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Get ready!
1.Before you read the passage,talk about these questions.
1. .why do computers have fans and heat sinks?
2. What is the purpose of a computer bay?
2.Read the troubleshooting guide.the,mark the following statements as
true(T)or false (F).
1. according to the guide,the most likely cause of overhating is a problem
with the fan.
2. the first troubleshooting step is to desconnect the fan from the

Get ready!
●1 Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.
1. What classes do students usually take as part of a computer
engineering degree?
2. What are some common prerequisites for computer engineering
●2 Read the webpage. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or
false (F).
1 Students study mathematics before they are admitted to the program.
2 The first semester includes a course in signal processing.
3 Students are required to take calculus courses during the first year of the
●3 Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1 ___ foundation 4 ___ signal processing
2 ___ mathematics 5 ___ electrical engineering
3 ___ bachelor’s 6 ___ computer
degree architecture
A a certificate that is earned after four years of
B a class that students take to prepare for a
degree program
C the process of creating computers from
hardware components
D a general field of study concerned with
numbers and shapes
E a branch of engineering that focuses on the
uses of electricity
F a branch of engineering that studies
communication between electrical components
and devices
●4 Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase best fits each
1 calculus / physics
A The lecture on ______________ explains how gravity works.
B The student used ______________ to find the slope of the curve.
2 programming / hardware design
A The student’s skill at ______________ helped her rewrite the
B The man created a new processor in his ______________ class.

English inglés
Active matrices Matrices activas
Alternating currents Corrientes alternas
Amperes Amperios
Antenna Antena
Apple (company) Apple (empresa)
Bachelors degree Licenciatura
Bays Laureles
Bitmap Mapa de bits
Broadband Banda ancha
Buttons Botones
Calculus Cálculo
Capacity Capacidad
Case Caja
CAT-5 cables Cables CAT-5
CD/DVD drives Unidades de CD / DVD
Celcius celcio
Centimeters Centímetros
Chemical energy Energía química
Click Hacer clic
Component Componente
Computer architecture Arquitectura de Computadores
Computer cluster Grupo de computadoras
Computer engineer Ingeniero informático
Computer science Ciencias de la Computación
Computers/ PCs Computadoras / PC
Conduct Conducta
Conductors Conductores
Conservation of energy (law) Conservación de energía (ley)
Convert Convertir
Currents Las corrientes
Customize Personalizar
Decimal Decimal
Degrees Grados
Denominator Denominador
Design Diseño
Desktops Escritorios
Develop Desarrollar
Direct currents Corrientes directas
Displays Muestra
Electrical energy Energía eléctrica
Electrical engineering Ingenieria Eléctrica
Electrical power Energía eléctrica
Electricity Electricidad
Electromechanical mouse Ratón electromecánico
Electrons Electrones
Embedded computers Ordenadores integrados
Energy Energía
Equal Igual
Evaluate Evaluar
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit
Fan Ventilador
Flash drives Unidades flash
Flash memory Memoria flash
Flat-panel De panel plano
Floppy disks Disquetes
Foundation Fundación
Fractions Fracciones
Frame buffers Amortiguadores de marco
Friction Fricción
Grams Gramos
Hard drives Unidades de disco duro
Hardware Hardware
Hardware design Diseño de hardware
Heat energy Energía térmica
Heat sink Disipador de calor
Inch Pulgada
Internet Internet
Investigate Investigar
Kilogram Kilogramo
Kinetic energy Energía
Laptops Laptops
Linux Linux
Magnetic tape Cinta magnética
Mathematical analysis Análisis matemático
Mathematics Matemáticas
Microsoft Microsoft
Minus/substract Menos / restar
Monitor Monitor
Motherboard tarjeta madre
Negative charge Carga negativa
Network Red
Notebooks Cuadernos
Numbers Números
Numerator Numerador
Ohms Ohmios
Open source Fuente abierta
Operating system Sistema operativo
Optical mouse Ratón óptico
OS X (apple operating system) OS X (sistema operativo de Apple)
Ounce Onza
Out of Fuera de
Over (Division) Sobre (división)
Percent Por ciento
Percentage Porcentaje
Petential energy Energía potencial
Physics Física
Pixels Píxeles
Plus/Add Más / Agregar
Point Punto
Pointers Punteros
Polarity Polaridad
Porcessors Antecesores
Port Puerto
Positive charge Carga positiva
Pound Libra
Power supply Fuente de alimentación
Programming Programación
QWERTY Keyboard Teclado QWERTY
Reduce Reducir
Releases Lanzamientos
Resistance Resistencia
Router Enrutador
Screens Pantallas
Scroll Desplazarse
Scroll wheel Rueda de desplazamiento
Servers Servidores
Signal precessing Procesamiento de señal
Signals Señales
Software Software
Software compatibility Compatibilidad de software
Storage Almacenamiento
Tablet Tableta
Times (multiplication) Tiempos (multiplicación)
Transfer Transferir
Voltage voltaje
Volts Voltios
Watts Vatios
Windows Ventanas
Wireless Inalámbrico
Work Trabajo
Workstations Estaciones de trabajo
Zip Drives Unidades Zip

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