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Geometrical Conditions for the

Design of Partial or Full

Isotropic Hexapods
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Irene Fassi*
Viale Lombardia 20/A
20131 Milano, Italy

Giovanni Legnani and Diego Tosi

Università di Brescia
Dip. Ing. Meccanica
Via Branze 38
25123 Brescia, Italy

Received 22 September 2003; accepted 7 May 2005

This paper presents a methodology for the design of PKMs 共parallel kinematic machines兲
with defined isotropy and stiffness. Partial isotropy or full isotropy can be achieved by suit-
able design choices. The former is useful for five axis applications, while the latter for six
axis manipulators. The paper summarizes the concept of full and partial isotropy, and for
a wide class of hexapods defines in analytical form the conditions to achieve it exactly.
These conditions can be used to design isotropic parallel manipulators. The methodology
requires that the six legs have to be divided into two groups 共terns兲. The legs belonging
to one tern are mutually identical and are positioned with radial symmetry with respect
to the TCP 共tool center point兲. The paper shows that the manipulator structure can be
defined in term of 13 design parameters, the value of six of them are chosen in order to
achieve the required isotropy and stiffness properties, while the remaining seven param-
eters can be used to optimize the structure. The design criterion here presented assures
that stiffness isotropy, force, and velocity isotropy are all achieved contemporarily. This
methodology can be practically applied to a large family of hexapods. © 2005 Wiley Peri-
odicals, Inc.

1. INTRODUCTION hibits a homogeneous behavior for some kinetostatic

properties in all the directions of the working space;
In relation to PKMs 共parallel kinematic machines兲 or force, velocity and stiffness isotropy can be defined.
serial manipulators, isotropy means that the robot ex- The concept of robot isotropy was firstly introduced
in 1982 by Salisbury and Craig, for the design of ma-
*To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Fax: ⫹39-02 23699 nipulator hands with serial kinematics.1 Since then,
915. many researches have been carried out, especially for

Journal of Robotic Systems 22(10), 507–518 (2005) © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( • DOI: 10.1002/rob.20074
508 • Journal of Robotic Systems—2005

control purposes. The main thrust on isotropy and ume, the more rigid the manipulator is. The mapping
isotropic manipulators was given by Angeles and his of the condition number c, ␴min, and of det共J兲, can be
co-workers. Angeles and López Cajún2 defined a se- used for a rough evaluation of the usable workspace.
rial nonredundant manipulator as isotropic when its These indexes have been introduced by
Jacobian matrix satisfies the relation Yoshikawa,9 for serial manipulators and then applied
to PKMs by Gosselin et al.,10 Bhattacharya et al.,5
JT · J = ␭I6⫻6 共1兲 Merlet,11 and others.
A workspace without singular configurations is
where ␭ is a scalar and I6⫻6 is a 6 ⫻ 6 identity matrix. an important prerequisite for the selection of the right
However to give significance to this condition it is es- geometrical parameters but this is not enough. In ref.
sential to normalize the units by dividing all the ma- 12 it has been pointed out that the non-uniform force
nipulator lengths by a proper scaling factor 共“charac- and velocity transmission and stiffness characteristics
teristic length”兲.3 A methodology to evaluate the in the overall workspace are among the main draw-
characteristic length is presented also in Section 2.2. backs of PKMs. This non-uniformity can be signifi-
As an alternative approach, Rico and Duffy4 dis- cantly reduced with an optimal selection of the geo-
cussed the concept of isotropic design of serial robots, metrical parameters of the machine, improving the
highlighting that, without normalization, the physi- isotropic behavior. In isotropic configurations, the
cal meaning of isotropy was lost, simply because the condition number of J is equal to one, the machine
rows of J are the normalized coordinates of a line, that
performs very well with regards to its force,
are not homogeneous in units. They reassessed the
motion transmission capabilities and stiffness
idea of robot isotropy introducing more relaxed con-
ditions, mirroring the structure of the Euclidean
In relation to parallel kinematic machines 共PKM兲,
some works on the design of isotropic manipulators
Angeles’ approach has been transposed to paral-
lel manipulators, where several applications have have been developed.6,13–19 In ref. 16, a class of 2 DOF
been done 共e.g., refs. 5 and 6兲. robots, based on a five bar mechanism, has been con-
Isotropy is also related to singularity. Mathemati- sidered in order to determine the loci of gripper po-
cally speaking, a mechanism is in a singularity con- sitions with the same condition number. The loci is a
dition when det共J兲 = 0; in this configuration it is com- line that can be exended to a surface adding a further
pletely anisotropic. A PKM in singular configuration rotational DOF. Two cases of planar mechanisms
gains one ore more DOF 共degree of freedom兲 and the have been studied in ref. 19; other planar mechanisms
mobile platform cannot resist one or more forces or have been considered in ref. 18, while spherical sys-
torques applied to it even if the actuators are locked.7 tems are studied in refs. 17 and 20.
In the neighborhood of the singularity point the PKM Some existing 3 DOF PKMs21–23 have been de-
loses its kinematic stiffness, and consequently its signed in order to have an isotropic behavior and
working capability, being det共J兲 approximating to there is a special family of fully isotropic mechanisms
zero. This is significant especially for applications re- that exhibit outstanding properties, as they are free
quiring precision, accuracy and stiffness, and having from singularities and show a constant orthogonal
high loads applied at the end effector, as when Jacobian matrix throughout their workspace.24–27
machining. Although 6 DOF full-isotropic PKM in the whole
Several attempts have been made to measure the workspace can be possibly realized, no one has been
degree of isotropy as well as the distance from sin- proposed until now.
gularities, defining proper indices.7 Generally a robot is called isotropic if it possesses
Most of the adopted criteria to evaluate the isot- at least one isotropic configuration. The objective of
ropy and the dexterity of robotic manipulators and one optimization criterion could be the selection of
systems are based on the determinant, the condition geometrical parameters such as the machine is isotro-
number or on the singular values of J.8 The singular pic in the middle of the workspace and almost iso-
values ␴min and ␴max represent the minimum and the tropic in all the points of the usable workspace.
maximum principal axis of an ellipsoid 共manipulabil-
ity ellipsoid兲, while det共J兲 is related to the volume of Many attempts to design perfect isotropic hexa-
the ellipsoid. By virtue of the duality between kine- pods have been done 共e.g., ref. 28兲, but only ap-
matic and statics, ␴min and ␴max are also measures of proximate solutions have been found 共e.g.,
the stiffness of the mechanism. The bigger the vol- ref. 29兲.
Fassi et al.: Geometrical Conditions for the Design • 509

Q̇ = JṠ, F s = J TF q , 共2兲

where J is the Jacobian matrix which relates the grip-

per velocity Ṡ with those of the actuators Q̇, as well
as the forces 共or torques兲 Fq exerted by them with the
forces and the torques Fs applied to the mobile base:

Ṡ = 关vx,vy,vz, ␻x, ␻y, ␻z兴T, Q̇ = 关q̇1,q̇2,q̇3,q̇4,q̇5,q̇6兴T ,

Fq = 关f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6兴T, Fs = 关fx,fy,fz,tx,ty,tz兴T , 共3兲

where the elements of Ṡ are the linear velocity of the

Figure 1. A schematic representation of a Stewart-Gough TCP 共tool center point兲 and the angular velocity of the
platform and its reference systems.
mobile platform, qi is the length of the ith leg and q̇i
the velocity of its actuator, fi is the axial force 共actua-
tor force兲 acting on the ith leg, and the elements of Fs
are the forces exerted by the TCP and the torques ex-
The aim of this paper is to present a methodology erted by the mobile platform. The Jacobian assumes
that provides the geometrical criteria to be satis- the following structure:
fied in order to assume that the PKM is perfectly

冤 冥
isotropic in the center of its working space. This w1x w1y w1z u1x u1y u1z
methodology is an extension of the approximate
w2x w2y w2z u2x u2y u2z
methodology presented by one of the authors in
ref. 8. Since many design parameters are free, w3x w3y w3z u3x u3y u3z
J= = 关JF ] JT兴,
they can be utilized to assure that the PKM is suf- w4x w4y w4z u4x u4y u4z
ficiently close to isotropy in the rest of the work- w5x w5y w5z u5x u5y u5z
ing space.
w6x w6y w6z u6x u6y u6z
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 ba-
sic concepts on PKMs are reviewed, while in Section
3 the concept of isotropy is defined in its more gen- ui = pi ⫻ wi , 共4兲
eralised way and the concept of partial and full isot-
ropy is introduced. where wi is the unit vector of the ith leg and pi is the
In Section 4 the geometry of the considered PKM vector giving the position of the ideal center of the ith
family is presented together with the geometrical spherical joint with respect to the mobile frame.
conditions for isotropy. Conclusions are drawn in Since J appears both in the velocity and in the
Section 5. force/torques relations, the set of the two Eqs. 共2兲 is
said to represent the “kinetostatic duality.”

2.2. Determination of the Characteristic Length

As already mentioned, for 6 DOF fully parallel
PKMs, the optimization results based on Jacobian re-
lated indices are not always satisfactory: in most of
2.1. Kinetostatic Analysis
the cases, in fact, J is not consistent in units 共three
A schematic representation of a hexapod 共Stewart- elements of each column are radians, while the oth-
Gough platform30,31兲 is presented in Figure 1. The ers are lengths兲 and the above mentioned indexes
pose of the mobile platform is controlled by actua- must be generalized in order to prevent them losing
tors acting on the extensible legs. significance.
Its kinetostatic properties can be studied using To overcome this problem, many solutions have
the well known relations: been proposed. Among them, Angeles3 suggested to
510 • Journal of Robotic Systems—2005

divide the length units by a characteristic length. Lee

et al.32 proposed a “quality index” for PKMs, that
considers the ratio between the absolute value of
L= 冑 nf trace共JTTJT兲
nt trace共JFTJF兲
. 共7兲

det共J兲 in a given configuration and its greatest abso-

lute value in the optimum configuration. Takeda et Remembering that for a hexapod the Jacobian has
al.33 introduced a “global isotropy index” based on the structure of Eq. 共4兲, it is immediate to workout
the concepts of transmission index34 and that trace共JFTJF兲 = 兺i=1
兩wi兩2 = 6 共wi are unit vectors兲 and
Yoshikawa’s manipulability ellipsoid. However, trace共JTJT兲 = 兺i=1兩ui兩2 = 兺i=1
T 6 6
兩pi兩2 sin共␸i兲2 where ␸i is the
none of these mentioned indexes is able to highlight angle between pi and wi and so Eq. 共6兲 simplifies to
the different contribution to stiffness and isotropy
due to translation and rotation. Only recently an ap-
proach that overcame this problem has been
presented35,28 and “Celerius” the first Italian PKM
L= 冑 trace共JTTJT兲
= 冑 兺i=1 兩pi兩2sin共␸i兲2

for five axis milling operations have been developed
by ITIA-CNR using optimization criteria based on since generally the values of ␸i varies in dependence
the quoted indexes.35 This machine exhibits an iso- on the PKM configuration, the value of L also varies
tropic behavior in the middle of its workspace and it within the working space and so in general the value
is almost isotropic in all the other points of the use- of L is not specific to a PKM but depends also on the
ful workspace. PKM configuration.
Hereafter, a procedure to evaluate the character- This normalization, even though it does not pro-
istic length, adapted from ref. 29, is introduced. This vide any information on stiffness, allows to compare
procedure can be easily generalized to manipulators different PKMs architectures with regard to isotropy.
with different kinematic structure.
We need to find the value L of a “characteristics
length” to be used to normalize all the dimensions of
the manipulator in such a way that the elements are 3. THE CONCEPT OF ISOTROPY
homogeneous in units.
Since JT has the unit of length, we divide all its
elements by L, getting 3.1. General Definitions
A robot is called “isotropic” if at least in one point of

冤 冥
1 T the working space some of its kinetostatic properties
L F are homogeneous with respect to all the directions.
J TJ = . 共5兲
1 T 1 In particularly considering a 3 DOF spatial ma-
JTJF 2 JTTJT nipulator with S = 关x , y , z兴T the following definitions
can be applied:

Assuming that JF and JT are both 6*3 matrices the • Velocity isotropy. A manipulator is isotropic
condition of isotropy 关Eq. 共1兲兴 requires JFTJF with respect to the velocity, if it can perform
= 共1/L2兲JTTJT and so trace共JFTJF兲 = trace„共1/L2兲JTTJT…, the same velocity in all directions. This prop-
which is equivalent to trace共JFTJF兲 = 共1/L2兲trace共JTTJT兲. erty can be investigated by means of the “ve-
It is important to stress that obviously the condition locity ellipsoid.”9
on the traces is necessary, but not sufficient to assure • Force isotropy. A manipulator is isotropic
the isotropy condition. The characteristics length can with respect to the force, if it can exert the
be evaluated as same force in all directions. This property can
be investigated by means of the “force

L= 冑 trace共JTTJT兲
. 共6兲 •
Stiffness isotropy. A manipulator is isotropic
with respect to the stiffness, if the deflection
of the TCP produced by a unitary force ap-
For general manipulators with NDOF ⬍ 6, if the di- plied to it is always in the direction of the
mension nt and nf of JTTJT and JFTJF are different to force and its magnitude is independent of the
each others this condition changes as force direction.
Fassi et al.: Geometrical Conditions for the Design • 511

These concepts can be easily extended to general In this case it results in

6 DOF manipulators.

All these concepts of isotropy can be analyzed F = kxdX,

studying the condition number of the matrix JTHJ
where H is a proper weighting matrix to be suitable
defined. 关For a general matrix A the condition num-
ber is defined as cond共A兲 = 储A储储A−1储. If the “spectral T = k␾d⌽, 共13兲
norm” is considered 共the maximum singular value
of A兲, the condition number equals the ratio between
the maximum and the minimum of the singular val- this means that:
ues cond共A兲 = ␴max共A兲/␴min共A兲.兴 By means of the ki- • forces applied to the TCP do not produce ro-
netostatic duality, in many situations it is possible to tations but only translations;
achieve simultaneously isotropy in velocity, force
and stiffness 共for instance when H is the identity
• the translation is proportional to the force
matrix兲. and parallel to it regardless to the force direc-
• torques applied to the TCP do not produce
3.2. Stiffness Isotropy translations but only rotations;
In this paper we analyze in detail only stiffness isot- • the rotation is proportional to the torque and
ropy. occurs around the same axis as the applied
Assuming that the actuators are locked and that torque.
they are the only sources of compliance, the force Fs
to be applied to the end effector to produce a motion The manipulator is isotropic with respect to stiff-
dS is ness if exists a scalar ␭ for which

Fs = JTKqJdS, Kq = diag共. . .,ki, . . . 兲, 共9兲

cond共KLKsKL兲 = 1, KL = diag共1,1,1,1/␭,1/␭,1/␭兲.
where ki is the stiffness of the ith actuator. This equa- 共14兲
tion is easily obtained remembering that from Eq. 共2兲
dQ = JdS and Fq = KqdQ with If the manipulator is isotropic, Ks has the struc-
ture of Eq. 共11兲 and Eq. 共12兲 and so ␭ = 冑k␾/kx. This
dS = 关dx,dy,dz,d␣,d␤,d␥兴T = dXT,d⌽T, condition is very similar to that adopted to normal-
ize the Jacobian using the characteristic length.
In the special case in which all the actuators are
Fs = 关fx,fy,fz,tx,ty,tz兴T = 关FT,TT兴T . identical to each other and therefore they have the
same stiffness k, Eq. 共10兲 simplifies as Ks = kJTJ and
The manipulator compliance is synthetically the condition number of the matrix JTJ can be inves-
represented by its stiffness matrix Ks: tigated instead that of JTKqJ.
In this case the isotropy for velocity, force and
Ks = JTKqJ. 共10兲 stiffness are achieved contemporarily and the condi-
tion of Eq. 共1兲 is satisfied.
A general 6 DOF manipulator is full isotropic With reference to Eq. 共11兲, a PKM is partially iso-
with respect to stiffness if Ks has the following diag- tropic if it yields
onal structure:

kxx = kyy ⫽ kzz and k␣␣ = k␤␤ ⫽ k␥␥ . 共15兲

Ks = diag共kxx,kyy,kzz,k␣␣,k␤␤,k␥␥兲, 共11兲
The concept of partial isotropy can be useful for
the design of five axis manipulators 共e.g., milling
with kxx = kyy = kzz = kx and k␣␣ = k␤␤ = k␥␥ = k␾ .
machines, where z is the direction of the spindle
共12兲 axis兲.
512 • Journal of Robotic Systems—2005

Figure 2. Definitions for legs 1, 2, and 3; definitions for legs 4, 5, and 6 are analogue.

3.3. Velocity and Force Isotropy 4. CONDITIONS TO ACHIEVE ISOTROPY

The concept of velocity and force isotropy can be
studied using the concept of manipulability ellip- 4.1. Introduction and Definitions
soids defined in ref. 9. Shortly, assuming that the Since the isotropy depends on the jacobian which
joint velocities are chosen with the constrain that varies within the working space, the proposed meth-
Q̇TQ̇ = 1, we get ṠTJTJṠ = 1 which is a quadratic form odology leads to the design of a hexapod which is
in the end-effector velocity. This defines an ellipsoid exactly 共full or partially兲 isotropic in the center of the
associated to JTJ. The axes of the ellipsoid are pro- working space where the PKM will have also the
portional to the singular values of J. Velocity isot- required stiffness. Suitable design choices will assure
ropy requires that the ellipsoid becomes a sphere for that the requested kinetostatic properties will not
which we have cond共JTJ兲 = 1. change too much in the rest of the working space.
Similarly, from the condition FqTFq = 1 we get To describe the PKM structure the following ref-
FS 共J J兲 FS = 1 which defines the force manipulability
T T −1 erence frames are defined 共Figures 1 and 2兲:
ellipsoid associated to 共JTJ兲−1. • Tool frame: xyz origin in TCP, z axis exiting
Practical use of these concepts requires the nor- from mobile platform.
malization of the Jacobian by means of the charac- • Leg frame1: x1y1z1 origin in TCP, z1 axis ex-
teristic length. iting from mobile platform, x1 axis in such a
Since for any matrix A it yields cond共A兲 way that leg 1 is parallel to plane x1z1.
= cond共A−1兲 then velocity isotropy requires force • Leg frame2: x2y2z2 origin in TCP, z2 axis ex-
isotropy and vice versa. iting from mobile platform, x2 axis in such a
Recently36 these definitions have been extended way that leg 4 is parallel to plane x2z2.
to take into account intrinsic differences between the
actuators of the different joints that may be of differ-
• Absolute frame: x0y0z0 共parallel with the tool
frame when the manipulator is in home
ent type 共revolute or prismatic兲 or may have differ-
ent performances 共maximum allowable force fi,max or
velocity vi,max兲. In this case the conditions of isotropy Axes z, z1 and z2 are all coincident to each other. The
change as36 tool frame, leg frame1 and leg frame2 are embedded
onto the mobile platform.
v J兲 = 1, Kv = diag共. . .,q̇i max, . . . 兲, 共16兲 The presented methodology requires that the
legs are divided into two groups 共also called terns兲:
legs 1, 2 and 3 form the first group and legs 4, 5 and
cond„共JTK2f J兲−1… = 1, Kf = diag共. . .,fi max, . . . 兲. 6 form the second one. The three legs of one group
are mutually identical while legs belonging to differ-
共17兲 ent groups can be different.
Fassi et al.: Geometrical Conditions for the Design • 513

The legs of each group are positioned with ra- w*1 = 关− sin共␣1兲 0 cos共␣1兲兴T ,
dial symmetry with respect to the z axis. Moreover
in the center of the working space:
• The projections of the unit vectors of the legs w*2 = 关− sin共␣2兲 0 cos共␣2兲兴T , 共20兲
of one group onto the plane xy will form
angles of 120°.
• The three legs of one group will form the p*1 = 关a1,b1,c1兴T p*2 = 关a2,b2,c2兴T . 共21兲
same angle with respect to axis z.
• On the mobile platform, the spherical joints Points of particular interest are the intersections p1⬘
of the three legs of the same group will be and p1⬙ of leg 1 respectively with planes y1z1 and x1y1
placed with radial symmetry with respect to 共and similarly p2⬘ and p2⬙ for leg 4兲:
axis z.

Each leg defines a unit vector representing the p1⬘ = 关0,b1,c1⬘兴T, p2⬘ = 关0,b2,c2⬘兴T ,
direction of a line connecting the center of its spheri-
cal joints. The unit vector of the ith leg will be indi-
cated as wi = 关wix , wiy , wiz兴T. The location of the ci⬘ = ci + ai cos共␣i兲/sin共␣i兲 for sin共␣i兲 ⫽ 0, 共22兲
spherical joint of the ith leg on the mobile platform
will be indicated as pi = 关pix , piy , piz兴T.
In frame xyz we get 共Figure 2兲 p1⬙ = 关a1⬙,b1,0兴T, p2⬙ = 关a2⬙,b2,0兴T ,

w1 = rot共Z,⌿1兲w*1, w4 = rot共Z,⌿2兲w*2 ,
ai⬙ = ai + ci sin共␣i兲/cos共␣i兲 for cos共␣i兲 ⫽ 0. 共23兲

The stiffness of the legs of the first and of the

second group will be denoted respectively as k1 and
w2 = rot共Z,⌿1 + 120 ° 兲w*1, w5 = rot共Z,⌿2 + 120 ° 兲w*2 ,
k2 and so

Kq = diag共k1,k1,k1,k2,k2,k2兲.
w3 = rot共Z,⌿1 − 120 ° 兲w*1, w6 = rot共Z,⌿2 − 120 ° 兲w*2 ,
The angle ␥i between two legs of the same group
depends on the inclination angle ␣i as cos共␥i兲
= wTh wk = 23 cos共␣i兲2 − 21 共h , k = 1 , 2 for i = 1; h , k = 4 , 5 for
i = 2兲. The legs are orthogonal to each others for
cos共␣i兲 = 冑3/3, ␣i ⬵ 55°.
p1 = rot共Z,⌿1兲p*1, p4 = rot共Z,⌿2兲p*2 ,

4.2. Stiffness Matrix

p2 = rot共Z,⌿1 + 120 ° 兲p*1, p5 = rot共Z,⌿2 + 120 ° 兲p*2 , The stiffness matrix, which is symmetric, can be
evaluated by its definition 关Eq. 共10兲兴 and partitioned
in four 3 ⫻ 3 blocks:

p3 = rot共Z,⌿1 − 120 ° 兲p*1, p6 = rot共Z,⌿2 − 120 ° 兲p*2 ,

K s = J TK qJ = 冋 Kff Kft
Ktf Ktt
册 , Kff = KTff , Ktt = KttT ,

Kft = KtfT ,
where rot means rotation and angle ⌿i is the angle
between axes xi and x while w*i and p*i are defined us- performing the matrix multiplication and after suit-
ing frame xiyizi: able simplifications of the results it is possible to
514 • Journal of Robotic Systems—2005

冤 冥
express matrix Ks as the sum of two terms each one kixx 0 0
depending only on the legs of one group:
Kiff = 0 kiyy 0

Ks = Ks1 + Ks2, Ksi = 冋 Kiff Kift

册 , 共25兲
0 0 kizz

冤 冥
Kitf Kitt sin共␣i兲2 0 0
= ki 0 sin共␣i兲 2
0 , 共26兲
where i = 1 , 2 denotes the leg groups. The submatrices 2
0 0 2 cos共␣i兲 2

冤 冥 冤 冥
kix␣ kix␤ 0 bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 ci sin共␣i兲2 − ai sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 0
Kift = kiy␣ kiy␤ 0 = ki − c i sin共 ␣ i 兲 2
+ a i sin共 ␣ i 兲cos共 ␣ i 兲 b i sin共 ␣ i 兲cos共 ␣ i 兲 0 ,
0 0 kiz␥ 0 0 − 2bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲

冤 冥
ki␣␣ 0 0
Kitt = 0 ki␤␤ 0
0 0 ki␥␥

冤 冥
共ai2 + bi2兲cos共␣i兲2 + ci sin共␣i兲2 − 2aici sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 0 0
= ki 0 共ai2 + bi2兲cos共␣i兲2 + ci sin共␣i兲2 − 2aici sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 0 .
0 0 2bi2 sin共␣i兲 2


A first result is that these expressions, and so the PKM characteristics, are independent from the rotations
angles ⌿1 and ⌿2.
The form of these matrices can be further simplified using the definitions of pi⬘ and pi⬙.
In fact highlighting ci⬘ 共for sin ␸i ⫽ 0兲 we get the equivalent formulation:

冤 冥 冤 冥
kix␣ kix␤ 0 bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 ci⬘ sin共␣i兲2 0
Kift = kiy␣ kiy␤ 0 = ki − ci⬘ sin共␣i兲 2
bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 0 , 共29兲
0 0 kiz␥ 0 0 − 2bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲

冤 冥 冤 冥
ki␣␣ 0 0 b2i cos共␣i兲2 + ci⬘2 sin共␣i兲2 0 0
Kitt = 0 ki␤␤ 0 = ki 0 b2i cos共␣i兲 + ci⬘ sin共␣i兲
2 2 2
0 , 共30兲
0 0 ki␥␥ 0 0 2b2i sin共␣i兲 2

while highlighting ai⬙ 共for cos ␸i ⫽ 0兲 it yields

冤 冥 冤 冥
kix␣ kix␤ 0 bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 − ai⬙ sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 0
Kift = kiy␣ kiy␤ 0 = ki ai⬙ sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲 0 , 共31兲
0 0 kiz␥ 0 0 − 2bi sin共␣i兲cos共␣i兲
Fassi et al.: Geometrical Conditions for the Design • 515

冤 冥 冤 冥
ki␣␣ 0 0 共ai⬙2 + b2i 兲cos共␣i兲2 0 0
Kitt = 0 ki␤␤ 0 = ki 0 共ai⬙ +
b2i 兲cos共␣i兲2 0 . 共32兲
0 0 ki␥␥ 0 0 2b2i sin共␣i兲2

Equations 共27兲, 共29兲, and 共31兲 are equivalent to each other, as well as Eqs. 共28兲, 共30兲, and 共32兲.

4.3. Condition for Partial and Full Isotropy

Due to the symmetry of Ks and to the particular structure of Kff and Ktt, the partial isotropy requires kx␤ = 0,
kx␣ = 0 共the other elements will become automatically null兲:

k1 b2 sin共␣2兲cos共␣2兲
k1x␣ + k2x␣ = 0 ⇒ =− , 共33兲
k2 b1 sin共␣1兲cos共␣1兲

k1 a2⬙ sin共␣2兲cos共␣2兲 c⬘ k2 sin共␣2兲2

k1x␤ + k2x␤ = 0 ⇒ =− ⇔ 1 =− , 共34兲
k2 a1⬙ sin共␣1兲cos共␣1兲 c2⬘ k1 sin共␣1兲2

since k1 , k2 ⬎ 0 it results that c1⬘ and c2⬘ must have opposite signs and so the TCP must lie between the points
p1⬘ and p2⬘ which are the intersections of the projections on the plane xizi of the lines defined by the legs of
group 1 and 2 with axis z 共Figure 3兲.
Due to the particular structure of Kff and Ktt, full isotropy requires only the following two further condi-

kxx = kzz ⇒
⇒ k1„1 − 3 cos共␣1兲2… = − k2„1 − 3 cos共␣2兲2… ⇒
k1 1 − 3 cos共␣2兲2
⇒ =− , 共35兲
k2 1 − 3 cos共␣1兲2

k␣␣ = k␥␥ ⇒

⇒ k1„2b21 − 共a1⬙2 + 3b21兲cos共␣1兲2… = − k2„2b22 − 共a2⬙2 + 3b22兲cos共␣2兲2… ⇒

k1 2b22 − 共a2⬙2 + 3b22兲cos共␣2兲2

⇒ =− 2 . 共36兲
k2 2b1 − 共a1⬙2 + 3b21兲cos共␣1兲2

Velocity and force isotropy are achieved simultaneously with stiffness isotropy if the matrices Kv, Kf, and
Ks are proportional to each other.

4.4. PKM Design for Controlled Isotropy equations to be satisfied are 共33兲 and 共34兲, then the
and Stiffness required stiffness is achieved imposing the value of
kxx, kzz, k␣␣ and k␥␥ 关see Eq. 共25兲兴. We have a total of
The kinetostatic properties of the PKM in the pose
six equations in eight parameters and so two param-
where the design is performed depends on the eight
eters can be freely assigned in order to optimize the
parameters b1, c1⬘, k1, ␣1, b2, c2⬘, k2 and ␣2 which can design.
be utilized to optimize the structure. To achieve full isotropy, the essential condition
When partial isotropy is requested, the first two are expressed by the four equations 共33兲–共36兲 while
516 • Journal of Robotic Systems—2005

Figure 3. TCP must lie between the points p*1⬘ and p*2⬘.

the required stiffness is achieved imposing the value

of kxx, and k␣␣ 关see Eq. 共25兲兴. In this case we have also
a total of six equations in eight parameters and so Figure 4. The relation between ␣1 and ␣2 for k1 = k2.
two parameters can be used to optimize the PKM
Since the relations between the design param-
eters are nonlinear the value of the free parameters The isotropic design of the octahedron based
are restricted to some range. For example if we wish PKM is discussed in ref. 28.
to design a full isotropic PKM having six identical Figure 5 shows, as an example, a possible shape
legs 共and so k1 = k2兲 from Eq. 共35兲 we get cos共␣1兲2 for the fixed and the mobile platforms. Figure 6
shows two alternative leg configurations.
+ cos共␣2兲2 = 32 and so the value of one of the
As a further example we just mention that if all
inclination angles 共␣1 or ␣2兲 can be assigned under
the six legs are identical 共k1 = k2兲 and if their inclina-
the restriction that cos共␣i兲2 艋 32 in fact cos共␣3−i兲
tions are also chosen to be identical 共␣1 = ␣2兲 then we
= 冑 32 − cos共␣i兲2. The relation between ␣1 and ␣2 for get sin共␣1兲 = sin共␣2兲 = 共2/3兲1/2, cos共␣1兲 = cos共␣2兲
k1 = k2 is graphically represented in Figure 4. = 共1/3兲 , b1 = −b2, c1⬘ = −c2⬘ and 2c1⬘ = b1. The directions
The proposed methodology assures that the re- of the legs defines three orthogonal directions rst.
quested isotropy and stiffness are exactly achieved With appropriate values of the angles ⌿1 and ⌿2
in one point of the working space where the design 共⌿1 = ⌿2 = 0兲 the locations of the legs are those sche-
procedure is applied 共probably the center of the matically shown in Figure 7. The legs must be all at
working space兲. Since the PKM properties depend
on the Jacobian and so on the pose of the mobile
platform, the value of the two free parameters can be
adjusted in order to optimize the hexapod perfor-
mance in the whole working area. This optimization
can be improved taking into account also the follow-
ing further parameters: the value of ⌿1 or ⌿2 and
the actual location of the spherical joints on the mo-
bile and on the fixed base. For symmetry one of the
two angles 共⌿1 or ⌿2兲 can be arbitrarily fixed to 0.
Since the direction of the legs in the initial position is
given, and looking for a PKM with radial symmetry
two parameters are necessary to define the location
of the joints of each group of legs: the distance of the
joints of the mobile platform from the point p⬘ and
the initial leg lengths 共and so the location of the
fixed joints兲. The optimization will be based on the
working space and on the mobile platform rotations Figure 5. Example of PKM design. Mobile platform
required for the specific application. white, fixed base dashed.
Fassi et al.: Geometrical Conditions for the Design • 517

Figure 6. Two possible configurations of the legs.

the same distance from the frame axis to which they The paper shows that if both stiffness and veloc-
are parallel. ity isotropy are to be contemporarily assured, the legs
compliance and their maximum velocity must be
chosen with specified ratios.
The procedure is based on 13 design parameters.
5. CONCLUSIONS Eight of them influence the PKM properties in the
A procedure for the design of hexapods with pre- center of the working space, but just six conditions
defined stiffness properties has been presented. are necessary to achieve the requested kinetostatic
To study force isotropy or velocity isotropy it is properties. The other seven parameters can be used to
sufficient to consider the maximum joint velocities or optimize the hexapod performance in the whole
forces 关see Eqs. 共16兲 and 共17兲兴 rather than the actuator working space and to satisfy other task specific de-
stiffness. sign goals.
The concept of partial and full isotropy is defined The procedure can be applied to a wide class of
and conditions for their achievement are given in radial symmetric PKM.
analytical form. Adopting the presented methodology, a family
having an infinite number of isotropic PKM can be
generated. A different family of solutions can be gen-
erated using another methodology recently pub-
lished by Tsai and Huang.37 The two families have an
element in common that is the PKM of Figure 7. How-
ever, the approach of ref. 37 requires that the three
legs of each group are orthogonal to each other and
has the limitation that all six legs must be identical to
each other 共same stiffness, maximum velocity, and
maximum force兲.

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