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Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol.

32, November 1999, pp 695-696

Discussion of ‘A water sorptivity test for water and


by B. B. Sabir, S. Wild and M. O’Farrell (Materials and Structures, 31, (212) (1998), 568-574).

M. G. Alexander and J. R. Mackechnie

University of Cape Town, South Africa

We congratulate the authors on a very useful contri-

bution to the issue of measurement of transport proper-
ties in concrete, and of how these properties might be
used practically. The paper contains helpful data and is
presented in a clear and lucid form. While we are in
general agreement, there are several points of discussion
that we would like to raise.

1. We have also devised a sorptivity test for concrete

and mortar (copy of standard test method available if
required). In our test, originally devised by Kelham and Fig. 1 – Schematic of set-up for sorptivity test.
modified to its present form in our laboratories, a 68
mm diameter disc is preconditioned by drying and then
allowed to rest upon a bed of saturated absorbent paper
towelling - see Fig. 1. Mass change is recorded manually
with time up to approximately 1 hour. As in the test
under discussion, plots of mass change versus t show
roughly linear plots - see Fig. 2. While manual measure-
ment is more time consuming that automatic measure-
ment, this method has several major advantages, such as
the ability to record multiple specimens at any one time
(assuming a suitable procedure is in place to move from
one specimen to the next in a logical sequence) and
there is the avoidance of the problems of buoyancy and
air entrapment mentioned by the authors.
Our main concern is with the method of drying,
which is 100°C. This is known to cause major damage to
concrete microstructure, and may disadvantage many
materials. In contrast, our test calls for drying at 50°C
which has been shown causes substantially less damage to Fig. 2 – Typical results from sorptivity test.
the samples.
No detail is given on the paper on the time or cantly better quality. The plots given in the paper do not
method of cooling of the specimens. We have found this indicate that such conditions have been measured and it
to be critical in getting repeatable results, since relatively would be interesting to know whether the authors have
small differences in temperature can cause different sorp- ever measured this effect.
tivities to be measured. The main purpose, we believe, of sorptivity testing and
2. The units for sorptivity should preferably be in similar simple index tests (e.g. air permeability, chloride
mm/ h (or something equivalent). Such a unit gives a conductivity), is to assist in characterising the properties of
direct measure of the rate of advance of a wetting front the material using relevant mechanisms which relate to
in a porous medium, and as such is clearer and more actual deterioration processes. (See for example, Alexander,
easily conceptualised measure of sorptivity. M. G. ‘An indexing approach to achieving durability in
3. In our work, we have concentrated extensively on concrete structures’, FIP’97 Symposium: The Concrete
the influences of curing in relation to the near surface as Way To Development, Johannesburg, March 1997,
opposed to internal parts of a member. The sorptivity Concrete Society of Southern Africa, 1997, pp. 571-576).
test is able to distinguish between an outer layer only a There is no other way to make sense of measuring some-
few mm thick, compared with an inner layer of signifi- thing like sorptivity in a small sample, preconditioned at an

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Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, Vol. 32, November 1999

elevated temperature, and tested under laboratory condi- dividends in this respect. It would be of interest to know
tions. In this indexing approach it is possible to rank diffe- how the problem of air entrapment was resolved in the
rent materials in terms of their sorptivity (or some other method used by Prof. Alexander and Dr. Mackechnie.
relevant parameter), and then correlate these results with One would assume that in their method once the sample is
performance of materials in practice. In the case of the placed on the wet paper towel there would be no opportu-
sorptivity test in particular, being very sensitive to the nity for the escape of air between the test surface and the
effects of curing, it is possible to consider incorporating towel, thus influencing the sorption process.
such a test into a construction specification so as to get a We agree that elevated sample drying temperatures
measure of the effectiveness of site curing. cause major changes to the microstructure. We do point
out (section 4 in our paper) that in our test the specimens
were in fact dried at 40°C. It was stated that this was done
in preference to the standard drying temperature (105°C)
REPLY TO THE DISCUSSION used in total absorption tests in order to avoid modification
OF PROF. M. G. ALEXANDER to the capillary pore structure. In our test, after drying, the
AND PROF. J. R. MACKECHNIE specimens were allowed to cool over silica gel at ambient
temperature for at least 4 hours in an enclosed environment
We wish to express our thanks to Prof. Alexander before testing. The control exercised in drying and cooling
and Dr. Mackechnie for their interest in our paper and of the test specimens and the automated measurement sys-
their constructive comments. tem adopted have no doubt contributed to the high degree
of repeatability (Fig. 2 of our paper) observed for sorptivity
Our interest in devising a system for sorptivity measu- results from different samples of the same material.
rement in mortar and concrete stems from our extensive With regard to the units of measurements, we prefer to
activities in the assessment of parameters which impact on use the rate of water mass uptake by the specimen as oppo-
concrete durability, being affected by the use of pozzolans sed to measuring sorptivity as a rise in the water level mani-
as partial cement replacements. As mentioned in our paper fested by the wetted front in the solid. This more precise
the pore matrix structure of the paste is the principal factor measurement should give a better indication even of the
affecting the transport properties of water, and other harm- small changes in microstructure effected by the pozzolan.
ful solutions, in hardened mortar and concrete. It is wellk- The measurement of the penetration depth on the outer
nown that the pozzolanic reaction causes profound and surface of the specimen gives no indication of the water
complex changes to the pore structure of the paste. For mass uptake and hence no correlation of measurements
example some pozzolans, e. g. silica fume, not only pro- could be made with the microstructure of the concrete.
duce a refined pore system but also reduce the thickness of As we pointed out above, we were principally
the interfacial zone between paste and aggregate. Also, the concerned with the effect of the pozzolanic reaction and
authors have found [1, 2] that although ground clay brick, chose the interior of the specimen for testing. This was
when used as a pozzolan, results in increased pore volume done in order to remove any surface effects. The test, of
it, at extended ages (> 28 days), results in a more refined course, can also be applied to near surface specimens.
pore structure. We wanted a measurement system that is We agree with the comments made regarding indexing
not only practical but also sensitive to the resulting changes and relating test results to actual performance in the field.
in the pore system affected by the different pozzolans and We hope that the above clarifies the points raised and
indeed to the amount of cement replacement by the poz- once again we thank Prof. Alexander and Dr.
zolan. An automatic system of measurement which renders Mackechnie for their interest in our paper.
handling and human error to a minimum was, therefore,
preferred. A further advantage of the system described in
the paper is that it is very much less labour intensive than a
manual version. Once the test is started it requires virtually REFERENCES
no further attention until it is completed. Also there is no
effort spent in data collection, inputting of data and pro- [1] Copernicus Research Project ‘Recyling of waste clay brick and
duction of graphs. tile material for the partial replacement of cement in concrete’,
We did not find buoyancy or air entrapment to be pro- Third and final annual report, January 1998, European
Commission, Contract No CIPA-CT94-O211.
blems of any significance as they occurred only very occa- [2] O’Farrell, M., ‘The Durability of Mortar with ground clay brick
sionally. We believe that care taken during sample prepara- as partial cement replacement’, PhD thesis, University of
tion and at the commencement of the test pays good Glamorgan, UK, January 1999.

Third International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber-reinforced Cement Composites:
In the October issue of Materials and Structures p. 622, the report was authored by Dr. A. Naaman and
Prof. H.-W. Reinhardt, the two organisers of this event. Our apologies for not having mentioned Dr. Naaman.


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