Slug Injection Using Salt in Solution: Inside This Issue

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Volume 8 Number 2 Spring 2005

Introduction to Salt Dilution Gauging for Streamflow Measurement Part III: cloud will cause EC to increase from
its background value to a peak value,
Slug Injection Using Salt in corresponding to the passage of the
core of the cloud, followed by a
Solution decline to background EC as the
trailing edge of the cloud passes,
resulting in a characteristic salt wave
R.D. (Dan) Moore (Figure 2). Longitudinal dispersion
reduces the peak EC of the salt wave
as it travels downstream. The time
Introduction Conceptual Basis required for the peak of the wave to

P revious Streamline articles

introduced the general principles
of stream gauging by salt dilution
In this approach, a volume of salt
solution, V (m³), is injected as a
move past an observation point will
depend inversely on the mean
near-instantaneous slug or gulp at one velocity of the streamflow, while the
(Moore 2004a) and the procedure for location in the stream. Following duration of the salt wave will depend
constant-rate injection (Moore injection, the salt solution mixes Continued on page 2
2004b). While constant-rate injection rapidly throughout the depth of the
is best suited for use in small streams stream and less rapidly across the Inside this issue:
at low flows (discharges stream width as it travels
less than about 100 L/s downstream with the Introduction to Salt
or 0.1 m³/s), slug Slug injection general flow of water. Dilution Gauging for
injection can be used to works well in Because some portions of a Streamflow Measurement
gauge flows up to 10 stream flow faster than Part III: Slug Injection
steep, highly Using Salt in Solution
m³/s or greater, others (e.g., flow tends to
depending upon
turbulent be faster in the centre than
streams. An Inexpensive,
channel characteristics. near the banks), the cloud
Automatic Gravity-fed
Slug injection works of salty water “stretches”
Water Sampler for
well in steep, highly downstream in a process
Investigating Water
turbulent streams, such as the called longitudinal dispersion. This
bouldery mountain channel dispersion results in the cloud having
Quality in Small Streams
shown in Figure 1. This article a leading edge with relatively low Live Gravel Bar Staking
introduces the conceptual concentrations of salt solution, a Channel Stabilization in
basis and field procedures central zone of high concentrations, the Lower Elk River
for slug injection using followed by a trailing edge of
salt in solution. decreasing concentration. A Qualitative
Hydro-Geomorphic Risk
If the electrical conductivity (EC) is
Analysis for British
recorded at some point downstream,
Columbia’s Interior
where the tracer has been completely
Watersheds: A Discussion
mixed across the stream width, the
passage of the salt
Re-creating Meandering
Streams in the Central
Oregon Coast Range, USA
Results of Streamline
Reader Survey 2004
Continued from page 1

Published by:
FORREX–Forest Research
Extension Partnership
Suite 702, 235 1st Avenue
Kamloops, BC V2C 3J4
Project Manager:
Robin Pike
Tel: (250) 387-5887

Distribution/Mailing List:
Janet Jeffery
Tel: (250) 371-3923

Technical review committee:

R. Scherer, R.D. Moore, R. Pike

John Heinonen
Technical reviewers this issue:
S. Babakaiff, L. Barr, R. Doucet, B. Eaton,
T. Giles, B. Grainger, D. Hutchinson, P.
Jordan, M. Miles, R.D. Moore, R. Pike, D.
Figure 1. Place Creek at high flow during summer glacier melt.
Polster, P. Raymond, R. Scherer, M.
Schnorbus, K. Swift, P. Teti, R. Winkler
on the amount of longitudinal where T represents the salt wave
Publication and Web Site Support: dispersion, which, in turn, depends on
Jesse Piccin, Satnam Brar, Julie Schooling
duration (s). Equation [2] can be
how variable the stream velocities are rearranged to solve for Q:
Graphic Layout: SigZag Design across the stream. The author has
Editing: Ros Penty
found that the time required for the Q= [3]
Cover Illustration: William McAusland
salt wave to pass typically varies from
a couple of minutes (e.g., Figure 2) to
ò RC (t)dt
McAusland Studios, Kamloops, B.C.
over 20 minutes. Under low-flow
Streamline is published twice a year by conditions with low velocities, the In practice, RC(t) is determined at the
FORREX. All articles published in duration can be longer than desired downstream measurement point at a
Streamline are reviewed to ensure reliable
and technically sound information is for accurate measurements (e.g., well discrete time interval Dt (e.g., 1 or 5
extended to our readers. Content over 30 minutes). s), and the integral is usually
published in Streamline reflects the approximated as a summation:
opinions and conclusions of the At any time (t) during the salt wave

ò RC (t)dt @ å RC (t)Dt
contributing author(s), not those of passage, the discharge of tracer
FORREX, our editorial staff, or our funding [4]
partners. Please contact Robin Pike, solution q(t) (L/s or m³/s) past the
Streamline Project Manager, for further point will be approximated by: T n
guidelines on article submission or with where n is the number of
your comments and suggestions. q(t ) = Q × RC (t ) [1] measurements during the passage of
This publication is funded in part by the the salt wave. The relative
where Q is the stream discharge (L/s
British Columbia Ministry of Forests concentration can be determined
through the Forest Investment Account, or m³/s) and RC(t) is the relative
from EC:
Forest Science Program, and by the concentration of tracer solution (L/L)
USDA Forest Service. in the flow at time (t). Equation [1] RC (t ) = k[ EC (t ) - ECbg] [5]
assumes that q(t) is much smaller than
ISSN 1705-5989 Q, which should be true in virtually all where EC(t) is the electrical
Printed in Canada cases. If the tracer discharge is conductivity measured at time t, ECbg
© FORREX–Forest Research Extension integrated over the duration of the is the background electrical
salt wave, and if the stream discharge conductivity of the stream, and k is a
Printed on recycled paper
is constant over that time, then the calibration constant. The calibration following equation should hold for a constant, k, depends primarily on the
conservative tracer (i.e., one that does salt concentration in the injection
not react with other chemicals in the solution and secondarily on the
water, bind to sediment, or otherwise chemical characteristics of the
change as it flows downstream): streamwater. Combining Equations
[3], [4], and [5], the following
V = ò q(t ) dt = Q ò RC (t ) dt [2] practical equation can be derived for
computing discharge:

2 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

V available. In addition, the salt solution is mixed in one container
Q= [6]
kDt å[ EC (t ) - ECbg] concentrations and durations of
exposure normally involved in
then decanted into a second,
pre-calibrated container (e.g., Østrem
n discharge measurement are less than 1964). This procedure ensures that
To apply Equation [6], we need to thresholds associated with deleterious the salt in the injection solution is
know V, the volume of salt solution effects on organisms (Moore 2004a). completely dissolved, and allows
injected; measure the resulting Wood and Dykes (2002) observed accurate measurement of the injection
transient increases in invertebrate drift volume.
changes in EC at intervals of Dt until
during slug injection, but concluded
EC returns to background levels; and Required Volumes of Injection
that salt injection had a relatively
determine the calibration constant, k. Solution
short-term effect and is unlikely to
Field Procedures have any long-term deleterious The accuracy of a measurement
Choice of a Measurement Reach impacts on invertebrate communities depends on how much EC increases
at most locations. above background during the salt
Successful application of the slug
wave passage, relative to the accuracy
injection technique requires a stream The salt concentration in the injection
of the conductivity probe. The change
reach that generates complete lateral solution should be high enough to
in EC during the salt wave passage
mixing in a short distance. Selected increase EC reasonably when using
depends, in turn, on the volume of
reaches should have as little pool volumes of solution that can be easily
handled, but it also needs to remain salt solution and its concentration, as
volume as possible because the slow
less than the solubility. Given the low well as the mixing characteristics of
exchange of tracer between the pool
temperatures often associated with the stream. Those streams with less
volume and the flowing portion of the
field conditions, the maximum longitudinal dispersion will exhibit a
stream will greatly increase the time
concentration that will dissolve readily more peaked salt wave with higher
required for the salt wave to pass. An
is about 20%, or about 1 kg of salt in concentrations, and will require lower
ideal reach begins with an injection
5 L of water (Østrem 1964; Kite injection volumes.
site upstream of a flow constriction
(e.g., where the flow narrows around 1993). We have found that a mixture Kite (1993) suggested that peak EC
a boulder, promoting rapid lateral of 1 kg of salt with 6 L of water should be 50% higher than
(roughly a 17% solution) provides a background, while Hudson and Fraser
30 suitable (2002) suggested that peak EC should
compromise be at least 5 times higher than
25 between strength background. Background EC in B.C.
and ease of streams typically ranges from about
dilution. 10 mS/cm for stormflow conditions in
EC (mS/cm)

15 The injection streams draining catchments

solution does not underlain by granitic bedrock, to over
10 need to be mixed 400 mS/cm for low-flow conditions in
from local streams sustained by groundwater
streamwater. discharge. The author suggests that
Where access to increasing EC by 100–200% of
0 60 120 180 240 the stream does background should be adequate for
Time (s) not involve a long streams with low background EC (less
hike, it is often than about 50 mS/cm), while Kite’s
Figure 2. Example of salt wave in Place Creek.
convenient to (1993) guideline should be reasonable
mixing) and contains no pools or pre-mix the for streams with background EC
backwater areas below the injection solution to allow generous greater than about 100 mS/cm.
constriction. A rough guideline is that time for dissolution and to minimize
Table 1 summarizes the
the mixing length should be at least time spent at the field site.
masses/volumes of injected salt/salt
25 stream widths, but complete Note that the volume of the injection solution used by various authors. The
mixing may require much longer or solution will be greater than the range reflects the diversity of channel
shorter distances, depending on volume of water used to mix it. We morphologies and discharges
stream morphology (Day 1976). have found that when a 1-kg box of encountered in the different studies.
Mixing the Injection Solution salt is mixed with 6 L of water, the The author recommends starting with
We use NaCl (table salt) as a tracer resulting solution has a volume of 1 L of 15–20% solution per m³/s.
because it is inexpensive and readily 6.36 L (±0.01 L). Commonly, the salt Greater volumes of injected salt
Continued on page 4

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 3

Continued from page 3
placed cobbles) so that it will not detailed description of the procedure
solution may be appropriate for wider move during the measurement. To and the calculation of k.
streams that require longer mixing position the probe in a strong current,
Although ideally the calibration is
reaches, while lower volumes may it may be useful to attach the probe
performed in the field, particularly to
work for narrower streams. To avoid to a rod weighted at the end that is
maintain water temperature as close
excessive salt concentrations in the placed in the water. to stream temperature as possible, it
stream, one or more trial injections
In some cases, the background EC can also be conducted in the
should be conducted with low
may vary. One possible cause is an laboratory. To perform the calibration
volumes, working up to larger
overly sensitive conductivity meter. off site, two 1-L samples of
volumes as required.
streamwater should be measured
Table 1. Volumes/masses of injected salt used in different studies accurately into sample bottles using a
Author Mass of salt Equivalent volume (L) volumetric flask. A sample of the
injected per m³/s of 20% salt solution injection solution should also be taken
streamflow (kg) (1 kg salt in 5 L water)
in a small glass (not plastic) bottle to
Østrem (1964) 0.5 2.5 avoid potential problems with salt
Church and Kellerhals (1970) 0.2 1 sorbing onto the walls of a plastic
Day (1976) 0.3 1.5 bottle. The calibration can then be
Elder et al. (1990) 5 25 conducted following the procedure
Hudson and Fraser (2002) 2 10 described by Moore (2004b).

Figure 2 illustrates a salt wave for Another cause of varying background Summary of Field
Place Creek, where the author has EC is incomplete mixing of Procedures
found the salt waves to be highly streamwater and groundwater (which Table 2 lists the equipment required.
reproducible. Injecting 6.35 L of a typically has higher EC than the Suggested steps for conducting field
roughly 17% solution into a flow of streamwater) within and immediately measurements are as follows:
2.66 m³/s produced a peak EC about downstream of groundwater
100% higher than background. discharge zones. Similar problems 1. Mix injection solution (either at
with incomplete mixing can occur office or on site).
Recording Electrical Conductivity
downstream of tributaries. In these 2. Select measurement reach.
Ideally, a data logger should be used latter cases, find an observation point
to record the passage of the salt wave. where background EC is uniform 3. Use a pipette to extract a known
Some conductivity meters have volume of injection solution (e.g., 10
across the channel and constant in
built-in data logging, while others can time. mL) and add to the secondary
output a signal that can be recorded solution bottle. Cap the bottle and
using a separate data logger. If you do Determining k by Calibration store upright.
not have data logging capacity, To determine k, a known volume of 4. Record background EC and water
record EC manually at 5-s intervals. injection solution (typically 5 or 10 temperature at the downstream end
Although this approach may not be as mL) is added to a known volume of of the measurement reach, and
accurate as using a data logger and a streamwater (typically 1 L) to produce upstream of the injection point.
1-s recording interval, it can produce a secondary solution. Known
satisfactory results. In most cases, two increments of this secondary solution 5. Set up the conductivity probe at
people are required to conduct a salt the downstream end of the mixing
are then added to a second known
dilution measurement with manual reach. Record the background EC and
volume of streamwater (typically 1 L), water temperature. If you have a data
recording, while the use of a data to generate a set of EC values
logger allows a single person to make corresponding to different values of logger, start recording EC.
the measurement. relative concentration. The slope of 6. Inject a known volume of salt
The conductivity probe should be the relation between relative solution at the upstream end of the
placed within the main part of the concentration and EC provides the mixing reach.
flow, not in a backwater. Avoid required value for k. This two-step 7. Record the passage of the salt
locations with substantial aeration, as procedure dilutes the injection wave, continuing until EC returns to
air bubbles passing through the probe solution to the relative concentrations background. If EC does not return to
cause spurious drops in conductivity. observed during the salt wave without background, measure EC upstream of
The probe should be firmly emplaced using large volumes of streamwater. the injection point again to determine
(e.g., by wedging it between carefully See Moore (2004b) for a more whether the background changed.

4 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

8. Measure a volume V0 (e.g., 1 L) of
streamwater using the volumetric flask Worked Example
and pour into the secondary solution Figure 2 shows a salt wave recorded during a slug-injection measurement
bottle, which already contains the at Place Creek, located about 30 km northeast of Pemberton, B.C. Place
sample of injection solution. Cap the Creek, a steep, bouldery mountain stream, would be impossible to gauge
bottle and shake vigorously to mix the accurately using a current meter (Figure 1). The volume of injection
streamwater and injection solution. solution was 6.35 L. This volume resulted from mixing 1 kg of salt with 6 L
This mixture is the secondary solution. of water (to produce 6.36 L of solution), followed by extracting 10 mL
9. Measure a volume Vc (e.g., 1 L) of (0.01 L) of injection solution for use in the calibration procedure. The
streamwater using the volumetric flask stream EC data were logged at 1-s intervals, and the calibration constant
and pour into the calibration tank. was 2.99·10–6 cm/mS.
Immerse the calibration tank in a V 6.35 ×10 -3 m 3
shallow pool at the stream’s edge. Q= = -6
= 2.66 m 3 /s
k Dt S[ EC(t) - EC bg ] ( 2.99 ×10 cm/mS)(1 s)(797mS/cm)
Keep the temperature in the tank as
close to stream temperature as
possible (Moore 2004b). To
where the salt plasticware into the field as a backup
help hold the calibration tank in
Under suitable wave is recorded. in case of breakage.
place, position a “corral” of
In addition,
cobbles around it. conditions, discharge should
If it is raining during the
streamflow measurement, ensure that the
10. Perform the calibration and not change
measurements calibration tank is sheltered.
determine k using the appreciably
Otherwise, rain falling into the tank
procedure described by Moore made by slug during the
may dilute the concentrations below
(2004b), then compute the injection can be injection trial.
the calculated values, producing
discharge using Equation [6].
precise to within Errors may arise biased calibrations.
Errors and Limitations about ±5%. through
The slug injection method may not be
inaccuracies in
Under suitable conditions, appropriate when the channel
measuring the
streamflow measurements contains ice and (or) snow. In such
volumes of
made by slug injection can be precise streamwater, injection solution, and cases, low velocities may result in
to within about ±5% (Day 1976). poor lateral mixing and excessively
secondary solution. These errors can
Accurate measurements require that long salt wave durations, particularly if
be effectively minimized if a
(1) the salt in the injection solution be volumetric flask is used to measure salt solution flows into slush zones
completely dissolved, and (2) the within the measurement reach.
streamwater and glass pipettes used
injection solution be fully mixed to measure the injection and The method will be subject to
across the channel at the location secondary solutions. However, take substantial errors if the measurement
Continued on page 6

Table 2. Equipment list for field measurement of streamflow using slug injection of salt
Item Purpose
1-L volumetric flask Measuring streamwater
1-L plastic graduated cylinder Backup in case volumetric flask breaks
Plastic measuring cup with handle Pouring streamwater into volumetric flask
Squirt bottle Topping up streamwater in volumetric flask
5- and 10-mL pipettes Measuring injection solution to mix secondary solution
Pipette filler (rubber squeeze bulb) Drawing water into pipettes
1- or 2-L wide-mouth Nalgene water bottle Mixing the secondary solution
1- or 2-L Nalgene beaker or pail Calibration tank
2-, 5-, and 10-mL pipettes1,2 Measuring secondary solution
Plexiglas rod or tubing, 30 cm long Stir stick for calibration tank
Conductivity probe and meter Measuring EC during salt wave passage and for calibration
Data logger (desirable but optional) Recording EC during salt wave passage
Separate sets of pipettes need to be used for measuring the injection and secondary solutions.
Spare pipettes should be carried in case of breakage in the field. In addition, 10-mL plastic graduated cylinders or graduated pipettes could be carried as backups

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 5

Continued from page 5

reach is not sufficiently long to ensure higher flows (e.g., >5–10 m³/s), it is For further information, contact:
complete lateral mixing. Unlike easier to inject dry salt than to mix
Dan Moore, Ph.D., P.Geo.
constant-rate injection, where lateral and inject adequate volumes of
Associate Professor
mixing can be verified once solution. However, a disadvantage of
Departments of Geography and Forest
steady-state conditions have been the dry salt method is that an
Resources Management
achieved, assessing mixing is more accurate scale to measure the mass of
difficult with slug injection. If two salt or an adequate supply of 1984 West Mall
University of British Columbia
probes are available, then the salt pre-weighed salt in a range of
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
wave can be recorded at two quantities is needed. Where an
downstream distances or on either Tel: (604) 822-3538
accurate scale and pre-weighed
side of the stream. If mixing is E-mail:
quantities of salt are unavailable (e.g.,
complete, discharge calculated from at a remote site over an extended field References
both probes should be in reasonable season), the slug injection method
agreement. If this is not the case, a using salt solution would still be Church, M. and R. Kellerhals. 1970. Stream
longer mixing reach is required. possible because the precise mass of gauging techniques for remote areas
Alternatively, if only one probe is using portable equipment. Department
salt in the injection solution does not of Energy, Mines and Resources Inland
available, successive measurements need to be known, just the volume of Waters Branch, Ottawa, Canada.
can be made during periods of steady the solution (Equation [6]). Technical Bulletin No. 25.
flow using different distances. Day, T.J. 1976. On the precision of salt
dilution gauging. Journal of Hydrology
Problems can occur if the conductivity Summary 31:293–306.
does not return to background. If the Streamflow measurement by slug Elder, K., R. Kattelmann, and R. Ferguson.
measurements taken upstream show injection of salt solution has been 1990. Refinements in dilution gauging
for mountain streams. In Hydrology in
that the background has truly successfully applied in many locations Mountainous Regions. I - Hydrological
changed, then an average of the around the world. It is particularly Measurements; the Water Cycle.
original and final background values suitable for steep, bouldery mountain International Association for
may be used in Equation [6]. It is streams, which are unsuitable for Hydrological Science (Proceedings of
more problematic if EC has not two Lausanne symposia, August 1990).
gauging by conventional current
IAHS Publication No. 193, pp.
returned to background due to a slow metering techniques. This article has 247–254.
release of stored salt solution within described procedures that the author Hongve, D. 1987. A revised procedure for
the mixing reach, as can occur in has found useful at sites throughout discharge measurements by means of
reaches with pools, particularly at British Columbia. However, there is the salt dilution method. Hydrological
lower flows. In such cases, one Processes 1:267–270.
great scope to vary the details to suit
Hudson, R. and J. Fraser. 2002. Alternative
solution would be to extend the tail of individual circumstances and users are methods of flow rating in small coastal
the salt wave by fitting an exponential encouraged to experiment with the streams. B.C. Ministry of Forests,
decline to the values, although the outlined procedure. Vancouver Forest Region. Extension
actual form of the decline will still be Note EN-014 Hydrology. 11 p.
uncertain (Elder et al. 1990). Ideally, Kite, G. 1993. Computerized streamflow
Acknowledgements measurement using slug injection.
one should find a reach with minimal Hydrological Processes 7:227–233.
George Richards helped me
storage. Moore, R.D. 2004a. Introduction to salt
experiment with variations on the slug
dilution gauging for streamflow
injection method while working at
Injection of Salt in Solution Place Creek. Tim Giles, Dave
measurement: Part 1. Streamline
Watershed Management Bulletin
Versus Injection of Dry Salt: Hutchinson, Scott Babakaiff, and John 7(4):20–23.
A Comparison Heinonen helped refine the methods Moore, R.D. 2004b. Introduction to salt
A number of authors have advocated by asking valuable questions and dilution gauging for streamflow
measurement Part II: Constant-rate
the use of dry salt injection as an bringing relevant articles to my injection. Streamline Watershed
alternative to injection of salt in attention. Comments on earlier Management Bulletin 8(1):11–15.
solution (Hongve 1987; Elder et al. versions of this article by John Østrem, G. 1964. A method of measuring
1990; Kite 1993; Hudson and Fraser Heinonen, Russell White, Michael water discharge in turbulent streams.
Church, Robin Pike, and four Geographical Bulletin 21:21–43.
2002). A future Streamline article will
Wood, P.J. and A.P. Dykes. 2002. The use
focus on streamflow measurement by anonymous reviewers helped improve
of salt dilution gauging techniques:
dry salt injection. The key advantage its clarity. However, any errors remain ecological considerations and insights.
of the method is that, for gauging my sole responsibility. Water Research 36:3054–3062.

6 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

represents one sample. A 30-day
programmable clock allows for
An Inexpensive, Automatic flexibility in sample scheduling (e.g.,
daily, weekly, or monthly). The master
Gravity-fed Water Sampler valve option (a valve that opens
whenever a sample valve is opened) is
for Investigating Water adaptable to control small pumps
where a gravity-fed approach is not

Quality in Small Streams feasible (e.g., lakes, ponds, large

rivers). We are presently developing
an automated pump sampler for this
Chad D. Luider, P. Jefferson Curtis, Rob A. Scherer,
and David J. Arkinstall Installation
The auto-sampler should be installed
Introduction constructed from a PVC pipe with a outside of bankfull width to avoid
piece of screen mesh secured on the damage during high flows. The intake
W ater samples are commonly
collected, either manually
(grab samples) or with automated
intake end to minimize large debris
from clogging the lines and valves.
should be installed securely (e.g.,
wedged between rocks, fastened to
samplers, in many environmental The opposite end of the PVC intake rebar) within the streambed upslope
monitoring and research programs pipe is connected to a 3–6 m length from the auto-sampler, with enough
(e.g., Toews and Gluns 2003; Winkler of polyethylene pipe that forms the hydraulic head (e.g., 1–2 m of vertical
et al. 2004). Manual sampling in main water supply line. The valve rise) for the gravity-fed intake system
remote areas can be labour intensive manifold system distributes to function properly. For our
and time consuming, whereas the streamwater from the intake pipe
price of automated samplers (around through electronically controlled
$4,000) may be prohibitive to many valves into individual sample
monitoring programs. bottles (Figure 3). A plastic cargo
box is used to contain the valves,
This article describes a low-cost (< the sample containers, and the
$600 per unit), gravity-fed, sealed battery-operated control
automated water sampler timer, which is programmed to
(auto-sampler) that can collect water control the electronic valves.
samples from small streams less than Flexibility in sampling depends
5 m in bankfull width. The on the number of valves in the
auto-sampler is best suited to collect manifold and the features
samples for analyses of water quality associated with the control timer.
measures in the dissolved phase, such Electronic control timers typically
as pH, conductivity, carbon, control 4–12 valves, and can be
phosphorus, and ammonia. Sediment connected in series to increase
samples have not yet been collected the number of samples that the
with the auto-sampler, and therefore auto-sampler can collect. For
sediment sampling is not considered example, two timers controlling
in this article. 12 valves each could be
Chad Ludier

connected in series and

Auto-Sampler Components programmed to collect a total of
and Design 24 samples from the same
sample site. Figure 1. Auto-sampler setup adjacent to creek.
A simple, lightweight gravity-fed
auto-sampler can be constructed from Desirable features in a control
commonly available irrigation timer include the ability to applications we have chosen ¼-inch
supplies. The sampler consists of a independently program each valve, a valves although ½- or ¾-inch valves
water intake system, a valve manifold 30-day programmable clock, and a can be used. Less hydraulic head is
system, and a series of standard master valve option. Independent required for smaller valves compared
sample bottles (Figures 1 and 2). The programming for each valve is with the larger valves, which require
water intake system (Figure 3) is essential because each valve higher minimum operating pressures,
Continued on page 8

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 7

Continued from page 7

and therefore more hydraulic head. the internal plumbing of the system bottles will depend on the flow rate
Except for the valves and the solenoid with sample water. As the manual through the intake system. Similarly,
plungers, the entire system could be flush valve is larger than the ¼-inch the automated flush valve should be
made from stainless steel, sample valves, the flow rate is higher set to rinse the entire volume of the
polyethylene, or Teflon where these and thus the intake system flushes system at least 5 times immediately
materials are recommended for use in thoroughly. before sample collection. The amount
sampling different water quality of time required to flush the intake
Due to the design of the sampler,
parameters. system can be calculated empirically
clogged intake screens can
by measuring flow rate through the
Upon securing the intake within the significantly affect the operability of
system and the length of the main
stream, the following points should be the unit. Clogged intake screens can
water supply line that is required for
considered to minimize the potential be minimized by positioning the
installation. For example, it would
for air locks in the water supply line intake screen perpendicular to
take 5 minutes to completely flush the
volume of the intake line once given a
flow rate of 1 L/min through 10 m of
½-inch intake line (volume of intake
line is about 5 L; i.e., flushing time =
volume of pipe/flow rate). The time
required for sample collection can be
calculated using the same approach
(i.e., sample collection time = bottle
volume/flow rate), but it is best to set
the clock for more time than is
required to account for decreases in
flow rates. This approach ensures that
sample bottles are completely filled
and are flushed with sample water.
Any excess water spilling from the
sample bottles drains via holes in the
bottom of the plastic cargo box.
David Arkinstall

Sample Collection Protocol

We designed and deployed the
auto-sampler to collect specific water
Figure 2. Auto-sampler components and parts. quality parameters. Therefore, this
article will not detail sampling
and clogging of the intake screen. Air streamflow and by designating one
protocol, which varies with water
locks tend to occur in high points of valve to flush the system immediately
quality parameter of interest. For
the main intake line, particularly in before activating the sample valves.
further information regarding the
highly aerated sections of stream. Flushing the intake system
design of reliable monitoring
Intake lines should therefore be immediately before sample collection
programs using automated samplers,
installed with a constant slope to the greatly reduces the risk of the intake
refer to the Automated Water Quality
valve manifold, thus avoiding loops in becoming plugged or blocked with
Monitoring Field Manual (Resource
the line that trap air. In addition, the debris by comparison to a continuous
Inventory Committee 1999).
intake screen should be submerged in flow setup. The system flush is
non-turbulent, uniformly flowing programmed to be completed within Unit Performance
water to minimize air bubbles less than 1 minute before activating
We used two quality control (QC)
entering the system. A ball valve at the valve for sample collection.
measures to evaluate the precision
the lower end of the valve manifold After the unit has been installed and and performance of the auto-sampler.
should also be installed so that the the control timer set, sample bottles The first QC measure included the
intake lines can be manually flushed are connected to the spouts of the direct collection of water samples (i.e.,
after installation and when changing valves designated for sample grab samples) at the auto-sampler
the sample bottles (Figure 3). This collection with a piece of tubing and a intake in conjunction with samples
flush allows water to flow through the two-holed stopper. The time required being collected with the auto-sampler.
intake lines to remove air and rinse on the control timer to fill the sample The second QC measure was used to

8 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

evaluate whether leaching from and deionized water. Analyses of pH, investigation and possibly design
adsorption to the water intake system conductivity, dissolved organic modifications: (1) high flows and
was contaminating water quality carbon, and dissolved nutrients (PO4 freshet, (2) sediment sampling, (3)
samples. We checked this by flushing and NH4) indicate no significant freezing conditions, and (4) streams
deionized water through the difference between the grab samples, greater than 5 m bankfull width.
auto-sampler at the end of the sample the deionized water, and samples
In summary, the auto-sampler has
season. We then compared these from the auto-sampler (p < 0.05).
allowed us to collect water samples at
samples with control samples of
a higher frequency relative to manual
Applications and sampling and at a reduced cost
Constraints of the compared with commercially available
Auto-Sampler auto-sampler units. Our auto-sampler
In our study, we deployed performed very well during low
and tested three summer flows and allowed us to
auto-samplers for seven collect and analyze water samples for
months (April to October several dissolved water quality
2004) in the Southern parameters. The auto-sampler was
Interior of British reliable, cost effective, and easy to
Columbia. Units were maintain. Future testing and
installed in boulder–cobble improvements to the design of the
streams with bankfull auto-sampler will likely increase its
widths ranging between 1 suitability to more diverse sampling
and 4 m and gradients environments and a greater variety of
Figure 3. Schematic view of the auto-sampler. between 5 and 15%. water quality parameters.
The labelled parts are listed in Table 1. Samples were collected
from the units at a rate of For further information, contact:
Table 1. 2–3 samples per week and
Equipment list for a five-bottle auto-sampler during our field trials we P. Jeff Curtis
Water intake system found that required Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences
Item Quantity maintenance to the
Okanagan University College
A Screen mesh (10 x 10 cm) 1 auto-samplers was
B 2” gear clamp 1 minimal. Only one repair 3333 University Way
was required to a broken Kelowna, BC
C 2” PVC pipe ~30 cm
fitting, which caused the V1V 1V7
D 2” x 1/2” reducer bushing 1 Tel: (250) 762-5445, Ext 7521
E 1/2” threaded x 1.5 cm (1/2”) 1
loss of one sample. On
barbed coupler average, the two 9V
F 1/2” polyethylene pipe 3–6 m batteries in each control
timer were depleted by
only 20% throughout the Resource Inventory Committee. 1999.
Valve manifold system
entire operation. All three Automated water quality monitoring,
Item Quantity field manual. Unpublished report
auto-samplers were
G Plastic cargo container with lid 1 prepared for B.C. Ministry of
removed in late October
H 1/2” PVC threaded tee 6 Environment, Lands and Parks, Water
due to freezing of the Management Branch for the Aquatic
I 1/2” x 2” threaded coupler 6 valves and intake lines. Inventory Task Force. 61 p. Available
J 1/2” x 1/8” reducer bushing 6 from:
The auto-sampler unit is pubs/aquatic/index.htm
K 1/8” x 2” brass nipple 12
aptly suited for our Toews, D. and D. Gluns. 2003. Water
L 1/4” valve 6
monitoring purposes (i.e., quality sampling: an effective way to
M Solenoid 6 chemical water quality monitor watershed condition?
N 1/4” vinyl tubing 100–150 cm parameters, low summer Streamline Watershed Management
O 1/4” thick-walled heat shrink 25–30 cm flows, ice free conditions). Bulletin 7(2):15–21.
P Battery-operated control timer 1 However, the Winkler, R., D. Spittlehouse, T. Giles, B.
Heise, G. Hope, and M. Schnorbus.
Q 1/2” threaded PVC manual 1 auto-sampler has not been 2004. Upper Penticton Creek: how
ball valve tested or used under the forest harvesting affects water quantity
R 500-mL polyethylene 1–6 following conditions that and quality. Streamline Watershed
sample bottle would warrant further Management Bulletin 8(1):18–20.

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 9

mainstem channel. Polster (1999)
discusses live gravel bar staking and

Live Gravel Bar Staking other soil bioengineering techniques

in detail.

Channel Stabilization in Site Selection

the Lower Elk River The Elk River, a tributary to Upper
Campbell Lake, is located on northern
Vancouver Island near the town of
Gold River, B.C. The potential
treatment sites were first selected by
analyzing historical air photos from
Iain D. Cuthbert and Ian D. Redden 1931 to 1995. The main site selection
criteria were gravel bars (1) with easy
equipment access, (2) in incipiently
Live Gravel Bar Staking:
D uring the past 70 years, the Elk
River on northern Vancouver
Island has evolved from a narrow,
stable depositional areas, and (3)
outside of the most active channel
Live staking of gravel bars using sections that convey high flows.
single-thread, stable channel to a willow (Salix spp.) and other plant Criteria 2 and 3 were extremely
wide multi-thread, laterally unstable, species such as red-osier dogwood important as live gravel bar staking of
aggraded channel. This change was (Cornus stolonifera) and black the more active channel sections
in response to several factors cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) can could reduce flood conveyance
including: valley-bottom logging; be used to treat river channels that capacity and possibly accelerate bank
channel relocation due to road have become aggraded and braided. erosion or channel shifting (M. Miles
construction; a large landslide in the In live staking, cuttings (stakes) from and Associates 2004).
river’s headwaters; and increased the selected pioneering species are
flows resulting from the diversion of planted at high density into the gravel
water into the Elk River from the bars.
adjacent Heber River watershed. The
net result: a 4–7 times increase in the During high flows, the treated areas
unvegetated channel width in the are inundated; the friction caused by
lower 13 km of river and degraded the protruding stakes traps very small
fish habitat because pools infilled, woody debris and leads to local

Iain Cuthbert
banks eroded, and cover was lost. deposition of sediment. Each winter,
once enough sediment is deposited to
Previous channel morphology studies cover the protruding stakes,
(e.g., M. Miles and Associates 1999) streamflow will top the bars without Figure 1. Function of live gravel bar staking.
demonstrated the need to restore resistance. In the next growing
channel processes in the lower Elk season, the cuttings will grow and A June reconnaissance trip finalized
River to expedite the re-formation of a protrude above the gravel bar. This restoration site selection, determined
stable, single channel. This project seasonal process of growth followed site access, and located suitable stock
addresses this recommendation and by sediment and debris accumulation donor and soaking sites. During this
does not incorporate any upland causes the gravel bars to progressively trip we discovered that the natural
restoration activities that likely will be stabilize and elevate (Figure 1). At the recovery of many of the potential sites
part of future restoration plans. Based same time, the accumulation of fines identified on the air photos was
on successful treatments of rivers with and organics, such as small woody significant, and included deciduous
similar conditions, such as the San debris, promotes the establishment of trees older than 5 years. We theorized
Juan (Switzer 1999), we chose the soil additional riparian vegetation, further that this recovery, the greatest in the
bioengineering technique of live stabilizing the bars. Over time the previous 45 years, was due to several
gravel bar staking as the preferred gravel bars elevate, and become years with unusually wet summers
restoration method to achieve our inundated less frequently. The and smaller than average flood flows.
objective. This article describes the streamflow becomes increasingly The natural recovery observed was
application of and lessons learned confined to the main channel, vigorous enough to eliminate several
from live gravel bar staking in the redirecting the river’s energy to of the potential treatment sites. Thus,
lower Elk River. scouring a narrower and deeper three additional sites not identified in

10 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

the main cutting site would not
provide enough stock to plant the
treatment areas, and two additional
donor sites were located. Also, a
limited quantity of stock at the main
donor site met the diameter criteria.
Due to the shortage of large stock,
cuttings that were slightly smaller
than 2 cm in diameter were also
collected and were referred to as
“undersize stock.”
The cuttings need to be soaked in
fresh water for 7–10 days to remove
rooting inhibitors before planting (D.
Polster, pers. comm., 2004). One
challenge of this project was finding
Ian Redden

adequate soaking sites, as nearby

ponds were shallow and water levels
Figure 2. Assembling limbed poles into bundles. dropped during the soaking period
due to warm, dry weather. As a result,
the office review were investigated in collected, topped, and limbed the cut bundles had to be repositioned
the field. trees. Using high quality, relatively several times to avoid drying out.
expensive pruning and lopping shears Beavers added another challenge:
While many areas would have
was invaluable, as smaller shears they raided the soaking area; removed
benefitted from live gravel bar
tended to break, disrupting some of the largest cuttings, stripping
staking, site access became the largest
production. The topped and limbed the bark and cambium layers from
limiting factor. Although Highway 28
“poles,” which ranged from 2 to 4 m others; and sometimes took entire
parallels much of the river, steep
in length, were then placed on bundles.
banks from the highway prevented
sawhorses and tied with
equipment from accessing the river. Once most of the donor stock had
biodegradable sisal baling twine into
The only other road in the area that been collected, the crew split up: one
bundles of 7–10 stems (Figure 2).
would have provided access to the crew continued cutting, while the
Flagging tape was attached to each
river had been deactivated for much second crew began planting stakes.
bundle, with a different colour used
of its length. As most of the lower The planting crew collected the
for each day. When the weather
river lies within Strathcona Provincial bundles from the soaking sites, taking
conditions were cool and wet,
Park, excavator access trail building the earliest cuttings first; and then
bundles were loaded into trucks and
needed to be minimized to preserve transported them to the treatment
taken to the soaking site at the end of
ecological values. In total, three sites sites where they were cut with
each day. During warmer, sunny
were selected for treatment. lopping shears into 1 m length stakes
weather, bundles were taken to the
in preparation for planting.
Collecting and Preparing soaking sites throughout the day to
the Stakes prevent desiccation (wilting) and Stake Planting
death. The use of a Silva cool-tarp to Due to the inherent difficulty of
The project began in September 2004
cover the bundles during collection planting in gravel, an excavator with a
with the collection of donor stock
would have been beneficial during digging bucket was used to install the
from areas close to the restoration
hot, dry weather. Production cuttings in the coarse gravel bars. The
sites in Strathcona Park. Stock was
averaged 2840 stakes per day for a use of the excavator minimized
collected by cutting down small
seven-person crew.
deciduous trees close to the ground damage to the stock during planting,
with chainsaws. The donors would The target size for stake collection was and ensured that the cuttings were
coppice and regenerate in the 2 cm in diameter or larger. This size is planted deep enough to survive the
following year. The stakes collected often referred to as the “rule of dry summer. The excavator did not
were comprised of 85% willow thumb” as typically anything greater dig holes, but rather inserted the
(Scouler’s and Sitka), 6% black in diameter than your thumb is the bucket into the gravel and pulled back
cottonwood, and 9% red-osier desired size. After several days of the material, creating a 1 m wide gap
dogwood. Crew members then harvesting it became apparent that into which the stakes were placed by
Continued on page 12

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 11

Continued from page 11

an average density of 17 200 stems

per hectare. Planting took an average
of 4.5 days per hectare, with a crew of
four people working with the
With the live staking of gravel bars
completed, the success of the project
will depend on a number of factors,
including the growth and survival of
the stakes, mortality or stunting due
to elk browse, and the response of the
treated areas to peak flows.

Long-term monitoring will allow us to
assess the success of the live gravel
bar staking in achieving the project
Ian Redden

goals. This information can also be

used to help direct future restoration
Figure 3. Crew member instructing student on planting stakes. activities. The following measures

hand (Figure 3). The excavator then

withdrew its bucket allowing the
gravel to settle back in place. The
stakes were planted with about
three-quarters of their length in the
gravel at a 45º or greater downstream
angle (Figure 4). Four large stakes and
three to five undersized stakes, if
available, were placed into each
opening, taking about one minute for
each opening. While the undersized
stakes may not flourish as well as the
large stakes, they significantly
increased the overall number of stakes

Ian Redden
planted, which should improve the
chances of the project in overcoming
mortality due to elk browse. Figure 4. Planted stakes.
The excavator worked by backing
upstream while planting in successive maximize the area covered with the were taken to assist in gauging project
rows spaced 1.5–2 m apart and available stock, the stakes were success.
staggered to prevent large open planted with tighter spacing and at
patches within the planted areas. The The perimeters of the treated areas as
higher densities on the first pass
first pass of planting occurred nearest well as longitudinal and
nearest the mainstem channel where
the river channel with the excavator cross-sectional profiles were surveyed
they would likely receive the greatest
positioned at the edge of the zone to at each site using a total station
be planted. This ensured that the survey instrument. Benchmarks were
edge of the row nearest the river was Live staking planting began on established at each site for future
planted parallel to the flow. The September 29, 2004, and was reference during surveys and
excavator then reached as far as completed on October 12. In total, monitoring. Fifty-one monitoring
possible upland from the river. To 1.86 ha was planted at three sites at plots, including seven control plots,

12 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

were established at various locations O Have several stock donor sites Acknowledgements
within the project area. Each research selected before beginning cutting.
Mike Miles, a fluvial
plot had a 3-m radius (28.3 m²). A A local Ministry of Forests office or
geomorphologist, assisted the pro-
subset of 16 research plots was forest company may offer some
ject team by selecting suitable sites
established to monitor changes in advice on donor sites.
for live staking. David Polster, who
substrate composition. Within each of largely pioneered this soil bioengi-
these 16 plots the substrate in three
O Use high-quality lopping shears
neering technique in British Colum-
0.5-m² squares was photographed and hand pruners. The loss in
bia, trained the crew to cut stakes to
and documented. Vegetation surveys productivity due to the use of poor
length. A core team of
at each of the 51 monitoring plots equipment will cost more than the
Mowachaht–Muchalaht First Nation
included recording the number, initial expense of purchasing
forestry workers, supported by volun-
species, and size of stakes planted in quality equipment.
teers from the Gold River
each plot. Finally, three permanent Streamkeepers and Gold River Sec-
O Use lopping shears rather than a
photo points were established at each ondary School, completed this work.
chainsaw to cut stakes to length.
treatment site for future monitoring. The BC Hydro Bridge Coastal Fish
The chainsaw tended to make
In 2005, the areas treated in 2004 will and Wildlife Restoration Program
rougher cuts and “shred” the bark
be monitored and additional live funded this project.
near the cut end.
staking of gravel bars in the Elk River
For further information, contact:
will take place. O Avoid soaking sites near known
beaver populations. The loss of Iain Cuthbert, M.Sc., R.P.Bio.
bundled donor stock due to Streamline Environmental
beavers was much higher than we Consulting Ltd.
While securing had expected. Using beaver 786 Quilchena Crescent
protection such as a rodent fence Nanaimo, BC V9T 1P6
funding to study the around the soaking bundles would Tel: (250) 758-7980
success of restoration have prevented some loss. Fax: (250) 758-8505
treatments is difficult, E-mail:
Ensure soaking sites have stable
monitoring of the live water levels. The sudden change References
from wet weather to several days
gravel bar staking of dry weather caused one soaking
M. Miles and Associates. 1999. Preliminary
assessment of the effects of the Crest
project is needed to site to dry up, and the bundles Creek and Heber River diversions on
continually improve required repositioning several channel morphology. Consultant’s
times during the soaking period. report prepared for BC Hydro and
the selection and Covering soaking bundles with
Power Authority, Burnaby, B.C.
M. Miles and Associates. 2004. Selection of
successful application Silva cool-tarps may be beneficial
sites for live gravel bar staking: Lower
in hot, sunny weather.
of restoration Elk River in Strathcona Park.
Consultant’s report prepared for BC
techniques in British O
Flag bundles collected each day Hydro, Bridge Coastal Fish and Wildlife
with a different colour flagging Restoration Program, Burnaby, B.C.
Columbia. tape. This system allows for quick Polster, D. 1999. Soil bioengineering for
and easy identification of the steep/unstable slopes and riparian
restoration. Streamline Watershed
bundles when collecting them Restoration Technical Bulletin Volume
Summary of Lessons from the soaking site. Use bundles 4, Number 4, Winter 1999. Available
Learned in the order that they were cut. from:
While securing funding to study issue.asp?issue=14
Often spring planting offers several Switzer, G. 1999. Observations of the
the success of restoration
benefits in soil bioengineering. Due success of the willow planting on the
treatments is difficult, monitoring sand, gravel and cobble bars of the
to funding timelines, we planted in
of the live gravel bar staking lower San Juan River. Streamline
the fall.
project is needed to continually Watershed Restoration Technical
improve the selection and Bulletin Volume 4, Number 4, Winter
Use the most recent air photos
1999. Available from:
available for preliminary site successful application of restoration
selection and reconnaissance. techniques in British Columbia. issue.asp?issue=14

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 13

glacial history, and climate over the
past 10 000 years (Clague [compiler]
A Qualitative Hydro- 1989). The physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics of low-order
Geomorphic Risk Analysis streams are closely linked to hillslope
(hydro-geomorphic) processes and
for British Columbia’s riparian function (Montgomery and
Buffington 1998; Gomi et al. 2002).

Interior Watersheds: Natural disturbance events such as

wildfire, pest epidemics, and floods
A Discussion Paper routinely affect watersheds and
constitute an intricate part of the
dynamic and evolving landscape of
Kim Green, M.Sc., P.Geo. the Southern Interior (Bragg 2000;
Benda et al. 2003; Gayton 2003).
Changes to streamflow, sediment
Editor’s Notes: B.C. Ministry of Forests (Wise et al.
delivery rates, and riparian function
A preliminary version of this article was
[editors] 2004) have developed
provincial standards for landslide risk (collectively referred to as watershed
published in ASPECT, May 2004. Since processes) following natural
then, the article has been revised, based on analysis. These efforts have given
numerous technical reviews. This article is professionals an understanding of the disturbance define the natural
intended to stimulate discussion among terms and methods of risk analysis variability of a watershed over time
forest hydrologists about the development needed for detailed terrain stability (Gomi et al. 2002; Miller et al. 2003).
of a qualitative hydro-geomorphic risk mapping. Similar efforts to While natural disturbance events
analysis for B.C. watersheds. As a discussion typically have substantial, immediate
standardize methods
paper, the author acknowledges some impacts on channel
limitations in the material presented below
and terminology are
needed if hydrologic Under British structure and aquatic
in attempting to develop the framework.
values such as water
risk analyses are to Columbia’s new
Introduction become a widely quality and aquatic
Forest and Range habitat (Rinne 1996),
accepted and valued
U nder British Columbia’s new
Forest and Range Practices Act,
forest management is moving
component of forest
management in
Practices Act, forest
managers must
the influx of nutrients,
sediment, and woody
towards risk management and British Columbia. understand potential debris in the decades
professional reliance. In this new The author
risks to aquatic values following the event can
play a vital role in
regime, forest managers must developed this associated with
maintaining the aquatic
understand potential risks to aquatic hydro-geomorphic existing or proposed ecosystem of a
values associated with existing or risk analysis for use in development in a watershed (Benda et al.
proposed development in a Southern Interior
watershed. 2003; Figure 1).
B.C. watersheds and
presents it to open A channel’s response to
To date, industry and government disturbance events (i.e.,
discussion regarding
professionals have had minimal the variability of channel morphology
a consistent methodology for risk
discussions about a standard in time and space) depends on the
analysis. Terminology used in this risk
approach to hydrological risk analysis. disturbance regime of a watershed,
analysis is generally consistent with
Inconsistencies in methods, which is a function of its geographic
definitions in Risk Management:
terminology, and elements being location (i.e., within British Columbia’s
Guideline for Decision-Makers (CSA
considered in hydrological risk hydro-climatic and physiographic
1997) and Landslide Risk Case Studies
analyses are causing significant regions) and physical attributes
in Forest Development Planning and
differences in the way professionals
Operations (Wise et al. [editors] 2004). including bedrock geology and
estimate risk (e.g., Carver 2001; B.C. glacial/paraglacial history (B.C.
Ministry of Forests 2001; Uunila Natural Variability and Ministry of Transportation and
2004). Channel Response Highways 1996; Montgomery and
Recently, the Association of Low-order watersheds (<100 km²) in Buffington 1998; Hallett and Walker
Professional Engineers and British Columbia’s Southern Interior 2000; Obedkoff 2002; Miller et al.
Geoscientists of B.C. (2003) and the have been shaped by their geology, 2003).

14 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005


Kim Green
Figure 1. Woody debris recruitment and sediment influx following fire are key factors in maintaining aquatic ecosystems in many Southern
Interior watersheds. Photos are from similar low-order streams in Caven Creek, southeastern British Columbia. Stream (A) burned during the
2003 Plumbob fire. Stream (B) experienced a similar fire about 70 years ago.

Streams draining steep mountain less natural variability in channel development considers two
slopes in the interior wet belt of British morphology.1 independent factors: the potential
Columbia have larger peak discharges response of the channel to changes in
Maintaining or improving aquatic
per unit area and experience a higher watershed processes and the potential
values of watersheds while
frequency of channel-forming events impact of forest development on
maximizing harvesting opportunities
(e.g., debris flows, snow avalanches) watershed processes. It is expressed as
is a primary management objective of
than watersheds in arid, lowland the product of two components:
forest development in British
regions (Jakob and Jordan 2001; channel sensitivity (C) and hydrologic
Columbia. Understanding watershed
Obedkoff 2002). As a result, the hazard (H).
processes and the natural variability in
morphology of channels in the channel condition and aquatic values Risk = C × H
interior wet belt typically have greater allows forest managers to apply
Hydro-geomorphic risk is determined
natural spatial and temporal variability management practices to reduce the
for the main stem and significant
than channels in arid and semi-arid risk of direct negative impacts to
tributary channels upstream of a point
regions where less frequent events low-order streams. In turn, this
of interest (POI), such as a water
such as wildfire and floods define the reduces the risk for cumulative
intake structure or a specific fish
disturbance regime. impacts in higher-order streams.
habitat (elements at risk) for each
Forest development in a watershed watershed process or, where
Hydro-geomorphic Risk
can cause changes to watershed appropriate, for each identified
processes including increased hillslope aquatic value at the point of interest
runoff and stream discharge (Troendle A qualitative risk analysis offers (1) a (e.g., water quality at the intake,
et al. 2001; Wemple and Jones 2003; framework for forest hydrologists and channel stability on the fan). A simple
Schnorbus and Alila 2004); increased geomorphologists to document matrix such as shown in Table 1 can
rate of sediment delivery to streams critical watershed processes (i.e., be used to determine risk in this
(Roberts and Church 1986; Gomi and stream discharge, rate of sediment qualitative analysis.
Sidle 2003); and reduced riparian delivery, and riparian function) that
Channel sensitivity, a measure of the
function through removal of are linked to aquatic values; and (2)
vulnerability (robustness or fragility) of
recommendations for sustaining or
streamside vegetation and direct the channel given changes to
improving aquatic values within a
impacts to channel bed and banks watershed processes, depends on the
watershed. This reconnaissance-level
(Bragg 2000; Faustini and Jones physical attributes of the channel.
analysis is intended to help forest
2003). The potential for significant Channel sensitivity is equivalent to
managers identify areas where a more
(observable, long-term) change to consequence in the conventional
detailed level of assessment is
aquatic values in a watershed due to equation of Risk = Hazard ×
changes in watershed processes Consequence.2 The ratings of “low”,
associated with forest development Simply stated, estimation of risk to “moderate” and “high” sensitivity
will be greater in channels that have aquatic values from forest express the potential size of change to
In general, channel types associated with transport-limited, alluvial valley segments (e.g., step–pool or riffle–pool channels) or those in supply-limited colluvial
valleys dominated by forced alluvial reaches (LWD step–pool or step–bed channels) will have a greater potential for change than channel types in colluvial or
bedrock valley segments (Montgomery and Buffington 1998).
Continued on page 16

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 15

Continued from page 15

Table 1. Hydro-geomorphic risk matrix (B.C. Ministry of Forests 2002) past natural disturbance in a
Hydro-geomorphic risk
Likelihood of a hydrologic hazard watershed forms a baseline for the
Low Moderate High
assessment of hydrologic hazard.3 In
this assessment the likelihood of a
Channel Low Very low Low Moderate
sensitivity hydrological hazard is expressed
Moderate Low Moderate High
qualitatively as “low,” “moderate,”
High Moderate High Very high and “high.” These ratings indicate
A rating of “negligible” can also be added to the matrix if channel condition is independent of a watershed that the likelihood of a harmful or
process, or forest development does not affect watershed process.
potentially harmful change to a
the channel structure and associated present, and future dependence of
watershed process occurring within
aquatic values (collectively referred to channel condition on riparian
the time span of the development is
as channel condition) and are assessed vegetation (Montgomery 2003). A
“negligible,” “not likely but possible,”
for each of the watershed processes channel with deciduous riparian
and “probable,” respectively.
separately. What each sensitivity rating species such as alder and willow,
implies in terms of probable level of which are indicative of frequent When detailed information such as
impact to the channel/aquatic values flooding and snow avalanches, will be flood frequency, annual sediment
is specific to a watershed and should less sensitive to disturbance of riparian budgets, and the frequency of
be defined in the report. Example function than a channel with mature disturbance to riparian function is
definitions are in the footnotes to coniferous riparian species supplying available, the risk analysis can be
Table 2. large woody debris that contributes to adapted to be more quantitative. This
Channel sensitivity to increases in channel bed and bank stability. Where is done by expressing and contrasting
peak discharge considers the potential stream temperature is a concern, the the likelihood of a hydrologic hazard
for increased bedload transport, dependence of a channel on riparian in the undeveloped (baseline)
which is estimated by considering function considers channel condition and developed (disturbed)
mean grain size, grain size orientation, hillslope gradient, and condition as the annual probability
distribution, channel gradient, and riparian species (Brown 1980). (Pa) and the long-term probability (Px)
hydraulic roughness (O’Connor and for the lifespan of the proposed
Channel sensitivity is estimated for the development.
Harr 1994; Buffington and main stem channel and larger
Montgomery 1999; Church 2002). tributary channels through a For example, a stream that
For example, a stream that has a combination of field assessment, experiences a major channel-forming
cobble–boulder cascade morphology interpretation of current and historical flood event once every 50 years (1:50)
will have a smaller change to channel air photos, and analysis of regional has an annual probability of 0.02
condition due to a given increase in (2%). If the development in question
hydrometric and climate information.
peak discharge than a low-gradient, has a lifespan of 20 years the
Montgomery and MacDonald (2002)
gravel, riffle–pool channel. long-term probability (P20) of a
describe in detail a similar approach to
Channel sensitivity to increases in assessment of channel condition and channel-forming flood event is
sediment delivery considers the sensitivity. Px = 1 – (1–(Pa))x
capacity of the channel to transport so
sediment as determined by channel Key channel attributes that contribute P20 = 1 – (1–(1/50))20 = 0.33 (33%).4
gradient and sediment storage to the estimation of channel sensitivity
for the three watershed processes are If development is estimated as
opportunities. Due to increases in potentially increasing the annual
sediment delivery in the headwater summarized in Table 2.
probability of a major
reaches, a low-gradient (<5%) A hydrologic hazard is a harmful channel-forming flood from a 1:50 to
meandering channel with intervening sustained change to a watershed 1:20 return period (e.g., Schnorbus
wetland segments will have a smaller process. The hydrologic hazards and Alila 2004, scenario 2/3U, Table
change to channel condition over the considered in this analysis are 3) the long-term probability (P20) of a
length of the channel network than a increased peak discharge (Hp), major channel-forming flood is
moderate gradient (5–15%) channel increased rate of sediment delivery increased to 0.64 (64%). In this case
with limited sediment storage (Hs), and decreased riparian function the proposed development increases
opportunities (Lisle 2000). (Hf) associated with proposed and the probability of a channel-forming
Channel sensitivity to disturbances of existing development. The variability flood event from 33 to 64% (D31
riparian function considers the past, of watershed processes resulting from percentage points). Professionals
In this case, channel sensitivity (consequence) equals vulnerability because the spatial and temporal probabilities of the elements being considered (channel
structure and aquatic values) are both equal to 1 (e.g., Wise et al. [editors] 2004, p. 16).
For example, the frequency of channel-forming floods, return period of fire or forest health epidemics, distribution and frequency of occurrence of mass wasting
or erosion events.
See Wise et al. (editors, 2004), pp. 13–14, and Table, A4.2.

16 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

Table 2. Channel sensitivity
Watershed Channel b
a Typical channel attributes that contribute to channel sensitivity
process sensitivity
• Experiences frequent large, rapid peak flows: banks and floodplain vegetated with alder and willow,
bright, scoured channel bed and banks, historically active fan; typical of channels draining watersheds
with steep alpine headwaters
• Coarse-textured bedload, not the result of a single anomalous flood event or an anthropogenic
disturbance; numerous boulder cascade or bedrock reaches
• Well-vegetated, overhanging banks (e.g., mature coniferous species with well-developed root system) and
abundant functioning large woody debris (LWD) and debris jams that provide channel and bank stability
• Often includes channels in supply-limited, colluvial, or bedrock valley segments
• Experienced larger flood events in the past, indicated by numerous, multi-aged vegetated bank sloughs,
levees, or old woody debris jams at obstructions with minimal long-term changes to channel stability
Increased • Some inherent capacity to withstand higher flows, such as overflow channels or an entrenched channel
peak with resilient banks or non-alluvial segments
discharge • Banks and riparian area vegetated with species that have well-developed root systems that protect the
banks and forest floor from erosion
• Often includes forced alluvial channels in colluvial or bedrock valley segments or transitional
morphologies in alluvial valley segments
• Does not experience frequent flood events; bed is dark and mossy, banks are overhanging, vegetated to
bankfull, and show no or little evidence of old scour or overbank deposits
• Contains fine-textured bedload that is susceptible to erosion
High • Partially or entirely confined and lacks structures, such as overflow channels, low gradient marshy reaches,
and abundant functioning LWD that help reduce flow velocity
• Generally includes fine-textured, transport-limited plane–bed to riffle–pool channels or forced alluvial
• Abundant locations for sediment storage, such as frequent functioning LWD jams or frequent low
gradient unconfined sections (e.g., alluvial valley segments with riffle–pool channels)
• Contains slow-flowing, meandering stream (e.g., flows through marsh or wetland segments) and lacks
Low the power to transport bedload (i.e., decoupled systems where source areas are isolated from
downstream channels)
• Headwaters are steep snow avalanche and (or) debris flow gullies that deliver large volumes of sediment
Increased annually
sediment • Colluvial valley segments with some storage capacity, such as some long (>100–200 m), low gradient
delivery Moderate sections (<15%) that allow bedload sediment to settle out
• Bordered by currently inactive, but relatively numerous natural landslide scars or debris flow gullies
• Laterally confined, forced alluvial and riffle–pool to cascade–pool systems that will become aggraded
• Channel has little or no storage capacity so that increases in sediment delivery are likely to cause lateral
High avulsion or channel aggradation
• Additional sediment input will be rapidly transported through system to P.O.I. due to steep headwater
tributaries and ephemeral channels (>10%) with minimal opportunity for storage of sediment
• Not dependent on LWD to control rate of sediment transport, such as a steep colluvial or bedrock
channels or snow avalanche chutes
• Low gradient, braided, or anastomosing channels, situated on a wide valley bottom vegetated with
• Requires some LWD in a number of reaches to offer long-term storage, moderate bedload transport rate,
or shade and cover for aquatic habitat (e.g., forced alluvial, LWD step–pool, or step–bed channels in
colluvial valley segments)
Decreased • Has tendency to migrate laterally across valley bottom and is unentrenched so that migration could be
riparian accelerated if valley bottom is disturbed and banks destabilized (e.g., meandering step–pool to riffle–pool
function channel in alluvial valley segment)
• Some reaches are oriented such that the riparian canopy produces shade and moderates water
• Entirely dependent on LWD to control bedload transport rates and maintain bank integrity
• Appears to migrate over floodplain/valley bottom frequently and requires a wide effective riparian area for
High long-term stability (typically LWD forced alluvial step–pool to cascade pool channels in colluvial valley
• Dependent on riparian canopy to maintain water temperature and habitat values

“High,” “moderate,” or “low” channel sensitivity is a measure of the size of observable, sustained impacts to channel morphology/aquatic values in response to a
change in a watershed process. “High” implies extensive observable sustained negative impacts. “Moderate” implies local extensive or widespread moderate
negative impacts. “Low” implies local moderate to no observable negative impacts.
The list of channel attributes here is incomplete and is only for illustration. The attributes must be considered and interpreted in a temporal, spatial, and
cumulative context, not in isolation.
The sensitivity of the channel to increases in bedload sediment and increases in suspended sediment should be considered separately. In small headwater streams,
suspended sediment is typically transported through the system rapidly, resulting in short-term negative changes to water quality.
Continued on page 18

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 17

Continued from page 16

undertaking the analysis must use with respect to unstable or potentially Summary
their judgment to define the hazard unstable slopes, the connectivity of
Under British Columbia’s new Forest
ratings in terms of change in hillslopes and channels, and the
and Range Practices Act, forest
probability (see Wise et al. [editors] mechanism and frequency of natural
management is moving towards risk
2004, Chapter 3, Table 2). sediment delivery events. Proposed
analysis and professional reliance. In
development on or above unstable or
The likelihood of a hydrologic hazard this new regime, forest managers
potentially unstable slopes adjacent to
is estimated by considering the extent the channel in a watershed with few must thoroughly understand potential
and location of existing or proposed natural sediment sources could have a risks to aquatic values associated with
development in a watershed with high likelihood of increasing sediment existing or proposed development.
respect to elevation, delivery if roads or Results of a hydro-geomorphic risk
aspect, hillslope trails are proposed analysis can guide new forest
gradient, and (Jordan 2002). development, identify areas where
A qualitative more detailed assessments are
connectivity. The
approach to The likelihood of required, or direct mitigative work.
hydro-geomorpho- occurrence of The results can also be used to
biophysical conditions of
logic risk analysis is harmful changes to identify aquatic values and locations
the watershed, including
riparian function (Hf) in the watershed that are suitable for
forest canopy and terrain an effective tool to considers the
characteristics are also monitoring.
identify the key location of existing
considered. The hydrologic risk analysis suggested
processes affecting or proposed
The likelihood of aquatic values development with here is ideally suited for low-order
occurrence of increased respect to the watersheds (<50 km²) but can be
within a watershed adapted for use in smaller first-order
peak discharge (Hp) functioning riparian
associated with existing
and develop watersheds (<100 ha) as well as larger
area and the degree
or proposed practical of natural variability landscape-level watersheds (³500
development depends recommendations (both spatial and km²). In a detailed analysis, watershed
on the amount and to minimize risks to temporal) in riparian processes are adjusted to reflect
distribution of the function through the hillslope processes and more detailed,
aquatic values from
development; the watershed. A site-specific information is required
current and historical
forest development. such as likelihood of landslides, terrain
moderate amount of
forest cover development in a and soil information, the nature of
characteristics; and the riparian area where surface and subsurface runoff, slope
extent that basin physiography, such immature coniferous and deciduous gradient and aspect, and forest
as the amount of alpine area or the species offer limited riparian function canopy characteristics. The potential
variation of elevations and aspects, will have a lower likelihood of for cumulative hydro-geomorphic
allows for de-synchronization of development-related impacts than a impacts can be estimated in larger
snowmelt runoff and controls similar level of development in a watersheds by dividing the landscape
streamflow (Schnorbus and Alila riparian area with a climax stand of into smaller, hydrologically
2004). A low level of development mature coniferous species providing meaningful sub-basins and
(<20%) that is distributed over a channel bed and bank stability. determining risk at each fan or
range of different elevations and confluence along the main stem
aspects in a forested watershed has a The likelihood of occurrence of a channel. Applying this risk analysis to
low likelihood of increasing peak hydrological hazard is determined watersheds larger than about 50 km²
discharge. A moderate level of through field assessment (focusing on could result in meaningless risk ratings
development (20–40%) in a observations that give information on due to the increased variability in
watershed that has an past disturbance history of the basin response at large scales (Bunte
alpine-dominated peak discharge will watershed); observations of historical and MacDonald 1999; Miller et al.
also have a low likelihood of and recent air photos; and 2003).
increasing peak discharge (Schnorbus information from terrain stability, soil
erosion, forest cover, and Risks to aquatic values exist regardless
and Alila 2004).
development maps. Examples of of forest development. Therefore,
The likelihood of occurrence of watershed attributes and such development should not
increased sediment delivery (Hs) in a development factors that contribute automatically be excluded from areas
watershed associated with to the qualitative assessment of of higher risk. In these cases forest
development considers the location of hydrologic hazard are presented in managers can adapt management
existing or proposed development Table 3. practices to reduce the potential

18 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

Table 3. Hydrological hazard
Watershed Likelihood b
Watershed attributes and development factors contributing to hazard rating
• Watershed has significant alpine area and peak flows dominated by alpine snowmelt
• Watershed has wide elevation/aspect component and openings are appropriately distributed
• Minimal existing/proposed development
• Minimal road density and ditches are not concentrating runoff
• Moderate existing/proposed development in moderate to steep gradient, non-alpine watershed
Increased Moderate • Moderate road density and ditches are concentrating and delivering runoff to stream network
peak • Development is limited in distribution and (or) focused on 1 or 2 elevation/aspect zones that could
discharge influence peak flows
• Watershed is forested to the headwaters and has an upper broad basin or plateau where development is
• Limited elevation/aspect distribution and development are concentrated in one or two areas that likely
control peak flows
• Extensive existing/proposed development
• High road density and ditches are carrying intercepted and concentrated runoff to stream network.
• Low connectivity (coupling) between hillsides and valley bottom
• Large watershed with the capacity to dilute local forestry related sedimentation events
• Stable and non-erodible terrain is adjacent to channel
• Low road density and few stream crossings
Increased • Some coupling between valley sides and stream channel with moderate density of roads/trails on or above
sediment Moderate unstable or potentially unstable slopes adjacent to channel
delivery • Moderate road density and number of stream crossing on steep slopes with erodible soils
• Channels are directly coupled to valley sides with high road/trail density located on or above unstable
• Watershed is small with no opportunity for sediment dilution
• High road density with numerous stream crossings on moderate to steep slopes with erodible soils
• No development in riparian zone
Low • Appropriately sized riparian buffers in place
• Few stream crossings by roads or trails
• Significant amount of riparian area directly impacted by development
Decreased • Undersized riparian buffers along some of the channel resulting in a reduction of LWD recruitment or
riparian shade function of canopy
function • High density of stream crossings by roads or trails
• Large amount of development/disturbance in riparian area
High • Undersized or no riparian buffers along more than half of channel
• Main stem channel oriented east–west with moderate or low gradient hillsides. Development/disturbance
has removed significant amount of riparian vegetation on south side of channel.
The ratings of “low,” “moderate,” and “high” indicate that the likelihood of a harmful or potentially harmful change to a watershed process occurring within the
time span of the development is negligible, not likely but possible, and probable, respectively.
The typical watershed attributes and development factors given for the “low,” “moderate,” and “high” hazard ratings are for discussion purposes only. Different
watersheds will respond differently to similar levels of road development and harvesting.

hazards associated with development. all observations, interpretations, and minimize risks to aquatic values from
Strategies to reduce the likelihood of assumptions should be appropriately forest development.
occurrence of a hazard and thereby documented.
reduce development-related risk could
Eventually, with continued research
include undertaking detailed drainage The author is indebted to Doug
initiatives directed at quantifying the
plans to maintain natural drainage Vandine, P.Eng., P.Geo.; Rita Winkler,
effects of timber harvest and road
patterns, conducting riparian RPF, Ph.D.; Peter Jordan, P.Geo.,
development on watershed processes
assessments to ensure block Ph.D.; Will Halleran, P.Geo.; and
(e.g., Schnorbus and Alila 2004), the
boundaries do not impinge on Brett Eaton, Ph.D. Several anony-
strength of risk analyses like the one
riparian function, or adjusting the size mous reviewers offered valuable dis-
presented here will improve. Until
or distribution of cutblocks to reduce cussions and comments to this
then, a qualitative approach to
the potential for increasing peak manuscript. Thanks also to Younes
hydro-geomorphologic risk analysis is
flows. Alila, Ph.D., P.Eng., for insightful dis-
an effective tool to identify the key
As with any analysis of qualitative risk, processes affecting aquatic values cussions regarding channel-forming
this analysis is subject to professional within a watershed and develop flows and natural variability in water-
experience and judgment. Therefore, practical recommendations to shed processes.
Continued on page 20

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 19

Continued from page 19 Forests, Research Branch, Victoria, B.C. (editors). Springer-Verlag, New York,
For further information, contact: Working Paper 57/2001. N.Y., pp. 13–42.
Church, M. 2002. Geomorphic thresholds in Montgomery, D.R. and L.H. MacDonald.
riverine landscapes. Freshwater Biology 2002. Diagnostic approach to stream
Kim Green M.Sc., P.Geo. channel assessment and monitoring.
Apex Geoscience Consultants Ltd. Clague, J.J. (compiler). 1989. Quaternary Journal of the American Water
1220 Government Street geology of the Canadian Cordillera. Resources Association 38(1):1–16.
Nelson, BC V1L 3K8 Chapter 1 in Quaternary Geology of Obedkoff, W. 2002. Streamflow in the
E-mail: Canada and Greenland. R.J. Fulton Kootenay Region. B.C. Ministry of
(editor). Geological Survey of Canada, Sustainable Resource Management,
Ottawa, Ont. Geology of Canada, No. Water Information Section, Aquatic
1. Information Branch, Victoria, B.C.
Association of Professional Engineers and Faustini, J.M. and J.A. Jones. 2003. O’Connor, M. and R.D. Harr. 1994.
Geoscientists of B.C. (APEGBC). 2003. Influence of large woody debris on Bedload transport and large organic
Overview of B.C. M.o.F. landslide channel morphology and dynamics in debris in steep mountain streams in
hazard and risk case studies document. steep, boulder-rich mountain streams, forested watersheds on the Olympic
Participant handouts for APEGBC western Cascades, Oregon. Peninsula, Washington. Final report.
Annual Conference, Penticton, B.C., Geomorphology 51:187–205. Timber/Fish/Wildlife Sediment,
October 23–25, 2003. Gayton, D.V. 2003. British Columbia Hydrology and Mass Wasting Steering
grasslands: monitoring vegetation Committee, and State of Washington
B.C. Ministry of Forests. 2001. Watershed
change. FORREX-Forest Research Department of Natural Resources.
assessment procedure guidebook.
Extension Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. 122 p.
Second edition. Version 2.1. Forest
Practices Branch, Victoria, B.C. Forest FORREX Series 7. Rinne, J.H. 1996. Short-term effects of
Practices Code Guidebook. Gomi, T. and R.C. Sidle. 2003. Bed load wildfire on fishes and aquatic
transport in managed steep-gradient macroinvertebrates in the southwestern
B.C. Ministry of Forests. 2002. Forest road
headwater streams of southeastern United States. Journal of Fisheries
engineering guidebook. Forest Practices
Alaska. Water Resources Research Management 16:653–658.
Branch, Victoria, B.C. Forest Practices
Code of Guidebook. 39(12):1336. doi: Roberts, R.G. and M. Church. 1986. The
10.1029/2003WR002440. sediment budget in severely disturbed
B.C. Ministry of Transportation and
Gomi, T., R.C. Sidle, and J.S. Richardson. watersheds, Queen Charlotte Ranges,
Highways. 1996. Natural hazards in
2002. Understanding processes and British Columbia. Canadian Journal of
British Columbia. Prepared by B.C.
downstream linkages of headwater Forest Research 16:1092–1106.
Ministry of Transportation and
Highways, Geotechnical and Materials systems. Bioscience 52(10):905–916. Schnorbus, M.A. and Y. Alila. 2004. Forest
Engineering Branch in association with Hallett, D. and R. Walker. 2000. harvesting impacts on the peak flow
VanDine Geological Engineering Ltd. Paleoecology and its application to fire regime in the Columbia Mountains of
and vegetation management in southeastern British Columbia: an
Benda, L., D. Miller, P. Bigelow, and K.
Kootenay National Park, British investigation using long-term numerical
Andras. 2003. Effects of post-wildfire
Columbia. Journal of Paleolimnology modeling. Water Resources Research
erosion on channel environments, Boise
24(4):401–414. 40(5):W05205.
River, Idaho. Forest Ecology and
Management 178(1–2):105–119. Jakob, M. and P. Jordan. 2001. Design
Troendle, C.A., M.S. Wilcox, G.S. Bevenger,
Bragg, D.C. 2000. Simulating catastrophic flood estimates in mountain streams:
and L.S. Porth. 2001. The Coon Creek
and individualistic large woody debris the need for a geomorphic approach.
Water Yield Augmentation Project:
recruitment for a small riparian system. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
implementation of timber harvesting
Ecology 81(5):1383–1394. 28:425–439.
technology to increase streamflow.
Brown, G.W. 1980. Forestry and water Jordan, P. 2002. Landslide frequencies and Forest Ecology and Management
quality. Oregon State University, terrain attributes in Arrow and 143:179–187.
Corvallis, Oreg. 121 p. Kootenay Lakes Forest Districts. In Uunila, L. 2004. Final report, Crawford
Buffington, J.M. and D.R. Montgomery. Terrain stability and forest Creek watershed hydrologic
1999. Effects of hydraulic roughness on management in the interior of B.C. P. assessment, Phases 1 and 2. Prepared
surface textures of gravel-bed rivers. Jordan and J. Orban (editors). B.C. for B.C. Ministry of Forests, B.C. Timber
Water Resources Research Ministry of Forests Technical Report Sales, Nelson, B.C. Summit
35(11):3507–3521. 003. Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Bunte, K. and L.H. MacDonald. 1999. Scale Lisle, T.E. 2000. The fate of large sediment (Volumes 1 and 2) 114 p. + appendices
considerations and the delectability of inputs in rivers: implications for and maps.
sedimentary cumulative watershed watershed and waterway management. Wemple, B.C. and J.A. Jones. 2003. Runoff
effects. U.S. National Council for Air AEG News 43(4):99. production on forest roads in a steep
and Stream Improvement, January Miller, D., C. Luce, and L. Benda. 2003. mountain catchment. Water Resources
1999. Technical Bulletin No. 766. Time, space and the episodicity of Research 39(8):1220. doi:
Canadian Standards Association (CSA). physical disturbance in streams. Forest 10.1029/2002WR001744.
1997. Risk management: guidelines for Ecology and Management Wise, M.P., G.D. Moore, and D.F. VanDine
decision-makers, a national standard of 178:121–140. (editors). 2004. Landslide risk case
Canada. CSA International, Montgomery, D.R. 2003. Wood in rivers: studies in forest development planning
CAN/CSA-850-97, Etobicoke, Ont. interactions with channel morphology and operations. B.C. Ministry of Forests,
Carver, M. 2001. Using indicators to assess and processes. Geomorphology 51:1–5. Research Branch, Victoria, B.C. Land
hydrologic risk. In Watershed Montgomery, D.R. and J.M. Buffington. Management Handbook No. 56.
assessment in the Southern Interior of 1998. Channel processes, classification, Available from:
British Columbia. D.D.A. Toews and S. and response. In River ecology and
Chatwin (editors). B.C. Ministry of management. R. Naiman and R. Bilby 56.htm

20 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

valley floor was created. Other data
collected included several
Re-creating Meandering cross-sections of the existing ditch,
pebble counts at the cross-section
Streams in the Central locations, a longitudinal profile of the
ditch, and cross-sections and pebble
Oregon Coast Range, USA counts upstream from the
channelized section. For reference on
pre-channelized conditions, we used
historical aerial photos (1955) that
Barbara Ellis-Sugai and Johan Hogervorst
showed the position, sinuosity, and
meander geometry of the original
Introduction pools? Our project goals included (1) stream channel in the valley above the
improving coho salmon rearing
F or many years, the riparian and
stream functions of Bailey and
Karnowsky creeks on the Central
habitat; (2) reconnecting channels to
floodplains; (3) restoring riparian
project area before channelization.
Determining the bankfull, or
“design,” flow was the most
Oregon Coast Range have been vegetation; and (4) challenging aspect of
impaired. The valleys were reducing data collection. We
homesteaded in the 1800s; by the sedimentation. We determined this
Determining the
early to mid-1900s, both streams intended to create parameter via three
channels that are bankfull, or different sources of
were channelized into ditches to
increase the amount of land available “stable”: in other “design,” flow information: (1) 16 years
for pasture. This channelization words, they are able to was the most of correlated flow
decreased sinuosity, resulting in transport the sediment challenging measurements to rainfall
increased stream gradients and water load associated with aspect of data records (from Giese
velocities. Both stream channels local deposition and 1996); (2) measured
scour while
subsequently incised into the easily discharge in the field
erodible valley floor. In Bailey Creek, maintaining a during winter flow
the stream channel started to consistent channel size events; and (3)
meander in the ditch, which and shape (Rosgen 1996). At the comparison of Bailey Creek to other
increased bank erosion and sediment same time, we expected lateral nearby gauged watersheds.
deposition into Mercer Lake. In migration, via bank erosion and point
In our restoration plan, we wanted the
Karnowsky Creek, larger tributary bar deposition, over time.
new stream to flood frequently during
streams with gradients under 5% This article describes the methods and the winter to re-establish seasonal
were also channelized and downcut lessons learned in re-creating two wetland characteristics, and to
to depths of greater than 3 m. These stream channels on the Central minimize the risk that the new channel
conditions led to a loss of aquatic Oregon Coast Range. would readjust through bank erosion.
habitat, disconnected floodplains, We considered designing either a
lower groundwater tables, and Bailey Creek Restoration wide, shallow stream (a “C” channel
increased bank erosion and Project type, width/depth [W/D] ratio > 12,
sedimentation. In 1991, the U.S. Forest Service using Rosgen’s [1996] terminology),
acquired Enchanted Valley in a large or a narrow, deep channel (an “E”
Since 1999, the Siuslaw National
land exchange with a timber channel type, W/D ratio < 12; Rosgen
Forest and partners have restored the
company; thus, the land changed [1996]). Based on the valley’s low
stream channels and valley floor of
from private to public ownership. gradient, the geomorphic setting (an
Bailey and Karnowsky creeks. Lessons
Bailey Creek flows through Enchanted old lake bed), and reference stream
learned in Bailey Creek were applied
Valley into Mercer Lake, near
to Karnowsky Creek. Table 1. Enchanted Valley specifications
Florence, Oregon. In 1995, we began
For both streams, we had to answer the project by gathering data on Basin area 11.4 km² (4.4 mi.2)
the questions: What type of stream existing stream conditions. We
should we build that will fit the valley compared Bailey Creek with a similar Valley slope 0.34%
type? What should the dimensions of coastal stream that had not been Valley length 954 m (3100 ft.)
the new channel be, including width, cleared and channelized. A
depth, cross-sectional area, gradient, Streambank 60% silt/clay,
topographic map at a 0.3 m (1 ft.)
sinuosity, and depth and length of substrate 40% sand
contour interval of the Bailey Creek
Continued on page 22

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 21

Continued from page 21
This method allowed us to been planted in the riparian zone
easily adjust the proposed along the new channel.
location of the stream. We
subsequently designed a Karnowsky Creek Channel
pool–riffle morphology for Restoration Project
the stream bottom, with Karnowsky Creek, which was acquired
the pools occupying the by the U.S. Forest Service in 1992,
outside bends of flows into the Siuslaw River estuary
meanders. The final between Florence and Mapleton,
“string” map was then Oregon. In partnership with the
digitized and put into a Siuslaw Watershed Council and the
geographical information Siuslaw Soil and Water Conservation
system. Stake co-ordinates District, we hired a student intern
were calculated and team to develop a whole-watershed
surveyed onto the ground. restoration plan during the summer of
The new 1692 m (5500 ft.) 2001. This team researched watershed
long channel was history, fish and wildlife habitat, and
excavated in late summer plant communities, and subsequently
1999 (Figure 1). The drafted a restoration proposal. We
outside bends of meanders used this proposal to apply for funds
USDA Forest Service

were revegetated with from the Oregon Watershed

willow stakes in early Enhancement Board and the National
spring 2000, and the new Forest Foundation.
channel was connected to The restoration plan for Karnowsky
Figure 1. Low-elevation aerial photograph of the new
the ditch in October 2000. Creek was similar to Bailey Creek,
Bailey Creek channel before connection to the old ditch,
September 2000. The abandoned ditch emphasizing the creation of summer
downstream of the and winter rearing habitat for coho.
cross-sections, we chose an “E” connection was then intermittently One heavily aggraded section of ditch
channel. To ensure flooding during plugged with fill material that was that had suitable existing spawning
the winter flows, we designed the new originally stockpiled during channel habitat was left to passively recover. In
channel’s cross-sectional area to be construction, forming ponds in the contrast with the Bailey Creek channel
30% smaller than the existing ditch unfilled areas. The ponds were located design, we relied less on discharge
(Tables 1 and 2). where small tributaries drained off the calculations and measurements, and
The design parameters were then side slopes, and connected to the new more on bankfull cross-sections in the
translated onto our base map, using a channel. Since then, wood has been existing ditch to determine the
piece of string cut to the length of the added to the channel, and native cross-sectional area of the new
new channel at the scale of our map. hardwoods, conifers, and shrubs have channel. We assumed that the ditch

Table 2. Bailey Creek measurements

Parameter Historic channel Ditch New channel
Sinuosity 1.7 1.1 1.8
Gradient 0.22% 0.32% 0.19%
Bankfull width 8.5–12 m (28.5–40 ft.) (based on cross-sections 4–4.5 m 6m
above channelized section) (13–15 ft.) (20 ft.)
Bankfull depth No information 1.5–2 m 0.9 m (3 ft.) in riffles
(5–7 ft.) 1.5 m (5 ft.) in pools
Belt width 68–85 m (220–275 ft.) Not applicable 46–77 m (150–250 ft.)
Meander length 77 m (250 ft.) (average) Not applicable 73 m (239 ft.) (average)
Radius of curvature 25 m (82 ft.) (average) Not applicable 16 m (52 ft.) (average)
12–43 m (40–140 ft.) (range)
Width/depth (W/D) ratio No information 2–3 in lower valley; 7
25 above channelized section
2 2
Cross-section area No information 8.36 m² (90 ft. ) 6.27 m² (60 ft. )
Total channel length No information 1105 m (3627 ft.) 1692 m (5500 ft.)

22 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

existing ditch’s estimated discharge
and shear stress with that calculated
To Siuslaw River for the new channel. We chose a W/D
ratio of 9.3, a relatively narrow
Segment E tidally influenced channel. The rationale was that the
vegetation on the valley floor will
support the higher shear stresses
found in an “E” channel, and a
Segment B narrower, deeper channel would have
Segment D
less direct solar heating. The new
Segment A channel’s dimensions are shown in
Table 3.
Old ditch left as For Karnowsky Creek, the upper valley
Segment C spawning channel
is slightly steeper, while the lower,
tidally influenced valley has a very low
gradient. To fit the valley, we
designed the new stream’s gradient to
gradually decrease from 0.76% at the
top to 0.11% in the tidally influenced
zone. Likewise, sinuosity increases
down valley, from 1.2 to 2.8. In the
Barbara Ellis-Sugai

Upper Channel tidally influenced zone, where

frequent winter flooding occurs, we
wanted to create diverse fish habitat

Figure 2. Map of the Karnowsky Creek valley floor and new channel. Key: black, bold solid
As with Bailey Creek, once the slope
lines-old ditches; dark blue, bold lines-new channel. and sinuosity were established, the
new channel was laid out on the base
had come into equilibrium with the stream should be a “C” or “E” map, and surveyed onto the ground
bankfull flows, and would more channel (Rosgen 1996), we used the (Figure 2). The survey data for the
accurately reflect the new channel’s W/D ratio from a nearby reference channel location and existing ground
size requirement than flow equations. stream (9.5), and referred to Rosgen’s elevations were entered into a
To cross-check, we calculated the (1996) classification system. Unlike spreadsheet. The expected bank
bankfull discharge for the existing the Bailey Creek design, we allowed heights in the new channel, assuming
ditch and compared it with the new more variation in the size and shape a constant stream gradient through a
channel using a regional equation for of the meanders (Williams 1986). We reach, were then calculated. The
small watersheds developed at ran several W/D combinations upstream and downstream locations
Oregon State University (Adams et al. through Manning’s equation and for pools and riffles were added.
1986), the regional U.S. Geological shear stress equations to compare the
Continued on page 24
Survey equations (Jennings et al.
1993), and Manning’s equation. As Table 3. New Karnowsky Creek channel dimensions
with Bailey Creek, we wanted the Channel Width Riffle W/D Cross- Gradient Sinuosity New
channel to frequently overtop its segment depth ratio section (%) channel
banks. Therefore, the new channel’s area length
cross-sectional area was designed to Upper 3.1 m 0.3 m 10 0.93 m² 0.76 1.2 684 m
channel (10 ft.) (1 ft.) (10 ft.2) (2223 ft.)
be 33% smaller than the existing
A 4.3 m 0.46 m 9.3 2.0 m² 0.39 1.9 393 m
ditch. (14 ft.) (1.5 ft.) (21 ft.2) (1278 ft.)
In our restoration plan, we explicitly B 4.3 m 0.46 m 9.3 2.0 m² 0.28 2.2 546 m
defined the desired width/depth (14 ft.) (1.5 ft.) (21 ft.2) (1773 ft.)
(W/D) ratio, the slope, and the C 4.3 m 0.46 m 9.3 2.0 m² 0.38 1.6 356 m
(14 ft.) (1.5 ft.) (21 ft.2) (1157 ft.)
sinuosity of the new channel. The
W/D ratio is important because it is a D 4.3 m 0.77 m 5.6 3.3 m² 0.20 1.6 226 m
(14 ft.) (2.5 ft.) (35 ft.2) (733 ft.)
major control on shear stresses within
E 4.3 m 0.77 m 5.6 3.3 m² 0.11 2.8 1356 m
the channel. To determine whether (14 ft.) (2.5 ft.) (35 ft.2) (4406 ft.)

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 23

Continued from page 23
strategic locations, and water was habitat to complement rearing habitat
diverted into the new channel. We created by the work discussed in this
applied the lessons learned in Bailey paper. In 2004, the new upper
Creek, where we had left an abrupt channel was connected to the existing
vertical wall at the connection channel, and the ditch in the upper
between the old ditch and new valley was filled in.
channel. The old ditch was 1 m (3 ft.)
below the new channel. We Monitoring
J.B. Hogervorst

erroneously assumed that sediment Both streams are being monitored

would drop out at this point, as water with permanent cross-sections,
slowed to enter the new channel at a low-elevation aerial photographs,
lower gradient, and cause on-the-ground photo points,
Figure 3. Construction of the new Karnowsky
Creek channel, summer 2002. Stakes in aggradation in the old ditch. spawning surveys, juvenile fish counts,
foreground identify the location of a However, a tail cut began to develop and collection of water-quality data.
transition from a riffle to a pool. Note the downstream from this point as the In Karnowsky Creek, a network of
excavated mounds of soil left on the
floodplain. channel’s longitudinal profile came groundwater wells is being measured
into equilibrium between the two monthly to track groundwater levels.
The new Karnowsky stream channel elevations. In Karnowsky Creek, the
was built in late summer 2002 (Figure new channel was designed to
Results of Restoration
3). In the lower part of the valley, gradually slope up from the old Bailey Creek
where wet soil conditions persist ditch’s bed elevation to the new
The new channel increased channel
throughout the year, the excavated channel, about a 0.3 m (1 ft.)
length by 33% and doubled the pool
material was piled in mounds and difference in elevation. A ramp of
volume compared with the old ditch.
shaped on the valley floor. This large logs was buried at grade in the
The stream overflows its banks during
method reduced both haul costs and new channel at the connection to
winter, and the channel appears to be
potential for soil compaction from prevent downcutting.
relatively stable, although adjustments
dump truck traffic. Mounds also
In the fall of 2003, 130 large, whole are occurring. In some places, point
offered high points in the floodplain
trees were added to the new channel bars and mid-channel bars are being
that provided good planting sites for
and floodplain by helicopter to deposited, as expected (Figures 4a
Sitka spruce and western redcedar.
provide current and future cover for and 4b). Since the new Bailey Creek
During the first winter after
fish-rearing areas. Based on research was connected to the existing channel
construction, willow stakes were
by Roelof (2002), who completed the in 2000, U.S. Geological Survey river
planted in the banks, and trees and
planting plan for the project, we tried gauges on the Alsea River to the
shrubs in the floodplain. At that time,
to approach 10% coverage of the north, and the Siuslaw River to the
water was not flowing in the main
valley floor with this wood in 3–4 ha south have shown annual peak flows
channel, which gave the willows a
less than 2% of the valley floor. Work to be slightly below average. The
chance to establish.
in three steeper side tributaries and gauge record goes back to 1940 on
During the second summer (2003), the upper main stem is ongoing, and the Alsea River. No gauges are on
ditches were plugged in several may supply additional spawning nearby streams of comparable size.
Jeff Schmalenberg
J.B. Hogervorst

Figure 4a. New Bailey Creek channel at photo point 7, summer 1999. Figure 4b. New Bailey Creek channel at photo point 7, summer 2003.

24 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

Fish numbers, both returning one of the few areas where spawning the spring migration, but frequent
spawning adults and rearing juvenile counts increased in 2003. The control floodplain inundation, along with lack
coho, have increased. Spawning data indicate that from 2001 to 2003, of funding, labour resources, and
surveys over the last 4 years indicate a the number of juvenile coho was research groups prohibits this level of
definite increase in numbers, 1.5–2.0 times higher compared with monitoring.
averaging over 322 fish per kilometre the two previous years’ samples. At Spawning surveys are also ongoing,
(200 fish per mile) compared with an the same time, there was roughly a particularly in a 0.8-km (0.5-mi.)
average of 113 fish per kilometre (70 10-fold increase in numbers of section of upper main stem that was
fish per mile) annually during the juvenile coho in the project area in reconstructed and connected to water
4-year period before the new channel 2001–2003. For 2003, the control in 2004. In December 2004, coho
was built (1996–1999). The increase estimate was 0.5 coho per square salmon were observed spawning at
from 2002 to 2003 alone was 130 fish metre while the project area estimate the top of the upper main-stem
per kilometre (81 fish per mile). The was 1.1 coho per square metre. channel, just 2 months after that
2003 spawning adults were the first section of the new channel was
Karnowsky Creek
juveniles reared in the project area to connected to the existing stream
have returned. The assumption is that Although it is too early to have
juveniles of this year’s class took significant monitoring results, we are
advantage of both favourable already seeing abundant coho smolts Summary of Lessons
conditions in the new channel and and fry in the new Karnowsky Creek Learned
the ocean to produce the 2003 channel. The channel functioned well O Cross-sections of the existing ditch
spawning numbers. Bailey Creek was through the first two winters, with
are probably more reliable than
frequent floodplain inundation.
regional flow equations or
Willows and other riparian vegetation
discharge measurements when
are growing well, and point bars are determining the size of the new
being deposited on the inside of channel.
meander bends in the lower channel. O Creating hummocks in the
Little, if any, bank erosion is evident
floodplain aids in re-establishing
(Figures 5 and 6). The mounds built
vegetation in areas infested with
into the floodplain of the lower valley
Barbara Ellis-Sugai

reed canary grass, and provides

are successful nurseries for young
micro-topographic sites. It also
conifers and shrubs.
saves hauling of the excavated
Future monitoring of fish populations material.
Figure 5. The new Karnowsky Creek channel will include summer snorkel counts in O
Grade control and a smooth
in the lower valley during high winter flows. pools of the new channel and spot
Conifer seedlings in plastic tubes are planted transition from the existing ditch to
checks of ponds created from the old
on the mounds left on the floodplain. the new channel will prevent
ditches that were plugged. We
downcutting in the new channel.
considered running a smolt trap for
Barbara Ellis-Sugai

Figure 6. The new Karnowsky Creek channel with large wood added, winter 2003. New conifer seedlings are planted along the bank and
protected by plastic tubing.
Continued on page 26

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 25

Continued from page 25
O These restoration projects require
intensive data-gathering and
planning by an interdisciplinary Results of Streamline
team of hydrologists,
geomorphologists, fisheries Reader Survey 2004
biologists, botanists, and surveyors,
and benefit from review by other
technical experts. Robin Pike

For further information, contact:

Streamline is relevant,
Barbara Ellis-Sugai
Forest Hydrologist
T HANK YOU to everyone who
participated in our reader survey
this past fall. The survey was designed
scientifically sound, user
friendly, and easy to access.
Siuslaw National Forest to help us assess our performance Most readers prefer the
4077 Research Way and, most importantly, solicit your current format.
Corvallis, OR 97333 feedback on areas for improvement
Tel: (541) 750-7056 Of those completing the survey, 90%
and suggestions for future articles.
E-mail: indicated that they prefer the current
Overall, respondents told us that we
mix of short newsletter-style and
Johan Hogervorst are on track in presenting objective
longer technical articles. Preference
South Zone Hydrologist and reliable watershed management
Siuslaw National Forest for print versus online versions of the
information. Here are the highlights
publication was more evenly split
4480 Hwy 101, Bldg G of the survey.
among respondents, with 51%
Florence, OR 97439
favouring online access, 41% print,
Tel: (541) 902-6956 Streamline articles are
and 8% both publication formats. We
E-mail: technically reviewed and
will seriously consider these data if
those readers polled trust limited funding in the future does not
information presented in allow us to produce print versions.
Adams, P.W., A.J. Campbell, R.C. Sidle, R.L. Streamline.
Beschta, and H.A. Froelich. 1986. Regarding our publication format,
Estimating stream flows on small Of those polled, 42% were unaware
most respondents agreed or strongly
forested watersheds for culvert and that all articles published in Streamline
bridge design in Oregon. Oregon State agreed that articles in Streamline are
undergo a technical peer review. As a
University, Forest Research Laboratory, relevant and applicable (92%),
result, we will better communicate the
College of Forestry, Corvallis, Oreg. scientifically sound (82%), readable in
Research Bulletin 55. 8 p. measures we use to ensure that
style (94%), well laid out (84%), easy
Giese, T.P. 1996. Phosphorus export from reliable and sound information is
the Clear and Mercer Lake watersheds, extended. Despite this finding, 92%
Oregon State University, Corvallis, of those surveyed indicated that they
Oreg. M.S. thesis, 136 p. Jack Minard of the Tsolum
either have a lot of trust (25%) or a
Jennings, M.E., W.O. Thomas Jr., and H.C. River Restoration Society,
Riggs. 1993. U.S. Geological Survey fair amount of trust (67%) in
Courtenay, B.C., won our
Water-Resources Investigations Report Streamline. Only 5% of the
94-4002: nationwide summary of U.S. respondents indicated that they had survey draw-prize—a $75
Geological Survey regional regression
little trust in Streamline as an gift certificate to Chapters.
equations for estimating magnitude
and frequency of floods for ungaged information source.
sites. 196 p.
Roelof, S. 2002. Of fire and fog: Table 1. Client satisfaction in Streamline’s format
representing landscape processes and
catalyzing nonlinear transformation in Question: In your opinion, Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Strongly
a Coast Range riparian zone. M.S. are Streamline articles… agree (%) (%) disagree disagree
thesis draft.University of Oregon, (%) (%) (%)
Department of Landscape Architecture, 1. Relevant and applicable 26 66 7 1 0
Eugene, Oreg.
Rosgen, D. 1996. Applied river 2. Scientifically sound 19 63 17 1 0
morphology. Wildland Hydrology 3. Readable in style 27 67 4 2 0
[consultant], Pagosa Springs, Colo.
363 p. 4. Well laid out 31 53 15 0 1
Williams, G.P. 1986. River meanders and 5. Easy to access 36 56 7 1 0
channel size. Journal of Hydrology
88:147–164. 6. Innovative in content 14 52 30 4 0

26 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

Table 2. Reader suggestions for future content future issues. We grouped the 105
Proposed article topic / content direction Rank suggestions into categories (Table 2).
More of the same mix 1 Notably, most of these suggestions
Watershed/stream restoration 2 support the current direction of
Monitoring/assessment 3 Streamline’s expanded watershed
More forestry 4 management mandate. The most
Fish habitat/fisheries 4 common response was for a
Methods and techniques 5 continuation in the diversity of topics
Riparian issues and science 5
Water conservation/social issues 5
Stewardship 6 Streamline is providing
Water chemistry, quality, and health 6
timely access to
Hydrology/Watershed processes 6
Non-forested watersheds/urban watershed management 6
information, thus increasing
Biology/Biodiversity 6 knowledge of watershed
Broaden scope to include international case studies 6 management research,
Standards/BMPs/Policy 6 hydrologic processes and
Groundwater 7 the effects of watershed
Less forestry 8 management.
Wildfire effects 8
Finally, we asked readers if we were
Opinion pieces 8
Current updates from around B.C. 8
achieving our objectives (Table 3).
Reader suggestions were grouped into the above categories. The number of suggestions per
While these results are qualitative and
category was tallied and rank was assigned (1 to 9). Tied rank values represent categories have their limitations, 74% agreed
with an equal tally.
that we’re giving them timely access
to access (92%), and innovative in assisted them in their work activities to information, 93% indicated that
content (66%). As a result we are not or decisions. Most commonly, Streamline increases their knowledge
planning to change the format. respondents stated they use of current B.C watershed
Complete results, including Streamline to increase their awareness management research and expertise,
percentage of neutral responses and and (or) background knowledge of and 76% indicated that Streamline
those in disagreement, are presented watershed management issues and increases their knowledge of natural
in Table 1. science. A few readers said they use hydrologic processes and the effects
Streamline articles for teaching and of watershed management. Overall,
Streamline articles elevate training. the survey results will greatly assist us
readers’ knowledge of in managing Streamline, leveraging
watershed management Readers were also asked if they could financial support, and ultimately
science and issues. Those identify a favourite article over the last offering a reader-focused and relevant
readers polled indicated 2 years. Many suggestions were put publication.
that they are happy with the forward, the most common being
“Shade and Stream Temperature” by If you would like to provide further
current mix of topics and feedback on Streamline or suggest an
P. Teti, followed by “Wildfires and
recommended that idea for an article, please contact
Watershed Effects in the Southern B.C.
Streamline continue to Robin Pike at
Interior” by D. Scott and R. Pike.
feature diverse topics.
Respondents were asked to comment Readers also offered feedback on the (250) 387-5887, or by e-mail at
on how Streamline has improved or types of articles they want to see in

Table 3. Client satisfaction in Streamline’s performance against objectives

Question: Strongly Agree Neutral Somewhat Strongly
Does Streamline… agree (%) (%) disagree disagree
(%) (%) (%)
1) Provide timely access to watershed management 21 53 25 1 0
2) Increase your knowledge of current B.C. watershed 38 55 6 1 0
management research and expertise?
3) Increase your knowledge of natural hydrologic 19 57 23 1 0
processes and the effects of watershed management?

Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005 27

Upcoming Events
April 16–20, 2005 May 25–27, 2005 August 16–19, 2005
33rd Annual BCWWA Conference and North American Association of Fisheries Second North American Lake Trout
Trade Show. Economists (NAAFE) 3rd Biennial Forum. Symposium.
Penticton, BC Vancouver, BC Yellowknife, NWT
BCWWA-AGM-Exhibition-Brochure-v1.4.pdf August 17–19, 2005
May 31–June 4, 2005
Hydrotechnical Engineering: Cornerstone
April 26–27, 2005 2005 Joint International Conference on of a Sustainable Environment.
Implications of Climate Change in BC’s Landslide Risk Management and 18th Edmonton, AB
Interior Forests. Annual Vancouver Geotechnical Society
Revelstoke, BC Vancouver, BC September 13–15, 2005 10th International Specialist Conference
May 4–7, 2005 on Watershed and River Basin Manage-
49th Annual BCWF Convention: Navi- June 14–17, 2005 ment 2005.
gating the Turbulent Waters of Conserva- 58th Annual CWRA National Conference, Calgary, AB
tion in British Columbia. Reflections on our Future...a New Century
Nanaimo, BC of Water Stewardship. Business+Units/Waterworks/Events/I Banff, AB WA+Watershed+Conference+2005.htm
September 29 to October 1, 2005
May 8–11, 2005 August 8–11, 2005 The Coastal Cutthroat Symposium: Biol-
ogy, Status, Management, and
Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Sci- Earth System Processes II. Geological
entific Meeting. Society of America. Fort Worden State Park
Banff, AB Calgary, AB. (near Port Townsend, Washington)

Recent Publications
Ecosystems and Management 5(2).
Available from: vol5/no2/art2.pdf
no2/art3.pdf Morford, S., D. Robinson, F. Mazzoni,
C. Corbett, and H. Schaiberger. 2005.
Gayton, D. 2004. Nature conservation Participatory research in rural
in an era of indifference. BC Journal of communities in transition: A case study
Ecosystems and Management 5(2). of the Malaspina–Ucluelet Research
Available from: Alliance. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 5(2). Available from:

Krzic, M., H. Page, R.F. Newman, and Prescott, C., L. Blevins, and C. Staley.
K. Broersma. 2004. Aspen 2005. Litter decomposition in British
regeneration, forage production, and Columbia forests: Controlling factors
soil compaction on harvested and and influences of forestry activities. BC
grazed boreal aspen stands. BC Journal Journal of Ecosystems and
of Ecosystems and Management 5(2). Management 5(2). Available from:
Available from: no2/art6.pdf

BC Journal of Ecosystems and Lewis, J.L., S.R.J. Sheppard, and K. New text book
Management Volume 5, Number 2 Sutherland. 2004. Computer-based Northcote, T.G. and G.F. Hartman
Densmore, N., J. Parminter, and V. visualization of forest management: A (editors). 2004. Fishes and Forestry:
Stevens. 2004. Coarse woody debris: primer for resource managers, worldwide watershed interactions
Inventory, decay modelling, and communities, and educators. BC and management. Blackwell Science,
management implications in three Journal of Ecosystems and London, U.K. 789 p.
biogeoclimatic zones. BC Journal of Management 5(2). Available from:

28 Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin Vol. 8/No. 2 Spring 2005

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