THE Coronavirus Pandemic: Baby Planets Origin of Hands Near-Death Experiences

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How it started, where it’s headed,
and how scientists are fighting back

© 2020 Scientific American

June 2020

VO LU M E 3 2 2 , N U M B E R 6

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46 The Unexpected Origin of Fingers

A remarkable fossil shows that the digits

26 Chasing  Plagues in our hands evolved before vertebrates
A virologist crawled through bat caves to find the emerged from the water to colonize land.
origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By Jane Qiu By John A. Long and Richard Cloutier
32  Fast-Track Drugs A S T R O N O MY
With no time to make treatments from scratch, 54 A Planet Is Born
scientists are searching for existing compounds High-resolution imaging of circumstellar
that reduce harm. By Michael Waldholz disks—the swirls of dust left behind after
36 Frontline Trauma stars form—is revealing hidden planets and
Stress from fighting COVID-19 poses an insights about how solar systems evolve.
unprecedented threat to health care workers. By Meredith A. MacGregor
By Jillian Mock
38 How the Healers Feel 62 What Should Carbon Cost? In a matter of weeks
Interviews by Jillian Mock and Jen Schwartz Smart math, combined with fundamental the SARS-CoV-2 virus
infected millions, kil­
40 The Vaccine Quest policy choices, can determine a practical ling thousands and
Only genetic engineering can create a protec- tax that will drive down CO2 emissions. bringing the global
tive serum in months rather than years. By Gilbert E. Metcalf economy to a halt.
Read our special
By Charles Schmidt CONSCIOUSNESS re­­port on the origins
44 What Comes Next 70 Tales of the Dying Brain of the plague, the
Large outbreaks of disease in the past suggest A brush with death can leave a lasting human toll, and the
how ­the current crisis might play out. search for treatments
legacy in the mind—and may help us
and a vaccine.
By Lydia Denworth understand how the brain functions in Illustration by
extreme conditions. B
 y Christof Koch Richard Borge.

Illustration by Richard Borge June 2020,  1

© 2020 Scientific American

4 From the Editor
6 Letters
8 Science Agenda
To prevent future pandemics, stop deforestation. 
By the Editors

9 Forum
Leaders who belittle science during a global health
crisis are a danger to us all. By Ben Santer

10 Advances
A collision model shakes up Pluto. New strategy to
8 prevent tropical extinction. Lightweight vaccine-
delivery technology. A poultry domestication mystery.

20 Meter
The poetic landscape of boreal forests.
By Jessica Goodfellow

22 The Science of Health

As drug-resistant superbugs spread, researchers
are turning to viruses that kill bacteria. 
By Claudia Wallis

76 Recommended
Women ran Britain’s most extraordinary World War I
hospital. Why innovation flourishes in freedom.
The fury of hurricanes. How Dr. Claire Weekes cracked
10 the anxiety code. By Andrea Gawrylewski

77 Observatory
How we can best quantify “small” benefits.
By Naomi Oreskes

78 Anti Gravity
Misinformation and miscalculation in the time
of the coronavirus. By Steve Mirsky

79 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago  By Daniel C. Schlenoff

80 Graphic Science
Globe-trotting humans spread COVID-19
around the world. By Mark Fischetti and
Martin Krzywinski

Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 322, Number 6, June 2020, published monthly by Scientific American, a division of Springer Nature America, Inc., 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, N.Y. 10004-1562. Periodicals
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2  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

THE EDITOR Curtis Brainardis acting editor in chief of Scientific American. 
Follow him on Twitter @cbrainard

Covering Other columns and departments in the issue focus on the

pandemic as well. Our editorial calls for ending deforestation

to reduce our exposure to the zoonotic viruses behind some of
the world’s worst outbreaks (page 8). Graphic Science presents
a stunning data visualization of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s genet-
Since I last sat down to write F  rom the Editor a few short ic evolution as it spread around the globe (page  80). There’s
weeks ago, the toll of the coronavirus pandemic has been stag- more, and all of our coronavirus coverage is freely available
gering: at press time, more than 180,000 deaths globally and online at
countless lives upended. Most of the planet is still on lockdown. If you need relief from the plague beat (and we all do), turn
At times it seems unreal, although it shouldn’t. Many public to the back half of the features section for a series of articles
health ex­perts warned for a long time that something like this that will carry you away to a land of awe and wonder. Astrono-
would happen without our taking precautionary measures. mer Meredith  A. MacGregor describes how Chile’s ALMA tele-
The crisis reminds us that knowledge matters and throws scope has helped reveal detailed patterns in the debris disks
into stark relief the ways that science works slowly and assidu- around stars where planets are forming (page  54). Paleontolo-
ously, over decades of painstaking research in epidemiology gist John  A. Long and evolutionary biologist Richard Cloutier
and virology, as well as urgently and frenetically, in the midst explain how the discovery of an extraordinary 375-million-year-
of tragedy and disaster, to help the world prepare for and old fossil overturned the conventional wisdom about when and
respond to epidemics. That work is by no means perfect or com- how the elements of human hands evolved in lobe-finned fish-
plete, but it is our only hope to stop the suffering. es (page 46). And neuroscientist Christof Koch explores the bio-
This month we lead with a special report that traces years of logically mysterious commonality of near-death experiences
study of coronaviruses to current efforts in biomedicine to halt and how re­­searchers might uncover what is happening in the
the pandemic. Beijing-based science writer Jane Qiu profiles mind when we see that bright light (page  70).
the Chinese virologist who tracked down dozens of deadly SARS- I want to thank the Scientific American team for its hard work
like viruses in bat caves (page 26). Reporters Michael Waldholz on this issue—it’s not easy to cover such an epic and rapidly
and Charles Schmidt cover the race for COVID-19 treatments evolving situation in a monthly print magazine. I also want
and a vaccine (page 32 and p  age 40, respectively). And journal- to thank all the health care workers, researchers and experts
ists Jillian Mock and Lydia Denworth write about the lasting who took the time to share their stories. It’s been a painful month,
impacts on frontline health workers and what comes next and we owe a debt to everyone trying to bring this pandemic
(page  36 a nd page  44, r espectively). to an end. 

BOARD OF ADVISERS Drew Endy Alison Gopnik Satyajit Mayor Daniela Rus
Leslie C. Aiello Professor of Bioengineering, Professor of Psychology and Senior Professor, Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor
President, Wenner-Gren Foundation Stanford University Affiliate Professor of Philosophy, National Center for Biological Sciences, of Electrical Engineering and Computer
for Anthropological Research Nita A. Farahany University of California, Berkeley Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Science and Director, CSAIL, M.I.T.
Robin E. Bell Professor of Law and Philosophy, Lene Vestergaard Hau John P. Moore Eugenie C. Scott
Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Professor of Microbiology and
Director, Duke Initiative for Chair, Advisory Council,
Earth Observatory, Columbia University of Applied Physics, Harvard University Immunology, Weill Medical College
Science & Society, Duke University National Center for Science Education
Emery N. Brown of Cornell University
Edward W. Felten Hopi E. Hoekstra
Edward Hood Taplin Professor Terry Sejnowski
of Medical Engineering and of Director, Center for Information Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Priyamvada Natarajan
Professor and Laboratory Head of
Computational Neuro­science, M.I.T., Technology Policy, Princeton University Harvard University Professor of Astronomy and Physics,
Yale University Computational Neurobiology Laboratory,
and Warren M. Zapol Prof­essor of Jonathan Foley Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School
Executive Director, Project Drawdown
Founder and CEO, Ocean Collectiv Donna J. Nelson
Vinton G. Cerf Christof Koch Professor of Chemistry, Meg Urry
Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Jennifer Francis Israel Munson Professor of Physics
Chief Scientist, MindScope Program, University of Oklahoma
Senior Scientist,
Emmanuelle Charpentier Allen Institute for Brain Science Robert E. Palazzo and Astronomy, Yale University
Scientific Director, Max Planck Institute Woods Hole Research Center
Morten L. Kringelbach Dean, University of Alabama at Michael E. Webber
for Infection Biology, and Founding Kaigham J. Gabriel Birmingham College of Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor and Co-director, Clean Energy Incubator,
and Acting Director, Max Planck Unit President and Chief Executive Officer,
for the Science of Pathogens Senior Research Fellow, The Queen’s Rosalind Picard and Associate Professor,
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
George M. Church College, University of Oxford Professor and Director, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Harold “Skip” Garner Robert S. Langer Affective Computing, M.I.T. Media Lab
Director, Center for Computational University of Texas at Austin
Genetics, Harvard Medical School Executive Director and Professor, Primary David H. Koch Institute Professor, Carolyn Porco
Care Research Network and Center for
George M. Whitesides
Rita Colwell Department of Chemical Engineering, Leader, Cassini Imaging Science Team,
Bioinformatics and Genetics, Edward Via Professor of Chemistry and Chemical
Distinguished University Professor, M.I.T. and Director, CICLOPS,
College of Osteopathic Medicine Biology, Harvard University
University of Maryland College Park Meg Lowman Space Science Institute
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Michael S. Gazzaniga Amie Wilkinson
Director and Founder, TREE Foundation, Lisa Randall
of Public Health Director, Sage Center for the Study of Professor of Mathematics,
Rachel Carson Fellow, Ludwig Maximilian Professor of Physics, Harvard University
Kate Crawford Mind, University of California, University Munich, and Research University of Chicago
Director of Research and Co-founder, Martin Rees
Santa Barbara Professor, University of Science Malaysia Astronomer Royal and Professor Anton Zeilinger
AI Now Institute, and Distinguished
Research Professor, New York University, Carlos Gershenson John Maeda of Cosmology and Astrophysics, Professor of Quantum Optics, Quantum
and Principal Researcher, Research Professor, National Global Head, Computational Design + Institute of Astronomy, Nanophysics, Quantum Information,
Microsoft Research New York City Autonomous University of Mexico Inclusion, Automattic, Inc. University of Cambridge University of Vienna

4  Scientific American, June 2020 Illustration by Nick Higgins

© 2020 Scientific American


“Legislative action released by electrolyzers during hydrogen

production, the system overall is unlikely
is required to help to raise levels in the atmosphere.
scientists who are SOCIAL BRAIN MAPS
highly vulnerable In “The Brain’s Social Road Maps,” Matthew
to repressive actions Schafer and Daniela Schiller describe excit-
ing observations that the hippo­campus, tra-
by state politicians ditionally thought to be specialized for
beholden to local memory alone, may have cells used for so-
cial dynamics. We suggest that this arrange-
(or national) interests.” ment would explain why many people with
john p. moore weill cornell medicine synesthesia, in which senses are mixed up,
may make remarks such as “December is a
fat, stupid man with a limp, and he is in love
mote the fallacy that after finding a nar- with February, who is a jolly and mothering
rowing in someone who is stable, even presence.” Curiously, in such cases, if names
someone without symptoms, we can pre- for two nonsequential months are placed
February 2020 vent a heart attack simply by stenting it. next to each other, then two sets of emo-
I’m glad that Scientific American holds it- tions start blending or clashing unless a line
self to a much higher standard. is drawn between them, which stops the in-
SURGICAL DISCRETION Bradley J. Dibble teraction. The sensory barrier becomes a
As an M.D., I’d like to applaud Claudia Wal- PACE Cardiology, Ontario conceptual-metaphorical one.
lis’s review of the ISCHEMIA and CABANA Calendar synesthesia, seen in 1 to 2 per-
trials of treatments for particular heart con- HYDROGEN POWER cent of the population, may involve the neu-
ditions in “The Case for Less Heart Surgery” In “The H2 Solution,” Peter Fairley discuss- ral circuitry the authors describe. The cal-
[The Science of Health]. As she says, those es how hydrogen could be utilized as part endar envisioned by people with this con-
trials conclude that stenting or bypass sur- of efforts to fully adopt renewable power. dition can take idiosyncratic shapes, with
gery for stable coronary artery disease—in He writes that “solar and wind energy months set in specific fonts. Our mental cal-
which coronary arteries are narrowed—and would split a limitless resource—water—to endar involves circuits in the left angular
ablation for atrial fibrillation—in which the create hydrogen for electricity.” But I ques- gyrus, important for sequence discrimina-
heart beats irregularly—may help patients tion the term “limitless,” in view of freshwa- tion and connected to the same hippocam-
feel better, but they won’t live longer. ter shortages around the globe. Could the pal place cell or grid cell via a band of fibers:
In fact, we physicians have been aware electrolyzers he describes use seawater? the inferior longitudinal fasciculus.
of this concept for quite some time. A dif- Additionally, I wonder if scientists have We suggest that in calendar synesthe-
ficulty we have is imparting it to our pa- speculated whether or not the widespread sia, these connections are strengthened to
tients. I can attest that they don’t feel com- production of renewable hydrogen would the point of resembling real images. For
fortable with the idea of treating a block- significantly increase the amount of oxy- example, if a calendar is projected on ver-
age with medication alone. If they know gen in the atmosphere. tical stripes, subjects see moiré interference
there is an 80 percent narrowing in one of Edwinna Bernat S  hepherdstown, W.Va. at the fringes. If the stripes are tilted, they
their heart arteries, they will feel better if see the calendar as tilted in the opposite di-
it’s “fixed” by stenting. But by cracking FAIRLEY REPLIES: Readers are right to rection. If they turn their head to the right,
open a stable narrowing, we would actual- watch out for any new technology’s unin- memories of the calendar’s left side become
ly increase the risk of an abrupt closure and tended consequences. Researchers’ calcula- inaccessible to them. Musical scales in the
would have to give those patients more po- tions, however, indicate that a shift to wind Indian melakarta system, which are clas-
tent antiplatelet medications than aspirin and solar power—plus the electrolyzers re- sified into a spatial grid of 72 ragas, evoke
while the lesion heals after the procedure. quired to convert some of their renewable highly distinctive and elaborate emotions
The times that stents and bypasses are energy to hydrogen—would use far less wa- and may also utilize the same map.
going to prevent death is when patients ter than today’s fossil-fuel power plants. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
have unstable lesions that are at risk of oc- And some of the water used would be regen- Zeve Marcus
clusion. That’s why these procedures do erated by fuel cells or turbines that turn University of California, San Diego
prevent catastrophes in high-risk patients hydrogen back into electricity.
but not in stable ones, for whom the risk The reactions in both devices produce I am mildly on the autistic spectrum, and
of abrupt artery closure is very low. one molecule of water for every molecule of the article by Schafer and Schiller spoke to
There have been many cases in the past hydrogen consumed. Those reactions also me. I am fairly certain that people with au-
where those in the media have helped pro- consume oxygen, so even though oxygen is tism have different social maps (and not

6  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American


Laura Helmuth
ACTING EDITOR IN CHIEF  Curtis Brainard COPY DIRECTOR  Maria-Christina Keller CREATIVE DIRECTOR  Michael Mrak
just interactions) from those who do not. I
wonder if anyone is doing research on how CHIEF FEATURES EDITOR  Seth Fletcher CHIEF NEWS EDITOR  Dean Visser CHIEF OPINION EDITOR  Michael D. Lemonick
the neural circuitry that the authors discuss FEATURES
could also play a role in autism—that is, SENIOR EDITOR, CHEMISTRY / POLICY / BIOLOGY  Josh Fischman SENIOR EDITOR, TECHNOLOGY / MIND  Jen Schwartz
whether we not only build different maps
but have a completely different way to “an- SENIOR EDITOR, MIND / BRAIN  Gary Stix ASSOCIATE EDITOR, SUSTAINABILITY  Andrea Thompson
alyze” social relationships. ASSOCIATE EDITOR, TECHNOLOGY  Sophie Bushwick ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR  Sarah Lewin Frasier
Alexander Duffy v  ia e-mail MULTIMEDIA

When Schafer and Schiller mention that ART

“the brain has a knack for finding alterna- PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR  Monica Bradley ART DIRECTOR, ONLINE  Ryan Reid
tive routes,” I am reminded of construction ASSOCIATE GRAPHICS EDITOR  Amanda Montañez ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR  Liz Tormes

scheduling, in which those routes are the COPY AND PRODUC TION
SENIOR COPY EDITORS  Daniel C. Schlenoff, Aaron Shattuck, Angelique Rondeau
many possible paths through the activities MANAGING PRODUCTION EDITOR  Richard Hunt PREPRESS AND QUALITY MANAGER  Silvia De Santis

that have to be completed to finish a proj- CONTRIBUTOR S

ect. They can be shown on a diagram con- Mariette DiChristina, John Rennie
EDITORIAL  Gareth Cook, Katherine Harmon Courage, Lydia Denworth,
nected by arrows indicating which tasks can Ferris Jabr, Anna Kuchment, Robin Lloyd, Melinda Wenner Moyer,
George Musser, Ricki L. Rusting, Dava Sobel, Claudia Wallis
be performed after one is finished. Arriving ART  Edward Bell, Zoë Christie, Lawrence R. Gendron, Nick Higgins, Katie Peek, Beatrix Mahd Soltani
at a “critical path” in such a diagram re- EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATOR  Ericka Skirpan EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR  Maya Harty
quires calculating the duration of every pos-
sible path and choosing the one that gets SCIENTIFIC A MERIC AN CUS TOM MEDIA
MANAGING EDITOR  Cliff Ransom Wojtek Urbanek
the job done quickest. Before computers, a MULTIMEDIA EDITOR  Kris Fatsy Ben Gershman
good engineer, or a team of them, could fin-
ish complicated projects under budget and
on schedule with a hand-drawn diagram. Dean Sanderson
Terry Herlihy C  hicago EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT  Michael Florek VICE PRESIDENT, COMMERCIAL  Andrew Douglas


Chuck Hagel’s January 2020 article “Stop
Suppressing Science” [Forum] was a wel- HEAD, PUBLISHING STRATEGY  Suzanne Fromm
come read at a time when evidence-based
policy making is indeed under sustained DEVELOPMENT TEAM LEAD  Raja Abdulhaq
assault. Former secretary of defense Ha-
PRODUCT MANAGERS Ian Kelly, John Murren
gel outlines federal legislation to protect Jessica Ramirez
national government employees and the SENIOR COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS COORDINATOR  Christine Kaelin
scientific process from politically motivat- MARKETING & CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT  Justin Camera

ed interference by the executive branch ANCILL ARY PRODUC TS

and its friends. Let’s hope that new laws CUSTOM PUBLISHING EDITOR  Lisa Pallatroni
in this area are indeed enacted by a future,
wiser administration. HEAD, COMMUNICATIONS, USA  Rachel Scheer
Legislative action is also required, how- PRESS MANAGER  Sarah Hausman

ever, to help scientists who are highly vulner- PRINT PRODUC TION
able to repressive actions by state politicians
beholden to local (or national) interests. Em-
ployees of public universities or agencies are Scientific American, 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, NY 10004-1562 or
particularly at risk. One needs only to recall Letters may be edited for length and clarity. We regret that we cannot answer each one.
Join the conversation online—visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter.
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June 2020, 7

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To Stop Societies can take numerous steps to prevent the destruction.

Eating less meat, which physicians say will improve our health

Pandemics, Stop
anyway, will lessen demand for crops and pastures. Eating fewer
processed foods will reduce the demand for palm oil—also a major
feedstock for biofuels—much of which is grown on land clear-cut

from tropical rain forests. The need for land also will ease if nations
slow population growth—something that can happen in develop-
ing nations only if women are given better education, equal social
status with men and easy access to affordable contraceptives.
Viruses are less likely to kill humans Producing more food per hectare can boost supply without the
if we leave wild animal habitats intact need to clear more land. Developing crops that better resist drought
will help, especially as climate change brings longer, deeper
By the Editors
droughts. In dry regions of Africa and elsewhere, agroforestry tech-
SARS, Ebola a nd now SARS-CoV-2: all three of these highly infec- niques such as planting trees among farm fields can increase crop
tious viruses have caused global panic since 2002—and all three yields. Reducing food waste could also vastly lessen the pressure
of them jumped to humans from wild animals that live in dense to grow more; 30 to 40 percent of all food produced is wasted.
tropical forests. As we implement these solutions, we can also find new out-
Three quarters of the emerging pathogens that infect humans breaks earlier. Epidemiologists want to tiptoe into wild habitats
leaped from animals, many of them creatures in the forest habi- and test mammals known to carry coronaviruses—bats, rodents,
badgers, civets, pangolins and monkeys—to map how
the germs are moving. Public health officials could then
test nearby humans. To be effective, though, this surveil-
lance must be widespread and well funded. In Septem-
ber 2019, just months before the COVID-19 pandemic
began, the U.S. Agency for International Development
announced it would end funding for PREDICT, a 10-year
effort to hunt for threatening microbes that found more
than 1,100 unique viruses. usaid says it will launch a new
surveillance program; we urge it to supply enough mon-
ey this time to cast a wider and stronger net.
In the meantime, governments should prohibit the
sale of live wild animals in so-called wet markets, where
pathogens have repeatedly crossed over into humans.
The markets may be culturally important, but the risk
is too great. Governments must also crack down on ille-
gal wildlife trade, which can spread infectious agents
tats that we are slashing and burning to create land for crops, far and wide. In addition, we have to examine factory farms that
including biofuel plants, and for mining and housing. The more pack thousands of animals together—the source of the 2009 swine
we clear, the more we come into contact with wildlife that carries flu outbreak that killed more than 10,000 people in the U.S. and
microbes well suited to kill us—and the more we concentrate those multitudes worldwide.
animals in smaller areas where they can swap infectious microbes, Ending deforestation and thwarting pandemics would address
raising the chances of novel strains. Clearing land also reduces six of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals: the
biodiversity, and the species that survive are more likely to host guarantee of healthy lives, zero hunger, gender equality, responsi-
illnesses that can be transferred to humans. All these factors will ble consumption and production, sustainably managed land, and
lead to more spillover of animal pathogens into people. climate action (intact tropical forests absorb carbon dioxide,
Stopping deforestation will not only reduce our exposure to whereas burning them sends more CO2 into the atmosphere).
new disasters but also tamp down the spread of a long list of oth- The COVID-19 pandemic is a catastrophe, but it can rivet our
er vicious diseases that have come from rain forest habitats—Zika, attention on the enormous payoffs that humanity can achieve
Nipah, malaria, cholera and HIV among them. A 2019 study found by not overexploiting the natural world. Pandemic solutions are
that a 10  percent increase in deforestation would raise malaria sustainability solutions. 
cases by 3.3 percent; that would be 7.4 million people worldwide.
Yet despite years of global outcry, deforestation still runs rampant.
An average of 28  million hectares of forest have been cut down Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
annually since 2016, and there is no sign of a slowdown. or send a letter to the editor:

8  Scientific American, June 2020 Illustration by Taylor Callery

© 2020 Scientific American

Ben Santer is an atmospheric scientist and a member T H E N E W S FR OM T H E E X PE R T S
of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Failure to Lead
A U.S. president who belittles science
during a pandemic is a danger to us all
By Ben Santer

I was listening t o the comforting background hum of the old

refrigerator in my rented apartment. The noise stopped sudden-
ly; the only sound left was the tinnitus ringing in my ears. From
my chair, I looked out through the sliding glass door. Wind and
rain animated the bright-yellow flannel bushes on the hillside.
California had just had the driest February on record, and the
flowered branches seemed to be stretching like fingers to catch
the life-giving rainwater.
I had been self-quarantined at home for a week. After returning
from a climate change workshop in Washington, D.C., I came down
with a low-grade fever and a dry, hacking cough. On day five I was
tested for the novel coronavirus and other microbes. After sever-
al anxious days I learned that I had a different infection—a seri-
ous influenza strain—and as I write this, I am slowly recovering.
While sequestered, I thought a lot about how complex sys-
tems respond to big perturbations. That is part of my job. As a
climate scientist, I study the atmospheric and oceanic respons- strategy in the middle of a global pandemic. No nation is
es to things such as massive volcanic eruptions, large changes in safe from a microscopic agent that can hitch a ride on any
the sun’s energy output and a doubling of atmospheric carbon airplane, ship, train or car. Building effective international
dioxide levels. The novel coronavirus is a major shock to complex organizations and alliances is a far better way of surviving
human systems of governance. Here are a few personal thoughts a global health crisis than going it alone.
on lessons learned from the current situation.
The phrase “an abundance of caution” has become common-
LESSON 1: Scientific ignorance can be fatal—particularly place in the past few months. People use it when explaining their
if it starts with the U.S. president and trickles down from decision to self-quarantine. But an abundance of caution should
there. It was scientifically incorrect for Donald Trump to have been exercised at the beginning of the pandemic. Detailed
dismiss the coronavirus as no worse than the seasonal flu, plans for scientifically accurate messaging should have been
as he did on February 26. It was incorrect to advise U.S. cit- ready, along with strategies for national and international coor-
izens to engage in business as usual, which he did as late as dination of response efforts.
March 10. It was incorrect to imply, as he did in a press brief- They were not ready. The capability to test tens of thousands
ing on March 19, that the malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine of citizens a day and to give hospital staffers basic safety gear
and chloroquine are promising remedies for COVID-19— should have been in place. It was not. Members of the Trump
something that has not been verified. Dissemination of such administration should have corrected the president’s misstate-
inaccurate information helped to spread the novel corona- ments on the seriousness of the coronavirus. Instead they large-
virus in America faster by delaying the adoption of social ly remained silent. After years of belittling and neglecting sci-
distancing. Ignorance served as a potent disease vector. ence—most notably the science of climate change—Trump is
suddenly discovering that science is imperative for human sur-
LESSON 2: A leader tells hard truths in times of crisis, not
vival and perhaps even for his own political survival. Through
falsehoods such as “Anybody that wants a test can get a
science, a vaccine will be developed for the novel coronavirus. If
test,” as Trump said on March 6 at the Centers for Disease
this country invests in science now—and if we invest in the main-
Control and Prevention. A leader does not assume the
tenance of strong global health systems—we will be better pre-
mantle of expertise in areas where he or she has none. A
pared for the next novel virus waiting out there. 
leader accepts responsibility for personal and organiza-
tional failures. A leader cares more about saving lives than
about winning reelection. J O I N T H E C O N V E R S AT I O N O N L I N E
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LESSON 3: “America first” is a singularly poor survival or send a letter to the editor:

Illustration by Martin Gee June 2020,  9

© 2020 Scientific American


Sputnik Planitia, the left lobe of

Pluto’s “heart,” is one half of the
evidence for a massive collision.

10  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American


• A whisklike device helps to analyze

contaminated water
• Two definitions of the foot square off
• Blood doping boosts an Antarctic fish’s
active lifestyle
• Deaths from opioid overdose may be
drastically underestimated


New simulation delves into potential
for a buried ocean on Pluto

Pluto’s heart-shaped Tombaugh Regio

could be considered the dwarf planet’s aes­
thetic highlight. This colossal, highly reflec­
tive geologic feature was captured with
beautiful clarity by nasa’s New Horizons
spacecraft during its 2015 flyby. The feature’s
elliptical western lobe, Sputnik Planitia,
which by recent estimates is more than 1,200
miles long, caught researchers’ attention: It
appears to be a “bowl” carved out by a mon­
umental ancient impact. And today it is filled
with young floes of churning nitrogen ice.
New Horizons did not get quite as good
a look at the other side of Pluto. But when it
had a peek, it did manage to spot an area on
the part of the globe exactly opposite Sput­
nik Planitia that looked like a jumbled jigsaw
of crevasses, mounds and pits. With no
clearly apparent formation mechanism, sci­
entists speculated on its origin.
Now research suggests the impact that
carved out Sputnik Planitia is to blame. Ac­­
cording to simulations replicating that cata­
clysm, it sent powerful seismic waves around
and through Pluto, tearing up the surface on
the opposite side. Crucially, the transmission
of those potent seismic waves—and the
resulting creation of that chaotic terrain’s
specific dimensions—would depend on
Pluto having a 93-mile-thick subsurface
ocean of liquid water, an idea scientists
have been considering for a while.

The work was presented virtually at the

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in
March. This modeling is still in its early days,
and it has yet to be peer-reviewed. But con­

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© 2020 Scientific American


necting impacts to distant geologic features the planet’s exact opposite side, or antipode, that transmits stress waves more slowly
to infer Pluto’s interior structure is “a really to a geologic pandemonium of shattered than other likely candidates. The difference
novel idea,” says James Tuttle Keane, a plan- rock and maddeningly undulating topogra- in sound speed between the core and ocean
etary scientist at nasa’s Jet Propulsion Labo- phy. “There’s nothing like it anywhere else would be low—a quirk of physics that allows
ratory, who was not involved with the study. on the body,” Radebaugh says. Researchers more seismic energy to move through the
If this method of simulated planetary seis- long thought this rough terrain came from ocean toward the other side than it other-
mology holds water, Pluto’s secrets may not Caloris’s violent creation—just as the undu- wise could. This means that overall, a gar-
be the only ones extracted from afar, says lating land opposite Sputnik Planitia may gantuan amount of that energy is trained on
Paul Byrne, a planetary geologist at North have come from a similar impact on Pluto. Sputnik Planitia’s antipode, enough to make
Carolina State University, who was also not So, scientists wondered, why not re- the mangled features seen by New Horizons.
involved in the research. The concept could create Pluto’s seismology to find out? They Still, the spacecraft’s images of that half
be extended to all kinds of icy worlds and turned to the model iSALE, which simulates of Pluto have poor resolution compared with
satellites, from the moons of the solar sys- planetary-scale impacts and replicates the those of the Sputnik Planitia side, Byrne says,
tem’s ice giants to the frigid behemoths hid- physics of impact shocks. Adeene Denton, so it is not easy to work out precisely what
ing out in the Kuiper Belt. This research is a planetary geologist at Purdue University they are showing. “There’s a lot of weird
a reminder of the incalculable value of New and lead author of the new work, says she stuff on that far side of Pluto,” Keane says.
Horizons’s meet-and-greet with Pluto, says has “blown up Pluto countless times.” “And there are a lot of different ways that
Jani Radebaugh, a planetary scientist at The simulation that best replicates the you can imagine creating some of those odd
Brigham Young University, who was not dimensions of Sputnik Planitia and Pluto’s patterns that we see.” One such possibility
involved with the work. “It’s amazing how mangled antipodal terrain involves a 250- involves volatile ices of methane, carbon
we squeeze every little bit out of it,” she adds. mile-wide projectile moving at 4,500 miles dioxide and nitrogen that chew up Pluto’s
Sputnik Planitia’s location hints at a bur- per hour and crashing into the dwarf planet. landscape as they fluctuate between gases
ied ocean on Pluto, but more evidence is In the model, as Sputnik Planitia is carved and solids. They could also be responsible for
needed to confirm its existence. Scientists out, a massive shock wave travels through unusual terrain, including the mess opposite
use robots to detect seismic waves traveling Pluto, followed by a deformation-causing Sputnik Planitia. (A recent, unrelated study
through Earth, the moon and Mars. These stress wave whose movement depends on also blames volatiles for creating the chaotic
waves reflect, deflect and contort, depend- the speed of sound in the material in which terrain antipodal to Mercury’s Caloris Basin.)
ing on what material they pass through— it travels. The stress wave traverses Pluto’s But if the new model is correct, it adds
and they paint a picture of a world’s subter- rocky core relatively quickly and moves credence to the idea that Pluto and its icy
ranean layers. But this is not possible on far- slowly through the body’s icy shell. It travels cousins elsewhere could have substantial
flung Pluto, which lacks robotic explorers. even more slowly through the 93-mile-thick subsurface oceans. Far from being merely
Help, as it happens, was hiding billions of liquid-water ocean sandwiched in between. frozen-through snowballs, Denton says,
miles away on Mercury. Its Caloris Basin, a In the simulation that best fits the data, “they could all host such incredible, rich geo-
roughly 950-mile-wide impact crater, lies on Pluto’s core is made of serpentine, a rock logic histories.”  —Robin George Andrews

C O N S E R VAT I O N Roehrdanz, a researcher with the nonprofit tion risk could fall by more than 50 percent.

organization Conservation International. These results could help inform United
Climate change is expected to continue Nations officials scheduled to meet this

altering existing habitats, forcing more year. Focused on conserving the world’s
organisms to relocate or adapt. For this flora and fauna, the U.N. Convention on
study, published in February in E cography, Biological Diversity has proposed conserv-
Calculations suggest how to slash the researchers looked at existing and future ing 30 percent of Earth’s land and oceans
risk for tropical species by half habitat ranges for 104,059 plants and ani- by 2030. Formal protection from develop-
mals in South America, Africa and Asia and ment could save vulnerable ecosystems
Climate change and habitat loss a re two existing ranges for 185,160 more—the larg- and mitigate the effects of climate change.
huge threats to animal and plant survival, but est-ever compilation of such data. They then The model does not, however, take into
a new study shows how managing both fac- modeled future extinction risk for those spe- account how different species interact with
tors could help prevent extinctions. Cutting cies if certain percentages of the planet’s one another and with the landscape. A
greenhouse gas emissions and protecting tropical land were placed under protection hummingbird may move to a new location,
more tropical land could reduce the proba- (around 17 percent is protected now). but the plants it depends on may not, for
bility of species blinking out, called extinction The scientists calculated that with example. Still, says Rachael Gallagher, a
risk, by more than half, the research found. 30 percent protected, if greenhouse biologist at Australia’s Macquarie University
Scientists had not previously calculated gases were also curtailed—consistent in New South Wales, who was not involved
the combined benefits that limiting climate with the aim of keeping global tempera- in the study, the paper “provides an evi-
change and saving swaths of land could have ture rise below two degrees Celsius above dence base for those advocating to expand
for so many species, says co-author Patrick preindustrial levels—the species’ extinc- the world’s protected areas.” —Susan Cosier

12  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American


Water Wand
taminants, and they often have too much
variation in measurement to be useful, she
says. Her group’s device might be able to
Cheap, simple device detects provide remote communities and well
heavy metals in water Dunking the attachments in an acid solu- owners—who in the U.S. are responsible
tion releases the absorbed ions, which can for their own water-quality monitoring—
Municipal water c an be contaminated then be measured. with a feasible alternative to transporting
by electronic waste and other sources Unlike possibly contaminated water high-volume liquid samples over long dis-
of heavy metals—but collecting, chemical- samples, which are considered hazardous, tances. A more advanced version of the
ly preserving and transporting samples the device can be safely mailed to testing device could potentially measure large
to laboratories for testing is challenging for facilities. It can also yield results after two clumps of contaminating metals as well,
remote communities. years of storage, its creators say. In experi- the researchers add.
To streamline the process, Emily ments, the tool accurately reflected the “I think this could be a good diagnostic
Hanhauser, a mechanical engineer at the amounts of copper, nickel, lead and cadmi- tool because of the low cost, good metal-
MELANIE GONICK M assachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and um added to a variety of water samples, recovery numbers and superiority over
her colleagues created a low-tech sample- the researchers reported in March in E nvi- presence/absence tests,” says Siddhartha
collection device that costs less than two ronmental Science and Technology. Roy, an environmental engineer at Virginia
dollars to make. It consists of a plastic han- A detailed analysis of water quality ide- Tech, who studies the notorious drinking
dle tipped by propellerlike attachments ally would be performed near the source, water in Flint, Mich., and who was not
made from polymer mesh, which contain eliminating the need for sample shipping involved with the new study. “I can see
small packets of absorbent resin beads that entirely, Hanhauser notes. But existing superior versions of the device being used
attract heavy metal ions. Users stir the tools designed for that purpose cannot following contamination events for
device in water and then blot or air-dry it. measure small enough amounts of con- specific metals.”  —Rachel Crowell

MEDICINE suit each specific vaccine candidate and

provide a protective coating. “We’ve
learned over time that the key to really sta-

bilizing whatever the film holds is to have it
intermixed with all the ingredients,” Croyle
says, adding that the process is quick and
A flexible film could deliver uses affordable, standard benchtop equip-
crucial medication ment. “We really wanted to come up with
something that would be transferable to
Vaccines may soon m  ake their film debut. developing countries.”
Led by pharmaceutics expert Maria A. Immunization programs depend heavi-
Croyle, researchers at the University of ly on keeping vaccines cold (two to eight
Texas at Austin have developed a thin sheet degrees Celsius) as they are transported, who was not involved in the study. She
that preserves vaccines and other biological sometimes over thousands of kilometers notes that each vaccine type would need
medicines for long periods without refriger- to remote locations. Delivery can be diffi- a custom formulation for future stages
ation. This means the carefully cooled vials cult and costly, and transport disruptions of development.
now used to ship vaccines could potentially can render the vaccines ineffective. Finding partners to scale up manufac-
be replaced by lightweight, peelable films But this new formulation can store live turing for clinical trials is the researchers’
that can be mailed in an envelope and viruses, bacteria and antibodies for several most pressing hurdle, Croyle says. They
stored on a shelf. months at ambient temperatures (20 are also exploring packaging methods to
Croyle’s laboratory began developing degrees C). In a new paper, published in keep their films stable up to 40 degrees C.
the technology in 2007. Inspired by amber’s March in S cience Advances, the scientists Size is a major advantage of this plat-
ability to preserve the DNA of insects and show that the live viruses in one vaccine form—a letter-sized sheet of the film can
other living things, the researchers set out were preserved in the film even after 36 carry more than 500 doses of vaccine,
to create their own version of the sub- months. They also find that a flu vaccine about 1 ⁄900 the weight of equivalent tradi-
stance by mixing together “a lot of sugar suspended in their film compares favorably tional doses. By making it easier and
and a little bit of salt, much like hard can- with a traditional flu shot. “The study dem- cheaper to ship and store vaccines effi-
dy,” Croyle explains. The vaccine-contain- onstrates early proof of concept for an ciently, Croyle says, the technology could
ing film is administered by mouth—sweet exciting platform for vaccine product vastly improve immunization rates the
news for many who dislike needles. development,” says Lisa Rohan, a pharma- world over, particularly in middle- to low-
The film’s components are tailored to cologist at the University of Pittsburgh, income countries.  —Harini Barath

Illustration by Thomas Fuchs June 2020, 13

© 2020 Scientific American


Landing on the Right Foot

Federal agencies are eliminating a multistate disagreement
over a basic measurement unit’s length
International foot
U.S. survey foot
Wash. Not specified Me.
Mont. N.D. Vt. N.H.
Minn. Mass.
Ore. N.Y.
Idaho Wis. R.I.
S.D. Mich. Conn.
Wyo. Pa. N.J.
Neb. Ohio Del.
Nev. Ill. Ind.
Utah W. Va. Md.
Colo. Va.
Calif. Kan. Mo. Ky.
Okla. Ark. S.C.
Ariz. N.M.
Miss. Ala. Ga.
Alaska La.
Hawaii Fla.

In 2023 every U.S. land surveyor w will

ill of a meter, has an unending decimal.) This
nally be on equal footing. One kind of means that anyone working in multiple
foot, specifi cally: the “international foot.” U.S. locations or with diff different
erent agencies
These engineers have long measured land must keep careful track of which foot is in
with two versions of the unit, depending use. A recent poll of 530 attendees of a
on which state they are in and whom they National Geodetic Survey Webinar, who
work for. To eliminate the resulting confu- were mostly surveyors, found that 62 62 per-
sion, surveyors will soon stop using what cent blamed confusion between the two
is called the “U.S. survey foot” and use feet for problems in their
their work.
only the international version. Bungled math is common in trying to
The two are nearly identical—dividing interpret others’ measurements, says Brian
one by the other provides a ratio of Fisher, a registered land surveyor in Arizo-
0.999998. But over long distances, such na: “I’ve seen it dozens or hundreds of
minuscule diffdifferences
erences add up and can times in my career.” Fortunately, he adds,
cause big problems. Every building in the “it’s not an error until you build it.” But
U.S. sits on specific
specific GPS coordinates, which Dennis notes that this does happen, citing
are typically rendered and documented in an engineer’s account of a building that
meters. When mapping property or con- was constructed near a landing strip—
struction plans, surveyors convert those and had to lose its top flfloor
oor at the last min-
meters to feet. IfIf they
they use an unexpected ute to avoid obscuring the planes’ glide
type of foot, future engineers referencing path, which had been calculated with a dif-
those maps might install or look for infra- fering type of foot.
wrong place.
structure in the wrong place. official
The offi cial announcement of the
“It’s kind of a mess,” says Michael Den- impending change is slated for the end
nis, the National Geodetic Survey project of June,
of June, and the public has been given

manager overseeing the transition. Most aa chance

chance to weigh in on the mandate.
engineering projects in the U.S. have used Some people have expressed support;
the international foot since 1959, but land others warn it may cause even more con-
Scientific American is a registered trademark of surveys—which map boundaries and infra- fusion, and a few suggest U.S. surveyors
Springer Nature America, Inc.
structure locations—use whichever foot an just embrace the metric system. “We real-
Scientific American is a registered trademark of
Springer Nature America, Inc
organization or state wants. (The interna- ly wanted people to go metric,” Dennis
tional foot is exactly 0.3048 of a meter, different
says, “but that’s a diff of battle.”
erent kind of battle.”
whereas the U.S. survey foot, 1200/3937  —LLeslie
— eslie Nemo

14  Scientific
14 Scientific American, June 2020 Graphic by Amanda Montañez

© 2020 Scientific American

Bald notothens In
A N I M A L B E H AV I O R published in January in the JJournal
 ournal of
Experimental Biology.
The scientists compared RBC levels in
samples collected from bald notothens

relaxing in glass tanks with those in sam-
ples drawn from fish they “chased” using
To remain active in frigid waters, aa plastic
plastic tube. RBC levels were at 9 9 percent
an Antarctic fish drastically in the resting animals but 2727 percent
percent in the
adjusts blood oxygen exercised ones, showing a 207 percent Join the nation’s
Blood doping ttoo heighten performance
spike in the latter’s blood oxygen-carrying
capacity. “No [other] fish we’ve seen can
largest association of
is forbidden in professional sports. Athletes more than double their RBCs or drop their freethinkers, atheists
can use this technique to fuel their muscles numbers to such a low level when resting,” and agnostics working
with more oxygen-carrying red blood cells— Axelsson says. This low level reduces strain
for example, by receiving a transfusion. on the bald notothens’ heart, he adds. to keep religion
But many animals dope naturally: sheep, The fish’s spleen stores RBCs, and the out of government.
marine fishes and horses can boost their researchers found that to eject more into
blood’s capacity to carry oxygen by 16 to
16 to the bloodstream, the organ contracts to
74 percent
74 percent in physically demanding situa- weigh 41 41 percent
percent less. For a free sample of
tions. Now a study shows that an Antarctic The enormous changes in RBC levels FFRF’s newspaper,
fish called the bald notothen can ramp up initially surprised Gerald Kooyman, a Freethought Today:
its carrying capacity by more than 200 per- marine biologist at the Scripps Institution
cent to pursue an active life in frigid waters. of Oceanography, who was not involved in
Like most fishes native to Antarctica, the study. He notes, however, that these
the bald notothen’s blood contains anti- animals have fewer blood cells to begin
freeze proteins that help it withstand with, so maintaining circulation with a tri-
extreme cold. But these proteins, along pled RBC count is less difficult. If a diving
Call 1-800-335-4021
with red blood cells (RBCs), can make Weddell seal pushed its RBC levels from
blood viscous and hard to circulate. Some 40 to
40 90 percent,
to 90 percent, for instance, its blood
Antarctic fishes adapt by eliminating RBCs would be dangerously hard to pump.
altogether, absorbing oxygen directly from Yet bald notothens do face trade-offs
the water via gills and skin as they passive- for their ability. By attaching a probe to
ly await prey. Bald notothens, however, each fish’s aorta, the scientists found blood
actively swim below surface ice to chase pressure was 12 12 percent
percent higher and the
krill and other crustaceans while dodging heart worked 30 30 percent
percent harder in active
predators such as penguins and seals. individuals. The heart can rest during quiet
For this behavior, “you need to supply [more] times, but when bald notothens need to
A lamy

oxygen to the muscles,” says Michael exert themselves, Axelsson says, “these fish
Axelsson, a cardiovascular physiologist at have to live with the slightly higher conse-
FFRF is a 501(c)(3) educational charity.
the University of Gothenburg in Sweden quences of [more] RBCs because they need
and co-author of the new study, which was more oxygen.”  Priyanka Runwal
— Runwal
Deductible for income tax purposes. 15
June 2020, 15

© 2020 Scientific American

a human-grown crop, suggesting that the

Tastes Like birds lived alongside people year-round—a

first step toward domestication. Barton says

Pheasant Modern pheasant the process likely paralleled early chicken

domestication: wild birds started interacting
New analysis ruffles the story lished in February in Scientific Reports. closely with humans and eventually formed
Most archaeologists had assumed that lasting, interdependent relationships with
of poultry domestication
bird bones found with those of pigs and them. True domestication, however, entails
dogs, along with agricultural tools, at physical or genetic change brought about by
Chickens are by far t he most numerous 8,000-year-old sites in northern China were artificial human selection; the ancient pheas-
birds on the planet, with a population of the earliest evidence of chicken domestica- ant genomes match modern ones, so these
around 23 billion. But new research sug- tion. But many wondered how red jungle birds were still technically “wild.”
gests that another species was once a fowl—known to be chickens’ wild ances- Yu Dong, a geneticist at Shandong Uni-
strong contender to become the world’s tors—could suddenly appear more than versity in China, who was not involved in the
favorite poultry: ancient bird remains in 1,000 miles from their native range in South- research, says these “very important” find-
China have turned out to be not from the east Asia. In 2015 researchers raised the pos- ings provide significant insight into the histo-
first domesticated chickens, as researchers sibility that the bones belonged to pheas- ry of domestication. She wonders, though,
long assumed, but from pheasants. The ants, which are native to northern China. whether Neolithic people would have been
study further indicates that wild pheasants For a definitive answer, Barton and his likely to welcome pheasants. “In many plac-
lived side by side with people, shedding colleagues analyzed the bones of eight birds es nowadays,” Dong notes, “a net is put up in
light on the early domestication process. found at Gansu Province’s 7,500-­year-­old fields to prevent birds from eating up crops.”
“It’s uncommon for us to have evidence Neolithic Dadiwan site that were previously Barton says humans probably consid-
of deer, for example, living with hunter- identified as chickens. Researchers at the ered pheasants a good meat source. But
gatherers,” says Loukas Barton, an archae- University of Oklahoma used two different he suspects that pheasants’ intermittent
ologist at California-based environmental methods, including sequencing the full egg laying may be why the more consis-

J MROCEK G etty Images

consulting firm Dudek. “But in this case, mitochondrial genome, to genetically con- tent chicken was ultimately domesticated
we see what otherwise is considered a firm that the bones belonged to pheasants. instead—perhaps explaining, he says,
wild animal living in the human biome.” Biochemistry tests revealed that these “why today we don’t eat Kentucky Fried
Barton is lead author on the study, pub- pheasants subsisted on a diet heavy in millet, ­Pheasant.”  —Rachel Nuwer

E P I D E M I O LO G Y mosquito, it reproduces, mixing and match- transmitted in a single mosquito bite.”

All in One
ing genes. Until now, the most efficient way The findings are consistent with what
to study Plasmodium’s genetic diversity was Dyann Wirth, an infectious disease re­­
to grind up whole mosquitoes and sequence searcher at Harvard University specializing
Scientists track malaria-causing the mix. The new technique lets scientists in parasites, who was not involved in the
parasites in individual blood cells determine whether a patient’s particular new study, had suspected based on earlier
parasites were the product of reproduction research. She calls the work “an important
Malaria struck a n estimated 228 million within a single mosquito or were introduced technical breakthrough that will allow
people worldwide in 2018. Yet questions separately by different ones. a much deeper understanding of malaria
remain about how the mosquito-borne The researchers collected blood from transmission and recombination.”
malaria parasite, P  lasmodium, infects patients at a hospital serving different vil- This technique can also indicate where
humans—and how antimalarial-drug-resis- lages in Malawi, then sequenced genomes infections are coming from. When eradica-
tance genes spread. Different strains of of the parasites found in infected blood tion efforts reduce malaria cases in a given
the parasite can exchange genes with one cells. Based on the parasites’ intermingled area, analyzing blood cells from those who
another when they reproduce sexually genomes, the researchers found that near- still get sick can reveal if the infected mos-
inside an individual mosquito, and the ly all the infections studied likely came quitoes came from afar or if local elimina-
resulting mixed strains infect humans from an individual bite. tion was incomplete, explains Edward
through the mosquito’s bite. A new study “Using single-cell sequencing of para- Wenger, director of global health research
paints a detailed picture of how Plasmodium sites from whole populations of infected at the Institute for Disease Modeling in
trades genes, and it finds that all the genetic individuals, we could really start to see Bellevue, Wash., who was not involved
diversity within an actively infected human for the first time how people are getting in the study. The method could also help
host—up to 17 parasite strains—can come infected with malaria,” says Ian Cheese- researchers track the proliferation of
from just one bite. The work was published man, a parasitologist at Texas Biomedical drug-resistance mutations. Finding these
in January in C
 ell Host and Microbe. Research Institute and senior author of the mutations­—and containing their spread—
Plasmodium spends part of its life cycle new study. “Sometimes absolutely stagger- is a critical public health strategy for preserv-
in humans and part in mosquitoes. In the ing amounts of genetic diversity are being ing drugs’ ­effectiveness.  —Viviane Callier

16  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

Researchers report dinosaur footprints up to In a Leipzig waste site, scientists found aa soil

Quick 1.25 meters long on the roof of a cave in France,

likely coming from a type of titanosaur. Geologic
bacterium that can break down components of
polyurethane—and survive the toxic chemicals

Hits processes buried and shifted the shoreline

footprints to the cave’s roof, 500 meters deep.
released in the process.

By Sarah Lewin Frasier


U.S. Daily growth rings on
A hiker found two rusted, a 70-million-year-old
unexploded bombs from fossilized mollusk indicate
1935 on the Mauna Loa that Earth turned faster
volcano on Hawaii’s Big at the
at the time, squeezing 372
Island. The bombs had days into each year. The
been intended to help creature’s former habitat,
divert lava flflow
ow during a shallow seabed, is now
an eruption. on a mountain in Oman.

A 20-year experiment revealed that cattle-grazing Seven new peacock spider species—including one with a
areas frequented by elephants store almost twice van Gogh SStarry
 tarry Night
–like design—were discovered among
For more details, visit
as much carbon as areas that bar the animals; crowd-sourced photographs from across the continent.
jun2020/advances soil in these areas also has higher nutrient levels. The spiders are known for their vividly colored abdomens.
© 2020 Scientific American

June 2020, 17

Estimated Opioid Overdose Undercounts by State, 2016

Drug Tested Known opioid overdoses Additional estimated

opioid overdoses
Unidentified overdoses
(dotted lines)
Other overdoses

W. Va.
A new model shows opioid D.C.
deaths may be significantly Ohio
underreported Md.
Opioids have been blamed f or the deaths Mass.
of at least 400,000 U.S. residents in the Ky.
past two decades—but research now Conn.
shows that number could be much higher. Me.
Researchers looked at data from the Fla. Undercounts of opioid-related deaths
Centers for Disease Control and Preven- N.M. stemmed from the failure of many
tion on about 630,000 people who died Nev. death certificates to specify the drugs
Mich. associated with overdoses. Researchers
of drug overdoses between 1999 and 2016. Mo.
estimated that the majority of these
They separated the deaths into two cate- Ind.
N. J. unidentified overdoses involved opioids.
gories: those with and without a specific Vt.
drug indicated. La.
For the first category, they analyzed Utah Looking at a snapshot of just 2016, in
Okla. terms of deaths per 100,000 people,
how contributing causes of death (such as Ariz. states such as Pennsylvania, Delaware,
injuries and heart problems) and personal N.C. Indiana and Louisiana show some of the
characteristics (such as age and gender) Wis.
largest differences between researchers’
correlated with opioid involvement. N.Y. estimates and reported numbers.
They then used these analyses to calculate S.C.
the probability of opioid involvement Alaska
for each unidentified drug overdose, and Va.
they found that the number of opioid Wash.
deaths is likely 28 percent higher than Ala.
generally reported. Hawaii
The researchers also noticed that in Ga.
five states—Alabama, Indiana, Louisiana, Ark.
Mississippi and Pennsylvania—the number Ore.
of apparent opioid deaths over the seven- Calif.
year period more than doubles after taking Miss.
into account their adjustments. Kan.

“Opioid deaths serve as one of the main N.D.
measures of the opioid crisis, and if opioid Tex.

deaths are not counted accurately, the extent S.D.
of the crisis can be severely misrepresented,” Neb.
says Elaine L. Hill, an applied microecono-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
mist at the University of Rochester Medical Deaths per 100,000
Center and study co-author. The findings
appeared online in February in A  ddiction.
Hill says this research highlights “the
potential role of state-level medical exami- have missing information on particular level of specificity.” Because of that, he adds,
nation systems and other policies in driv- drugs’ involvement in overdoses. Most overdose mortality statistics for opioids—
ing high rates of underreporting.” For counties in the five states with the highest and other drugs—can be misleading. Using
instance, a lack of detail in death certifi- discrepancies have coroners. calculations like the ones in this study, he
cates could relate to whether counties Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality says, should help capture more accurate
have a coroner or medical examiner, the statistics branch of the National Center for and geographically comparable opioid
study authors say. Either can declare cause Health Statistics, who was not involved in death estimates.
of death, notes Alina Denham, study co- the study, says the research highlights what The researchers say they hope govern-
author and Ph.D. candidate at the Univer- his department has known for some time: ment officials and other researchers will use
sity of Rochester. But not all coroners con- drugs are often not clearly identified in their new prediction model to calculate
duct autopsies—so Denham says coroner- drug-related deaths, and “there is substan- estimates for future deaths and to reexam-
based jurisdictions may be more likely to tial variability by state and by county in the ine past data.  —Jillian Kramer

18  Scientific American, June 2020 Graphic by Amanda Montañez

© 2020 Scientific American

METER Jessica Goodfellow, a teacher and editor living in Japan, is author
of the poetry collections Mendeleev’s Mandala, The Insomniac’s
Edited by Dava Sobel Weather Report, A Pilgrim’s Guide to Chaos in the Heartland and,
most recently, Whiteout. Her work has appeared in Best American
Poetry a nd other anthologies.

North of the Drunken Forest

Absent of taproot, the black spruce leans madly in which buried deep are layers of ancient volcanic ash,
where permafrost slumps into thermokarst. Who soot from fires primeval, banked bubbles of archaic air—
wouldn’t fall down soused when the ground beneath stories stored, frozen, in cerulean cerebral cortex, a vortex
began to melt, to buckle and sink? Who wouldn’t drink? stilled, which soon may spill. The polar ice, in stripes, remembers

In the boreal forests, in a landscape staggered what we weren’t here to recall, but as with all memory,
with lurching birches, ice is a memory, while farther what is buried in the blue yonder—if it escapes the icescape—
north, where glaciers begin to thin, ice is memory, could kill us. Deep memory is a danger zone. Ice is another
or the keeper of memories, a kind of collective mind nether. No wonder it numbs. No wonder it burns.

 etty Images

20  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

THE SCIENCE Claudia Wallis is an award-winning science journalist whose
OF HEALTH work has appeared in the New York Times, Time, Fortune a nd the
New Republic. She was science editor at Time a nd managing editor
of Scientific American Mind.

numerous organisms on earth. And like guided missiles, each

type has evolved to seek and destroy a specific type of bacteria.
Phage therapy has long been used in eastern Europe to battle infec-
tions, but after modern antibiotics arrived in the 1940s, it was
largely ignored. Interest began to pick up in this century “because
the resistance issue was getting worse and worse,” says Vincent
Fischetti, who heads the laboratory of bacterial pathogenesis and
immunology at the Rockefeller University. With modern tech-
niques, virologists can precisely match just the right phages to a
specific strain of superbug—with sometimes astonishing results.
Tom Patterson, for example, was resurrected from an over-
whelming Iraqibacter infection after his wife, Steffanie Strathdee,
an infectious disease epidemiologist, scoured the world for phag-
es that might save him. The couple, both professors at the Univer-
sity of California, San Diego, tell his story in their 2019 book The
Perfect Predator. Strathdee has since co-founded U.C.S.D.’s Center
for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics.
For now phage therapy remains experimental. In most cases,
it involves making custom cocktails of several phages shown to
be active in vitro against an individual patient’s bug. In Patterson’s
case, nine different phages were used in various cocktails inject-
ed into his bloodstream multiple times a day over 18 weeks. Strath-

Viruses Can Be
dee envisions creating a library “with tens of thousands of phag-
es, already purified, characterized and sequenced,” for medical
mixologists to draw on. Researchers are also developing premixed

Saviors, Too
phage cocktails for some of the more common superbug strains.
The effort that is furthest along, however, relies on a phage
enzyme called a lysin rather than on whole phages. After multi-
plying inside a bacterium, phages use lysins to break through the
As superbugs spread, researchers are cell wall of their host, instantly killing it. A purified lysin made
turning to viruses that kill bacteria from a phage gene isolated in Fischetti’s lab was tested in a
phase 2 trial with 116 patients suffering from staph infections of
By Claudia Wallis the blood or heart, including 43 with MRSA strains. The results
led the FDA to designate the lysin, known as exebacase, a “break-
This year the world awakened to the fact that the most power- through therapy,” meaning it will be fast-tracked for approval if
ful and sophisticated species on earth is tragically vulnerable to a phase 3 trial, now underway, bears out the findings.
the tiniest and most basic of creatures. Infectious disease spe- The full phase  2 results have not been published, but “what
cialists have been warning about this for decades. And the threat really grabbed a lot of attention was what we saw in the subgroup
comes not only from novel viruses, such as the one causing with MRSA,” says Cara Cassino, chief medical officer at Contra-
COVID-19, that jump from animals to humans but also from Fect, the biotech firm developing exebacase. The infection was
microbial monsters that we have helped to create through our cleared in 74 percent of MRSA patients given the lysin plus stan-
cavalier use of antibiotics: treatment-resistant bacteria such as dard antibiotics but in only 31 percent of those who got antibiot-
MRSA (methicillin-resistant S  taphylococcus aureus) and multi- ics plus a placebo. The respective mortality rates after 30 days
drug-resistant A  cinetobacter baumannii, s ometimes dubbed were 3.7  and 25  percent, Cassino says. Other lysin drugs are in
“Iraqi­bacter” because so many soldiers returning from Iraq were the pipeline at ContraFect and elsewhere.
infected with it. The World Health Organization has predicted Lysins work synergistically with standard antibiotics, Fischetti
that deaths from resistant “superbugs” will rise from roughly says; they can pierce the walls of superbugs, enabling the drugs to
700,000 a year today to nearly 10 million by 2050. do their job. Lysins also clear up biofilms—slimy layers of bacte-
But in a splendid irony, it may turn out that viruses, so often ria, carbohydrates and gunk—that cause lasting infections not
seen as nemeses, could be our saviors in fighting a host of killer readily cured by antibiotics. Another advantage is specificity: lysins
infections. As the threat from drug-resistant bacteria has grown kill their target without collateral damage to the microbiome.
and the development of new antibiotics has stalled, researchers Phage and lysin therapies still have a ways to go, but at a time
have turned their attention to bacteriophages—literally, bacteria when much of the world is besieged by a virus, it’s good to know
eaters. Viruses in this class are believed to be the oldest and most that these tiny invaders may someday save us. 

22  Scientific American, June 2020 Illustration by Fatinha Ramos

© 2020 Scientific American


24  Scientific American, June 2020 Illustrations by Richard Borge

© 2020 Scientific American

By Jane Qiu


By Michael Waldholz

By Jillian Mock


By Jillian Mock and Jen Schwartz


By Charles Schmidt


By Lydia Denworth

June 2020, 25

© 2020 Scientific American

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In 2004 S hi Zhengli IN CHINA TO  TRACK 

found a natural
reservoir of corona-
viruses in bat caves
in southern China.


Genetic analyses
show they have
leaped to people
several times, caus-


ing deadly diseases
such as COVID-19.
Increasing contact
between people
and wild animals
makes more
outbreaks likely. By Jane Qiu

26  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

June 2020, 27

© 2020 Scientific American

T he mysterious patient samples arrived at the Wuhan Institute of
Virology at 7 p.m. on December 30, 2019. Moments later Shi Zhengli’s cell
phone rang. It was her boss, the institute’s director. The Wuhan Cen-
ter for Disease Control and Prevention had detected a novel corona-
virus in two hospital patients with atypical pneumonia, and it want-
ed Shi’s renowned laboratory to investigate. If the finding was
confirmed, the new pathogen could pose a serious public health
threat—because it belonged to the same family of viruses as the one that caused
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a disease that plagued 8,100 people
and killed nearly 800 of them be­­tween 2002 and 2003. “Drop whatever you are
doing and deal with it now,” she recalls the director saying.
Shi, a virologist who is often called China’s “bat “It’s incredibly important to pinpoint the source of infec-
woman” by her colleagues because of her virus-hunt- tion and the chain of cross-species transmission,” says
ing expeditions in bat caves over the past 16 years, disease ecologist Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth
walked out of the conference she was attending in Alliance, a New York City–based nonprofit re­­search orga-
Shanghai and hopped on the next train back to Wuhan. nization that collaborates with researchers, such as Shi,
“I wondered if [the municipal health authority] got it in 30 countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East to dis-
wrong,” she says. “I had never expected this kind of cover new viruses in wildlife. An equally important task,
thing to happen in Wuhan, in central China.” Her stud- he adds, is to hunt down other pathogens to “prevent
ies had shown that the southern, subtropical provinces similar incidents from happening again.”
of Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan have the greatest
risk of coronaviruses jumping to humans from ani- THE CAVES
mals—particularly bats, a known reservoir. If corona- To Shi, her first virus-discovery expedition felt like a
viruses were the culprit, she remembers thinking, vacation. On a breezy, sunny spring day in 2004, she
“Could they have come from our lab?” joined an international team of researchers to collect
While Shi’s team at the Wuhan institute, an affiliate samples from bat colonies in caves near Nanning, the
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, raced to uncover capital of Guangxi. Her inaugural cave was typical of
the identity of the contagion—over the following week the region: large, rich in limestone columns and—as a
they connected the illness to the novel coronavirus that popular tourist destination—easily accessible. “It was
become known as SARS-CoV-2—the disease spread like spellbinding,” Shi recalls. Milky-white stalactites hung
wildfire. By April 20 more than 84,000 people in China from the ceiling like icicles, glistening with moisture.
had been infected. About 80  percent of them lived in But the holidaylike atmosphere soon dissipated.
the province of Hubei, of which Wuhan is the capital, Many bats—including several insect-eating species of
and more than 4,600 had died. Outside of China, about horseshoe bats that are abundant in southern Asia—
2.4 million people across 210 or so countries and terri- roost in deep, narrow caves on steep terrain. Often
tories had caught the virus, and more than 169,000 had guided by tips from local villagers, Shi and her col-
perished from the disease it caused, COVID-19. leagues had to hike for hours to potential sites and
Scientists have long warned that the rate of emer- inch through tight rock crevasses on their stomachs.
Jane Qiu is
an award-winning gence of new infectious diseases is accelerating—espe- And the flying mammals can be elusive. In one frus-
science writer cially in developing countries where high densities of trating week, the team explored more than 30 caves
based in Beijing. people and animals increasingly mingle and move about. and saw only a dozen bats.

28  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

These expeditions were part of the effort to catch the 1
culprit in the SARS outbreak, the first major epidemic
of the 21st century. A Hong Kong team had reported
that wildlife traders in Guangdong first caught the SARS
coronavirus from civets, mongooselike mammals that
are native to tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa.
Before SARS, the world had only an inkling of coro-
naviruses—so named because their spiky surface re­­
sembles a crown when seen under a microscope, says
Linfa Wang, who directs the emerging infectious dis-
eases program at Singapore’s Duke-NUS Medical
School. Coronaviruses were mostly known for causing
common colds. “The SARS outbreak was a game
changer,” Wang says. It was the first emergence of a
deadly coronavirus with pandemic potential. The inci-
dent helped to jump-start a global search for animal
viruses that could find their way into humans. Shi was
an early recruit of that effort, and both Daszak and
Wang have been her long-term collaborators.
With the SARS virus, just how the civets got it 2
remained a mystery. Two previous incidents were tell-
ing: Australia’s 1994 Hendra virus infections, in which
the contagion jumped from horses to humans, and
Malaysia’s 1998 Nipah virus outbreak, in which it
moved from pigs to people. Wang found that both dis-
eases were caused by pathogens that originated in fruit-
eating bats. Horses and pigs were merely the interme-
diate hosts. Bats in the Guangdong market also con-
tained traces of the SARS virus, but many scientists
dismissed this as contamination. Wang, however,
thought bats might be the source.
In those first virus-hunting months in 2004, when-
ever Shi’s team located a bat cave, it would put a net
at the opening before dusk and then wait for the noc-
turnal creatures to venture out to feed for the night.
Once the bats were trapped, the researchers took blood
and saliva samples, as well as fecal swabs, often work-
ing into the small hours. After catching up on some
sleep, they would return to the cave in the morning to Shi’s team used the antibody test to narrow down OUTSIDE A BAT
collect urine and fecal pellets. the list of locations and bat species to pursue in the CAVE in China’s
But sample after sample turned up no trace of quest for genomic clues. After roaming mountainous Guangxi province
genetic material from coronaviruses. It was a heavy terrain in most of China’s dozens of provinces, the in 2004, Shi Zhengli
blow. “Eight months of hard work seemed to have gone researchers turned their attention to one spot: Shitou releases a fruit bat
down the drain,” Shi says. “We thought maybe bats had Cave, on the outskirts of Kunming, the capital of Yun- after taking a blood
nothing to do with SARS.” The scientists were about to nan, where they conducted intense sampling during sample (1). On the
give up when a research group in a neighboring lab different seasons over five consecutive years. same trip, a group
handed them a diagnostic kit for testing antibodies pro- The efforts paid off. The pathogen hunters discov- of researchers
duced by people with SARS. ered hundreds of bat-borne coronaviruses with incred- prepare bat blood
There was no guarantee that the test would work ible genetic diversity. “The majority of them are harm- samples that they
for bat antibodies, but Shi gave it a go anyway. “What less,” Shi says. But dozens belong to the same group as will screen for
did we have to lose?” she says. The results exceeded SARS. They can infect human lung cells in a petri dish viruses and other
her expectations. Samples from three horseshoe bat and cause SARS-like diseases in mice. pathogens (2).
species contained antibodies to the SARS virus. “It was In Shitou Cave—where painstaking scrutiny has
a turning point for the project,” Shi says. The research- yielded a natural genetic library of bat-borne viruses—
ers learned that the presence of the coronavirus in the team discovered a coronavirus strain that came
SHUYI ZHANG (1 a nd 2 )

bats was ephemeral and seasonal—but an antibody from horseshoe bats with a genomic sequence nearly
reaction could last from weeks to years. The diagnos- 97 percent identical to the one found in civets in Guang-
tic kit, therefore, offered a valuable pointer as to how dong. The finding concluded a decade-long search for
to hunt down viral genomic sequences. the natural reservoir of the SARS coronavirus.

June 2020, 29

© 2020 Scientific American

A DANGEROUS MIX the cave for a year, the researchers discovered a diverse
In many bat dwellings S  hi has sampled, including Shi- group of coronaviruses in six bat species. In many cases,
tou Cave, “constant mixing of different viruses creates multiple viral strains had infected a single animal, turn-
a great opportunity for dangerous new pathogens to ing it into a flying factory for new viruses.
emerge,” says Ralph Baric, a virologist at the Univer- “The mine shaft stunk like hell,” says Shi, who, like
sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In the vicinity of her colleagues, went in wearing a protective mask and
such viral melting pots, Shi says, “you don’t need to be clothing. “Bat guano, covered in fungus, littered the
a wildlife trader to be infected.” cave.” Although the fungus turned out to be the patho-
Near Shitou Cave, for example, many villages sprawl gen that had sickened the miners, she says it would
among the lush hillsides in a region known for its roses, have been only a matter of time before they caught the
oranges, walnuts and hawthorn berries. In October coronaviruses if the mine had not been promptly shut.
2015 Shi’s team collected blood samples from more than With growing human populations increasingly
200 residents in four of those villages. It found that six encroaching on wildlife habitats, with unprecedented
IN YUNNAN people, or nearly 3 percent, carried antibodies against changes in land use, with wildlife and livestock trans-
PROVINCE, CHINA, SARS-like coronaviruses from bats—even though none ported across countries and their products around
scientists from of them had handled wildlife or reported SARS-like or the world, and with sharp increases in both domes-
EcoHealth Alliance, other pneumonialike symptoms. Only one had traveled tic and international travel, pandemics of new dis-
an international outside of Yunnan prior to the sampling, and all said eases are a mathematical near certainty. This had
group that searches they had seen bats flying in their village. been keeping Shi and many other researchers awake
for diseases that Three years earlier Shi’s team had been called in to at night long before the mysterious samples landed
can jump from investigate the virus profile of a mine shaft in Yunnan’s at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on that ominous
animals to people, mountainous Mojiang County—famous for its fer- evening last December.
hunt for pathogens mented Pu’er tea—where six miners suffered from More than a year ago Shi’s team published two
in a bat cave. pneumonialike diseases and two died. After sampling comprehensive reviews about coronaviruses in
Viruses and Nature Reviews Microbiology. D  rawing
evidence from her own studies—many of which were
published in top academic journals—and from others,
Shi and her co-authors warned of the risk of future
outbreaks of bat-borne coronaviruses.

On the train back to Wuhan on December 30 last year,
Shi and her colleagues discussed ways to immediately
start testing the patients’ samples. In the following
weeks—the most intense and the most stressful time of
her life—China’s bat woman felt she was fighting a bat-
tle in her worst nightmare, even though it was one she
had been preparing for over the past 16 years. Using a
technique called polymerase chain reaction, which can
detect a virus by amplifying its genetic material, the
team found that samples from five of seven patients
had genetic sequences present in all coronaviruses.
Shi instructed her group to repeat the tests and, at
the same time, sent the samples to another facility to
sequence the full viral genomes. Meanwhile she fran-
tically went through her own lab’s records from the
past few years to check for any mishandling of exper-
imental materials, especially during disposal. Shi
breathed a sigh of relief when the results came back:
none of the sequences matched those of the viruses her
team had sampled from bat caves. “That really took a
load off my mind,” she says. “I had not slept a wink
for days.”
By January 7 the Wuhan team had determined that
the new virus had indeed caused the disease those

patients suffered—a conclusion based on results from

analyses using polymerase chain reaction, full genome
sequencing, antibody tests of blood samples and the
virus’s ability to infect human lung cells in a petri dish.

30  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

The genomic sequence of the virus, eventually named could not detect any known pathogen and called Shi
SARS-CoV-2, was 96 percent identical to that of a coro- for help. The cause of the illness—swine acute diarrhea
navirus the researchers had identified in horseshoe bats syndrome (SADS)—turned out to be a virus whose
in Yunnan. Their results appeared in a paper published genomic sequence was 98  percent identical to that of
online on February  3 in Nature. “ It’s crystal clear that a coronavirus found in horseshoe bats in a nearby cave.
bats, once again, are the natural reservoir,” says Daszak, “This is a serious cause for concern,” says Gregory
who was not involved in the study. Gray, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Duke
Since then, researchers have published more than University. Pigs and humans have very similar im­­
4,500 genomic sequences of the virus, showing that mune systems, making it easy for viruses to cross
samples around the world appear to
“share a common ancestor,” Baric says.

“Constant mixing of different viruses 

The data also point to a single introduc-
tion into humans followed by sustained
human-to-human transmission, research-
ers say.
creates a great opportunity for 
Given that the virus seems fairly stable
initially and that many infected individuals
dangerous new pathogens to emerge.”
appear to have mild symptoms, scientists —Ralph Baric U  niversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
suspect that the pathogen might have been
around for weeks or even months before
severe cases raised the alarm. “There might have been between the two species. Moreover, a team at Zheji-
mini outbreaks, but the viruses either burned out or ang University in the Chinese city of Hangzhou found
maintained low-level transmission before causing that the SADS virus could infect cells from many
havoc,” Baric says. Most animal-borne viruses reemerge organisms in a petri dish, including rodents, chick-
periodically, he adds, so “the Wuhan outbreak is by no ens, nonhuman primates and humans. Given the
means incidental.” scale of swine farming in many countries, such as
China and the U.S., Gray says, looking for novel coro-
MARKET FORCES naviruses in pigs should be a top priority.
To many, the region’s b  urgeoning wildlife markets— The current outbreak follows several others during
which sell a wide range of animals such as bats, civets, the past three decades that have been caused by six dif-
pangolins, badgers and crocodiles—are perfect viral ferent bat-borne viruses: Hendra, Nipah, Marburg,
melting pots. Although humans could have caught the SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV (Middle East respiratory syn-
deadly virus from bats directly (according to several drome) and Ebola. But “the animals [themselves] are
studies, including those by Shi and her colleagues), not the problem,” Wang says. In fact, bats promote bio-
independent teams have suggested that pangolins may diversity and ecosystem health by eating insects and
have been an intermediate host. These teams have re­­ pollinating plants. “The problem arises when we get in
portedly uncovered SARS-CoV-2-like coronaviruses in contact with them,” he says.
pangolins that were seized in antismuggling operations
in southern China. TOWARD PREVENTION
On February 24 China announced a permanent ban When I spoke to Shi i n late February—two months into
on wildlife consumption and trade except for research, the epidemic and one month after the government
medicinal or display purposes—which will stamp out imposed severe movement restrictions in Wuhan, a
an industry worth $76  billion and put approximately megacity of 11 million—she said, laughing, that life felt
14 million people out of jobs, according to a 2017 report almost normal. “Maybe we are getting used to it. The
commissioned by the Chinese Academy of Engineer- worst days are certainly over.” The institute staffers had
ing. Some welcome the initiative, whereas others, such a special pass to travel from home to their lab, but they
as Daszak, worry that without efforts to change peo- could not go anywhere else. They had to subsist on
ple’s traditional beliefs or to provide alternative liveli- instant noodles during their long hours at work because
hoods, a blanket ban may simply push the business the institute’s canteen was closed.
underground. This could make disease detection even New revelations about the coronavirus kept com-
more challenging. “Eating wildlife has been part of the ing to light. The researchers discovered, for instance,
cultural tradition” in China for thousands of years, that the pathogen enters human lung cells by using
Daszak says. “It won’t change overnight.” a receptor called angiotensin-converting enzyme  2,
In any case, Shi says, “wildlife trade and consump- and they and other groups have since been screening
tion are only part of problem.” In late 2016 pigs across for drugs that can block it. Scientists are also rac­ing
four farms in Qingyuan County in Guangdong—60 to develop vaccines. In the long run, the Wuhan team
miles from the site where the SARS outbreak origi- plans to develop broad-spectrum vaccines and drugs
nated—suffered from acute vomiting and diarrhea, and against coronaviruses deemed risky to humans.
nearly 25,000 of the animals died. Local veterinarians “The Wuhan outbreak is a wake-up call,” Shi says.

June 2020, 31

© 2020 Scientific American

a receptor
Many scientists
called angiotensin-converting
say the world shouldenzyme 2, move beyond and
merely andresponding
other groups to deadly
have since pathogens
been screening
when they for
drugs that“Thecan bestblock
is prevention,”
are also racing Daszak to |||
|||| |||
says. Becausevaccines. 70 In
the longofrun, emerging
the Wuhan infectious
team plans dis-



of animalbroad-spectrum
origins come vaccines
from wildlife,
and drugs a against
top pri- L

ority should bedeemed identifying riskythem
to humans.
and developing
“The Wuhan bet- SPE R T
diagnostic is a wake-up
tests, he adds.
call,” Shi
Doing says.
so would essentially REP


mean Many continuing
scientists onsaya much
the world
scale whatmoveresearch-


||| |||
ers suchresponding
as Daszak and to Shi
had been
doing before
when theirthey

arise. “The ended bestthis
way year.
forward is prevention,” Daszak
efforts70  should
percent focus
of emerging
on high-risk infectious
viral groups dis-
of animal proneorigins
to coronavirus
come frominfections,
wildlife, a such top pri-as

ority rodents,
should be badgers,
and developing
and nonhuman bet-
diagnostic Daszaktests,says.
he adds.
He adds
Doing that
so developing
would essentially coun-
the tropics, onwhere
a much wildlife
larger diversity
scale what isresearch-
suchbe astheDaszak
frontandlineShi of this
had battle
been doing
against before
Daszak endedand this
his colleagues
year. have analyzed approxi-
gens rodents,
tends tobadgers,
focus ondiseases
the emergence
in places
of newsuch
a dense
lation hasDaszak
been changing
be the front
says. Hethe
where wildlife
that developing
down forests
line ofisthisnotbattle
the only

In noting
recent decades
such as India,
the past
that other
Nigeria and
major and
They found
his colleagues
are that
also at great
the emergence
out, scien-
of new

public health
dense population

to happen
can regularly
in placescheck
swab sam-
are farmed and
and traded,agriculture.
says,as farmers,
as India,
and from high-risk
noting that
“China is not
other villagers
major emerging
or handle
Brazil, are
the onlypopulations
hot spot,”
who liveeconomies,
also at Gray
near bats,
great says.

people. “Only
the public
health health
then can
as “Oneare
by analyzing
we catch an
and swab
sam- it
ples from
egy could
such assuch
an epidemic,”
in who
from he
and fromsave
an epidemic
miners, villagers
or handle
the hundreds
human of


can cost.who live near bats,
billions of

approach,on April  known 8, China’s
as “Onebat Health,”
woman aimsis not
to integrate
in a cele- By Michael Waldholz
She is distressed
of wildlife,because

ple. “Only
Internet thenandcanmajor
we catch media
an outbreak
have repeated before ita turns
ous suggestion
an epidemic,” thatheSARS-CoV-2
says, addingaccidentally
that the approach leaked
couldher potentially
lab—despite savethe thefact
that its genetic
of billions sequence
doessuchnot an match
any her canlabcost.had previously studied.
OtherBack scientists
in Wuhan, arewhere
quick the to dismiss
lockdown the wasallegation.
finally for a drug to treat COVID-
on April a world-class
8, China’slab batofwoman
the highest has decided
standards,” to 19 almost a decade before
retire from says.the front line of virus-hunting expeditions. the contagion, driven by
the mission the disturbance,
must go on,” Shisays
is determined
Shi, who will to con-
tinue to her leadwork.
mission must “What gowe on,”havesheuncov-
says. a novel coronavirus, devas-
ered iswe just have
tip of an iceberg.”
is just the Daszak’s
tip of anteam iceberg.”
has tated the world this year.
is planning that there
to lead area more
nationalthan project
5,000 to coronavirus
systemati- Denison is not a prophet,
waiting viruses
to beindiscovered
bat caves, with in bats
much globally.
wider scope
Shi is
and intensity a national
than previous
project to attempts.
Daszak’s sample
team but he is a virologist and an expert on the often
has estimatedin bat caves—with
that there are much more wider
than scope
5,000 and corona-
inten- deadly coronavirus family, members of which
sity than
strains in herwaiting
be discovered
attempts. in bats globally. also caused the SARS outbreak in 2002 and the
“Bat-borne coronaviruses will cause more out-
breaks,” she Shi says with a tone of brooding certainty. “We MERS eruption in 2012. It is a big viral group,
must fi find
nd them before they find find us.” 
us.” and “we were pretty certain another one would

32  Scientifi
32 Scientificc American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

soon emerge,” says Denison, who directs the division mon to all coronaviruses they had examined, a spot
of pediatric infectious diseases at Vanderbilt Univer- that is key to the microbe’s ability to make copies of
sity Medical Center. itself. If that ability is hindered, a coronavirus cannot IN BRIEF
A virus is an unusual beast. Essentially it is a clus- cause widespread infection. Four years later research-
Drug developers a re
ter of genetic material that integrates itself into a cell ers in the two laboratories spotted a compound that
working on three strate-
and takes over some of the cell’s molecular machin- acted on this protein site. It was sitting, unused, in a gies to treat COVID-19,
ery, using it to assemble an army of viral copies. Those large library of antiviral compounds created by the bio- the disease caused by the
clones burst out of the cell, destroying it, and go on tech giant Gilead Biosciences. The scientists got a sam- novel coronavirus.
to infect nearby cells. Viruses are hard to kill off com- ple and, in test tube and animal experiments, showed One way is to keep SARS-
pletely because of their cellular integration—they that the drug, called remdesivir, shut down the rep- CoV-2 from entering a
hide within their hosts. And they have explosive repro- licating machinery of several coronavirus variants. cell; another is to gum up
ductive rates. Because total eradication is so hard, So in early January, when the alarms rang about the virus’s reproductive
efforts if it does enter.
antiviral drugs instead aim to limit replication to low ­SARS-CoV-2, Denison and Baric alerted colleagues at
Finally, researchers aim
levels that cannot hurt the body. Gilead that they were sitting on a potential treatment. to put a stop to an im­­
In 2013 Denison and Ralph Baric, a coronavirus Largely because of its activity against other coronavi- mune system overreac-
researcher at the University of North Carolina at Cha- rus strains in Denison and Baric’s animal studies, tion that causes the most
pel Hill, identified a vulnerable site on a protein com- remdesivir was made available to patients for “com- severe symptoms.

June 2020, 33

© 2020 Scientific American

THREE WAYS TO TREAT COVID-19 Baric’s, have logged years of experience poking about
the inner workings of coronaviruses because of SARS
Some of the drugs being developed to attack the disease
and MERS. By the time the new coronavirus was genet-
and the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes it
ically sequenced and its structure revealed, scientists
Block Viral Replication already had identified the enzymes and proteins that
most coronaviruses use to spread from one infected
human cell to another and also understood that the
Remdesivir Disrupt viral RNA • U. of North Carolina Clinical trials body could create an overly aggressive inflammatory
synthesis •V anderbilt University
• Gilead Sciences response when the virus infected lung airway cells.
EIDD-2801 Disrupt viral RNA • Emory University Clinical trials Because of this work, three main strategies for
synthesis • U. of North Carolina impeding the virus have emerged as the labs have
• Vanderbilt University turned to the current threat. One strategy is to find
• Ridgeback
Biotherapeutics compounds like remdesivir and EIDD-2801 that gum
up the virus’s reproductive machinery when it enters
Danoprevir-Ritonavir Inhibit viral protease • Ascletis Pharma Clinical trials
enzyme a target cell. A second is to block the virus, like a
RNAi Experimental Block viral RNA • Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Early bouncer outside a bar, from entering and infecting
Compounds synthesis • Vir Biotechnology research those cells in the first place. The third approach is to
muffle the immune system’s dangerously overactive
Prevent Entry into Cells response, a “cytokine storm” that can drown a victim
in a mass of congestion and dying airway cells.
To find these drugs, researchers have turned to the
APN01 Decoy cell receptor • Apeiron Biologics Clinical trials Food and Drug Administration’s list of some 20,000
Multiple Human Antibodies neutral- • Regeneron Clinical trials compounds approved for human use and crawled
Antibody Cocktail ize virus planned for through drug patent applications looking for com-
pounds with promising mechanisms of action. The
Monoclonal Antibody Antibodies neutral- • Vir Biotechnology Clinical trials goal has been to find drugs that have been at least
Candidates ize virus • Biogen planned
• WuXi Biologics partly developed, avoiding years of making therapeu-
TAK-888 Modified antibodies • Takeda Preclinical
tic molecules from scratch. The Milken Institute, a
against virus health advocacy think tank, counted 133 experimen-
tal COVID-19 treatments in mid-April. About 49 of
Reduce Hyperimmune Response and Acute Respiratory Distress these therapies are being rushed into clinical trials.
Their effectiveness in people is not yet known, and
scientists caution that such drugs, like other anti­
Kevzara (sarilumab) Antibodies block IL-6 • Regeneron Clinical trials virals, are unlikely to be cures. But they could reduce
immune cell signal • Sanofi
symptoms enough to give patients’ im­­mune systems
Actemra (tocilizumab) Antibodies block IL-6 • Genentech Clinical trials a chance to beat the virus on their own.
immune cell signal • BARDA*
Remestemcel-L Stem cells modulate • Mesoblast Clinical trials COPY STOPPERS
immune system • NIH†
All coronaviruses use the same mechanism to repro-
Xeljanz (tofacitinib) Inhibit inflammatory • Pfizer Clinical trials duce, which involves an enzyme called viral RNA poly­
merase, so Baric says that was an obvious target. The
*U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority polymerase makes lots of mistakes as it copies the
†National Institutes of Health virus, and it relies on another enzyme, known as an
exonuclease, to “proofread” and fix them. Remdesi-
vir appears to disable the proofreading enzyme. Then
passionate use” in January. By March, Gilead had the virus’s copying factory becomes sloppy and pro-
rushed the compound into two human trials, plan- duces fewer new viruses.​
ning to test the drug’s safety and most effective doses EIDD-2801, the compound with promising animal
on about 1,000 ill patients over several months; and test-tube results reported in early April, aims at
health authorities in China began two similar trials. the same viral enzyme. But unlike remdesivir, which
While that was happening, Denison, Baric and a much be given intravenously, EIDD-2801 can be taken
group of their colleagues at Emory University identi- as a pill. For this reason, Baric and other researchers
fied still another compound, called EIDD-2801, that investigating EIDD-2801, including George Painter, a
hits the same viral vulnerability. In early April they professor of pharmacology and president of the
published results showing that in mice, the new sub- Emory Institute for Drug Development, which first
stance helped breathing and reduced the amount of produced the drug, suspect it may end up being more
many coronaviruses. In test-tube experiments with widely used than remdesivir.
human lung cells, it drastically hindered SARS-CoV-2. In 2018 Painter and his colleagues identified EIDD-
Several labs around the world, like Denison’s and 2801’s activity during a search for a universal influ-

34  Scientific American, June 2020

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enza medicine. When SARS-CoV-2 emerged, Painter’s
group immediately shifted focus. EIDD-2801, like rem-
desivir, inhibits the coronavirus’s self-copying opera-
tions, but it also works against virus variants with a
mutation that made them resistant to the Gilead drug.
In addition, EIDD-2801 is effective against a host of
other RNA viruses, so it could serve as a multipurpose
antiviral, much as some antibiotics can work against
a wide variety of bacteria. For COVID-19, says Wayne
Holman, co-founder of Miami-based Ridgeback Bio-
therapeutics, which has licensed the drug and is plan-
ning clinical trials, the goal is to have a pill that can
be taken by patients at home early in the course of the
disease to prevent it from progressing.

To stop SARS-CoV-2 f rom penetrating cells in the first
place, scientists are trying to develop antibodies that
lock onto the viral protein that facilitates cell entry, a
part of the virus known as the spike. Some of these human airway cells. The virus locked onto the decoy EMERGING f rom
neutralizing antibodies, made of a protein called and was marooned there. “We are blocking the door a cell, SARS-CoV-2
immunoglobulin, may come from the blood of for the virus and, at the same time, protecting tissues,” virus particles (red
patients who have already cleared the virus. Several Penninger says. Apeiron is planning clinical trials circles) will create a
medical centers, including Johns Hopkins Hospital later this year for APN01, which must be administered wider infection un­­­
and the Mayo Clinic, are harvesting blood plasma in the hospital as an infusion to sick patients. less drugmakers find
from survivors and screening it for antibodies. In a ways to block them.
technique known as convalescent therapy, doctors OVERREACTIONS
then transfuse it into hospitalized patients with life- In the sickest COVID-19 patients, a mass of mucuslike
threatening acute respiratory distress. Early studies fluid accumulates in the lungs, preventing cells from
of a few such patients suggest the approach may absorbing oxygen. These are the patients that need
work—some patients’ symptoms improved, and lev- ventilators. The fluid buildup is the result of an over-
els of the virus in their bodies dropped—but the work active immune response that involves a signaling
is very preliminary. chemical called interleukin-6 (IL-6). Biotech compa-
Takeda Pharmaceuticals, a Japanese firm, is also nies, including Regeneron and Genentech, have man-
collecting plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients ufactured synthetic antibodies that can bind to IL-6
to identify antibodies. In that plasma, the company is and mute the call to action that it sends out.
identifying antibodies that show the most activity Northwell Health, a large system of 23 hospitals
against SARS-CoV-2. Using these antibodies as a tem- based in Long Island, N.Y., is one of more than a dozen
plate, the Takeda researchers plan to synthesize a batch centers participating in clinical trials of the IL-6
of even more active versions to create a potent cock- blockers, says Kevin Tracey, chief executive of the
tail of infection inhibitors, says Chris Morabito, head Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, which is
of research and development of plasma-derived ther- running the trials at Northwell sites. “The hospitals
apies. The therapy—TAK-888—might enter clinical tri- are being inundated with very sick patients suffering
als by year’s end, Morabito says; the number “888” rep- from serious pneumonia and acute respiratory dis-
resents “triple fortune” in Chinese. Several other tress,” Tracey says. “The IL-6 drugs have a plausible
drugmakers, including Regeneron and Vir Biotechnol- mechanism of action. I’m optimistic they’ll work.”
ogy, are generating their own therapeutic antibodies None of these approaches are cures. Denison says
and say they will also be tested in patients this year. the drugs under development may “reduce the sever-
Another blockade strategy focuses on the cellular ity” of an advanced COVID-19 episode, especially if
docking site that the virus uses. Josef Penninger, a they can be administered when initial symptoms—a
molecular biologist at the University of British Colum- mild cough, muscle aches or slight fever—first arise.
bia in Vancouver and founder of drug company In a hopeful future, a combination of various therapies
Apeiron Biologics, is trying to lure the virus away may be able to thwart the virus on several different
from a chemical receptor called ACE2 in the outer fronts, the way a cocktail of antivirals can beat back Journalist Michael
wall of lung cells. The coronavirus spike protein binds an HIV/AIDS infection. By limiting symptoms, drugs Waldholz led a team
of reporters who were
to this receptor. Several years ago Penninger’s lab syn- may be able to keep some patients out of the hospital
awarded a Pulitzer Prize
thesized a decoy version of ACE2. In test-tube exper- and keep hospitalized patients off of ventilators. They in 1997 for their coverage

iments, the scientists found the synthetic molecule— can serve as a bridge to survival as other scientists rush of AIDS. He lives in New
APN01—attracted coronaviruses away from real to develop the real virus slayer: a vaccine.  York State’s Hudson Valley.

June 2020, 35

© 2020 Scientific American

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REP IAL whelms the health care system. “Burnout is a chronic

response to health care conditions,” West says. “This is


an unprecedented acute crisis.”

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As the pandemic upends much of society, frontline

health care workers are shouldering the burden of a sys-
temic lack of preparation. In the U.S., a sluggish govern-
ment response, along with the bungled rollout of testing,
allowed the virus to spread widely. Years of running lean

operations left many hospitals without the resources to
quickly expand care. Global demand for personal protec-
tive equipment (PPE) and ventilators made these crucial

supplies scarce. Backup stockpiles proved too small, and
efforts to bolster supplies were uncoordinated or, worse,
forced hospitals and jurisdictions to compete with one

NEW HEROES. WHAT another. Now ERs in hard-hit areas struggle to keep up
with a flood of critically ill patients. Staff in eerily quiet

hospitals elsewhere look on, wondering if the virus will
overwhelm them next. Nurses facilitate final phone calls
between the dying and their loved ones who are barred

 THE ACUTE CRISIS  from entry. As morgues overflow, refrigerated trucks

arrive to house the bodies.

“Our health care professionals are seeing incredibly
sick people in what is really a tidal wave washing over
them, and they are leaning into that work because it’s
what we do,” West says. But leaning into extreme uncer-
By Jillian Mock tainty for weeks and months on end could have signifi-
cant impacts on their mental well-being. More than any

other group, they are in danger of getting sick from the
fter his roughest days in a New York City constant exposure to SARS-CoV-2. As of April, the virus
emergency room, physician Matthew Bai has infected more than 9,000 health care workers in the
feels his whole body relax when he sees his U.S. and killed 27, according to the Centers for Disease
wife and 17-month-old daughter. “My light Control and Prevention. Hundreds of clinicians have died
at the end of the tunnel is going home to worldwide. Like Bai, many worry about spreading the
family,” Bai says. When Manhattan’s Mount Sinai Hos- disease to their patients and loved ones; young medical
pital started to overflow with C ­ OVID-19 patients in late residents are advising one another to write living wills.
March, however, Bai and his wife decided she should Some hospitals have muzzled their staffers, citing con-
take their toddler and stay with her parents in New Jer- cerns over the spread of misinformation and patient pri-
sey. The risk of spreading the virus to his family was vacy; around the world, clinicians who have spoken out
too great. Now Bai confronts a daily cascade of patients about the resource shortages or shared their experienc-
who are struggling to breathe, in an ER busier than he es have been reprimanded or fired by their institutions.
has ever witnessed it. On his mind, always, is whether Many experts predict that, taken together, these traumat-
he will be able to keep his staff safe. All doctors have ic effects of the pandemic will reverberate long after the
bad shifts, but now those days repeat, piling up. At virus itself is contained.
night, virtual story time with his daughter is nowhere Trauma is often associated with something overtly
as soothing as the real thing. “I honestly have no idea Health care workers violent, such as a car accident or a shooting. But Dutch
how I feel,” Bai says. “I go to work, and at the end of the are not just treating philosopher Ciano Aydin describes a situation as trau-
a flood of critically
day, I go to sleep. I have no time to digest any of this.” matic when it “violates” familiar expectations about
ill patients during
Medicine is a stressful profession under normal cir- the pandemic. someone’s life and world, sending them into a “state of
cumstances. The physical demands, psychological strain They are risking extreme confusion and uncertainty.” In the case of this
and ineffective work processes can lead to burnout, a their own health, pandemic, prolonged uncertainty is compounded by the
condition that affects up to 50  percent of physicians in witnessing higher moral anguish health care professionals face when they
the U.S., says Colin West, an internist who has studied rates of death and do not have adequate resources to treat critically ill
physician well-being at the Mayo Clinic for more than 15 experiencing break- patients, says Wendy Dean, a psychiatrist and co-founder
years. A 2018 review in the journal Cureus described it downs of protocol of the nonprofit Moral Injury of Healthcare.
and support.
as “a combination of exhaustion, cynicism, and perceived Moral injury, a term borrowed from the military,
These acute stresses
inefficacy.” Burned-out clinicians are more likely to quit could lead to mental occurs when a person does something that goes against
their jobs. Their patients may have worse outcomes. Yet health issues, yet his or her deeply held moral beliefs, Dean says. In med-
burnout cannot capture what doctors, nurses, paramed- therapeutic support icine, it can occur when the business side of health care
ics and others are experiencing as coronavirus over- is lacking. hinders a physician’s ability to care for patients; for

36  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

instance, if there are not enough ventilators for the num- Jillian Mock is a nurses during the height of the ­COVID-19 pandemic in
ber of C
­ OVID-19 patients who need them. Physicians are freelance science China found that about 50  percent of respondents
journalist based in
not used to doing triage, to choosing who gets lifesaving reported symptoms of depression, 44  percent reported
New York City. She
support and who does not, explains G. Richard Holt, an writes about the symptoms of anxiety and 34 percent reported insomnia.
otolaryngologist and bioethicist at the University of Tex- environment, climate Medical professionals are already at risk for many of
as Health Science Center at San Antonio. “We’re trained change and health these conditions at baseline—medical occupations have
in treating one patient at a time, but in the worst of an care, and her work has among the highest rates of suicide—yet they are typical-
epidemic, you have to think about the greatest good for appeared in the N  ew ly unlikely to seek help, Gold says. Most do not have the
York Times, Huffington
the greatest number,” Holt says. Studies in soldiers sug- Post and Discover,
time or flexibility to go see a therapist during a standard
gest moral injury impedes normal emotional, psycho- among others. nine-to-five workday, she notes, and the stigma still
logical and social functioning and often occurs in peo- attached to psychological problems leads many to suffer
ple with post-traumatic stress disorder. “I think the real silently. “We have never had a mental health system that
reckoning is going to come when this is over,” Dean says. could support the needs of the population in general, let
The emotional toll of C ­ OVID-19 is tricky to predict. alone the population that will now be in need,” Gold says.
During a natural disaster, medical professionals often Institutions such as UNC Health in North Carolina
deliver care after the immediate threat has passed, and have expanded therapy options for providers with tele-
those providers are able to go home and decompress at health and more flexible scheduling, as well as set up
the end of an upsetting day, says Joshua Morganstein, a support hotline. In the U.K., the ­COVID Trauma
chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s Commit- Response Working Group provides guidance, based on
tee on the Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster. When you trauma psychology research, for proactive interventions.
are worried about bringing the disaster home with you, The right support can even foster resilience. “Some peo-
no place is safe. Health care workers are grappling with ple will find they experience a sense of an increase in
the upheaval of social and economic life along with the their own confidence or ability to manage future stress-
rest of us; they are exposed to the constant noise of grim ors,” says Morganstein, describing a process called post-
news. Some are tuning out coronavirus coverage as a traumatic growth.
coping mechanism. “We have to figure out what our reac- While these efforts are a start, Gold emphasizes that
tion would have looked like pre-iPhone,” says Suneel expanded mental health support needs to be ongoing
Dhand, an internist who works at hospitals in Massa- and wide in scope, addressing systemic problems such
chusetts. “I’m concerned about all the people absorbing as a nationwide mental health care professional short-
so much doom and gloom through social media.” age and regulatory hurdles that limit telemedicine ser-
Jessica Gold, a psychiatrist at the Washington Uni- vices. Teletherapy, meditation apps and other virtual
versity School of Medicine in St. Louis, and other health services have already made inroads with the pop-
experts believe health care workers as a group could ulation at large in the past few months, and Gold and
develop high rates of anxiety, depression, substance use other therapists see it as a crucial tool for reaching health
issues, acute stress and, eventually, post-traumatic care workers as well.
stress as a result of what they are experiencing on the In cities across the world, people in lockdown have
pandemic front lines. Because this event is unprece- gathered at their windows to clap and cheer for essen-
dented, Gold worries the psychological damages will tial workers every evening. In New York, Bai reports that
be unprecedented, too. Data from other out- local restaurants send a steady stream of food to the hos-
breaks, while limited, support these con- pital and that friends and strangers reach out with mes-
cerns. A small study of health care sages of appreciation. All of this boosts morale immense-
workers during the 2003 SARS out- ly, Bai says. But the hero worship of health care
break, for example, found that workers only goes so far to protect them from
89 percent of workers at high risk mental anguish. Like soldiers coming back
of contracting the virus report- from deployment, it will take time for
ed negative psychological effects. health care professionals to process and
Another study found SARS- heal, Dean says. When the acute med-
related fear was correlated with ical crisis ends, a mental health
symptoms of PTSD. crisis could emerge. This time
One survey of 1,257 physicians and we need to be ready. 

June 2020, 37

© 2020 Scientific American

Frontline clinicians h  ave become the face of our pandemic. They repre-

HOW THE sent the best of humanity, rising to treat critically ill patients, as well as
the collateral damage from America’s fragile health care system and dis-

HEALERS FEEL ordered government response. Scientific American asked doctors, nurses
and respiratory therapists working in hospitals across the country how
they were coping with fear, processing grief and tending to their own
Interviews by well-being. Interviews were conducted in late March and early April, as
Jillian Mock and Jen Schwartz ­COVID-19 was rapidly upending life in the U.S. These essays reflect that
period of extreme uncertainty; they have been edited and condensed. 

ANA DELGADO to supporting the health and wellness of their

Nurse Midwife and Clinical Professor community. When you actually become a
San Francisco, Calif. provider, you’re thrust into this system that
There was a lot of talk early on about how is not really set up to promote health and
this crisis was going to bring us all together. wellness, and you’re constantly confronted
But what it has clarified for me is that we’re with this discrepancy. The pandemic makes
not actually all in this together. It has laid these issues worse, and it’s painful to wit-
bare what most reproductive justice advo- ness. That’s not burnout, it’s a deep moral
cates already knew: inequity and racism injury that people are experiencing.
have always been around. I work at the Yes, I have to go work in the clinic and be
county hospital. The impact of shelter in exposed to people who might be COVID-
place has been stark for my pregnant positive, and that’s scary. But as a midwife,
patients, many of whom are undocumented I still get to lay my hands on people, to
and were already living paycheck to pay- touch and be with people on a daily basis.
check, and now are unemployed. A patient That’s part of my antidote. I struggle a bit
came in yesterday and burst into tears from with the hero worship of health care work-
her desperation. I feel extremely over- ers that’s going on. I want to be recognized
whelmed by the need. for my hard work, but I feel like it will swing
There are a lot of injustices that we as cli- back to the other side, to mistrust and lack
nicians are aware of and feel powerless to do of support. That extreme exists because we
much about. People call this “burnout,” but don’t have a true public health network in
one of my colleagues talks about how that this country, a model for developing healers
seems associated with self-blame, like you from our communities where there’s a sense
got something wrong. Most people go into of trust. If that existed, everything would be
health care because of a deep commitment different right now.


Emergency Room Nurse Emergency Room
Dallas, Tex. Physician
In late March I was running a low-grade fever and had to self-isolate at my New York City
house for several days before my ­COVID test came back negative. It was so I honestly have no idea
hard to stay away from my family and even harder to stay away from my work, how I feel. I don’t have
which I love. It felt like punishment, like I was losing my time to digest any of this.
mind. I’ll admit that I was drinking more than I ever do. I go to work, and then I go
In early April I decided to start staying in a hotel so as to sleep. Training in emer-
not to accidentally bring the virus home to my hus- gency medicine in New
band and two kids, who could also spread it to my York, with the speed and
immunocompromised dad, who helps with child number of patients, probably prepared me somewhat for
care. For me, the hardest part has been the isolation. what’s happening now. But nothing can prepare you for an
I’ve had an eerie sense of calm and peace about event of this magnitude. Everything is in flux. The upside is
all of this up until now, but recently I’ve started realizing the level of flexibility that’s possible in a hospital.
to feel something inside that is not me. I I’m seeing new faces in the ER all the time—nurses and
think it’s the separation, the loneliness of doctors from other departments, even surgeons, OBs and
keeping everyone at arm’s length. Some- people flying in from all over the country. In the back of my
times I get in the car, blast music and just head I’m constantly thinking, Can we manage our resourc-
go. I ran out of gas on a joy ride last week. es and keep our staff healthy for however long this lasts?

38  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

Float Pool Nurse
Minneapolis, Minn.
You can never really be fully prepared for a pandemic. Thankfully, nurs-
ing is never routine, so we adapt quickly. I’m a float pool nurse, which
means I work on almost every unit in my hospital. I rarely feel intimi-
dated by something new. But many of my co-workers have been dis-
placed and are now working in unfamiliar areas or jobs, creating chaos
and stress. I’ve noticed the most tension on the new ­COVID rule-out
floors. Many staff members are scared to even enter the unit and act
like anyone working there is dirty. Patients have commented on how
they feel like a burden. Nurses working on these floors are teaching
everyone who enters a patient’s room how to properly put on and take
off our protective wear, and I have
been on the receiving end of many JOHN BERK
eye rolls and rude body language Pulmonary Critical Care Physician and
when all I was doing was trying Associate Professor
to help. Fear of the unknown is Boston, Mass.
certainly putting people on edge. For providers, there’s a really complex psychology to all
I’m coping by just allowing myself this. Everyone realizes the importance of what they’re
to leave work at work. My dog doing but doesn’t want to be the next person felled by
has gotten more walks in the ­COVID-19. You’re grappling with fear of the unknown
past few weeks than the whole and your call to duty. My wife, who is also a doctor, and
year combined. I have been at this game for longer than we care to admit,
and we’ve never been in a situation where there was
a real fear of interacting with patients like there is now.
In mid-March I was three days into a rotation in the
medical intensive care unit, ramping up for the inevitable
surge, when it was decided that those of us 60 and older
would be pulled from clinical duty because of our higher
risk of dying from ­COVID-19 infection. Now I have young-
er colleagues taking on a huge amount of work, and all of
them have young families. There’s a significant element
of guilt in not contributing. We ancients are currently fig-
uring out how we can provide services to lighten their
burden. It’s a nice gesture, but it’s a complicated process.

PATTI MARSHALL GILPIN health care is at the top of their game, impro-
Respiratory Therapy Navigator vising equipment, seeking out knowledge.
Louisville, Ky. I’ve watched transporters take patients from
I educate patients with chronic lung disease. one place to another, interacting with them,
My role right now seems a little silly; I can’t being so optimistic when there’s this palpable
educate people about something we don’t dread all over the hospital. I’ve seen amazing
understand. Worst-case scenario, I’ll go courage when staff have to do CPR on one of
back to doing the critical care with the ther- these patients, no hesitation when you have
apists who are in the trenches. When you to intubate. But when it’s over? My co-work-
read about what’s happening in New York ers come into my office to vent and cry; some
and other areas on social media, it’s very talk about problems with anxiety. When my
difficult not to be scared. There’s a constant shift ends, what do I do with this crap I’ve
undercurrent of bracing for that potential been carrying around all day, the things that
surge. This huge push to ventilate more than happened, the things that could happen
one person on a single machine? Yeah, tomorrow? You can’t even name it. Then
you should never do that. So we’re getting you go home, and you can’t have your typical
support from each other about how we’d social release because you fear contaminat-
handle having to do the wrong thing. ing your loved ones. Worrying that I’m
It’s humbling to see how everyone in going to spread this is the worst feeling of all.

Illustrations by Ina Stanimirova June 2020, 39

© 2020 Scientific American

Within days his laboratory and dozens of others
around the world started designing vaccines that they
hoped could protect billions of people against the
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SARS-CoV-2 virus, the biggest challenge to global health

and prosperity since World War II. By early April almost


CIA 80 companies and institutes in 19 countries were work-

R ing on vaccines, most gene-based instead of using tra-
ditional approaches, such as those that have been



employed in influenza vaccines for more than 70 years.

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The labs predicted that a commercial vaccine could be
available for emergency or compassionate use by early
2021—incredibly fast, given that vaccines to brand-new
pathogens have taken a decade to be perfected and

deployed. Even the Ebola vaccine, which was fast-
tracked, took five years to reach widespread trials. If
Barouch and his counterparts can offer a safe, effective
concoction in a year, “it will be the fastest vaccine devel-

opment in history,” he says.
That is a big “if,” however. Although labs have cre-
ated several gene-based vaccines for other viruses, not
one has been commercialized for a human illness.

 ENGINEERING  A conventional vaccine injected into the body

inserts select pieces of a virus in cells near the injection
site. The immune system recognizes molecules on these

pieces, called antigens, as threats and reacts by making
antibodies, molecules that can find the virus anywhere
in the body and neutralize it. Once this dress rehears-

al happens, the immune system remembers how to
quash the invaders, so it can stop a future infection.
The established approach is to grow weakened

viruses in chicken eggs—or more recently in mamma-
lian or insect cells—and extract the desired pieces. The
process can take four to six months to get the right anti-

gens for familiar viruses that change every year, such
as influenza. It can take multiple attempts over years
for a new germ. That is far too slow to combat a virus
that has already spread to pandemic proportions.

THAN YEARS Instead labs are turning to gene-based vaccines. Sci-

entists use information from the genome of the virus to
create a blueprint of select antigens. The blueprint is
made of DNA or RNA—molecules that hold genetic
By Charles Schmidt instructions. The researchers then inject the DNA or

RNA into human cells. The cell’s machinery uses the
instructions to make virus antigens that the immune
system reacts to. Cells respond to the instructions as a
n January 10, when Chinese normal part of their daily existence. This is the same
researchers published the genome trait infectious viruses exploit; they cannot reproduce
of a mysterious, fast-spreading, on their own, so they use a cell’s machinery to make cop-
ies of themselves. They burst out of the cell and infect
virus, it confirmed Dan Barouch’s more cells, widening the infection.
greatest worry. The genome was Virtually all the labs want to find a way to train
similar to that of the coronavirus human cells to make an antigen called the spike pro-
tein. It juts out from SARS-CoV-2 like a stud on a tire,
that caused the 2003 SARS out- allowing the virus to bind to a human cell and sneak
break, yet it also had striking differences. “I realized inside. Almost all the labs are using one of three
immediately that no one would be immune to it,” approaches to deliver the spike blueprint. The first is
a DNA plasmid, typically a small, hoop-shaped mole-
says Barouch, director of virology and vaccine research cule. A plasmid is a handy tool because if a virus
at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. mutates, researchers can readily swap in a new blue-

40  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

June 2020, 41

© 2020 Scientific American

CREATE A CHEMICAL SERUM Isolate a How to Develop
The traditional approach inserts
a modified version of the virus, or
pieces of it, into a solution injected
virus particle
a Virus Vaccine
into the body. But the method is A vaccine exposes the body to an altered,
slow. Newer genetic engineering safe version of a disease-causing virus,
approaches insert a blueprint of the prompting the immune system to produce
virus’s genes into the solution. This
antibodies—proteins that can stop the real
method is faster but less proved.
pathogen from infecting cells. The immune
system then remembers how to fight the
invader. Scientists can use different methods
Adapt it for Map the virus’s to create a chemical vaccine formulation,
a vaccine genetic sequence which they then test for safety and efficacy.

Weaken the virus Kill the virus Use isolated pieces Genetically engineer particular virus genes and capture their blueprint
(attenuated) (inactivated) of the virus

Embed blueprint Embed blueprint Embed blueprint

in DNA plasmid in RNA lipid in an adenovirus

Put particles
into a solution, then test


Testing starts in lab dishes and
animals, then proceeds to humans,
advancing from a handful to tens Test in lab cultures Is it too toxic?
of thousands. If the vaccine causes and animals
serious side effects or does not
produce antibodies or protect large
numbers of people, it is abandoned.
Does it prompt the immune No Yes
system’s cells to produce
antibodies that will identify
Yes and attach to the virus? No

Stop testing
Human testing

Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: PRODUCTION

Is the vaccine safe? No Is the vaccine safe? No Does it safely A successful vaccine must
Are bad side effects Is the immune prevent infection be approved by regulators,
avoided? Does the response strong? and disease across then manufactured in volume
immune system Is the dosage a large number and tested for product quality.
produce antibodies? Yes correct? Yes of people? Yes
People tested: People tested: People tested:
10–100 100s 10,000s +

42  Scientific American, June 2020 Graphic by Jen Christiansen

© 2020 Scientific American

print. DNA-plasmid vaccines have been made for veter- lab cultures, it is assessed in animals to see if it is safe IN BRIEF
inary uses in fishes, dogs, swine and horses, but human and whether it elicits an immune response. Next it is
To quickly create
applications have lagged, mostly because the vaccines tested in people—first small groups to check on safety potential vaccines
have had difficulty passing through a cell’s protective and side effects, then increasingly larger numbers to see against COVID-19,
outer membrane to reach the machinery inside. One how effective it is. Inovio’s DNA plasmid went into small- researchers are using
recent improvement is to inject the vaccine with an scale human trials on April  6—only three months after genetic engineering
instrument that administers brief electrical charges to the SARS-CoV-2 genome was published. Moderna began rather than tradition-
cells near the injection site, which open pores in the cell small human trials of its RNA vaccine even sooner, on al methods, which
membranes so the vaccine can enter. March 16, and in April the U.S. government pledged up can take years.
Three different
Inovio Pharmaceuticals, headquartered in Plymouth to $483 million to speed mass production if the trials go
techniques based on
Meeting, Pa., is employing the DNA-plasmid approach. well. Barouch’s lab devised a prototype adenovirus vac- DNA and RNA mol-
Several years ago it launched clinical trials targeting cine in just four weeks. Johnson & Johnson, in collabo- ecules are speeding
spike proteins of a different coronavirus disease called ration with Ba­­rouch’s lab, is now testing it in mice, fer- to human trials, but
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). According rets and rhesus macaques. On March  30 the U.S. and whether they will
to chief executive officer Joseph Kim, the antibody lev- Johnson & Johnson committed more than $1 billion to work, or can be
els in vaccinated people “are as good or better than those fund large human clinical trials, which are slated to scaled up to millions
we see in blood samples from people who [naturally] begin in September if the limited testing proves out. of doses, is unclear.
recovered from MERS.” The company adapted its plat- Although the time from outbreak to small tests has
form—the plasmid and means for testing it—to make a been far quicker than it would have been using the egg
vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. approach, there is no guarantee that the extended trials
DNA-plasmid vaccines work by transferring the of genetically engineered vaccines will not take years.
genetic blueprint to RNA in the cell machinery, which Fortunately, SARS-CoV-2 does not appear to mutate as
makes the spike antigens. But scientists can skip the quickly as influenza, suggesting that an effective vaccine,
plasmid step by embedding a blueprint in a strand of once developed, might offer protection for a long time.
RNA—a second approach known as RNA vaccines. The In addition to efficacy, the experts are watching the
RNA is carried in lipids that are injected into the body; trials for “disease enhancement”—the possibility that a
lipids are fatty molecules that can pass easily into cells. vaccine might inadvertently worsen symptoms of
Research shows that RNA vaccines may be better than COVID-19, the disease that SARS-CoV-2 causes. Ferrets
DNA plasmids at mobilizing the immune system to cre- given an experimental SARS vaccine in 2004 developed
ate antibodies. They also seem to induce more potent damaging inflammation. Kim says humans who were
immunity—a stronger memory in the immune system— treated with the experimental SARS vaccines did not
and therefore require lower doses. Some RNA vaccines experience disease enhancement. But those formula-
are in early-stage clinical trials for other viral illnesses, tions never made it to large-scale human trials because
including rabies, HIV and Zika. Moderna in Cambridge, the outbreak—which sickened about 8,000 people in
Mass., is using this approach for SARS-CoV-2. nearly 30 countries—burned out in just over a year.
RNA vaccines are less stable than DNA-plasmid vac- Companies are accelerating the development time for
cines; common enzymes in the body can quickly degrade a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in part by testing vaccines in mul-
them. Heat can ruin them, too. RNA vaccines must gen- tiple animal species at once and in parallel with small
erally be kept frozen or refrigerated, which creates logis- numbers of people. Usually the process is one animal at
tical hurdles, particularly in poorer countries. DNA-plas- a time, and people later, to make sure that side effects are
mid vaccines are stable at higher temperatures. small, that immune response is large and that disease is
Barouch and his collaborators at Johnson & Johnson actually defeated. Lack of time warrants greater risk.
are using a third approach: inserting the DNA blueprint Protecting the globe against COVID-19 will require
into a common cold virus. When injected, this adenovi- enormous manufacturing capacity. The DNA-plasmid
ral vector, as it is called, infects human cells and delivers and RNA vaccines have never been scaled up to millions
the blueprint it is carrying. Adenoviruses are good at get- of doses, and small firms such as Inovio and Moderna
ting into cells, yet past work shows that the human would not have such capacity in-house. According to
immune system readily recognizes some adenoviruses Barouch, the adenovirus vaccine is more time-consum-
and attacks them before they can sneak in. Barouch is ing at the outset, but once proved it “can be scaled up Charles Schmidt
using an adenovirus that testing shows is unlikely to be quickly.” Johnson  & Johnson used an adenovirus ap­­ is a freelance journalist
based in Portland,
recognized. Some experts also worry an adenovirus itself proach to generate millions of doses of a vaccine against
Me., covering health
could replicate inside the body and cause disease. To Ebola, which are now in widespread human trials. A few and the environment.
address that possibility, Barouch’s team is using an engi- groups are investigating other DNA techniques that He has written for
neered virus that is nonreplicating—it cannot make cop- could take longer. Scientific American
ies of itself in­­side a human cell, because it needs a sub- No prototype vaccine is a clear favorite yet, according about therapeutic
viruses that can infect
stance for replication the human body does not provide. to Brenda G. Hogue, a virologist and coronavirus expert
harmful bacteria
In late April the University of Oxford began a limited at Arizona State University. But she says the speed of the and about dangerous
human trial with another nonreplicating adenovirus. genetics work and the full weight companies are throw- contaminants
Once a vaccine’s basic functionality is confirmed in ing behind it are encouraging: “I feel very positive.”  in drinking water.

June 2020, 43

© 2020 Scientific American

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By Lydia Denworth

e know how t he covid-19 pandemic sense of normalcy. Three of those experiences, Cobey
began: Bats near Wuhan, China, hold and other experts say, suggest that what happens next
a mix of coronavirus strains, and depends on both the evolution of the pathogen and of
sometime last fall one of the strains, the human response to it, both biological and social.
opportunistic enough to cross species
lines, left its host or hosts and ended up in a person. A SPREADING PROBLEM
Then it was on the loose. Viruses are constantly mutating. Those that trigger
What no one knows yet is how the pandemic will end. pandemics have enough novelty that the human
This coronavirus is unprecedented in the combination immune system does not quickly recognize them as dan-
of its easy transmissibility, a range of symptoms going gerous invaders. They force the body to create a brand-
from none at all to deadly, and the extent that it has dis- new defense, involving new antibodies and other
rupted the world. A highly susceptible population led to immune system components that can react to and
near exponential growth in cases. “This is a distinct and attack the foe. Large numbers of people get sick in the
very new situation,” says epidemiologist and evolution- short term, and social factors such as crowding and the
The end game ary biologist Sarah Cobey of the University of Chicago. unavailability of medicine can drive those numbers even
will likely involve But past pandemics do offer hints of the future. higher. Ultimately, in most cases, antibodies developed
a mix of efforts
While there is no one historical example to follow, by the immune system to fight off the invader linger in
that stopped histor-
ic outbreaks: social- humanity has gone through several large epidemics in enough of the affected population to confer longer-term
control measures, the past 100 or so years that eventually stopped ravag- immunity and limit person-to-person viral transmis-
medications and ing society. The ways they came to a halt offer guidance sion. But that can take several years, and before it hap-
a vaccine. to a world looking for ways to restore health and some pens, havoc reigns.

44  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

LEARNING TO LIVE WITH A DISEASE. The most famous ter. As a result, the virus much more rapidly went the way
example of this dynamic in modern history was the H1N1 of the 1918 virus, becoming a widely circulating seasonal
influenza outbreak of 1918–1919. Doctors and public flu, from which many people are now protected either
health officials had far fewer weapons than they do today, by flu shots or by antibodies from a previous infection.
and the effectiveness of control measures such as school
closures depended on how early and decisively they were THE CURRENT END GAME
implemented. Over two years and three waves, the pan- Projections about how COVID-19 will play out are specu-
demic infected 500 million and killed between 50  mil- lative, but the end game will most likely involve a mix of
lion and 100 million. It ended only as natural infections everything that checked past pandemics: Continued
conferred immunity on those who recovered. social-control measures to buy time, new antiviral med-
The H1N1 strain became endemic, an infectious dis- ications to ease symptoms, and a vaccine. The exact for-
ease that was constantly with us at less severe levels, cir- mula—how long control measures such as social distanc-
culating for another 40 years as a seasonal virus. It took ing must stay in place, for instance—depends in large part
another pandemic—H2N2 in 1957—to extinguish most on how strictly people obey restrictions and how effec-
of the 1918 strain. One flu virus kicked out another one, tively governments respond. For example, containment
essentially, and scientists don’t really know how. Human measures that worked for COVID-19 in places such as
efforts to do the same have failed. “Nature can do it, we Hong Kong and South Korea came far too late in Europe
cannot,” says virologist Florian Krammer of the Icahn and the U.S. “The question of how the pandemic plays
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. out is at least 50 percent social and political,” Cobey says.
CONTAINMENT. The severe acute respiratory syndrome The other 50 percent will probably come from science.
(SARS) epidemic of 2003 was caused not by an influ- Researchers have banded together like never before and
enza virus but by a coronavirus, SARS-CoV, that is close- are working on multiple fronts to develop remedies. If
ly related to the cause of the current affliction, SARS- any of the several antiviral medications currently in
CoV-2. Of the seven known human coronaviruses, four development prove effective, they will improve treatment
circulate widely, causing up to a third of common colds. options and lower the numbers who get seriously ill or
The one that caused the SARS outbreak was far more die. A technique to screen for SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing
virulent. Thanks to aggressive epidemiological tactics antibodies, an indicator of immunity in recovered
such as isolating the sick, quarantining their contacts patients, could also prove very useful. Krammer and his
and implementing social controls, bad outbreaks were colleagues have developed one such test, and there are
limited to a few locations such as Hong Kong and Toron- others. Previously used only in local epidemics, these new
to. This containment was possible because sickness fol- serological assays won’t end the pandemic, but they could
lowed infection very quickly and obviously: almost all make it possible to spot and use antibody-rich blood as
people with the virus had serious symptoms such as a treatment for critically ill patients; more certainly, the
fever and trouble breathing. And they transmitted the tests will also get people back to work faster if those who
virus after getting quite sick, not before. “Most patients fought off the virus and are immune can be identified.
with SARS were not that contagious until maybe a week It will take a vaccine to stop transmission. That will
after symptoms appeared,” says epidemiologist Benja- take time—probably a year from now. Still, there is rea-
min Cowling of the University of Hong Kong. “If they son to think a vaccine could work effectively. Compared
could be identified within that week and put into isola- with flu viruses, coronaviruses don’t have as many ways
tion with good infection control, there wouldn’t be to interact with host cells. “If that interaction goes away,
onward spread.” Containment worked so well there [the virus] can’t replicate anymore,” Krammer says.
were only 8,098 SARS cases globally and 774 deaths. The “That’s the advantage we have here.” It is not clear
world has not seen a case since 2004. whether a vaccine will confer long-term immunity as
VACCINE POWER. When a new H1N1 influenza virus, with measles or short-term immunity as with flu shots.
known as swine flu, caused a pandemic in 2009, “there But “any vaccine at all would be helpful at this point,”
was an alarm bell because this was a brand-new H1N1,” says epidemiologist Aubree Gordon of the University
Cowling says, and it was very similar to the 1918 killer. of Michigan.
Swine flu proved less severe than feared. In part, Kram- Unless a vaccine is administered to all of the world’s
mer says, “we were lucky because the pathogenicity of eight billion inhabitants who are not currently sick or
the virus wasn’t very high.” But another important rea- recovered, COVID-19 is likely to become endemic. It will
Lydia Denworth
son was that six months after the virus appeared, sci- circulate and make people sick seasonally—sometimes
is a Brooklyn, N.Y.–
entists developed a vaccine for it. very sick. But if the virus stays in the human population based science writer,
Unlike measles or smallpox vaccines, which can con- long enough, it will start to infect children when they a contributing editor
fer long-term immunity, flu vaccines offer only a few years are young. Those cases are typically, though not always, for Scientific American,
of protection. Influenza viruses are slippery, mutating rap- quite mild, and so far the children appear less likely to and author of Friend­
ship: The Evolution,
idly to escape immunity. As a result, the vaccines must be develop severe disease if they get reinfected as adults.
Biology, and Extra­
updated every year and given regularly. But during a pan- The combination of vaccination and natural immunity ordinary Power of Life’s
demic, even a short-term vaccine is a boon. The 2009 vac- will protect many of us. The coronavirus, like most Fundamental Bond
cine helped to temper a second wave of cases in the win- viruses, will live on—but not as a planetary plague.  ( W. W. Norton, 2020).

June 2020, 45

© 2020 Scientific American


A remarkable fossil reveals that the digits
in our hands evolved before vertebrates
left the water to colonize land
By John A. Long and Richard Cloutier
Illustration by Chase Stone

46  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

old fish closely
related to four-
limbed animals,
had digit bones
in its pectoral fins
that could have
helped support
the animal’s
weight on land.

June 2020, 47

© 2020 Scientific American

John A. Long is strategic professor in paleontology at Flinders University in South
Australia. His research focuses on the early evolution of vertebrates, including the
three-dimensionally preserved Devonian-age fossil fishes found in the Gogo
formation in Western Australia. In 2020 he received the prestigious Bettison and
James Award for lifelong achievement for his work as both a scientist and an author.

Richard Cloutier is a professor-researcher in evolutionary biology at the

University of Québec at Rimouski. His research interests revolve around
the evolutionary patterns and mechanisms of early vertebrates, as well as

the evolutionary developmental biology of recent fishes and amphibians.
He has been working on the fauna, paleoecology and paleoenvironment
of the Devonian Miguasha fossil site for more than 30 years.

ive digits radiating from a palm, an arrangement both ­flexible and strong—
capable of playing a piano, wielding a hammer, offering a comforting touch.
The hand is our most familiar body part, central to most everyday tasks, from
dressing and driving to cooking and texting. Yet from an evolutionary stand-
point, it remains largely mysterious, particularly when it comes to the earliest
stage of its origin. Other four-limbed creatures—tetrapods, as they are known—
have hands that look and function quite differently than ours do. In birds and
bats, they help to form delicate wings; in elephants, they support limbs as big around as tree
trunks. But the basic structure is the same. In 1859 Charles Darwin remarked on the similarities
in On the Origin of Species: “ What can be more curious than that the hand of a man, formed
for grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of the horse, the paddle of the porpoise, and
the wing of the bat, should all be constructed on the same pattern, and should include the same
bones, in the same relative positions?”
Darwin proposed an elegant explanation: these our fingers, showing that digits evolved before verte-
diverse animals share this pattern because they evolved brates left the water. This discovery overturns the con-
from a common ancestor that possessed limbs with dig- ventional wisdom about when and how the hand
its. In the more than 160 years since Darwin advanced evolved and shines new light on the rise of tetrapods,
IN BRIEF his revolutionary idea, evolutionary biologists have a pivotal event in the history of life on earth.
How the hands marshaled evidence from paleontology, genetics and
of four-limbed embryology that has proved him right. Their efforts MURKY ORIGINS
creatures evolved have illuminated the shared ancestry of tetrapods, Until recently, scientists’ grasp of the evolutionary
from the fins of which evolved from fish; shown that the bones that transition between fishes and early tetrapods hinged
their fish ancestors make up the human hand are also found in frogs and mainly on several spectacular fossils that seem to
has long been
birds and whales; and identified some of the genes that bridge these two groups. One is from a fish called Pan-
hard to pin down
because of a dearth control the development of hands and wings and flip- derichthys rhombolepis f rom the Baltic region and
of fos­­sils document- pers, among other variations. But the first chapter of dates to the Middle to Late Devonian period (around
ing the transition. that story—the bit where the hand and wrist evolved 384 million to 379 million years ago). With its elongat-
The recent discov- from bones in the fin of an ancestral fish—has remained ed humerus and large radius and ulna (the upper arm
ery of a complete murky at best because scientists have lacked sufficient- bone and forearm bones, respectively, in tetrapods) and
skeleton of a ly complete fossils of transitional creatures between its tetrapodlike skull bone pattern, P  anderichthys
375-million-year-old fully aquatic fish and land-roving tetrapods. offered the first clues that the group of fishes to which
fish is upending
This past March we unveiled an extraordinary fos- it belongs were the closest fishes to the tetrapods. The
what researchers
had surmised about sil—a complete skeleton of a 375-million-year-old fish, group is called the elpistostegalians, after the then
the origin of hands Elpistostege watsoni—that goes a long way toward fill- poorly known E  lpistostege from eastern Canada.
and thus the rise ing that gap in understanding. The fossil preserves in In 2006 Neil Shubin of the University of Chicago
of tetrapods. its fins bones comparable to the ones that make up and his colleagues announced the discovery of anoth-

48  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

Megalops atlanticus

Latimeria chalumnae

Protopterus annectens

Eusthenopteron Living forms


Our Great- Unique aspects

of Elpistostege’s

Great- Elpistostege
pectoral fin, plus newfound
features of the bones that
connect to that fin, may
Grandfish? have put E lpistostege a head
of Tiktaalik in the
To figure out how t he newly discovered family tree.
fossil fish E lpistostege is related to other TETRAPODS
vertebrates, researchers compared it
with 42 other species, focusing on
their shared, distinctive characteristics.
The analysis indicates that E lpistostege
occupies a key position in the family
tree as the closest known fish relative
of the so-called crown tetrapods—
the group that includes all living four-
limbed creatures and their last com- Plethodon shenandoah
mon ancestor. The finding suggests
that E lpistostege is on or very close
to the lineage that gave rise to today’s
tetrapods, including humans.

er elpistostegalian fish fossil, 380-million-year-old T iktaalik roseae and joints. But what these fishes did not appear to have were fin-
f rom the Canadian Arctic. T  iktaalik w as a real game changer in gers. In the case of P  anderichthys, bony elements that many
revealing a slew of new data showing that the pectoral fin was high- researchers initially thought were rudimentary digit bones were
ly advanced in these fishes—more so than any other known fossil— later rejected as such. And the T  iktaalik fossil, for its part, did not
with both well-developed arm bones and mobile wrist joints. Its preserve the complete tip of the pectoral fin, where one would
skull also had distinctive features, including a long, flat snout and expect to find digit bones if the animal had them. The available

a specialized braincase—traits shared by tetrapods. evidence left experts to conclude that fingers were not part of the
Together, this and the other known elpistostegalian fish fossils initial fin-to-limb transition. Instead they appeared to have evolved
suggested that a number of hallmark traits of tetrapods originat- later, after tetrapods had already staked a claim on terra firma.
ed in their piscine predecessors, including land-worthy arm bones In science, however, knowledge is not written in stone. It is

Illustration by Emily S. Damstra June 2020, 49

© 2020 Scientific American


of 375-million-year-
old fish Elpistostege
watsoni (1), discov-
ered in Miguasha
National Park in
Quebec, is the first
fossil fish from the
fish-tetrapod transi-
tion to preserve
the entire pectoral
fin (2) . This fish had
in its fin digit bones
equivalent to the
ones that make up
human fingers.

subject to change in light of fresh evidence. New discoveries can Back in Westoll and Graham-Smith’s day, scholars already sus-
necessitate revision of the textbooks. Our recently described pected that tetrapods had evolved from the so-called lobe-finned
Elpistostege f ossil, which was unearthed in 2010 at the UNESCO fishes—creatures with fleshy, powerful fins, a group whose living
World Heritage Site of Miguasha in Quebec, is one such find. It is representatives include the coelacanth and the lungfish. But they
not a new species of elpistostegalian. Rather it is the original lacked fossils with intermediate anatomy to bolster the connection.
founding member of the band. But this time we have a complete, Westoll’s skull roof seemed like something that might help fill the
perfect specimen. And it has led us to propose a different theory gap. Given the pattern of its skull bones, Westoll thought it could
of how fingers evolved and gave rise to the vertebrate hand struc- be the long-sought-after skull of a primitive Devonian amphibian.
ture that persists in the more than 33,800 species of tetrapods He named this unique specimen E  lpistostege watsoni, f rom the
alive today, including humans. Greek for “hoped for” and “roof.” In a brief paper published in 1938
To appreciate the role of E
 lpistostege in shifting our perspective in N
 ature, W
 estoll argued that the fossil provided “a perfect tran-
on how hands evolved, it helps to know a bit about the history of sition” between lobe-finned fishes and early four-legged animals.
its discovery. In the summer of 1937 two young British paleontolo- Based on only a piece of skull, Westoll’s argument was met with
gists were scouring the cliffs of Chaleur Bay along the southern skepticism. More of the animal was needed. But although paleon-
shore of the windswept Gaspé Peninsula in eastern Canada. Thom- tologists came from all over Europe and America to collect fossils
as Stanley Westoll and William Graham-Smith were looking for from the cliffs of Chaleur Bay, an area now designated Miguasha
Devonian-age fossils, and the cliffs were known to be an El Dorado National Park, no one collected a new specimen of Elpistostege.

for such treasures. Local collectors assisted the paleontologists in Some 30 years after Westoll’s publication, however, serendipi-
making their discoveries and sometimes sold them fossils. One of ty intervened. Canadian fossil collector Allan Parent discovered
the fossils that Westoll purchased from them was a small, fragmen- the snout of an incomplete skull in the Miguasha Cliffs. It remained
tary skull roof that was to become a cornerstone in our understand- hidden in his private collection until his tragic early death. But in
ing of the evolutionary transition between fishes and tetrapods. 1983 Parent’s brother brought the snout to the attention of the

50  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

meters from the park’s museum. The next morning Cantin,
accompanied by two naturalist guides, unearthed the rest of the
animal. It is the largest fossil ever found in the Escuminac For-
mation and arguably the most important one—a 1.57-meter-long
complete skeleton of Elpistostege.


Within days o  f Cantin’s finding the fossil, Cloutier was invited to
study it. Because most of the skeleton was still entombed in rock,
the first order of business was to get a better look at it by using
computed tomography (CT). Cloutier recruited Isabelle Béchard,
one of his former master’s students in paleontology, to help him
image the specimen using a nonmedical CT scanner at the Insti-
tut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in Québec City.
The scan showed that the specimen was absolutely complete—every
single bone was preserved—but the resolution was not good
enough to reveal the internal structure of the bones, which they
wanted to be able to study. They had to find another CT scanner
that provided better resolution. They decided that Elpistostege w  as
Miguasha park director, Marius Arsenault, who in turn enlisted going to travel some 3,900 kilometers south to the High-Resolu-
Hans-Peter Schultze, an eminent specialist on fossil fishes from the tion X-ray Computed Tomography Facility at the University of Tex-
University of Kansas, to identify this unusual specimen. Schultze as at Austin, where each piece of the fossil would be scanned with
immediately realized its importance: similarities in the arrange- the greatest precision available at the time.
ment and shape of the cranial bones preserved in this fossil and Once the scanning was done, Cloutier and his colleagues began
Westoll’s skull roof showed they belonged to the same species. the meticulous work of preparing the fossil—removing the sur-
With more of the creature’s anatomy revealed, ideas about its rounding rock bit by bit to expose the bones within. They performed
identity began to shift. The features visible on the new snout sug- this work on a computer model of the fossil based on the CT scans
gested that E  lpistostege w
 as not an amphibian but a highly as well as on the actual fossil. After a few months the body and the
advanced lobe-finned fish. In their 1985 paper describing the snout, skull emerged from the rock, both virtually and in reality. The whole
Schultze and Arsenault specifically suggested that it was closely specimen was incredible, but the pectoral fins generated particular
related to the Baltic fossil fish P
 anderichthys. T hey also discussed excitement because no one had ever seen a complete pectoral fin
another enigmatic specimen, a fossil containing a patch of scales of an elpistostegalian before. Numerous skeletal elements were vis-
and some vertebrae that Miguasha chief biologist Marc Brassard ible within the fins, surrounded by scales and fin rays. At first glance
and one of us (Cloutier) had found a couple of years earlier in the Elpistostege’s fin looked quite similar to that of Tiktaalik, but Elpis-
same cliffs. Considering the similarities in the surface textures of tostege’s appeared to have additional bones in it. What were they?
the scales preserved in this fossil and the snout, Schultze and Arse- In the years that followed, Cloutier and Béchard presented pre-
nault proposed that it, too, belonged to Elpistostege. liminary results of their analyses of the Elpistostege s keleton to col-
The attribution of the fossil containing the scales and vertebrae leagues at professional meetings. It was after one such presenta-
to E lpistostege w as important. In addition to being the only mate- tion, in 2014 at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Berlin,
rial then known from below the creature’s head, it had something that Cloutier and one of us (Long) agreed over a beer to collabo-
the other two Elpistostege fossils did not: detailed provenance. The rate on the study of this remarkable fossil.
skull roof and snout were known to have been collected from the Long had been working on Devonian fish fossils from the Gogo
cliffs, but no one knew which rock layer they came from. In contrast, Formation in Western Australia for many years. The skeletons of
Brassard and Cloutier had recorded the exact stratigraphic loca- these ancient fishes are perfectly preserved in three dimensions,
tion of the fossil they found: 90 meters above the lowermost layers and some specimens show exceptional preservation of soft tissues
of a distinctive geologic unit known as the Escuminac Formation. as well. To study these fossils, which are found inside nodules of
In the years that followed, Cloutier and his collaborators limestone, Long and his colleagues traditionally placed them in
returned to this part of the Escuminac Formation again and again acid baths to dissolve the rock. More recently, they have shifted to
to search for more remains of E  lpistostege—to no avail. Still, the imaging the fossils using CT and synchrotron scanners and sophis-
geologic and fossil evidence they did find allowed them to begin ticated software to elucidate their fine anatomical structures before
to reconstruct the animal’s environment, a channel that fed into the acid baths, so that they can capture any soft-tissue preserva-
an estuary. A picture began to emerge of Elpistostege as the larg- tion before the acid destroys it. The new Elpistostege s pecimen,
est fish—and probably therefore the top predator—in the waters with its exquisite preservation, seemed like a prime candidate for
it shared with some 20 other species of fishes. Long’s approach to imaging and digital preparation.
Eventually that paleoecological data would gain new relevance. In 2014 Long visited Cloutier’s lab in Quebec and began work-
Late in the afternoon of August 4, 2010, while on patrol in Migua- ing with his team on how to use different methods to process the
sha, park warden and naturalist Benoît Cantin found an unusu- imaging data from this fish. It took some trial and error with dif-
al piece of fossilized fish tail embedded in the lower Escuminac ferent types of data and software, but eventually we hit on a win-
rock layers on the beach at the foot of the cliffs, less than 250 ning combination that would allow us to digitally isolate and study

June 2020, 51

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each bone. Alice Clement of Flinders University in Adelaide and advanced lobe-finned fishes back at the start of the Late Devoni-
Roxanne Noël and Vincent Roy, then master’s students working an period, more than 380 million years ago. It is likely that they
under Cloutier, went on to carry out this work. served to bear weight because having many tiny bones in align-
When Clement eventually began segmenting out the pectoral ment in this region would have given the outer part of the robust
fin, we were at the edges of our seats. As the first complete elpis- fin the flexibility needed to push the fish upward.
tostegalian pectoral fin ever discovered, it was certain to contain Why might a fish benefit from being able to maneuver in this
vital clues to the transition from fins to limbs. The preliminary way? The skull of E  lpistostege c ontains a clue: at the back of the
results did not disappoint. They not only confirmed Béchard’s head is a pair of large holes called spiracles. Some modern-day fish-
initial CT results suggesting the presence of extra bones in E  lpis- es that breathe air have similarly large spiracles. For a long time,
tostege’s fin but also showed those bones in far greater detail. Now the function of these holes was uncertain. In a study published in
we could see that the fossil included an unexpected series of many 2014, Long worked with a team of ichthyologists at Scripps Insti-
small, tightly packed bones. Typically the end of the pectoral fin tute of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., led by the late Jeff Graham,
skeleton contains small bones called radials that support the rod- to nail it down. Analyzing the spiracles of the living bichir Polyp-
like fin rays. The bones evident in this part of Elpistostege’s fin terus, we showed that they are instrumental in breathing air.
were in the right place to be radials, but the large number of bones Assuming the spiracles served the same purpose in Elpistostege,
and the way some of them were arranged in discrete rows sug- the ability to employ the fins to do a push-up in the shallow rivers
gested that they were something else. We strongly suspected that and estuary this fish inhabited—and thereby get the head out of
these never-before-seen bones hidden in the pectoral fin of this water for a breath of fresh air—could have been advantageous.
ancient fish were actually digit bones similar to the ones found Elpistostege was not necessarily restricted to the aquatic realm,
in the fingers of tetrapods. We identified two digits that were each however. Today’s lungfish and some catfishes can propel them-
composed of multiple, articulated bones, as well as three possi- selves along land for short periods with their fins. With its far
ble digits each composed of a single bone. more powerfully built fins, Elpistostege was probably that much
Why is the case for digit bones in the pectoral fins of E  lpisto- more capable of venturing ashore.
stege m ore compelling than the earlier argument for digit bones
in the pectoral fins of Panderichthys? The putative digit bones in BABY STEPS
Panderichthys a  re irregular in shape, and none of them show In addition to upending the received wisdom about when fins
articulation with other bones in the standard way digit bones, or became limbs, our discovery of digit bones in E  lpistostege b
 ears on
phalanges, do in the human hand. We surmise from comparison efforts to understand the genetic and developmental changes that
with the bones of the Elpistostege fin that the mystery bones in powered this transformation. Just a few decades ago scientists inter-
the P anderichthys p  ectoral fin are probably equivalent to some ested in this question did not have much to go on. Back then, there
of the carpal bones in the wrists of tetrapods. were only a few examples of fossil fishes with pectoral anatomy
transitional between fins and limbs, and they hinted only that the
FISH OUT OF WATER arm and forearm bones evolved gradually. In contrast, it looked as
As the team finished isolating the entire pectoral fin and girdle though tetrapods evolved the hand and wrist from the ancestral fish
such that every bone could be studied in every aspect, we also fin all at once. But was it actually possible for such drastic change
began segmenting out internal features of the skull and brain- to occur so abruptly? Or was the seemingly sudden origin of the
case. This work would help inform our understanding not only hand and wrist simply an artifact of an incomplete fossil record?
of E
 lpistostege’s anatomy but also of how it is related to other ear- In a milestone paper published in 1991, the late developmental
ly fishes and to tetrapods. biologist Peter Thorogood proposed that the hand and wrist real-
To figure out where E lpistostege b
 elongs in the family tree, we ly could have originated quite suddenly. He based his proposal on
needed to compare it with other species, paying special attention comparisons of embryological development in fishes and tetra-
to their shared distinctive features. Working with Mike Lee of pods. In early-stage embryos of both groups, a structure called the
Flinders, a leading expert on methods for ascertaining relations apical ectodermal ridge (AER) acts as a signaling center that guides
among species, we ran a phylogenetic analysis of 202 character- development of the fin and limb, respectively. Located in the tip of
istics across 43 species. In the end, we were astounded to find the budding fin and limb, the AER secretes chemicals that promote
that Elpistostege appears to be more closely related to the crown the outgrowth of the underlying tissue. In fish, the AER is active
tetrapods—the group that includes all living tetrapods and their for only a short while before it transforms into another signaling
last common ancestor—than the well-known Tiktaalik is, though center, the apical ectodermal fold (AEF), which directs the forma-
not by much. Our best guess is that the unique features of the tion of the fin rays. In tetrapods, however, the AER is much more
pectoral fin, which is not fully preserved in Tiktaalik, plus some active in directing development because it persists far longer in
newly discovered features of the pectoral girdle (the bones that the embryo—it does not ever morph into the AEF; thus, the fin rays
connect to the fins), pulled Elpistostege up a notch above Tikta- do not form. So it has more time to develop the other bones of the
alik on the evolutionary ladder. appendage, which are the basis for making a hand. Thorogood sug-
Combining what we see in the skeleton of Elpistostege with gested that the loss of the AER-AEF transition—a relatively simple
what the phylogenetic analysis tells us about its place in the fam- tweak in the grand scheme of things—could produce both the loss
ily tree, we can reconstruct how the basic plan for the hands of of the fin rays and other characteristics of the pectoral fins and the
tetrapods, including humans, originated. The presence of small simultaneous gain of the bones needed to form a wrist and digits.
rows of bones we identified as digits in the pectoral fin of Elpis- The discovery of T  iktaalik, t he first fossil fish to show not just
tostege shows that the arrangement first evolved in the fins of the fish equivalent of our arm bones and some of the proximal wrist

52  Scientific American, June 2020

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From Fins to Limbs
For decades scientists thought hands evolved first in tetrapods as an adaptation to terrestrial life because
the oldest known hand bones were found in early tetrapods such as T  ulerpeton, not tetrapodlike fish such as
Tiktaalik. Elpistostege has bones representing at least two and possibly five digits in its fin. These digit bones
are homologous to the digit bones found in the hands of living tetrapods, including humans. The discovery
shows that fingers began evolving in aquatic fish before they were coopted by tetrapods for life on land.

Tiktaalik Elpistostege Tulerpeton (tetrapod) Human


bones (those closest to the center of the body) but also bones from Elpistostege f urther complicates the story. It suggests that, con-
the distal part of the fin corresponding to our distal wrist bones, trary to Johanson’s argument, the radials of lungfish and other
spurred research into the genetic and developmental underpin- lobe-finned fish are not all equivalent to digits. Instead only the
nings of the fin-to-limb transition. Investigators were keen to fig- most distal ones are homologous to digit bones; the proximal radi-
ure out which bones in the ancestral fish fin evolved into wrist and als are homologous to the wrist bones and the long bones of the
hand bones and which genes were responsible for generating that palm. What is more, Elpistostege reveals yet another step in the fin-
new morphology. Members of the Hox f amily of genes, which are limb transition. Because it preserves both wrist bones and digits,
well known to direct the different regions of the embryo to devel- as well as fin rays, E  lpistostege shows that loss of the fin rays must
op into the head, tail, and so forth, seemed likely to be involved. have been another, separate phase in the evolution of the hand.
In 2007 Zerina Johanson of the Natural History Museum in The anatomical condition of the pectoral fins and digits we
London and her colleagues studied the activity of one of these have described in Elpistostege suggests that we still need to fine-
genes, H oxD13, in one of the closest living relatives of tetrapods, tune our understanding of the genetic and developmental mech-

the Australian lungfish. Previous research had shown that H  oxD13 anisms that drove their evolution. Nevertheless, with the entire
is active in the developing tetrapod limb when the wrists and dig- skeleton preserved and many further studies of it underway, this
its form. Johanson’s team showed that the gene is also active dur- specimen of E  lpistostege seems destined to serve as a Rosetta
ing the development of the radial bones in the lungfish fin. But Stone to solve the mystery of how limbs evolved from fins—and
 OL. 579, MARCH 18, 2020

whereas in tetrapod limb development HoxD13 has two phases of thus how vertebrates conquered land. 
activity—an early phase associated with the arm and forearm devel-
opment and a late phase associated with wrist and digit develop-
ment—it appears to have only one interval of activity in lungfish- MORE TO EXPLORE

fin development, corresponding to the second phase of the gene’s Fish Fingers: Digit Homologues in Sarcopterygian Fish Fins. Zerina Johanson et al.

in JEZ-B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, V

 ol. 308B, No. 6, pages 757–768;
activity in the developing tetrapod limb. The work suggested that
December 15, 2007.
tetrapod digit bones evolved from the radial bones in the fish fin. Elpistostege and the Origin of the Vertebrate Hand. R ichard Cloutier et al. in N
But wrist and hand could not have originated as a package deal, as Vol. 579, pages 549–554; March 26, 2020.
Thorogood proposed, because lungfish and other living and fossil FROM OUR ARCHIVES
lobe-finned fishes have radials or wrist bones without having dig- Getting a Leg Up on Land. Jennifer A. Clack; December 2005.
its. There had to have been at least two evolutionary events, one
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
that produced digits and another that produced wrists.

Illustration by Daisy Chung June 2020, 53

© 2020 Scientific American

54  Scientific American, June 2020

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Is Born
High-resolution imaging of circumstellar disks—the swirls of
dust left behind after stars form—is revealing hidden planets
and insights about how solar systems evolve
By Meredith A. MacGregor

PROTOPLANETARY DISKS, imaged by the ALMA telescope, reveal

baby solar systems forming. These spinning wheels of gas and dust are
left over after stars are born and provide the ingredients for planets.

June 2020, 55

© 2020 Scientific American

Meredith A. MacGregor is an assistant professor at the Univer­
sity of Colorado Boulder, where she explores the for­mation and
potential habitability of planetary systems. She is also a co-chair
of the nasa Infrared Science Interest Group Leadership Council.

T he week I started graduate school, the first science projects were announced for the
new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope in Chile. This
groundbreaking facility uses dozens of radio antennas working in concert to create images
as detailed as those made by a single telescope 16 kilometers wide. With this extreme res-
olution, ALMA can see deeper and farther in millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength
light than any previous telescope. I leaped at the opportunity to join one of its first proj-
ects—a study of a disk of dust and rubble around a nearby star called AU Mic. The subject of our
observations was something scientists had never seen in such detail before ALMA was built.
Dust and rubble might not sound that exciting, but they are the raw materials planets are made
of, and this observatory was giving us a chance to see the process in action.

It took another year for the data to be delivered. continued to expand, and the array now has new dishes,
Modern astronomy is often done at a distance: rather higher resolution and more wavelength coverage. Mean-
IN BRIEF than spending long nights at the remote mountain while the study of circumstellar disks and planet forma-
The ALMA tele- observatory, all we had to do was submit a computer tion has exploded. ALMA has taken several hundred
scope, i naugurated script that told the telescope what to observe and when. planetary baby pictures, helping us to build a new view
in 2011, gave astron- Then we waited patiently (or, more often, impatiently) of how such systems form and revealing troves of plan-
omers their first for our observations to be scheduled and completed. I ets we never could have detected otherwise.
chance to see details
can still remember the anticipation, the butterfly feel-
in the disks of
gas and dust that ing in my stomach as I waited for the data download BABY PLANETS
surround stars. and, when it was finally ready, the awe when the image Stars form out of vast regions of gas and dust called
These so-called appeared on my computer screen—a long, thin blob of molecular clouds. The typical density of empty space
circumstellar disks light with three bright spots: one in the center and two is only one atom per cubic centimeter, but the thickest
can teach scientists on either side at the edges. areas of molecular clouds can reach densities 10,000
how distant solar What we were glimpsing was a solar system grow- to one million times this norm. When these spots, or
systems formed and ing up. The central spot was actually the star, which we “cores,” become dense enough, they start to collapse
evolved, and fea-

now know is flaring, sending bursts of high-energy par- under their own gravity to make stars. At the same time,
tures such as warps
and clumps can sig- ticles out into space. The other two bright spots marked the initial rotation of the collapsing core and the con-
nify the presence the edges of a disk of debris circling the central star, servation of angular momentum naturally form a disk
of otherwise impos- akin to the Kuiper Belt that orbits our sun. We think surrounding the newly born star. Astronomers call
sible to see planets. this band is the rubble left over after planets formed these collections of dust and gas “circumstellar” (mean-
New telescopes around AU Mic, a young M dwarf star about 32 light- ing “around stars”) disks.
planned f or the years away. Other scientists have recently discovered When stars are still very young (only a few million
coming years could two planets in the system: one about the mass of Jupi- years old), their circumstellar disks are relatively huge,
take the study of
ter and the other about the mass of Saturn, both orbit- often with about 1  to 10  percent of the mass of the cen-
circumstellar disks
to another level, ing fairly close to their star. Now we have an unprece- tral star in a typical system. For a star like the sun, that
possibly allowing dented opportunity to see how the material in the disk amounts to a disk with roughly 100 times the mass of
us to image planets evolved and interacted with the newly formed planets. Jupiter. These young, massive Frisbees are “protoplan-
directly within disks. Since that early image, the capabilities of ALMA have etary” because we think this is where planets are actively

56  Scientific American, June 2020

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forming. Rock, metal and ice condense out of the disk
to form planetary seeds. As seeds start to collide and
stick together, they grow larger and larger until they
have enough gravity to start attracting more material
through a process known as accretion. The baby proto-
planets orbit within the disk and continue accumulat-
ing material, carving out gaps in the disk in a game of
planetary Pac-Man. Nearly all stars that are younger
than a few million years are surrounded by disks that
most likely harbor a zoo of new planetary systems.
The protoplanetary disk phase lasts for several mil-
lion years. After that point, most of the gas and dust
from the initial circumstellar disk has cleared. How this
clearing happens and over what timescales are areas
of active research, but we think that a lot of the dust
and gas in the original disk either migrates inward and
falls onto the central star or is blown out by strong stel-
lar winds. After approximately 10 million years, all that
is left is a mature star surrounded by a new planetary of magnitude higher than what we see in our solar sys- HIGH IN CHILE’S
system and a disk of remnant asteroids and comets. tem. Does that make our cosmic home an oddball? We Atacama Desert,
The total mass of this leftover material is low—likely are not sure yet. We have been studying the most mas- the ALMA obser­­­­
less than 10  percent of the mass of Earth. Although sive, most extreme disks, but there are probably many vatory uses doz­
there may still be enough mass in these “debris disks” more low-mass disks to be found that will help us put ens of antennas
to form small terrestrial planets or Pluto-like bodies, our own planetary system into context. in tandem to
you can think of them as the fossil record of earlier Although astronomers began to infer the presence capture images
planet formation. Their structure is sculpted through of dusty disks from early infrared observations in the of dis­­tant plane­
gravitational interactions with the newly formed plan- 1980s, they did not know what they looked like. Before tary systems.
ets, and their composition gives us clues as to what improvements in telescope technology were made in
material was originally built into those planets. the 1990s and 2000s, only a single star system—Beta
Astronomers first discovered debris disks when the Pictoris—had been resolved. Notably, the Hubble Space
Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was launched Telescope employed coronagraphic imaging, a tech-
in 1983. It was the first satellite to survey the entire sky nique astronomers use to block the light from the cen-
at infrared wavelengths (12 to 100 microns; a human tral star in order to see dimmer surrounding objects,
hair is roughly 75 microns across). You can think of to image light scattering off small dust grains in cir-
infrared radiation as heat. When IRAS scanned the cumstellar disks. Although many of these early images
infrared sky, astronomers discovered that many stars were indistinct, they gave the first indication that cir-
looked brighter than expected. Why? The answer pro- cumstellar disks actually have extended, complicated
posed was dust. If these stars were surrounded by disks structures. In the case of the debris disk around Beta
of dust, the grains would get heated by the star and Pictoris, the first Hubble images showed a warp in the
then radiate thermal emission in the infrared range. inner regions of the disk that astronomers thought
From this inference, a new area of research was born. might indicate an unseen planet. Direct imaging later
In fact, the first four debris disks discovered by IRAS— confirmed this baby world.
Vega, Beta Pictoris, Epsilon Eridani and Fomalhaut—
are still studied and puzzled over today. A NEW TELESCOPE
By using infrared telescopes to search for such The wavelength of light that we see reflected from dust
bright spots, astronomers have confirmed that at least roughly corresponds to the size of the dust grains—
20 to 25 percent of stars are surrounded by debris disks. optical and near-infrared light comes from small dust

Given our picture of how planetary systems form, one grains tens of microns in size, whereas far-infrared and
might logically conclude that all stars should be sur- millimeter-wavelength imaging is sensitive to larger
rounded by remnant material—after all, statistics from grains similar in size to sand. We think that these larger
the Kepler mission tell us that every star in the galaxy grains are better tracers of the underlying structure of
has at least one orbiting exoplanet. In fact, debris disks circumstellar disks. Within a disk, there is a continu-
are probably more common than we know. Even our ous cascade of collisions. Large comets and asteroids
solar system has its own system of multiple debris crash into one another and get ground down into
disks—the asteroid belt and the Kuiper Belt. Yet the smaller and smaller dust grains. The most massive
solar system is actually dust-poor compared with the objects in the disk are called planetesimals, and their
systems around other stars we have been imaging. In locations are shaped by interactions with other plan-
fact, the deepest infrared surveys to date have been able ets in the system. If we can locate the planetesimals,
to identify only disks with dust masses roughly an order that information can be used to infer the presence of

June 2020, 57

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Hunting for Planets
Astronomers think nearly every star in the galaxy has planets around it, although we cannot yet find all, or even most,
of them. Each strategy scientists use to detect planets comes with its own strengths and weaknesses and biases toward
certain types of worlds. Smaller Earth-like planets that make long orbits around their suns are particularly hard to find,
for instance, so very few known exoplanets fit this category.

Telescope Example How It Works Strengths

This technique looks for planets TESS Searching for Shadows Best at detecting planets
by monitoring the light coming from with quick orbits
their host stars. Every time a planet (3,155 and counting)
orbits in front of the star we see the
light dim—if the system is aligned Planet rotating Star
with Earth just right. These periodic around its star
shadows can reveal not just the
existence of a planet but also its
diameter and orbit length.
A star’s light dims when
planet passes between it and observer

This method searches for the tell­ WIYN Watching for Wobbles Best at detecting large
tale movements of a star caused planets with quick orbits
by a planet’s gravitational pull on it. (796 so far)
Astronomers measure these move­
ments by looking for a change in the
frequency of a star’s light caused by
light waves bunching together as
they travel toward us (“blueshift”)
and spreading apart as they travel
away (“redshift”). Movement of the star makes it look bluer when
coming toward us and redder when moving away

Sometimes, if a planet is bright HUBBLE Screening Light and Taking Pictures Best at detecting young,
enough and orbits far from its star, bright planets with wide
telescopes can spot it directly. Usually orbits (50 so far)
this is only possible if astronomers Star Planet
block out its host star’s light—
a process called corona­graphy—
to reveal the much dimmer light
of the nearby planet. The vast majority A sunscreen on
of planets are impossible to image the telescope blocks out
with current observatories, however. much of the star’s light,
making the fainter planet visible

Gaps, warps and clumps in the disks ALMA Combining Wavelengths (Interferometry) Best at detecting large
of dust and gas around stars can planets with wide orbits
reveal the presence of unseen planets.
The disks are visible in long-wave­
length light, which requires very large
tele­scopes to see. In the absence of
a single large scope, astronomers can
combine many smaller telescopes
spread over a larger distance to Signals from many telescopes
create a virtual observatory as wide are combined together
as their separation. to act as one large telescope

58  Scientific American, June 2020 Illustration by Nigel Hawtin

© 2020 Scientific American

unseen planets, even if we can never observe those PLANET DETECTION
large bodies directly. In addition to teaching us a bout the process of plane-
The tiniest dust grains are easily moved around by tary formation, studying disks is also a good way to
interactions with interstellar gas or are simply blown detect exoplanets we would otherwise be unable to find.
out by winds and radiation from the star itself. But Telescope missions such as Kepler and TESS (the
because the larger sandlike grains are less affected by Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and many ground-
such forces, they offer us the best opportunity to based surveys have so far detected thousands of exoplan-
uncover the underlying disk structure and unseen plan- ets. Yet most of these planets are more massive or are
ets through their gravitational influence. closer to their host star than the planets in our solar
Therefore, we want to look at long wavelengths to system are. These types of planets are not necessarily
study disk structure and to search for signatures of more common, though; they are simply easier for us to
unseen planets. It seems straightforward—but of course, find. The two top methods of detecting exoplanets are
there is a catch. The resolution of a telescope is equal to the transit technique, which looks for periodic dim-
the observing wavelength divided by the diameter of the ming of stars when planets orbit in front of them, and
telescope. Thus, as you increase the wavelength from the the radial velocity method, which traces planets
optical to the millimeter range, you have to dramatically through observation of the slight change in velocity
increase the size of the telescope to achieve the same they cause in their host stars because of their gravita-
resolving power. Hubble has a diameter of 2.4 meters, tional pull. Both methods favor large planets with short
which gives a resolution of 0.13 arc second for observa- orbits because multiple orbits must be observed to con-
tions at a one-micron wavelength. If you wanted to firm a detection, which means that astronomers using
achieve the same resolution at a wavelength of one mil- these methods might be missing a lot of planets. Nep-
limeter, you would need to increase the telescope’s diam- tune, for instance, has an orbital period of roughly 165
eter by a factor of 1,000 to more than two kilometers! years: if you were studying our solar system from a dif-
We cannot build a telescope that large, so we have to use ferent star, you would be waiting a very long time
a technique called interferometry. Essentially, instead before you saw it transit the sun even once. The few
of a single two-kilometer-diameter telescope, an inter- planets we do know about that are at Neptune-like dis-
ferometer spreads multiple smaller telescopes out over tances from their host star have been detected via
two kilometers and combines their signals to achieve direct imaging, which uses coronagraphy—blocking
equally high resolution. the light from the host star—to image the planet itself.
ALMA, which took its first images in 2011, is still the This approach has its own observational biases, how-
world’s most powerful interferometer. Located at an ever, favoring young systems where the planets still
elevation of roughly five kilometers in Chile’s Atacama retain significant heat from their formation.
Desert, ALMA has 66 antennas that can be relocated To put the architecture of the solar system in con-
to span baselines (the distance between any two anten- text, we must be able to detect giant planets at large
nas) of 150 meters to 16 kilometers. If you are familiar distances from their host stars in old systems. Now,
with the Washington, D.C., area, picture the White House with ALMA, this can be done by using the resolved
Ellipse: in its most compact configuration, ALMA structure of circumstellar disks, providing a powerful
would fit entirely within it. In its most extended con- complement to other methods of exoplanet detection.
figuration, it would span the entire Capital Beltway. We can find Neptune-like planets, for instance, by
With such advancements in both sensitivity and reso- studying features of disks sculpted by planets orbiting
lution, we can now image fainter objects in greater within them, such as warps, clumps and other asym-
detail than ever before. It is not an overexaggeration metries. In our own solar system, the classical Kuiper
to say that ALMA has revolutionized our understand- Belt is quite narrow because of the gravitational influ-
ing of circumstellar disks. ence of Neptune. We think that during the early evolu-
In one of its first blockbuster disk images, taken in tion of the solar system, Neptune initially formed closer
2014, ALMA imaged HL Tau, a young system probably to the sun and then migrated outward, sweeping up
less than 100,000 years old. The photograph revealed much of the remnant material in its wake to create the
that what had been assumed to be a continuous disk Kuiper Belt seen today. If we observe similar structures
was carved into multiple rings and gaps. Given the in extrasolar debris disks, we can use them to infer the
young age of the system, if these gaps are actually presence of unseen Neptune analogues.
sculpted by baby planets, planet formation must start We can also learn more about planets we already
earlier than originally thought. In another notable dis- know of by studying the disks they inhabit. The HR 8799
covery, in 2018, the DSHARP (Disk Substructures at system has four directly imaged giant planets orbiting
High Angular Resolution Project) survey looked at 20 between analogues of our own asteroid belt and Kuiper
protoplanetary disks with high resolution and found Belt. With millimeter interferometry, we can resolve the
that every one of them had rings and gaps, and some structure of the system’s outer Kuiper Belt analogue and
even showed spiral structure. Apparently such features determine the location of its inner edge. If we assume
are not unique to HL Tau but are instead ubiquitous to that the outermost planet in the system is responsible
young circumstellar disks. for carving out the disk, we can use the location of the

June 2020, 59

© 2020 Scientific American

DEBRIS DISKS, imaged by ALMA, represent a later stage of evolution
than protoplanetary disks, after a star and its planets have formed.
Their bright bands of rubble are akin to our solar system’s Kuiper Belt.

60  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

inner edge to constrain the possible mass of the planet revealing complexities in structure and chemical com-
as roughly six Jupiter masses. That may not seem like position that could have only been guessed at a few
a significant feat, but it is far more precise than our pre- decades ago. But ALMA cannot answer all the ques-
vious best estimate of the planet’s mass, which relied on tions we want to explore. All the debris disks I have dis-
theoretical models of how planets cool and dim over cussed in this article are analogues of the Kuiper Belt,
time. Using the disk’s structure, we can provide an cold rings of dust in the outer regions of their solar sys-
important independent check on those models. tems. So far astronomers have struggled to image an
ALMA observations of younger protoplanetary disks analogue of the asteroid belt—we can still detect such
show a wealth of detailed structure; rings and gaps features only through their excess infrared light, as we
seem to be present in nearly every system. If all those did in the early days with IRAS.
gaps are carved by planets, we can assume there is a To image the inner regions of extrasolar systems, we
large population of unseen ice-giant planets present. need shorter wavelengths that are sensitive to hotter
Tying structure in young systems directly to planets is dust. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is due
challenging, however, because other effects complicate to launch in 2021, and we expect it to take the first pic-
modeling efforts. Older, more evolved systems are eas- ture of one of these asteroid belt analogues. Beyond
ier to interpret, but so far very few of these debris disks that, JWST will operate at wavelengths that directly
exhibit multiring structure. Recently we discovered a trace emission from silicates (minerals such as olivine
new gap in the HD 15115 debris disk located beyond and pyroxene, which are also found on Earth) and that
where Pluto orbits in our system. Dynamical modeling constrain the mineral composition of disk grains.
suggests that this gap represents an ice-giant planet Looking even further into the future, the next gener-
with a mass slightly less than that of Saturn. I suspect ation of “Extremely Large Telescopes” is being con-
that as we obtain deep, high-resolution images of more structed now, and these instruments will see their first
of these evolved systems, more planet-induced features light in the mid- to late 2020s. These telescopes will have
will come to light. diameters greater than 24 meters, more than five times
Furthermore, beyond the structure of circumstellar larger than any current ground-based telescopes, and
disks, we can also study their composition. Because they may be able to directly image some of the planets
these disks are the reservoirs and fossil records of we can only infer now from ALMA disk observations.
planet formation, their composition is intimately tied The Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophys-
to the composition of planets in these systems and to ics—a field-wide effort to decide on priorities for future
their formation history. Numerous common molecules funding—is underway now. Under consideration are
emit light at millimeter wavelengths because of the four nasa flagship missions that could make huge
bending and stretching of their molecular bonds. Sci- advances in planetary science in the 2030s and beyond.
entists have detected dozens of organic molecules The Origins Space Telescope, a cryogenically cooled
(including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, methanol infrared observatory, could trace how water from star-
and ammonia, among many others) in the large gas forming regions ends up in circumstellar disks, pro-
reservoirs present in protoplanetary disks. vide statistics on low-mass disk populations, and much
Our research has also uncovered a new mystery: more. Other candidates such as the Large Ultraviolet/
Traditionally debris disks were assumed to be gas-poor Optical/Infrared Surveyor and the Habitable Exoplanet
because their initial gas reservoirs should be cleared Observatory are direct-imaging missions that could
within a few million years. ALMA has revealed that a detect and characterize many exoplanets, some of
number of debris disks contain carbon dioxide gas, but which could be Earth-like.
we interpret this as the result of comets colliding in the Regardless of which of these missions is ultimately
disk and releasing trapped ice in the form of gas as they selected, the one thing I know for sure is that our
are ground into small dust grains. A few systems chal- understanding of the solar system and of its formation
lenge this picture, though, because they contain such and its place in the universe of exoplanet systems is
a large amount of gas that it would take an unrealisti- changing every day. The butterfly feeling in your stom-
cally high rate of cometary collisions to produce it. This ach while you wait to see what each new observation
discovery prompts a question: Is it possible for primor- looks like—it never goes away. 
dial gas to remain in these disks for tens of millions of
years? As of yet, we do not have an answer.

Millimeter Emission Structure in the First ALMA Image of the AU Mic Debris Disk. M  eredith A.
MacGregor et al. in A strophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 762, No. 2, Article No. L21; January 10, 2013.
It has been exciting for me to grow up as a scientist The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: First Results from High Angular Resolution
while the field of planet-formation research has grown Observations toward the HL Tau Region. ALMA Partnership et al. in Astrophysical Journal Letters,

up around me. I began working on my Ph.D. as ALMA Vol. 808, No. 1, Article No. L3; July 20, 2015.
first opened its eyes on the sky, and I am beginning my FROM OUR ARCHIVES
first faculty position as we move into an exciting new Born of Chaos. Konstantin Batygin, Gregory Laughlin and Alessandro Morbidelli; May 2016.
future of multiwavelength astronomy. ALMA has rev-
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
olutionized our understanding of circumstellar disks,

June 2020, 61

© 2020 Scientific American

© 2020 Scientific American

Smart math, combined with fundamental policy choices,
can determine a practical tax that will drive down CO2 emissions
By Gilbert E. Metcalf
Illustrations by Katie Edwards

June 2020, 63

© 2020 Scientific American

Gilbert E. Metcalf is a professor of economics at Tufts University
who specializes in climate economics. He is a research associate
at the National Bureau of Economic Research and author
of Paying for Pollution: Why a Carbon Tax Is Good for America
(Oxford University Press, 2019).

sk any economist how we should respond to climate change, and they
will tell you that the most effective strategy is to put a price on green-
house gas emissions, ideally through a carbon tax. This reflects a basic
economic principle: the waste produced from any activity is a cost
that has to be paid. We pay for throwing away our garbage, for clean-
ing our wastewater, and we should pay for the carbon dioxide waste
we create from activities such as burning ­fossil fuels.

We can put a price on our pollution with a carbon

tax or with a cap-and-trade program, as European
countries have done for power plants and industry.
Cap and trade sets an overall limit on emissions
(the cap). Firms with low costs of reducing emissions
cut their releases and sell allowances to firms with
high costs, which continue emitting, while the set
are eight bills in Congress, one with 80 co-sponsors, to
put a price on our carbon pollution.
Still, enacting a carbon tax will be a big political lift.
If a window does open for it, climate scientists, econ-
omists and politicians need to be ready to pounce. They
will need to get it right the first time. And they will
need to explain why a specific tax rate is justified.
of participants stays within the limit. But prices in Determining that rate seems to be straightfor-
Economists agree t hat cap-and-trade arrangements have proved to be ward: set the tax per ton of CO2 equal to the damage
a carbon tax is the most
volatile, and the systems need strong oversight to inflicted by its release. But how do we properly assess
effective way to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions. avoid problems. the damage?
But taxes passed by cer- Why bother? A carbon tax provides greater clarity
tain countries range wild- about the price of emissions, which the business com- HARM FROM EMISSIONS
ly from less than $1 to $121 munity values. And the U.S. already has a well-devel- Economists typically calculate c limate damages with
per ton. In the U.S., mod- oped tax collection system, which works smoothly for integrated assessment models (IAMs)—large com-
els seem to converge at collecting excise taxes on many fossil fuels. puter models that capture feedbacks between the
$40 to $47. (“Ton” refers For reasons like these, economists such as Gregory economy and the climate. They use a series of equa-
to “metric ton.”)
Mankiw, former head of the U.S. Council of Economic tions that characterize the global economy, the
The key is calculating
the social cost of carbon. Advisers under President George W. Bush, have prom- worldwide circulation of CO2 emissions arising from
That requires a discount inently supported a carbon tax. The bipartisan Climate economic activity, and damages resulting from atmo-
rate on investments, Leadership Council, an international policy institute, spheric and upper-ocean temperature increases. IAMs
knowing the damage CO2 published a statement in 2019 that argues that “a car- are so important that in 2018 the Nobel Prize in eco-
emissions will impose on bon tax offers the most cost-effective lever to reduce nomics was awarded to Yale University economist
the economy, and the risk carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is neces- William D. Nordhaus, for his pioneering work on them.
of potential disasters. sary.” As of this writing, the statement is signed by IAMs such as Nordhaus’s dynamic integrated
When setting a tax rate,
3,589 economists—including the three living former model of the climate and economy (DICE) have
policy makers may factor
in revenue generation, chairs of the Federal Reserve, 27 Nobel laureates and become influential in policy analysis. The Obama
specific emissions-reduc- 15 former chairs of the Council of Economic Advisers. administration used three IAMs, including DICE, to
tion targets or insurance How the U.S. addresses climate change has become a determine a dollar value that government should use
against catastrophe. major topic in the presidential campaign, and there in cost-benefit analyses for proposed new regulations,

64  Scientific American, June 2020

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Damage to Dollars
UNCERTAINTY Economists use integrated assessment models to calculate an optimal carbon tax rate—so many
Catastrophes dollars per ton of carbon dioxide emissions. The models calculate feedbacks between the climate
How to account for a highly and the economy by characterizing the economy, the worldwide cycling of emissions arising
unlikely but highly damaging from economic activity, and damages to the economy from atmospheric and upper-ocean temper-
development, such as rapid melting ature increases. The experts also factor in uncertainties.
of polar ice sheets or huge
greenhouse gas release from
thawing permafrost.

Integrated Assessment Model Damages
How to measure damages to
human health, agriculture, and
so on. Begins with calculating
MODEL OUTPUT/INPUT MODEL equilibrium climate sensitivity:
how much temperatures will rise
Earth’s Carbon Climate Change Ecosystem given increased greenhouse
Cycle Damage gas emissions.


Carbon Emissions
Emissions Reductions

Discount Rate MODEL

How to weigh income today The Economy

versus income of future POLICY RESPONSE
generations. A low rate puts more
weight on future generations’ well- Set a Carbon
being. A high rate follows if future Tax Rate
generations are expected
to be far richer.

including the 2011 tightening of automotive fuel- Estimates for the optimal tax rate can vary widely
economy standards. depending on how these factors are treated. In the
The models seem to answer the question of how to end, IAMs can give us a solid starting point for a U.S.
set the right carbon tax rate. But the damage estimates carbon tax, but the models disagree on the “right”
depend on pinning down several assumptions that number. Moreover, we have to consider societal and
have great uncertainty. Three challenges stand out. The political pressures. Those influences can be huge: 15
first is weighing income today against the income of European countries have already set carbon taxes,
future generations; for that we need a discount rate, a and they range from $2 to $96, with a couple outli-
number that is also important to many policy decisions, ers at less than $1 and one at $121.
such as setting the Social Security tax or funding large
infrastructure projects. The second challenge is mea- SOCIAL COST OF CARBON
suring the damages from our CO2 emissions. Third is The idea o
 f using a tax to pay for social damages dates
how to factor in the possibility of low-probability, high- back more than 100 years. The influential University
damage outcomes—so-called catastrophes. of Cambridge economist Arthur C. Pigou maintained

Graphic by Jen Christiansen June 2020, 65

© 2020 Scientific American

that if pollution creates a cost (damage) for someone value of $1,000 in 10 years is $744 today. More pre-
that is not paid by the polluter, then government cisely, the present discounted value of $1,000 in 10
should impose a tax on the polluting activity equal years is $744, when discounted at 3 percent.
to the damages. Pigou, in effect, gave Adam Smith’s When governments need to choose a discount rate,
so-called invisible hand a green thumb. they sometimes use the return people expect for
Burning one ton of coal, for example, produces investing in the marketplace. The U.S. Office of Man-
roughly two tons of carbon dioxide, by combining agement and Budget, for example, generally recom-
carbon atoms with oxygen in the air. If the damages mends a 7 percent discount rate for assessing govern-
from each ton of carbon dioxide equaled, say, $50, ment regulations because it is the approximate return
then Pigou’s prescription would be to levy a $100 tax on investment in the private sector in recent years.
per ton of coal. In that way, the cost of coal would For long-lived projects, the difference between a
include the cost to society of burning it: the social 7  percent discount and a 3  percent discount is huge.
cost of carbon (SCC). To estimate this cost, we need The present discounted value of $1  million in
an IAM. Enter Nordhaus. 250 years is 4.5 cents today at 7 percent. The value is
Nordhaus published his first paper about the DICE $618 today at 3  percent. The higher the discount
model in 1992. It estimated that in 2015 the SCC would rate, the less we should be spending today to reduce
be $4.54 per metric ton of carbon dioxide. When 2015 future emissions.
came around, and after updates to the model, he raised Discounting at 7  percent seems reasonable for
his estimate to $31. Assuming optimal policy, the SCC government projects that last for five to 15 years, but
it is not reasonable for climate-related actions, where
the benefits from today’s investment could last for

A U.S. carbon tax of $40 per ton that

200 years or more. But because people do not typi-
cally make 200-year investments, there is no relevant

increases 5 percent each year would market rate to go by. That is true even for govern-
ment-led infrastructure investments. Most of these

put the country well on track to projects, for example, the Erie Canal, have useful lives
of 50 to 100 years before they need to be rebuilt or
becoming carbon-free by midcentury. are abandoned because of innovation—in the canal’s
case, by railroads, then highways.
If market rates are not a good guide, perhaps we
can use economic theory. Economist Frank Ramsey,
would grow to just over $100 per ton by 2050 and to a peer of Pigou, argued that the discount rate for long-
$265 by 2100. (All those numbers are in 2010 dollars.) term outlooks should take into account two consider-
These estimates are in the middle range among ations. The first reflects an ethical decision about how
major IAMs. For example, when the Obama admin- to treat different generations. This leans toward a low
istration estimated the SCC for assessing new regu- discount rate, on the grounds that we should not treat
lations, it used the DICE model, along with two other future generations differently than we do our own.
well-known models: FUND and PAGE. The 2050 esti- Second, the discount rate should take into account
mates from the FUND model were about half those changes in income over time; the richer future gen-
of the DICE model, and estimates from PAGE were erations are compared to us, the less we should feel
nearly double. compelled to incur costs now to make them better off.
These numbers sound solid, but Massachusetts That leans toward a high discount rate.
Institute of Technology economist Robert Pindyck In 2006 British economist Nicholas Stern wrote a
argues that IAMs are useless because they are sur- review of climate change for the U.K. government, tak-
rounded by too much uncertainty. His view is ing both these factors into account. His so-called Stern
extreme, but we do need to take seriously the issues Review concluded that the correct discount rate for cli-
he and others have raised. Let us examine the three mate policy was 1.4  percent. At that rate, $1  million in
key IAM assumptions that can greatly impact the 250 years is worth nearly $31,000 today, far more than
SCC: the discount rate, the damage function and the $618 calculated using a 3  percent discount rate.
potential catastrophes. Given his calculations, Stern argued that the costs of cli-
mate change were five times the costs of cutting emis-
DISCOUNTING FUTURE GENERATIONS sions. The Stern Review was highly influential around
Any decision i nvolving costs and benefits that are sep- the world in shaping the narrative about the need to
arated in time requires a discount rate. Consider an make dramatic and rapid reductions in emissions now.
asset that will pay me $1,000 in 10 years. How much As a practical matter, we have to square approaches
is that asset worth today? Assume I could put some that lead to high and low discount rates. One resolu-
money in an account that pays interest of 3  percent tion is that a discount rate should not remain constant
a year. With compounding, $744 invested today over time; it should decline. If uncertainty about
would grow to $1,000 in 10 years. In other words, the future income grows greater the further we go into

66  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

the future, for example, then we need a
precautionary factor. The late Harvard
University economist Martin Weitzman
argued that a discount rate of 4  percent
should be used in the near term, whereas
1  percent should be used for the distant
future (76 to 300 years), with a gradual
decline for time periods in between.
In the end, economists do not have
clear guidance on the “best” discount rate,
in part because of the ethical choices
involved across generations. Small
changes in the discount rate, however, can
lead to large changes in the SCC—an
important factor in setting a carbon tax.

The second uncertainty in setting a price
on carbon is the damage CO2 emissions
will impose on the economy. In the DICE
model, damages are, roughly speaking, a
function of the square of the temperature
increase. This approach is a shorthand for
the complex impacts of warming, such as
lower agricultural productivity, higher
death rates from heat and diseases, loss of
species, geopolitical risks such as drought-
driven human migrations, and so on.
Nordhaus, like other IAM modelers,
based his damage function on a review of
the existing literature. This is good news
because scientists have made great prog-
ress in measuring the damages from climate change. This is not entirely satisfactory. Weitzman said
But no one can capture all possible injury. To compen- there is a “worrisome amount of probability” that equi-
sate, Nordhaus increased his damage estimates by one librium climate sensitivity could be above 4.5 degrees C.
quarter. His function leads to worldwide damages This enters the realm of extreme consequences.
equal to 8.5  percent of global income for a planetary
temperature increase of six degrees Celsius. In contrast, THE PRICE OF CATASTROPHES
U.S. gross domestic product fell by more than 25  per- Catastrophes a  re low-probability, high-damage
cent during the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933. events. Weitzman cited a long litany of the “known
Scientists have a way to quantify the likelihood of unknowns” that could lead to catastrophes, such as
a big temperature rise. In 1896 Swedish chemist Svante rapid sea-level rise from quick melting of the Green-
Arrhenius used a series of detailed measurements to land and West Antarctic ice sheets or from significant
estimate that doubling the atmospheric CO2 concen- changes in ocean-circulation patterns. He also con-
tration would warm Earth by four degrees C. This rela- sidered “unknown unknowns,” such as runaway cli-
tion, now known as the equilibrium climate sensitiv- mate feedbacks we have not yet identified. One exam-
ity, has proved remarkably durable. Unfortunately, ple might be that warming thaws all permafrost on
little progress has been made in narrowing the uncer- Earth, which releases huge amounts of CO2 and meth-
tainty around it. The Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- ane, creating runaway heating. This is not just aca-
mate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report (the most demic talk. Investment firm JPMorgan Chase recently
recent) states that equilibrium climate sensitivity is released a report to bank clients that warns, “We can-
“likely in the range 1.5∘  C to 4.5∘  C, extremely unlikely not rule out catastrophic outcomes where human life
less than 1∘ C, and very unlikely greater than 6∘ C.” But as we know it is threatened.”
the swing in damages between 1.5∘ C and 4.5∘ C is huge. On a graph, a normal distribution of the likely rise
IAM modelers can deal with this kind of uncertainty in temperature would look like a hump: a low tail
by making thousands of model runs, varying key at the left (unlikely), leading to a high hump in the
parameters. They then report central estimates, and middle (most likely), and a low tail on the right
upper and lower bounds, to give policy makers a sense (unlikely). As our knowledge improves about how the
of the uncertainty around SCC values. climate is responding to our emissions, we can refine

June 2020, 67

© 2020 Scientific American

Crazy Quilt of Carbon Taxes Tax Rate in 2019
(dollars per metric ton of CO2)
Revenue in 2018
(millions of dollars)
Two dozen countries have enacted carbon taxes, with rates ranging
widely from $0.08 in Poland to $121 in Sweden. All the countries apply
Median Median
the tax only to a percentage of their total emissions, and some tax
emissions only from certain types of fossil fuels. Political pressures
Emissions Portion Country
most likely explain the disparities. Leading models suggest a tax of
Covered by Tax in 2019
$40 to $47 in the U.S., but the country has not implemented any plan.
Data as of November 2019 2,361

2.21 2.65
0.08 4% 1 0.38 4 3% 3
71% 68%
Poland Ukraine Estonia Japan
4.97 4.99 93 5.00
3.00 15% 9
46% 24% 39%
Mexico Latvia Colombia Chile
14.06 16.56 19.09
200 155 124
6.24 20% 83
Median 29% Median 24%
Argentina revenue Portugal Spain tax rate Slovenia
489 543
21.79 22.07 25.91

23% 49% 40%

U.K. carbon price floor Ireland Denmark
1,056 57.14
30.26 31.30

70% 29% 35% 62%
Canada (British Columbia) Iceland France Norway
1,459 96.57 96.57
68.43 1,178

36% 4 33% 40%

Finland Liechtenstein Switzerland Sweden

this distribution. It appears that the distribution will damages are infinite. Clearly, society cannot do that.
be “fat-tailed,” meaning the probability of very large Weitzman was not quite sure what to make of his
temperature increases (the tail to the right) goes to theorem. He argued that researchers should focus

zero more slowly than in a normal distribution. This more on understanding catastrophic events, to
creates a fundamental problem for IAMs, which reduce our uncertainty about their likelihood and
Weitzman called the Dismal Theorem: society should consequences. That knowledge can better inform pol-
be willing to pay an infinite amount to avoid low- icy choices required to respond appropriately to pos-
probability, high-damage events because expected sible catastrophes.

68  Scientific American, June 2020 Graphic by Sonja Kuijpers, Studio Terp

© 2020 Scientific American

HOW TO PROCEED as an insurance policy against catastrophes. The tax
In the meantime, we need to determine the SCC and would not eliminate the risk but would help reduce
carbon tax rate. Uncertainties about the discount rate, it. We could call this the Grand Canyon effect. If I
damages, climate sensitivity and possible catastro- stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon taking in the
phes mean that any estimate of the SCC is uncertain. view, there is a risk that a sudden wind gust could
The only thing we can say for sure is that the SCC must cause me to lose my balance and fall over the edge.
be greater than zero; any pollutant incurs a cost. It is By taking a step back, I reduce that risk. By slowing
heartening to see greater collaboration between econ- the rate of emissions, we reduce the risk of a cata-
omists and scientists—signaled by the science jour- strophic climate event.
nal Nature appointing an economics editor—because A hybrid approach would set a tax on CO2 and
it will lessen such uncertainties. periodically update the tax rate depending on how
For policy makers, IAMs can provide a starting much progress the U.S. is making toward reducing
point for setting a schedule of carbon tax rates for the emissions. But updating is problematic. Enacting a
next few decades. For example, the three models the carbon tax is going to be a political fight for Congress.
U.S. government used in 2016 for analyzing potential Once done, Congress is unlikely to have the appetite
regulations gave a range of estimates for the SCC in to periodically reopen the debate by reviewing and
2020. Assuming a 3 percent discount rate, Nordhaus’s adjusting tax schedules. We can get around that by
DICE model suggested a mean 2020 tax rate of $47 including a “policy thermostat” in the initial legisla-
per metric ton of carbon dioxide. Mean estimates from tion. For example, the legislation could include
the other two models were $23 and $84. explicit emissions-reduction targets over 10 and 20
Nordhaus’s rate is very close to the $40 per ton rate years and a process for adjusting the tax rates auto-
suggested by the Climate Leadership Council. It is also matically if the country is not on track to hit those tar-
close to the average initial tax rate in the seven carbon gets. A number of the U.S. carbon tax proposals use
tax bills filed in Congress. In its base case, the coun- this approach.
cil’s tax rate would increase 5 percent each year, lead- If the U.S. moves forward with a carbon tax, it has
ing to a tax of $65 in 2030 and $173 in 2050. An eco- to consider important design issues: What to do with
nomic model from Stanford University and Resources the tax revenue. What to do for workers in carbon-
for the Future suggests that the Climate Leadership intensive sectors of the economy. How to incentivize
Council’s proposal would create an immediate 18 per- carbon capture and sequestration. Whether to tax the
cent reduction in emissions and a 50  percent reduc- carbon dioxide embedded in imported goods. And
tion by 2035, relative to a U.S. economy without a car- whether there is a political trade-off to be had in relax-
bon price. This would put the country well on track to ing some environmental regulations in return for a
becoming carbon-free by midcentury. carbon tax.
The tax would also generate a lot of revenue for the Additional policies will be needed, too. Certain
federal government. A U.S. Treasury study estimated greenhouse gas sources may not be amenable to tax-
that a carbon tax of this magnitude would raise more ation and might be more cost-effectively addressed
than $1.5 trillion over the next decade, after account- through regulation. One example is methane emis-
ing for losses in business and related tax revenues sions from oil and gas fields. Trying to measure and
from the tax. Focusing on revenue is a fiscal argument tax them is unrealistic; requiring technologies that
for a tax that might appeal to congressional policy reduce the leakage is more effective. More fundamen-
makers who, at some point, will need funds to close tally, we will need more funding for R&D to invent
a spiraling budget deficit. Or the revenue could pay and bring to market affordable zero-carbon energy
for some of the zero-carbon infrastructure called for technologies and perhaps cost-effective carbon cap-
in the Green New Deal. Such an approach focuses on ture and storage technologies.
a carbon tax’s role as a fiscal instrument more than Putting a price on our emissions now is essential.
as an environmental instrument. The government Here is a simple reason why: 2019 was the second hot-
could also give carbon tax revenues back to house- test year on record worldwide, and the past five years
holds through a “carbon dividend,” as the Climate were the hottest of the past 140. 
Leadership Council has proposed.
A different strategy would focus on emissions
reductions, not revenue potential. After all, taxing CO2 MORE TO EXPLORE
will not actually guarantee a given emissions reduc- Revisiting the Social Cost of Carbon. W  illiam D. Nordhaus in P roceedings of the National Academy
tion, even though raising the cost of emissions will def- of the Sciences USA, V
 ol. 144, No. 7, pages 1518–1523; February 14, 2017.
initely drive them down. Economists, for example, On the Economics of a Carbon Tax for the United States. Gilbert E. Metcalf. Brookings Papers on
have run a model of the U.S. economy that indicates a Economic Activity, Spring 2019.
$43 tax per ton starting in 2019 would have been suf- FROM OUR ARCHIVES
ficient for the U.S. to meet the Paris Agreement goal How to Break the Climate Deadlock. Naomi Oreskes; December 2015.
of a 28 percent emissions reduction by 2025.
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
Alternatively, a carbon tax could be viewed purely

June 2020, 69

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70  Scientific American, June 2020

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Surviving a close brush with death can leave a lasting legacy

in the mind—and may tell us about how the brain functions
under extreme conditions
By Christof Koch


Near-death experiences a re triggered during These events s hare broad commonalities: becoming Why the mind s hould experience the struggle
singular life-threatening episodes when the body pain-free, seeing a bright light at the end of a to sustain its operations in the face of a loss of blood
is injured by a heart attack, shock, or blunt trauma tunnel, or detaching from one’s body and floating flow and oxygen as positive and blissful rather than
such as an explosion or a fall. above it and even flying off into space. as panic-inducing remains a mystery.

Illustrations by Brian Stauffer June 2020, 71

© 2020 Scientific American

A young Ernest Hemingway, badly injured by
an exploding shell on a World War I battlefield,
wrote in a letter home that “dying is a very sim-
ple thing. I’ve looked at death, and really I know.
If I should have died it would have been very
easy for me. Quite the easiest thing I ever did.”

Years later Hemingway adapted his own experi-

ence—that of the soul leaving the body, taking flight
and then returning—for his famous short story “The
Snows of Kilimanjaro,” about an African safari gone
disastrously wrong. The protagonist, stricken by
gangrene, knows he is dying. Suddenly, his pain van-
ishes, and Compie, a bush pilot, arrives to rescue
him. The two take off and fly together through a
storm with rain so thick “it seemed like flying
They share broad commonalities—becoming pain-
free, seeing a bright light at the end of a tunnel and
other visual phenomena, detaching from one’s body
and floating above it, or even flying off into space
(out-of-body experiences). They might include
meeting loved ones, living or dead, or spiritual
beings such as angels; a Proustian recollection or
even review of lifetime memories, both good and
bad (“my life flashed in front of my eyes”); or a dis-
through a waterfall” until the plane emerges into torted sense of time and space. There are some
the light: before them, “unbelievably white in the underlying physiological explanations for these per-
sun, was the square top of Kilimanjaro. And then ceptions, such as progressively narrowing tunnel
he knew that there was where he was going.” The vision. Reduced blood flow to the visual periphery
description embraces elements of a classic near- of the retina means vision loss occurs there first.
death experience: the darkness, the cessation of NDEs can be either positive or negative experi-
pain, the emerging into the light and then a feeling ences. The former receive all the press and relate
of peacefulness. to the feeling of an overwhelming presence, some-
thing numinous, divine. A jarring disconnect sep-
PEACE BEYOND UNDERSTANDING arates the massive trauma to the body and the
Near-death experiences, o r NDEs, are triggered dur- peacefulness and feeling of oneness with the uni-
ing singular life-threatening episodes when the verse. Yet not all NDEs are blissful—some can be
Christof Koch is body is injured by blunt trauma, a heart attack, frightening, marked by intense terror, anguish,
chief scientist of the asphyxia, shock, and so on. About one in 10 patients loneliness and despair.
MindScope program
with cardiac arrest in a hospital setting undergoes It is likely that the publicity around NDEs has
at the Allen Institute
for Brain Science and such an episode. Thousands of survivors of these built up expectations about what people should feel
author of The Feeling harrowing touch-and-go situations tell of leaving after such episodes. It seems possible, in fact, that
of Life Itself—Why their damaged bodies behind and encountering a distressing NDEs are significantly underreported
Consciousness Is realm beyond everyday existence, unconstrained by because of shame, social stigma and pressure to con-
Widespread but
the usual boundaries of space and time. These pow- form to the prototype of the “blissful” NDE.
Can’t Be Computed.
He serves on Scien­­tific erful, mystical experiences can lead to permanent Any close brush with death reminds us of the
American’s board transformation of their lives. precariousness and fragility of life and can strip
of advisers. NDEs are not fancy flights of the imagination. away the layers of psychological suppression that

72  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

shield us from uncomfortable thoughts of existen-
tial oblivion. For most, these events fade in inten-
sity with time, and normality eventually reasserts
itself (although they may leave post-traumatic stress
disorder in their wake). But NDEs are recalled with
unusual intensity and lucidity over decades.
A 2017 study by two researchers at the Univer-
sity of Virginia raised the question of whether the
paradox of enhanced cognition occurring alongside
compromised brain function during an NDE could
be written off as a flight of  imagination. The re­­
searchers administered a questionnaire to 122 peo-
ple who reported NDEs. They asked them to com-
pare memories of their experiences with those of
both real and imagined events from about the same
time. The results suggest that the NDEs were re­­
called with greater vividness and detail than either
real or imagined situations were. In short, the NDEs
were remembered as being “realer than real.”
NDEs came to the attention of the general pub-
lic in the last quarter of the 20th century from the
work of physicians and psychologists—in particu-
lar Raymond Moody, who coined the term “near-
death experience” in his 1975 best seller, Life after
Life, and Bruce M. Greyson, one of the two research-
ers on the study mentioned earlier, who also pub-
lished The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences i n
2009. Noticing patterns in what people would share rotransmitter serotonin, including psilocybin (the
about their near-death stories, these researchers active ingredient in magic mushrooms), LSD, DMT
turned a phenomenon once derided as confabula- (aka the Spirit Molecule), and 5-MeO-DMT (aka the
tion or dismissed as feverish hallucination (death- God Molecule), consumed as part of religious, spir-
bed visions of yore) into a field of empirical study. itual or recreational practices.
I accept the reality of these intensely felt experi-
ences. They are as authentic as any other subjective THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY
feeling or perception. As a scientist, however, I oper- It must be remembered t hat NDEs have been with
ate under the hypothesis that all our thoughts, us at all times in all cultures and in all people, young
memories, percepts and experiences are an ineluc- and old, devout and skeptical (think, for instance,
table consequence of the natural causal powers of of the so-called Tibetan Book of the Dead, which
our brain rather than of any supernatural ones. describes the mind before and after death). To those
That premise has served science and its hand- raised in religious traditions, Christian or otherwise,
maiden, technology, extremely well over the past the most obvious explanation is that they were
few centuries. Unless there is extraordinary, com- granted a vision of heaven or hell, of what awaits
pelling, objective evidence to the contrary, I see no them in the hereafter. Interestingly, NDEs are no
reason to abandon this assumption. more likely to occur in devout believers than in sec-
The challenge, then, is to explain NDEs within a ular or nonpracticing subjects.
natural framework. As a longtime student of the Personal narratives drawn from the historical
mind-body problem, I care about NDEs because record furnish intensely vivid accounts of NDEs that
they constitute a rare variety of human conscious- can be as instructive as any dry, clinical case report,
ness and because of the remarkable fact that an if not more so. In 1791, for instance, British admiral
event lasting well under an hour in objective time Sir Francis Beaufort (after whom the Beaufort wind
leaves a permanent transformation in its wake, a scale is named) almost drowned, an event he re­­
Pauline conversion on the road to Damascus—no called in this fashion:
more fear of death, a detachment from material pos-
sessions and an orientation toward the greater good. A calm feeling of the most perfect tranquil-
Or, as in the case of Hemingway, an obsession with ity succeeded the most tumultuous sensa-
risk and death. tion…. Nor was I in any bodily pain. On the
Similar mystical experiences are commonly contrary, my sensations were now of rather
reported when ingesting psychoactive substances a pleasurable cast.... Though the senses
from a class of hallucinogens linked to the neu- were thus deadened, not so the mind; its

June 2020, 73

© 2020 Scientific American

Local brain regions go offline one after another. The mind,
whose substrate is whichever neurons remain intact,
then does what it always does: it tells a story shaped by
a person’s experience, memory and cultural expectations.

activity seemed to be invigorated in a ratio my own self with compassion for the agony
which defies all description; for thought rose I could see on the face; I was floating peace-
after thought with a rapidity of succession fully. Then ... I was going elsewhere, floating
that is not only indescribable, but probably towards a dark, but not frightening, curtain-
inconceivable, by anyone who has been like area ... Then I felt total peace. Suddenly
himself in a similar situation. The course it all changed—I was slammed back into
of these thoughts I can even now in a great my body again, very much aware of the
measure retrace: the event that had just agony again.
taken place.... Thus, traveling backwards,
every incident of my past life seemed to me The underlying neurological sequence of events
to glance across my recollection in retro- in a near-death experience is difficult to determine
grade procession ... the whole period of my with any precision because of the dizzying variety
existence seemed to be placed before me in of ways in which the brain can be damaged. Fur-
a kind of panoramic view. thermore, NDEs do not strike when the individual
is lying inside a magnetic scanner or has his or her
Another instance was recorded in 1900, when scalp covered by a net of electrodes.
Scottish surgeon Sir Alexander Ogston (discoverer It is possible, though, to gain some idea of what
of S
 taphylococcus) succumbed to a bout of typhoid happens by examining a cardiac arrest, in which the
fever. He described what happened this way: heart stops beating (the patient is “coding,” in hos-
pital jargon). The patient has not died, because
I lay, as it seemed, in a constant stupor the heart can be jump-started via cardiopulmo­-
which excluded the existence of any hopes nary resuscitation.
or fears. Mind and body seemed to be dual, Modern death requires irreversible loss of brain
and to some extent separate. I was con- function. When the brain is starved of blood flow
scious of the body as an inert tumbled mass (ischemia) and oxygen (anoxia), the patient faints
near a door; it belonged to me, but it was in a fraction of a minute and his or her electroen-
not I . I was conscious that my mental self cephalogram, or EEG, becomes isoelectric—in other
used regularly to leave the body.... I was words, flat. This implies that large-scale, spatially
then drawn rapidly back to it, joined it with distributed electrical activity within the cortex, the
disgust, and it became I, and was fed, spoken outermost layer of the brain, has broken down. Like
to, and cared for.... And though I knew that a town that loses power one neighborhood at a time,
death was hovering about, having no thought local regions of the brain go offline one after
of religion nor dread of the end, and roamed another. The mind, whose substrate is whichever
on beneath the murky skies apathetic and neurons remain capable of generating electrical
contented until something again disturbed activity, does what it always does: it tells a story
the body where it lay, when I was drawn shaped by the person’s experience, memory and
back to it afresh. cultural expectations.
Given these power outages, this experience may
More recently, British writer Susan Blackmore produce the rather strange and idiosyncratic stories
received a report from a woman from Cyprus who that make up the corpus of NDE reports. To the per-
had an emergency gastrectomy in 1991: son undergoing it, the NDE is as real as anything
the mind produces during normal waking. When
On the fourth day following that operation the entire brain has shut down because of complete
I went into shock and became unconscious power loss, the mind is extinguished, along with
for several hours.... Although thought to be consciousness. If and when oxygen and blood flow
unconscious, I remembered, for years after- are restored, the brain boots up, and the narrative
wards, the entire, detailed conversation that flow of experience resumes.
passed between the surgeon and anaesthetist Scientists have videotaped, analyzed and dis-
present.... I was lying above my own body, sected the loss and subsequent recovery of conscious-
totally free of pain, and looking down at ness in highly trained individuals—U.S. test pilots

74  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

and nasa astronauts in centrifuges during the cold than a second) in which the fit came upon
war (recall the scene in the 2018 movie First Man of him. That second, of course, was inexpressible.
a stoic Neil Armstrong, played by Ryan Gosling, being When his attack was over, and the prince
spun in a multiaxis trainer until he passes out). At reflected on his symptoms, he used to say to
around five times the force of gravity, the cardiovas- himself:... “What matter though it be only
cular system stops delivering blood to the brain, and disease, an abnormal tension of the brain,
the pilot faints. About 10 to 20 seconds after these if when I recall and analyze the moment,
large g-forces cease, consciousness returns, accom- it seems to have been one of harmony and
panied by a comparable interval of confusion and beauty in the highest degree—an instant
disorientation (subjects in these tests are obviously of deepest sensation, overflowing with
very fit and pride themselves on their self-control). unbounded joy and rapture, ecstatic devo-
The range of phenomena these men recount may tion, and completest life?... I would give my
amount to “NDE lite”—tunnel vision and bright whole life for this one instant.
lights; a feeling of awakening from sleep, including
partial or complete paralysis; a sense of peaceful More than 150 years later neurosurgeons are
floating; out-of-body experiences; sensations of able to induce such ecstatic feelings by electrically
pleasure and even euphoria; and short but intense stimulating part of the cortex called the insula in
dreams, often involving conversations with family epileptic patients who have electrodes implanted in
members, that remain vivid to them many years their brain. This procedure can help locate the ori-
afterward. These intensely felt experiences, trig- gin of the seizures for possible surgical removal.
gered by a specific physical insult, typically do not Patients report bliss, enhanced well-being, and
have any religious character (perhaps because par- heightened self-awareness or perception of the
ticipants knew ahead of time that they would be external world. Exciting the gray matter elsewhere
stressed until they fainted). can trigger out-of-body experiences or visual hallu-
By their very nature, NDEs are not readily ame- cinations. This brute link between abnormal activ-
nable to well-controlled laboratory experimentation, ity patterns—whether induced by the spontaneous
although this might change. For instance, it may be disease process or controlled by a surgeon’s elec-
possible to study aspects of them in the humble lab trode—and subjective experience provides support
mouse—maybe it, too, can experience a review of for a biological, not spiritual, origin. The same is
lifetime memories or euphoria before death. likely to be true for NDEs.
Why the mind should experience the struggle to
THE FADING OF THE LIGHT sustain its operations in the face of loss of blood flow
Many neurologists have noted similarities between and oxygen as positive and blissful rather than as
NDEs and the effects of a class of epileptic events panic-inducing remains mysterious. It is intriguing,
known as complex partial seizures. These fits par- though, that the outer limit of the spectrum of human
tially impair consciousness and often are localized experience encompasses other occasions in which
to specific brain regions in one hemisphere. They reduced oxygen causes pleasurable feelings of jaun-
can be preceded by an aura, which is a specific expe- tiness, light-headedness and heightened arousal—
rience unique to an individual patient that is pre- deepwater diving, high-altitude climbing, flying, the
dictive of an incipient attack. The seizure may be choking or fainting game, and sexual asphyxiation.
accompanied by changes in the perceived sizes of Perhaps such ecstatic experiences are common
objects; unusual tastes, smells or bodily feelings; to many forms of death as long as the mind remains
déjà vu; depersonalization; or ecstatic feelings. Epi- lucid and is not dulled by opiates or other drugs
sodes featuring the last items on this list are also given to alleviate pain. The mind, chained to a dying
clinically known as Dostoyevsky’s seizures, after the body, visits its own private version of heaven or hell
late 19th-century Russian writer Fyodor Dos­toy­ev­ before entering Hamlet’s “undiscovered country
sky, who suffered from severe temporal lobe epi- from whose bourn no traveler returns.” 
lepsy. Prince Myshkin, the protagonist of his novel
The Idiot, r emembers:
During his epileptic fits, or rather immedi-
The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation. E dited by Janice Miner Holden,
ately preceding them, he had always experi- Bruce Greyson and Debbie James. Praeger, 2009.
enced a moment or two when his whole Leaving Body and Life Behind: Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experience. O  laf Blanke, Nathan Faivre
heart, and mind, and body seemed to wake and Sebastian Dieguez in The Neurology of Consciousness.Second edition. Edited by Steven Laureys,
up to vigor and light; when he became filled Olivia Gosseries and Giulio Tononi. Academic Press, 2015.
with joy and hope, and all his anxieties FROM OUR ARCHIVES
seemed to be swept away forever; these Is Death Reversible? Christof Koch; October 2019.
moments were but presentiments, as it were,
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
of the one final second (it was never more

June 2020, 75

© 2020 Scientific American

By Andrea Gawrylewski

DOCTORS performed surgery on more than 7,000

No Man’s Land: patients in London’s Endell Street operating theater.

T he Trailblazing Women
Who Ran Britain’s
Most Extraordinary
Military Hospital during
World War I
by Wendy Moore.
Basic Books, 2020 ($30)

When World War I began, t he relatively few English women who had medical degrees were effectively blocked from practicing in prominent hospitals
and were relegated to low-paying and low-profile positions. Doctors Louisa Garrett Anderson and Flora Murray were therefore astonished when, in
1915, the British Army requested that they assemble a 1,000-bed military hospital in London. Journalist Moore eloquently brings to life the story of the
two women who fought for women’s rights and set up Endell Street Hospital—nicknamed the Suffragettes’ Hospital and staffed entirely by women.
Despite receiving accolades for their achievements, when peacetime came, most women doctors met with the same prejudices and sexism they had
faced before the war. As Moore writes, the sad and brutal truth was that many of these women looked back on wartime as the happiest days of their lives.

How Innovation Works: A Furious Sky: The Five-Hundred- The Woman Who Cracked
 nd Why It Flourishes in Freedom
A Year History of America’s Hurricanes the Anxiety Code: T he Extraordinary

by Matt Ridley. Harper/HarperCollins, by Eric Jay Dolin. Liveright, 2020 ($29.95) Life of Dr. Claire Weekes
2020 ($29.99) by Judith Hoare. Scribe, 2020 ($20)
A single hurricane c an alter
The 18th-century E nglish- the paths of (or end) countless After a misdiagnosis led to
woman Lady Mary Wortley lives and overwrite entire cities, a stay at a tuber­culosis sana-
Montagu did not invent inocu- but only by looking at storms torium in the late 1920s, heart
lation, the practice of exposing in aggregate can humans begin palpitations caused Claire
people to disease to generate to grasp their magnitude. Writer Dolin employs Weekes constant worry. Con-
immunity. But after she learned about it on a trip to both perspectives, detailing individuals’ journeys fiding in a friend who had been a WWI soldier, she
Constantinople, the smallpox-scarred writer cham- through noteworthy U.S. (and non-U.S.) hurri- learned what she had was “nerves”—what we now
pioned its adoption in the Western world. With sto- canes, as well as how the tempests shaped his- call anxiety—and was essen­­tially the fear of fear.
ries like Montagu’s, journalist Ridley focuses less on tory—plus how changing technology affected what Journalist Hoare chronicles Weekes’s life, from an
the invention of a new concept and more on “the scientists learned about each of them. From word early career in zoology to an attempt at singing pro-
long struggle to get an idea to catch on, usually by of mouth to telegram, radar to hurricane-chasing fessionally to becoming a doctor at age 42. Eventu-
combining it with other ideas.” By tracing this strug- plane, and computer modeling to orbiting satellite, ally she developed a simple but effective treatment
gle for a variety of concepts, from public health tech- every new development brought humans closer to for her ailment. In best-selling books, she ex­­plained
niques to creations such as the steam engine and understanding the source and structure of these the biology of fear and how to retrain the re­­sponse
the computer, Ridley constructs a fascinating theory storms—and predicting where they will go next. As to it, advocating for accepting and “floating”
of innovation, including its prehistoric roots, how it powerful hurricanes become more common, Dolin through the experience instead of fighting it. This
will shape the future and what makes it successful. writes, honing our reactions to them will be more biography restores Weekes’s often overlooked con-
Sheer dumb luck may help.  —Sophie Bushwick important than ever.  —Sarah Lewin Frasier tributions to anxiety treatment. —Andrea Thompson

76  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

Naomi Oreskes is a professor of the history of science
at Harvard University. She is author of Why Trust Science?
(Princeton University Press, 2019) and co-author
of Discerning Experts (University of Chicago, 2019).

How Small
Is Small?
It all depends on the context
By Naomi Oreskes

Quantifying things is an overarching goal in science, but recent

events have left me pondering just why that is. After all, we’ve long
known that numbers can be precise but inaccurate. The textbook
exemplar is Lord Kelvin, the 19th-century British physicist who
insisted that unless you could quantify a thing, your knowledge
of it was of a “meager and unsatisfactory kind.”
Yet he was responsible for one of history’s most infamous
examples of a fallacious quantitative argument. It concerned the
geologic principle of uniformitarianism, which states that pro-
cesses we can observe can be used to interpret Earth’s history. Kel-
vin insisted it was wrong because it had led geologists to conclude
that Earth was billions of years old. Kelvin’s own calculations end-
ed up placing the age at no more than 20  million to 40  million
years; ergo the methods geologists had used must be faulty. demonstrated but are insubstantial. But how do we judge what is
Kelvin’s paper on the topic is perhaps the most arrogant in the substantial and what is not? In the case of red meat, the authors
history of science: the body of T  he “Doctrine of Uniformity” in wrote: “Dose-response meta-analysis results from 17 cohorts with
Geology Briefly Refuted i s one paragraph long, with one addition- 2.2  million participants provided low-certainty evidence that
al paragraph laying out his calculations. But it was Kelvin who decreasing unprocessed red meat intake may result in a very small
ended up being refuted. He had made (at least) two faulty assump- reduction of overall lifetime cancer mortality (7 fewer events per
tions: one, that Earth began in a molten state and has been cool- 1,000 persons with a decrease of 3 servings/wk).”
ing ever since, and two, that there is no source of heat other than Is seven fewer cancer deaths per 1,000 people “very small”? In
that left over from the planet’s formation. (Today scientists think a population of 331 million Americans, that’s 2.3 million people!
our planet began as gas and dust; we know that radioactive decay In comparison, as of late March this year, the Centers for Disease
is a major source of heat and that Earth is 4.5  billion years  old.) Control and Prevention estimated flu deaths in the 2019–2020
Calculations can never be better than the assumptions that season (which are calculated separately from those caused by
guide them, but if numbers are fallible, then what exactly is their COVID-19) at 23,000 to 59,000. It would be accurate—and per-
point? One answer is that they give us the ability to compare one haps more informative—to say that eating three fewer servings of
thing against another using a common scale. It’s a whole lot eas- red meat a week could save 100 times more lives than eliminat-
ier to compare 1,000 to 100 than it is to compare “canoe” to “pine- ing a year’s worth of deaths from seasonal flu.
apple.” Another is specificity: we know how much larger 1,000 is In the case of fossil fuels, the authors wrote: “Subsidy removal
than 100, but it’s not necessarily clear what we mean when we call would lead to a small decrease in global CO2 emissions: 0.5–2 giga-
something simply “large” or “small.” Indeed, two recent scientif- tons . ... This is much less than the Nationally Determined Contri-
ic debates both hinged on the question “How small is small”? butions (NDCs) from the Paris Agreement, which add up to a
The first is about the risks of eating red meat. Last year a group decrease of between 4–8 Gt from fossil fuels and industry.” Yes, a
of researchers argued that Americans should not bother to reduce range of 0.5 to two is less than four to eight, but is it “much less”?
their consumption of red and processed meats, because any health Maybe, but the authors would have been equally correct if they
benefits would be “small.” The second is about the impact of fossil- had said that subsidy removal would amount to at least 6 percent
fuel subsidies. A paper in Nature examined whether eliminating of the Paris commitments and possibly as much as 50 percent.
them would have much of an effect on carbon dioxide emissions. Admittedly, scientists are often admonished to speak in plain
The authors concluded that the effect would be “limited.” (Full English, and “small” and “very small” are plain English. But when
disclosure: I am an author on a paper challenging that finding.) the numbers they refer to are not small, they become misleading. 
How are we to judge these claims? Critics have a point when
they suggest that we should not expect people to change their
lives—or governments to change their policies—if the benefits of Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
those changes have not been demonstrated or if they have been or send a letter to the editor:

Illustration by Chanelle Nibbelink June 2020,  77

© 2020 Scientific American

T H E O N G O IN G S E A R C H F O R Steve Mirsky h as been writing the Anti Gravity column since
FU N DA M E N TA L FA R C E S a typical tectonic plate was about 36 inches from its current location.
He also hosts the S cientific American p odcast Science Talk.

the tool itself became magnetized, leading to some spooky nose

action at a rather small distance—think of a diminutive metal
wand with a sole magic power: the ability to move your nose
around from an inch away. Reardon wound up at a hospital, thus
burdening the very health care system he meant to relieve.
We now go from shoving things up one’s nose to pulling things
out of one’s derriere. In early April, Georgia governor Brian Kemp
and New York mayor Bill de Blasio said we had just learned
asymp­tomatic people could spread the virus. Yeah, no.
In an article posted on February 28 on the New England Jour-
nal of Medicine’s Web site, Bill Gates wrote that there was “strong
evidence that [the virus] can be transmitted by people who
are just mildly ill or even presymptomatic.” The scientific cita-
tion for that claim was a letter published at on
February 18.
Of course, Gates is not a medical researcher. But he is very,
very rich. Which you’d think would be sufficient to gain the trust
of politicians. Take Donald Trump. (Yeah, yeah.) The president
was presumably born with some potential for competence, even-
tually achieved incompetence, and now we have had that incom-
petence thrust upon us. On March 27 he said of the coronavirus
causing COVID-19, “You can call it a germ. You can call it a flu.

Gone Viral
You can call it a virus. You know, you can call it many different
names. I’m not sure anybody even knows what it is.”
In response to that sterling example of nihilistic blather (our
sister journal Nature p ublished genome-sequence info on Febru-
Hello from the pandemic’s earlier days ary  3 about what was clearly a virus), I’ll go to Laurie Garrett,
author of the 1994 pandemic bible The Coming Plague and still
By Steve Mirsky
on the beat. On April 1 she was on a Sustain What? Webcast, part
This morning I had a surprisingly lengthy discussion with my of a series launched in March by Andrew Revkin, the longtime
wife about whether it was Wednesday or Thursday. I’m writing journalist now running a communication and sustainability ini-
this in early April from New York City, currently the global epi- tiative at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Garrett re­­counted
center of the COVID-19 outbreak. We’ve already been mostly leaving her Manhattan apartment recently to buy milk:
indoors for weeks, and the days have a sameness that brings to
The streets were full of people. And they were all young
mind the movie Groundhog Day, b  ut with body counts.
people who’d somehow gotten the message that this is
As this is allegedly a humor column, I’ll look for some humor
only dangerous for old people  ... and a lot of politicians
in this horror. Thankfully, there’s the earnest Australian astro-
are the major vehicles of this misinformation  ... and if
physicist who meant well when he started shoving mini but rel-
[young people] get infected it’s no biggie. Well, it is a big-
atively mighty magnets up his nose.
gie! Because you can infect others. You can pass your virus
According to the British newspaper the Guardian, 27-year-
on. You perpetuate the epidemic. And, yes, you can get
old Daniel Reardon was trying to “invent a device that stops peo-
sick ... and so the consequences of any statement by any
ple touching their faces during the coronavirus outbreak.” Rear-
leader that isn’t rooted in solid science ... is socially irre-
don’s usual focus is on using data from pulsar timing arrays to
sponsible, is costing lives, is actually killing people.
search for nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves, so magnets
are a bit out of his bailiwick. After a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The idea, we’ll call it, was for a user to wear magnets on his or (in the capital of Kemp’s state) on March 6, Trump bragged about
her wrists and also somewhere near the face. Some circuitry how well he understands medical science. “Maybe I have a nat-
would initiate a buzzing sound when the magnets got close togeth- ural ability,” he said. “Maybe I should have done that instead of
er. The buzz would remind wearers not to mug their mugs. But running for president.” A risk-analysis comparison leads me to
the best-laid plans of aardvarks and astrophysicists oft go agley. think Hippocrates would have approved. 
Failing and then flailing, a bored Reardon put a magnet in his
nostril. Thus it began. He ended up with four magnets jammed
in his breathing holes, each strongly attracting the others. An at- Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
tempt to pull the magnets out with pliers also went agley when or send a letter to the editor:

78  Scientific American, June 2020 Illustration by Matt Collins

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S cienti f ic A m erican O N L I N E
50, 100 & 150 YEARS AGO
THE Scientific American ARCHIVES AT IN N OVATI O N A N D D I S C OV E RY A S C H R O NI C L E D IN S c ientific A meric an Compiled by Daniel C. Schlenoff


1970 Gene Switches

“How are genes
controlled? All cells must be able

to turn their genes on and off.

For example, a bacterial cell may
need different enzymes in order
to digest a new food offered by
a new environment. As a simple 1970
virus goes through its life cycle,
its genes function sequentially,
directing a series of timed events.
As more complex organisms
develop from the egg, their cells
switch thousands of different
genes on and off, and the switch-
ing continues throughout the
organism’s life cycle. This switch- 1920
ing requires the action of many
specific controls. During the past 1870: Elegant bridge by John A.
Roebling makes the most of iron
10 years one mechanism of such New York. Amidst all the rattle
construction materials.
control has been elucidated in and bang of a thousand teams and
molecular terms: the control of motor trucks pounding the stone
specific genes by molecules called pavement, teamsters were startled Wired for Beauty
repressors.—Mark Ptashne and to hear a strange voice, apparently “The Allegheny Bridge at Pitts­
Walter Gilbert” close to their ears, deliberately burgh: We believe we express
Gilbert was the co-winner of 1870 and clearly reciting some rhyme a general opinion among
the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry like ‘Hickery, dickery, dock, the engin­eers and architects when
for his work on nucleic acids. mouse ran up the clock.’ Those we say that the bridge which
teamsters could hardly see the forms the subject of our engrav­­

1920 Voice

horn on the roof of the lofty labo- ing this week is one of the most

Amplification ratory building, nor guess that elegant structures of its class
“The loud-speaking telephone sys- tests were being made which on this continent. Nothing can
tem which has been placed in the would facilitate the nomination exceed the grace of its outline
Coliseum at Chicago has been in of a presidential candidate.” when seen from a favorable
process of development for about point of view. This beautiful
ten years. The work was mostly
done in the laboratory on one
of the busiest and noisiest water-
1870 Machine Age
“A single establish-
ment in this city—the Singer Sew-
bridge was designed and
erected in 1860, by the late
John A. Roebling.”
front streets in ing Machine Company—turns The Sixth Street Bridge was
out five hundred sewing machines demolished in 1892 to make way
per diem. The works are run night for a more robust structure capable
and day.”
Use with or in material that HAS
the Scientific American logo
Use with or in material that
Scientific American logo
of withstanding modern traffic.
The background color can be
colors associated with the The background color can be
Scientific American brand colors associated with the
EPIC TALES Scientific American brand

Bridges: An “Index of Civilization”
The engineering skill to build bridges a cross natural barriers speaks volumes about humanity’s capac-
ity to facilitate future travel needs. Neolithic wood walkways above marshes in England date back

some 6,000 years. Wood gave way to stone, then iron. The availability of cheap steel from the Bessemer
process in the late 19th century opened up a new era of bridge building: graceful steel forms spanned greater and
greater distances. In November 1921 an article noted that bridges mark “the progress of mankind in the art of 
construction, considered as an index of its civilization and
1921: Overly expensive design for culture.” Today the longest bridge—over canals, rice paddies
the future George Washington Bridge
and lakes—is 102 miles long and carries the Beijing-Shanghai
spanning the Hudson in New York City.
high-speed rail link.  —D.S.

June 2020,  79

© 2020 Scientific American

Text by Mark Fischetti  |  Graphic by Martin Krzywinski

Mutations Travel Worldwide

Each dot is a coronavirus genome from a single, infected Italy: At least two
person on a specific date. Dot color shows where the person or three different
was tested. There are 2,447 dots (many overlapping), a incoming infec-
small fraction of all cases. tions sparked the
extensive outbreak
China Italy Washington State in northern Italy,
Oceania France Rest of U.S. not a single source.
and rest U.K. Rest of North America
of Asia Rest of South and
Africa Europe Central America U.S.: Multiple
viruses entered
Dot size represents total number of mutations 1 the country from
in a genome, compared with the first genome 4 different locations
sampled in Wuhan, China. The genome is 8 on different dates.
roughly 29,000 “letters” long, so even 16 12 But most of these
mutations constitute a very small change. 16 sequences in
Washington State
Dots on the same line are virus samples that have are closely related,
basically identical genomes, tracing back to a common likely beginning
ancestor. Tight groups of horizontal lines share genome with one individual
sequences that are closely related. and spreading
person to person.
China, Case One: Human infection
began earlier than reported, be­­ Grand Princess
tween October 9 and December cruise ship:
20, 2019, according to mutations Nine gene
tracing back to December 4. sequences from
crew members
Error bar and guests (blue
Dec 1 Dec 10 Dec 21 outlines ) traced
back to a single
introduction to the
U.S., which then
moved to the ship.
Early Spread: The coronavirus was already expanding across China sometime
between December 1 and December 21, according to mutations dating back to Iran: Although Iran
December 10. This family tree is a model created by Nextstrain, based on genomes had not uploaded
uploaded to the GISAID database. Uncertainties remain but will narrow as labs send complete genomes,
more samples. Scientific American d ownloaded these virus data on March 31. mutation patterns
in sequences from
other countries
(black outlines ),
combined with
patient travel
histories, indicate
some viruses


spread from there
to the U.S., U.K.
Dec 1 Jan 1 Feb 1 Mar 1 Mar 25 and Australia.

How COVID-19 Spread Like Wildfire

Virus mutations reveal the story
The world struggled to understand h  ow COVID-19 spread dur- people traveling from there spread it globally person to person.
ing the pandemic’s first four months, but genetic sequences of The virus had not mutated significantly as of March 31, 2020;
the coronavirus reported by laboratories tell the real story— human contact created the pandemic, not a wildly evolving
when the virus arrived in each place and where it came from. pathogen. Mapping the spread also substantiates actions that
The sequences, which advance from left to right in the graphic, could have best mitigated it: faster, wider testing in China; ear-
show that the virus jumped from an animal to humans in Chi- lier, stricter global travel bans and isolation of infected people;
na, humans transmitted it to one another within China, then and more immediate social distancing worldwide.

80  Scientific American, June 2020

© 2020 Scientific American

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