRUARY 14 of Israel did evil in the sight Respond : “When they cried
Read: Joshua 17:14-18 of the LORD, and served the out, God heard, and God
Reflect : Then the children of Baals (Judges 2:11). acted.”
Joseph spoke to Joshua, say- Respond : “Make right choic- Return: Judges 11-12
ing, “Why have you given us es that will become godly
only one lot and one share to
inherit, since we are a great
habits.” FEBRUARY 23
people, inasmuch as the LORD
Return: Judges 2:20- Read: Judges 13:1-7
has blessed us until now?”
Judges 3 Reflect : For behold, you shall
(Joshua 17:14). conceive and bear a son. And
Respond : “When we long for FEBRUARY 19 no razor shall come upon his
more than we have, we must Read: Judges 4-Judges 5:7 head, for the child shall be
a Nazirite to God from the
first use what we have; then Reflect: Village life ceased, it womb; and he shall begin to
perhaps God will give more.” ceased in Israel, until I, Debo-
deliver Israel out of the hand
Return: Joshua 18-Joshua 19 rah, arose, arose a mother in
of the Philistines (Judges 13:5).
Israel (Judges 5:7).
Respond: “May God Respond : “We are all vulner-
FEBRUARY 15 able to something.”
Read: Joshua 20:1-9 strengthen the hand of
today’s moms to be the Return: Judges 13:8-25
Reflect : Speak to the children guiding influence for this
of Israel, saying, “Appoint for
yourselves cities of refuge, of
generation.” FEBRUARY 24
which I spoke to you through Return: Judges 5:8- Read: Judges 14:1-7
Moses” (Joshua 20:2). Judges 6 Reflect : Now Samson went
Respond : “You need the down to Timnah, and saw
protective refuge of the love FEBRUARY 20 a woman in Timnah of the
daughters of the Philistines
of Christ.” Read: Judges 7:1-8 (Judges 14:1).
Return: Joshua 21- Reflect : And the LORD said to Respond : “Ask God to give
Joshua 22:9 Gideon, “The people who are you eyes that seek out and
with you are too many for Me appreciate the inner beauty
FEBRUARY 16 to give the Midianites into their of godliness.”
hands, lest Israel claim glory
Read: Joshua 22:10-29 for itself against Me, saying, Return: Judges 14:8-14
Reflect : And when the chil- ‘My own hand has saved me’”
dren of Israel heard of it, the (Judges 7:2). FEBRUARY 25
whole congregation of the
children of Israel gathered
Respond : “Faith that is not Read: Judges 14:15-20
together at Shiloh to go to war
tested cannot be trusted.” Reflect : Then the Spirit of the
against them (Joshua 22:12). Return: Judges 7:9- LORD came upon him mightily
Judges 8 (Judges 14:19).
Respond : “We can become
jury and judge on the basis Respond : “A Spirit-controlled
of nothing but sinful assump- FEBRUARY 21 life will have sufficient inner
tion.” Read: Judges 9 force to withstand the wick-
edness of our culture.”
Return: Joshua 22:30- Reflect : But a certain woman
Joshua 24:13 dropped an upper millstone on Return: Judges 15
Abimelech’s head and crushed
FEBRUARY 17 his skull (Judges 9:53). FEBRUARY 26
Read: Joshua 24:14-33 Respond : “Commit the injus- Read: Judges 16:1-20
Reflect : And if it seems evil to tices and wrongs you see Reflect : And she said, “The
around you to God, and let Philistines are upon you, Sam-
you to serve the LORD, choose
Him administer His hand of son!” So he awoke from his
for yourselves this day whom
fair play.” sleep, and said, “I will go out
you will serve… But as for me
and my house, we will serve Return: Judges 10:1-9 as before, at other times, and
the LORD (Joshua 24:15). shake myself free!” But he did

not know that the LORD had relative” (Ruth 3:9). king to judge us like all the
departed from him (Judges Respond : “You can’t choose nations (1 Samuel 8:5).
16:20). to have a friend, but you can Respond: “Problems come
Respond : “As children of God choose to be a friend.” when we begin to trust
we’re made to respond to the Return: Ruth 4:1-9 government more than we
LORD’s voice.” trust God.”
Return: Judges 16:21-19:21 MARCH 3 Return: 1 Samuel 8:19-22
Read: Ruth 4:10-22
FEBRUARY 27 Reflect : Moreover, Ruth the MARCH 7
Read: Judges 19:22-30 Moabitess, the widow of Read: 1 Samuel 9:1-24
Reflect : When he entered his Mahlon, I have acquired as Reflect: And he had a choice
house he took a knife, laid my wife, to perpetuate the and handsome son whose
hold of his concubine, and name of the dead through his name was Saul. There was
divided her into twelve pieces, inheritance, that the name of not a more handsome person
limb by limb, and sent her the dead may not be cut off than he among the children
throughout all the territory of from among his brethren and of Israel. From his shoulders
Israel (Judges 19:29). from his position at the gate. upward he was taller than any
Respond : “Make sure your You are witnesses this day of the people (1 Samuel 9:2).
own moral compass is con- (Ruth 4:10). Respond: “The LORD wants
nected to the guiding prin- Respond : “As Boaz willingly to use us, but only when we
ciples of God’s Word.” redeemed his bride, Ruth, are yielded to His direction
Return: Judges 20-21 Jesus Christ willingly en-
Return: 1 Samuel 9:25-15:9
dured the cross to save us
from eternal death.”
FEBRUARY 28 Return: 1 Samuel 1:1-18 MARCH 8
Read: Ruth 1 Read: 1 Samuel 15:10-29
Reflect : But Ruth said: “En- MARCH 4 Reflect: Then Saul said to
treat me not to leave you, or to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I
turn back from following after Read: 1 Samuel 1:19-28 have transgressed the com-
you; and wherever you lodge, I Reflect: Therefore I also mandment of the LORD and
will lodge; your people shall be have lent him to the LORD; your words, because I feared
my people, and your God, my as long as he lives he shall the people and obeyed their
God” (Ruth 1:16). be lent to the LORD.” So they voice” (1 Samuel 15:24).
Respond : “Jesus was born worshiped the LORD there
Respond: “Instead of follow-
in the city of David because (1 Samuel 1:28).
ing God, Saul followed his
David, the great-grandson Respond: “Our world needs own rules.”
of Ruth and Boaz, made the children whose hearts burn
right choices.” with a desire to follow God.” Return: 1 Samuel 15:30-35
Return: Ruth 2:1-2 Return: 1 Samuel 2 MARCH 9
MARCH 1 MARCH 5 Read: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Read: Ruth 2:3-23 Read: 1 Samuel 3:1-18 Reflect: But the LORD said
to Samuel, “Do not look at his
Reflect : Then she left, and Reflect: Now the LORD came appearance or at his physical
went and gleaned in the field and stood and called as at stature, because I have re-
after the reapers. And she other times, “Samuel! Sam- fused him. For the LORD does
happened to come to the uel!” And Samuel answered, not see as man sees; for man
part of the field belonging to “Speak, for Your servant looks at the outward appear-
Boaz, who was of the family of hears” (1 Samuel 3:10). ance, but the LORD looks at
Elimelech (Ruth 2:3). Respond: “God called the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
Respond : “God is behind the Samuel three times but Respond: “Make a conscious
scenes, but He moves all the never revealed His will until choice to wear God’s glass-
scenes He is behind!” Samuel responded to Him es throughout your day.”
Return: Ruth 3:1-7 unconditionally.” Return: 1 Samuel 16:14-17:30
Return: 1 Samuel 3:19-
MARCH 2 1 Samuel 7
Read: Ruth 3:8-18 Read: 1 Samuel 17:31-47
Reflect : And he said, “Who MARCH 6
are you?” So she answered, Read: 1 Samuel 8:1-18 Reflect: This day the LORD
will deliver you into my hand,
“I am Ruth, your maidservant. Reflect: Look, you are old, and I will strike you and take
Take your maidservant under and your sons do not walk in
your wing, for you are a close your head from you. And this
your ways. Now make us a

day I will give the carcasses
of the air and the wild beasts
you, my brother Jonathan; you
have been very pleasant to
of the earth, that all the earth me; your love to me was won- Read: 2 Samuel 9
may know that there is a God derful, surpassing the love of Reflect : Now David said, “Is
in Israel (1 Samuel 17:46). women (2 Samuel 1:26). there still anyone who is left of
Respond: “If we follow Da- Respond: “When Christians the house of Saul, that I may
vid’s example and put our are in trouble, they learn show him kindness for Jona-
than’s sake?” (2 Samuel 9:1).
faith in the living God, we who their real friends are,
can face today’s battles with because those are the ones Respond : “Seize every op-
courage.” who stay with them no mat- portunity to show kindness
to others.”
Return: 1 Samuel 17:48-58 ter what happens.”
Return: 2 Samuel 10
Return: 2 Samuel 2-3
Read: 1 Samuel 18:1-16 MARCH 15
Reflect: So the women sang Read: 2 Samuel 4:1-12 Read: 2 Samuel 11:1-17
as they danced, and said: Reflect: For when they came Reflect: Then it happened
“Saul has slain his thousands, into the house, he was lying one evening that David arose
and David his ten thousands” on his bed in his bedroom; from his bed and walked on
(1 Samuel 18:7). then they struck him and the roof of the king’s house.
And from the roof he saw
Respond: “Don’t allow jeal- killed him, beheaded him and
a woman bathing, and the
ousy to diminish your effec- took his head, and were all
night escaping through the woman was very beautiful to
tiveness or performance.” behold (2 Samuel 11:2).
plain (2 Samuel 4:7).
Return: 1 Samuel 18:17-25:1 Respond: “An unchecked
Respond: “The first civil weakness can destroy.”
war had erupted between
MARCH 12 the house of David and the Return: 2 Samuel 11:18-27
Read: 1 Samuel 25:2-35 house of Saul.”
Reflect: Then David said Return: 2 Samuel 5 MARCH 20
to Abigail: “Blessed is the Read: 2 Samuel 12:1-15
LORD God of Israel, who sent
you this day to meet me!” MARCH 16 Reflect: Then Nathan said
(1 Samuel 25:32). Read: 2 Samuel 6:1-11 to David, “You are the man!
Thus says the LORD God of
Respond: “You can keep Reflect: So they set the ark Israel: ‘I anointed you king
walking and do nothing. of God on a new cart, and over Israel, and I delivered
Or, like Abigail, you can step brought it out of the house of you from the hand of Saul’”
into the situation to change Abinadab, which was on the (2 Samuel 12:7).
it. How will you be known?” hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the
sons of Abinadab, drove the Respond: “If our conscienc-
Return: 1 Samuel 25:36- new cart (2 Samuel 6:3). es aren’t sufficient, God will
1 Samuel 30 get our attention in some other
Respond: “Sincerity isn’t way.”
enough. God wants our sin-
MARCH 13 cere obedience.” Return: 2 Samuel 12:16-2
Read: 1 Samuel 31 Return: 2 Samuel 6:12-7:3 Samuel 14
Reflect : Then Saul said to
his armorbearer, “Draw your
sword, and thrust me through
Read: 2 Samuel 7:4-19 Read: 2 Samuel 15 :1-12
with it, lest these uncircum-
cised men come and thrust me Reflect: Also the LORD tells Reflect: Then Absalom would
you that He will make you a say to him, “Look, your case
through and abuse me.” But
house. “When your days are is good and right; but there
his armorbearer would not, for
fulfilled and you rest with your is no deputy of the king to
he was greatly afraid. There-
fathers, I will set up your seed hear you.” Moreover Absalom
fore Saul took a sword and fell
after you, who will come from would say, “Oh, that I were
on it (1 Samuel 31:4).
your body, and I will estab- made judge in the land, and
Respond : “Your character is anyone who has any suit or
what you are when no one lish his kingdom” (2 Samuel
7:11-12). cause would come to me;
else is looking.” then I would give him justice”
Return: 2 Samuel 1:1-16 Respond: “Through the reign (2 Samuel 15:3-4).
of Jesus Christ, David’s
throne would be established
Respond: “It’s the clas-
MARCH 14 forever.”
sic example of a father
Read: 2 Samuel 1:17-27 Return: 2 Samuel 7:20-
who provoked his child
Reflect: I am distressed for to anger and then reaped
2 Samuel 8 the consequences

(see Ephesians 6:4).” yourself.” rael saw that the king did not
Return: 2 Samuel 15:13-18:23 Return: 1 Kings 1:22-3:2 listen to them, the people
answered the king, saying:
“What share have we in Da-
MARCH 22 MARCH 26 vid? We have no inheritance
Read: 2 Samuel 18:24-33 Read: 1 Kings 3:3-15 in the son of Jesse. To your
Reflect: Then the king was Reflect: At Gibeon the LORD tents, O Israel! Now, see to
deeply moved, and went up appeared to Solomon in a your own house, O David!” So
to the chamber over the gate, dream by night; and God said, Israel departed to their tents
and wept. And as he went, he “Ask! What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 12:16).
said thus: “O my son Absa- (1 Kings 3:5). Respond: “Where do you
lom—my son, my son Absa- Respond: “What would you seek wisdom and insight?”
lom—if only I had died in your
place! O Absalom my son, my
have asked for?” Return: 1 Kings 12:17-
son!” (2 Samuel 18:33). Return: 1 Kings 3:16- 1 Kings 16
1 Kings 4
Respond: “If you have a MARCH 31
broken relationship with a
friend or a relative, reach MARCH 27 Read: 1 Kings 17:1-9
out to that person.” Read: 1 Kings 5:1-18 Reflect: And Elijah the Tish-
Return: 2 Samuel 19-22 Reflect: And the king com- bite, of the inhabitants of
manded them to quarry large Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the
stones, costly stones, and LORD God of Israel lives, be-
MARCH 23 hewn stones, to lay the foun- fore whom I stand, there shall
Read: 2 Samuel 23 dation of the temple (1 Kings not be dew nor rain these
Reflect : Now these are the 5:17). years, except at my word”
last words of David. Thus Respond: “If you have put (1 Kings 17:1).
says David the son of Jesse; your faith in Christ, you can Respond: “There is great
thus says the man raised live with the awareness that power in simple prayer.”
up on high, the anointed
of the God of Jacob, and
God’s Spirit lives in you.” Return: 1 Kings 17:10-18:16
the sweet psalmist of Israel Return: 1 Kings 6-8
(2 Samuel 23:1).
Respond : “God take a peas- MARCH 28 NOTES
ant and made him into roy- Read: 1 Kings 9-10:1
alty.” Reflect: Now when the queen
Return: 2 Samuel 24 of Sheba heard of the fame
of Solomon concerning the
MARCH 24 name of the LORD, she came
to test him with hard ques-
Read: 1 Kings 1:1-2 tions (1 Kings 10:1).
Reflect: Now King David was Respond: “The same source
old, advanced in years; and from which Solomon re-
they put covers on him, but he
ceived his wisdom is avail-
could not get warm (1 Kings
1:1). able to you, and it’s on a
prayer away.”
Respond: “Are you keeping Return: 1 Kings 10:2-29
your eye on the prize?”
Return: 1 Kings 1:3-4 MARCH 29
MARCH 25 Read: 1 Kings 11:1-13
Read: 1 Kings 1:5-21 Reflect: And he had seven
hundred wives, princesses,
Reflect: Then Adonijah the and three hundred concu-
son of Haggith exalted him- bines; and his wives turned
self, saying, “I will be king”; away his heart (1 Kings 11:3).
and he prepared for himself
chariots and horsemen, and Respond: “For all of Solo-
fifty men to run before him (1 mon’s wisdom, he disobeyed
Kings 1:5). God’s wise precepts.”
Respond: “If your children Return: 1 Kings 11:14-43
are still under your roof,
make sure you are faithfully MARCH 30
teaching them God’s ways, Read: 1 Kings 12:1-16
setting a godly example Reflect: Now when all Is-

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If you have not already received Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior—
do it now. Please don’t wait. With a sincere and repentant heart, pray:
“Father, I know I am a sinner. I repent of my sin, and turn away from it. I turn to Jesus. I believe that
Jesus died on the cross and rose again, saving all who believe in Him. Fill me with Your Spirit and
come into my life. Transform me. Make me into a new creation. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
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