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Name:______________________ Date:__________________

A) Add an appropriate prefix or suffix to the words in the brackets to
complete the sentences.
a) The flowers in the garden are very __________________________. (colour)

b) The students worked _______________________ in the classroom. (quiet)

c) You must be _______________________ when crossing busy roads. (care)

d) The ribbon is _________________________two metres long. (approximate)

e) Some animals are harmful whereas some are ________________________. (harm)

5 mks
B) Double Duty
In each sentence, think of one word that makes sense in both blanks.

plants/plants close/close pack/pack son, sun tear/tear

a) I was sitting too _________________ to the door so I was unable to _______________


b) The overworked farmer decided to teach his _____________ how to ____________ out

the cocoa seeds.

c) When Grandma found a ______________ in her favourite quilt, she shed a


d) Mommy ___________________ rose _________________ in our garden.

e) We heard a ______________ of wolves howling so we began to _____________ our

camping equipment.
10 mks
C) Words and Meaning

Circle the correct word for each of the following definition given.

1. everything that has happened in the past.

a) future b) present c) history d) ongoing
2. feeling pleased, worthy, or satisfied about something one has done.
a) unhappy b) bored c) proud d) angry
3. to take with the promise to return or replace
a) lose b) steal c) borrow d) pay
4. to look quickly or secretly
a) peek b) stare c) ignore d) gawk
5. having lost its taste, freshness, or moisture
a) new b) old c) stale d) uncooked
5 mks

D) Choose two words from the box below which have similar meaning to the
words given in the table.
leave, careful, bountiful, assemble , vigilant ,forsake , plentiful , credible,
accumulate ,plausible


a) abandon , desert

b) abundant, ample

c) gather, collect

d) believable, convincing

e) watchful, meticulous

10 mks
E) Circle the word in the brackets which correctly completes each sentence.

a) I cut and sell meat in the market, I am a (manager/chef /butcher).

b) The man on skis made his way down the (mountain slope/river/ocean).

c) Astronaut use (rockets/jets/airplanes) to get to space.

d) The father carried his child to see the (doctor/receptionist/guard) as he was ill.

e) A (scientist/carpenter/gardener) build the cupboards in the kitchen.

5 mks

F) Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

a) Grandma baked (bred/bread) for the week.

b) Many children (die/dye) of malnutrition.

c) (We're / Were / Wear) something formal for the graduation dinner.

d) (They're / There / Their) mother is in the hospital.

e) Thunder and (lightning/lightening) usually accompany heavy rainfall.

f) (Pause/Paws) for a while, before you decide what to do.

g) The (whether, weather) is pleasant. I am going to the beach.

h) If you (wring, ring) the bell the children will go to their classroom.

i) Many people have (cereal/serial) for breakfast.

j) Gentlemen should (bough/bow) when they greet ladies.

10 mks

Match Words and Meanings

G) Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. reprimand to be called or sent for or to order

someone to be present

to tell someone officially that

2. summon
something they have done is
very wrong.

ask questions of (someone) closely,

3. resuscitate
aggressively, or formally

to do something bad to someone

4. interrogate because they have done something
bad to you

to make someone breathe again or

5. retaliate become conscious after they have
almost died

10 mks

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