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SE 5.

RICEFW (Reports)

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |


Project Name Project Code

Hilmar Cheese Business Transformation Program – Business Blueprint
Customer Name Customer Number
Hilmar Cheese Company
Wipro Project Manager Customer Project Manager
Amit Jain Carina Hernandez


Author Document Location (repository/path/name)

Yang Yang <Document location>
Version Status Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Document Classification
0.1 Final <Date> Confidential


Version Date Description

0.1 03-14-2013 Initial Draft


© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |


Name Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Customer Project Manager

Name Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Wipro Project Manager

Name Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Key Stakeholder

Name Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Key Stakeholder

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Table of Contents

1. How to use the Template................................................................................................................5

2. General Object Overview................................................................................................................6
3. Process Requirements Reference....................................................................................................7
4. RICEFW Descriptions.......................................................................................................................7
5. Report Specific Design....................................................................................................................9
5.1. Report Example............................................................................................................................11
5.2. Report Output..............................................................................................................................11
5.3. Security Requirements and Authorization Details.........................................................................12
5.4. Recovery and Restart....................................................................................................................13
5.5. Assumptions.................................................................................................................................13
6. Use Cases......................................................................................................................................13
7. Issues............................................................................................................................................14
8. Performance Requirements..........................................................................................................14
9. Part B – Additional Details to be filled by Hilmar Cheese IS...........................................................15
9.1. Data Mapping Tables....................................................................................................................15
10. Validation and Test Scenarios.......................................................................................................15

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

1. How to use the Template

This document is intended to specify RICEFW object from a functional perspective. It will be followed by a technical specification
during Realization. A Functional Specification has three main sections with the purpose of describing the expected behavior of
the development object.
 Object information, to be filled in for all RICEFW objects
 Object specific details (Processing, calculations, and business logic for the development object)
 Report specific requirements

This document builds and refers to three preceding documents

 Business Process Design Document – BPD document
 Fit Gap Analysis – FGA
 Requirement Traceability Matrix - RTM

2. General Object Overview

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© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |
Object ID R.PM.210.32 Business Process & PM_210

SAP Release ECC6 EHP 7 SAP Module PM

Object Type Report

Object Title Notification and Work Order Detail

Object Description Notification and Work Order Detail

Complexity of Object Medium Priority High

ZPMORD (or follow RCEIFW

SAP Transaction Name SAP Program Name N/A
naming convention)

Similar SAP Transaction N/A Similar SAP Program N/A

Mode Online/ Background

Object Information
( ) SAP Query ( X) ABAP Program ( ) BW Report
Report Created using ( ) BobJ Report ( ) Crystal Report ( ) Report Painter
( ) ECC () Others HANA Live Report
( ) Drilldown ( ) Buttons ( ) Sort
Characteristics Required (x) ALV Grid ( ) ALV List ( ) Entry File
( ) Others: Call Trasaction
( ) Legal requirements not fulfilled
Result if no reports are ( ) Lack of essential business information
created? (x) Lack of functions compared to Legacy system
( ) Other (specify):
Approximate duration for Is there an No
development work (in See estimate alternative in the If Yes, describe the alternative
man days)? standard system Manually check reports
( ) Performance Problem
( ) Complexity
Why is alternative (X) Other
not acceptable? Multiple report to be joined

FS Control

Functional Consultant – <Customer> Process

Author and Phone Yang Yang Owner and Phone Taylor, Verne
Number Number

Planned Date of FS 03/24/14 Actual Date of FS 03/27/14

Completion Completion

FS Approved By Nguyen, Tin FS Approval date MM/DD/YY

Other Contact and Phone Other Contact and

Number Phone Number

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

3. Process Requirements Reference

This section describes the business needs and specific requirements of the development object. The more details that are
included here, the fewer questions the developers will have. Processing, calculations, and business logic for the development
object must be fully described.

Process Reference
Requirement ID
Requirement Report is required to support the Daily Attainment Meeting, Managers/Supervisors will be able
Description to review the work that was completed in the last 24 hours and what will be scheduled for the
next 24 hours.
Gap to be addressed Standard SAP report supports only by work order or notification, and no long text
reporting is supported.
Alternative SAP NA
Standard Solution

4. RICEFW Descriptions

Justification (Why a custom development is required?)

<List the reasons/justification why a custom development is required to fullfill the demand.>

Report required as ABAP report for Daily Attainment Meeting. Details needed for notification, work order and
long text. Standard SAP reports support only single object and no long text reporting is supported.

Functional Description /Detail Functional Design

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

<Describe the functional requirements for the RICEFW object being developed and document a detail design to
be developed. Specify the detail functionality expected out of the development here. Provide mock-up if

1. Report selection screen needed for date range, plant, notification number, work order
number, functional location and equipment.
2. Select records from table QMEL with below required fields.
a. Notification Date – QMEL-QMDAT
b. Notification Time – QMEL-MEEIT
c. Notification Type – QMEL-QMART
d. Notification number – QMEL-QMNUM
e. Reported By – QMEL-QMNAM
f. Notification Description – QMEL-QMTXT
g. Priority –QMEL-PRIOK
h. Required Start Date – QMEL-STRMN
i. Required End Date – QMEL-LTRMN
j. Object Number – QMEL-OBJNR (Not required in report display but needed in table
3. Select records from table QMIH with value from field QMNUM in the earlier selection. Below
fields are required.
a. Functional location – QMIH-ILOAN
b. Equipment number – QMIH-EQUNR
c. Breakdown Indicator – QMIH-MSAUS
4. Select Notification Status (JCDS-STAT) from table JCDS, using field QMEL-OBJNR as JCDS-
5. Status text can be found from field TJ02T-TXT30, using field STAT and language EN for
6. Use Function Module “READ_TEXT” to get long text of the notification description.
7. Select records from table AFIH for below fields. Using notification number as QMNUM field
a. Work Order Activity Type – AFIH-ILART
b. Work Order Total Planned Hours -
c. Work Order Total Confirmed Hours -
d. System Condition – AFIH-ANLZU
e. Revision – AFIH-REVLV
f. Work Order Number – AFIH-AUFNR
8. Select records from table AUFK for below fields using AUFNR for work order number.
a. Work Order Creation Date - AUFK-ERDAT
b. Work Order Type – AUFK-AUART
c. Work Center- AUFK-VAPLZ
d. Plant – AUFK-WERKS
e. Work Order Status (technical completed, not completed) – AUFK-PHAS2
f. Work Order Description – AUFK-KTEXT
9. Select records from table AFKO for below fields
a. Scheduled Start Date – AFKO-GSTRS
b. Scheduled Start Time - AFKO-GSUZS
c. Scheduled Finish Date – AFKO-GLTRS
d. Scheduled Finish Time – AFKO-GLUZS
10. Use Function Module “READ_TEXT” to get long text of the work order description.- Not
required as per the Layout meeting held on 08/19/2014
11. Report Output will have the Notification Fields as the first section, Notification Long text and
then the Work order Fields .

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Transaction Volume
Several thousands

Frequency & Timing

Daily at 6:30 AM
2 different job to be scheduled, per site, due to the different time zone.

<List all dependencies that need to be known/addressed while developing this RICEFW object.>

Starting Conditions
When should the report be run? Does an interface need to be run before the report is valid, and (more
commonly), should it be a batch only program (with added security) or is it needed on-line as well?

This program will run on a daily basis. There is no input condition applicable here.

Authorization Requirements

<Every authorization object needs to be documented to provide the security administrator information on the
purpose and use of the object. The following sections are the minimal documentation requirements.>

Authorization object required to control access of the report. Planner and supervisor should have authorization
access to this report.

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Error Handling

< List theDocumentation

Related expected errors and their OSS
(attach handling using
notes, error messages.
emails, downloadIf of
possible, provide
existing theetc.)
report, error message which
needs to be issued when error occurs.>

<Highlight all related documents that are required or will be input to the functional specification.>
5. Report Specific
Give the error
N/A Design
message if the execution is not successful. Error handling should be taken care during the
RICEFW- Description Report Type (ABAP, Data Elements Relevant KPI Owner
ID BI, BOBJ, etc)
R.PM.210. Notification ABAP N/A N/A Planner
32 and Work
Order Detail

Selection Criteria

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Table/ Field Format Default Table Select Mandatory Field Labels
Structure Name Value Value/ Option or or Optional
Name Checkbox/ Parameter
QMEL QMART Select Mandatory Notification
option by Type
QMEL IWERK Select Optional Plant
option by
QMEL ERDAT Previous Select Mandatory Notification
Day to option by Created
current F4 Date
AFKO GSTRS Previous Select Optional Order
Day to option by Scheduled
current F4 Start Date
AFKO GSUZS 6AM to Select Optional Order
5:59AM option by Scheduled
F4 Start Time
QMIH ILOAN Select Optional Functional
option by Location
QMIH EQUNR Select Optional Equipment
option by

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Sample Layout of the Selection Screen

<Show an example of Sample Selection Screen Layout>

QMEL QMART Range (From To)

QMEL IWERK Range (From To)
QMEL ERDAT Range (From To)
AFKO GSTRS Range (From To)
AFKO GSUZS Range (From To)
QMIH ILOAN Range (From To)
QMIH EQUNR Range (From To)

5.1. Report Example

Input report example, use Attachment if necessary

5.2. Report Output

Report Output

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Output Method
Report Output will be an ALV grid with the first section as Notification Fields , followed by the Notification
Long text and then the Work order Fields .

Main Heading
Notification and Work Order Detail

Sub Heading
Top Section: Notification and Work Order Detail
Lower Section: Notification and Work Order Long Text

Table/Structure Column Name

Notification fields below:
VIQMEL Notification Type
VIQMEL Notification Number
VIQMEL Description
VIQMEL Cost Center
VIQMEL Notification date
VIQMEL Functional Location
VIQMEL ABC indicator
VIQMEL Equipment
VIQMEL Breakdown
VIQMEL Malfunction start
VIQMEL Malfunction end
VIQMEL Start of Malfunctn (Time)
VIQMEL Malfunctn End (Time)
VIQMEL Breakdown duration
VIQMEL Breakdown durtn unit
VIQMEL Functional location affected
VIQMEL Equipment affected
VIQMEL Avail.bef.malfunctn
VIQMEL Avail.aft.malfunctn
VIQMEL Avail.after task
VIQMEL Cond.bef.malfunctn
VIQMEL Cond.aft.malfunctn
VIQMEL Cond.after task
VIQMEL TechInspection by
VIQMEL TechInspection on
VIQMEL Priority
VIQMEL Created by
VIQMEL Created on

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

VIQMEL Reported by

VIQMEL Required Start

VIQMEL Required Start Time
VIQMEL Required End
VIQMEL Required End Time
VIQMEL Completion by date
VIQMEL Completion time
VIQMEL System status
VIQMEL User Status
VIQMEL PartnerResp.
VIQMEL DescEmployeeResp.for job
VIQMEL EmplResp Person/User
VIQMEL Desc. employee resp. (person/user)
VIQMEL Object number
VIQMEL Sort field
VIQMEL Material Description
VIQMEL Main work center
VIQMEL Serial Number
VIQMEL Material
Work Order fields below
AUFK Order
Order Type
Order Category
  Entered by
  Created on
  Last changed by
 AUFK Responsible CCtr
  Deletion flag
  ABC indicator
  Sort field
  Description of functional location
  Functional Location
  System Condition
  Planner group
  Main work center
 AFIH Revision
 AFIH Maintenance Plan
 AFIH Maintenance item
  System status
  User Status

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Report Output continue…
Table/Structure Column Name
 AFKO Work center
 AFKO Basic start date
 AFKO Basic finish date
 AFKO Scheduled start
 AFKO Scheduled finish
 AFKO Actual release date
 AFKO Actual start Date
 AFKO Actual finish date
 AFIH MaintActivityType
  Total actual costs
  Total planned costs
 AFIH Material
 AFIH Serial Number
 AFIH Material Description
 AFKO Reservation/Purc.req
 AUFK Cost Center
 AFKO Priority text
  Purchase order number
 AUFK Technical Completion
 AUFK Closed

<List any drilldown requirements>

<List if there are any calculations needed>

< List the page break requirements>

5.3. Security Requirements and Authorization Details

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

Enter Security and Authorization objects/ fields to be used and specify the User Groups.

Security Requirements and Authorization Details

<Details on the Security & Authorization>

<Every authorization object needs to be documented to provide the security administrator information on the purpose
and use of the object. The following sections are the minimal documentation requirements.>
Authorization object required to control access of the report.

5.4. Recovery and Restart

If the program fails half way through will this have an impact on any programs to be run after its completion? Who will
re-run the report if it does not function properly? Should anyone be alerted if certain validations fail?

5.5. Assumptions
The functional designer should detail here all the procedures or configuration affecting the report that the developer
can take for granted. Other assumptions that the designer foresees with better focus on the scope of the program
should also be included here.
These are a very important part of the specification as they ensure that no unnecessary development work is
undertaken. Example assumptions: All weights in the SAP system will be in LBs
If no assumptions are taken for this report, indicate “No assumptions taken”.

No assumptions taken.

6. Use Cases

Use case - How the RICEFW object will be used by the user or system

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |

<A use case is series of steps showing how user will use this object>

Use case 1 Report is executed in background based on the

required time range.

Business process (steps) Z transaction program to be executed in the

scheduled background job for both sites Hilmar and
Planner or supervisor to run this report during Daily
Attenment Meeting

Rules N/A

Solution Approach Run the developed report on demand.

Standard(Y/N) N

Enhancement Type (RICEFW) Report In ABAP

7. Issues
This section should be used like a log during the creation of this document to outline any outstanding issues that need to be
resolved prior to continuing with the development work. Prior to sign-off there should be no issues remaining.

Issue Issue Date Issue Description Issue Resolution Resolved By &

# Owner Raised Date

8. Performance Requirements

Performance Requirements

© Hilmar Cheese Company Confidential | 2013 Wipro LTD | |


9. Part B – Additional Details to be filled by Hilmar Cheese IS

Fill in any details the designer believes to be of benefit to the developer here.

9.1. Data Mapping Tables

List of all the fields along with their details are to be mentioned here. Look and feel wise, a desired report design can also be
specified here.

Field Name Field Output Output Format Position SAP Screen No /

Description Length Type Field Name

10. Validation and Test Scenarios

Validation Requirements

<List the data, totals, exceptions, etc. to be used for Report Validation.>

Validate all relevant notifications and work orders number

Validate notifications and work orders are linked correctly on the report
Validate if the custom program successfully executed two separate reports based on time differences between
Hilmar and Dalhart

Test Scenarios
ID Description
Normal Functionality – test cases that ensure the conversion requirement as it should
1 Create and add new notifications
2 Create and add new work orders
3 Link notification to work order
4 Remove the existing link between notification and work order

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Exception - special logic or exceptions
5 N/A

6 N/A
Error Handling - functionality in case of errors
7 N/A
8 N/A

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