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Unit of information is _______ [ ]

a) bits b) bytes/message c)Bytes d) bits/symbol
2. If message is repeatedly occurs then information carried is _____ [ ]
a) medium b) less c) high d) none
3. If receiver knows the message being transmitted, the amount of information carried is_______ [ ]
a) 1 b) -1 c) 0 d) none
4. Amount of Information is represented by ______ [ ]
a) log2 PK b) PK c) 1/ PK d) log2 1/PK
5. Average information is represented _____ [ ]
a) Entropy b) code redundancy c) code efficiency d) code word
6. Information Rate is given by_____ [ ]
a) r b) rH c) r/H d) none
7. Code efficiency is given by_____ [ ]
a) H*L b) H c) H/L d) None
8. In discrete memory less source, the current letter produced by a source is statistically independent of
a) Present Symbol b) source alphabet c) Both a and b d) Past symbol [ ]
9. If Pk =1 then Entropy H=_______ [ ]
a) 0 b) 1 c) 10 d) 100
10. If the channel is band limited to 6 kHz & signal to noise ratio is 16, what would be the capacity of
channel? [ ]
a) 15.15 kbps b) 24.74 kbps c) 30.12 kbps d) 52.18 kbps
11.  Bandwidth of analog channel is ________ [ ]
a) B*log2(S/N) b) log2(1+S/N) c) B*log2(1+S/N) d) None
12. The mutual information is Symmetric_______ [ ]
a) I(X;Y)= I(X,Y) b) I(X;Y)= I(Y:X) c) I(X;Y) = I(Y;X) d) I(X;Y)= I(X:Y)
13. I(X;Y) = H(X)_______ [ ]
a) - H(X/Y) b) - H(Y) c) - H(Y/X) d) - H(X,Y)
14. I(X;Y) = H(Y)_______ [ ]
a) - H(X) b) - H(Y/X) c) - H(X/Y) d) - H(X,Y)
15. Mutual information is always_______ [ ]
a) +ve b) 0 c) Both a&b d) -ve
16. Huffman coding technique is adopted for constructing the source code with ________ efficiency.
a) zero b) Constant c) Minimum d) Maximum [ ]
17. Huffman coding technique is adopted for constructing the source code with ________ redundancy.
a) Minimum b) Constant c) Maximum d) Unpredictable [ ]
18. Variable length coding is done by source encoder to get______ [ ]
a) Higher efficiencies b) Lower efficiencies c) Moderate efficiencies d) None
19. MPEG Stands for _________ [ ]
a) Motion Picture Experts Group b) Media Picture Experts Group
c) Media Picture Export Group d) Media Video Experts Group
20. If Input message = Output message then compression technique is _______ [ ]
a) Lossless b) Lossy c) Both a&b d) None
21. The minimum value of information is _______ [ ]
a) 0 b) -1 c) 1 d) 2
22. If probability of a message is 1/2 then information carried by the message is _____ bits [
a) 0 b) 1 c) -1 d) None
23. If PK=1, then amount of information carried is_______ [ ]
a) 1 b)-1 c) 0 d) 2
24. Logarithmic measure of Information is given by ______ [ ]
a) Pk b) log2 PK c) 1/ PK d) log2 (1/ PK)
25. Entropy represents_____ [ ]
a) Average Information b) code redundancy c) code efficiency d) code word
26. Rate of Information R is given by_____ [ ]
a) r*H b) r/H c) r+H d) r-H
27. Code redundancy is given by_____ [ ]
a) H/L b) H*L c) 1-(H/L) d) None
28. In Memory Source, the current letter produced by a source is statistically dependent of [ ]
a) Present Symbol b) source alphabet c) Both a and b d) Past symbol
29. If probability of message is 1/4 then information carried by the message is _______ [ ]
a) 2 bits b) 1 bit c) 0 bits d) None
30. Information rate is measured in _______ [ ]
a) bits b) bits/symbol c) bits/sec d) none
31. Entropy H=0, if PK=_______ [ ]
a) 0 b) 1 c) -1 d) Both a&b
32. If the channel is bandlimited to 10 kHz & signal to noise ratio is 1, what would be the capacity of
channel? [ ]
a) 30KHz b) 20 KHz c) 50 KHz d) 10 KHz
33.  Mutual Information is represented as,________ [ ]
a) I(X;Y) b) I(X,Y) c) I(XY) d) I(X/Y)
34. I(X;Y) = H(X)+H(Y) _______ [ ]
a) - H(X/Y) b) - H(X,Y) c) - H(Y/X) d) - H(X)
35. I(X;Y) ≥ ________ [ ]
a)1 b) -1 c) 0 d) none
36. Variable length coding is done by source encoder to get______ [ ]
a) Lower efficiencies b) Higher Redundancies c) Moderate efficiencies d) Higher efficiencies
37. Which of the following is optimal code [ ]
a) Huffman b) Shannon-Fano c) Both d) None
38. Source coding techniques are adopted for constructing the source code with ________ redundancy.
a) Minimum b) Constant c) Maximum d) Unpredictable [ ]
39. JPEG Stands for _________ [ ]
a) Joint Photographic Experts Group b) Motion Picture Experts Group
c) Joint Picture Export Group d) Media Video Experts Group
40. If Input message ≠ Output message then compression technique is _______ [ ]
a) Lossy b) Lossless c) Both a&b d) None

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