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Google Classroom Content Planning

Grade: III Week: 2 Subject: Social Studies Date: 8 June 2020 – 12 June 2020

Lesson Topic Skill Resources and Materials Task Due Date

1 Design a unique ss can
Pandemic: Creativity
·Video on corona virus: game layout on complete
Problem paper and show how this task
Design a you imagine to
within a
prevent/fight against
game Social Pictures related to the Corona Virus week
the corona virus.
“Corona · Video on Corona Virus Focus on the real
heroes, our doctors,
Killer” · Detailed Task Sheet detailing the requirements of the game the tools required, the
measures to keep
· Handout on sample games ourselves safe etc.

(Pandemic.docx) This game could be

a modified form of
· Online game links to give further ideas to ss:
any existing popular
https://e- game or a totally different idea.
The game could be in the form of a
board game, card
Find reference pictures in “corona killer” folder game, any other
Take the PowerPoint Quiz to test your knowledge of the deadly
Corona Virus The game should
focus on:
Real Heroes:
Doctors and
Paramedical Staff
Tools: Sanitizers,
Social Distancing,
Staying home,
Washing hands etc

Grade: III Week: 4 Subject: Social Studies Date: 22 June 2020 – 26 June 2020

Lesson Topic Skill Resources and Materials Task Due


week Within a
2 Cardinal
Directions: Drawing Videos for showing the importance of directions with · Ss will design a map of their
respect to other objects. These videos will help to community / society / town or
Design a Visualization show how to express path to a certain point and the area on a chart paper/any
role of directions other available medium.

Grade: III Week: 6 Subject: Social Studies Date: 6 July 2020 – 10 July 2020

Lesson Topic Skill Resources and Materials Task Due

3 Timeline of
Ancient Knowledge of · Sample Timeline “civilizations/civilization.png” · Make an interactive
history timeline on chart paper/any
Civilizations other available medium to
· Powerpoint slides in “civilizations” folder

Within a week
(Indus Drawing show the start and end of
Valley, · Youtube videos. the 3 given ancient
Egypt and civilizations.
China) Instructions Manual
· Explain key features of the
civilizations through
Timelines: drawings or printed photos
(if possible) with 2-3 lines of text. Use at least 3
v=AkEo1SoNxu0 photos/drawings for each

Grade: III Week: 8 Subject: Social Studies Date: 20 July 2020 – 24 July 2020
Lesson Topic Skill Resources and Materials Task Due

3 R’s Environmental An interactive video to understand the · Collect all used plastic bottles
awareness environment and how to keep it clean
Reduce · Watch this video

Within a week
Gardening v=xEAOvFG1AmM and choose any idea you like
Introduction of 3 r’s
v=OasbYWF4_S8& · Apply the chosen idea to your bottles. Or you could even
Recycle come up with a new and interesting idea of your own.
Few easy to reuse hacks Plant using the prepared/decorated bottle.
Upload pictures of your work.
Pick one idea and take it as a sample
4 project or be creative and come up with Or

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