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 Which method delivers 100 % of oxygen? Non-rebreathing mask.

 Induction agents.
 Which sentence is correct regarding ACS? Myoglobin
 Early administration of aspirin is? True
 Female present with SOB, Hypotensive and ECG shows VT. What are you
going to do? Synchronized Cardio version.
 Choose the correct sentence regarding aortic dissection? Widening
mediastinum, aortic knob, ring sign, tracheal deviation, esophageal
deviation, esophageal strip is wrong
 ECG: A- 2nd type 2 B- Prolong QT C- First degree. D- VT E-Third degree F-
2nd type 1.
 FAST shows free fluid.
 Cardiac arrest which sentence is incorrect? Atropine 1 mg up to 3 doses is
 85 male present with dizziness, fatigue. Which one is wrong? Sodium
 Male with sudden onset of chest pain and CXR is shown. What is your
diagnosis? Pneumothorax.
 Drugs can administer through endotracheal tube. (NAVEL)
 Pregnant women with SOB and CT shown Pulmonary Embolism. Which
one is incorrect? ABG.
 Indication of which drug?
Fentanyl: hemodynamic stable Vs lidocaine used for ICP and asthma pt.
Atropine Pediatrics difasculating agent aspiration
 Not Absolute contradiction of thrombolytic agent: Pregnancy.
 O2 sat obese child ill adult normal adult << what is this?
 PEA , ACLS algorithm
 Aortic dissection and inform the surgeon
 Introduction to ED.

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