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ISSN: 2224-0616

Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 1 (1&2): 1-8, December, 2011 Available online at


M.A.A. Faroque1*, M.A. Kashem2 and S.E. Bilkis3
Received 3 July 2011, Revised 10 November 2011, Accepted 25 December 2011, Published online 31 December 2011


The sustainability of conventional agriculture in Bangladesh is under threat from the

continuous degradation of land and water resources, and from declining yields due to
indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals. Government is pursuing efforts to promote
sustainable agriculture with emphasis on better use of on-farm resources and the reduction
of external inputs. This paper presents four dimensions of agricultural sustainability as
productivity, environmental stability, economical profitability, and social and economic
equity. Six characters were selected to evaluate sustainability. Significant differences were
found between the two systems (conventional and sustainable agriculture) in crop
diversification, soil fertility management, pests and diseases management, use of agro-
chemicals and environmental issues. However, no significant variations were found in other
indicators such as land-use pattern, crop yield and stability, risk and uncertainties, and food
security. Although crop yield and financial return were found to be slightly higher in the
conventional system, the economic return and value addition per unit of land did not show
any difference. It can be suggested that sustainable agriculture has a tendency towards
becoming environmental, economically and socially more sound than conventional
agriculture, as it requires considerably less agro-chemicals, adds more organic matter to the
soil, provides balanced food, and requires higher local inputs without markedly
compromising output and financial benefits. Broad-policy measures, including the creation
of mass awareness of adverse health effects of agrochemical-based products, are outlined for
the promotion of sustainable agriculture.
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, Bangladesh

Personal Secretary to Director, Project Implementation Unit, National Agricultural Technology Project,
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh; 2Principal Scientific Officer,
TTMU, and Director, Project Implementation Unit, National Agricultural Technology Project, Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Council, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh; 3Technical Officer, Project Implementation
Unit, National Agricultural Technology Project, Bangladesh
*Corresponding author’s email:
Reviewed by Dr. Md. Towhidul Islam, Bangladesh Water Development Board, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
costs of production, and the disintegration of
Introduction economic and social conditions in rural
Bangladesh agriculture has changed dramatically, communities (ASR, 2006) .
especially since the end of Independent War. A growing movement has emerged during the
Crops productivity soared due to new past two decades to question the role of the
technologies, mechanization, increased chemical agricultural establishment in promoting
use, specialization and government policies that practices that contribute to these social
favoured maximizing production (ASR, 2006). problems. Now a day the movement for
These changes allowed fewer farmers with sustainable agriculture is gaining increasing
reduced labour demands to produce the majority support and acceptance within mainstream
of the crops in Bangladesh. agriculture. Not only sustainable agriculture
Although these changes have many positive address many environmental and social
effects and reduced many risks in farming, there concerns, but it offers innovative and
have also been significant increased costs viz. top economically viable opportunities for growers,
soil depletion, ground and surface water laborers, consumers, policy makers and many
contamination, continued neglect of the living and others in the entire food system with concerning
working conditions for farm labours, increasing congenial environment.

Necessity of Sustainable agriculture for present increased from 181% in 2008-2009 (BBS, 2008).
contest include i) providing a more profitable Long-term trend of rice production shows that
farm income; ii) promoting environmental the dominant factor in growth is rice yield,
stewardship (protecting and improving soil stimulated by high yielding varieties (HYV),
quality, reducing dependence on non-renewable fertilizer, and irrigation technology. Investment
resources, such as fuel and synthetic fertilizers in research was small, yet there was
and pesticide and minimizing adverse impacts on technological progress, as evidenced by release of
safety, wildlife, water quality an other 58 HYV rice varieties by
environmental resource iii) reducing loss of BRRI/BINA/Universities and 473 high yielding
biodiversity and agricultural genetic diversity. The varieties of various crops by different research
progress of sustainable agriculture is not institutes. Extension too played a role although
mentionable. Sustainable agriculture appears in the much discussed, the lesson being that market
NGO levels as its ecological farming system. The should spread new technology, farmers should
government initiated some programs with seek out extension with queries and problems
support from different aid agencies from very and agents should be there to assist. Chemical
recent. Research on sustainable agriculture was fertilizer and pesticide use became popular
done very few in NGO level. across all groups of farmers form 1971.
Integration of variety-fertilizer-irrigation
This paper is an effort to present the ideas, development was a major factor behind spread of
practices and policies that constitute our concept HYV and consequent yield increase. Other
of sustainable agriculture to clarify the research concurrent developments include increasing
agenda and suggest the practical steps that may mechanization of agricultural operations,
be appropriate for moving toward sustainable including power tillers for cultivation, pumps for
agriculture. irrigation and threshers and rice mills for
Historical development of agriculture in converting paddy into rice. These technologies
Bangladesh are now concern to use them an integrated
manner get sustainability in agriculture.
Bangladesh agriculture has achieved significant
structural changes over the past three and half “Sustainable agriculture means an integrated
decades. Despite many problems and constraints system of plant and animal production practices
a quiet agricultural revolution has taken place having a site-specific application that over the
which is still evolving in response to natural long term will: Satisfy human food and fiber
calamities, sociopolitical changes, population need, enhance environmental quality and the
growth, urbanization, new technology in natural resource base upon which the
agriculture and new opportunities in rural non- agricultural economy depends, make the most
agriculture sector, commercialization and changes efficient use of non renewable resources and on-
in macro policy and sector policy reforms farm resources and integrate, where appropriate,
including market and trade liberalization and natural biology cycles and controls, sustain the
substantial reduction in public sector intervention economic viability of farm operations, enhance
in agriculture (ASR, 2006). From largely a the quality of life for farmers and society as a
peasant based subsistence activity, agriculture whole” (USDA Farm Bill, 1990).
today is more of a commercial entrepreneurial “Sustainable agriculture is one that produces
activity than ever before. Cereal grain production abundant food with depleting the earth’s
increased three folds. Growth of non-cereals, resources or polluting its environment. It is
mostly horticultural products accelerated. The agriculture that follows the principles of nature
great observation of the increasing phenomenon to form systems for raining crops and livestock
of diversification and intensification of that are, like nature, self-sustaining. Sustainable
Bangladesh agriculture. agriculture is also the agriculture of social values,
Technological change coupled with market forces one whose success is indistinguishable from
greatly influenced Bangladesh agriculture in mid- vibrant rural communities, rich lives for families
sixties and seventies. From a relatively stagnant on the farm, and wholesome a food for
sector in the pre-green revolution period, everyone.” (ATTRA-National Sustainable
Bangladesh agriculture emerged as a dynamic Agriculture Information Service).
sector in the green revolution period. There was a Characteristics of sustainable agriculture
significant growth in agriculture infrastructure as
well as a shift towards liberalization from Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food
government control. Total rice production in 1971 production that is healthy for men and animals,
was 10 million tons; in 2008-2009 it was 31.50 does not harm the environment, is humanitarian
million tons (BER, 2009). The net result is that for workers, respects animals, and provides a fair
the country has gone from a situation of chronic wage to the farmer (
deficit to near self-sufficiency. Cropping intensity

1. Conservation and preservation: Out put also for the change in agricultural pattern (from
of the environment is put back in, so land and subsistence to heavily dependent on input
resources such as water, soil and air can be oriented agriculture. There are several other
replenished and are available to future NGOs and commercial organizations are dealing
generations. The waste from sustainable with farming and marketing of organic
farming stays within the farm’s ecosystem and agriculture and products. CARE-Bangladesh had
cannot cause buildup or pollution. So, judicial few projects to address sustainable agriculture
use of fertilizer, water, minimum emission of issue such as GOLDA, GO-INTERFISH, and
GHGs is needed. In addition, sustainable NOPEST, which contributed much in this regard.
agriculture seeks to minimize transportation Currently they have SHABGE, LMP and Akti
costs and fossil fuel use, and is as locally-based Bari Akti Khamar project in operation with some
as possible. Technical intervention with components of sustainable agriculture. There
minimum hazard. was a networking organization (currently
2. Biodiversity: Farms raise different types of inactive) called Forum of Regenerative
plants and animals, which are rotated around Agricultural Movement (FoRAM) and
the fields to enrich the soil and help prevent Bangladesh Rural Reconstruction Association
disease and pest outbreaks. Chemical (BARRA) worked in this field (DFID, 2001).
pesticides are used minimally and only when
necessary; many sustainable farms do not use Goals of sustainable agriculture
any form of chemicals. Sustainable agriculture integrates four main
3. Animal welfare: Animals are treated goals:
humanely and with respect, and are well cared
1. Productivity,
for. They are permitted to carry out their
2. Environmental stability,
natural behaviors, such as grazing, rooting or
3. Economic profitability, and
pecking, and are fed a natural diet appropriate
4. Social and economic equity.
for their species.
4. Economically viable: Farmers are paid a fair Many different terms have used to imply greater
wage and are not dependent on subsidies from sustainability in agricultural systems than in
the government. Sustainable farmers help prevailing systems (both pre-industrial and
strengthen rural communities. industrializes). Each emphasizes different
5. Socially just: Workers are treated fairly and values, priorities and practices (Pretty, 1995,
paid competitive wages and benefits. They 2002).
work in a safe environment and are offered One most important component of agricultural
proper living conditions and food. sustainability is productivity. Productivity means
6. Productivity/Capacity: Increased capability of farm production. It is related to
productivity to feed the people with minimal judicial use of soil, water, propagation materials,
environmental hazards. labours, fertilizers and cost.
Present status of sustainable agriculture in Second, interpretation of sustainable agriculture
Bangladesh focuses on types of technology in particular
Before the advent of Green Revolution during 60’s setting, especial strategies that reduce reliance
Bangladeshi farmers did not use any chemical on non-renewable or environmentally harmful
fertilizers or pesticides. Since than the farmers inputs. These include eco-agriculture, perma-
gradually had used chemicals in their farms. As culture, organic, ecological, low-input,
the consequences of chemical farming were biodynamic, environmentally-sensitive,
emerging some organizations started their community-based, farm-fresh and extensive
activities (PROSHIKA, CARITAS, and UBINIG strategies. There is intense debate, however,
etc.). The government also started integrated crop about whether agricultural systems using some
management (ICM) and integrated pest of these terms actually qualify as "sustainable".
management (IPM) project to minimize the use of Ecological- the core concerns are to reduce
chemical fertilizers and pesticides. negative environmental and health externalities,
to enhance and use local ecosystem resources,
However, the extent of sustainable agriculture is and preserve biodiversity. More recent concerns
too low till today. Sustainable agriculture emerged include broader recognition for positive
as an issue during 1976 when PROSHIKA (a environmental externalities from agriculture.
leading NGO of Bangladesh) started its ecological
farming program. The government through Third, Economic perspectives on agricultural
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sustainability seek to assign value to ecological
implemented few projects with support from assets, and also to include a longer time frame in
different aid agencies during 90’s. Since climatic economic analysis. They also highlight subsidies
that promote the depletion of resources or unfair
diseases are occurring crop loss every year and competition with other production systems.

Forth and broader interpretation-which is used in I. Management of natural resources
this paper-focus more on the concept of
Agriculture is the most important user of natural
agricultural sustainability, and social &
resources like soil, water, air and energy, and its
economical equity. Socio-economical and
sustainability depends upon their availability
political-there are many concerns about the
(DFID, 2002).
equality of technological change. At the local level,
agricultural sustainability is associated with Soil management: A common philosophy among
farmer participation, group action and promotion sustainable agriculture practitioners is that a
of local institutions, culture and farming "healthy" soil is a key component of
communities. At the higher level, the concern is sustainability; that is, a healthy soil will produce
for enabling policies that target poverty reduction. healthy crop plants that have optimum vigor and
are less susceptible to pests. Crop management
Sustainable agriculture implies the capacity to
systems that improve soil quality often result in
adapt and change as external and internal
greater inputs of water, nutrients, pesticides,
conditions change. The conceptual parameters
and/or energy for tillage to maintain yields. In
have broadened from focus on environmental
sustainable systems-
aspects to include first productivity and then
wider social and economical dimensions. These  The soil is a fragile and living medium that
four goals of sustainable agricultural are relative must be protected and nurtured to ensure its
dimension depends on time, place, socio- long-term productivity and stability,
economical and political condition. Key features  To protect and enhance the productivity of
of agricultural sustainability include an the soil include using cover crops, compost
acceptance of the fact that agricultural strategies and/or manures, reducing tillage, avoiding
should be based on more than simple productivity traffic on wet soils, and maintaining soil
criteria, that externalities in assessing agricultural cover with plants and/or mulches,
change (DFID, 2002).  Regular additions of organic matter or the
use of cover crops can increase soil aggregate
Finally, it is important to point out that reaching stability and diversity of soil microbial life,
toward the goal of sustainable agriculture is the
responsibility of all participants in the system, Water: Water is the principal resource that has
including farmers, laborers, policy makers, helped agriculture and society to prosper, and it
researchers, retailers, and consumers. Each group has been a major limiting factor when
has its own part to play, its own unique mismanaged. There is no proper guidelines and
contribution to make to strengthen the management actions of water use in agriculture.
sustainable agriculture community. Sustainability But water supply and use is very important in
in agriculture need to address at farm level, sustainable agriculture in both wet and dry
national level, and regional level. The following season. We can practice some actions in
indicative model (Fig.1) is important. sustainable agriculture-
 improving water conservation and storage,
Environmental  providing incentives for selection of drought-
Sustainability tolerant crop species,
 increasing water use efficiency, and
 managing crops to reduce water loss, or not
Economical Sustainable Productivity planting at all.
Sustainability Agriculture Sustainability
The most important issues related to water
quality involve salinization and contamination of
ground and surface waters by pesticides, nitrates
Social and heavy metal. Salinity has become a problem
wherever water of even relatively low salt content
Fig. 1. Model of Sustainable Agriculture is used on shallow soils where the water table is
Strategies of sustainable agriculture near the root zone of crops. Tile drainage can
remove the water and salts, but the disposal of
The strategies are grouped according to three the salts and other contaminants may negatively
separate areas of concern: affect the environment depending upon where
I. Management of Natural Resources, they are deposited. Temporary solutions include-
II. Production Practices (crops, livestock and  the use of salt-tolerant crops,
fisheries), and  low-volume irrigation, and
III. The Economic, Social and Political  various management techniques to minimize
Context. the effects of salts on crops.

In the long-term, some land may need to be can be applied to help growers selecting
 removed from production or converted to appropriate management practices:
other uses,  Selection of species and varieties that is well
 other uses include conversion of row crop suited to the site and to conditions on the
land to production of drought-tolerant
forages, farm,
 the restoration of wildlife habitat or the use  Intensification and diversification of crops
of agro-forestry to minimize the impacts of (including livestock and fisheries) and
salinity and high water tables. cultural practices to enhance the biological
and economic sustainability of the farm,
Energy: Modern agriculture is heavily dependent
on non-renewable energy sources, especially fossil  Proper agronomic management,
fuel. The continued use of these energy sources  Efficient use of inputs, and
cannot be sustained indefinitely, yet to abruptly  Consideration of farmers' goals and lifestyle
abandon our reliance on them would be choices.
economically catastrophic. However, a sudden cut Livestock
off in energy supply would be equally disruptive.
In sustainable agricultural systems, there is Bangladesh agriculture is characterized as mix
reduced reliance on non-renewable energy farming which integrated crop, livestock and
sources and a substitution of renewable sources or fish. This is the result of a trend toward
labour to the extent that is economically feasible. separation and specialization of crop and animal
production systems is dominating day by day.
Air: Many agricultural activities affect air quality. The actual management practices will, of course,
These include emission of GHGs and smoke from be quite different. Some of the specific points
agricultural burning; dust from tillage, traffic and that livestock producers need to address are
harvest; pesticide drift from spraying; and nitrous listed below.
oxide emissions from the use of nitrogen fertilizer.  Management/planning including the
Options to improve air quality include mobility of the stock, daily feeding, health
 incorporating crop residue into the soil, concerns, breeding operations, seasonal feed
 using appropriate levels of tillage, and forage sources, and complex marketing
 planting wind breaks, are sources of this complexity.
 cover crops or strips of native perennial  Animal enterprise must be appropriate for
grasses to reduce dust, and the farm resources. Farm capabilities and
 reducing the emission of GHGs from constraints such as feed and forage sources,
industries and transport and mechanical landscape, climate and skill of the manager
agricultural. must be considered in selecting which
Efficient use of inputs: Many inputs and practices animals to produce.
used by conventional farmers are also used in  There is a wide range of breeds available in
sustainable agriculture. However, maximize each of the major ruminant species, i.e.,
reliance on natural, renewable, and on-farm cattle, sheep and goats.
inputs is the prerequisite. Equally important are  Use of quality germplasm to improve herd
the environmental, social, and economic impacts performance is another key to sustainability.
of a particular strategy. Converting to sustainable In combination with good genetic stock,
practices does not mean simple input adapting the reproduction season to fit the
substitution. Frequently, it substitutes enhanced climate and sources of feed and forage
management and scientific knowledge for reduce health problems and feed costs.
conventional inputs, especially chemical inputs  Animal nutrition feed costs are the largest
that harm the environment on farms and in rural single variable cost in any livestock
communities. The goal is to develop efficient operation.
biological systems which also maximize the  Animal health greatly influences
efficiency of input use to maintain productivity reproductive success and weight gains, two
and profitability. key aspects of successful livestock
production. A herd health program is critical
II. Production practices to sustainable livestock production.
Crops  Most adverse environmental impacts
Sustainable production practices involve a variety associated with grazing can be prevented or
of activities/approaches such as topography, soil mitigated with proper grazing management.
characteristics, climate, pests, local availability of Fisheries
inputs and the individual grower's goals. Despite
Rice and fish have been an essential part of the
the site-specific and individual nature of
life of Bangladeshi people from time
sustainable agriculture, several general principles
immemorial. The staple foods of the people of

Bangladesh are rice and fish. Rice is the foremost are needed to simultaneously promote
agricultural crop in Bangladesh with an annual environmental health, economic profitability,
production of over 25.0 million tons per annum and social and economic equity. For example,
(BRRI, 2010), while annual fish production is commodity and price support programs could be
2.70 million tons (DoF, 2010). The demand for restructured to allow farmers to realize the full
rice and fish is constantly increasing in benefits of the productivity gains made possible
Bangladesh with nearly three million people being through alternative practices. Tax and credit
added each year to the population of the country policies could be modified to encourage a diverse
(Chowdhury, 2009). Nevertheless, integrated and decentralized system of family farms rather
crop-livestock-fish farming offers a solution to than corporate concentration and absentee
this problem by contributing to food, income and ownership. Government and land grant institute
nutrition. The carrying capacities of these lands research policies could be modified to emphasize
and waters are not fully utilized, but there exists the development of sustainable alternatives.
tremendous scope for increasing fish production Marketing orders and cosmetic standards could
by integrating aquaculture-farming because of the be amended to encourage reduced pesticide use.
availability of low-lying rice fields, warm climate As the agricultural is a risky business crop
and fertile soil. Sustainable fish production insurance policy may be adopted to boast up the
practices involve a variety of activities/approaches production.
such as soil characteristics, local demand. Despite Now a day, it is very important to protected
the site-specific and individual nature of agricultural land from industrialization and
sustainable fish farming system, several general urbanization. We should be used existing land
principles can be applied to help growers selecting through sustainable practices and a long-term
appropriate management practices: perspective on the value of land. At the same
 Selection of species that is well suited to the time, the close proximity of newly developed
site and to conditions on the farm, residential areas to farms is increasing the public
 Intensification and diversification of fishes demand for environmentally safe farming
(including crops), practices. By helping farmers to adopt practices
 Proper management, that reduce chemical use and conserve limited
 Efficient use of inputs, and resources, sustainable agriculture research and
 Consideration of farmers' goals. education can play a key role in building public
support for agricultural land preservation.
III. The economic, social & political context
Educating land use planners and decision-
In addition to strategies for preserving natural makers about sustainable agriculture is an
resources and changing production practices, important priority.
sustainable agriculture requires a commitment to
In Bangladesh, the condition of agricultural
changing public policies, economic institutions,
labour availability is getting more critical day by
and social values. Strategies for change must take
day due to increase disparity between urban and
into account the complex, reciprocal and ever-
rural wages. Agricultural labour generally far
changing relationship between agricultural
below accepted social standards and legal
production and the broader society.
protections in other forms of employment.
The "food system" extends far beyond the farm Policies and programs are needed to address this
and involves the interaction of individuals and problem, working toward socially just and safe
institutions with contrasting and often competing employment that provides adequate wages,
goals including farmers, researchers, input working conditions, health benefits, and chances
suppliers, farm workers, unions, farm advisors, for economic stability. To be more sustainable
processors, retailers, consumers, and over the long-term, labour must be
policymakers. Relationships among these actors acknowledged and supported by government
shift over time as new technologies spawn policies, recognized as important constituents of
economic, social and political changes. Land Grant Institute, and carefully considered
when assessing the impacts of new technologies
A wide diversity of strategies and approaches are
and practices.
necessary to create a more sustainable food
system. These will range from specific and Rural communities in Bangladesh are currently
concentrated efforts to alter specific policies or characterized by economic and environmental
practices, to the longer-term tasks of reforming deterioration. Many are among the poorest
key institutions, rethinking economic priorities, locations in the nation. The reasons for the
and challenging widely-held social values. Areas decline are complex, but changes in farm
of concern where change is most needed. structure have played a significant role.
Sustainable agriculture presents an opportunity
Government policies sometimes often obstruct to rethink the importance of family farms and
the goals of sustainable agriculture. New policies rural communities. Economic development

policies are needed that encourage more  There is no policy exist that directly support
diversified agricultural production on family sustainable agriculture. Even in Agriculture
farms as a foundation for healthy economies in Policy (1999) have no specific clause or
rural communities. In combination with other agenda on sustainable agriculture (NAP,
strategies, sustainable agriculture practices and 1999). Also National Seed Policy (1993) has
policies can help foster community institutions no specific clause or agenda on sustainable
that meet employment, educational, health,
agriculture (NSP, 1993).
cultural and spiritual needs.
Role of Government on sustainable
Consumers can play a critical role in creating a
sustainable food system. For that case, the
challenge now is to find strategies that broaden There is no structural support on sustainable
consumer perspectives, so that environmental agriculture in Bangladesh. Extension Education
quality, resource use, and social equity issues are Department of Bangladesh Agricultural
also considered in shopping decisions. At the University has minor course on sustainable
same time, new policies and institutions must be agriculture. This department is also available in
created to enable producers using sustainable the other Universities (Public/Science and
practices to market their goods to a wider public. Technology University). A little initiative has
Coalitions organized around improving the food been taken by the NGOs like PROSHIKA,
system are one specific method of creating a UNINIG, BARCIK, and Hunger Free World
dialogue among consumers, retailers, producers CARITAS in research and extension of
and others. These coalitions or other public sustainable agriculture (DFID, 2001). A number
forums can be important vehicles for clarifying of NGOs (both local and international origin)
issues, suggesting new policies, increasing mutual implement (Farmers Field School) FFS and FFS
trust, and encouraging a long-term view of food type activities in Bangladesh. The Department of
production, distribution and consumption. Agricultural Extension (DAE) of the Government
also operates limited FFS. The FFS highlights the
Issues / constrains
need for more location specific and broader
 No single approach can be applied uniformly, extension approach with the farmers taking the
heterogeneity in agro-climatic environment lead role. This is a relatively new approach where
(agro-ecology, local and regional biophysical farmers are protagonists and they have key role
factors, and farmer characteristics), in technology development and testing.
conditions need to adopt and the type of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a new farm
sustainable agriculture practice adopted, technology has a few methods under the
 Amount and availability of biomass (e.g. crop technology being implemented by DAE and
residues, animal dung) is crucial element for NGOs through FFS for sustainable agriculture.
the most Sustainable Agriculture practice for The government in its New Agricultural
moisture conservation, soil fertility Extension Policy (NAEP) 1996 defined strategies
enhancement. Competing uses for biomass to attain the prime objective of integrated
e.g. as cooking fuel or as fodder for cattle. environmental support defined that it would
Biomass constrained by limitedness of integrate environment into the overall
resource endowment, agricultural policy to ensure a policy of
 Economic incentives (e.g. prices) determine sustainable agricultural development (NAEP,
the profitable Sustainable Agriculture. 1996).
 Availability of information on net benefits of
adoption, technical details on implementation
of Sustainable Agriculture practices, Now incentives and policies for ensuring the
 There is no updating of extension workers sustainability of agriculture will be crucial if we
skill to boost technical competence for are to meet the demands of improving yields
sustainable agriculture, There is no updating without comprising environmental integrity or
of extension workers skill to boost technical public health. Given emerging pressure and
competence for Sustainable Agriculture, resource constraints, agricultural policies need to
 Policy environment not conducive to simultaneously help meet the triple objectives of
widespread adoption of Sustainable socio-economy, agricultural production and
Agriculture, both at the national and environmental sustainability. A major challenge
international level. There is lack of awareness is to create policies, institutions, human
by the policy maker on the benefit of resources and technologies that make the three
Sustainable practices to possible resistance goals more compatible. To maximize
from agrochemical industries and other agriculture’s efficiency and sustainability, public
traditional actors in intensive agriculture policy should seek to internalize all cost and
supply, benefits in the price of production inputs, such

as improving pricing mechanisms for irrigation DFID. 2002. Sustainable Agriculture. Resource
water, facilitating land market development, and Management Key sheet 10. DFID: London
eliminating distorting taxes and subsidies on UK
agrochemical inputs, including fertilizers. Secure DoF. 2010. Fisheries statistical yearbook of
property rights and other policies offering farmers Bangladesh 2008–2009. Dhaka: Fisheries
incentives for investing in resource management, Resources Survey System, Department of
as well as access to yield-increasing and resource- Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries and
conserving technologies are critical. Livestock. p. 1.
1. To introduce sustainable agriculture practice NAEP. 1996. New Agricultural Extension Policy,
for attaining household food security, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. People’s
livelihood, and finally alleviation of poverty, Republic of Bangladesh. pp. 1-10.
2. Improve access to as well as the quality of NAP. 1999. National Agricultural Policy,
information education and training program Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. People’s
on sustainable agriculture for farmers and Republic of Bangladesh. pp. 1-23.
extension workers. NSP. 1993. National Seed Policy, Ministry of
3. Policy advocacy and lobbying in favour of Agriculture, Govt. People’s Republic of
sustainable agriculture with GOs, NGOs, Bangladesh. pp. 1-10.
private and multilateral organizations. Pretty. 1995. Regenerating Agriculture.
4. More research and understanding needed on Earthscan: London, UK.
institutions links between applied research Pretty. 2002. Agri-Culture: Reconnecting People,
and farmer. Land and Nature. Earthscan: London, UK.
5. To raise awareness/social mobilization on USDA Farm Bill. 1990. United States Congress,
sustainable agriculture. 1990. Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and
6. Build up partnership with GO's, NGOs, Trade Act of 1990, Public Law 101-624. Title
networks, private sector, institutions, XVI, Subtitle A, Section 1603. Washington,
research organizations, other related
DC: US Government.
organizations to promote sustainable
7. To establish resource center on sustainable
8. Ease biomass constraints e.g. provide modern
cooking fuel to rural households; encourage
incorporating forage legumes in the cropping
ASR. 2006. Agriculture Sector Review (Crop sub
sector). Actionable policy brief and resource
Implications. Ministry of Agriculture, Govt.
Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 14-51.
BRRI. 2010. Rice statistics in Bangladesh.
Gazipur: Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank,
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute.
BBS. 2008. Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Division,
Ministry of Planning, Govt. People’s Republic
of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 121-134.
BER. 2009. Bangladesh Economic Review,
Department of Finance, Ministry of Finance,
Govt. People’s Republic of Bangladesh. pp.
Chowdhury, M.R. 2009. Population challenge
facing Bangladesh. CW Post Campus, New
York: Long Island University.
DFID. 2001. Sustainable Agriculture Evaluation.
Bangladesh Country Report. p-7, 85.

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