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Linguostylistic analysis

1. Hermione was a thin and fragile creature with observant blue eyes, a firm chin
and a small mouth that remained closed unless speech was absolutely necessary.
He did not bother his uncle-aunt, he quietly played horses that his Sports Cousins
Johnny and Susan considered a joke and kept his advice.

Johnny, who played with Hermione in a stupid frog game on his parents ' pool
trampoline, slipped, hit the edge of the tub and broke his neck. Paul and his wife
worshiped their children with uncritical adoration.A double blow deprived of any
reason to live, and when they quickly became victims of an epidemic of influenza,
they do not have resistance. Even with mortal duties at the present level, Hermione
was an important heir.

With the reasonable calmness that always distinguished her, she went in search of
a husband suitable for her position in life. After carefully reviewing the candidates
for the position, he finally opted for Freddy Fitzhugh. After the announcement of
the engagement on a beautiful spring morning, they went together to Bond Street
to choose the ring.Freddy led her to the garlands, these aristocrats among jewelers,
and the Great Mr. Garland greeted them in his private room behind the store.
Hermione examined the gems he showed her with impassive attention and
discussed them with an acquaintance of the case who surprised Freddy as much as
it made M. J. Garland. In in addition, he could do judo, and his father taught with
an expert. Sometimes it was very useful. Of course, he prefers not to practice.

2. Freddy was well to do, well connected, handsome and not crazy. The courtship
of Freddy and Hermione was unattractive but satisfying, the engagement was
announced (Hermione was a remarkable heiress).

One day Freddy, who had stopped to exchange a few words with Mr. Garland,
looked around and saw with horror that Hermione was standing alone in front of
the door, directly on the man's way. She didn't try to prevent him from getting
bored on her. He flashed into the mind of Freddy who was too paralyzed by the
fear of moving. Desperately, he started running forward as the man crashed a huge
punch into Hermione's face. The shot never reached its mark. With a smile slightly
higher, Hermione slightly shifted her position at the last moment. A moment later,
the raider was flying in the air to land with a shard of glass headfirst against the
window. The whole thing had only taken a few seconds of time. Freddy tells
Hermione that he never told her he could do Ju-Jutsu when they finally left the
store. Hermione corrected him that he is Judo and his father had taught by an
expert. Sometimes it is useful. Freddy said he should give Hermione the benefit of
the doubt about him. But he was afraid that the engagement would no longer be.
Hermione looked at the diamond on his finger and screwed his hand into a tight
little fist that could not prevent Freddy break . But he would have found it very
expensive. He did. Really very expensive. But he thought it was worth the money.
As it was said, Freddy was not stupid.

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