Design and Use of Low Carbon Footprint Materials For Sustainable Construction

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Design and use of low carbon footprint materials for sustainable construction
The Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA, France), MATERR’UP and local authorities (Region
Nouvelle Aquitaine and Communauté du Pays Basque) open one junior chair position in the framework of
the Environment and Solution (E2S UPPA) multi-year growth plan ( This
chair is part of an industry-oriented project which intends to design, manufacture and test of new sustainable
geo-materials with low levels of embodied/operational energy and a reduced carbon footprint. It is carried out
with an industrial partner, Materr’UP whose efforts have already resulted in the production of new sustainable
construction materials.

Materr’UP produces self-placing concrete using a clay cement and materials extracted either from quarries
or from construction sites to use it as structural material. Materr’UP as already filled 5 patents on this kind of
materials, both on clay cement and concrete. Besides their environmental qualities (improved carbon footprint
and renewable energy), those clay concretes have thermal (summer comfort), hygroscopic (evacuation of
water vapor) and aesthetic performances. The chair activities will be dedicated to the conception and use of
low carbon footprint materials for sustainable construction in close collaboration with this company.

In order to respect a sustainable development approach and to limit its environmental impact as much as
possible, this material should integrate local renewable raw materials or secondary raw materials available
in large quantities (recycling of wood, bio-waste, vegetable coproducts, etc.). In addition, its production shall
be consuming the lowest possible amount of energy. To validate its performance, in addition to the
assessment of the intrinsic properties of the material (strength and durability), the overall behavior of
constructions where this type of material is implemented will be studied in particular regarding winter and
summer comfort. Thus, the thermohydric behavior of the material will be studied. A major part of the project
will focus on durability, and use of this material as structural material combined with reinforcements


We seek for outstanding candidates excited by the opportunity to shape the future solutions for environment
with a clear passion to make a difference for the future. Interest will be given to the overall originality and
promise of the candidate's work and to the specialization. As the topic is supported by industrial partners and
local authorities, candidates are encouraged to get into contact with the host laboratory and the partners to
articulate the project around the potential future academic and industrial collaborations. The junior chair will
be devoted to enhance research and teaching in the fields of environment and to establish and animate new
international relations and partnerships. The candidate will be expected to teach in English at the graduate
and undergraduate levels, to develop advanced graduate courses in his research specialty, as well as to
develop a world-class research program with emphasis on Energy and Environment.

Junior Chair with Partnerships

A Junior chair is directed towards young promising researchers, typically with a research experience of 1-5
years after their Ph.D. The chair holder is expected to reach a level allowing successful application to ERC
starting grant.

In the present case, teaching duties concern civil engineering, geotechnics and construction materials within
the ISA BTP engineering school (master level).

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E2S UPPA is committed to building a diverse educational environment in agreement with the European
Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. E2S UPPA is also
committed to the compatibility of work and family lives. E2S UPPA will provide support through its Welcome
Desk and facilitate career management.


The chair will be funded for 5 years, starting from September 2020 -at the earliest- with a monthly salary
(before taxes) in accordance with that of an assistant professor (national grid). The start-up package to
support the junior chair consists in the allocation of two PhD scholarships, two one-year post-doctoral
fellowships, running costs and reduced teaching duties (64 hrs academic duty).

Selection criteria

Criteria of selection of the candidate (without priority order)

‐The research and teaching projects

‐The candidate’s motivation
‐The candidate’s concern for the societal problematic related to low carbon footprint materials and his/her
positioning to direct efforts toward the identification of original solutions for the use of such a material.
‐Outstanding scientific record (publications, patents, …)


‐Applicants are expected to show outstanding commitment to research and teaching

‐A maximum of 5 years of experience after PhD defence is desirable
‐Applicants who graduated from UPPA should attest of at least two years of research experience away
from the consortium.

Required Application Documents

‐A cover letter
‐A curriculum vitae
‐Three to five references (name and contact email)
‐A statement of the director of the current laboratory on the adequacy of the proposed research activities with
those conducted in the host institute
‐Statements of research (5 pages) and teaching interests (1 page)
‐Two representative publications
Preselected candidates will be invited for an oral interview by the selection committee.

Selection process

Applications must be written in English and submitted via the online application portal
https://aap‐e2s.univ‐, before May 30, 2020 (5 pm, Paris time).

Please submit your application via

CAUTION! Applications received through any other mean will not be reviewed! 

For further information about the position, please contact: Professor Christian La Borderie by email at
For further information about general questions or application assistance, please contact: Professor Corinne
Nardin by email at

Beware: This is a non-binding document. Some details may be subject to modifications, based on decisions
voted by E2S UPPA executive committee and/or the university’s board of directors.
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About E2S UPPA

The Energy and Environment Solutions initiative (E2S UPPA) is a substantial, multi-year growth plan.
Problem-oriented, inter-disciplinary and transverse research in Energy and Environment, is pursed while
putting the emphasis on either industry relevance or high visibility in leading academic journals. Interests
span over all areas of Energy and Environment, including but not limited to optimization of geo-resources
exploration and exploitation, optimization of energy storage, materials for renewable energy, composites for
structural lightening, analytical and microbial environmental analysis for diagnostic and remediation, as well
as evaluation of organisms adaptation to environmental stresses in evolving or controlled ecosystems, and
social issues about energy and environment.

About UPPA

UPPA is a leading research and teaching university, among the top 20 universities in France, located in the
beautiful, culturally rich and highly diverse area of the Atlantic Pyrenees. E2S UPPA is the result of
established collaborations with the main national research centers, i.e. the French National Institute for
Agricultural and Environmental Research (INRAE), the French National Institute for computer science and
applied mathematics (INRIA), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Alternative
Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the French Geological Survey (BRGM). These hosts
several laboratories committed in research within the core areas of Energy and Environment.

Host Lab

This Junior Chair will be hosted by the SIAME laboratory that is a research unit located in Pau and Anglet,
France. SIAME has got an extensive and highly competitive research program that encompasses
fundamental research in thermal transfer, mechanics and electrical engineering. The chair holder will conduct
research in the Geomaterial and Structures team located at Anglet. This team works on the topic of raw earth
and sustainable construction materials under the supervision of Pr Gallipoli (currently visiting scholar at
university of Genova) and Dr Perlot-Bascoulès.


Materr’UP, industrial start up created in 2018, develops and produces innovative, high performance and low
carbon concretes. These “green concretes” are alternatives to decarbonize the construction industry. It is
located in the South West of France, close by Hossegor. Two of the three founders of Materr’UP have a PhD
(in Physics and Chemistry), the company was built on an innovative patented technology and there is a strong
commitment for continuing innovation through research and development.

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