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assr0r6 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 art Word 2010 | How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Word 2007 and Word 2010 tow you set up numbered hesings depends on what version ood you haven 1=1178). This page is about Setting up numbered headings in Word 2007 and Word 2010. Ifyou have Word 2003 or an eariier version, see How to create numbered headings or outline number Word 2003 and earlier versions (nunbaring200 1. Numbering run amok Word's paragraph numbering sometimes goes haywire. Just when you think you've got It organized, the numbering starts doing silly things. If Wore's paragraph numbering were a group of orchestra musicians, might look tke this 2. What's needed? Wnat’s needed is someone to get those mad hor players organized and co-ordinated. We don't need another player: we clearly have enough of those! Wnat we need is a co-ordinate. nan orchestra, the conductor co-ordinates, For Wore's numbering, the mechanism we use to organize and co-ordinate paragraph numbering is List Style. The List Style co-orinates, Tt doesn't do the actual work of formatting text, We leave that to paragraph styles. + ast Style asthe co-ordinating mechanism forthe numbering, and hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 1 assr0r6 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 art Word 2010 | + a paragraph style for each heading level (Word allows, actually requires, 9 levels). does two things, Understanding Ust Styles aust RUSS 9 ve Re ele Style store eermaton about Mow a nanber texe to when at Inked parograps ye creates a set or group of styles. Ward comes with pr payaorgn built-in paragraph styles named Heading 1, This man wil get them into line! Heading 2, Heading 3. But there is no connection between ther. They just happen to share similar names. List Style ‘groups’ those paragraph styles inte some order. Only the ist Style knows that Heading 1's followed by Heading 2 and that tis followed by Heading 3. There are 9 levels in any List Style ofthe number ("I" er "a" or"), whether the number is preceded by text (e9 "Chapter 1" or Part A"), whether the number Includes previous levels! numbers (eg paragraph 1:43), an¢ the he distance from margin to number and trom number to text, Set up your Heading paragraph styles There are good reasons fo using the builtin Heading styles (uetulbaeadnstyeshmPg=16) Before you begin the numbering, make sure your Heading styles are set up appropriately syle nyaiyio=1620) the Heading 1 style eo that its based on “No style" Modify Heading 20's based on Heading 1. Mocify Heading 3 based on Heading 2. And s0 on. Not everyone does this, but I find it useful because of the way the ormatting of Word's styles Now, modify the Paragraph settings of every Neading style so that the Left Indent is 0, andthe Special indent Is set to (none). Do this even if you want your headings to be indented from the lee margin, ané even if you want 2 hanging indent: Why? Because for outline-numbered styles, we will st the paragraph indent and the hanging indents (ifany) when we set up the numbering 4. Create a list style ‘To create your list style, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Multilevel ist menu (igure 2). Not this one! Never choose this one, even ifit's highlighted This one! Always choose this one, even if t's not highlighted 1180 papbcene at E> |) norma tne Paragraph Figure 1: Choose the Multilevel list menu From the menu, choose Define New List Style (figure 2). hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 asse016 How to creat numbored heatings or outine numbering in Wore 2007 art Word 2010 | y—) 1 None a) 1. p——] ttt. #—— | niet Hess >—— || section 101) | | onrtesiva Lresang | | Chapter tHe: A. Heading :| | Heating 2— 4. Hean | | Heaing 2—— Change List L Define New Multilevel List Detine New see ‘igure 2: On the Multilevel ist menu, choose the Define New List Style option Inthe Define New List Style eialog (Hgure 3), do (only) two things: 1. Give your lst style a name. Hint: Give 2 piura’ name, That makes it clear that this isa st style that's controlling more ‘than one paragraph style. And, give it 3 name directly related to the paragraph styles you're ‘ein to use, We're going to use paragraph styles Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 etc. So Tsuggest that you name thelist style as Headin 2.00 the Format menu, click Numbering. hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 asse016 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 at Word 2010 | Shauna. com Define New List Style Properties Name: Headines Style type ist 4. Give your List Formatting Style «name Startat Agoly formatting to: Irdent: Len: pon Hanging: 0.63 on, Outine numbered + Level: 1+ Numbering Style! 1, 2,3, .. +Startat: 1+ ‘Algnmert: Left + Algned at: 0 cm + Indent at: 0.63cm, Prorty: 100, © Onlyin his docurent © New documents based on tis template 2. Click Format, then click Numbering Figure 3:n the Define New List Style disoa, give your list style @ name and then click Format > Numbering. Skip everything else In this dialog box, I's not for grown-ups. We're now in the Modify Multilevel List dialog box (Rgure 5). The list style isthe co-ordinating mechanism for the whole *set"of paragraph styles we'll use. So we set up al levels of numbering in tis one clateg Dox. ‘To setup the numbering Ltn the Modify muflavel Ist clalog, lick the More button, 2. Attach the Heading paragraph styles tothe 9 levels inthe lst style, Todo that 1. tn the "Click level to moclf' ist, select evel 1. Tn the "Link level ta style! box, choose Heading 1. That attaches paregraph style Heading 1 to level 1 ofthe ist style 2. Inthe ‘Click level to macify’ list, select level 2 and attach style Heading 2. And attach Heading level 4 and s0 on, level 2, Heading 4 to hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 assr0r6 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 art Word 2010 | 3. Now we t Word about the numbering itself for Level 1 1. In the ‘Click level to most’ ist, clk tevel 1 2, Delete anything inthe "Enter formatting for number” box. 3. Ifyou want the numbering start with some text (eg to number @ paragraph as “Chapter ‘or Section 1") then enter the text including any space in the ‘Enter formatting for number box. Leave the insertion point ater your text 4, From the Number styl for ths level lst, choose the kind of numbering you want. 4. Set up numbering for levels 210.9 1. In the "Click level to modify’ lis, choose Level 2. 2. Delete anything inthe "Eater formatting for number” box. 3. Ifyou want to include a previous level's sumbering, then use the Include level number ‘rom’ box. Ifyou want punct number box 28 you 90 tion afer each level, ad tino the enter formatting for For example, for Level 2, ‘might want the numbering to be "L.1". Thats, want the Level 1 number and the Level 2 number. So, from the Include level number fom’ Box, choose ‘Level '.Then 1 type a ful stop (fll point, paring, whatever). Then I choose from the "Number style for this level’ box. You have to do each provious level separately. 3 111214.1.14, younee there 1 time you come to do Level 9, fyou want paragraphs numbered ‘acd Laval 1, Level, Laval 3 etc, all the way to Level 8. This can get tedious, but nang in 4. From the Number style for this level list, choose the kindof numbering you want forthe current level 5. Rapeat for each of levels 9. Ifyou don't want numbering fora level, leave the ‘Enter formatting for ruber’ box emt. 5.Next, set up the indents: how far in from the let margin do you wart the eiferent levels to ‘appear? The default indents are actually quite reasonable, Ifyou prefer to change them, then Yyou have two choices. The easy way is to click the “5 for All levels datog (Faure 4), for alllevels* button, You'll see the Set Set for All Levels gullet Number positon for fstlevel” 0 en “Text poston for frst level: 0.63 en) Additional indent foreachlevet 9,63 nl Figure 4: Use the Set for All levels dialog to manage indents for your headings ‘The haré way isto set the ‘Aligned at’, 'Text indent at’ and ‘Add ‘measured from the let margin 1b stop at’ boxes ineividualy. Just remember they're all 6. my finished settings look ike Figure 5. hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 as016 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 ant Word 2010 | Modify Mukilevel ict Clccleyelt modi Apply changes to 2 Whale ist 5 4 eadng 3 3 Tee Lieve to style: 5 TAT Hess Heating 1 a 6 TAA A esi 7 TA tesa Leva to show in gate 5 Liat Teeeree (eli TAA AA Aesang 7 TAAAAAA Henig 8 List il it name: : TAA AAAAA Mean Number format Enter formatting for number: a ont. Number atle fr ths level elude levelnunber from 423, oH [ltega strie nunberng Poston Nunber alignment. lef ~] Alaned at: [pan S] Foo number with Textindentat 63m [fab character Ey TJ Add tab stop at: p.63em ‘Figure 5: The finished settings in the Modify Multilevel Uist dialog 7.0K, OK back to your document 5- How to apply the Heading styles to your text up your Uist Style, But we don't evar use the Ust Style, Instead, we format paragraphs using the Heading 1, paragraph styles. Because you linked the heading paragraph style to the List Style, the heading styles willnow use the numbering you setup in the List Style 5-1 How to apply Heading 1 style toa paragraph -Appiving numb 2. click once within @ paragraph, or select text from two or more paragraphs mada oa And You went da ‘To apply the numbering to one or mate paragraphs in your dacume 2.0n the Home tab, click the thumbnail forthe Heading 4 style (or, for keyboard “he syle doesn format your text Junkies, use Ctr/-At-L, which isthe bullsin keyboard shorteut for applying style paragraph syle ao tht, A you wont Heading 2) Fig the ist style tne Sty pane ‘Apa your paragranh sys to tax. We 5.2 How to create a lower-level heading (or: how to demote a es heading) You can create lower levels of headings by applying the paragraph styles Heading 2, Heading 3 etc. There are lots of ways to apaly 2 paragraph style to yourtext. Hare are tres particulary relevant to headings: + By deteut, the neacing styles appear on the Quick Styles gallery as you need them. That i, ‘once you've used, say, style Heading 4, then Heading 5 will automagically appear on the Quick Styles gallery. Click in your paragraph, click the thumbnail forthe style you want and presto! the paragraph is numbered, hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 assr0r6 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 art Word 2010 | + Use the bultin keyboard shortcuts forthe fist three levels of headings: At-Ctr-t, Al-Ctrl-2, A-Ctrl-3 + Use the Increase Indent button. I's on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group (Figure 6). And, to promote 8 paragraph (ie + move itto the left), use the Decrease Indent button, Or for 8 keyboard junkies use Shift-AIL-Right arrow and Shift-Alt-Left graph Increase Indent ‘There are twee important things to note here: Increace the indent evel of the + Ifyou click a paragragh in a Heading t style and click the Paragraph. Increase Indent button (or éo Shift-lt-Right arrow), you're net apalying some kind of nasty direct formatting, Word wil apply style Heading 2to your text. Click Increase Indent figure 6: Use the Increase Indent button to demote @ ‘ain, and Word will apply style Heading 3. And so on ‘paragraph (ie indent it tothe right) ‘That Is, Ward is applying the approprate paragraph styles to your paragraphs. + The Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons (and AR-Shit-Lef and Alt-Shit-Right) only work in this special way because you attaches your Heading paragraph styles to alist syle, They don’t work like this out-of-the-box. 6. How to edit your numbering scheme ‘Your numbering scheme is stores In your Headings Ist style. 1's not stored in the individual paragraph styles. Therefore: + Edit the individual paragraph styles ifyou want to change paragraph settings (eg space before or after) or the font ofthe text that follows the heading text (eq to make it big or pink orbole). To edit an individual paragraph style, see How to modify styles in Mirosof Word + Bait the ist style if you want to change the numbers, the position between number and text, the size ofthe number itself and so on, To edit Your Iist style: + Click in 2 heading + onthe Home tab in the Paragraph group, click the Multilevel list menu button (Figure 7) Not this one! Never choose this one, even ifit's highlighted This one! Always choose this one, even if t's not highlighted A | -w-A- Bese Paragraph ‘gure 7: Choose the Multilevel ist manu 21 (1) | nanbceor al Qe Ee | tomar tn + Youwill se the Headings list style highlighted at the bottom ofthe menu, + Right-click the thumbnail forthe Headings list style and choose Modify. Format > Numbering (Figure 8). You can how change any or all of your numbering settings. hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 19 assr0r6 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 at Word 2010 | ‘py ste : * Sp Format Painter Be Current tist a Cipboard im jrap List Library 1) None a— | 4. p—)} 44. — Your Lit Silo (the current tone shouldbe highigtted) Actioe Less | | 1 easing — Section 1.01) | | 1.1 Hes: | | Gay ressing | | 14-1 Hess 2 Right-click and chose Jody io edit the List Sty Chapter tH: Hs og Modity 1B catanyto Quek sees Tots ‘change Uist Level > Define New Multilevel List Define New List Style Figure &: To edit your list style, hover over the thumbnails for the ist styles to Identiy the one you need, then right-cickand choose Modi. 7. Isalll this really necessary? Can't I just use the List Library? "using the List Library on the Multilevel List menu (see Figute 2 or Figure & ) works for you, then go for it! For quek’n'lety work, it may be Just the thing For a corporate template that will be used by hundreds or thousands of user, t's probably not the best solution. For realy big ‘complicated documents, or documents where you have to cut and paste from one document to another lat, then the List Library may tet you down For more information, clrectly from Microsoft's Word development team, see The Many Lavels of List (op bes sen con temas logs generepost spe? WedieaAppe Meret offce_Wory=2007Rn =C38d=OBaHeblePostlamenthe-many- Evel and Multilevel Lists vs Ust Styles. (htp:/b}as ms. con/thames/bbosgenerlpes. 2507 998m=96Rd=25RWeblohostame= mlleve Isat styles BGroupheyen) ‘Too good to be true? hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768 assr0r6 How to creat numbored headings or outine numbering in Wor 2007 art Word 2010 | Related articles on other sites {All sounds too good to be true? Its. When you've finshed getting your numbers just right, you might be interested to read some of ‘the material MVPs have put together on numbering. Start atthe Microsoft Word MVP FAQ site (hap: /a.woresnvas ora), lick FAQ and then Numbering. ‘And, read from people in Microsoft's Word davelopment team (hisses fe com/word/) especially Stuart tuple's The Why. Behind Our Styles and Lists Designs (tp//bos msc com//micose ofc word/ar civ 2010/01 2/the-why bet ow sea joss. as08) Related articles on this site ‘create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Mirosaf Word document, (outinnumbering tn!?p= 738) Photo info Photograph of hr players taken at National Music Camp, Geelong Grammar, January 1993.1 have no recollection of why all the hor players were mearing silly hats, but National Music Camp has @ fine tration of encouraging innocent pranks ard general merriment—as well as darned hard work-so i's not entirely surprising, What's mere puzzing Is why {kept the photo all these John Curr, conductor ofthe Queensland Youth Orchestra who taught me more than I'll ever know Related subjects ‘Topic (./-/topiesihtml) : Numbering, Needings, outlines (././tope/word/mumbeing mm!) ‘Tags (./tag.html): Headings (./tg/headngs tml , Keyboard shortcuts (./ag/keyboard-sorieas Mn), Outline view (./ag/tine vent) Interest (./x/interestntmi) + For users (J /nterester-sers. mu) Version (./u/version.ntm!) : Word 2007 (././versex/were-2007 net) Word 2010 (./.¥arSoWwerd-2010 tm} ‘Created 19 June 2010, Last updated 31 August 2011, 1 fer wean though or icrs have bed yours mde onc fo you, ter Pete crater nase Conon he ame te te Mans Cans fo hntp:shaunakely com wordinamberinginumbering20072010 Hm 2p= 1768

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