Bill Starr - (IM) - Ageless Strength Training 2

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Only the Strong Shall Survive

by Bill Starr
Photography by Michael Neveux
Part 2
ast month I noted the many difficulties facing physiques, but it can be done if they do it right. An older
older athletes who are trying their best to retain individual has to be absolutely dedicated to the task at
a certain level of strength fitness: the loss of hand. Dedication equals consistency, which is critical
muscle mass, flexibility, balance and endurance, to success. When you decide on a training program, you
as well as the decreasing amount of testosterone from have to follow it religiously, or the results won’t come as
age 40 on and the wide assortment of degenerative joint expected. Most older athletes are either retired or semi-
diseases. Then there are all those injuries, big and small, retired and so have control over their daily schedules.
that add up over the years. There should be no excuses for missing a workout. Sure,
The negatives make it harder for people in their 50s, I realize that there are legitimate reasons for skipping a
60s and 70s to achieve the goal of remaining active and session, but that should happen only a few times a year,
fit. Yet it can be done and is being done by countless not every other week.
older athletes. Whether you’re young or old, once you embrace the
Those who have spent a large part of their lives par- notion that you must be consistent with your training,
ticipating in sports and some form of weight training you’re well on your way to reaching your goal. A missed
understand better than their younger counterparts how workout is much more detrimental to an older body,
their bodies respond to exercise. There is nothing quite however, than it is to a younger one—and for the same
like experience in that regard. Older athletes know how reasons an older body takes longer to recover and is
to do a wide array of exercises and know how to do them slower to heal. So that’s the first step—to vow never to
correctly. That’s a huge plus. They also understand their skip a workout unless it’s a matter of life and death (or
limitations: how much workload they can handle with- an awful lot of money is involved).
out becoming overtrained, which exercises they need Consistent training has to become an essential part
to avoid and which ones provide positive results. That of your life. It’s not a seasonal activity but a year-round
knowledge is invaluable in that it helps older athletes commitment. So you must put together a fitness regi-
avoid bothersome injuries. While injuries are a part of men that suits your personality. If you don’t enjoy what
Model: Yilderam Memmet

strength training and bodybuilding, you can reduce you’re doing, you aren’t going to stick with it. By the
them to minor dings by paying close attention to the sig- same token, you must set sensible, realistic goals. I dis-
nals your body is sending to your brain and being wise courage older athletes from setting high numbers as a
enough to make the necessary adjustments right away. goal on some lift—usually the bench. Even if you reach
There’s no question that it’s much harder for older that kind of goal, overall health and well-being are usu-
athletes to hold or gain strength, even improve their ally diminished.

282 JULY 2008 \ \ JULY 2008 283

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Only the Strong Shall Survive

As I’ve mentioned before, the

hardest part of learning how to train

<DB2;41D8 ; 38 = 6
as we grow older is to forget the old
numbers. Forget what it felt like to
be the strongest lifter in the gym or

the strongest squatter or deadlifter.
To stay with that mind-set is an
invitation to trouble. Sure, it’s fun
to recall the days when you tossed
around incredible poundages, but
that’s history. Don’t attach your ego
to how much you once lifted or how

Y &
many awards you won in the past. The average increase
It’s a dead-end street. ou’ve just finished torching your muscles in the gym, and your body is demanding a critical dose of key
in muscle fiber size in
When designing your fitness pro- anabolic compounds to kickstart the recovery process and signal massive new gains in size and strength. test subjects using a
gram, you need to think of overall What you choose in this window of opportunity will ultimately dictate whether or not you’ll pack on slabs key ingredient in
health—feeling and looking good, of rock-hard muscle. Knowing how crucial the post-workout time is to your gains, Muscle Asylum Project™ Anabolic Optimal Dose
being able to perform the many researchers scientifically formulated Anabolic Optimal Dose™. This mega-dosed post-workout hyper-anabolic during a 16-week study.
creatine system attacks the key physiological factors required for unrestricted muscle growth.
necessary physical tasks of every- Determining when

day life, staying strong enough to

you should stop

remain independent. Being able to
take complete responsibility for all
trying to move "#'('\V
facets of your life without assistance The precise amount
is a blessing all older athletes ap- heavy weights and of advanced compounds
preciate, but it can happen only if in two scoops of
you train diligently. The good news:
shift to a routine Anabolic Optimal Dose Increase in satellite cell production in a
Each of us has a great deal of con- that calls for synergistically fused
into three proprietary
28-day study caused by post-workout
trol over the situation. We decide consumption of a key ingredient in
what to eat and drink and how to
lighter poundages blends, to activate
and force rapid
Anabolic Optimal Dose. Satellite cells
The amount of mass gained by test subjects consuming a key ingredient are powerful anabolic messengers that
exercise. That’s a fine feeling, in my and higher reps recovery and growth. in Anabolic Optimal Dose compared to a placebo group after just 28 days fuse with muscle fibers to dramatically
opinion, and I wouldn’t trade it for a
is an individual (4.4 lbs. vs. 1.1 lbs.)! increase size and strength.
Model: John Hansen

400-pound bench—maybe 440, but

not a measly 400. matter. #&6aP\b

Creatine that

Determining when you should
stop trying to move heavy weights can be stored in
skeletal muscle for
and shift to a routine that calls for rate the changes into your overall good in a swimsuit. a 200 lb. man.
lighter poundages and higher reps program. There’s no reason you can’t use a
Time it takes to replenish vitamins
is an individual matter. Some feel Understanding that it’s really nec- high-rep routine at any age. Many of creatine is stored in and enzymes after a workout.
the need in their mid-to-late 40s,
while others are able to lift heavy
essary to stop abusing your joints
with heavy weights and changing to
who try it really enjoy that type of
training. They recover more readily
" c^#
  skeletal muscle.
The amount of muscle
for another 10 to 15 years. As long
as you can deal with heavy and hard
sessions, stick with it. I was nearly
60 before I made the transition, and
a less stressful workout is one of the
most difficult decisions for almost
all strength athletes. They totally
hate the idea of training with light
and notice that there’s less discom-
fort during their workouts. In the
process, they find that they’re im-
proving their endurance. It’s partic-
glycogen depletion you
typically experience
following an intense
training session.
>E4A5>ACH Ultra-pure ingredients
consumed during every serving
of Anabolic Optimal Dose.

many even older than I am continue resistance when they were once ca- ularly beneficial to those who take
to train heavy without suffering any pable of some impressive lifts. Their part in an endurance activity like #6aP\b
dire consequences. big numbers are inevitably linked to long-distance hiking or skiing. Near- The amount of muscle
Besides, as I pointed out last
month, you may graduate to a high-
er-rep routine anyway, one body-
self-esteem, and not being able to
do them causes a great many to quit
training altogether—a huge mistake
ly all bodybuilders I knew used the
high-rep concept at some time dur-
ing a year. They’d do pure strength
glycogen synthesizing
carbohydrates found in
two scoops of Anabolic
Optimal Dose that
part at a time. The low reps may that can open the gate to serious training for a few months and then restores your muscle 1. Muscle Synthesizing
be working just fine for your lower health problems. Those who cease in preparation for a contest switch glycogen stores, and Carbohydrates
rapidly activates 2. Creatine Compounds
body and back, but your upper body all training also stop eating right to a high-rep program to trim down
recovery and growth. 3. Essential Amino Acids
can no longer handle the stress. So and taking nutritional supplements. and sculpt various muscles. That’s 4. BCAAs Including Leucine
you do high reps for your upper Rest is adversely affected, and pretty also why it’s easier for bodybuild-
body and stay with low reps for the
other two major groups. Eventually
soon they’re ashamed to be seen in
a bathing suit.
ers to convert to the lighter weights.
They understand the value of the
!#7^dab *Each essential component of
to replenish muscle the post-workout essentials is
you’ll end up working all areas for Those who put their egos in check system because they’ve used it pre- glycogen following an found in Anabolic Optimal Dose.
higher reps. That may happen over and embark on a higher-rep phi- viously. intense training session.
the course of several years, but in losophy, however, can continue to Don’t forget the indomitable Jack
the meantime you will have learned stay relatively strong and maintain a LaLanne. He’s always done a high- lll#BjhXaZ6hnajbEgd_ZXi#Xdb
a great deal about how to incorpo- healthful, vibrant lifestyle—and look rep routine, and the benefits are Available at All trademarks are owned by their respective trademark owners. © 2008.

284 JULY 2008 \

Only the Strong Shall Survive Bill Starr’s For-the-Ages Exercise obvious. In his
Program 90s, he’s still as
active and vibrant You Can Get
Six days a week I walk for 45 minutes and then
work out for an hour and 15 minutes. I use two
as a 29-year-old.
If for no other Bigger,
programs, which I call simply A and B, and alter-
nate them from day to day. I don’t use the heavy,
reason, a high-rep
program will give Stronger
light and medium approach as I did when I trained
heavy, but I do have one harder workout, following
your weary joints
a well-deserved and Leaner
it with one not quite as hard. Every day I do at least
one exercise for the three major muscle groups:
rest and give you
the opportunity
Faster Than Ever
shoulder girdle, or upper body, back and hips and to see how it af- Before!
legs, adding several other movements for some of fects you in other
You don’t have to burn hard-earned muscle
the smaller groups. The smaller groups that I don’t ways. as you melt away fat. Now you can actually
work at one workout, I pick up the next day. Basically, when build more muscle size and strength as your
So over the course of a week the major groups all it’s time for you to abs get razor sharp and you get ripped.
That’s the attention-grabbing look you want
receive attention six times, and every small muscle make the change, now, and the new Fat to Muscle 2 shows you
is worked at least three times. That pretty much you’ll know. Low how. You’ll discover:
covers all the bases. For the most part I work in a reps using heavy •eatPrecise nutrition guidelines and diets—
to max out your muscle mass as pounds
fast circuit, but I set aside some exercises—dead- weight is the
of ugly bodyfat disappear. (Learn the Carb-
lifts, for example. Nevertheless, I’ve found that if I ideal formula for Stacking strategy that can transform mus-
wait too long between sets they aren’t as strong and younger athletes cle size and stoke the fat-burning furnace.)
don’t feel as smooth. since they force • Which substance—found in almost any
kitchen—is the ultimate aid for energy,
The program is constantly in flux, as I drop the attachments better muscular response and fat burning.
some exercises and slip in new ones. I do that for to be more in- • How dairy can help you burn fat—
yogurt, cheese and milk can get you leaner.
a couple of reasons. One, a certain exercise may volved. The lower
be bothering a joint or causing a muscle group to reps improve the • How to increase fat use with a minimum of
aerobic exercise, and why aerobics may be
ache afterward. Two, I want to find out if another integrity of the a waste of time for a lean, muscular look.
exercise will be more productive. I’m always experi- joints and help • The amazing direct/indirect Fat-to-
Muscle 2 training program—with this
menting with new angles, different grips, different make them more innovative routine it appears as if you train a
combinations, and then I determine what’s best secure. All is well bodypart only once a week, but you really
from the feedback I get during the workout and the so long as the train each twice thanks to indirect work (and
each workout takes less than an hour).
next day. —B.S. testosterone is
pumping through
• The 8 key nutrients for faster fat burn-
ing, including how much to take of each.
your system in • Top 6 fat-to-muscle tricks. (Great info!)
great amounts and there are no • The 10 rules for super energy.
The secrets to melting away bodyfat as you
signs of arthritis. As we age, though, build lean, ripped muscle
things change, and we have to adapt are all packed in this IRONMAN

to those changes. Otherwise, work- bulletin—eating plans, BULLETIN


outs will become not times of joy

workout routines,
but times of discouragement. tion techniques and the MUSCLE
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diets, grow cking and carb-reducti
fat, and look your fat-burning th hormone activatio
and the 10 kouts and supplements

stress and pounding of heavy train- hard, muscular best

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er Energy

ing, you can still control how you in record time!

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Model: Mark Perry

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286 JULY 2008 \

Only the Strong Shall Survive

The answer varies, depending on done with only bodyweight have to overextend and aggravate a muscle,
the equipment you have available. move into the 100-plus range to be joint or—more likely—an older
Should you belong to a gym that beneficial. Perhaps you only have a injury, the ding won’t be nearly as
has a wide array of machines and set of 20-pound dumbbells at your severe as it would have been if you’d
free weights, you might want to stay disposal and include various types been using heavy weights. Rest, ice
with a specific number of reps on of curls, triceps exercises and front and mild movement are usually suf-
all of your exercises. I generally use and lateral raises as well as one-arm ficient to getting the ding cleared up
rows in your weekly in a matter of days—another good
program. You’ll need reason to do higher reps.
to push the reps Older athletes are more attuned
higher until you find to their bodies than younger ones.
the range where more They ought to be, as they’ve been
reps aren’t helping working out longer. That’s a big
but creating prob- plus. When you get the signal that
lems in the form you need to stop, stop. Don’t push
If a certain of joint aches and on just because you set out to do
exercise is pains. Even though
you’re handling light
X number of reps. Adaptability is a
key attribute for the older athlete.
causing you weights only, be ad- If a certain exercise is causing you
trouble, vised that if you run
the workload up too
trouble, drop it from your program
for a week or a month. Then, see if
drop it high too soon, you’ll you can do it again without expe-
overtrain a joint or riencing any pain. You may have to
from your muscle that’s part of eliminate it completely—which isn’t
program or the exercise. Even a that bad, as there are lots of exercis-
tame movement like es to choose from. There’s no reason
try it with pushups can over- to stick with an exercise that’s obvi-
dumbbells. work elbows, wrists or ously doing more harm than good. A DEXTER JACKSON
shoulders. It’s also critical for older athletes
So you must pro- to pay attention to how they feel
ceed slowly. Be con- the day after a workout or even two
servative and stay days after, as that’s when the signs
with the same num- of overwork often show up. This
ber of reps for several morning I found that I had a new
weeks before pushing ache in my upper midback. Why? I
higher. Most impor- hadn’t done any direct work for that
tant, pay close atten- area yesterday. I did, however, throw
tion to the signals in extra work two days ago. Having
Dexter Jackson wearing
coming from your discovered the source of my prob- A NPC Stringer Tank Top $15.00
body. In their younger lem, I was now in a position to make Sizes: M, L, XL, XXL
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years all who gain any adjustments so it wouldn’t happen
Royal Blue, Navy Blue, White, Red
degree of success in again, at least not right away. Pos- B
competitive weight- sessing a competitive nature, I’m C JAY CUTLER Jay Cutler wearing
lifting, bodybuilding certain to do something stupid
and strength training again in the not-so-distant future.
B NPC Ribbed Tank Top $15.00
Sizes: M, L, XL, XXL
learn how to push I’m not alone. My former Olym- Colors: Black, Navy, White, Ash, Red
Model: Carl Silvani

through the pain in pic lifting friends all tell me similar

Ronnie Coleman & Jay Cutler photos © J.M. Manion -

order to reach that stories. We have to learn to temper C Taslon Karate Pants $29.00
higher level. They that drive, using it to make steady
with NPC Logo Embroidery
can get away with improvement within our limita- Sizes: M, L, XL, XXL
that attitude because tions while at the same time hold- Colors: Black, Charcoal, Navy, Yellow, Red
three sets of 20 as a guideline when their young, developing bodies are ing the monster back so we don’t
starting someone on that type of supplying all the hormones and do too much. It’s a rather thin line, Jay Cutler wearing
program. When the sets get easier, enzymes they need to help them and what’s even more frustrating,
you can add resistance. recover. It’s a mistake, though, it’s constantly changing. What was
D Short-Sleeve Dazzle Top $26.00
A great many older athletes, for older athletes to have a “push working nicely only a few months with NPC Logo Embroidery
Sizes: M, L, XL, XXL
however, train at home and have a through the pain” mentality. The ago is suddenly detrimental. I’ve de- Colors: Yellow, Black, Navy
limited supply of bars, plates and healing nutrients aren’t in abun- cided that it’s nothing personal but
dumbbells to select from and no dance anymore, and the only thing simply the way nature works. Some Ronnie Coleman wearing
machines at all. So they have to you’ll achieve by forcing through to people curse the constant altera-
run the reps way, way up on certain a higher rep count is a ding. tions, yet I find them challenging.
E NPC Cotton Fleece $39.00
movements, For example, calf raises I need to note that even if you do Take an exercise away from me, and Hooded Jacket
with Front NPC Logo Embroidery
Colors: Black, Red, Navy, Charcoal
Only the Strong Shall Survive

I’ll dig around until I’ve found

another. Quite often the substi-
tute exercise is more productive
than the one I left behind.
When the time comes to
switch to a high-rep routine,
you’re most likely training three
days a week. Now you need to
train more often. Why? Even
The older body
though you may be spent after can’t handle a huge
putting in an hour-plus ses-
sion with lighter weights, it still
single-day workout
isn’t as demanding as a low- but is more than
rep workout. That’s because
the intensity is much lower,
capable of being
Model: John Hansen

which means your attachments trained moderately

weren’t as involved in the vari-
ous exercises, and tendons and
every day.
ligaments take much longer
to recover than muscles. Since
the higher-rep sessions help you two hours a day? Yes, he did, and telling you, and you’ll be fine. I
recover faster and the overall work- in addition to your lifting program encourage older athletes to train
load is much lower, you need to put you should be doing another hour at home, which gives them a great
in more time with the weights if you of some other kind of physical activ- deal of freedom in scheduling their
really want to improve your strength ity—flexibility exercises and some workouts. You don’t need much
and physique. form of aerobics, for example. I’ll in the way of equipment: barbell,
You’ll find that you can handle talk about that in next month’s in- plates, dumbbells, situp station
five or six days rather easily once stallment of this series. and a bench. You don’t even need a
you get into the flow of things. That People who start a high-rep pro- squat rack because you’re not going
affords you the opportunity to build gram think the workouts are going to be using really heavy weights.
a great deal of variety into your to be a great deal easier than the Just clean the bar, flip it over your
weekly program—a genuine plus ones they used to do using heavy head, and fix it across your back.
as you’ll have time to hit bodyparts weights. Not true. In order for the Of course, if you have a rack, that’s
that you usually neglect. A few con- routine to be useful, you have to even better, but it’s not critical to
tend that they’d much rather train push yourself. The final reps on what you’re trying to accomplish.
for a couple of hours three days a every set should be demanding, and At home you can work at your own
week than stretch that out over six if you’re not tired when you finish, pace and not have to wait for some
days. That doesn’t work. I wish it you need to increase your effort. On piece of equipment to become
did, but if you’re putting your full any exercise where I use ultrahigh available. You can try some new
effort into every exercise, after an reps, I’m blowing as if I’ve run a fast exercises and not have to be con-
hour or an hour and 15 minutes mile when I finish. That’s good. I cerned if you make a fool of your-
you’re not going to derive much want to involve my cardiovascular- self. And since you have to provide
benefit from anything else you do. respiratory system as much as pos- your own motivation, you can be
The older body can’t handle a sible. consistent with your training.
huge single-day workload but is You should be just a teeny bit sore Weight work is just a part of the
more than capable of being trained the day after a workout—not aching total picture when it comes to train-
moderately every day. And why not? sore but enough that you know the ing an older body. Aerobic fitness,
Your health and fitness should be work you did hit the mark. Learn flexibility and balance are also
your primary concern. What’s more to be adaptive. For example, if you vital—not forgetting weight control,
important? If you’re still chasing know that when you use a barbell diet and supplementation. I’ll cover
the almighty dollar, you’ve got seri- for steep incline presses your bad them next time.
ous problems. What would you be shoulder is stressed far too much,
doing on those off days? Most likely try using dumbbells. If regular Editor’s note: Bill Starr was a
nothing physical, and that’s what squats hurt, see if you can do lunges strength and conditioning coach
should be happening. Thomas Jef- or perhaps squat with a wide or nar- at Johns Hopkins University from
ferson wrote, “Give about two hours row stance. Avoid explosive move- 1989 to 2000. He’s the author of The
every day to exercise, for health ments. You don’t need them; static Strongest Shall Survive—Strength
must not be sacrificed to learning. A lifts will enable you to get strong Training for Football, which is avail-
strong body makes a strong mind.” without irritating your joints. able for $20 plus shipping from
I might add that health shouldn’t Most of what I’m saying is no Home Gym Warehouse. Call (800)
be sacrificed for any reason. Now more than common sense. Pay 447-0008, or visit www.Home-Gym
you may be thinking, didn’t Tom say attention to what your body is .com. IM

290 JULY 2008 \

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