MAN Diesel: Multi Purpose Controller

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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

Multi Purpose Controller

Multi Purpose Controller • Checking

Multi Purpose Controllers are
ECUA_010112 13:47:02.56 No Commands Received from EICU A Normal - - ! 49 73 2

Event Log 2004-08-19 11:04:13

used in CCU, ACU, ECU and EICU pan-

ID: Unit_Tag Date Time Description Status MCo ACo Ack

els. Checking of the MPC is continu-

ously performed by the MOP units.

See description in Chapter 6645 for a MOP

detailed view of the MOP panel screens.
A d m in

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Tag Seq. Time


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4765-1901-0003 MAN Diesel

Dismantling of MPC board

Multi Purpose Controller • Dismantling

Static electricity may harm the MPC. When changing battery or doing other
maintenance on the MPC it is important to level the electric potential between
WARNING hand and frame. This is done immediately before any work on the MPC and
MPC cabinet by simply touching any piece of non coated metal of the cabinet.

Power connector Disconnect the power connector.


ID-key Disconnect the ID-key.


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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

MPC board Check placement of connectors accord-

Multi Purpose Controller • Dismantling

ing to the table shown on the metal plate
on the MPC board. If necessary, note
down connector placement.


Connectors Disconnect all connectors on the MPC board.

Remove the MPC Unscrew the MPC board and remove it

board from the panel.


Dismantling of
amplifier In the CCU and ACU panels amplifiers are mounted below the MPC board.

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Power connector Unplug the power connector from the

Multi Purpose Controller • Dismantling

bottom of the MPC board.


Amplifier Unplug the two connectors on the



Amplifier Unscrew the amplifier and remove it

from the panel.

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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

Mounting the MPC

board If a spare MPC board has been

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

used previously on another engine
it is necessary to force the MPC
to update software from the MOP
1 23 4567 8 OFF
panel. ON
This is done in the following way:
WARNING Set the yellow dip switch No. 4 on
the side of the replacement MPC to
No 4
Mount the MPC as described.
Power on the MPC and let the MPC 4765-1901-0001M01
finish downloading.
When the MPC LED flashes 2 red and 3 green (APPLOAD_DIP see
appendix), set the yellow dip switch No. 4 to ON.

NOTE Do not mount an MPC board unless the backup battery is installed.

Changing the battery of the MultiPurpose Controller (MPC) may cause

a reset and restart of the MPC.

Therefore, only change the battery while:

WARNING • the ship is in harbour with engine stopped, or

• when sailing in unrestricted areas, where a restart of an MPC does

not imply any risk for the ship or the engine.

The battery only serves as backup supply for the builtin clock of the
MPC, and a low battery level for several days until entering port is of
no consequence to the safe operation of the engine.

Backup battery Check that the backup battery is Battery

mounted and that the DIP switch S1 is in

neutral position. This means all switches LED

are in the »off« position. This is also

known as binary »0«. Dongle (j206)

Service terminal
connection (j67)

DIP-switch S1:
neutral > all in off position
On>binary 1

Off>binary 0

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DIP switches
Check that the coloured DIP switches
Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

1 and 8 on the side of the MPC board

are set to the »off« position.
1 23 4567 8

1 23 4567 8


MPC board Mount the MPC board in the panel.


Connectors Mount the connectors according to the

table shown on the metal plate on the
MPC board.


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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

Mount the ID-key.

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting


Power connector Mount the power connector.


Start-up process During the start-up process, the LED LED

will flash and the MPC board will reboot
several times.

During startup, the MPC verifies if the

ID-key is connected. It reads the ID
number and checks if the key ID is in the
correct format and has a valid range, it
reads the DIPswitch S1 value and veri-
fies if it is 0 (Off). A new MPC board will
download software and settings from
the MOP panel during this process.


The program completes the ID-key verification and is now ready to continue
the boot sequence. Any deviations will send an error message via the LED. The

startup time of a new MPC board may vary but will take about 15 minutes.
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When the LED shows green, the MPC board is running normally.
Work Card

The MPC LED indications are shown on the appendix in this procedure.

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Amplifier Mount the amplifier using the two

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting



Connections Connect the two connectors on the

amplifier and the power connectors
on the MPC board.


The MPC LED flashes different sequences according to the process performed.

Some of these indications are for normal use and some are for service person-
nel use.

All of the LED indication sequences are shown in the diagram below.

This is to facilitate communication with MAN Diesel A/S service personnel if


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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

MPC LED Indication

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

Description The first part of the document describes the syntax of the LED indication and
assigns a short description to each of the used indications. The second part
presents a more detailed description of the different indications.

Syntax The MPC LED may be issuing indications by either emitting constant light or by
flashing. The LED indications are uniquely identified by the colour that the MPC
LED emits.

A flashing LED indication consists of two pulse trains separated in time by a

1second pause. Each of these pulse trains represents an integer. All pulses are
set against a yellow background. The first pulse train will alternate between the
yellow background and a red foreground, while the second will use green as

First digit Second digit






1 second 1 second
pause pause

For identification of the indication the user must therefore note the number of
red and green pulses. The first digit is the number of red pulses and the second
digit is the number of green pulses. In the illustration above, the indication code
would thus be (2,3).

Indications Constant
Colour Short name Short description
Red ERROR Either early initialization or fatal error
Orange INIT Initialization, no parameters available or non-normal node mode
Green NORMAL Application up and running
Digits Short name Short description
Red Green
1 1 CTRL_PRG Onboard control programming in progress
2 1 APPLOAD_SCAN Application download in progress - sacnning for server
2 2 APPLOAD_DOWNLOAD Application download in progress - downloading program
2 3 APPLOAD_DIP Application download completed -reset yellow DIP switch set to ON
3 1 BOOTLOAD_SCAN Bootloader download in progress - scanning for server

3 2 BOOTLOAD_DOWNLOAD Bootloader download in progress - downloading program

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4 1 DONGLE_VERIFY Checking node ID-key

4 2 DONGLE_ERROR ID-key error - missing, broken or not programmed
Work Card

4 3 DONGLE_DIP Node DIP switch S1 not correctly reset - set all switches to “OFF”
4 4 DONGLE_FORMAT The ID-key needs to finalize the formatting process
4 5 DONGLE_DIP ID Key EID number does not match MOP and/ or MPC


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4765-1901-0003 MAN Diesel

Detailed description of LED indications

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

ERROR (Red) This code is used primarily for indicating if the MPC has experienced a fatal
error. However, the MPC will also use this indication during early initialisation.
Therefore, the user should only take this code as an indication of error if it per-
sists more than 10 seconds.

INIT (Orange) Generally, this code is used for indicating initialisation, but the MPC may also
use this indication to signal one of the following conditions:
No parameters: No valid parameters are available to the application software.
Configuration or test mode: The MPC is in a nonnormal node mode.
Generally, if the INIT code is shown longer than 10 seconds this would indicate
one of the latter conditions.

NORMAL (Green) Application is up and running.

CTRL_PGM (1,1) One of the onboard micro controllers is being programmed. This is a part of the
MPC initialization process.

APPLOAD_SCAN The application software download program (bootloader) is trying to find a serv-
(2,1) er from which it can download its application program. If this code persists it
indicates either that no application program server is connected to the network
or the network is broken.

APPLOAD_DOWN- An application program is being downloaded.

LOAD (2,2)

APPLOAD_DIP (2,3 The yellow DIPswitch on the MPC CPU board can be used for forcing down-
load of new application software. To avoid looping it is therefore required that
the yellow DIPswitch be reset on completion of such a forced download. Reset
it to ON/down.

BOOTLOAD_SCAN This indication is analogous to the APPLOAD_SCAN indication except that this
(3,1) code indicates that there is not server available from which the MPC can down-
load a new bootloader. This code should only be indicated if attempts are being
made to update the bootloader using the special update program.

BOOTLOAD_DOWN- A new bootloader program is being downloaded and programmed.

LOAD (3,2)

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DONGLE_VERIFY The ID-key is being checked. This should only take a couple of seconds.
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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

DONGLE_ERROR An ID Key error has been identified. Either the ID Key is missing, broken or holds

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

(4,2) an invalid value. It may also indicate that a new ID Key is inserted.
Try to program the ID Key following the “Replacing an ID Key” procedure.

DONGLE_DIP (4,3) The programming procedure requires that the DIP-switch S1 be reset before
The operator must respond to this by setting all 8 switches on the DIP-switch S1
to “OFF” (Down).

The ID Key needs to finalize the formatting process. This situation may occur for
different reasons; it might be that the ID key or MPC have been replaced.

The operator must respond to this by setting the first (left) DIP-switch on S1 to
“ON” (Up) in min. 2 sec.
Then put it back in “OFF” (Down).
This causes the final formatting of the ID key.

After this the MPC restarts.

DONGLE_DIP_CON- ID Key EID number does not match MOP and/or MPC. This situation may occur
FLICT (4,5) when a new ID Key has been programmed and the old ID Key is inserted in the
The operator should insert the newly programmed ID Key and reset the MPC, or
a new unused ID Key must be programmed following the “Replacing an ID Key”

Replacing an ID On the rare occasion, that an ID key fails, it can be replaced by a new one. The
key new key should be programmed as described in the following.

This key has to be formatted when the application use it for the first time and it
will be reflected in a new parameter backup sent to the MOP. After that is done,
the old key is no longer accepted.

Please go through the following steps:

• Power off the node.

• Remove the old ID Key.

• Set the DIP-switch S1 accordingly to table on page 12.

• Reconnect power to the node.


• Wait for the LED to indicate 4 red and 2 green blinks.

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• Plug-in a new unused ID Key. Then the LED indicates 4 red and 3 green
Work Card


• While the LED indicates 4 red and 3 green blinks, the operator must set
all 8 switches on the DIP-switch S1 to “OFF” (Down).

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Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

Now the MPC proceeds with application program download and final formatting.

The MPC may start to download the application program while the LED indi-
cates 2 red and 2 green flashes. This will take up to 5 minutes.

After this the MPC restarts and stops for an operator dialog. The LED indicates
this with 4 red and 4 green flashes.

• The operator must respond to this by setting the first (left) DIP-switch on
S1 to “ON” (Up) in min. 2 sec.

• Then put it back in “OFF” (Down).

This causes the final formatting of the ID key.

After this the MPC makes another restart before the application is executed.

Programming a This use case concerns the initial use of an installation, or the case that the ID
blank ID key Key for some reasons has been replaced with a new and blank ID Key.
When the ID Key is blank, it means that the internal flash memory had the data
values, as was left from the factory test of the ID Key itself.

The way to define the network address for a new ID key is using the DIP switch
on the MPC (all versions of BES and bootloader).

After this is done, the final formatting of the remaining fields in the ID key is done
the first time an application program starts. User interaction is required to con-
firm this step.

Initializing a blank The service terminal can optionally be used to observe what is happening in the
ID key from DIP MPC. The MOP is assumed to be running and connected to the MPC.
As this is the first set-up with a blank ID Key, the DIP-switch 1 must have the
node address coded before power up (241 in this example) please see page 15
for correct network adress. The ID Key must be unplugged before power up.

Please go through the following steps:

• At power up the LED indicates 4 red and 2 green blinks.

• Plug the blank ID Key in the current MPC. Then the LED indicates 4 red and 3
green blinks.

• While the LED indicates 4 red and 3 green blinks, the operator must change the
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value in the DIP-switch to 0 in all bits.Then the LED indicates 2 red and 1 green
Work Card

Now the MPC proceeds with application program download and final formatting.

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MAN Diesel 4765-1901-0003

Software down- Hereafter the MPC starts downloading the application program while the LED

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

load and final indicates 2 red and 2 green blinks.
formatting of ID After this the MPC restarts and stops for an operator dialog. The LED indicates 4
Key red and 4 green blinks in this state

The operator must respond to this by setting bit 0 of DIP-switch 1 to 1, and keeping
it there for at least 2 seconds.

This causes the final formatting of the ID Key

After this the MPC makes another restart before the application is executed.

For correct settings of the DIP switch we refer to below table of network adresses:

Example: Setting of DIP-switch S1 on MPC for ACU1:

DIP switch number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DIP switch setting Off Off Off Off Off On On On

DIP switch number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

MPC Network Addess
EICUA 192 Off Off Off Off Off Off On On
EICUB 193 On Off Off Off Off Off On On
MOPA 202 Off On Off On Off Off On On
MOPB 203 On On Off On Off Off On On
ECUA 208 Off Off Off Off On Off On On
ECUB 209 On Off Off Off On Off On On
ACU1 224 Off Off Off Off Off On On On
ACU2 225 On Off Off Off Off On On On
ACU3 226 Off On Off Off Off On On On
SCU1 239 On On On On Off On On On
CCU1 240 Off Off Off Off On On On On
CCU2 241 On Off Off Off On On On On
CCU3 242 Off On Off Off On On On On
CCU4 243 On On Off Off On On On On
CCU5 244 Off Off On Off On On On On
CCU6 245 On Off On Off On On On On
CCU7 246 Off On On Off On On On On
CCU8 247 On On On Off On On On On
CCU9 248 Off Off Off On On On On On
CCU10 249 On Off Off On On On On On
CCU11 250 Off On Off On On On On On
CCU12 251 On On Off On On On On On
CCU13 252 Off Off On On On On On On
CCU14 253 On Off On On On On On On

CCU15 254 Off On On On On On On On

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CCU16 255 On On On On On On On On
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