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Group- 12

Sadaf Patani (AU1920089)
Vats Joshi (AU1940006)
Raj Nitin Gariwala (AU1940118)
Shivam Nahata (AU1900007)



It was only on 12th January, 2020 that the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the
mark of novel coronavirus COVID 19 which was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster
of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. This fact came to the knowledge of WHO
on 31st December, 2019. 

Initially France and many other European countries did not take those warning signs
seriously. In fact the Minister of Solidarity and Health for the Country claimed that although
the Virus cannot be excluded altogether but its risk in France would be minimal. Some major
events that lead to the exponential spreading of the Virus in France were a) the ongoing
national protests against pension reforms sought to be introduced by Government and b)
annual assembly of Christian Open-Door Church between 17 th – 24th February. Besides, inter
country movement was also not controlled. People were not ready to compromise on their
Freedom for Safety. As a result of that Coronavirus pandemic managed to enter into France
in the last part of January, 2020 through China, the originating country of this deadly virus,
when the first COVID19 case in France and also Europe was confirmed. In fact, all the first
five cases that were confirmed during that time were all individuals who had recently arrived
from China. The first casualty of France was a Chinese tourist who was admitted to a hospital
in Paris on 28th January, 2020 as a Corona suspect and succumbed to the deadly virus on
14th February, 2020 making it the first death due to Corona in France.


Basically, coronavirus is a respiratory illness which belongs to the family of common cold
and is similar to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). As discussed earlier the
corona virus belongs to the same family as of colds and flu, also the symptoms are mostly
similar like: cough, headache, fatigue, fever, aching and difficulty breathing.

The French authorities are asking everyone to practice good and basic hygiene such as:

1.Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing,
before eating or after touching surfaces on which many people have touched.

2.Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, especially when the hands are not washed.

3.One should cover its nose and mouth such as with a mask

4.Clean off surfaces with alcohol or chlorine-based disinfectants.

The French Government has also set up an emergency number called as “green number” that
the citizens can call for any non-medical queries related to coronavirus.

The biology and life aspect play a very important role with the coronavirus, the same role it
plays when we talk about the condition of France in the last 3-4 months. A French medical
institute told the owners of the pets to take care after stroking dogs or cats by washing hands
properly, because catching the COVID-19 from the animals “cannot be ruled out”. Though
there are no such cases noted in France where this virus had been transmitted by these means.
But, in Hong Kong an owner was tested positive due to which his 2 dogs also tested positive
of which one was recovered soon and another is still being monitored. So, there are chances
where this virus can be transmitted to animals via infected humans. But it noted there is
nothing so far to indicate that dogs can infect humans or other species. But, the France’s
Anses health agency and the World Organization for Animal Health had advised the owner to
maintain the precautionary measures such as washing hands properly after touching their
pets, not allowing pets to lick their face, etc. Also, it is observed that this virus can be
infected to any age group, but can be adversely affected to the old age people or the people
having respiratory-diseases or diseases like diabetes. Because this virus affects the people
having less immunity. Since, the youngest case noticed in France is of a 28-year-old man.
This shows that there is no specific age for this virus to get infected.

Apart from this it is also warned by the WHO to avoid anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen,
cortisone, etc. because it could be an aggravating factor in corona virus infections.

There are some positive impacts of corona virus regarding environment. The pollution level
in France has been decreased drastically due to very less movement of people across the
nation, factories being closed, etc. Due to the control in the pollution level the atmosphere us
healing itself which was badly affected by the gases released from vehicles and factories. The
gases include a mixture of hydrocarbons which mix with nitrogen and oxygen in the
atmosphere which form nitrogen oxides which tend to be harmful.


The N-95 masks which are made in the factories and are in great demand are made up of a
filtration material which is an electrostatic non-woven polypropylene fiber. Also, some of the
masks have an optional exhalation valve which does not create breathing problems. France
has many manufacturing units for polypropylene as it is basically a petrochemical product
manufactured artificially. HEPA furnace filters and the vacuum cleaner bags were found to
be one of the best materials for home -made masks. The usual method for hand washing
consists basically of soap and water as it is used almost in all houses on a regular basis
though there is no such pandemic. The liquid soap is more preferred and is made of anionic
surfactant, cocamide dea surfactant, coco betaine as amphoteric surfactant .If the soap and
water are not available sanitizers containing final concentration of at least 60% ethanol or
70% isopropyl alcohol inactivates viruses that are genetically related to, and have similar
physical properties as the COVID-19 virus. Kolmi-Hopen in France is one of the biggest
manufacturers of N-95 masks and recently the prime minister of France made a visit to the
factory and ensured the budget. By the end of April about 25 million masks will be produced
every week and will be transported. Drugs supply should be in huge numbers. The different
public and private property of that area needs to be sanitized with the help of spraying
chemicals or sanitizers with the help of fire extinguishers or pipes. The equipment of medical
staff should also be well designed and clean as they have the sole responsibility in this entire

France being a modern nation has the ability to give the best material to insurance however
because of the impact of infection on a colossal number of individuals lack can be caused in
the country. Agnès Buzyn proclaimed on 26 January that there would be no deficiency of
veils in France during the episode.


The records maintained in the hospital helps in knowing as to what extent a particular region
or a country is being affected by the pandemic. This helps in strictly monitoring those areas
and save others from getting affected. Also, a record needs to be made by interrogating the
people affected by the virus about the people they met before getting quarantined and as a
result a list can be made of people who are under high risk. The statistical data would clearly
signify that which area needs more drugs and thus a sufficient supply can be provided in that
area. COVID-19 is more prominent to people having less immunity in their body. Generally
aged people and children have comparatively low immune systems. As a result, according to
the previous records carried out the authorities can easily find out the number of people under
risk. By coordinating with the travel agencies, people working with import-export services
can prepare the number of people to be quarantined. Their interactions with others need to
also be taken into consideration as corona is a communicable disease. This all data needs to
be recorded as it may stand out useful for further references. Data science would be helpful in
keeping the record of the material which gets used and which is in stock.
The graph suggests that the pandemic initiated during the mid of march and rose to its
extreme height during March ending. Thus, the data finds out that a fifteen days interval had
changed the situation of France. The rise of 3 April to about 17000 cases was because France
declared at that day about the number of hospital staff affected which were working against
corona. The worst day went out to be on 7 TH April when France had reported 8728 cases
which was the highest. The graph suggests that now the situations are under control to some
extent and might come to an end by the end of May. Regarding the record of material, the
French finance minister announced that mask making plants produced 10 million masks last
week. The reports mention that France has carried out about 724574 tests across the nation.
These tests have been very beneficial as to this has a great impact on the recovery rate
because the tests would identify the people who are suffering corona in the first stage and
would be treated quickly. Also, the reports say that around 49476 people have recovered from
the disease.

As France stands in the list of the developed countries of the nation the technological strength
of this country stands at a very high position. Thus, data science would be very effective in
this country. France has a population of 6.7 crores. The number of reported cases in France
can be recorded and extended on the basis of data science only. The data maintained in
France is also shared worldwide as to inform the world about its current situation. It also
maintains the data of other countries so that it can seek help from less infected countries.
France might also keep a record on the economic status affected due to coronavirus as like
Germany which sent China a bill of 130 billion dollars for the loss caused due to coronavirus.

The Government sprang into action from the second week of March, 2020 to curb the spread
of COVID 19 by introducing several legislations and taking several steps.

The government ordered on 16th March to close all universities and schools until further
notice and was followed by a banning of gatherings of more than 100 people. After that the
Government ordered the closure of all non-essential public places, including restaurants,
cafés, cinemas and nightclubs. Mandatory home confinement for 15 days starting at noon on
17 March was also announced on 16th March by the government which has been further
extended twice, until 11 May. There was an acute shortage of masks and the Government was
not adequately prepared to handle the menace of the Virus as it was a totally new problem.
Besides the Lockdown the Government also brought some radical changes for the work and
movement of people and introduced certain labour and employment related laws which
practiced social distancing and isolation. Elections of staff representatives were suspended
and changes were also made for adjustment of the modes of organization available for
meetings of social and economic committees throughout the period of health emergency by
videoconferencing or conference call or even through instant messaging in case if the option
of a videoconference or conference call is not practicable until the end of the state of health
emergency. Changes were also made by the government in rules regarding annual leave,
reductions in working time days, maximum working hours and Sunday rest days.

Rules regarding hospitals and physicians were also introduced which included Occupational
physicians may recommend or renew a work stoppage in case of infection, or suspicion of
infection, with COVID-19 and may carry out tests for COVID-19. The government also
looked after the social and economic aspects that the country would face during and after the
pandemic. Le Maire at a conference announced an economic support of 345 billion Euros to
all the companies from car manufacturing to corporate giants of CAC40. There is a free fall
in the stock market and many French companies are facing problems which the government
has decided to look after. Now the Government is carrying out phase-wise lifting of lock
down whereby on 28th April, the French Prime Minister would announce the relaxation of its
lockdown without allowing the Virus to be severe again. According to media restrictions
might be lifted from 11 May including the reopening of workplaces, increased testing, and
bringing the country's public transport systems back up to track. Certain sectors of the
economy would go back to work after May 11 and that schools and kindergartens would re-
open gradually. However, restrictions would remain on public gatherings and bars and
restaurants may remain closed. Restrictions on travel within the country could also be lifted
up in the near time. The government has also laid a compulsion to wear face masks for school
children and people travelling through metro or any other public transport. The classes should
not have more than 15 students. The government has also laid restrictions on the religious
ceremonies till 2 June and the funeral process should also be carried out with only 20 people.
All the sport events are cancelled by the France government.
The French government has also won hearts of people who were from abroad and got stuck in
France. They declared to the press that they are much safer in France than their homes. One
of the examples is of a woman who is from the UK and is living with her husband in France.
She said that France is far more organized than the UK. Another example is of a woman who
said that France took earlier measures than the UK and she was continuously informing her
family to stay indoors but there in UK mass gatherings weren’t prohibited. The same reviews
were given by the Americans living in France.


The speed and worldwide spread of coronavirus have achieved a tremendous move in
individuals' behaviour, for example, mass purchasing or self-isolation which is leading to
many changes in their personal lives and also social lives where behaviour plays a major role.

In France, the coronavirus pandemic reached there on February 24, 2020, after its first case
was confirmed in Bordeaux. On 18th of March, the announcement by the Prime Minister was
given about banning gatherings of more than 100 people. Though this lockdown period was
extended till 11th of May, 2020.

How did it affect people’s behaviour in France? After the first announcement regarding the
lockdown, people freaked out severely. People started to panic about everything and mainly
about basic amenities such as groceries and daily used items. As per the stats, groceries sales
started to increase highly as people got scared that they might not be able to get enough for
themselves, which in turn shows how panicked they got. Even though it was a world-wide
concern, people in France were panicked not just because of shortage of supplies but also
because slowly, the number of cases in France kept on increasing and France was in one of
the top 5 countries which was highly affected by coronavirus.

This changes people’s behaviour in a way that they started staying indoors but yet some
people raged about it and almost started a riot, not understanding the severity of the problem.
The pandemic caused a huge chaos concerning people's behaviour as a lot of online
psychological counsellors started to get calls about how stressful it is for them during this
period. That leads us to believing that people in France addressed a lot of mental health
sickness and panic due to coronavirus which affected their behaviours. Like other countries,
people are for sure going under severe stress, especially those who are affected by the virus,
because the virus is fatal but it also gets cured, whereas sometimes people also get
coronavirus without symptoms and it makes it harder for one to recognize it at an earlier
stage. Coronavirus has freaked out people so much that even a minor symptom such as cold
or cough, makes one think that they might be infected. Coronavirus has created a severe fear
in everyone that even though they could be precautious, it makes one think that it is going to
affect them in the worst possible way. Although it is a major risk and hence the world is
under a lockdown, yet people need to understand the consequences that are going to be
followed even after the lockdown ends.

The worst behaviour of the people can be seen when the pandemic was made a source of
business. France reported of seizing 140000 masks which were a part of black marketing and
was done by a businessman. The sole purpose was to create deficiency of face masks among
people and then slowly sell them at higher prices and earn maximum profit. Such kind of
behaviour during a worldwide pandemic could not be even thought of. This makes clear that
for some people money stands before humanity.


For a little while from the end of February, health officials had been prompting social
separation, through a multi-media general health camps which included radio, online
networking and TV. Occasions were dropped, historical centres shut and safety measures, for
example, visit hand washing, not shaking hands and so on were presented. Separate diverts of
communications are set up for healthcare experts. Heads of medical clinic bunches were
quickly educated regarding the up and coming emergency.

Away from the medical clinics, as a rule the spirits of those in isolation appear to be high.
New and existing applications are demonstrating an actual existence line in keeping
communication streaming. E-aperitifs and gatherings are arranged by the most sociable while
others can inundate themselves in on-line games, box sets, films, the encoded television
station, is presently unscrambled for everybody. For the more socially slanted numerous
exhibition halls have free virtual visits, the FNAC has made 500 digital books free for
downloading and dramas and plays are accessible on spilling. President Macon has a 51%
fame rating and 93% of individuals surveyed concur with his system. Early days however life
is adjusting quickly to the mind-boggling quietness that invades a nation on "lockdown".


How France Handles the Coronavirus Pandemic. https://healthcare-in- Accessed 1 May

“2020 Coronavirus Pandemic in France.” Wikipedia, 1 May 2020. Wikipedia,


Accessed 1 May 2020.

“France Mandates Masks for Schools and Transport.” BBC News, 28 Apr. 2020.,

French Push for Face Mask Independence.

push-for-face-mask-independence/. Accessed 1 May 2020.

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