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Dashen Bank S.

IFB Corporate Banking Department
Disbursement Check list
Borrower name__________________________________________________

S.N Particulars Remarks

1 Are all relevant particulars in the contracts properly filled

Borrower Name in full

Loan Amount
Due date security
Profit rate
Telephone number
TIN no
Purpose of loan
Repayment schedule
2 Are borrowers and the bank representative initialed on each page,
signed at the last page of the contract
3 Are round stamp of the bank impressed on each page of the
4 Are round stamp of companies impressed on each part of the
contract if the loan is granted to companies
5 Did marital status document from the mortgagers collected
6 Are revenue stamps charged in accordance with the current terms
and conditions
7 Are loan, mortgage, pledge and letter of undertaking, guarantee
contracts including supplementary contracts etc.. properly signed,
sealed and registered by the appropriate register body
8 If third party property is held as collateral, check preparation of
mortgage contract and the mortgager and his/her spouse if any
signed on the contract and identified on the contract
9 Check whether documentation list is filed before disbursement
10 Are all collateral insured before disbursement and insurance
policies and renewal endorsements are obtained before
disbursement and it is endorsed in the name of the bank and the
borrower or the mortgager
11 Check for power of attorney, the agent of the borrower present
authenticated power of attorney.
12 If PLC present there asset as collateral for third party loan, check
whether article and memorandum of association from the PLC and
request opinion whether who is authorized to conclude mortgage
contract in the name of the PLC
11 Are contracts prepared in the correct name of the borrower and
12 Check the task of registering the collateral is not left to the
borrower under any circumstance
13 Check whether the Branch Manager or RM signs the
documentation checklist
14 Check whether the loan is disbursed within 90 days from the date
of approval
15 Check the existence of insurance follow up cards
16 Up on disbursement, check whether the Branch manager writes a
memo for disbursement approval
17 Check existence of estimation fee tickets and it is paid before
18 Check existence of stamp duty charge
19 Check whether the merchandise held as collateral has insurance
coverage or not and whether the coverage is current
20 Check the maximum grace period is as per credit policy (six or 1YR)
21 Check the ownership title of the merchandise to be pledged should
be ascertained through documentary evidence
22 Check whether the Branch/corporate banking unit communicate
the foreign banking unit in writing each and every amount
advanced to customer to ensure the timely settlement of the loan
23 Check merchandise loan contract need to be concluded for the
facility limit; rather contracts should be made for each advance to
be made to the customer

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