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Comparison of task interspersal ratios on efficiency

of learning and problem behavior for children
with autism spectrum disorder


The current study extends the literature on task interspersal (TI) by comparing the effects of
four different TI ratios on the efficiency of skill acquisition and on levels of problem behavior in
children with autism spectrum disorder and related disorders. The four ratios of TI were 3:1,
1:1, 1:3, and 0:1 mastered-to-acquisition tasks. An adapted alternating treatments design was
implemented to compare the cumulative number of stimuli mastered, mean training time to
mastery, rate of acquisition, and the level of problem behavior. The results showed that the 0:1
condition was the most efficient intervention procedure for all four participants. In addition, TI
did not lead to a greater reduction in levels of problem behavior.
Key words: autism, discrete trial training, efficiency, problem behavior, task interspersal

Task interspersal (TI) is a commonly imple- (i.e., known tasks) prior to presenting acquisi-
mented variation of discrete trial training tion tasks (i.e., unknown tasks; Dunlap, 1984).
(DTT) in clinical practice with children with Evidence regarding the efficiency (e.g., rate
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related of acquisition) of learning during TI has been
disorders (Rapp & Gunby, 2016). According inconsistent (Rapp & Gunby, 2016). Some
to Chong and Carr (2005), TI is usually imple- studies indicate that TI is superior to other
mented to facilitate the acquisition of novel DTT variations (e.g., Dunlap, 1984; Neef,
skills by providing an increased rate of rein- Iwata, & Page, 1980). For example, Dunlap
forcement. Although there are currently no spe- (1984) compared (1) a constant task condition
cific guidelines to direct the implementation of in which one acquisition task was repeatedly
TI, it typically consists of the presentation of a presented, (2) a varied acquisition tasks condi-
specified ratio of previously mastered tasks tion in which five acquisition tasks were ran-
domly presented, and (3) a varied acquisition
This study is based on a thesis conducted by the first with maintenance tasks condition in which five
author, under the supervision of the second author, in acquisition tasks and five maintenance tasks
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of were randomly presented. The results showed
Science degree in Behavior Analysis at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee. We thank Brittany Benitez, Ella
that acquisition was similar in the constant task
Gorgan, Mary Halbur, Samantha Klasek, Meagan Sumter, condition and varied acquisition tasks condi-
and Gabriella VanDenElzen for their assistance with tion, while learning was most efficient in the
aspects of data collection and analysis. Sophie C. Knutson TI condition for all five participants. Neverthe-
is now at KGH Autism Services. Tiffany Kodak is now at
Marquette University. Dayna R. Costello is now at Trum- less, other studies indicate that TI is inferior to
pet Behavioral Health. other DTT procedures, and may reduce the
Address correspondence to Tiffany Kodak, 525 N. 6th efficiency of instruction (e.g., Henrickson,
St, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53203 or tif- Rapp, & Ashbeck, 2015; Majdalany, Wilder,
doi: 10.1002/jaba.527 Greif, Mathisen, & Saini, 2014; Volkert,
© 2018 Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
356 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

Lerman, Trosclair, Addison, & Kodak, 2008). example, Forbes et al. (2013) compared the
Majdalany et al. (2014) compared massed-trial rate of learning for students with disabilities
training (i.e., several acquisition targets, brief during two conditions that contained 15 trials.
intertrial interval), distributed-trial training In the no-interspersal condition, 15 trials were
(i.e., several acquisition targets, 10-s intertrial composed of 15 acquisition words presented on
interval), and TI (i.e., several acquisition tar- flashcards. In the substitutive TI condition,
gets, mastered tasks interspersed during the 15 trials were composed of 3 acquisition and
10-s intertrial interval) for six children with 12 mastered words. Although both methods of
ASD. The results showed that massed-trial TI have been shown to improve learning out-
training resulted in a quicker rate of acquisition comes in some cases, each method of TI has
for five out of the six participants by requiring advantages and disadvantages. One disadvan-
60% less instructional time than other condi- tage of the substitutive method is that partici-
tions, and TI was inferior to other methods of pants have fewer exposures to each acquisition
instruction. stimulus. In comparison, the additive method
It is possible that the inconsistent findings allows for an equal number of exposures to
regarding the efficiency of TI relate to differ- each acquisition stimulus because the inter-
ences in the ratio of TI across studies. Ratios of spersed mastered trials are added to the overall
mastered-to-acquisition tasks evaluated in prior number of trials. Nevertheless, by adding more
studies include 3:1 (e.g., Henrickson et al., trials, a longer interval of time may be necessary
2015; Majdalany et al., 2014; Nicholson, to allocate to instruction, which could reduce
2014), 1:1 (e.g., Dunlap, 1984; Nicholson, the overall efficiency of learning (i.e., more
2014; Volkert et al., 2008), and 1:3 time spent responding to mastered tasks takes
(e.g., Nicholson, 2014). Higher ratios of TI are instructional time away from instruction on
not consistently associated with increased acquisition stimuli). In addition, if children
instructional efficiency. engage in problem behavior during academic
The method in which different ratios are instruction, increasing the overall number of
incorporated into TI also may influence the demands in the additive TI method may be an
efficiency of instruction. Mastered tasks can be establishing operation for escape from those
interspersed during instruction using two tasks. Therefore, the selection of additive versus
methods. In the additive method, the number substitutive TI methods may depend on the
of trials per session increases with the addition goal(s) of instruction.
of mastered tasks. For example, Volkert In a review of the literature on TI, Rapp and
et al. (2008) arranged additive TI training for Gunby (2016) suggest additional lines of
children with ASD. They conducted 10 training research to evaluate the benefits of TI on sev-
trials of acquisition stimuli during a no- eral dependent variables during instruction.
interspersal condition and increased the num- These authors note that one variable that has
ber of trials to 20 (10 trials of acquisition not received much attention in the TI literature
stimuli and 10 trials of mastered stimuli) dur- is the effects of TI on problem behavior. It is
ing the additive TI conditions. The second hypothesized that TI procedures may function
method of arranging TI involves use of a sub- as an abolishing operation for problem behavior
stitutive method that replaces acquisition trials that typically results in escape from demands
with mastered task trials to maintain the same (Rapp & Gunby, 2016). Some individuals
number of trials or length of training time per engage in problem behavior, such as aggression,
session (e.g., Dunlap & Koegel, 1980; Forbes during instruction to escape from or avoid aver-
et al., 2013; Koegel & Koegel, 1986). For sive stimuli such as difficult academic tasks

(Carr & Durand, 1985; Horner, Day, Sprague, used ratios of TI on the efficiency of acquisi-
O’Brien, & Heathfield, 1991). Difficult aca- tion for children with ASD or a related disor-
demic tasks (e.g., acquisition tasks) may require der. To extend prior studies and align our
greater response effort to complete than engag- measures of efficiency with current trends in
ing in problem behavior. Individuals who skill-acquisition research, we included four
engage in frequent problem behavior to escape measures of efficiency. In addition, participants
difficult academic tasks may rarely contact the with and without problem behavior were
contingencies of reinforcement in place for cor- included in the study to evaluate whether the
rect responding. Interspersing previously mas- interspersal procedures produced differential
tered tasks may allow an individual to contact outcomes on the presence or absence of prob-
positive reinforcement after correct responses, lem behavior. We conducted a functional anal-
which may reduce the establishing operation ysis for the two participants who engaged in
for a break during subsequent acquisition tasks problem behavior to examine the effects of TI
(Mevers, Fisher, Kelley, & Fredrick, 2014; on escape-maintained problem behavior.
Rapp & Gunby, 2016). Thus, TI may reduce
levels of problem behavior during instruction.
Only one study has investigated the effects
of TI on levels of problem behavior during skill Participants
acquisition for children with ASD. Henrickson We recruited four children diagnosed with
et al. (2015) compared massed-trial training ASD or a related disorder to participate in the
(MTT) to TI to teach children with ASD, and study. Owen was a 5-year-old boy with a mod-
they recorded data on the percentage of trials erate cognitive impairment who was diagnosed
with problem behavior per session. The experi- with global developmental delay by an indepen-
menter implemented a 3:1 ratio of mastered- dent psychologist not affiliated with the study.
to-acquisition tasks in the TI condition and He had a limited vocal-verbal repertoire, with a
equated reinforcement in the MTT condition score of 12.5 on the early echoic skills assess-
by providing social praise for behavior such as ment (EESA), a subtest of the Verbal Behavior
sitting and listening. The results showed that Milestones Assessment and Placement Program
interspersing previously mastered tasks was (VB-MAPP; Sundberg, 2008). He received
inferior to MTT in rate of acquisition, and par- behavior-analytic early intervention services for
ticipants engaged in similar levels of problem 4 months prior to inclusion in the study. He
behavior across the two conditions. Neverthe- communicated using a picture exchange com-
less, the authors did not conduct a functional munication system and with a limited number
analysis to determine the function of the partic- of phonemes (e.g., “pa” for iPad). Owen
ipants’ problem behavior. Therefore, it remains engaged in several topographies of problem
unclear whether TI may be effective for reduc- behavior during instruction, as demonstrated
ing escape-maintained problem behavior. Fur- through a pretest and functional analysis (FA;
ther, Rapp and Gunby (2016) describe the described below).
necessity of additional research that evaluates Finn was a 3-year-old boy with a mild cogni-
the effects of different ratios of TI on escape- tive impairment who was diagnosed with ASD
maintained problem behavior. by a psychologist at a psychology clinic special-
The purpose of the current study was to izing in the assessment of neurodevelopmental
extend the literature on TI and directly evaluate disorders. He communicated using one-word
recommendations of Rapp and Gunby (2016). responses at the start of the study. Finn began
We compared the effects of four commonly receiving behavior-analytic early intervention
358 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

services 1 month prior to the onset of the services and used it during all of his skill acqui-
study. Finn engaged in several topographies of sition programs, including the conditions in
problem behavior during instruction (described the study.
Lucas was a 5-year-old boy with a moderate
cognitive impairment and a diagnosis of ASD Response Measurement, Interobserver
provided by an independent psychologist. Agreement, and Procedural Fidelity
Lucas communicated using short phrases or Observers collected data on independent cor-
sentences. He received behavior-analytic early rect responses, prompted correct responses,
intervention services for 15 months prior to the incorrect responses, and problem behavior. All
onset of the study. Although Lucas had a his- measures were recorded for acquisition and
tory of engaging in a low rate of problem mastered stimuli. An independent correct
behavior during instruction, he did not meet response was defined as the occurrence of a pre-
the criterion for “problem behavior” during the defined response to the target stimulus within
pretest (described below). Thus, we included 5 s of its presentation. A prompted correct
him as a participant who did not engage in response was defined as the occurrence of a pre-
problem behavior during instruction. defined response to the target stimulus within
Benny was a 15-year-old boy with a moder- 5 s of a gestural, model, or physical prompt.
ate cognitive impairment and a diagnosis of An incorrect response was defined as an error or
ASD provided by an independent psychologist. no response within 5 s of the initial presenta-
He communicated using short phrases. He tion of a stimulus or within 5 s of a gestural,
received behavior-analytic intervention services model, or physical prompt. Problem behavior
for 1.5 years prior to the onset of the study. included aggression (Owen and Finn), disrup-
Benny did not have a history of problem tion (Owen and Finn), elopement (Owen),
behavior during instruction, which was con- negative vocalizations (Owen and Finn), and
firmed by a pretest (described below). Thus, we vocal noncompliance (Owen). We defined
included Benny as a participant who did not aggression as contact between the participant’s
engage in problem behavior during instruction. body and another person’s body, including hit-
ting, kicking, slapping, pinching, or raking fin-
gers across skin. Disruption included swiping,
Setting and Materials hitting, ripping, or piling materials, placing
Sessions took place at the family kitchen materials in the mouth, spitting on materials,
table for Owen, Finn, and Benny. Lucas’s ses- standing on the chair/table, pushing the table
sions took place at a child-sized table in his or chairs over, or placing a foot or both feet on
bedroom. Participants sat at a table next to or or above the table surface. Elopement included
across from the experimenter during all moving more than 3 feet from the therapist
sessions. from a seated position in a chair. We defined
Session materials included data sheets, pens, negative vocalizations as crying, whining,
timers to record session duration, preferred screaming, or growling. Vocal noncompliance
items typically delivered as reinforcers during included statements indicating vocal refusal to
clinical service for each participant, a video comply with a demand (e.g., “no”). Data col-
camera to record sessions, and instructional lectors recorded problem behavior as an occur-
stimuli. We included a token board and tokens rence or nonoccurrence per trial, and calculated
during Benny’s sessions. We had previously the percentage of trials with problem behavior
established a token economy within his clinical by dividing the number of trials in which

problem behavior occurred by the total number measure during the trial. We calculated IOA
of trials, and multiplying by 100. for each dependent measure in each condition
The primary dependent variables were the by dividing the trials with an agreement by the
efficiency of learning and level of problem behav- total number of trials in the session, and multi-
ior across conditions. The efficiency of learning plying by 100. The average agreement was cal-
was calculated in several ways. First, efficiency culated across all dependent measures
was determined by examining the cumulative (excluding problem behavior) and conditions
number of acquisition stimuli mastered per for each participant. Mean IOA scores for all
condition, which was calculated by adding the dependent measures (except problem behavior)
number of stimuli mastered across sessions of were 99.1% (range, 58.3% to 100%) for
each condition. Second, the mean training time Owen, 95.8% (range, 40% to 100%) for Finn,
per stimulus was calculated as a measure of effi- 96.8% (range, 60% to 100%) for Lucas, and
ciency by dividing the total duration of all 95.7% (range, 77.8% to 100%) for Benny.
training sessions within a condition by the total A second observer recorded data on problem
number of acquisition stimuli mastered within behavior during 43% to 50% of FA sessions
the condition (e.g., 110 min/10 stimuli = and 46% to 67% of baseline and training ses-
mean of 11 min to mastery per acquisition sions for Owen and Finn, and we calculated
stimulus). Last, the rate of acquisition per con- IOA for the combined topographies of problem
dition was calculated by dividing the number behavior. Sessions were divided into 10-s inter-
of acquisition stimuli mastered within a condi- vals to calculate agreement for the FA. We cal-
tion by the total duration of all training ses- culated proportional agreement in an interval
sions within a condition, multiplied by 60 min by dividing the lowest number of instances of
to convert the data to hours (e.g., 21 stimuli problem behavior scored by an observer by the
mastered/105 min = 0.2 stimuli acquired per highest number of instances of problem behav-
min X 60 min = 12 stimuli mastered per ior scored by the other observer, and multiply-
hour). Although this measure includes the same ing by 100 (Mudford, Martin, Hui, & Taylor,
data as mean training time per stimulus, calcu- 2009). We averaged proportional agreement for
lations of rate show trends in the speed of each session by adding percentages of agree-
learning based on the amount of time in ments for each interval and dividing by the
instruction. The condition with the lowest number of intervals in a session. Mean IOA
mean training time per stimulus and highest scores for the FA were 95.5% (range, 93.3% to
rate of acquisition was considered the most effi- 100%) for Owen and 87.8% (range, 80.5% to
cient format of instruction. Levels of problem 100%) for Finn. We calculated trial-by-trial
behavior were evaluated by comparing the per- agreement for problem behavior during base-
centage of problem behavior across sessions in line and training conditions. Mean IOA for
each condition. problem behavior during baseline and training
Two independent observers recorded data on sessions was 99.4% (range, 75% to 100%) for
all dependent measures during 33.9% to Owen and 91% (range, 58% to 100%)
67.3% of sessions across all experimental condi- for Finn.
tions for all participants. We obtained trial-by- Observers also collected procedural fidelity
trial interobserver agreement (IOA) by compar- data during 34% to 41% of sessions to deter-
ing the data collected by these two observers mine the extent to which the experimenter
during each trial in a session. An agreement implemented the procedures as intended. Fidel-
was scored for each dependent measure if ity was assessed based on whether the experi-
observers recorded the exact same dependent menter: (a) presented the correct discriminative
360 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

stimulus as indicated on the data sheet, We conducted a pretest to identify partici-

(b) presented prompts immediately after incor- pants who displayed problem behavior during
rect or no responses (if relevant), (c) delivered instruction. Stimuli were grouped into sets of
reinforcement, defined as the presentation of three during each pretest session. The first two
praise and a tangible item for independent cor- pretest sessions consisted of 15 trials with three
rect responses to acquisition and mastered stim- stimuli presented five times each. The experi-
uli for the specified reinforcement interval, and menter presented each stimulus, allowed up to
the presentation of praise only for prompted 5 s for a response, and removed the stimulus.
correct responses, and (d) ignored problem No prompts or reinforcement were provided
behavior and continued the task, as described in during the first two sessions of the pretest. The
the protocol (if relevant). Procedural fidelity was experimenter collected data on correct
measured for each trial and was scored as either responses and problem behavior. Participants
a “one” for correct implementation of all rele- (Owen and Finn) who engaged in problem
vant components for the entire trial or a “zero” behavior on six or more trials during the first
for incorrect implementation of any aspect of 30 pretest trials were considered to “display
the trial. We calculated procedural fidelity as a problem behavior during instruction” for the
percentage for each session by dividing the num- purposes of this study. Owen and Finn engaged
ber of trials implemented correctly by the total in problem behavior during 25 out of
number of trials in the session, and multiplying 30 (83.3%) and 13 out of 30 (43.3%) pretest
by 100. Procedural fidelity averaged 98.3% trials, respectively. Lucas and Benny engaged in
(range, 75% to 100%) for Owen, 99.7% (range, problem behavior during 3 of 30 (10%) and
91% to 100%) for Finn, 93.9% (range, 44.4% 0 of 30 (0%) pretest trials, respectively. There-
to 100%) for Lucas, and 94.4% (range, 20% to fore, they were not considered to display prob-
100%) for Benny. In the sessions with low lem behavior during instruction.
integrity scores for Lucas and Benny, the video After conducting the first two sessions of the
camera failed to capture necessary components pretest to identify individuals who displayed
of fidelity, which we scored as a nonoccurrence problem behavior during instruction, we modi-
because the data collector could not observe the fied the pretest procedures to identify stimuli for
behavior. inclusion in the study. Sessions consisted of 12 tri-
als (nine pretest trials and three interspersed mas-
tered task trials) with each pretest stimulus
Pre-experimental Procedures presented three times. Experimenters interspersed
Pretest. One skill (e.g., tacting) was targeted previously mastered stimuli approximately every
for each participant. We selected the targeted three trials. The experimenter provided prompts,
skill based upon individual treatment goals as well as reinforcement for independent or
related to each participant’s skill deficits as prompted correct responses, for mastered stimuli
determined by assessments conducted prior to only. The experimenter provided no prompts fol-
the start of the study. For Owen, the targeted lowing incorrect or no responses to the pretest
skill was auditory–visual conditional discrimi- targets. Independent correct responses to the pre-
nation (AVCD) presented in a three- test tact targets resulted in the delivery of rein-
comparison array. Finn’s targeted skill was forcers, but the experimenter did not provide
tacting common items. Benny’s targeted skill reinforcers for independent correct responses to
was tacting item features (e.g., an elephant’s the AVCD pretest targets.
trunk). Lucas’s targeted skill was adjective– Stimuli to which the participant engaged in
noun tacting (e.g., brown bear). a correct response during all three pretest trials

were designated as mastered stimuli. We the participant for 30 s. This condition was
assigned specific mastered stimuli to each con- included to determine if social negative rein-
dition. Stimuli to which the participant forcement (i.e., escape from demands) func-
engaged in a correct response during zero pre- tioned as a reinforcer for the participants’
test trials for tacts and no more than one of problem behavior. During the toy play condi-
three pretest trials for AVCD were designated tion, the experimenter sat next to the partici-
as acquisition stimuli. All of Owen’s mastered pant and provided continuous vocal attention
and acquisition targets were AVCDs; all targets and brief physical contact at least every 30 s.
for the other participants were tacts. The experimenter did not present demands nor
We assigned unique sets of three acquisition deliver any consequences following the occur-
stimuli per experimental condition using a rence of any topography of problem behavior.
logistical analysis method (Gast, 2010). That is, This condition served as a control to provide
we assigned stimuli such that (a) there was a noncontingent access to all potential socially
similar number of syllables in responses across mediated reinforcers.
conditions, (b) overlapping visual or auditory Preference assessment. We identified tangible
stimuli were separated across conditions, and items based on parent report. We conducted
(c) similar levels of correct responding were initial multiple stimulus without replacement
observed during the pretest. We also assigned a (MSWO) preference assessments with Owen,
unique set of mastered stimuli to each condi- Finn, and Lucas based on the procedures
tion. Although each condition included a set of described by Carr, Nicholson, and Higbee
three acquisition stimuli that were trained (2000). The experimenter used the most pre-
simultaneously, we identified additional acqui- ferred item as a reinforcer. Participants consis-
sition tasks and assigned them to each condi- tently engaged in mands for preferred items
tion so that any acquisition stimulus that met during sessions; therefore, we did not conduct
the mastery criterion during training was daily MSWO assessments.
replaced by a new acquisition stimulus. See Benny completed several one-trial MSWO
Supporting Information for stimuli assigned to assessments (similar to DeLeon et al., 2001)
each condition for each participant. prior to the start of the study. Benny consis-
Functional analysis. We conducted FAs for tently selected the same item in the first trial
Owen and Finn. For both participants, we con- across all assessments. That item, plus two
ducted an abbreviated FA in a test–control other items included in the MSWO, was avail-
pairwise design (Iwata & Dozier, 2008) to test able during all sessions. Once Benny earned
if problem behavior was maintained by escape three tokens, he selected an item from an array
from demands. All sessions occurred at the of three items placed on the table.
table and were 5 min.
During the escape condition, the experi-
menter presented instructions similar to those Procedure
included in the pretest (but with different stim- We implemented an adapted alternating-
uli), using least-to-most prompting consisting treatments design to examine the effects of TI
of vocal, model, and physical prompts, and ratios on the efficiency of skill acquisition and
provided praise following independent and levels of problem behavior. We exposed each
prompted correct responses. Following the participant to four conditions consisting of dif-
occurrence of any topography of problem ferent ratios of mastered-to-acquisition stimuli.
behavior, the experimenter removed the The experimenter conducted one or two ses-
instructional materials and turned away from sions of each condition per day, with an equal
362 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

number of sessions conducted across conditions experimenter removed the stimulus from treat-
each day. The four experimental conditions ment and replaced it with another acquisition
occurred in a random order for each participant stimulus assigned to the condition. We did not
to control for order effects; the order of each add mastered acquisition stimuli to the pool of
condition within a session block of four ses- mastered stimuli presented during training in
sions alternated before reordering for the next order to assess maintenance of recently mas-
session block. tered stimuli in the absence of continued prac-
Each session consisted of 12 trials, with three tice. Participants completed training when they
acquisition stimuli presented in each session. mastered 21 acquisition stimuli in at least one
The number of presentations of each acquisi- condition, or when they completed a total of
tion stimulus in a session and the sequence of 30 sessions per condition.
mastered-to-acquisition stimuli depended on Three to one. Nine of the trials consisted of
the condition ratio of mastered-to-acquisition mastered stimuli, and three of the trials con-
stimuli. sisted of acquisition stimuli. The first three tri-
Training in each condition with each acqui- als of each session included the presentation of
sition stimulus began with a 0-s prompt delay three randomly ordered mastered stimuli, fol-
until the participant engaged in two consecu- lowed by the presentation of one acquisition
tive correct prompted responses to the acquisi- stimulus. Thereafter, the experimenter pre-
tion stimulus. That is, the experimenter sented three more randomly ordered mastered
presented the relevant stimulus material(s) and stimuli followed by one acquisition stimulus.
immediately provided a prompt (e.g., vocal This sequence continued across the 12-trial ses-
model prompt, physical prompt). Correct sion. The experimenter presented each mas-
prompted responses produced praise and a tered stimulus three times per session and each
token (Benny) or tangible item (Owen, Finn, acquisition stimulus one time per session.
and Lucas) for 20 s. Following two consecutive One to one. Six of the trials consisted of mas-
correct prompted responses to each acquisition tered stimuli, and six of the trials consisted of
stimulus, the experimenter implemented a 5-s acquisition stimuli. The first trial of each session
prompt delay for all stimuli (acquisition and included the presentation of one mastered stimu-
mastered). Thus, the experimenter presented lus, followed by the presentation of one acquisi-
the stimulus material(s) and allowed 5 s for a tion stimulus. This sequence continued across
response. If the participant engaged in an inde- the 12-trial session. The experimenter presented
pendent correct response, the experimenter each mastered stimulus two times per session and
provided praise and a token or tangible item each acquisition stimulus two times per session.
for 20 s. If the participant engaged in an error One to three. Three of the trials consisted of
or did not respond within 5 s, the experimenter mastered stimuli, and nine of the trials con-
provided a prompt, and delivered praise only sisted of acquisition stimuli. The first trial of
following a correct prompted response. If the each session included the presentation of one
participant did not engage in a correct mastered stimulus, followed by the presentation
prompted response within 5 s of the prompt, of three randomly ordered acquisition stimuli.
the experimenter implemented the next trial. This sequence continued across the 12-trial ses-
An acquisition stimulus met the mastery cri- sion. The experimenter presented each mas-
terion if the participant engaged in an indepen- tered stimulus one time per session and each
dent correct response for four consecutive acquisition stimulus three times per session.
presentations of the stimulus. Once a partici- Zero to one. All trials consisted of acquisition
pant mastered an acquisition stimulus, the stimuli; the experimenter did not present

interspersed mastered stimuli in this condition. 4

Sessions included four presentations of each 3.5

acquisition stimulus presented in random 3

order. 2.5 Escape

Maintenance Toy Play

Problem Behavior per Min

Following mastery of one stimulus, the
experimenter conducted maintenance probes
for that stimulus after 1 and 2 weeks elapsed. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenance probes did not include prompts
or reinforcement, and the experimenter did not 10
intersperse mastered stimuli between trials. 8
Maintenance probes occurred in a massed-trial 7
format, with the presentation of one mastered 6
acquisition stimulus in five consecutive trials. 4
Figure 1 shows the results of Owen’s and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Finn’s FAs. Elevated rates of problem behavior Sessions
occurred during the escape condition, and
near-zero rates of problem behavior were Figure 1. Problem behavior per minute in escape
(closed triangles) and toy play (closed circles) conditions
observed during the toy play condition. Thus,
of the functional analysis for Owen (top) and Finn
we concluded that both Owen and Finn (bottom).
engaged in problem behavior maintained by
escape from demands.
Figure 2 depicts the cumulative number of increasing amounts of instructional time to
stimuli mastered in each experimental condi- already mastered stimuli decreased the amount
tion for Owen, Finn, Lucas, and Benny. The of time spent training acquisition stimuli,
0:1 mastered-to-acquisition stimuli condition which resulted in longer durations of instruc-
was the most efficient condition, resulting in tion and lower levels of mastery of acquisition
the largest number of stimuli mastered for all stimuli. Owen’s data are the exception; his
four participants. The 3:1 condition resulted in mean minutes to mastery per stimulus for the 1:1
the fewest number of stimuli mastered for condition was lower than the mean in the 1:3
Owen and Finn, produced mastery of zero condition. Nevertheless, the 0:1 condition had
stimuli for Lucas, and resulted in the same the lowest mean minutes to mastery per stimulus
number of stimuli mastered as the 1:1 condi- for Owen and the other three participants.
tion for Benny. We also calculated the rate of acquisition per
Figure 3 shows the mean minutes to mastery condition to provide a measure of efficiency
per stimulus for Owen, Finn, Lucas, and that shows how rapidly participants acquired
Benny. For three of the four participants (Finn, stimuli per hour in each condition. The rate of
Lucas, and Benny), the mean minutes to mas- acquisition per condition is shown in Figure 4.
tery per stimulus increased across conditions as Overall, we observed an inverse relation
the number of interspersed mastered stimuli between ratio and acquisition; as the ratio of
increased. Said another way, allocating interspersed mastered tasks decreased, the
364 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

24 Owen 24
22 22
20 20
18 1:3 18
16 16
14 1:1 14
12 12
10 3:1 10
Cumulative Number of Stimuli Mastered

8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 20 40 60 80

24 Lucas 7 Benny
18 5
14 4
10 3
4 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120


Figure 2. The cumulative number of stimuli mastered across conditions for Owen, Finn, Lucas, and Benny.

number of stimuli mastered per hour increased. to the condition with no task interspersal
Owen’s data are the exception, because he had (i.e., 0:1 condition).
a lower rate of acquisition in the 1:3 condition Maintenance probes for mastered tasks showed
in comparison to the 1:1 condition. However, inconsistent outcomes across conditions and par-
the condition with no task interspersal pro- ticipants with no clear advantage of any intersper-
duced the highest rate of acquisition for all sal ratio on response maintenance. Owen’s
participants. maintenance probes showed an average of 70%,
Figure 5 depicts the percentage of trials with 100%, 75%, and 100% correct responses to
problem behavior during experimental condi- stimuli in the 0:1, 1:3, 1:1, and 3:1 conditions,
tions for Owen and Finn. Owen engaged in respectively. Finn had 100% correct responses to
low or zero levels of problem behavior in most all stimuli across all four conditions. Lucas rarely
sessions across all conditions, including the responded during maintenance probes, and had
condition with no interspersed mastered stimuli an average of 30%, 19%, and 22% correct
(top panel). Finn’s levels of problem behavior responses for the 0:1, 1:3, and 1:1 conditions,
were highly variable, and problem behavior respectively (he did not master any stimuli in the
occurred in all conditions (bottom panel). 3:1 condition). Benny had an average of 80%,
Therefore, interspersing mastered tasks did not 33%, 100%, and 100% correct responses to
appear to produce reductions in problem stimuli in the 0:1, 1:3, 1:1, and 3:1 conditions,
behavior for either participant, in comparison respectively. Thus, Owen and Finn had generally

25 Finn
275 Owen 5
250 1
225 20
175 15
125 11
Mean Min to Mastery per Stimulus

100 14
50 5
21 10 15
0 0
0:1 1:3 1:1 3:1 0:1 1:3 1:1 3:1

20 Lucas 100 Benny

18 90 1
16 80
14 70
12 60
10 50
8 22 40
30 3
4 20 5

2 10
0 0
0:1 1:3 1:1 3:1 0:1 1:3 1:1 3:1


Figure 3. The mean minutes to mastery per stimulus for Owen, Finn, Lucas, and Benny. The numbers above each
bar in represent the number of stimuli mastered in the condition.

high levels of correct responses in maintenance of whether substitutive or additive TI is

probes across conditions. Benny had high levels arranged during instruction. The 0:1 condition
of correct responses in all conditions with the (i.e., no TI) was the most efficient condition
exception of the 1:3 condition. In contrast, Lucas for all participants according to all three mea-
had overall low levels of correct responses due to sures of efficiency. In addition, TI did not
nonresponding during most probes. reduce problem behavior in comparison to a
condition with no TI. These findings are con-
sistent with the outcomes of other studies in
DISCUSSION which TI procedures did not lead to superior
The current study extends the literature on outcomes in comparison to other instructional
TI by comparing TI ratios on the efficiency of procedures (e.g., Henrickson et al., 2015; Maj-
learning and level of problem behavior of chil- dalany et al., 2014; Volkert et al., 2008). The
dren with ASD and related disorders. Our current study suggests that substitutive TI does
results were consistent with those of Nicholson not result in improved efficiency of instruction
(2014), suggesting that none of the TI or reductions in escape-maintained problem
ratios lead to more efficient learning regardless behavior.
366 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

14 the others may allow for the comparison of results

12 across studies. Previous studies have included tri-
Rate of Acquisition (hr)

Owen als to mastery (Dunlap, 1984; Nicholson, 2013),

Finn sessions to mastery (Henrickson et al., 2015;
8 Lucas Majdalany et al., 2014), time to mastery
6 (Dunlap, 1984; Henrickson et al., 2015), and
rate of mastery (Nicholson, 2014) as measures of
efficiency. In the current study, we included three
measures of efficiency: the cumulative number of
0 stimuli mastered, the time to mastery (i.e., mean
3:1 1:1 1:3 0:1
Conditions minutes to mastery per stimulus), and the rate of
acquisition. Each measure provides valuable infor-
Figure 4. Acquisition of stimuli per hour across con- mation, but they should be interpreted together.
ditions for all participants. The cumulative number of stimuli mas-
tered per condition may not be as sensitive a
100 Owen
measure as the minutes to mastery per stimu-
90 lus or rate of acquisition (Kodak et al., 2016;
80 Yaw et al., 2014). For example, due to our
use of the substitutive TI method, participants
had fewer exposures to acquisition stimuli in
Percentage of Trials with Problem Behavior

50 0:1
40 1:3 conditions that included TI. Thus, it is rea-
sonable to assume that given the same number
of instructional sessions, fewer stimuli should
be mastered in conditions with TI. However,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 the amount of training time remains an
important variable to consider, despite differ-
100 ences in exposures to acquisition trials.
Regardless of the TI method (i.e., additive or
substitutive), more instructional time will be
allocated to mastered rather than acquisition
50 stimuli as the ratio of TI increases. Therefore,
40 calculations of the mean duration of instruc-
30 tional time required to master stimuli and the
rate of acquisition can provide unbiased mea-
sures of efficiency. Our results showed that
0 20 40 60 80 interspersing mastered stimuli into instruction
Sessions lead to longer mean minutes to mastery per
stimulus and reduced the rate of acquisition.
Figure 5. The percentage of trials per session with This outcome is also consistent with prior
problem behavior across conditions for Owen (top) and studies conducted with children with ASD
Finn (bottom).
during DTT that found reduced efficiency in
When examining the efficiency of instructional instruction with the inclusion of additive TI
approaches, it is beneficial to include multiple (e.g., Henrickson et al., 2015; Nicholson,
measures of efficiency. One measure may provide 2014) or no benefits to learning (e.g., Volkert
a more accurate representation of efficiency, while et al. 2008).

The study also extended the literature on TI other participant (Lucas) had low levels of cor-
by using functional analysis to identify escape rect responses across conditions. It is possible
from demands as the maintaining variable for that differences in maintenance probe proce-
problem behavior, and by measuring levels of dures (e.g., the inclusion of reinforcement
problem behavior across experimental condi- and/or prompts) and the length of time
tions. Rapp and Gunby (2016) noted the pau- between mastery and maintenance probes
city of research on the effects of TI on problem (e.g., 1 week versus 6 weeks) may account for
behavior. In the limited studies that have inves- discrepancies in maintenance outcomes
tigated TI with children with ASD who engage between Henrickson et al.’s study and the cur-
in problem behavior, either results have indi- rent study. The long-term maintenance of skills
cated low rates of problem behavior across all that are embedded within TI procedures was
conditions (similar to Owen’s data in the cur- not examined within this study and may be a
rent investigation; Henrickson et al., 2015), or worthy topic of additional research.
the authors did not report the effects of TI on There were several limitations of the current
problem behavior (Volkert et al., 2008). Fur- study. First, Owen, Lucas, and Benny required
ther, previous studies did not include FAs to many instructional trials to acquire certain
identify the function of participants’ problem stimuli or did not acquire some targets across
behavior. The current investigation included conditions. For example, Owen acquired “saw”
FAs that showed Owen and Finn engaged in in 119 trials, but he never acquired “mop” in
problem behavior maintained by escape from the 1:3 condition. These targets were intro-
demands. During the TI evaluation, Finn dis- duced near the beginning of training. Because
played elevated levels of problem behavior only three stimuli were targeted at the same
across all conditions, regardless of the inclusion time, delayed acquisition of these two stimuli
of TI. In comparison, Owen engaged in low affected the number of stimuli that Owen
levels of problem behavior across all conditions, acquired in that condition, which can be seen
which is likely due to the introduction of dif- in his pattern of acquisition in Figure 2.
ferential reinforcement of correct responding The lack of efficiency of the interspersal con-
plus escape extinction during sessions across all ditions may be attributed to the unequal num-
conditions. TI did not produce further reduc- ber of exposures to acquisition stimuli across
tions in problem behavior. conditions. This in an inherent flaw in the pro-
Previous research on TI has found inconsis- cedures of substitutive TI, with acquisition tar-
tent outcomes regarding maintenance of acqui- get trials decreasing as more mastered target
sition targets. For example, Henrickson et al.’s trials are added to sessions. Nevertheless, it was
(2015) results showed that participants had necessary to use the substitutive method of TI
zero or relatively low (0% to 60%) correct in the current study due to the dual focus on
responses across 2-, 4-, and 6-week mainte- efficiency of learning and level of problem
nance probes in both the TI and massed-trial behavior. Use of the additive method would
instruction conditions. However, Henrickson have required different numbers of demands
et al. provided reinforcement for correct across conditions (i.e., 12 trials in the 0:1 con-
responses during maintenance probes. In the dition, 15 trials in the 1:3 condition, 18 trials
current study, maintenance probes did not in the 1:1 condition, and 20 trials in the 3:1
include reinforcement or prompts. Neverthe- condition), which could have altered the value
less, three participants showed relatively high of escape from these tasks and increased the
levels of correct responses during unreinforced likelihood of problem behavior during TI con-
maintenance probes across conditions. The ditions. Thus, we chose the substitutive
368 SOPHIE C. KNUTSON et al.

method to maintain an identical number of stimulus (e.g., Henrickson et al., 2015; Majda-
demands across conditions and ensure a fair lany et al., 2014). Nevertheless, three of the
comparison of each TI ratio on levels of prob- four participants in the current study showed
lem behavior. maintenance of the stimuli mastered across
To address the limitation of the substitutive conditions, suggesting that the mastery crite-
method of TI on differences in exposure to rion was sufficient to produce sustained levels
acquisition stimuli, we calculated the rate of of correct responding in the absence of rein-
acquisition across conditions. Rate measures forcement and prompts during maintenance
permit a comparison of learning across condi- probes. These outcomes are consistent with
tions based on time spent in instruction rather those of Fuller and Fienup (2017), who showed
than the specific number of exposures to acqui- that more stringent mastery criteria led to
sition stimuli. Had we conducted the evalua- higher levels of maintenance.
tion in the 3:1 condition for three times the
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The effects of variable-time versus contingent rein-
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Mudford, O. C., Martin, N. T., Hui, J. K. Y., &
Taylor, S. (2009). Assessing observer accuracy in con- found in the online version of this article at the
tinuous recording of rate and duration: Three publisher’s website.

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