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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 4 Issue 3, April 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Analytical Quality by Design: Concise Review on

Approach to Enhanced Analytical Method Development
Bhosale Abhilash, Darekar Shubhangi, Dr. V. U Barge, Dr. Ashok Bhosale
Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Shankarrao Ursal College of
Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research Centre, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Bhosale Abhilash

In the last few decades, the pharmaceutical industry has been rapidly | Darekar Shubhangi | Dr. V. U Barge | Dr.
progressing by focussing on various aspects of formulation and analytical Ashok Bhosale "Analytical Quality by
development such as product Quality, Safety, and Efficacy. It is reflected Design: Concise Review on Approach to
through the increase in number of product development by the increased use Enhanced Analytical Method
of scientific tools such as QbD (Quality by Design) and PAT (Process Analytical Development"
Technology). ICH guidelines Q8 to Q11 have specified QbD implementation in Published in
API synthetic process and also in formulation as well as analytical International Journal
development. QbD has earned considerable reputation by formulation of Trend in Scientific
developers. It has enhanced the inculcation of scientific outlook and Research and
assessment of risks at an early stage. In this review, we have focussed on the Development
implementation AQbD for API synthetic process and analytical methods (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD30574
development. AQbD key tools are identification of ATP (Analytical Target 6470, Volume-4 |
Profile), CQA (Critical Quality Attributes) with risk assessment, and, MODR Issue-3, April 2020, pp.543-546, URL:
(method operable design region). AQbD intends to provide product with
highest quality through the minimisation of risks and also by providing good
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
input for PAT approach. Thus, AQbD can act as an effective method towards
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
innovative approach of Analytical Method Development along with meeting
Research and Development Journal. This
the necessary desired specifications.
is an Open Access article distributed
KEYWORDS: Quality by design, AQbD, Analytical target profile, ATP, risk under the terms of
assessment the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has increased Strategy and Risk Assessment, AQbD Method Validation, etc
the main focus on product Quality, Safety, and Efficacy. the
quality of product has been increased through the Differences between conventional approach and QbD
implementation of scientific tools such as QbD (Quality by approach is as shown below in Table-1
Design) and PAT (Process Analytical Technology). The QbD Table-1 Differences between conventional approach
tools have the ability to minimize the risk by increasing the and QbD approach
productivity and quality by varied mechanisms. Also, QbD AQbD
nowadays QbD approach has been successfully implemented Quality is built into product &
in generic formulation development too. Regulatory Quality is assured by
process by design and based
authorities increasingly prescribe the implementation of ICH testing and inspection.
on scientific understanding.
quality guidelines Q8 to Q11. QbD principles which Here, any specifications based
specifically have been applied to the development of Here, any specifications
on product performance
analytical methods, and are termed as “Analytical QbD” are based on batch history
(AQbD). The results of AQbD could be a well understood, It includes only data
robust method that consistently delivers the intended It includes Knowledge rich
intensive submission
performance throughout the product lifecycle. Analytical submission which shows
which includes disjointed
Quality advisedly (AQbD). QbD is a specific approach to product knowledge & process
information without “big
development which begins with a set of predefined understanding
objectives and focusses on product and process Here there is Flexible process
understanding and process control, on the idea of strong Here there is “Frozen
within design space which
knowledge domain along with presence of quality risk process,” which always
allows continuous
management. adore process QbD, the result of AQbD is well discourages any changes
improvement during the
understood and suitable intended purpose with robustness further.
product life cycle.
throughout the lifecycle. AQbD life comprises of assorted It focuses on
tools such as ATP (Analytical Target Profile), CQA, Risk It focuses on robustness which
reproducibility which
Assessment, Method Optimization and Development with understands and control
often avoids or ignores
DoE, MODR (method operable design region), Control variation

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30574 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2020 Page 543
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
2. Scientific QbD Approach for Synthesis and Analysis adapt to analytical procedures on considering an analytical
The QbD approach for API synthetic process development procedure as a process while the output of this process as
has been explained by ICHQ11. But here specific discussion the reportable results, i.e., the value that will be compared to
is available on AQbD. However, it is highly recommended to the acceptance criteria. The aim of applying lifecycle
implement QbD approach in the process of analytical method principles to analytical procedures is to practically align an
development which is termed as AQbD. These two scientific analytical procedure variability along with the requirements
approaches (QbD and AQbD) can be progressed in successive of the product to be tested and to improve the reliability of
time. The crucial steps in API synthesis and analytical the procedure through understanding and controlling the
development are performed with implementation of QbD. sources of variability.
This simultaneous implementation helps to produce a
product with high quality. It may also give better input for 4. Comparison of Traditional approach and AQbD
process analytical technology (PAT) initiation. The Traditional
expression of tools in QbD and AQbD is different and specific approach
for synthetic development and analytical development. Both Start with hit and trial
QbD and AQbD tools are presented in Table 2. Start with pre-defined objectives
approach to meet
method intent
Table 2: QbD tools for synthetic development and Limited Systematic evaluation of
analytical development. understanding of individual variables and
Synthetic development Analytical development analytical variables interaction effects(s)
(QbD) (AQbD) Method performance
ATP (Analytical Target Focus on performance through
QTPP identification evaluated during
Profile) identification establishment of ATP
Define product design Method Optimization and Method quality based Performance qualification is the
space development with DOE on method validation assurance of method quality
CQA/CMA identification, CQA identification, Initial Performance qualification and
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Method verification
verification are continuous
and transfer are
Process validation AQbD Method Validation exercises throughout the life
separate exercises
Refine product design MODR (Method Operable cycle
space Design Region) Working with the MODR would
No regulatory
Continuous process Continuous Method not be considered as change
flexibility with respect
monitoring Monitoring there by reducing post-approval
to changes
3. Regulatory Perspective of AQbD
Pharmaceutical quality system (ICH Q10) includes various 5. Elements of AQbD
parameters and attributes related to drug substance and also A. ATP (Analytical Target Profile)
drug products comprising of instrument operating ATP identification comprises of the selection of method
conditions and their associated methods. Although cGMP requirements like target analytes (product and impurities),
regulation is in practice from a long time but many analytical technique category, and finally the product
pharmaceutical industries are facing quality control related specifications. Initial risk assessment can be performed for
effects which are associated with the risk management determination of the method requirements and analytical
system in analytical methods. Thus, considering the critical matters. It is an effective way for method
dependency of pharmaceutical development and development and it has been mentioned in the ICH Q8 R (2)
manufacture on critical robust analytical data, the need as guidelines. It defines the method requirements which are
well as time has come for implementation of AQbD in expected to be measure the direct method development
analytical method development, which indicates quality process which is a combination of all performance criterion
process, product and robustness throughout the product life crucial for the proposed analytical application. General ATP
cycle. FDA has approved a few new drug applications already for analytical procedures is as follows: (a) selection of target
which are based on analytical QbD and it is referred to the analytes (API and impurities), b) technique selection (HPLC,
beneficence of QbD in analytical method development GC, Ion Chromatography, etc.), (c) selection of method
process. It focusses the role of analytics in the product requirements (assay, impurity profile or residual solvents).
development cycle for better understanding of drug- Accuracy and precision are the most important criteria
excipient interactions and also for measuring of critical among the performance characteristics which provides the
quality attributes (CQA) during experiment, process, control key information essential to quantify an unknown amount of
and also continuous process verification for monitoring the substance using the proposed method. A method cannot
trends and subsequently maintaining the quality of the be termed as accurate and precise without the presence of
product. Although cGMP regulations have been in presence acceptable specificity, linearity over a stated range, sufficient
for the last decade, the significant number of QC related peak resolution for accurate integration, repeatability of
warning letters issued by FDA demonstrates that the injections, etc. In order to achieve an accurate and precise
companies have issues with risk management system in method the above-mentioned key characteristics should be
analytical methods in the absence of AQbD. Therefore, evaluated during method development as they can provide
Quality Assurance personnel believe that AQbD will provide rigorous and extensive data for setting method controls.
a better solution to avoid OOT and OOS and reduce the risk
in method failures and effects where the risk assessment is B. CQA (Critical Quality Attributes)
described logically and scientifically with risk mitigation CQA is can be defined as a physical, chemical, biological, or
planning. The lifecycle concept described in ICH Q8 is able to microbiological property or characteristic which should be

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30574 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2020 Page 544
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
within an appropriate limit, range, or distribution in order to E. Method Control Strategy
ensure the desired product quality. CQA for analytical It is basically a planned set of controls focussed at
methods includes method parameters and attributes. CQA minimizing the level pf variability in the process. The
also can differ from one analytical technique to another. The strategy is independent of information. Data generated
key CQA attributes for various techniques are: during method development and method identification and
verification forms the crux of the control strategy. a factor
1. CQA for HPLC (UV or RID) are buffers used in mobile
identified to have risk needs to be controlled. More attention
phase, diluent, organic modifier, column selection, pH of
is dedicated to high-risk factors. If the risk is low and
mobile phase, and elution method.
manageable then the method control strategy can be defined,
2. CQA specifications for GC method are oven temperature
which usually comprises of appropriate system suitability
along and its program, injection temperature, gas flow
check and needs to be verified from time to time by having
rate, sample diluent and also concentration.
control over it so that the concerned method delivers the
3. CQA for HPTLC is TLC plate, mobile phase, injection
desirable method attributes. The control strategy is not quite
concentration and volume, time taken for plate
different from traditional approach.
development, reagent for colour development, and
detection methods.
6. Implementation of AQbD in current regulatory
Physical and chemical properties of the drug substance
In future, analytical QbD needs to be introduced in the
along with the impurities can also describe CQA for
method development phase and at the same time it has to be
analytical method development.
validated further for the method performance along with the
validation protocol which is essential.
C. MODR (Method Operational Design Region)
MODR is a method which is beneficial to develop operational
7. Applications
region for routine operation (e.g., analysis time, procedure
In modern day drug formulation and analytical development,
etc.). According with the requirements of ICH Q8 guidelines,
the AQbD technology can be successfully utilized to reduce
including “design space” in product development, method
method variability, to develop multivariate analytical
operable design region (MODR) can also be developed and
understanding, to reduce stability failures etc.
established in method development phase, which could act
as a source for a useful, robust and cost-effective method.
8. Conclusion
Understanding of method performance regions helps to
Analytical QbD serves as a unique methodology for the
identify and establish the desired operational conditions.
emancipation of the process and protocol for Analytical
Critical method parameters and analytes sensitivity should
Method Development. Thus, ultimately it helps to develop a
be assessed. MODR acts as an operating range for the critical
better, superior and reliable method which provides a great
method input variable which produces results which
level of quality assurance which in the end meets the pre-
consistently meet the goals which are subscribed in the ATP.
defined specifications. It is probably notable that as this
MODR allows flexibility in various input method parameters
topic gains momentum, it is to be noted that software
so as to provide the expected method performance criteria
developers will have an increasing demand upon them to
and also the method response without any kind of
assist the industry to be able to describe MODR’s for the ATP.
resubmission to FDA. Its basis lies on a science, risk based
Scientists can easily identify the risk firstly so that quality
and multivariate approach for assessing the effects of
can be enhanced. AQbD tools are ATP, CQA, Method
various factors on method performance,
Optimization, MODR, and Control Strategy with Risk
Assessment, Method validation and Continuous Method
D. Risk Assessment
Monitoring (CMM), and continuous improvement. AQbD
Risk assessment strategy according to ICHQ9 guideline is
requires the right ATP and Risk Assessment and wise use of
defined as: “a systematic process for the assessment, control,
right tools and performing the appropriate and sufficient
communication and review of risks to the quality across the
quantity of work within proper timelines.
product lifecycle”. This step is crucial in to reach a
confidence level that the method which is utilized is found to
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