A2 G H Srivatsa-4NN16ME014

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Wi Pom iq en emenbiol for FAM -fusti'ty? Product electro -mawagerend (PDK) “evolved with the jntrodurtion a dette fo stove huge of CAD Aste — Hace Feayuiveole arount ot data rebulting fiom 2D drawing models, aralyer 6 , apedtiacton eke, debcribing @ produkt - POM alitipn Pocused bechnoloyy that iacreaich 2fEicjenciet soithin Sexist log Producti. Aeveloprert process by imposing waragemed of (oduct — desiyn data. LK, on the ober hard , tha — attateyic , process POM > Otter hand , te a atertegic POC —.cartre ayprech that (everages 7pm .2 otter technologies p along voit conkulting date deurdestion’ on talibh they operate - Fon -updats all modification shoud data , peaple ,% ploces & erables. Be righ jalotmation person at right Hime 3 in the ibd bs, fentre aeproh that leverages yelated to to be availible bo the rit Abtigneest > Dik an example lat Be verioul . Ateps involvig sin eng idtering ASesipn “he varfous afeps javobed tn engineering cletign are’ Telentttyirg toe -the foes In the poduct da 4 Ae yo duct beature. Coducity seer tn order £0 an Grclule ab “mach ob atte tind 4 kttper fies ducts 0 solutions ¢ identity the adapta ble ipn_wecds brat Mfep vbually — eontint Cublomer requirements 2 expectation erlout the a li stage of te engivecsing deSingn holetion , ere is aneed fo Powsible about the needed people from diverse alist — engineer 19 researching 4 antens the etiating pre decinlop tatetng © HE fretend teedl « TTS COTS a wil Val MSivathe~ 40 HEo lly @ | Gaintterm 3 plea’, Line design engineering i& a Mix of beience 4 cecartig there ban [be wore than one olution fo (realer % frabuct - Brainetomiry the | Powsble sal welll Xen of — tyerts plays = critical role in | : | the engierediny -Aetign proces. | | + folect a ol’ | af all the pomible pol - Chooke the bol that bes! meets rhe | reasicement of He produf of tbfomer » 4 easier for modeliy a frotokpe « wig CAP bob bware »| Buitd a prototype * | Coking a physical oF Vittua( model helps lompanceh validate the | | product Ltehorig it , orm 4 Ciporemics «Tin dosther helpe te enbante POduct — delign Perdoimante « he adwen lage 0b - CAP -b0Hutarg has. made — prototyping — easier « Tat 4 ealpote- The Prototype Ora given Ettiterion ih Key tee in bbe design proces, . Ldertifing Ye Hovos at this Haze helft ao veclity Hen, 3 eléminate ee quality Lonpromiting elements From desis n Redétign to _inpove | Redlebign — davolves Aepeating he dufame in order & math the quality aokile Adhering te other oped . goal » The evd pemlt Ka aoe beps fe execute the elivverbl expectation in term OF cteripn povisdactoy engineering delipr sol” ovaicu witth Vail | | WplbM EOly- 6 Hebcivaty ww Explain the ‘Concept — Involved in Of ganising 4 ecomapos tion in reduct Aehign « Product —doliyn tha Complex precents - involving -verout actuities Gait eies OF atepa 4 people favolied in fb. eve Lard & need to btuclape ef organize Yarious —tebvitdes In order to Stream (ine bbe break dr decompo Complex activities éato sinple tan be hordlel more eal, prowes 2 also | enecufable ub tks. that cea | Product desipn begins wit defining the functional — yequitemertd , | that satiety a 7iven bet of rocds . Cadi up wei te Clestion lot tee phyhicol —_obyect dadisdy fhe heeds d txpettations of te | desired produit In wens oh the tompleinn! in he espn - pleted, a necd for Siuckuriny or Ot ganizing the activities € onenting ere is ike dation Making Faring he Poceu- the Kequence. of activity is Conttived in A OY ted the product detyn — proceeds from vets. fp cone’ the Abeta 40 Fecsibil: ty pp Welsinuy > Day ithe Hing ( dees 4 cntpl sp > EME atdy Tn” aon paltipe des, fajieda ~P generation generation Fimpovement itera cate \ .{ Imptoved couple Effective 5 etait ‘asym concept design Desriier in product detign > En the delpn of cormpler produet jit becomes hycesaty f dwide Ye detipn problem into Amaller bub —problems phic Gan be -harglled wore easily ¢ later vetombine all the Aebyers -fo ative at & Fine delign ae total a c do ex, the dedign « ollection of more Gecened delign problem inclading of Bicy ele frame 7 beat» brakeh ptohee(s .#* bon, vovaiicu wit Vail - SA ivan Libor, @ Dividing Ge detipn Problem eb a product ato ingle ub problenn ie product debign « ib Called — decomposition Cicyele Frame Gent Wheels Brakes Rin Yok re 3) Discuss the vole of -contunert @agineering fn product debign 4 Stvelopment + oe a meted oF dedining & developing product px adhich He Sift ptrage Un Birnultaneouly -2% work at the bame time vether » Concurrenent- engineering airs at a Fall barvenizeto, thon atquent éally bleo the increedth th product — -tuality 4 the ceduchion in Levelogmet Fines 4 cots ,Griough @ Blacforing product development that lacge d&ign team — conducting bienwltancous 4 inter involva connected aval ysis 4 pynthesis action , in relation 40 all he phases - of develop ment - production enginecrhy aed not wdié until the Bevyn For ex, i work 1 Lonpleted éntitadl fer Gx work in paralle | bupgetiiag Changed for cobl — optective £ -simpler production methods 4 dtepe doe cthicient Atipn « F Foundations of Loacenttent enginkering ace FUNG FPL hentedl b | ebhen tial picple, hummadzed in He followin, (Pinks! o Ipeveral «| aighlighting the role ot production process Planning Rite indlicence of the product dletign proces. loa the dedidbions veaimicu wiur Cart SHE eveetbh IB MEOLG (2) | Exrphabizing — he multidig uplinnsy — climenton bf the design Fearn in Ge qroduct developed — provers fo customer — demartls 4 perligbection engage 4 il Raying grebtter 4 Mention 4)| Explain th ' . ve : “ birategiee for vewvery a¥ she ad of product lite *| the bifclergie 10 be followel tor seeovery of reboiner af the Product end od liée be grouped texbed on diet recovery levels as { tele’ Rese. : TH vilers 10 he proh of dis -atenbling Plofuts 6 tebver usable ports A aienblie dor 4e feagole ef atilizing them in Components — thet toue hipt undegeone eacenine newly anand products 4 which guaranted — the funetiond (Atl, feteroration curing UNE tondition , ton bf veoveedk 4h eee 3 optinal wolking re-aenthly « +| Remanudercluily* Te teden (0 returning 4 waed product Ally 0 vonufacturing bye of Original pertoluance coil pfo at least ite proces or better tan athaé -of the prewsly interanediael ¢ ia cg velent waren ty thet product - manu dat taced + | Recondition 9 on) Refuroehing : te proces af tefurning 4 wed p iaderior Lo He Olpinal tpectttation « benera le, weouranty Yad 14 OB Ue Bat of “i pobuct fo 0 herlistorebor Looky rodifler, that ity be the pebulterd product has 4 neal y Manutettured eayvivelent _ —acannn cu wiulr Vail | du nisnconebH bevette, DB 1 Recyeteng : Lt eden fo the prow by chic product meterig( — efeshineel be diaposal are collect, pro@died < cemeatuctured ito neco Pelct,. The matrals of parte that @nnot be rebacd , 4 lonpotel OF reeyeles &. Compatible -metteriah @n be retyéled by fe teover, pocedea jrchded tn the madera avon bike cycler , oy they tan treated § ted fr enteral production Cycle fo mand products woth dere stringent —rnecterial property Vequitemend-. 8) Dedine new product development 4 Aiscum the neccl for id. 7 Weed product development refers ty all the activites Reiede. developing x ne6o product or dervice wight From 44 ints ( oe btege to ith tatrodittion fo morkef. Poon) Ned for nero product development . changes. in we/tet ang Mee Today's conbumer Merk £6 more Aynomic tonpared to the pat , 1b keept 0m chaning dat evaded Geatsmmer aceds t in technology? beaagee in teebvotey, Advan termed in Waeees 2 techtolosy Mas given ways for the develop eran oe nb products wih Letter performance , Chovacteabtics 4A tok when Compared fe he bkibting one. cincveasing lompeti tion’. eae competition bla existing componier , coupled esi news Te increase compris 4 Iedjudeals Proyh (ree brlerpice & open motets iy one of toe frimaly Fesours for nes product chvcloyment . Eve, Company Btitygls 0° redain Coisforen 4 aMract Mey Cutlery uri vvaimmicu wit Vail | GH Srivitia Ae’ lb en te oe} tes products thereby Bfaying ctherd of the porpelition. "| Diversification OF rity : Ever, Woduak will intajlbly ent Wome Bot of tuk of failure. Te frodut may aot be Copadle & moth market needs 4 woabdtAGeuvent) | Routetion % good will Berede fannge “4 Ceputetation ab an limovatives 4 dynamic Conpeny ) New produtt a ove devdoped A Company cleveloping new products | Periodically has prove reputation & can ablratt ctustomers cel. | | Vil zation — pb exces Lapacity’ | Excen capacity may bem term of ploduction Lepacity .0/ human ines do utilize max plant & mnatedal capo, , a Compony of FF developing % 20% Product. | Geagonal €luctuestion 4" % meet te product demand due fo Seasonal Much Aes product, are devetoped Apa drom ache eving .Cuutormer fOrtimnesd, attractive bubines Can B& maintained 4 in dpite -OL rugeee bork Peceuiny due to Heasoral ebanpes | Groot 4 developrent. When H ia rol potible fo atccleate grew vate by pe exes proluct sy. Company prefers fe develop revs product to exper ity market ,roximize bales 4 earn more profits OcdIIIeU WILT Udll | Gt Beda Kenney — | Explain He slept Favoluéol -Pr new product pe | Geps involved in nt product evelopment art “| Fdea genecation “his blaze trvoler Creating & large pool of cdeak from verious on, a listed in Ihe follo ving internal sources , évor walle moiet —epeareh ,bobtomers - © competi fion, el | Tea screening’. | aes Mage tnvelwa sekcting @ good @ deaslble idea , cohile Aitkacding | he offers apeciPic Screciny Criteria are het dor Bis Hage , oki Lat Bor , abbordebilit, & rertet pot ential. . | Concept developmené “testing | Te concept vahich wlefailel Maly, or blue --prind vertion of the toletted iden ih developed 4 Gought fo te target Peatket , Iyshere a group of delecte! cktomers are given Gall information jot Yee produtf jn order analyze their yeattion ¢ Ofirion. | Paina tealegy Onell. once ye concept hos been tected 4 - Fralized 1 Ye Company lends aralyree 4 Sevide wvartans bousinen Thuy like tol OF he in tendodh Produck pwhelter bre demud Yor ve product ib vegubr o eo) any competitors tor ae product, Ge Expentes on advertising f£ taly promotion product of Ge morketing mix that will be wed, he doy product Aeveloprrenf —_—_ Once all the Strategies ave appaaced pthe product Conepy cojl( be Qabled fo ta tedmial 4 marketing develying stage A prolye vovamicu wiul Vail eo ac) —_—__—_— Hedcivete= LesiNlls ME Ol4 ara Limited Peduction mradel veil be tented al he bending a otter atalegees divided! pevioul, oe tebteel 4 ayplied by this stage. + | Teak _wrarketiry' ee hebirg / Lh is didberent tb concept OF Consumer testing yin bat ik ieftodces the pototype of the product allowing the propoted mwrketing plan ay udhole ~ratber fron individual elements . The prote-tye fa indretuce Lye vencarch 4 feed bale in the fest marketing pheke * |Conmenielizig product Final “decibion, neds fo be made to more the product to its Coded | jpto the moitet Précing & arattetig plone need Yo be Hing lized 8 the i igla team & diatebution briefed, 6° tat dhe product £ Company lin ceady for the Final btage. Li) | Date degiion wafer Mblen & exphin the confonents fot buileling | decigon buppott hy pteres, | Decition byblem th 2% 4 dechacogie dati, documents , Knovoledge 4 model to interactive — information byte Bat wer» fommunication icertily solve pooblees related > te Complete decison making taka & make cbhebve decibions About yarlour problems « Components. ta builling dlecision eu port arptem (BES) Datubate meengement bitten (ems) he decition Suppo Aysten's ctrl bene ko keffcore package that toatains dato rom various dowtes tecludirg date from bie axganicati ication, Ue deta genererted by dite -apytication b the extterndl ‘cate arimed from the internet. ur vail Be Srivatbe -Ammlomnbo, Mode( mangement iystem (mS) The mel managorenf hybfem les Yorous Kirdt bf malremotic 4 Kimubfion fo cepétterts 4 @nalyze ctomplex dats ‘thereb, proLuin the reytied rafootion -A model predate Ge entput On the ech of te daputs or diff Condition, ok cenditions & the aapuct thet wor dinds out he Eonbiatio, repre) te produce fe | dived oudpd. A detibion support bykfea may jinglede bth | moles voits éacl «model perforning a specific funktion Ver Tirlerdace ite an tateractive gre phical jaterdte whic, rakes the hderttion | bles by DSS 4 Hts Byers TE displays Ge vetulty OF the aralyis jo vatious foray such of fet toble Batts the. The Uber con delert He Opero priate option * View te Oufpel — eetcordig fo big reydemes. 8) Lit the needs 4 benitu 0 product pedleb in, | 7 | Weeds. | Customer ecblatk related 0 Product dekign or deatures, pertormrence veliqhility 5 coat become the First kebion for produat- aelign To sarlésty Mero gPvernmet (epuletion OF vequivements "| Exeparding Lompary im to new markets Genitts Redesign helps: the company fe blay ahtael én tke Competitive ravidet "| Redesign help Ctplaviag ees maartets Redhesign ee an inpreion Among he people bor being innovative - vvainicu witit Galy

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