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Coursework Submission Coversheet Student Number

(individual/group coursework) _________191330__________________

Faculty of Business & Management

Cohort & Semester: MBA 3rd Semester

For completion by the student: Monika Rana

Please ensure all information is complete and correct and attach this form securely to the front of your work before posting it in a
coursework collection box located in the main block Coursework Hub/Program Manager’s office .

Your Award name:

Module code: MGT 510

Module Name: Strategic Management

Coursework component: Video Analysis of Before the Flood: National geography documentary

Coursework title: Assignment 1

Module leader: Mr. Dipankar Sherpa

Submission deadline: Date: Time:

4/30/2020 4:00 P.M

In submitting this form with your assignment you make the following declaration:
I declare that the coursework submitted is my own work and has not (either in whole or part) been submitted
towards the award of any other qualification or credit either at LIC or elsewhere. I have fully attributed /
referenced all sources of information used during the completion of my assignment, and I am aware that failure
to do so constitutes an assessment offence.

Monika Rana
Student’s signature:

You are strongly advised to retain a second copy of your work in case of any query about the
Total word count: 1858 Total number of pages
including this front sheet:

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Date Time Received LIC
Received: Received: By: Stamp:
Module: Strategic Management
Hand-in Date:
Group Name:
Task Title: Video Analysis of Before the Flood: National geography documentary
Weightage (%):

Student Names Contributions Signatures

1.Monika Rana





Strategy Management Monika Rana (191330)

Before The Flood: National Geography Documentary

1. Summary of the full documentary

This documentary “Before the Flood” shows how climate change affects our environment
and what society can do to prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems and native
communities across the planet. Using his celebrity status to draw attention to the problem of
global warming, an Actor and United Nations Messenger of Peace, Leonardo DiCaprio,
travels the globe to witness the effects of an impending environmental disaster. The Film
follows as he travels to five continents and Arctic speaking to scientists, world leaders,
activists and local residents to gain a deeper understanding of this complex issue and
investigates concrete solutions to the most pressurizing environmental issue

However, by visiting ancient melting glaciers and levelled Indonesian tropical forests,
DiCaprio unearths an urgent situation and the world's dependence on fossil fuels. His visits
has been successfully able to show the core issues of the environment degradation. We can
see how Greenland’s melting ice is causing a change in color of its terrain, which in turn no
longer reflects the sun but absorbs it, becoming a heat creator instead of reflector. Also we
can see Miami Beach of Florida has risen in the sea level which also happens to invite
flooding and they are trying to control it by raise the elevation of its roads to combat rising
ocean waters. Furthermore, in the documentary he has talked about Top Five largest emitters
country of Greenhouse Gases in which China, United States, Russia, India and Japan are
listed. The total energy derived in China comes from coal burning it releases large amounts of
CO2 into the atmosphere. Another largest contributor is United States and Russia and Japan
where the largest source of CO2 emissions comes from power generation, transportation, and
industry. In India, urbanization and industrialization rapidly which results in using coal as a
main source of energy for electricity. Also countries Like Germany (30% electricity comes
from solar and wind), Denmark (100% electricity comes from wind) and Sweden will be
becoming world’s first fossil fuel free nation are the top countries in producing least CO2

Therefore, Climate change is the most fundamental threat facing our planet. In this
documentary we saw countless ways that our consumption is ruining the environment. We
must work together as a global, collective voice to demand major action now, as our very
survival depends on it. Also the government should work on ending the fossils fuel

Strategy Management Monika Rana (191330)

subsidiaries and try to invest in renewables and supporting the increasing price of carbon so
we can make our earth a better place.

2. How is climate change and environmental degradation becoming a big challenge to

human race and sustainability of businesses? What are the different challenges you can
identify from the documentary?
Climate change has been a crucial problem to human race and sustainability of business.
Human health has always been influenced by climate and weather. Changes in climate and
climate variability, particularly changes in weather extremes, affect the environment that
provides us with clean air, food, water, shelter, and security. Climate change, together with
other natural and human-made health stressors, threatens human health and well-being in
numerous ways. The indirect consequences of climate change and environmental
degradation, which directly affect us humans and our environment, include: 
 An increase in hunger and water crises, especially in developing countries health risks
through rising air temperatures and heat waves.
 loss of biodiversity due to limited adaptability and adaptability speed of flora and
 Ocean acidification due to increased HCO3 concentrations in the water as a
consequence of increased CO₂ concentrations.
 The need for adaptation in all areas (e.g. agriculture, forestry, energy, infrastructure,
tourism, etc.)
 Impacting on human health as area exposed to toxic air pollutants can cause
respiratory problems like pneumonia and asthma
 Depletion of Ozone layer in the atmosphere in which presence of
chlorofluorocarbons, hydro chlorofluorocarbons.
 Loss for Tourism Industry as of loss of green cover, loss of biodiversity, huge
landfills, increased air and water pollution can be a big turn off for most of the

Different challenges identified from the documentary are:

a. The Green house effect: The atmospheric concentration of CO2, the most powerful
global warming gas, has increased 42% since the industrial revolution, and current
levels are higher than they have been in the past 800,000 years.

Strategy Management Monika Rana (191330)

b. Fossil Fuel subsidies: Most countries signed a global deal to prevent climate change
yet those same countries spend billions each year subsidizing the coal, oil and gas
c. Coal mining: Burning coal has taken a huge toll on our environment – polluting our
air and water while causing thousands of premature deaths and running up billions in
healthcare costs every year.
d. Palm Oil: This oil is almost used in every kind of consumer products. While palm oil
itself is not a major harm to the environment. The method of extraction is worst and is
one of the world’s leading cause of rainforest destruction.
e. Deforestation: Deforestation not only has huge consequences for the climate and for
wildlife, it as also major human rights concern. The destruction of the world’s forests
is one of the single largest sources of carbon pollution into our atmosphere.
f. Livestock farming: Livestock farming accounts for approximately 10-15% of total
greenhouse gas emissions such as Methane. Cows have a very complicated digestive
system and when they eat, the burb a lot of methane effecting the climate.

3. What could be the possible solutions to the problems captured by the documentary?
How should commercial business organizations formulate, implement & evaluate their
strategies to respond this ecological environmental challenges?
In the documentary “Before the Flood” know we have encountered many challenges like
climate changes and environmental degradation which has effect the human race and
sustainability of businesses. Some of the possible solution to this problems that are captured
by the documentary are listed below:

a. Renewable Energy: This documentary, really focused on renewables as the future of

energy, and everyone else in the world agrees. Some countries like Sweden, Iceland,
Costa Rica and more are going carbon neutral and using loads of renewable energy.
b. Subnational governments’ regional leadership: Subnational government operates
below the national level such as state, region, province, city or district where governments
have a critical role in building low-carbon climate-resilient societies, and that many of
these local government efforts to reduce GHGs and promote green societies.
c. Reforestation for climate action: The Bonn Challenge (a global effort to bring 150
million hectares of degraded land into restoration by 2020) offers an unprecedented
opportunity to curb degradation and harness the potential of forest landscapes to improve
people’s lives and tackle climate change.

Strategy Management Monika Rana (191330)

d. The Sustainable development goals (SDGS ): SDGS will have huge positive impact
on addressing climate change. Investing in urban infrastructure, housing and
transportation, with a focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy and water
conservation, can create pathways for millions of people to rise out of poverty.
e. Forest and ocean conservation: Forest and ocean conservation is becoming a crucial
component of plans to combat climate change and build a more sustainable future.
f. Educating children about Climate condition: Education centers must adopt the
standard of environmental education understanding from early age hoping that they
generate the passion and knowledge to care and protect our planet.
g. Increasing the price of carbon: It’s based on the principle that if you tax it, people
will consume less. A carbon tax would be a tax on any activity that puts carbon into the
atmosphere; everything in the transportation sector (flying, shipping, driving, etc) and
energy development (oil, coal, etc).
h. The Paris agreement: The Agreement sets an aggressive goal of “holding the
increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial
levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C above pre-
industrial levels.”
i. Rapid and modern clean transportation: In this documentary, Elon Musk is
building a gigafactory to build his tesla batteries, where 100 gigafactories can serve the
entire world renewable energy.

Commercial business organizations formulate, implement & evaluate their strategies to

respond this ecological environmental challenges. Businesses and societies can find
approaches that will move towards all three goals - environmental protection, social
wellbeing and economic development at the same time. The formulation strategies for
challenging ecological environment can be:

 Set sustainable development policies and objectives

 Positive signs of change
 Enhancing management system
 Set emissions reduction targets.

These strategies can be implemented through addressing climate change problems depending
upon making deep structural changes to the world’s economies, such as ending fossil fuel

Strategy Management Monika Rana (191330)

extraction, people can accelerate the process in their own lives. Also we as an individual can
contribute by:

 Eat less red meat

 Do not buy products with palm oil because palm oil production drives deforestation
 Vote for people who support climate action
 Conserve our environment
 Adapt and care the mother nature

Evaluating these strategies to respond this ecological environmental challenges can be

conducted as following.

 Measuring carbon footprints by measuring how much greenhouse gas emissions

their business generates annually.
 Develop a climate action plan by getting information on exact activities that
produce greenhouse emissions & how to reduce them by focusing on supply
chain, energy, transportation, food, etc.
 Monitoring the progress of the targets which not only validates the hard work but
also offers insights on where the improvements is required
 Supporting climate smart politics where companies must use their influence to
encourage politicians to support continuous environment policy.

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