Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data Centers

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Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data


Gang Sun1,2, Sitong Bu1, Vishal Anand3, Victor Chang4 and Dan Liao1
1KeyLab of Optical Fiber Sensing and Communications (Ministry of Education), UESTC, Chengdu, China
2Institute of Electronic and Information Engineering in Dongguan, UESTC, Chengdu, China
3Department of Computer Science, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
4Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, U. K.

Keywords: Virtual Data Center, Embedding, Reliability, Multi-domain.

Abstract: Cloud computing has become a cost-effective paradigm for deploying online service applications in large data
centers in recent years. Virtualization technology enables flexible and efficient management of physical
resources in cloud data centers and improves the resource utilization. A request for resources to a data center
can be abstracted as a virtual data center (VDC) request. Due to the use of a large number of resources and at
various locations, reliability is an important issue that should be addressed in large and multiple data centers.
However, most research focuses on the problem of reliable VDC embedding in a single data center. In this
paper, we study the problem of reliable VDC embedding across multiple data centers, such that the total
bandwidth consumption in the inter-data center backbone network is minimized, while satisfying the
reliability requirement of each VDC request. We model the problem by using mixed integer linear
programming (MILP) and propose a heuristic algorithm to address this NP-hard problem efficiently.
Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs better in terms of lowering physical resource
consumption and VDC request blocking ratio compared with existing solution.

1 INTRODUCTION needs attention. A service disruption can lead to

customer dissatisfaction and revenue loss. However,
Cloud computing has become a promising paradigm restoring failed services is costly. Thus, many cloud
that enables users to take advantage of various services are deployed in distributed data centers to
distributed resources (Armbrust et al., 2010). In a meet their high reliability requirements. Furthermore,
cloud computing environment, the cloud provider(s) some services may require to be within the proximity
owning the physical resource pool (i.e., physical data of end-users (e.g., Web servers) whereas others may
centers) offer these resources to multiple not have such location constraints and can be
users/clients. A user’s demand for resources can be embedded in any data center (e.g., MapReduce jobs)
abstracted as a virtual data center (VDC), also known (Amokrane et al., 2013). Therefore, reliable VDC
as a virtual infrastructure. A typical VDC consists of embedding across distributed infrastructures is
virtual machines (VMs) connected through virtual appealing for Service Providers (SP) as well as
switches, routers and links with communication Infrastructure Providers (InPs).
bandwidth. The VDCs are able to provide better However, there is limited research on the problem
isolation and utilization of network resources, thereby of reliable VDC embedding across multiple data
improving the performance of services and centers, with most research focusing on only VDC
applications. The main challenge associated with embedding within a single data center. For example, C.
VDC management in cloud data centers is efficient Guo et al. (2013) proposed a data center network
VDC embedding (or mapping), which aims at finding virtualization architecture, SecondNet, in which VDC
a mapping of VMs and virtual links to physical is used as the basic unit of resource allocation for
components (e.g., servers, switches and links). multiple tenants in the cloud. However, they do not
Due to the use of a large number of resources and consider the VDC reliability. M. Zhani et al. (2013)
at various locations in cloud data centers, providing designed a migration- aware dynamic VDC embedding
reliability of cloud services is an important issue that framework for efficient VDC planning, which again

Sun, G., Bu, S., Anand, V., Chang, V. and Liao, D.
Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data Centers.
DOI: 10.5220/0005842101950203
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 195-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
Copyright c 2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data

without reliability considerations. Zhang et al. (2014) links that connect these VMs. Figure 1 shows an
proposed a framework, Venice, for reliable virtual data example of a VDC request with 5 VMs,
center mapping. The authors prove that the reliable interconnected by virtual links. The i-th VDC request
VDC embedding problem is NP-hard problem. is represented by Gi= (Vi, Ei), where Vi denotes the set
However, this study is limited to a single data center. of virtual machines, Ei is the set of virtual links. The
There are also some studies on virtual data center VMs with location constraints can only be embedded
or virtual network (VN) embedding across multiple onto the specified data centers, whereas the VMs
domains. The work in (Amokrane et al., 2013) studied without location constraints can be embedded onto
the problem of VDC embedding across distributed any data center in the substrate infrastructure. We use
infrastructures. The authors in (Yu et al., 2014) R to denote the types of resources (e.g., CPU or
presented a framework of cost efficient VN memory) offered by each physical node. We use
embedding across multiple domains, called MD- to denote the requirement of resource of virtual
VNM. Di et al. (2014) proposed an algorithm for node v, be to present the amount of bandwidth
reliable virtual network embedding across multiple required by virtual link e. Similarly, we define sve and
data centers. However, there are differences between dve as the variables that indicate whether virtual node
VDC embedding and VN embedding in some aspects. v is the source or destination of link e.
For example, a VDC is a collection of VMs, switches
and routers that are interconnected through virtual
links. Each virtual link is characterized by its
bandwidth capacity and its propagation delay. VDCs App Database
are able to provide better isolation of network
resources, and thereby improve the performance of Web
service applications. A VN is a combination of active
and passive network elements (network nodes and App Database
network links) on top of a Substrate Network (SN)
(Fischer et al., 2013).In addition, a VN node generally Figure 1: Example of a VDC request.
cannot be embedded on a physical node that hosts
another VN node of the same VN, whereas each 2.2 Distributed Infrastructure
physical server can host multiple VMs from the same
VDC in the VDC embedding problem. Therefore, The distributed infrastructure consists of the
most existing VDC embedding approaches cannot be backbone network and data centers managed by
directly applied to solve the problem of reliable VDC infrastructure providers (InP).Thus, the InP knows
embedding across distributed infrastructures. the information of all the distributed data centers.
In this paper, we study the problem of reliable Typically, the cost of per unit bandwidth in the
VDC embedding (RVDCE) across multiple data backbone network is more expensive than the cost of
centers. In our work, we minimize the total backbone per unit bandwidth within data center (Greenberg et
bandwidth consumption, while satisfying the al., 2008).
reliability requirement of VDC request. We formulate
the RVDCE problem as a mixed integer linear
programming (MILP) problem and propose a cost
efficient algorithm for solving this problem.
Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm
performs better than the existing approach.

In this section, we give the descriptions on the
problem of reliable VDC embedding across
Figure 2: The Fat-Tree topology.
distributed infrastructures.
We model the physical infrastructure as a undirected
2.1 VDC Request graph G = ( ∪ , ∪ ), where denotes the
set of physical nodes in the data centers, denotes
A VDC request consists of multiple VMs and virtual

Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data Centers

the set of nodes in backbone network, denotes the

set of physical links of data centers, and denotes Virtual data
the set of physical links of the backbone and physical center
links that connect the backbone and data centers. Let
= ( , ) represent the physical data center k,
where denotes the set of physical nodes and
denotes the set of physical links in the data center. We
use to indicate the capacity of resource on the
physical node ̅ , and ̅ to indicate bandwidth Backbone
capacity of physical link ̅. Let ̅ , ̅ be indicator
variables that denote whether ̅ is the source or
destination of physical link ̅ .Without loss the
generality, in this work, we assume that each data DC4
center has a Fat-Tree (Leiserson, 1985) topology as Figure 3: Example of VDC cross-domain embedding.
shown in Figure 2.

2.3 Reliable VDC Embedding 3 MILP MODEL

We define the reliability of a VDC as the probability
In this section we describe the constraints and
that the service is still available even after the failure
objective of our researched problem and then
of physical servers. Similar to (Zhang et al., 2014),
construct a MILP model.
we use replication groups to guarantee the reliability
requirements of data centers. The basic idea is that if
one VM in the replication group fails, the other VM 3.1 The Constraints
in the same replication group can run as a backup. In
other words, a replication group is reliable as long as In order to ensure that the VDC embedding does not
one of the VMs in the group is available. The VMs in violate the physical resource capacity limits, the
different replication groups have different following capacity constraints must be met.
functionalities, and the set of all replication groups
form the complete service. Therefore, when any  x
i∈I v∈V i
i ir
vv v
c ≤ cvr , ∀v ∈V , r ∈ R , (2)
group fails, the entire service is unavailable, since the
rest of groups cannot form a complete service. In this  b i
≤ be , ∀e ∈ E , (3)
work, the key objective is to guarantee the reliability i∈I e∈E i

of the whole VDC, while satisfying its resource

requirements. Where is a variable denoting whether the virtual
The reliability rl of a VDC which has been node v(i.e., VM v)of VDCi is embedded on the
embedded can be calculated as follows: physical node ̅ ; ̅ denotes the amount of
bandwidth resources provisioned by physical
rl =  ∏ fr ∏ (1 − fr ) , ∀v ∈ PN ,
v v (1) link ̅ for virtual link e of VDC i. In addition, the flow
i∈RC v∈F v∈NF conservation constraints below must also be satisfied.
where PN denotes the set of physical nodes which
host the VMs in the VDC; RC denotes the set of cases
s b −  dvebeei
ve ee
e∈E e∈E
which can guarantee the availability of the VDC; (4)
denotes the failure probability of the physical node ̅ ;
= x i i
s b −  xvv
vv ve e
dvei be , ∀i ∈ I ,e ∈ E i , v ∈V
v∈V i v∈V i
F is the set of the failed physical nodes in all data
centers; and NF is the set of the available physical We define as a variable that indicates whether the
nodes in data centers. VM v can be embedded on physical node . Then the
The problem of VDC embedding across multiple virtual node placement constraints can be formulated
domains (i.e., multiple data centers) means that VMs as follows:
in a VDC may be embedded in multiple data centers.
Since VMs have different location constraints, they i
xvv ≤ x vv , ∀i ∈ I , v ∈ V i , v ∈ V , (5)
may not be embedded in the same data center. Figure
3 shows an example of VDC embedding across
multiple domains.

IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data

x i
= 1, ∀i ∈ I , v ∈V i . (6)
where and are the recovery costs of virtual
node v and virtual link e, and ̅ =
{ ̅, ̅ } denotes that whether node ̅ is the
We define as a variable to indicate whether the source or destination of link ̅ . The cost for
physical node ̅ is active. If a physical node hosts at embedding e onto backbone network is:
least one VM, then this node must be active,
otherwise inactive. It means that the following
constraints should be satisfied:
Pebackbone = b i
λeb , ∀ e ∈ BE , (17)
e∈ E i
yv ≥ xvv , ∀i ∈ I , v ∈ V i , v ∈ V , (7) where denotes the provisioning cost of virtual
link e in backbone network.
1 i We use and ̅ to denote the failure probability
yv ≥ bee sve , ∀i ∈ I , v ∈V , e ∈ Ei , e ∈ E , (8)
be of node ̅ and link ̅, respectively. Then the total cost
of unreliable VDC is as follows:
1 i
yv ≥ b d , ∀i ∈ I , v ∈ V , e ∈ E i , e ∈ E .(9) PA = Punavail +  F v Pvrestore
be ee ve

Furthermore, the following geographical location +  F e Perestore + Pebackbone . (18)

constraints must be satisfied: e∈E

1 if v can be assigned to DC k Therefore, the objective function to minimize the

zkvi =  , (10) total cost defined as follows:
0 otherwise
M inim ize PA . (19)
 1 if v is assigned to DC k
wkvi =  , (11)
0 otherwise

wkvi ≤ zkvi , ∀v ∈V i , 4 ALGORITHM DESIGN

In this section, we propose an efficient algorithm for
w i
kv = 1, ∀k : G k . (13) solving the problem of reliable VDC embedding
v∈V i (RVDCE) across multiple domains. The RVDCE
problem consists of two key issues: i) how to ensure
3.2 The Objective the reliability of the VDC request; ii) how to reduce
the backbone bandwidth consumption.
We use to represent the reliability of i-th VDC. If Multiple VMs may be embedded on the same
the InP fails to meet the reliability requirement , physical node, and the reliability of embedding all
there will be a penalty: VMs of a VDC on the same physical node is higher
than that of embedding the VMs on different nodes.
P unavail
=  (1 − A )π
i∈ I
i i , (14) The reason is as follows: according to the definition
of the reliability requirement of a VDC, reliable
service implies that all replication groups are reliable.
where πi denotes the penalty from failing to meet the All replication groups form the complete service, and
reliability of the i-th VDC. each plays a unique role as explained in the third part
Recovery costs come from restarting VMs and of Section 2.Therefore, when any group fails, the
reconfiguring the network equipment. We thus define entire service is unavailable. Hence, if we embed all
the failure recovery costs of node ̅ and link ̅ as VMs belonging to different replication groups on the
shown in Equation (15) and (16), respectively. Let same physical node, the service reliability is equal to
and ̅ represent the energy cost of an active node ̅ the reliability of that physical node. On the other
and link ̅, respectively. hand, if we embed all VMs on different physical
nodes, the service reliability is equal to the product of
Pvrestore = ρ v +   xvv
λv + b i
μ ve λe , ∀v ∈ V ,(15)
i∈ I v∈V i
e∈ E i
ee the reliability of those physical nodes. In addition, in
order to improve the service reliability, we need to
Perestore = ρ e +   beei λe , ∀e ∈ E \ BE , (16) embed VMs in the same replication group on to
i∈I e∈E i different physical node so that these VMs can backup

Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data Centers

each other. However, physical nodes with limited 6: Call Procedure1 to partition the
resources and VMs with location constraints may not VDC request;
allow all VMs in a VDC to be embedded onto the 7: for all l ∈ L do
same physical node, or even the same data center. 8: S ←the set of servers in all data
Moreover, reducing the backbone bandwidth centers whose levels are lower
consumption is the other issue we have to address in than or equal to l ;
this work. For addressing this issue, we partition a 9: Call Procedure 2 to embed
VDC into several partitions before mapping it. The partitions;
reasons are as follows: i) if we place VMs one by one, 10: if all partitions are embedded
it will cause a large amount of backbone bandwidth successfully
consumption, because the backbone bandwidth 11: isSuccessful ← true;
12: return VDC embedding result;
consumption is not considered in the VM mapping 13: end if
process; ii) the network resource in inter-data centers 14: end for
is more expensive than that of intra-data centers 15: K = K − 1
networks. We put the VMs that have a large amount 16:end while
of communication bandwidth requirement between 17:if (isSuccessful == false)
each other into the same partition, and the VMs in the 18: return VDC embedding is failed
same partition will be mapped into the same data 19:end if
center. Thus, the backbone bandwidth consumption
can be reduced. On the other hand, the way of 4.1 Group the Physical Servers
mapping VMs one by one mentioned above will
cause much higher reliability than required. It is We sort the servers in descending order of their
unnecessary that the data centers provide much higher reliability, and then group the servers into groups with
reliability than that required by VDC request, so it is different reliability levels. That is, higher level means
necessary to just meet the required reliability for higher reliability. In the embedding process, we chose
reducing the resource consumption. level l servers to host a VDC, meaning that we can
In addition, if we map virtual components with use the servers whose levels are less than or equal to
low reliability requirement on the servers with high l for hosting the VDC. If the reliability does not meet
reliability, the physical server resources will be VDC requirement after completing the VDC
wasted and may result in increasing in the blocking embedding, it is necessary to increase the reliability
ratio of the VDC requests in the long term. Therefore, level l and re-embed the VDC. If the reliability is
in order to use physical server resource with different lower than the required for any available physical
reliability rationally, we grade the servers in data servers, we have to change the partition size and re-
center according to their reliability. embed the VDC.
The RVDCE algorithm consists of three main
steps: i) group the physical servers; ii) partition the 4.2 Partition the VDC
VDC; iii) embed the VDC partitions. The detailed
RVDCE algorithm as shown in Algorithm 1. Before embedding a VDC, we first partition the VDC
into several sub-VDCs, with the aim of minimizing
Algorithm 1: Reliable VDC Embedding. the bandwidth demands between partitions, thereby
Input:1. Size of partitions: N ; reducing the bandwidth consumption in the backbone
2. The VDC request: Gi = (Vi ,Ei ) ; network.
3. Substrate data center: Assume the number of VMs in a VDC is N, the
G = (V  BV , E  BE) . partition size is K(i.e., the number of VMs in each
Output: The VDC embedding result. partition cannot exceed K), where the partition size K
1:Sort servers in data centers in is adjustable. The initial value of K is equal to N, then
ascending order of their reliability; the K is gradually reduced in the process of adjusting
2:Divide the servers in data centers the size. If a VDC is successfully embedded while K=
into L levels, where a lower level has N, we do not need to adjust the size K, since the
a lower reliability; backbone bandwidth consumption is minimized.
3: The initial partition size denoted as
In the VDC partition process, we first make each
K , let K = N ; node as a partition, and calculate the total amount of
4: letisSuccessful ← false;
bandwidth demands between the original partitions.
5:while K > 0 do Then the algorithm traversals all nodes ∈ , and

IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data

finds partition P that allows us move v from its partition size is 3, the feasible partitions of m are
original partition to P and satisfy the follow shown in Figure 4(b), Figure4(c) and Figure 4(d).
conditions: i) reduce the amount of bandwidth in
backbone network; ii) the VMs in P have same
location constraints; iii) the number of VMs in P is
smaller than k. If a partition P that meets the above
conditions is found, we will move VM v to P. As long
as there are nodes moving between different
partitions, algorithm keeps traversing the VMs until
there is no node need to be moved. If the current
bandwidth demands in inter-data center is less than
the bandwidth demands between original partitions,
algorithm will regenerate a new graph where a
partition of is as a node in this new graph. b

Procedure 1: VDC Partition. 2 4

1: Let flag← true;
2: while(flag) a d
3: Denote each node of G as apartition; 3 5
4: Record the initial bandwidths
between partitions; c
5: while nodes need to be moved between
partitions do
(a) (b)
6: for each v ∈ V i , do
7: Find a partition P and move
v to P , such that: a) the b b

number of VMs in P does not 2 4

2 4
exceed k ; b)bandwidths
a d a d
consumptionis minimized; c)
all of the nodes in P with 3 5 3 5
same location constraint. c
8: end for c
9: end while
10: if current bandwidth demands <
(c) (d)
initial bandwidth demands
11: Change G i as the graph of Figure 4: Example of partitioning a VDC.
12: else 4.3 Embed the Partitions
13: flag ←false
14: end if We guarantee the reliability of VDC by using
15:end while replication groups. If one VM in the replication group
fails, the other VM in the same replication group can
Figure 4 shows an example of partitioning a VDC
run as a backup. Therefore, a replication group is
request. We assume that two data centers included in
reliable as long as at least one of the VMs in the group
the substrate network, denoted as DC1 and DC2. The
is reliable. We choose one node in a replication group
VDC request m is shown in Figure 4(a). The location
as the working node, the other nodes in that
constraints of the four VMs are as follows: i)VM a
replication group can be used for backup. We take
must be embedded in DC1;ii) VM b and VM c must
different approaches for embedding the working node
be embedded in DC2; iii)VM d can be embedded in
and backup nodes.
DC1 orDC2. Therefore, VM a cannot be in the same
partition with VM b and VM c. Figure 4(b) shows the 4.3.1 Embedding of Working Nodes
partitioning of VDC m when the partition size is 1.
When the partition size is 2, the feasible partitions of Since the VMs in partition have location constraints,
m are shown in Figure 4(b) and Figure 4(c). When the each partition has a corresponding location constraint.

Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data Centers

Partitions can only be embedded on to data centers 15: end for

that satisfy the location constraints. 16: Partitions ← Partitions \ {g};
We choose the first partition randomly and find a 17: g←
the partition in Partitions which
data center that can provide the highest reliability for has the largest amount of bandwidth
the chosen partition. Then we embed the VMs in the demand to communicate with the
partition according to the following two steps: 1) embedded partitions;
embedding the VMs without backups;2) embedding 18: Choose a dc that can provide highest
the VMs that with backups. If any VM in the reliability and enough resources to
replication group has been embedded, the VMs g from DCs ;
belong to this replication group in the partition should
19: PartitionToDC = PartitionToDC ∪ < g , dc >;
be skipped. In other words, only one VM of each
20:end while
replication group needs to be embedded. We
21:Compute the current reliability r of
preferentially embed it on the servers that have hosted VDC request by using the reliability
other VMs belong to the same VDC. If the resources computing algorithm proposed in
of the physical server are not enough, we need to (Zhang et al., 2014);
embed the VM on a new available server which with 22:for all < g , dc > in PartitionToDC do
the highest reliability. 23: if r > ra
4.3.2 Embedding of Backup Nodes 24: for each node v in g do
25: Embed v on the server
We calculate the reliability of the VDC by using the with enough resources
reliability computing algorithm (Zhang et al., 2014), and the lowest
after embedding the working node. If the reliability is reliability in dc ;
higher than required, we embed the backups into the 26: end for
physical servers with lower reliability. If the reliability 27: else
is lower than required, we embed the backups into the 28: for remaining nodes v in g do
physical servers with higher reliability. 29: if v can be embedded on
the server that node μ
Procedure 2: Partition embedding. in g has been embedded
1:Randomly chose a partition g from on and the replication
groups of v and μ are
partition set Partitions ;
2:Choose a data center dc with the 30: Embed v on s ;
highest reliability and enough 31: else
resources from data center set DCs ; 32: Embed v on the server
3: PartitionToDC = PartitionToDC ∪ < g , dc >. has highest
4:M: the set of nodes in VDC that have
33: end if
been embedded, let M =φ ; 34: end for
5:while Partitions is not empty do 35: end if
6: for all v in g do 36:end for
7: if none of the virtual node in
the replication group that v We note that all VMs belonging to the same partition
belongs to has been embedded must be embedded in the same data center.
8: if v can be embedded on the Accordingly, when embedding the backup VMs, we
server s ∈ S hosting the need to choose the data center that has the embedded
nodes in M VMs belonging to the same partition. In addition, it is
9: Embed v on server s ; important to note that the VMs belonging to the same
10: M ← M ∪ {v}; replication group cannot be embedded on to the same
11: else server. After embedding the backup nodes, we
12: Chose the server has calculate the reliability and check whether the
highest reliability that reliability meets the VDC requirement.
belongs to dc and s to host
v ;
13: end if
14: end if

IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data

5 SIMULATIONS AND the number of VDC requests. The K in Fig. 5

represents the size of the partition. It can be seen that
ANALYSIS the RVDCE algorithm leads to a lower average
backbone bandwidth consumption compared to that
5.1 Simulation Environment of RVNE and RVDCE_R. This is because RVDCE
divides a VDC request into multiple partitions and
In our simulation, each data center has a Fat-Tree consumes the bandwidth of backbone network as few
(Leiserson, 1985) topology composed of 128 physical as possible while mapping these partitions.
servers connected through 80 switches. Each physical Furthermore, average backbone bandwidth
server has 1000units CPU resource. The capacity of consumption of RVDCE decreases with the growth of
physical link in data center is 100 units. We generate the value of K. Since larger partition size leads to a
the VDC requests by using GT-ITM tool (GT-ITM) lower bandwidth consumption between partitions.
and the parameter settings are similar to (Zhang et al., Blocking ratio of VDC request: Figure 6 shows the
2014). The number of VMs in each VDC request is performance of blocking ratio under various reliability
randomly set between 3 and 15.The CPU resource requirements. In this set of simulations, the reliability
demand of each VM is generated randomly between requirement rr varies from 0.92 to 0.98 with a step of
8 to 16 units. The bandwidth requirement of each 0.02.It is clear that when the number of VDCs is small,
virtual link is set randomly between 1 and 3 units. the blocking ratios of the three compared algorithms
For evaluating the effectiveness and correctness are very low. For example, in Figure 6(a), when the
of our proposed algorithm, we have implemented number of VDC requests is smaller than 20, the
three algorithms for comparison purposes. The blocking ratios of these algorithm is zero. The blocking
algorithms compared in our simulation experiments ratio increases with the growth of the number of VDC
are shown in Table 1. requests. The blocking ratio of RVDCE is lower than
that of the other two algorithms under different
Table 1: Algorithms compared in our simulations. reliability requirements. It is due to fact that RVDCE
Algorithms Descriptions
algorithm embeds VMs onto servers with as lower
reliability as possible while satisfying the reliability
The algorithm proposed in this work for requirements of VDCs, for avoiding over-provisioning
RVDCE provisioning reliable VDC across and thus can admit more VDC request.
multiple data centers.
Cumulative CPU resource consumption: Figure 7
The algorithm proposed in this work for presents the results of total CPU resource
provisioning reliable VDC across consumption for various number of VDC requests.
RVDCE_R multiple data centers in which the VMs
are embedded on the available servers
The cumulative CPU resource consumption increases
with the highest reliability. with the growth of the number of VDC requests. It
Algorithm proposed in (Yu et al., 2014)
also can be seen from Figure 7 that the CPU resource
RVNE for reliable virtual network embedding consumption of RVDCE is lower than that of RVNE.
across multiple domains. This is because our RVDCE algorithm does not use
redundant resources as the backups for satisfying the
5.2 Simulation Experiment Results VDC reliability. Furthermore, our proposed
algorithm selects the servers to host the VMs
Backbone bandwidth consumption: Figure 5 shows according to the dependencies between VMs, thus
the performance of average backbone bandwidth avoiding over-provisioning and results in a lower
consumption for provisioning VDC requests against resource consumption.
Backbone Bindwidth Consumption

Backbone Bindwidth Consumption

64 65
Backbone Bindwidth Consumption


60 60 RVDCE, K=5 RVNE, K=5
60 RVDCE_R, K=11
56 55
52 50
48 45
36 32
32 28

28 24
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of VDC Requests Number of VDC Requests Number of VDC Requests

Figure 5: Average backbone bandwidth consumption.

Reliable Virtual Data Center Embedding Across Multiple Data Centers

0.6 0.8

RVDCE, rr=0.92 0.7 RVDCE, rr=0.96 RVDCE, rr=0.98
RVNE, rr=0.92 0.6
RVNE, rr=0.96 RVNE, rr=0.98
0.4 RVDCE_R, rr=0.92 RVDCE_R, rr=0.96 RVDCE_R, rr=0.98

Blocking Ratio
Blocking Ratio

Blocking Ratio

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.3

0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0

-0.1 -0.1
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Number of VDC Requests Number of VDC Requests Number of VDC Requests

Figure 6: Blocking ratios under different reliability requirements.

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