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Situation irony 1
Foreman has quietly serviced as a Verger of St. Peter’s Neville
Square for 16 years. It has been agreed that he has fulfilled the
duties of his office to the satisfaction of everyone relevanted.
People expect:
- He has a lot of experience and all the qualities to stay still as a
- The length of working time seems to be enough to assure him
a life time service there.
- He love his work and try to service there for the rest of his life.

- It took 16 years of Foreman's service as verger for people to
understand that he does not fit this position because of his
- The new vicar found out that he could not read and write,
which was considered to be dangerous for the church and he
was forced to leave his job without any sympathy from other
- He stubbornly refused to learn reading and writing to maintain
his position. He took his place, then became a businessman.
The rigid and conservative opinion toward education that the
society put on its people.
Situation Ỉrony2
After leaving his work, Foreman accidently found out a chance to
earn money.
It is supposed that It’s so difficult for him to start business with his
He observed,made a conclusion and began his job quite quicky. He
followed the same pattern to open all his shops.
He made his fortune in such a simple way when other businessmen
struggle to keep their business alive
->education is not everything and people can become successful
even without knowing how to write and read if they are stubborn
enough and have a little power of observation.
Situation Irony 3
When the bank manager asked Foreman “Good God, man, what
would you be now if you had been able to?"
The banker expected him to be a greater businessman if he were
Foreman replied that he would still be a verger at his church,
because in this case he would never been forced to leave.
->Literacy has long been believed to be the only way to success,
yet it now turns out to limit Foreman’s development.
-> it is not how much you learn that counts but rather how well you
make use of the little you have.
Verbal irony 1
The new vicar said “at a church like St. Peter’s Neville Square,
we cannot have a verger who can neither read nor write”.
The vicar examined the situation with sympathy and open-
The new vicar has ignored the fact that Foreman has managed well
without literacy for sixteen years.
The Church – the representative of God – does not save his life but
let him down, and it is not a peaceful place for people as it is said to
Verbal irony 2
The new vicar and the manager used the phrase “the most
extraordinary thing” in the beginning of story and “a most
extraordinary circumstance” in its end.
It has believed that the new vicar surprised and unexpected
Foreman’s illiteracy, and he believed that Foreman could take risk.
In the end of story, “the most extraordinary thing” is the very happy
ending because Foreman started business successfully and simply
while the new vicar denied his capable.

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