T02 08 Pejovic - Tesovic - Bulatovic - Lukovic - Dvornik - Kovacevic - GNP2020

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GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro, 10-14 March 2020

Radenko Pejović1, Ivana Tešović2, Teodora Bulatović3, Olga Luković4,

Zdenko Dvornik5, Danilo Kovačević6



The topic of this paper is the main structural design of Ro-Ro (roll on - roll of) ramp, within the
rehabilitation of the jetty No. 1 on the north shore at Port of Bar – Montenegrin main seaport.
Designed Ro-Ro ramp is located in the Port of Bar, in the jetty No. 1 root, with the main
purpose for loading and unloading of cargo and goods. Port of Adria JSC Bar engaged Institut
za građevinarstvo ltd from Podgorica to develop a detailed structural design.
The existing structure of the jetty No. 1, next to whom is located Ro-Ro ramp, is RC structure
founded on RC piles, whose top edge is at the level +3.00 m. The outer shore of jetty No. 1 and
No.2 is constructed by a stone embankment and still is not finished. Seafloor at jetty No. 1
north shore has a depth of maximum 11.00 m. Ro-Ro ramp is positioned in a way that minimum
draught of a boat of 7.50 m is provided.
The basis of the Ro-Ro ramp structure is rectangular, with dimensions 21.00x31.00 m. In order
to achieve completeness of the structure, beside the ramp was predicted execution of reinforced
concrete transition slab (d= 20 cm), with a slope of 6° (10.51%). Between the ramp and
transition slab is designed reinforced concrete L shaped wall, 2.90 and 4.50 m high. Along this
wall are designed wing walls. Toward to existing asphalt is designed new asphalt surfacing
(31.00x5.50 m), which consists of two layers of BNS 22 (d= 6 cm).
During designing, engineering challenge was to meet the requirements for valid Standards and
Rulebooks for designing of this type of structures, with an additional requirement for structure's
durability in a very aggressive environment. Supervisor during the execution of works was
Institut za građevinarstvo ltd Podgorica and Contractor was Aquamont Service ltd Herceg
Novi. Total price for construction of the designed structure was 680 339.40 €.
Key words
Reconstruction, jetty, port of Bar, Ro-Ro ramp

1 Prof. PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, radenko@ucg.ac.me
2 Civil Engineer, Institut za građevinarstvo ltd Podgorica, Montenegro, ivanatesovic90@gmail.com
3 Civil Engineer, Institut za građevinarstvo ltd Podgorica, Montenegro, bulatovicteodora95@gmail.com
4 Civil Engineer, Port od Adria AD Bar, Montenegro, olga.lukovic@portofadria.me
5 Civil Engineer, Aquamont ltd, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, zdenko.dvornik@aquamontservice.me
6 Civil Engineer, Pizzarotti Montenegro ltd Herceg Novi, Montenegro, danilce1@gmail.com

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice


At the Port of Bar, in the root of the jetty No. 1 north shore, is designed Ro-Ro ramp for
loading and unloading of cargo and goods. Existing structure of jetty No. 1, next to whom is
located Ro-Ro ramp, is RC structure foundated on piles, whose top edge is at the level +3.00 m.
The outer shore of jetty No. 1 and No. 2 is constructed by a stone embankment and still is not
finished. Perpendicular to the direction of jetty No. 1 north shore, waterside wall of new Ro-Ro
ramp is located. Seafloor at jetty No. 1 north shore has a depth of maximum 11.00 m. Ro-Ro ramp
is positioned in a way that minimum draught of a boat of 7.50 m is provided. On Figures 1 and 2 is
shown the location and layout plan of Ro-Ro ramp.

Figure 1 – Location of Ro-Ro ramp

Figure 2 – Layout plan of the Ro-Ro ramp

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The basis of the Ro-Ro ramp structure is rectangular, with dimensions 21.00x31.00 m. In
order to achieve completeness of structure there was predicted, beside the ramp, execution of
reinforced concrete transition slab (d= 20 cm), with a slope of 6° (10.51%). Between the ramp and
slab is designed reinforced concrete L shaped wall, 2.90 and 4.50 m high. During the selection of
the structural system and building a concept of structure, care was taken about Employer's requests
and existing ground levels, which were defined by Terms of reference.

Figure 3 – Base view of Ro-Ro ramp

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice

Structure of Ro-Ro ramp is reinforced concrete structure, with precast beams and „Omnia“
slab, and cast-in-place pile foundations with 60 cm diameter and 30 m length, at mutual space of
7.50 m in a longitudinal, and 5.00 m in transverse direction. Formwork for piles is steel tube Ø600,
with 8 mm wall thickness and reinforced concrete filling.
Loadbearing structure is a system of reinforced concrete slabs and beams in two orthogonal
directions. Main beams (50x70x690 cm) are positioned at axis B, C, D and E, in line with piles.
Main beams are at mutual spacing of 5.00 m. Edge beam at axis A is different from other main
beams (75x70x690 cm), with overhang at bottom side (25x40 cm), because of structural reasons.
In vertical direction, at axis 1,2,3,4 and 5, in line with piles, are positioned secondary beams
(30x40x440 cm). Secondary beams are at mutual spacing of 7.50 m. A part of construction
between axis C and E has a slope of 6° (10.51%) and 1% between axis A and C.

Figure 4 – Characteristic longitudinal section

For reliance of main and secondary prefabricated beams during the assembly phase, special
square pile's caps (100x100x110 cm) were designed (Figure 5). These pile's caps are made from
steel plates, with reinforced concrete filling. Their connection with top edge of pile's tubes is
designed as welded connection. At the same time, plates have a role of formwork for capitel's

Figure 5 – Detail of support of beams

Prefabricated reinforced conrete „Omnia“ slabs, with rectangular shape (10x182.5x460cm),

rests on main beams.

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Before the monolitization, on the existing concrete surface needs to be aplicated coat for
bonding of old and new concrete slab. During hte design, was paid attention to leave a rein-
forcement for monolitization of joints and continualization of „Omnia“ slabs. In final, monoliti-
zation slab above precast beams is executed, with additional reinforcement at the upper zone, so
there are formed continuous multispan beams in two orthogonal directions and slab with 30 cm
At the contact between ground and ramp is designed cascade L shaped wall, 2.90 and
4.50 m high. Along these walls are predicted wing walls. There is point of support for transition
slab (20x450x3100 cm). At this point is formed expansion joint between structure of ramp and
transition slab. Expansion joint has a width of 2 cm, which needed to be filled with bitumen.
Toward to existing asphalt is designed new asphalt surfacing in width of 31.00 m and length
5.50 m, which is formed from two layers of BNS 22, 6 cm thickness.
In order to protect the seafloor in zone of boat's landing, there is prevised throwing of large
stone ruffle (0.1-0.2 m3), in layers of 1.00-1.20 m.
On figures 3 and 4 are presented a base view and characteristic longitudinal section of the


On a ramp structure, at the place of boats anchoring, are designed two elastic fenders from
hard rubber (Ø100 cm), that are anchored for reinforced concrete structure of ramp (Figure 6). Top
edge of Ro-Ro ramp is protected with steel profiles 150x150x15 mm. Ramp of the boat bears on
the top edge of the slab, so there are embedded steel plates 150x15x500 mm at mutual spacing of
1.20 m, in the way that they stick out from concrete for 5 mm. Steel profiles and plates are
connected with anchors, that are welded to them. Toward to the jetty No. 1 and L shaped wall are
designed expansion joints (Figure 7).

Figure 6 – Detail of fenders Figure 7 – Detail of expansion joint


Tops of pile's steel tubes, in a zone of high and low tide, in length of 2,00 m measured from
pile's top, needs to have corrosion protection with appropriate epoxy coating in two layers and
corresponding surface preparation. At the same way, there was necessary to protect steel plates of

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice

pile's caps. Surface preparation and method of coating application is executed according to the
manufacturer's recommendation. For reinforcement of slabs and beams was predicted protection by


The durability of Ro-Ro ramp structure is provided by the following measures: usage of
cement with addition of slag, with mark CEM III A 42.5, that is resistant to salt water influence;
appropriate cohesiveness of concrete and impervious concrete V-10, together with admixture;
concrete cover for reinforcement with 5.5 cm thickness; epoxy coating for steel parts of the
structure; cathode protection of steel parts (piles and pile's caps) and reinforcement; galvanizing of
reinforcement for slab and beams.


The loadbearing structure of the building was simulated in the software for structural
analysis - Tower 6. The structure is simulated three-dimensional with real dimensions and
geometrical characteristics, according to the layout plan. Structure of ramp is calculated for the
following loads: 1. Dead loads: 1.1 Self-weight of structure; 2. Live load: 2.1 Distributed load of
4t/m2 (40 kN/m2) and 2.2 Load of transport vehicle - total weight 65t (650 kN) with four-axis of
16.25t (162.5 kN), according to received scheme; 3. Seismic actions: Calculation is executed in
accordance with IX level of MSC scale. Calculation of seismic loads is made in software Tower 6.
The calculation is carried out for two perpendicular directions X and Y, based on results of
previously executed modal analysis and 4. Wind load (loads on bollards and vessels) and boat
berthing loads: Calculation of wind loads (loads on bollards and vessels) and boat berthing loads
are calculated in accordance to the British Standard for this type of structure.
Structural design is executed according to relevant load combinations. Control of cracks and
deflection is also carried out. Results ratify that conditions defined by relevant regulations are
satisfied, that deflections are less than L/300 and width of cracks is less than 0.10 mm.



Works on the construction of Ro-Ro ramp were organized in following manner:
 landscaping of seafloor in the zone of Ro-Ro ramp;
 installation of formwork, placing of reinforcement and concreting of piles;
 execution of a stone embankment in the zone of boat's landing;
 manufacturing of steel formwork for pile's caps according to designed details, and thereafter
placing of reinforcement and concreting;
 together with previously executed works, manufacturing of precast elements (main beams,
secondary beams and „Omnia“ slabs), at the area near site, is accomplished;
 together with previously executed works, structural works on retaining wall and wing walls are

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 mounting of precast elements (main beams, secondary beams and „Omnia“ slabs). Mounting of
prefabricated elements was done after the achievement of 70% of the designed concrete grade,
but not earlier than 14 days;
 after the mounting was finished, there was necessary to finish works on placing of
reinforcement for slab's upper zone and concreting of layer for monolitization;
 concreting of transition slab and execution of asphalt surface;
 during the building construction was performed adequate preparation for cathode protection
and after finishing of all works, final positions of cathode protection are executed;
 cleaning and landscaping of the site.


Works on execution have started in the middle of 2018. Figures below represent the process
of building construction. Supervisor during the execution of works was Institut za građevinarstvo
ltd and Contractor was Aquamont Service ltd.
At figures 8-11 are perceived works on the execution of reinforced concrete piles and pile’s
caps – installation of formwork, placing of reinforcement and concreting. Figure 12 represents the
execution of prefabricated reinforced concrete beams, while on figure 13 is a view of main and
secondary beams, mounted on pile’s caps. At figures 14 and 15 is shown work on execution of RC
prefabricated Omnia slabs – installation of formwork, reinforcement and concreting, while on
figure 16 is shown installed upper zone reinforcement of the slab and at the end concreting of ramp
and transition slab (Figure 17).

Figure 8 – Installation of the pile’s formwork Figure 9 – Placing of the pile’s reinforcement

Figure 10 – Reinforcement of the pile’s caps Figure 11 – Pile’s cap

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice

Figure 12 – Prefabricated beams Figure 13 – Part of beams on pile’s caps

Figure 14 – Concreting of Omnia slabs Figure 15 – Placed beams and slabs

Figure 16 – Reinforcement of the upper zone Figure 17 – Ramp and transition slab


This design represents one successful structural solution, wherein is successfully applied
precast building system. During designing and execution of works, main task was to meet
rerquirements from valid Standards and Rulebooks for designing of maritime structures, and to
carry out requirements for structure's durability in a very aggressive environment. The main design
was developed in two months and the structure is executed and put into operation in four months.


[1] Institut za građevinarstvo ltd (2018). Glavni projekat rekonstrukcije gata 1 – Sjeverna obala,
izgradnja Ro-Ro rampe u luci Bar.
[2] BS 6349-1:1998; BS 6349-2:1998; BS 6349-3:1998 and BS 6349-4:1998 (Maritime structures).


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