33 - PAN - E - CE - SS - 0033 v1 - Tunnel Aerodynamic

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Ref No: PAN/E/CE/SS/0033

Project Advice Note Issued under NR/PRC/SPC/PAN/007

Issue: 01
Signalling & Telecoms
Renewals Programme Page: Page 1 of 1

Aerodynamics in Tunnels - Forces on Signal Structures

It is understood that the magnitude of the pressure fluctuations in a tunnel is, among other
factors, a result of the speed, cross-section, length, shape and roughness of the train, and the
length, cross-sectional area, roughness and type of construction of the tunnel.

The force applied to a signal structure in a tunnel is a very complex issue to which there is no
straightforward answer. As there are only a small number of tunnel signals in the overall signal
population it would be disproportionate to undertake complex analysis to determine the actual
effect of passing trains.

Having reviewed some research papers and studied the Railway Applications – Aerodynamics
(BS EN 14067), it is suggested that a nominal pressure of 4kPa is used as a specifically
alternative value regardless of any design parameters.

If an alternative pressure value is required for an individual case and for further details or advice
on the application of this PAN within S&T renewals, please contact:

Chak Tong
Senior Civils Design Engineer
SPC Systems Group

Compliance Requirements:
Projects in GRIP stages 1 to 4
This PAN applies unless specific agreement is obtained from the Approver named below.
Projects in GRIP stages 5 to 8 (delete as applicable)
This PAN applies unless specific agreement is obtained from the Approver named below.

Approved for Issue Alan Kitchen Date 19/03/2009

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