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Roll no.




MOV A,#01H ; hexadecimal 01 is moved to register A

MOV R0,#45H ; R0 is pointing to 45H memory location

MOV B,@R0 ; value at R0 is moved to B

loop:MOV R1,B ; starting of loop, copy value at B in R1

MUL AB ; multiply A and B, higher bites are stored B and

lower in A

MOV B,R1 ; value at R1 is moved to B

DJNZ B,loop ; decrement B i.e. B= B-1 and jump to loop until B=0

END ; end


MOV R0,#45H ; R0 is pointing to 45H memory location

MOV R1,#46H ; R1 is pointing to 46H memory location

MOV A,@R0 ; value at R0 is moved to A

MOV B,@R1 ; value at R1 is moved to B

ADD A,B ; addition of A and B, and store value in A

END ; end

MOV A,#00H ; 0 is copied to A

MOV B,#01H ; hexadecimal 01 is moved to B

MOV R0,#05H ; hexadecimal 05 is moved to R0

loop:ADD A,B ; starting of loop, addition of values in A and B and store

in A

MOV R1,A ; value in A is moved to R1

MOV A,B ; value in B is moved to B

MOV B,R1 ; value in R1 is moved to B

DJNZ R0,loop ; decrement R0i.eR0= R0-1and jump to loop until R0 is 0

END ; end

*4.SORTING – ASCENDING(bubble sort)

MOV R3,#05H ; hexadecimal 05 is copied to R3

Loop4:MOV R0,#45H ; 45H is copied to R0

MOV R2,#05H ; hexadecimal 05 is copied to R2

Loop3:MOV A,@R0 ; the value at R0 is copied to A

INC R0 ; increment in R0 i.e. R0=R0+1

MOV B,@R0 ; value at R0 is copied to B

CJNE A,B,Loop1 ; compare A and B(A-B,B-A,A=B) ,and jump to

loop1 if A and B are not -

Loop1:JC Loop2 ; if carry is there then jump to loop2 (A-B<0 i.e


MOV @R0,A ;value in A is copied at R0

DEC R0 ; decrement in R0 i.e. R0=R0-1

MOV@R0,B ; value in B is copied at R0

INC R0 ; increment in R0 i.e. R0=R0+1

Loop2:DJNZ R2,Loop3 ;decrement and jump to loop3 until R2 is zero

DJNZ R3,Loop4 ;decrement and jump to loop4 until R3 is zero

END ; end




Y=x*59…….(for hexadecimal values)

MOV R0,#45H ;R0 is pointing to 45H

MOV A,@R0 ;value at R0 is moved to A

MOV R1,#46H ;R1 is pointing to 46H

MOV B,#56H ;hexadecimal 56 is moved to B

CJNE A,B,LOOP1 ;compare A and B (A>B,B>1,A=B),and jump if A is not

equal to B

LOOP1:JC LOOP2 ;if carry is there jump to loop2

MOV B,#59H ;hexadecimal 59 is moved to B

MUL AB ;multiply A and B and result is stored in A

MOV @R1,A ;lower bytes of result stored in A are moved to R1

MOV @R0,B ;higher bytes of results stored in B are moved to R0

SJMP LOOP3 ;short jump to loop3 so that loop 2 will not repeat

LOOP2: ; end of loop2

MOV B,#07H ; hexadecimal 07 is moved to B

MUL AB ; multiply A and B and result is stored in A

MOV @R1,A ;lower bytes of result stored in A are moved to R1

MOV @R0,B ; higher bytes of results stored in B are moved to R0

LOOP3: ; end of loop3

END ; end of program


*1.counting positive numbers in an array of 100 numbers containing positive,

negative and zeros

CODE SEGMENT ; starting of Logical code segment

ORG 100H ; Assembler directive, starts the memory
allotment for the code block from the address
declared here
MOV AX,4000H ; Load AX with 4000H
MOV DS,AX ; Transfer the address in AX to DS (as 4000H can’t
be directly transferred to DS )
MOV CX,0064H ; Counter is initialized with 0064H
MOV SI,2000H ; Moves offset of first number in the array to SI
MOV BL,00H ; Initialize counting of positive numbers to 00H
loop: MOV AL,[SI] ; The value at [2000] is moved to AL
ADD AL,00H ; 00H is added to AL as the flags are only affected
after an operation. If AL=0, ZF=1; and if AL is
negative, it’s MSB will be 1 and 0 if it is positive.
JZ no_inc ; Jumps if ZF=1, as number is zero
RCL AL,01 ; Rotates AL 1 bit left with carry such that the MSB
of the number moves to the CF
JC no_inc ; Jumps if CF=1, as the number will then be -ve
INC BL ; Increments the count as the number is +ve
no_inc:INC SI ; Increments the offset address
LOOP loop ; LOOP executes a DEC CX JNZ block. It jumps to
the label loop
MOV AH,4CH ; Return to DOS
INT 21H ; DOS interrupt 21H
CODE ENDS ; Logical code segment ends here
END START ; Program ends here

*2.Multiplication of two 8 – bit numbers


DATA SEGMENT ; Data segment begins
A db 12H ; Reserves a byte of memory location for variable
name A
B db 03H ; Reserves a byte of memory location for variable
name B
RESULT dw 00H ; Reserves a byte of memory location for variable
name RESULT, and initializes RESULT with 00H
DATA ENDS ; Logical data segment ends here
CODE SEGMENT ; starting of Logical code segment
ORG 100H ; Assembler directive, starts the memory
allotment for the code block from the address
declared here
START: MOV AX,DATA ; Initializes Data Segment
MOV AL,A ; value in A is moved to AL
MOV BL,B ; value in B is moved to BL
MUL BL ; multiply the values in AL and BL
MOV RESULT, AX ; Moves the product in the location reserved for
CODE ENDS ; Logical Code segment ends here
END START ; End of Program

*3.Smallest number in an array of 100 numbers

CODE SEGMENT ;starting Logical Code segment
ORG 100H ; Assembler directive, starts the
memory allotment for the code block
from the address declared here
START: MOV AX,4000H ; Load AX with 4000H
MOV DS,AX ; Transfer the address in AX to DS (as
4000H can’t be directly transferred to
DS )
MOV SI,2000H ; Moves offset of first number in the
array to SI
MOV CX,0064H ; Counter is initialized with 0064H
MOV AL,FFH ; Initialize smallest number with FFH
which will be updated if a smaller
number is found
back: CMP AL,[SI] ; Compares AL with the value at [SI]
and updates the CF accordingly
JC skip ; Jump if CF=1 as AL is smaller than
the number pointed by SI
MOV AL,[SI] ; Move the value at SI to AL as CF=0,
so, [SI]<AL
skip: INC SI ; Increments the offset address
LOOP back ; LOOP executes a DEC CX JNZ block.
It jumps to the label loop
MOV AH,4CH ; Return to DOS
INT 21H ; DOS interrupt 21H
CODE ENDS ; Logical code segment ends
END START ; End of program

*4.Transferring 1kb data from location 2000H to 3000H

CODE SEGMENT ; starting of Logical code segment

ORG 100H ; Assembler directive, starts the memory
allotment for the code block from the
address declared here
START: MOV AX,2000H ; Load AX with 2000H
MOV DS,AX ; Transfer the address in AX to DS (as
2000H can’t be directly transferred to
DS )
MOV AX,3000H ; Load AX with 3000H
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer the address in AX to ES (as
3000H can’t be directly transferred to
DS )
MOV SI,5000H ; Moves offset of first number in the
source array to SI
MOV DI,6000H ; Moves offset of first number in the
destination array to SI
MOV CX,0400H ; Counter
CLD ; Clear Direction Flag. Here REP
MOVSB is used. If DF=0, SI and DI are
incremented and if DF=1, SI and DI
are decremented
REP MOVSB ; Move the complete string
MOV AH,4CH ; Return to DOS
INT 21H ; DOS interrupt 21H
CODE ENDS ; Logical code segment ends
END START ; End of program
ROL AH,04 ; Rotate AH 4-bits left through carry

MOV [2000],AH ; Move AH back to [2000]

MOV [2001],AL ; Move AL back to [2001]
END ; End of program

*5.Average of n natural numbers

CODE SEGMENT ; starting of Logical code segment

ORG 100H ; Assembler directive, starts the memory
allotment for the code block from the
address declared here

MOV SI, 500 ; move offset 500 to Starting Index(SI).

MOV DI, 600 ; move offset 600 to Destination Index(DI).

MOV AX, 0000 ; move data 0000 to AX.

MOV CL, [SI] ; move the contents of [SI] to BL.

MOV BL, CL ; copy contents of CL to BL.

INC SI ; increment in contents of SI by 1.

ADD AL, [SI] ; add contents of [SI] to AL.

ADC AH, 00 ;is used to 00 along with previous cy to AH.

INC SI ; increment in contents of SI by 1.

DEC CL ; decrement in contents of CL by 1.

JNZ 40E ; jump to offset 40E if value of ZF = 0.

DIV BL ; multiply contents of AX by BL.

MOV [DI], AX ; ; move the contents of AX to [DI].

HLT ; stops executing the program and halts any further


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